19 September 2018 Dear Parent/Carer, RE
Core Revision Sources
The following information includes revision session times and sources for independent revision for students for the core subjects: English, maths and science. Mathematics Revision after school on Tuesdays 1. 2. 3. 4.
Hegarty maths (they all have a log in for this) Maths genie (Past papers) Mr Barton maths (lots of different resources) GCSE bitesize (Break down of topics)
Science Revision after school on Wednesdays 1. All students should have a revision guide in Science - if they have not they can buy one for £6 from us. 2. In addition, all year 11 students have set active learn tasks - they will be set every 2 weeks and need to be completed on a computer/tablet/phone 3. On active learn they have full access to the complete GCSE combined science textbook - each double page spread has questions that are differentiated. 4. BBC bitesize 9-1 5. 'Primrose Kitten' English Revision night Thursday (this will be informal to begin with; students can work independently, get help with specific issues, have extra worked marked with a member of staff and so on) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Revision guides available to buy (see class teacher for further details) English Language/Literature GCSE Bitesize - https://www.bbc.com/bitesize Past exam papers – www.eduqas.co.uk/students Youtube - Mr Bruff’s revision guides (these are particularly helpful for English Literature revision)
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Cath O’Loughlin Year 11 Coordinator