31 October 2018 Dear Parent/Carer, RE
Year 10 Update
Following detailed discussions with Lancashire County Council (LCC) I can now confirm that all pupils in year 10 can return to school on Monday 5th November. However, as our school is still undergoing the necessary repairs our pupils will then be transported to alternative accommodation, Hameldon College in Burnley, along with our Years 7 & 8. The arrangement has proved really successful with years 7 & 8 and we are pleased to extend this provision to all our Year 10 pupils, replacing the original phased return. These changes will not cause any inconvenience as pupils will arrive at Rhyddings at the normal time of 8.45am and return just prior to 3:00pm. In order to facilitate this LCC will be providing coaches to transport our pupils to and from Hameldon College. To assist please avoid using Haworth Street to drop/collect your child as this is where the school buses will need access. Lunch arrangements will be in place at Hameldon for all pupils but you can provide a packed lunch if you wish. The only other equipment they require is their school bag and essential stationery. Throughout this period pupils will receive a variety of subjects and lessons that they are accustomed to. Key pastoral staff, inc. SEN support will also be in place and all other usual routines operate as normal. If you need to contact school at any point regarding your child during this period please do so in the normal way by contacting Rhyddings. We will handle communications between the two sites. If, for any reason, a pupil has an appointment during the day or is unwell for example, we can arrange return transport to Rhyddings. Unfortunately, pupils cannot be dropped/collected directly at Hameldon either for the start or the end of the school day as transport is provided within our current school day timings.
If you do have any further questions please do contact school but rest assured this is the best solution under the circumstances and one I am pleased is now confirmed. It is therefore essential that your child returns to school on Monday 5th November and we will continue this arrangement until we can return to our own accommodation, following completion of the current building repairs. We will of course update you on our progress. Yours sincerely,
Andrew Williams Headteacher