Rian Jati | 2018 - Now

My name is Rian Kuncoro Jati, but people usually call me Rian or Jati. I’m a Graphic Design who loves to visualize anything and also have interest in illustration.

Full Name
Rian Kuncoro Jati
Date of Birth
2013 - 2017
Telkom University Bandung
Visual Communication Design
2012 - 2013

STSRD VISI Yogyakarta
Graphic Design
working experience
July - August 2015
Elshe Skincare (Yogyakarta)
Graphic Designer
June - August 2016
Weirdsgn (Yogyakarta)
Graphic Designer Intern
January 2018 - December 2019
LocoMoco Studio (Jakarta)
Graphic Designer
April 2019 - May 2021
Growmint (Jakarta)
Graphic Designer
May 2020 - May 2021
Kitabeli (Jakarta)
Freelance Graphic Designer
May 2021 - Now
Kitabeli (Jakarta)
Senior Graphic Designer
Participate National Mural Competition
IPB Bogor (2015)
Member of Design Exhibition
Telkom University (2015)
Participate National Mural Competition
UII Yogya (July 2016)
Runner up Mural Competition
Bogor (January 2018)
Participate SGABF represent Tenanan Zine
Singapore (2018)
Creative Thinking
Brand Identity Typhography
editorial design
AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.

For Ramadan season, we made content for Instagram post that contained quotes that related to Ramadan and targeted for teenager.

The content combined copy-writing and illustration which I illustrated from scratch and showed my characteristic of illustrating.

AXIS campaign
AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.
For awareness, we made sticker combining ilustration with typography. This was for #NggakApaApa campaign with slang theme.

AXIS collaboration
AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.
A costume contest of PUBG characters, moderated by Naisa, a well known Youtuber Indonesia.

Using PUBG theme, a mobile game online, with AXIS style.
CasCisCus podcast, hosted by the phenomenal Adji Doa Ibu and Gilang Gombloh, Starring many cool guest. Such as Ardhit Erwandah, Avan The Love, Danilla and JKT 48.

Using collage art with AXIS style touch.
challenge on tiktok wiht the pioneer of the popcorn duet, Kharisma.

editorial design

AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.

I designed the partnership project that showed key point of each project, especially for Axisnet App, the application for Axis User

editorial design
AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.
#BiarinAja campaign was for AXIS pitching. The target was Gen Z that was the highest consumers of Axis. It showed that Gen Z had positively wild idea and Axis could facilitated them.
For this campaign, I made the Key Visual and the other designs.

editorial design
KitaBeli is a social commerce platform that offers FMCG products and allows users and partners to get discounts and earn money by utilizing their social networks.

year Rian Jati Portfolio 2018 - 2022

subject 2019

Banner campaign
editorial design
KitaBeli is a social commerce platform that offers FMCG products and allows users and partners to get discounts and earn money by utilizing their social networks.

KitaBeli Beauty
KitaBeli 2022
KitaBeli Beauty was a division that focused on the beauty products. I got the design project also for its banner, instagram feed, instagram story, push notification, and the catalogue.

editorial design
KitaBeli is a social commerce platform that offers FMCG products and allows users and partners to get discounts and earn money by utilizing their social networks.

Kios Kitabeli
KitaBeli 2022
Kios kita beli merupakan jenis kegiatandari kitabeli yang bertujuan bagi audience untuk berjualan di rumahnya sendiri dengan modal 0 rupiah, dengan kegitan ini bagi yang bergabung juga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dengan kios kitabeli.

saya membuat beberapa key visual untuk kios kitabeli, muali dari logo, banner dan illustrasi mascot.

KitaBeli logo

KitaBeli is a social commerce platform that offers FMCG products and allows users and partners to get discounts and earn money by utilizing their social networks.

Campaign Logo

For some campaign in KitaBeli, I made the logo that would be put on the every design.
KitaBeli editorial design
KitaBeli is a social commerce platform that offers FMCG products and allows users and partners to get discounts and earn money by utilizing their social networks.

Icon for the App


subject 2021
I made the icons for the user interface in Kitabeli App.

editorial design
AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.

Paket Akrab

For Paket Akrab campaign, I made the designs to be put on the social media. The designs was according to the guideline with family theme.

editorial design
Bareksa is the first integrated financial and investment marketplace in Indonesia, which has received an official license as a Mutual Fund Selling Agent from the Financial Services Authority since 2016.

Ramadan campaign
Bareksa 2019

I illustrated some characters for product designs for Bareksa app. The characters shows the value of Bareksa.

editorial design

AXIS is a company that provides telecommunication services at Indonesia.

Editorial Plan Social Media
I designed the social media of Trulife daily. The designs were made according to the brand guideline.



Kargo is a company that focus on logistic and distribution and based in Jakarta Selatan. They has a tagline “Reimagining logistics with technology”.

Illustration Mural

In early 2021, I got a chance to illustrate and do the mural for Kargo’s new office, along with my 3 friends.
I illustrated it personally and did the mural with my friends. The mural was put on a 7x 5 m wall. The technique I used was using spraying can.

Kargo is a company that focus on logistic and distribution and based in Jakarta Selatan. They has a tagline “Reimagining logistics with technology”.

Illustration Mural

In the early 2021, I got a mural project along with my 3 friends. The mural project was for Kargo’s new office in Senayan.
I personally designed then did the mural with my friends. The design showed the tagline of Kargo itself. The mural is on 3 x 1.5 m wall and manually painted with brush.
vinyl sticker
Kargo is a company that focus on logistic and distribution and based in Jakarta Selatan. They has a tagline “Reimagining logistics with technology”.

Vinyl Glass Sticker
I designed a vinyl glass sticker for Kargo’s new office. The sticker was put on the glass that was located in front of the front door. So, everyone who entered the office was welcomed by the sticker. I designed the sticker according to the value of Kargo.

editorial design
Greenfields is a dairy company based in Malang adn the largest dairy company in Southeast Asia.
Greenfields Jersey
Fresh jersey milk was the new product from Greenfields dairy farm, who targeted middle upper class.

The visual reflect with black and gold.

editorial design
Greenfields is a dairy company based in Malang, Indonesia and the largest dairy company in Southeast Asia.

Social Media Design
My part was designing the editorial plan for Greenfields’ Instagram feed, Instagram story, and Twitter. The design was using natural and candid photos, combining with typography.


Tenanan Zine is a DIY zine collective, collaboration illustration and typography. A side project of three young man with a background of ex Graphic Design students who are bored daily routines.
The main theme on volume 1 is about unemployment. Unemployment is a term for "people not working at all, looking for work, working less than two days a week, or someone trying to get a decent job for themselves or their families." We task in making this zine is to illustrate the activities of a boy after graduating from college.

Tenanan Zine is a DIY zine collective, collaboration illustration and typography. A side project of three young man with a background of ex Graphic Design students who are bored daily routines.

Tenanan 2019
Film only the excitement in the visuals presented, which gives less nostalgia.
In this zine we provide the same information treats but through 4 views that the reader can choose for themselves.

This is intended to show the subjectivity of the film itself.

Digital is
Business Card Design

I got a chance to make business card for God Digital team. I made with my speciality as an illustrator that going well with my style.

PERSONAL illustration

Character Design

I like to explore my drawing style by seeing many references in Pinterest, Instagrame, or else.
After seeing and practicing more and more, I found my own style. The illustration can be seen on my instagram @rianjati.