Art and Design Portfolio 2019

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Pui Yee Gloria Wan Art and Design Portfolio g

Table of Content C haracter Design................................................................................1-10 C oncept

Ar t...............................................................................11-22

Sketches............................................................................................23-28 I l l u s t r at i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 - 3 6

Personal Proje ct - Birdie Birdie is a character of a mini show that I create d for my baby nephe ws. It is still under de velopment.

Birdie is a sparrow who lives in a r ural area in Hong Kong. He is active, k ind and curious. He loves exploring in wetland and gardens. He is always lo ok ing for interesting things to se e, and is ready to help friends in ne e d.

Character Design


Proje ct


Bulb and C ell Bu lb the Grandpa and C ell the Granddaughter are characters for




mainly to explore similarity and contrast b etwe en characters.

Bu lb and C ell, who r un an old ele ctric al




mo dern

commercial area, live in future pre-ap o colypse Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong. Bu lb is shor t-temp ere d, but he loves his granddaughter ver y much. He wants to live a stable life that he only ke eps his head dow n when he works. C el l is strong on the outside, but soft inside. She tends to hide her emotions until she breaks dow n. She




ver y

much, and she w ill do anything to make their liveliho o d well.


Proje ct


L ar v and Pillar L ar v and Pillar are characters for a university assignment, de velop e d from a range of images that se eme d to have no conne ction.

L ar v the colle ctor/w ings maker is accuse d by Pillar the co co on maker to have stolen Pillar ’s co co on. The y work out their friendship from misunderstanding to collab oration through co co on and w ings mak ing, in



esc ap e



ap o colypstic factor y world. L ar v is tense d and always picks on small mistakes. He is always ready to for a fight when he is not colle cting obje cts and mak ing w ings. Pillar is c alm that he c an forgive anyone for no matter the p erson did. He is go o d at mak ing co co ons but no one is aware of his talent.

Personal Proje ct - Panleton, C attuson and Mama C hic Panleton, C attuson and Mama C hic are characters that I de velop e d for my p ersonal web animate d series. The y are sti l l under de velopment.

Panleton is a skull-heade d panda who has sup er p ower to solve chaos. He is determine d, clear minde d and c alm.

C attuson is a skull-heade d c at who also has sup er p ower to make things rig ht. She is hot-heade d, fo o die and c aring.

Mama C hic is a ballon hen, who has sup er p ower and a magic al ballon b o dy to prote ct Panleton and C attuson. She is patient, aler te d and strong-w ille d.


Proje ct


Mo on Suk This is my first character design in U TS Animation. The main task is to create a different character from a friend’s disguise of their charc ater.

Mo on Suk is a traditional Korean shaman who lives in the wo o d. He is play ful that he li kes to play magic tricks to p e ople. He do es rituals e ver yday to safeguard the wo o d that he lives in. He ne ver takes off his mask since the disguise comfor ts him from b eing alone in the wo o d.


Proje ct

- Z endy This is the charc ater for my final fi lm in U TS Animation course. I got inspiration from Japanese cu lture and sea creatures during research.

Z endy is an origami te enage hunter who lives in Ok inawa, Japan in aother dimension. She is abandone d by her parents, but she is manage d to live a p ositive life by getting to k now ne w p e ople and doing her favourite things - hunting and co ok ing. Z endy is k ind and grateful. She is play ful at most time. Howe ver, she isserious when she hunts since this is a sk i l l taug ht by her go dfather and go dmother, who she treasures the most.

Personal proje ct - the Weirdo Fami ly This is a fun character design exercise I did by creating a simple line ar t to fur ther de velop the characters.

Tre e E l f i s k i nd a nd e a s y goi ng .

Hu nter, t he G o d of Wa r i s a mbit iou s a nd s er iou s .

M a d a m Eye s(pronou nc e s a s Ye s) i s a b e a n c ou nter a nd s he love s b ei ng pre t t y.

D u nc a n i s n a r row-m i nde d a nd i mpu l si ve . He h ide s h i s c on-

B ei ng a b e a st ly z ombie hy br id , Cr a z y Joh n do e sn’t h ave h i s

f u sion a nd s a d ne s s b e h i nd h i s su n g l a s s e s .

ow n s en s e a nd he c a n b e re a l ly i n s a ne ly d a ngerou s .

G r u mpy B e a n i s a lw ay s g r u mpy a nd do e s not for g i ve .

University Proje ct - Danny and L aura Danny and L aura are fictional characters de velop e d from John Steiner ’s microlit - To oth.

Danny and L aura are old couples. Danny is afraid of L aura since she always loses her temp er when the y tal k. Danny always over thinks that he has not taken any action to w in L aura back, but he tr uly loves L aura from his hear t. L aura is always angr y ab out Danny since she do es not understand what old Danny is think ing. She tries to b e angr y and yel ls so Danny might for once give her some reactions. She is always on the verge of filing a divorce w ith Danny, but she wants to give Danny hard times that she exp eriences.

Concept Art

C oncept ar t of a University exp erimental animation, Quar tet, celebrating the wonder of life.

C oncept ar t of a University assignment, the stor y of Bulb and C ell.

C oncept ar t of a University assignment, the stor y of L ar v and Pillar.

C oncept ar t of my University end of year film, the C ake, featuring Z endy the te enage hunter and Rik ken the muscular mouse.

C oncept ar t of a University assignment, the To oth animation, featuring Danny and L aura.

C over concept ar t of a University pitch bible, the Te ch S quad, create d by me and Alice Wong.

C oncept ar t of the Te ch S quad chilling at scho ol ro oftop, while the AI Rob ot sur veilling them.

C oncept ar t of the Te ch S quad losing control of themselves during exam p erio d in scho ol le cture hall.

Env ironment concept ar t of the Te ch S quad. (from top left to b ottom right) Citysc ap e, CBD Shopping C entre, S cho ol Sw imming Gala, Student C apsule Accomo dation, Student Asso ciation C ommon Ro om, S cho ol Wetland

C oncept ar t of a University mo ckumentar y assignment, featuring Aspasia of Miletus from Ancient Gre e ce.

C oncept ar t of a p ersonal proje ct, featuring Panleton.

C haracter concept of a p ersonal proje ct, featuring Mama C hic, Panleton and C attuson.


Stor y b oard of a University animation, the To oth.

Stor y b oard of a University pitch bible, the Te ch S quad. Episo de 'S e cretly Yours', panel 1 - 6.

Stor y b oard of a University pitch bible, the Te ch S quad. Episo de 'S e cretly Yours', panel 7 - 12.

Stor y b oard of a University assignment, the stor y of Bulb and C ell. Panel 1 - 6.

Stor y b oard of a University assignment, the stor y of Bulb and C ell. Panel 7 - 12.

Stor y b oard of a University assignment, the stor y of Bulb and C ell. Panel 13 - 16.

Stor y b oard of a University assignment, the stor y of Bulb and C ell. Panel 17 - 20.

L ife draw ing


Obser vational draw ing


Thank you for your time.

© 2019 Pui Ye e Gloria Wan

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