Year 11 Parents Evening April 2019

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March 2019 Dear Parent/Carer, RE: YEAR 11 PARENTS EVENING TUESDAY 2 APRIL 2019 I am writing to invite you to the Year 11 Parents Evening on Tuesday 2 April 2019. As your son/daughter approaches their final examinations it is vital that we have the opportunity to speak to you to discuss their current progress and any strategies that can be put into place to help and support them during these final, crucial remaining weeks in school and at home. Appointments can be made with subject teachers between 4.00pm and 6.30pm for this evening. Your son/daughter will be given an appointment sheet and it is their responsibility to complete it. You will be aware that this is a vitally important time for all students and we ask for your continued support in ensuring that the highest standards of both effort and commitment are maintained. We thank you for your help, support and co-operation and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 2nd April 2019. Please return the slip attached to your child’s form tutor to confirm your receipt of this letter and your attendance at parents’ evening. The appointment sheet is also attached to this letter. If you are not available on the night and would like to arrange a meeting with myself during a school day please indicate below and I will arrange an appointment with you. Please return the slip below to the appropriate form tutor. Yours sincerely, Mrs C O’Loughlin Year 11 Progress Leader ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. YEAR 11 PARENTS EVENING TUESDAY 2 APRIL 2019 Student Name………………………………………………………. (Please indicate as required) I/ We will be available for an appointment on the night I/We will not be available for an appointment on the night I/we would like to arrange a meeting with Mrs O’Loughlin during a school day Signature (Parent/Carer)…………………………………………………………..

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