Thank you for being part of the RIBA Your Membership gives the RIBA a powerful voice to influence public and political opinion towards architecture and to create the conditions in which good architecture will thrive. In addition to providing you with year-round benefits our work has included: • Successfully lobbying government to put design excellence at the core of new legislation and planning policy • Streamlining CPD into 10 core topics, available across 13 centres in the UK • Talking directly to the public about the benefits of good architecture through exhibitions, talks, festivals and the HomeWise campaign – with unprecedented media coverage • Championing fairer public sector procurement • Publishing guides and tool-kits on topics that matter to members, including localism, sustainability and Building Information Modelling I am pleased to let you know that after keeping subscriptions unchanged for four years we have held the 2013 increase to 3.5%, about £1 per month for those paying the full rate. Against the current backdrop of economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever to be a part of the vibrant RIBA community so that together we can stand up for architecture. Harry Rich, Chief Executive