r e t t e l s w e N www.aawaz.co.uk
Jan/Feb 2012
We need
YOU! Young Aawaz Coordinator Yasmin Akhter
t i s i V s e l o h Brock er we all enjoyed the Despite the bad weath d by the beauty of aze day out and were am t nderful facilities tha the centre and the wo at the ch lun ng azi am an d are available. We ha
in and enjoyed browsing riverside restaurant is a tre cen e Th ps. sho t the beautiful, quain of us d encouraged many fantastic hideaway an ivities act or tdo ou in ed olv to become more inv e and out taking the plung and even to think ab s. ard aw h urg inb Ed of starting the Duke e from mend it as an escap I would highly recom the norm!! Nafeesa Ishaq, 19
Baking Project Young Aawaz Girls group at Rhyddings have been meeting every Wednesday after school learning the art of baking. We have attended an eight week course and worked very hard to perfect our skills to bake and decorate cupcakes. We have been making these so that we can sell them for charity. Before Christmas we sold the cakes at Rhyddings Business & Enterprise School and Witton Park Christmas fairs and other community events. So far we have raised over ÂŁ290!
This project has enabled us to learn a new skill and to earn money for our chosen local charities. I am really proud that we have been able to help other people less fortunate than us, learn new skills and enjoy ourselves at the same time. All the girls have really enjoyed baking and we made some fantastic cakes, knowing that the money is going to charity makes us feel really proud and happy to be part of this Young Aawaz project. - Arfina Begum, 15
d Young Aawaz attende Sixteen members of rs ito vis les ho y at Brock an action packed da th 29 December. y da urs Th on e ntr ce
As you can see from our newsletter we have so many exciting opportunities for girls to get involved in. We work hard to ensure that we help and support our memb ers to learn new skills, rea ch their full potential in life an d make a positive contributio n within their local community. If you are interested in beco ming a member please co ntact Yasmin on 01254 39 8176 for further details or po p down to Aawaz for a chat. We look forward to hearing fro m you.
a h C rity
Young Aawaz members have decided to support Derian House as their charity this year. Derian House is a hospice for babies, young children, and their families offering support across the North West for young people who are suffering from life threatening conditions. The charity relies mainly on donations and fundraising to offer an amazing level of care and support that enables these children to be helped through their difficult journey. We have started our fundraising and aim to undertake many more projects. If you have any fundraising ideas, or wish to make a donation please contact Mrs Cunliffe for further details. www.derianhouse.co.uk
Aawaz Announcements Communities Together On Friday 16th December, Aawaz organised and hosted a ‘Communities Together’ Event. This involved members of different faiths joining together to celebrate Christmas. Staff, volunteers and students shared their experiences of Christmas and the significance it has for them and their families to a packed audience. The ‘Guess Who’ event highlighted the similarities between Christmas and Eid with a fun packed quiz with questions on local history, religion and general knowledge - it was a great success! Charity Walk Young Aawaz will be raising funds for Derian House at the Rotary organised Great Charity Walk on Sunday 13th May 2012. If you are interested in participating in this sponsored event please contact us for further details. Fitness Classes Every Monday after school at Rhyddings we will be holding a keep fit club from 3.30-4.30pm the classes are good fun and keep you fit and healthy! Drop in sessions Need help with homework, careers advice, assistance with job applications or just fancy a chat and some quiet time? Drop into the Young Aawaz evening session - Thursdays from 4pm at Aawaz Access Point. Yoga Yoga sessions are now being held every Tuesday from 1pm-2pm in Great Harwood. Please contact Yasmin at Aawaz for more information.
Vinspired is a nationally recognised qualification for young people who dedicate their time to help others in the community. Since its launch in May 2006, vInspired has worked with over 500 charities and community organisations to create over 1 million volunteering opportunities. Their mission is to make volunteering opportunities so diverse, compelling and easy to get involved with that giving up your time to help others becomes a natural lifestyle choice for 14-25 year olds in England. Why not log on and register yourself you only need to do 10 hours of voluntary work to gain your first qualification and help others at the same time!
Check the website out for more details - www.vinspired.com.
Why not nominate a Young Aawaz member for the Women of Achievement award? For more details contact Yasmin on 01254 398176. Women of Achievement aawazlancashire@tiscali.co.uk
DIY If you fancy learning how to put up a shelf, fix a tap or even a plug - why not sign up to our basic DIY course? For further details and to book a place, please contact Yasmin at Aawaz!