31 October 2018 Dear Parent/ carer, RE
Year 9 Update
Following intensive planning I can now confirm that pupils in Year 9 should attend school on Monday 5th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th November of next week. This is more days than originally anticipated due to the arrangement for other year groups to be educated at Hameldon, which you may be aware of. The limited return is due to staffing constraints and operating across two sites. Arrangements for Year 9 attending are as follows: Monday 5th – Attend school at 9:15am and please bring a pair of trainers in your school bag along with the usual stationery. Wednesday 7th – Attend school at 9:15am and the whole year group will visit UCLan, Burnley. Pupils will be given full details on Monday, the school finish time will be as normal. Thursday 8th – Attend school at 9:15am with school bag and stationery. I fully appreciate that Year 9 pupils are most affected, but we have had to prioritise and make some very difficult decsions. However, this is an improvement on our initial phased return, previously issued, and trust your child will attend on the days indicted above. I also wish to assure you that safety of pupils and staff is paramount and the areas we have access to in school meet all of the required standards. As we have a number of buses now using Haworth Street avoid dropping/collecting pupils here. Please use alternative locations close by, but not along Haworth Street. If you do have any further questions please do contact school but rest assured this is the best solution under the circumstances and one I am pleased is now confirmed. It is therefore essential that your child returns to school on Monday 5th November and we will continue to update you on our progress. Yours sincerely,
Andrew Williams Headteacher