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Beograd kao nikad pre

Beograd odavno važi za jedan od najautentičnijih evropskih, pa i svetskih gradova. Pregršt istorijskog kulturnog nasleđa isprepletanog sa urbanim duhom prave moderne prestonice čine ga idealnim mestom za sve koji su u potrazi za jedinstvenim iskustvom života u metropoli.

Međutim, Beograd ne bi bio oaza za one koji drže do svog životnog stila, bez perjanice savremenog života koju predstavlja Belgrade Waterfront.

Prostirući se na oko milion kvadratnih metara duž desne obale Save, ovaj projekat urbane revitalizacije grada donosi jedinstvene impulse najboljeg sadržaja i najinspirativnijeg okruženja u svakodnevni život prestonice.

Belgrade Waterfront je višenamenski kompleks najraznovrsnijih mogućnosti, koji život u Beogradu podiže na potpuno novi nivo ugođaja. Odlikuju ga najsavremenije stambene zgrade, hoteli svetske klase, prestižni restorani, obrazovni i kulturni objekti, raskošni parkovi, najlepše šetalište u gradu, kao i savršena povezanost sa drugim delovima grada, uz niz prednosti za kretanje pešaka i biciklista.

Belgrade like never before

Belgrade has long been considered one of the most authentic European and even world cities. Abundance of historical and cultural heritage intertwined with the urban spirit of a real modern capital make it an ideal place for all those who are looking for a unique experience of living in a metropolis.

However, Belgrade would not be an oasis for those who are true to their lifestyle, without the spearhead of modern life represented by the Belgrade Waterfront.

Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of one million square metres, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces a unique impulse of the best content and most inspiring environment into the capital’s everydaylife.

Belgrade Waterfront is a multi-purpose complex of the most diverse possibilities, which elevates the urban life of Belgrade to a completely new level of convenience. It is characterised by state-of-the-art residential buildings, world-class hotels, prestigious restaurants, educational and cultural facilities, luxurious parks, the most beautiful promenade in the city, as well as perfect connectivity, with numerous advantages for pedestrians and cyclists.

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