TECHNOLOGY TOURNAMENT Friday MARCH 14th 2014 Dear Parent / carer I am pleased to invite you son/daughter to represent Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School in the Hyndburn Rotary inter-school Technology tournament. The tournament will be held at Hollins High School. Students will leave Rhyddings at 8:50 and return at 3:15 (estimated return time.) Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drinks for the day. If you normally receive a free school meal please let me know in advance so I can arrange with the catering manager for a packed lunch to be prepared. Now read about the competition in 2013: The annual Rotary International / BAE Systems Technology Tournament, which involved over 100 schools from within Lancashire and Cumbria, took place on Friday March 15th 2003 with around 300 teams taking part at ten regional centres throughout the North West. These events were organised by Rotary clubs throughout the District. Last year’s challenge was to help reduce pollution by designing, building and testing a prototype vehicle, powered solely by a 200g weight. The vehicle had then to travel as far as was possible along a 1.5m track. For the more advanced teams, an incline was introduced on the test track. The vehicle also had to pass under a bridge, limiting the drop height for the weight and involving the principles of gearing via pulleys. The children had a great day, not to mention the teachers, developing team work skills, meeting deadlines and getting to know children from other schools. Last year Rhyddings came in third place in the KS3 section and second place in the KS4 section in 2012, so let’s hope this year we can get top spot.
Yours faithfully Mr D. Scott Curriculum Leader of Design Technology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I give permission for ______________________________________to attend the Technology tournament on Friday the 14th March 2014. Parent /carer signature: ____________________________________Date:__________