Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School Haworth Street, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, BB5 3EA
Tel: 01254 231 051 Fax: 01254 393 242 Email: school@rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk Web: www.rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk
At the heart of the community Ofsted
Students have clear understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Business and Enterprise School
Produced by Words&Pictures. Tel: 01943 854800.
Our children found Rhyddings an enjoyable experience and, as a result, are developing into mature, knowledgeable adults. Quote from parent, Ofsted
Welcome to our family I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to find out about the ‘family’ that is Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School. Our principal aim is to maximise the achievements of our students through an individually tailored programme of personalised learning. We also aim to inspire them through a variety of educational opportunities that will transform their potential. At Rhyddings, we believe in supporting each other to achieve success. We set each other challenging targets and encourage each other to attain and exceed those targets. We pride ourselves on our high
standards of teaching and learning, our high quality resources and our outstanding systems for care, guidance and support. We appreciate that every student is an individual, and that success comes in many forms. Consequently, we put great emphasis on celebrating each and every student’s achievements. I am very proud to lead Rhyddings as we increase our emphasis on personalisation of the curriculum and move into an exciting phase of Building Schools for the Future. I would like to invite you to contact the school to arrange a visit at any time. You can be sure of a warm welcome. Paul Trickett, Headteacher
Students receive the support and encouragement of a wide range of skilled staff, enabling them to develop into confident and mature individuals. They remain with their form tutors for five years, allowing them to benefit from a continuity of care and guidance. Every year group is led by a coordinator and a full-time, experienced mentor, who support and promote learning and achievement. The success of our students is celebrated regularly throughout the year.
The personal development and well-being of the students is outstanding and reflects the excellent arrangements for care, guidance and support. Ofsted
Student voice
The school has an outstanding Key Stage 4 curriculum, which is built on its status as a Business and Enterprise School. Ofsted
Students are partners in developing Rhyddings as a learning community. They are actively involved in: • • • •
Community projects Planning of curriculum design Year and whole school councils Redesigning the school environment
and Personalised learning Our programme of personalised learning is tailored to individual students, who all work towards challenging targets to achieve success. Progress is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. The flexible curriculum also allows students to succeed in exams – at a time that’s appropriate, and regardless of age. Our success means that we are continually in the top five per cent of schools nationally for achievement.
Curriculum Our dynamic and creative curriculum is designed to motivate and challenge our students, who each follow a personalised pathway through a range of nationally accredited courses. Our inclusive community means that everyone is encouraged and supported to achieve their potential.
The excellent Key Stage 4 curriculum offers students a wide range of courses that are very well matched to their individual needs and interests. Ofsted
The range of extra-curricular opportunities provided is excellent, wide-ranging and inclusive. Ofsted
Extended services As a national example of excellence in extended services, we are committed to offering our students, their families and the local community a wide and inclusive range of activities and learning opportunities. These include:
• • • • •
Childcare provision before and after school Student support programmes and activities Parenting support Community access Quick and easy referral to specialist support services
Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School General Information _____________________________________________________________________
Mission Statement Our aim is to develop citizens of the 21st century who can enhance the opportunities and outcomes for all members of local, national and international communities. We will do this by• Providing explicit focus on the development of learning skills and competencies that will enable students to make a smooth, uninterrupted transition along their individual, personalised journeys. • Providing a flexible, engaging curriculum that instils in students an enthusiasm for their learning at school and beyond, both formal and informal.
The following information is provided as a statutory requirement and is presented in statistical form for brevity and ease of interpretation: ADMISSION PROCEDURE The school follows the secondary schools admissions in Lancashire procedures. If a school is over subscribed the following criteria will be applied: “Parents will be asked to express three preferences for a secondary school. Each preference will be considered equally against the admissions criteria. If a school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be applied in priority order: Children in public care (children looked after), children for whom there are exceptionally strong medical, social or welfare reasons for admission, children who have siblings in attendance at the school at the time of transfer, children living within the school’s geographical priority area and then children living outside of the school’s geographical priority area. SCHOOL ADMISSION LIMIT The admission limit for this school in the autumn of 2011 is:
The number of first preferences for this school numbered:
The number of second preferences for this school numbered:
The number of third preferences for this school numbered:
Although there is no charge levied for educational visits that take place within school hours, it is anticipated that parents will continue to support the school with its broad range of curricular activities by donations for field trips and educational visits. Any
parents, who feel that they are unable to provide this small amount of funding, should get in touch with the appropriate Co-ordinator of Student Development. ATTENDANCE INFORMATION Sept 2010-May 2011 Total pupils (inc. part-time and dually registered) of all ages on roll in January 2011 Overall attendance Percentage of pupil sessions missed through unauthorised absence Percentage of pupil sessions missed through total absence
847 91.8% 2.0% 6.2%
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE In the unlikely event of a complaint being lodged against the school, it would be helpful if the following procedure could be adopted: Please contact the school either by person or by telephone and arrange an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss the matter. The Headteacher will attempt to meet you in person in order to clarify the situation. In the event of him not being available he will delegate the conduct of the meeting to his Deputy or to one of the senior staff of the school. Data Protection- Privacy Notices Under the Data Protection Act, all schools must inform parents and carers that they hold personal data about each student, how the data is used and who the data may be forwarded to. Accordingly, LCC have provided schools with a copy of the Privacy Notice which is available on the school’s web site www.rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk . Hard copies are available on request.
CURRICULUM Through the constant work of the Curriculum Gateway Group we strive to maintain a curriculum that encourages our students to become enthusiastic learners who reach their full potential, we always celebrate personal achievements and collaborative work, believing in the culture of success. ‘Tell me and I forget We aim to develop enquiring minds by planning schemes of Teach me and I learn learning that rely on learning based on experience and Involve me and I remember.’ Ancient Chinese Proverb discovery. The curriculum at Rhyddings is designed to offer a broad and deep education for all years. It includes a senior phase of education which provides opportunities to develop skills for learning, life and work and obtain qualifications. It promotes the ability to learn and to reflect on learning and skills for life. It works hand in hand with the extended pastoral team to fully understand and best meet the needs of all. The curriculum allows teachers to use their professional expertise and creativity to ensure subjects are inter-linked and functional, just as they are in life and work. Please note that the curriculum is constantly under review. The lists below represent the current provision at the time of printing this prospectus. Year 7 English/Drama Mathematics Science ICT Art History Geography Music Technology PE RE French or Spanish depending on Form of entry Zone – PLTS based learning
Year 8 English Mathematics Science ICT Art History Geography Music Technology PE RE French and/or Spanish depending on Form of entry and level of expertise Project (half termly Option choices) – PLTS based learning Drama
Year 9 English Mathematics Science ICT Art History Geography Music Technology PE RE French, Spanish or Urdu depending on Form of entry and expertise Work Skills (Finance)
Year 10 English - GCSE Maths - GCSE Science - BTEC ICT – Nat Cert RE – Short GCSE PE – Stat Citizenship – Stat Plus four subjects from the list below (the relevance of selecting subjects that will lead to the EBACC is explained to the students)
Year 11 English - GCSE Maths - GCSE Science - BTEC ICT – Nat Cert RE – Short GCSE PE – Stat Citizenship – Stat Plus four subjects from the list below (the relevance of selecting subjects that will lead to the EBACC is explained to the students)
Students choose subjects which will give them a broad and balanced curriculum and all students are prepared for public qualifications (EBACC, English Baccalaureate, subjects are in the first column, one subject will be needed from each group 1 – 2 – 3). 1 2 2 3 3 3
Additional Science History Geography French Spanish Urdu
Catering Product Design Graphics Textiles Construction Salon Services
Travel & Tourism Media Studies Music Performing Arts Art
Child Development Health & Social Care Psychology Law Business Business Retail
Choices of subject options for Year 10 and Year 11 are made during Year 9. Parents and students are invited to an Options Afternoon, provisional choices are requested, and then individual guidance is available at a follow up Parents Evening. The range of combinations may be limited by timetabling constraints. Most qualifications contain a mixture of supervised course work or practical work with a terminal examination paper. A lot of subjects now also offer modular courses. Occasionally students are entered into examinations before Year 10, enabling them to study additional external qualifications. HOME LEARNING The purpose of Home Learning is to enhance student achievement; to help students become self-directed, independent learners; and to develop good work habits. It is generally recognised that Home Learning can make an important contribution to the learning process and contributes to the development of sound study habits. This is clearly understood by the vast majority of our parents. Most GCSEs contain a mixture of supervised course work or practical work with a terminal paper. All subjects now offer modular courses. CURRICULUM ORGANISATION
All pupils follow the National Curriculum.
In Years 7-9 most subjects are taught in ability groups. Some practical subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.
On entry to the school Year 7 students are placed in broad ability bands. Students will be moved between bands depending upon their progress.
Year 9 is the Formative Phase where students will begin their GCSE courses in core subjects and choose guided options according to their personal preferences.
Study sessions may be arranged by subject areas after school to help students who have fallen behind with their work or to improve standards of achievement.
The Student Support Team serves the needs of statemented students and provides support for other students with additional educational needs.
Extra literacy support is provided for Foundation students from Years 7 to 9 in Language lessons to ensure that all students can access the curriculum to obtain maximum success.
In some cases, students may be withdrawn from Form time to participate in focused group work on developing their skills in literacy or numeracy or improving social skills with members of the Student Support Team and outside agencies.
Mr R Allonby Ms C Pritchard Mr W Matthews Mr A Wilkinson
2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014 2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014
PARENT REPRESENTATIVES Mrs S Baron Mrs C Dewhurst Mr A Forsyth Mrs N Hussain Mr G West 1 vacancy
2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014 2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014 2007 – 2011*
STAFF REPRESENTATIVES Mr S Allan Mr G Fielding Mr P Mercer Mr N Perry
2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014 2007 - 2011* 2009 - 2013
COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES Mr D Brunskill (Chairman) Mr J Crook Mr I Nuttall 1 vacancy
2008 - 2012 2008 - 2012 2008 - 2012
2009 - 2013
2009 - 2012
OBSERVING GOVERNOR Mr H Owen *Terms of office ending October - elections to be held
SECTION 1 : SCHOOL TERMS AND HOLIDAYS 2011/12 _________________________________________________________________
AUTUMN TERM 2011 Teacher Training Day Re-open on Teacher Training Day Mid-term closure Closure after school on
Monday 5 September 2011 (students not in school) Tuesday 6 September 2011 Friday 30 September 2011 (students not in school) Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October 2011 (inclusive) Friday 16 December 2011
SPRING TERM 2012 Teacher Training Day Re-open on Mid-term closure Closure after school on
Tuesday 3 January 2012 (students not in school) Wednesday 4 January 2012 Monday 13 February - Friday 17 February 2012 (inclusive) Friday 30 March 2012
SUMMER TERM 2012 Re-open on Teacher Training Day May Day Holiday Mid-term closure Closure after school on Teacher Training Day
Monday 16 April 2012 Friday 4 May 2012 (students not in school) Monday 7 May 2012 Monday 4 June - Friday 8 June 2012 (inclusive) Friday 20 July 2012 Monday 23 July 2012 (students not in school)
SPECAIL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS POLICY‐ POLICY STATEMENT In delivering broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, Rhyddings aims to respond to and meet the needs of all its students. The school recognizes that many students will have special educational needs at some stage during their school career and will require additional support to ensure they have full access to, and gain maximum benefit from, the educational opportunities available. To fulfill its aims, the school:‐ • • •
• •
• •
Seeks to ensure that all students have maximum access to the National Curriculum. Recognises the importance of developing self‐esteem in every student to enhance learning and achievement in the widest sense. Accepts that every teacher has a responsibility for meeting the special needs of the students in his/her care and actively involves faculties ad individual teachers within the school in special educational needs provision. Uses a variety of sources and methods to identify and diagnose the special educational needs of students. These include information passed on by Primary Schools, standardized test results and the ongoing monitoring of student performance by all teachers and independent computerised assessment. Ensures that the identified needs of students are recorded and addressed and that progress made in meeting those needs is carefully monitored, evaluated and reviewed at regular intervals and any problems arising are addressed. Encourage parent/ guardians to take an active role in the SEN provision for their child and seeks their views in evaluating progress. Ensures that specialist staff within the school promote access to the curriculum for students with special educational needs through a range of support strategies to individual students, teachers and departments. Is committed to providing support for students with special educational needs in a variety of ways‐ in small groups/ through in class support/ individually. Recognises the need for, and the benefit of, the careful differentiation of work and the use of a variety of assessments to ensure all students experience a sense of achievement and progress. Makes full use of support services and external agencies including the Educational Psychology Service, Clinical Psychology Service, Outreach Teachers, EMA Grant Teachers, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, Specialist areas, HI, VI, PD, Speech Therapists, Counseling facilities, C.A.M.S., LEMS and social services. Recognises the need for programmes of INSET to ensure that all teachers, as well as specialist staff are kept up to date with developments in the area.
• •
Provides human and physical resources to meet the special educational needs of its students. Has regard to the new Code of Practice on the identification of special educational needs and support provision to include all aspects of learning difficulties which may arise.
UNIFORM LIST _______________________________________________________ Uniform regulations are listed below. If an item of clothing or footwear is not listed, it is not school uniform. YEARS 7-10 Black tailored trousers or black knee length tailored skirt White shirt Black Rhyddings Blazer with logo on pocket flap Silver-grey Rhyddings tie (repeated logo design) Black ‘V’ neck jumper with grey detail around neck (optional) Black,grey or white socks or black tights Plain black flat shoes YEAR 11 Black business suit - jacket and tailored trousers or tailored skirt (knee length) or Black tailored trousers worn with plain black ‘V’ neck jumper or cardigan White shirt/tailored blouse Plain black, low heel, shoes Plain black, grey, white socks or plain black or natural tights Rhyddings pinch pin lapel badge Rhyddings dark navy Year 11 tie (repeated logo design) Further guidelines:Year 11 Any cardigans worn should be hip length. Longline, shrug cardigans or jumpers are not permitted. A collared shirt/blouse is to be worn with tie. No black denim or cotton jeans, combats or tracksuits All years Skirt - No pencil skirts which would restrict movement or lycra type ‘clingy’ skirts or trousers. Shoes - No black trainers or boots Plain black hijab may be worn Outdoor coats - No fleece hoodies are allowed. Outdoor coats should be of a dark colour with a reflective strip or piping for safety. Outdoor clothing (coats, scarves, hats, gloves etc) must be removed on entry to classrooms. PE KIT – ALL YEARS Boys and Girls One black/white training shirt One pair of black football socks One pair of black football shorts (Asian heritage girls are allowed to wear black tracksuit bottoms) Trainers Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are not permitted to wear make-up. Any make-up worn by students in Years 10 and 11 must be discreet. Coloured nail polish is not permitted. Jewellery is restricted to one small stud earring in each ear and a watch only. Nose studs and other body piercings are not permitted. Any hairbands must be black. All students must have a bag for their books and equipment. All items should be clearly labelled with the student's name and form. Stockists of Uniform (except ties which are available from school) Abbey Street Shopping Centre, 2-4 Abbey Street, Accrington D Whittaker & Co., 10 Ainsworth Street, Blackburn
September 2010
SECTION 2 : THE SCHOOL DAY _____________________________________________________ 8.35 – 8.45
Ten minutes briefing for all staff on Monday and Thursday mornings in the Dining Room Duty staff in their duty areas
8.45 – 8.50
Staff and students to Registration rooms
8.50 – 9.10
Registration or Assembly
9.10 – 10.00
Period 1
10.00 – 10.50
Period 2
10.50 – 11.10
Break Duty staff in duty areas
Bell to start movement to period 3
11.10 – 12.00
Period 3
12.00 – 1.20
Period 4/Lunch (Please see separate sheet for lunch time arrangements)
1.20 – 2.10
Period 5
2.10 – 3.00
Period 6
3.00 – 3.15
Duty staff in duty areas
September 2010
Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School Student Development & Guidance CARE OF YOUR CHILD The health, safety and well‐being of our students is of paramount importance. To ensure that all students receive the individual care and support needed they are organised into year groups, and within these into form groups. Each student will have a form teacher who sees them for registration each morning. Students stay in the same group and are likely to have the same form teacher for their five years at Rhyddings. The form teacher is a key figure in the educational development and welfare of students and the first teacher they should go to when needing information, advice or for sharing a problem. Each year group has two Year Leaders who are responsible for the wellbeing and progress of the year group and are a point of contact should parents wish to discuss any issue relating to their child. From this supportive base both student support staff and teaching staff work to ensure that students achieve their full potential during their time at Rhyddings. CHILD PROTECTION All staff working at Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School are familiar with and work within the guidance of the school’s Child Protection Policy ATTENDANCE At Rhyddings we take a serious approach to attendance. We view regular and punctual attendance as absolutely essential for our students to benefit from the educational opportunities available to them and for them to achieve their full potential. Every year our results prove that the students with high levels of attendance achieve the best results. Please ensure your child is a regular and punctual attendee at Rhyddings so that he/she can gain the best outcomes and lay a good foundation for their future. LINKS WITH PRIMARY SCHOOLS Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School has strong links with our local primary schools. These links have developed over many years and the vast majority of students who start at Rhyddings in year 7 have already visited the school to attend workshops, performances, projects and taster days on several occasions and are familiar with the building and many of our staff and students. The member of staff in charge of transition works with the same team throughout the academic year to ensure that students in our local schools have all the information they need in order to make the leap between their primary school and Rhyddings as smooth as possible. This team also meets with every Year 6 teacher to build up a personalised profile
for each child as they transfer to secondary school. This means that we have the best and most up to date academic and social information about each child. Our students are also at the heart of this process and throughout the year the Transition Champions, a group made up from Senior Students and our Year 8 e‐buddies host events both at Rhyddings and in our Primary Schools. These events are designed and presented by our students to enable the Year 6 Transition Champions from across Hyndburn to get to know each other and bring questions from the pupils in their classes. They are given many opportunities to talk frankly with our students and staff about their concerns and are able to ask them questions about what life is really like at Rhyddings.
COLLECTIVE WORSHIP The 1998 Educational Reform Act requires that all students attending a county school must take in daily collective worship. Worship is to be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’ and should reflect the ‘broad traditions of Christian belief’. At the same time the school should take into account the general character of the family background of the students as well as their ages and aptitudes. The act also allows schools to organize daily Collective Worship for the whole school or separate groups of students and at any time during the day. Rhyddings students usually meet for Collective Worship as a Year or Form group and they are encouraged to participate in and contribute to our Collective Worship which is planned to draw on a wide range of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural. CAREERS EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE Careers education and guidance is a continuing process delivered across the school as part of the function of the Form Tutor/student relationship. We hold up to date information for the student/staff use in the Learning Resource Centre. The centre is opened daily and staffed by the manager. A discrete element of careers is introduced as part of the Citizenship programme throughout the school. Young Peoples Services provide a Personal Advisor who gives individual guidance interviews, undertakes group work in Citizenship lessons on career topics and helps students make decisions by using the career interest guides. All students have the opportunity to participate in work experience during KS4. Outside speakers are encouraged to visit the school and students may also visit a variety of work places. We aim to equip our students to make the transition from school to adult life based on sound knowledge and understanding of what choices are, and to play a responsible and confident role within their families, at work and in adult life.
EXAMINATION RESULTS 2011 GCSE COURSES English Language English Literature Mathematics Science - Single Award Science – Applied Science – Additional Art and Design French Geography Health & Social Care History Media Studies Psychology Religious Studies Full course Religious Studies Short course Spanish Technology – Hospitality & Catering Technology - Graphics Technology – Product Design Technology – Textiles Urdu
No.of Entries
193 55 192 184 15 26 52 4 54 42 26 25 36 18 135 7 20
2 0 2 5 0 2 7 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0
7 7 9 11 0 4 10 0 2 3 2 4 2 2 5 0 0
25 22 19 29 0 8 12 0 6 8 5 8 0 3 22 3 2
83 18 53 34 1 7 10 1 8 10 6 4 3 5 24 2 7
37 5 32 34 6 5 12 2 14 8 3 4 7 3 21 0 3
21 14 21 10
1 0 0 1
3 0 1 3
7 0 0 0
0 1 3 1
4 2 4 3
% A*-C
% A*-G
1 0 19 7 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 6 0 11 0 0
U or X 3 2 7 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 1 11 0 0
23 1 27 43 6 0 1 1 12 7 4 2 5 2 22 1 5
12 0 24 19 1 0 0 0 5 5 4 1 10 2 17 1 3
59 85 42 43 7 81 75 25 30 50 54 72 14 56 39 71 45
98 96 96 97 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 90 95 92 100 100
1 3 3 1
1 3 4 1
2 5 5 0
2 0 1 0
52 7 19 50
96 100 96 100
1 1
4 14 1 1 5 2 13 3 5
BTEC – LEVEL 2 ICT National Certificate – Level 2 (equiv. to 4 GCSE) ICT National First Certificate – Level 2 (Equiv. to 3 GCSE) ICT National Award – Level 2 (Equiv. to 2 GCSEs) ICT National First Award-Level 2 (Equiv. to 1 GCSE) Dance Music Performing Arts Sport (Equiv. to 4 GCSEs) Sport (Equiv. to 2 GCSEs) Travel & Tourism
5 15 1 1 24 19 41 5 10
8 10 7
1 2 10
8 5 9 2 3
BTEC – LEVEL 1 Business Retail & Administration Law – Level 2
8 35
7 35
OTHER COURSES City & Guilds Hair & Beauty (Salon Services) - Level 1 City & Guilds Construction - Level 1 City & Guilds NPTC Landbased Studies (Horticulture) Level 1 IMIAL Motor Vehicle - Level 2
21 44 1 2
21 44 1 2
Maths Level 1 Maths Level 2
5 25
5 25
ADULT LITERACY & NUMERACY (ALAN) Adult Literacy Adult Numeracy
35 53
35 53
GCSE Results
Number of Students aged 15
Achieving 5+ A*- C %
Achieving 5+ A*-C including English & Maths %
Achieving 5+ A*- G %
Achieving 1+ A*- G %
2011 Boys
(2010 figure) (2009 figure) (2008 figure) (2007 figure)
112 99 107 113
76 74% 72% 61%
47 41% 25% 23%
96 96% 96% 86.7%
100 100% 100% 96.5%
(2010 figure) (2009 figure) (2008 figure) (2007 figure)
77 100 94 102
78 78% 75% 66%
40 48% 39% 24.5%
96 93% 92% 91.2%
100 100% 100% 100%
TOTAL 2011
% Total 2010 % Total 2009 % Total 2008 % Total 2007
189 199 201 215
78 77% 73% 63.2%
45 45% 32% 23.7%
96 95% 94% 88.8%
100 100% 100% 99.1%
2011 Girls
5 A* - C (inc English & Maths)
SECTION 1 : STAFF LIST FOR SEPTEMBER 2011 ________________________________________________________ Timetable Initials TT AH
Mr P Trickett Mr T Ainsworth
Headteacher Deputy Headteacher
Mrs N Ahmad Mr S Allan Mr I Ashfaq Miss N Aziz Miss R Bamber Miss G Barber Mr T Barnes Miss S Bedwell Mrs J Bell Miss C Bickerstaffe Miss A Booth Mr P Bradley Mrs C Brown Mrs S Bryant Mrs G Calvert Mrs K Crawshaw Mr M Duggan Mr G Dutton Mrs J Dutton Mrs A Evans Mr P Finnegan PF Mrs S Freeman Ms A Green Miss S Greenhalgh Mrs V Grue Miss G Gumley Mr M Hargreaves Miss E Hillary Mrs S Holden Mr G Holding HL Mrs L Hopkins Mrs A Hopkinson Miss I Hussain IH Miss C Jackson Mrs J James Mrs P Langton PL Mrs E Lanoe Mrs N Lunat Mrs L Marshall Ms G Martin Miss R Masefield Mr P Mercer Mr G Merritt
Urdu/Art Construction Physical Education Curriculum Leader Science Assistant Curriculum Leader English English Assistant Curriculum Leader Geography Curriculum Leader English/E-Learning Co-ordinator English/Literacy Co-ordinator Physical Education Performing Arts/Responsible for Drama Physical Education Assistant Curriculum Leader Special Needs Co-ordinator History Curriculum Leader Salon Services H&SC/Psychology/Child Dev. Curriculum Leader Cover Supervisor Science Curriculum Leader/Associate Leader Geography/Specialism Manager English ICT
Religious Education English Technology ICT SEN/AGT/Zone Mathematics Assistant Headteacher Music Mathematics/Numeracy Co-ordinator
Art Curriculum Leader LH Technology/Learn to Learn Co-ordinator HN Curriculum Leader RE/Citizenship/Associate Leader Mathematics Assistant Curriculum Leader Cover Supervisor Mathematics
French Curriculum Leader Cover Supervisor Acting Head of Music Assistant Headteacher Geography ICT Curriculum Leader Science
Miss A Mulla Mrs A Nuttall Mrs A Nuttall Mr R Paterson Mr N Perry Miss A-J Pointon AN Mrs L Prescott Mrs H Ribchester RR Mr E Rigby Miss C Sagar Mr D Scott Mrs A Stobbs Mr A Thomas Mrs A Thompson Ms S Uttley Mrs H Whelan Part-time Mrs S Ashworth Mrs S Atkinson Miss L Bancroft Miss C Delaney Ms L Edmondson Mrs J Jolly Mr D Sanna Miss J Stringman Mrs A Taylor
Ancillary Staff Mr W Akhtar Mr K Alam Mrs C Alderson Mr E Barnes Miss C Blackburn Mrs N Braysford Mr M Breckell Year 11 Mrs S Brown Mrs J Bury Miss S Butler Miss J Cockerill Mrs H Cook Mrs D Cornall Mr J Coulter Mr S Cox Mrs S Cryne Mrs C Cunliffe Miss P Djamalis
Mathematics (Temporary) Assistant Headteacher Spanish Curriculum Leader Science Cover Supervisor/Motor Vehicle Cover Supervisor/Physical Education
History/Zone/Geography History
Science English Curriculum Leader Technology Curriculum Leader Languages/Year 7 Student Co-ordinator/Primary Liaison/ Creative Partnership Co-ordinator ICT Assistant Curriculum Leader Cover Supervisor Mathematics/Student Achievement Co-ordinator Mathematics Curriculum Leader/Associate Leader
Modern Languages (Temporary) Law (Temporary) Business Studies Curriculum Leader/Primary Business Co-ordinator Physical Education Media Studies Technology/Primary Liaison-Enterprise ICT/Media Studies Technology Science
Network Manager EAL Co-ordinator Teaching Assistant Learning Mentor Administrative Assistant-Student Support/Year Leaders; Cover Co-ordinator Site Supervisor – Cleaning Engagement & Attendance Co-ordinator/Year Leader – Catering Manager Exams Officer/IAG Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Buildings Manager Year Leader – Year 7 Year Leader-Year 10 Extended Services Manager/LRC Manager/Associate Leader Teaching Assistant
Miss S Dobson Mr C Duckworth Mr D Duxbury Mrs T Duxbury Mrs K Feathers Mr G Fielding Mrs S Fletcher Mr J Garland Mr P Grave Ms A Greenwood Mrs C Hammond Miss K Hargreaves Mrs S Hargreaves Mrs M Hart Mrs C Holden Mrs S Horman Mrs E Humphrys Mrs S Jones Mrs J Kenyon Miss A-L Keough Mr I Khawaja Mrs J Livesey Mrs J McCrae Mrs J McKie Miss R Moores Mr S Munir Mr S Nawab Mrs S Ormerod Miss K Orrell Mrs D Parker Miss S Payne Miss L Pemberton Mrs A Preston Mrs A Reilly Mr D Sanna Mrs H Small Mrs A Smalley
Teaching Assistant/Zone Teaching Assistant Design Technology Technician Teaching Assistant (Temporary) Finance Assistant Year Leader-Year 9/Citizenship Senior Technician Handyman Year Leader – Year 10 Year Leader – Year 9 Administrative Assistant - Reporting and Assessment Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant-Technology Nurse/Healthy Schools Co-ordinator Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Attendance Officer Year Leader-Year 8 Teaching Assistant Finance Officer/Office Manager Year Leader-Year 8 Teaching Assistant Science Technician Teaching Assistant Network Manager Receptionist Administrative Assistant – Curriculum Leaders Teaching Assistant Reprographics Teaching Assistant/Psychology Year Leader-Year 7 Year Leader-Year 11 Web Design PA to Deputy & Ass. Head/SIMS Pupil Data/Census Administrator Publicity Officer/Health & Safety Coordinator/Educational Visits Co-ordinator Mr T Watson Site Supervisor Miss K Widdowson Teaching Assistant/Zone Mr C Wood Site Supervisor Mrs J Yates PA to Headteacher Mrs L Yates Library Assistant/Reprographics
Produced by Words&Pictures. Tel: 01943 854800.
Our children found Rhyddings an enjoyable experience and, as a result, are developing into mature, knowledgeable adults. Quote from parent, Ofsted
Welcome to our family I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to find out about the ‘family’ that is Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School. Our principal aim is to maximise the achievements of our students through an individually tailored programme of personalised learning. We also aim to inspire them through a variety of educational opportunities that will transform their potential. At Rhyddings, we believe in supporting each other to achieve success. We set each other challenging targets and encourage each other to attain and exceed those targets. We pride ourselves on our high
standards of teaching and learning, our high quality resources and our outstanding systems for care, guidance and support. We appreciate that every student is an individual, and that success comes in many forms. Consequently, we put great emphasis on celebrating each and every student’s achievements. I am very proud to lead Rhyddings as we increase our emphasis on personalisation of the curriculum and move into an exciting phase of Building Schools for the Future. I would like to invite you to contact the school to arrange a visit at any time. You can be sure of a warm welcome. Paul Trickett, Headteacher
Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School Haworth Street, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, BB5 3EA
Tel: 01254 231 051 Fax: 01254 393 242 Email: school@rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk Web: www.rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk
At the heart of the community Ofsted
Students have clear understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Business and Enterprise School
Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School Haworth Street, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, BB5 3EA
Tel: 01254 231 051 Fax: 01254 393 242 Email: school@rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk Web: www.rhyddings.lancs.sch.uk
At the heart of the community Ofsted
Students have clear understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Business and Enterprise School