10 September 2018 Dear Parent/Carer, RE ACCELERATED READER SCHEME As part of our English lessons in school for Years 7 and 8, we run a reading scheme called Accelerated Reader. This scheme helps to develop pupils’ reading skills as well as promoting reading for pleasure. Pupils who are confident and enthusiastic readers perform better in every subject and our hope is to encourage this to become a habit, rather than a chore. Pupils should always have a book that they are currently reading and their homework is to read 20 minutes per night. This could be a book from the school library or one of their own. We would be grateful if you could encourage your son/daughter to read their book on a regular basis. When they have finished reading each book they will do a quiz, which is available online, to test them on the content of the book. Year 7 and 8 also have a weekly spelling test which they should be revising for throughout the week. If you would like to help your son/daughter to learn their spellings, or if they lose them, they can be found on the Rhyddings website at www.rhyddings.co.uk/spellings If you have any questions about any of this, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s English teacher. Thank you for your support. Yours sincerely,
Mrs J Neafcy Assistant Curriculum Leader for English