Table of Contents Welcome Letter Agenda at a Glance Detailed Agenda
3 4-5 6-12
Speaker Biographies
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Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Welcome Letter
August 2-3, 2012
Agenda at a Glance Thursday, August 2, 2012 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Conference Registration and Information Desk Open
Amphitheater Foyer
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Networking Continental Breakfast*
Amphitheater Foyer
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Opening Ceremony/Welcome Address Presentation of Colors
9:15 am – 10:00 am
Senior Leader Remarks
10:00 am – 10:15 am Morning Networking Break*
Amphitheater Foyer
10:15 am – 10:45 am Morning Keynote Speaker
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Acquisition Policy and Legislative Issues
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch (On Your Own) 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Doing Business with the Army
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Contracting Officer’s Corner: Challenges and Opportunities
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Afternoon Networking Break*
Amphitheater Foyer
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
Utilizing the Federal Procurement Data System to Identify Contracting Opportunities
Women Owned Small Business Panel: Policy and Regulations
Growing Your Small Business with Simplified Acquisitions
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Conference Welcome Reception*
Amphitheater Hemisphere A Polaris ABC Polaris Foyer Two
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Agenda at a Glance Friday, August 3, 2012 7:30 am – 12:00 pm Conference Registration and Information Desk Open
Amphitheater Foyer
7:30 am – 8:00 am
Networking Continental Breakfast*
Amphitheater Foyer
8:00 am – 8:30 am
Opening Remarks/ Army Small Business Awards Presentation
8:30 am – 9:15 am
Morning Keynote Speaker
9:15 am – 9:30 am
Morning Networking Break*
9:30 am – 10:30 am
Industry Panel – Teaming and Subcontracting
10:45 am – 11:45 am OSDBU Director’s Panel
Amphitheater Foyer
11:45 am – 12:45 pm Morning Concurrent Sessions
Mentor-Protégé Panel
Cyber Security Forum
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Lunch (On Your Own) 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm Matchmaking & Networking Sessions
Hemisphere A/ Polaris ABC
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Small Business Panel
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Afternoon Networking Break*
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Conference Closing Remarks
Amphitheater Amphitheater Foyer
*Note: Only attendees who purchased the Personal Convenience Fee (PCF) at the time of registration are eligible to participate in meal functions. This designation will be reflected by badge color and cannot be purchased on site. August 2-3, 2012
Detailed Agenda Thursday, August 2, 2012 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Conference Registration and Information Desk Open
Amphitheater Foyer
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Networking Continental Breakfast
Amphitheater Foyer
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Opening Ceremony/Welcome Address Presentation of Colors
Ms. Tracey L. Pinson Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
9:15 am – 10:00 am
Senior Leader Remarks
Ms. Valerie Jarrett (Invited) Senior Advisor to the President and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs
Ms. Heidi Shyu Acting, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT))
10:00 am – 10:15 am Morning Networking Break
Amphitheater Foyer
10:15 am – 10:45 am Mr. Andre Gudger Director, Office of Small Business Programs US Department of Defense
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Acquisition Policy and Legislative Issues
Ms. Cassandra Freeman Senior Procurement Analyst, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
Ms. Emily Webster Murphy Senior Counsel, Committee on Small Business US House of Representatives
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch (On Your Own)
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Detailed Agenda 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Doing Business with the Army
Ms. Christina Ryan Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command/ Army Forces Strategic Command
Ms. Nancy Small Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Army Materiel Command
Ms. Jackie Robinson-Burnette Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Army Corps of Engineers
Ms. Sandra Spiess Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Army Mission & Installation Contracting Command
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Contracting Officer’s Corner: Challenges and Opportunities
Mr. Kenyata Wesley Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Army Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command
Ms. Shante McGee Contracting Officer, Army Contracting Command – National Capital Region
Ms. Joann Kelly Chief Analytical Support Division, Office of Acquisition Executive, Defense Intelligence Agency
Mr. Harrison Smith Contracting Officer, Department of Homeland Security
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Afternoon Networking Break
August 2-3, 2012
Amphitheater Foyer
Detailed Agenda 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
Utilizing the Federal Procurement Data System to Identify Contracting Opportunities
Mr. Brian Davidson System Administrator, DoD Federal Procurement Data Systems
Women Owned Small Business Panel: Policy and Regulations
Ms. Stacy Watson Women-Owned Small Business Program Manager, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
Mr. Randall Luttenberg Public Information Officer, Washington Metro District Office, Small Business Administration
Ms. Pamela Prince-Eason President and Chief Executive Officer Women’s Business Enterprise National Council
Ms. Ann Sullivan Government Relations Women Impacting Public Policy
Growing Your Small Business with Simplified Acquisitions
Mr. Guy Timberlake Co-Founder and Chief, Visionary Officer, The American Small Business Coalition
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Conference Welcome Reception
Hemisphere A
Polaris ABC
Polaris Foyer Two
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Detailed Agenda Friday, August 3, 2012 7:30 am – 12:00 pm Conference Registration and Information Desk Open
Amphitheater Foyer
7:30 am – 8:00 am
Networking Continental Breakfast
Amphitheater Foyer
8:00 am – 8:30 am
Opening Remarks/ Army Small Business Awards Presentation
Ms. Tracey L. Pinson Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
8:30 am – 9:15 am
Mr. John Shoraka Associate Administrator of Government Contracting and Business Development, US Small Business Administration
9:15 am – 9:30 am
Morning Networking Break
9:30 am – 10:30 am
Industry Panel – Teaming and Subcontracting
Mr. Richard Mann Senior Program Manager, NASA Office Of Small Business Programs
Ms. Gloria Pualani Director, Socio-Economic Business Programs/Government Relations, Northrop Grumman
Ms. Benita Fortner Director of Supplier Diversity, Raytheon Company
Ms. Susan King Executive Administrator of Small Business Diversity Programs, BAE Systems
Mr. Babak Nouri Director, Small Business Programs, Science Applications International Corporation
August 2-3, 2012
Amphitheater Foyer Amphitheater
Detailed Agenda 10:45 am – 11:45 am OSDBU Director’s Panel
Mr. Kevin Boshears Director, Office of Small Business Programs, Department of Homeland Security
Ms. Teresa Lewis Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, US Department of Health and Human Services
Mr. Joseph McDade Director, Office of Small Business Programs, Department of Air Force
11:45 am – 12:45 pm Morning Concurrent Sessions
Mentor-Protégé Panel
Ms. Peggy Butler Mentor-Protégé Program Manager, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
Ms. Grace Fontana Associate Director for Technology and Development and Mentor Protégé, Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Small Business Programs
Mr. Greg Reyes Mentor Protégé Program Manager, Dyncorp International
Mr. Michael Lillard Mentor Protégé Program Manager, Computer Science Corporation
Cyber Security Forum
LTG Rhett A. Hernandez (Invited) Commanding General, US Army Cyber Command
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Lunch (On Your Own)
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Detailed Agenda 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm Matchmaking & Networking Session Boeing DynCorp International Department of Army Department of Air Force Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency National Geospatial Agency Defense Microelectronics Activity Defense Commissary Agency Defense Logistics Agency Defense Information Systems Agency Department of State Washington Headquarters Services Missile Defense Agency 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Small Business Panel
Mr. James Lloyd SDVOSB/HUBZone Program Manager, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
Ms. Lisa Wolford Founder, President and CEO of Client/Server Software Solutions (CSSS.NET); SDV, 8(a), WOSB
Ms. Staci Redmon President and CEO, Strategy and Management Services, Inc. (SAMS); SDV, 8(a), WOSB
Mr. Norris Middleton President, Chief Operating Officer, Management Support Technology, Inc. (MSTI); SDV, SDB
Mr. James Blanco President & CEO, JAB Innovative Solutions
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Afternoon Networking Break
August 2-3, 2012
Hemisphere A/ Polaris ABC
Amphitheater Foyer
Detailed Agenda 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Ms. Pat Obey Deputy Director, US Navy Office of Small Business Programs
Mr. Mark Oliver Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Utilization, US Department of Interior
Ms. Kimberly Patrick Deputy Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Utilization, US Environment Protection Agency
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Conference Closing Remarks
Ms. Suellen Jeffress Deputy Director, Office of Small Business Programs, US Department of the Army
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies LTC (Retired) James A. Blanco President and CEO JAB Innovative Solutions LTC (Retired) Jim Blanco has a diverse background holding executive leadership positions in logistics, acquisition and information technology. He maintains a stellar record of documented success and practical experience in leadership, planning, human resources and labor relations, logistics, supply chain and change management, marketing and communications, and customer support with diverse organizations. LTC (Retired) Jim Blanco served over 20 years in the U.S. Army in logistics and acquisition. He served his final tour in uniform as the Assistant to the Director, for the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) at the Pentagon. OSBP is the Army’s single point of contact for small business outreach, policy and acquisition integration. Upon leaving the military, he accepted a position as Vice President of Business Development for Vision Technologies, a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). During his 15 months with Vision, the company was awarded in excess of $140 million and Vision’s revenue growth increased over 100 percent. Mr. Kevin Boshears Director Office of Small Business and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Department of Homeland Security Mr. Boshears was named Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) in May, 2003. He is responsible for the overall implementation of the Department’s small business procurement program. Prior to this, Mr. Boshears was named Director of the Treasury Department’s OSDBU in February, 1999 where he had served as the Acting Director since August, 1998. He previously served in the same office as a Procurement Analyst since June, 1995 and was responsible for providing guidance to the Small Business Specialists located in Treasury’s twelve bureaus. He also worked on Treasury’s small business website and represented Treasury at various governmental, congressional, and trade association outreach activities. Mr. Boshears brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the procurement field, having served as a Contracting Officer for the Justice Department prior to his small business duties at the Treasury Department. Mr. Boshears is a well known instructor in the federal small business procurement arena. On numerous occasions, he has conducted training courses, made presentations, and handled briefings on contracting with small, small disadvantaged, 8(a), women-owned small, HUBZone small, and service disabled veteran-owned small business concerns. Mr. Boshears currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Directors’ Interagency Council, originally elected to the position for FY 2001 and re-elected for both FY 2002 and FY 2003. On May 9 - 10, 2002, Mr. Boshears was presented with the Frances Perkins Vanguard Award for Exemplary Utilization of Women-Owned Small Businesses by a Federal Procurement Official and the Gold Star Award for Excellence by the U. S. Small Business Administration. He holds a BBA degree from the College of William and Mary, and earned his MBA from Liberty University.
August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Ms. Grace Fontana Associate Director Technology and Development and Mentor Protégé Program Army Office of Small Business Programs Office of the Secretary of the Air Force Ms. Grace Fontana is the Associate Director for Technology and Development and Mentor Protégé Program in the Office of Small Business Programs, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. Her responsibilities include oversight and program management for the Mentor Protégé Program and small business industrial base analysis. Prior to her current position, Ms. Fontana was the Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Director, Task Force for Business Stability and Operations (TFBSO) where she was responsible for special projects and acquisition programs in Iraq and Afghanistan. She was a senior advisor to leadership on economic revitalization and stabilization efforts developing economic opportunities and private sector development through a range of efforts, including private investment, industrial development, banking and financial network development, energy revitalization, IT infrastructure, and was Program Director for Agricultural diversification and revitalization. Ms. Fontana deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, working alongside local business, engineering professionals, and provincial reconstruction teams. Her acquisition career began in industry, transitioned to the Air Force in major weapon systems at Electronic Systems Command and subsequently AF Headquarters. Ms. Fontana has a broad acquisition management background spanning 25 years including major weapon systems, information technology, research and development, grants and service acquisitions. Ms. Fontana is a member of the Acquisition Professional Community. Ms. Fontana has a BS in Business Management and a MS in Public Administration, and received her Senior Executive Leadership Credential from Georgetown University. Ms. Benita Fortner Director Supplier Diversity Raytheon Company Benita Fortner is the director of supplier diversity for Raytheon Company. She assumed the position in September of 2000 after serving as the socioeconomic program manager for Raytheon Systems Company. Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN), with 2009 sales of $25 billion, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 75,000 people worldwide. Prior to joining Raytheon, Fortner served as the Corporate Liaison Officer and manager of Socioeconomic Programs for Hughes Electronics Corporation wherein she held numerous management positions over a twenty-eight year career.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Fortner currently serves as one of three co-chairs of TRIAD, an aerospace and defense industry group focused on government small business issues. She serves as chair of the Advisory Board for the Tuck Minority Business Executive Programs and was recently accepted onto the Board of Overseers for the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. She is the outgoing chair of the board of directors for Diversity Information Resources and currently serves on the boards of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, the New England Minority Supplier Development Council, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, the Business Consortium Fund and the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development. Fortner has been involved in minority and women business outreach and development for more than twenty years. Her leadership roles in government and industry include: the National Chair for MED Week 2002–2004 and was named Chair Emeritus in 2005, and the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Week Planning Committee. She is a past chair of the National Minority Supplier Development Council’s Chair Person’s Committee, the Southern California Regional Purchasing Council, and past Executive Committee Member of NMSDC. She has participated in a myriad of supplier diversity and development conferences and seminars from planning and facilitating to speaking and conducting workshops. In her previous position as procurement manager at Hughes Aircraft Company, she was instrumental in significantly increasing the number of corporate agreements awarded to minority suppliers, implementing supplier customer feedback sessions, second tier alliances, and electronic data interchange as a corporate agreement purchasing vehicle. Fortner served on the Youth Motivation Task Force as a volunteer for more than twenty years. She has also served as an Advisory Board Member to Yo-San University (School of Traditional Chinese Medicine). Fortner holds a B.S.L. and Jurist Doctors Degree from Golden West University and completed Raytheon’s Business Leadership Program. Ms. Cassandra R. Freeman Senior Procurement Analyst Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Cassandra R. Freeman has over 23 years of federal service with the Department of Defense (DoD) and civilian agencies to include the: Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard. Ms. Freeman is a senior procurement analyst with the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) where she is responsible for policy impacting small business, commercial items and other transactions authority. An experienced manager and supervisor, Ms. Freeman has provided managerial leadership as a contracting officer, branch chief, socio-economic program manager and as the deputy director for small business programs at the Environmental Protection Agency. Leading and guiding staff, intra- and inter-agency teams, she has served in acquisition positions of progressive responsibility at the DoD and civilian agencies, including positions considered Critical Acquisition Positions (CAP). She is a member of the Acquisition Professional Community (APC) at the DoD. She has extensive experience in pre and post contract and assistance awards. August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Ms. Freeman has drafted regulations for both the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). She chaired the FAR Small Business Committee, an interagency committee consisting of civilian and DoD agencies, that was established pursuant to OMB Memo dated March 2, 2007. Under her leadership, the committee initiated the regulations for the Woman-Owned Small Business Program, Small Business Parity, HUBZone Revisions, and the Small Disadvantaged Business Self-Certification of Subcontractors. She chaired the DFARS Small Business Committee, and co-chaired the DFARS Environmental Committee. Each of these committees drafted proposed, interim and final rules which resulted in regulations for the acquisition community that were promulgated on legislation, statutes, Executive Orders, agency need, mission and operational readiness. Ms. Freeman attended Howard University where she majored in Political Science. She holds an M.S., in Management with a concentration in Procurement and Contract Management from the University of Maryland University College and an M.S.A., in Public Administration from Central Michigan University. She holds a B.S. in Business and Management from the University of Maryland University College. She served as an adjunct professor at Strayer University’s Business Department teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses. Ms. Andre J. Gudger Director, Office of Small Business Programs Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Mr. Andre J. Gudger was appointed as the Director for the Department of Defense Office of Small Business Programs in March 2011. Mr. Gudger serves as the principal advisor and staff to the Secretary of Defense on small business related matters. Mr. Gudger’s career expands over 17 years in the defense, intelligence, and investment banking industries. Previously, Mr. Gudger worked on key technical and financial initiatives with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Union Bank of Switzerland, and AT&T. From 2003 to 2009, Andre served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Solvern Innovations, a corporate entity that provided acquisition support and cyber solutions through training, unique research and sponsored product innovation. During this period, Solvern Innovations provided software development and commercialization through technology transfer to the Human Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland College Park. In 2003, Mr. Gudger was presented the Granville T. Woods Award for Innovation from The National Association of Black Telecommunications Professionals. In 2009, Solver Innovations was acquired by Telecommunication Systems, Inc. where Mr. Gudger served as the senior vice president of Telecommunication Systems Inc. cyber intelligence division. Mr. Gudger served on several boards throughout the region, including the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the Maryland BRAC Small & Minority Business Advisory Board, and the Cyber Advisory Council. In addition, he served as the senior executive of the Art of Exploitation University a Cyber Center of Excellence, the architect of the Computer Network Operations Training and Scientific Development program delivering services to the Department of Defense, and as the telecommunications systems program director for the
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies National Cryptologic School, Center for Business Management, Acquisition, and Systems Engineering. Andre received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He received his Master in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he had the opportunity to study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Tec de Monterrey in Mexico, Fundacao Vargus University in Brazil, and Gdansk University in Poland. Ms. Suellen D. Jeffress Deputy Director Army Office of Small Business Programs Office of the Secretary of the Army Ms. Suellen D. Jeffress is currently the Deputy Director, Office of Small Business Programs in the Office of the Secretary of the Army and has over 33 years of federal procurement experience. Previously, she was the Director of the Office of Acquisitions at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Disorders and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. She served in various positions in the U.S. Army Contracting Agency, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) (OASA(ALT)), as Associate Director for Small Business, Director of Liaison, and Acting Deputy Director. Highlights of her career as a member of the OASA(ALT) procurement staff include: Director of Systems Support responsible for procurement oversight of Army major and non-major weapons and automated data processing systems; Policy and Procedures Directorate; Team Leader of the Contracting and Acquisition career field proponency mission; and Procurement Management Review (PMR) Team Leader. Other assignments include: procurement oversight of major electronic weapons systems at HQ Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, MD; contract administration in support of the Vertical Installation Automation Baseline Project Manager’s Office, U.S. Army Computer Systems Command, Fort Belvoir, VA; and her first government position at the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, MI, which included experience in major systems acquisition in the Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems Program Manager’s Office. Ms. Jeffress’ credentials include: MBA in Procurement and Contracting, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.; Baccalaureate Degree, Grove City College, PA; Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C; Harvard University Program for Senior Executive Fellows, Cambridge, MA; Member of the Army Acquisition Corps; DoD Level III Certification in both Program Management and Contracting; Certified Professional Contracts Manager, National Contract Management Association; Leadership for a Democratic Society, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA; and Competing in a New Business Environment: A Program for Defense Acquisition Executives, Darden Graduate School, University of Virginia. Ms. Jeffress is a recipient of the Army’s Meritorious Civilian Service Award, Superior Civilian Service Award, and Commander’s Award for Civilian Service. She received the National Institutes of Health Director’s Award in both 2007 and 2008. August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Ms. Susan King Executive Administrator Small Business Diversity Programs BAE Systems Ms. Susan King is the BAE Systems, Electronic Systems (ES) Sector, Executive Administrator of Small Business Diversity Programs. Electronic Systems, one of four Sectors making up BAE Systems INC, is a world leader in Defense Electronics with annual revenues over $4.5 billion and more than 12,000 employees with and major facilities in 9 States plus the United Kingdom and Israel. Additionally, Ms. King serves as ES Small Business Liaison Officer and as the ES appointed Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan (CSP) Manager. Susan has more than 25 years of Supply Chain management experience and has held several Procurement leadership positions in both Defense and Commercial manufacturing industries. Since being selected for the ES Supplier Diversity leadership role in 2009, Susan has driven small business policy and advocated strategic initiatives for small business inclusion, resulting in three consecutive years of a “Highly Successful” small business program review rating. She holds numerous certifications including Certified Government and Commercial Supplier Diversity Professional. Ms. King serves as the Director, and past Secretary, of the New Hampshire Chapter, National Association of Purchasing Management. Susan and her husband Don are natives of New Hampshire. The couple has three grown sons, and two grandchildren. Ms. Teresa L.G. Lewis Director Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Teresa is a member of the Senior Executive Service. She assumed her duties as the Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Department Health and Human Services, on November 6, 2011. Teresa is responsible for implementing and managing the Department’s small business program. She is responsible for ensuring that all small businesses have the “maximum practicable opportunity” to participate in providing goods and services to the Department of Health and Human Services. As OSDBU Director at the Department of the Treasury, March 30, 2008 – November 5, 2011, Teresa ensured that small businesses were able to market their goods and services; and receive their fair share of contracting opportunities. Under Teresa’s leadership, Treasury met four of its five prime contracting goals in Fiscal Year 2010 and all of its prime contracting goals in Fiscal Year 2011, including goals for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses and small businesses located in historically under-utilized business zones (HUBZone). Prior to her assignment at the Treasury Department, Teresa served in several positions at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), such as Director, Office of Management and Technical Assistance/8(a) Business Development Program; Assistant Administrator, Office of Federal Contract Assistance for Veteran Business Owners; Procurement Policy Analyst/Office of Policy Research, Office of Government Contracting; Area Director (East Coast)/HUBZone
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Empowerment Program Office and Senior Eligibility Specialist, Team Leader/Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Certification and Eligibility. She joined SBA in June 1998, following six years of Government contracting experience as a contract specialist with the Department of the Air Force and the Department of Commerce. Teresa is a retired Major of the United States Air Force. A native of High Point, NC, she received a Master of Arts Degree, with honors, in Procurement and Acquisition Management from Webster University, St Louis, MO and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Teresa is the recipient of the 2011 SBA Administrator’s Leadership Award. Mr. Michael R. Lillard Deputy Program Manager CSC Supplier Diversity Program In his present role since 2007, Mr. Lillard serves as the strategic integrator in addressing CSC’s transformational objectives to meet changing Federal Government requirements of the Mentor-Protégé Program. His responsibilities include: small business outreach, mentorprotégé reporting requirements, management of all CSC mentor-protégé agreements and an internal resource for a mentor-protégé program that serves more than 40,000 employees. Under his leadership, CSC has won three Department of Defense Nunn Perry Awards and a Department of Homeland of Security Mentor-Protégé Team of the Year Award. He actively participates in Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council events and is a member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). CSC recruited Mr. Lillard for his expertise in the DoD Mentor-Protégé Program. Prior to his arrival at CSC, he served as a Project Coordinator for Engineering Services Network as a contractor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Small Business Programs. In this role he supported the Director, Small Business Technology and Industrial Base and Program Manager, Mentor-Protégé Program. Mr. James C. Lloyd Assistant to the Director for Veterans and HUBZone Programs U.S. Army, Office of Small Business Programs Office of the Secretary of The Army On July 24, 2005, Mr. Lloyd was appointed as the Assistant to the Director for Major Programs in the U.S. Army, Office of Small Business Programs for the Office of the Secretary of the Army. He is responsible for planning, developing and managing programs to implement Army small business policies. He is also responsible for executing the Staff Assistance and Review Program that provides oversight over all of the Army’s Major Commands and acts as the executive liaison with the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff. Mr. Lloyd is also the Program Manager for the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and the Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Programs. Prior to accepting his current position, Mr. Lloyd was the Deputy Associate Director for Office of Small Business Programs, U.S. Army Contracting Agency (ACA). August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Mr. Lloyd is an acquisition professional with over 25 years of experience as an Army officer. He has served in a variety of command and staff positions at varying levels within the Army. Mr. Lloyd retired from the Army in 2003 as a Lieutenant Colonel. Mr. Lloyd is Level III certified in Contract Management and Program Management and is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. He has successfully completed the Program Manager’s Course, Command and General Staff College, and numerous other federal procurement and acquisition courses. Mr. Lloyd received his BS degree in Accounting from Central State University in Wilberforce, OH. He is a Distinguished Military Graduate, and has received numerous military awards and decorations for superior service during his military career. Mr. Randall K. Luttenberg Public Information Officer Washington Metropolitan Area Office Small Business Administration As Public Information Officer for the SBA’s Washington Metropolitan Area District Office, Randall Luttenberg has been bringing the agency’s services to local businesspeople for the past two years. This is his first position working in the public sector. Before joining SBA, Randall enjoyed a successful career in consumer products marketing, owning or working for several small businesses. As head of product development and marketing for an educational toy company he spent much of his time overseas, including more than 30 months in the People’s Republic of China. This direct experience with importing and exporting proves invaluable in his current capacity. In addition, he sharpened his communications skills as producer and on-air host of a radio talk show in the Tampa Bay, Florida market. Randall is a proud graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo. Mr. Richard Mann Small Business Program Manager NASA Office of Small Business Programs Currently, Mr. Mann is the Program Manager for Veterans Programs, and has oversight for the small business portion of internal Procurement Management Reviews. He is the Agency Coordinator for the eSRS system and is responsible for center goaling and metrics, subcontracting issues, and data reporting accuracy. He also is the Program Manager for Stennis Space Center and the NASA Shared Services Center. In the past, he has had responsibility for other SB programs (such as 8[a], WOSB, and HUBZone) as well as several other NASA centers. Prior to his current position, Mr. Mann was a Contracting Officer, Procurement Analyst, and Small Business Specialist at Stennis Space Center, as well as a Contracting Officer for Defense Logistics Agency and the US Agency for International Development. Mr. Mann has a CPCM designation from the National Contract Management Association.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Mr. Joseph M. McDade Jr. Director Air Force Office of Small Business Programs Mr. Joseph M. McDade Jr., a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Director of the Air Force Office of Small Business Programs in Washington, D.C. Mr. McDade advises the Secretary of the Air Force and senior leaders on small business procurement issues. He is also responsible implementing policies, programs and initiatives designed to secure $8 billion in small business prime contract awards annually. Mr. McDade has extensive experience in procurement law, program management, and more than a decade of executive experience in a broad range of assignments. Prior to assuming his current position he held executive positions in the Air Force Office of the General Counsel, the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel, and the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel. Prior to entering public service, Mr. McDade worked as an associate in a private law firm from 1988 until 1991 where he specialized in government contract law and legislation. Education: • 1988 Juris Doctor degree, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. • 1985 BS, International Affairs, cum laude, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, • Washington, D.C. Career Chronology: • 1988 - 1991, Attorney, Patton, Boggs & Blow, Washington, D.C. • 1991 - 2002, Attorney, Office of the General Counsel, Washington, D.C. • 2002 - 2005, Deputy General Counsel for Dispute Resolution, Office of the General Counsel • 2005 - 2007, Deputy Director of Airman Development and Sustainment, Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel, Washington, D.C. • 2007 - 2009, Director, Force Development, Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel & Air Force Senior Language Authority, Washington, D.C. • 2009 - 2011, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower & Personnel, Washington, D.C. • September 2011 - present, Director, Air Force Small Business Programs, Washington, D.C. Awards and Honors: • 1999 Outstanding Practical Achievement Award, President, Center for Public Resources • 1999 Outstanding Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Award, Director, Office of Personnel Management • 1999 Director, Office of Personnel Management Special Act or Service Award • 1999 Secretary of the Air Force Special Act or Service Award • 2002 Air Force General Counsel Award • 2006 Air Force Organizational Excellence Award • 2008 Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award • 2011, 2009 & 2006 Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service Professional Memberships: • Member, District of Columbia Bar (active)
August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Ms. Shanté McGee Group Chief/Contracting Officer US Army Contracting Command- National Capital Region (ACCNCR) Ms. Shanté McGee serves as a Group Chief and Contracting Officer at the US Army Contracting Command- National Capital Region (ACCNCR) located in Alexandria, VA. She has 11 years of experience in Federal Contracting and 4 years of experience in contracting by working in a small business. She began her federal contracting career by working at the US Army Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM), which has changed to US Army Contracting CommandAberdeen. During her tenure at CECOM, Ms. McGee served as a Contracting Officer Common Hardware and Software, a contract that provided commercial and ruggedized computers, software/ peripherals and regional centers to DOD customers worldwide. While at CECOM, she also supported Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2), Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems, Logistics Readiness Center, US Army Research and Development Command, Foreign Military Sales etc. At ACC-NCR she has served as the Contracting Officer for the Logistics Modernization Program. The Logistics Modernization Program provides an enterprise logistics business solution to the Army and is one of the largest Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. At ACC-NCR, she also supported Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems, Army Enterprise System Integration Program Office, General Fund Enterprise Business Systems, Biometrics, Global Combat Support System, Joint-Automatic Identification Technology etc. Ms. McGee received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance from Rutgers University in New Jersey. She received a Masters in Business Administration Degree and Masters of Science Degree in Management, with a concentration in Procurement and Contract Management from University of Maryland University College in Adelphi, Maryland. Ms. McGee is DOD Level III certified in the Contracting Field and Level I certified in Program Management Field. Ms. Emily Webster Murphy Senior Counsel, Committee on Small Business U.S. House of Representatives Emily Webster Murphy is Senior Counsel to the Committee on Small Business in the U.S. House of Representatives, specializing in contracting and workforce issues. This is Ms. Murphy’s second time with the Committee, where she worked on government contracting, lending, and telecommunications issues in the 1990s. In the interim, Ms. Murphy has focused on federal procurement issues, most recently spending 4 years as the chief counsel and vice president for operations at a start-up satellite telecommunications company. In addition to her time practicing as a government contracts lawyer, Ms. Murphy served as the Associate Administrator for Government Contracting at the U.S. Small Business Administration, and as the Chief Acquisition Officer at the U.S. General Services Administration. Ms. Murphy is a graduate of Smith College and the University of Virginia School of Law.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Mr. Babak A. Nouri Vice President, Corporate Development Director, Small Business Programs Science Applications International Corporation Babak A. Nouri is Vice President for Corporate Development and director of small business programs. Mr. Nouri has the primary responsibility of directing SAIC’s small business program as well as leading key strategic capture and pursuit activities. He is also active in supporting merger and acquisition activity and the rollout of strategic campaigns. He also oversees the company’s small business mentor-protégé program. Nouri has 20 years of experience in business development, general management (P&L), and project management. This is his second tenure with SAIC, having previously served as a project manager from 1993 – 1997, returning to SAIC in 2002. During the period away from SAIC, Nouri held executive positions in two private technologyconsulting firms, serving in both general management and business development positions. In each instance he oversaw significant growth and played a major role in successful capital transactions. He brings a unique combination of knowledge of working with both large and small businesses, knowledge of the public and private sector, and the capital markets. Nouri holds a master’s and bachelor’s of science degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland and a bachelor’s of science degree in mathematics from Bowie State University (MD). Mr. Norris Middleton President/Chief Operating Officer Management Support Technology, Incorporated Mr. Middleton is a 1965 graduate of Hampton University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics. He has a Masters of Business Administration in Financial Management from Long Island University and has received Program Manager Certification from the Defense Acquisition University at Fort Belvoir, VA. He also has a Foundation Certification in Version 3, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). Mr. Middleton has over forty-five years of professional hands on data processing experience in project management, systems engineering and integration, design, development, life cycle methodologies, testing and documentation. His detailed experience includes DOD program planning; systems conversion and installation; systems concept design and development; review and/or development of project master plans, test plans, functional descriptions of tactical and strategic command and control: systems design of menu driven software; education and training; and concepts supporting human factors engineering. He currently serves as the President/Chief Operating Officer for Management Support Technology, Inc. (MSTI) – a Virginia firm based in Fairfax, VA. He has been with MSTI since 1998 and assumed the President/COO position in 2005. Under his leadership, MSTI has doubled its size in employees and revenues.
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Speaker Biographies Prior to joining MSTI, he served as Executive Vice President of several small businesses focusing on information technology (IT) and business development. He also worked for large firms – serving as the Eaton Corporation Program Manager for the U.S. Navy (LANTCOM) Theater Intelligence Network (LATIN) Phase I contract at the Norfolk Naval Base and as a Senior Systems Engineer with the General Electric Company performing independent verification and validation of Guidance Control Modules for TRIDENT Mark II Ballistic Missile System. Mr. Mark Oliver Director Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization U.S. Department of the Interior Mark Oliver is a Federal executive with over twenty-six years of experience in the areas of small business administration, education and community relations and congressional liaison. Mark’s performance in these areas that accelerated him into leadership positions within the Federal government. As an executive that focuses on growth, he has conceptualized, developed and deployed multiple strategic initiatives that achieved funding objectives and processed improvements to exceed bottom-line needs. He understands the need for highlevel skill base in the areas of quality workmanship and performance in an ever-changing environment. He has a track record of gaining consensus among groups by persuading, influencing and securing the acceptance of a shared vision. He has managed national programs and mandates. His leadership and communication skills are outstanding, and he is considered a Chief Visionary by many organization and associations across the nation. He has excelled in dynamic, demanding environments while remaining pragmatic and focused. Currently, Mark is the Director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization with the U.S. Department of the Interior. Over the last five years, he has worked with senior officials within his Department to ensure that at least 50 percent of all the U.S. Department of the Interior’s contracting dollars continues to be awarded to small businesses. With that responsible, he promotes small business contracting opportunities across the board. He has implemented changes within the Small Business Program to include more involvement from program managers in establishing Department-wide small business goals. He has demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the initiatives and requirements to direct progressive internal marketing tools for small businesses. On October 1, 2011, Mark was elected Chair of the Federal Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Directors Interagency Council for FY 2012. Prior to his present position as Chair, with the OSDBU Council, he served as the Vice Chair for Fiscal Year 2010 and Fiscal Year 2012. The OSDBU Council is an informal organization of Federal small business program officials that comes together monthly to exchange and discuss information on acquisition methods, issues and strategies; small business program initiatives and processes; and small business related outreach events that permit their respective agencies to increase their utilization of small businesses as prime and subcontractors to meet their annual requirements for services and goods. Overall, Mark has held a number of leadership positions within the Department. Prior to serving as the Director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, he served as the Deputy Assistant for Business Management and Wildland Fire’ Chief of Staff, he was the Director of the Office of Educational Partnerships among many other positions.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Southeastern University in Washington, DC. He also has an Associate Project Management Certificate. Ms. Kimberly Y. Patrick Deputy Director U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Small Business Programs Kimberly Yvonne Patrick is a native Washingtonian and a proud product of the DC Public School System. She is a 1993 graduate of Spelman College with a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics. Ms. Patrick received her Juris Doctorate in 1996, from the Howard University School of Law. Kimberly began her legal career with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Office of Grants and Debarment as Debarment Counsel, where she protected the government’s business interest by initiating suspension and debarment actions, and negotiating settlement agreements. While with the Suspension and Debarment Division, she completed a detail to the Office of Administration and Resources Management as special assistant to the Assistant Administrator. In 2001, Kimberly joined the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, as an Attorney-Advisor where she authored the Agency’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Rule and served as the National Program Manager for EPA’s DBE Program. In 2009, Kimberly accepted her current position as Deputy Director of EPA’s Office of Small Business Programs, where she furthers the office’s mission to support the protection of human health and the environment by advocating and advancing the business, regulatory, and environmental compliance concerns of small and socio-economically disadvantaged businesses, and minority academic institutions. Ms. Tracey L. Pinson Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office of the Secretary of the Army Ms. Pinson was appointed to her present position in May 1995. She advises the Secretary of the Army and the Army Staff on all small business procurement issues and is responsible for the implementation of the Federal acquisition programs designed to assist small businesses. She provides management and oversight for the Army’s Mentor-Protégé Program as well as the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions Program. She also develops policies and initiatives to enhance the participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions in Army funded programs. As one of the top females in the Army’s acquisition career field, she is responsible for the integration of small businesses, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority Institutions in acquisition strategies developed at the Army Headquarters. Career Chronology: • Jun 1986 - May 1995: Assistant to the Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Office of the Secretary of Defense • Jan 1983 – May 1986: Counsel, U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on Small Business.
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Speaker Biographies College: • J.D., Georgetown University Law Center • BA, Political Science, Howard University Significant Training: • Federal Executive Institute • Army Logistics Management Center • John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Certifications: • Career III level, Defense Acquisition Corps Awards and Honors: • Presidential Rank Award – Distinguished Executive, 2009 • Presidential Rank Award – Meritorious Executive, 2002 • Northern Virginia Urban League Excellence in Diversity Leadership Award, 2007 • Small Business Administration Frances Perkins Vanguard Award, 2007 • Parren Mitchell Foundation Award of Excellence, 2005 • Minority Business and Professionals Network Fifty Influential Minorities in Business National Awards for Excellence and Leadership, 2005 • Small Business Administration Administrator’s Leadership Award, 2001, 2004 • Northrop Grumman World Class Team Recognition Award for Support of Small Business Programs, 1998 • Small Business Administration Distinguished Award of Excellence, 1991 Professional memberships and associations: • Maryland Bar Association • Board of Directors, African American Federal Executive Association Ms. Gloria Pualani Corporate Director Socio-Economic Business Programs/Government Relations Northrop Grumman Corporation Gloria Pualani is the Corporate Director, Socio-Economic Business Programs/Government Relations for Northrop Grumman Corporation. In this position, she is responsible for the direction and management of all Socio-Economic Business Program issues from a corporate perspective. She has been employed by Northrop Grumman in various assignments for over 30 years. She has used her expertise to advance the course of small, women and minorityowned businesses in the aerospace industry. This includes a strong advocacy for increasing business development opportunities for veteran and service-disabled veteran owned small business firms. Ms. Pualani developed and implemented the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) program for Northrop Grumman Corporation, and has successfully incorporated the HBCU/MI program as a part of the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program. Ms. Pualani represents the corporation at various small business outreach events, federal procurement conferences and symposia. Ms. Pualani has received national recognition for her diversity efforts. DiversityBusiness. com named Ms. Pualani one of its 2011 Champions of Diversity in honor of her commitment
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies to small and minority business advocacy. In addition, the Congressional Black Caucus presented Ms. Pualani the 2010 Executive Leadership Award. Career Communications Group presented Ms. Pualani with the 2010 Black Engineer of the Year Supplier Diversity award. She was also honored to be included as one of the Powerful Minority Women in Business by “Minority Enterprise Advocate” magazine (2010), and was selected by the magazine as the 2010 Supplier Diversity Executive of the Year. The organization J.U.G.S (Justice, Unity, Generosity and Service, International) presented her the Diamond Award for her support and dedication to minority business development. She has also been featured in “US Black Engineer & Information Technology” magazine for leading the supplier diversity effort at Northrop Grumman. Recently, MVLE, an organization dedicated to creating futures for persons with intellectual disabilities through job training, job creation and advocacy, recognized Ms. Pualani with a World Class Innovation award for her support of individuals with disabilities. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Ms. Staci Redmon President and Chief Executive Officer Strategy and Management Services Ms. Staci Redmon is the President and Chief Executive Officer at Strategy and Management Services (SAMS), Inc. Ms. Redmon is an Army Signal Corps veteran and a highly successful project management professional with over twenty-five years of demonstrated success in supporting federal agencies where Ms. Redmon has managed or provided services to every major aspect of an acquisition life-cycle and software development life-cycle (SDLC). She is a certified Six Sigma Green Belt, a trained Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and is ITIL v3.0 Foundation certified. Ms. Redmon is also certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional and she implements project management best practices on each of SAMS’s projects. Ms. Redmon holds a BS in Computer Information Systems, a Graduate Certificate in Procurement and Federal Contracts Management, and an MBA with a concentration in Acquisition. Some of SAMS’ clients include: numerous offices of Headquarters Department of the Army CIO/G-6, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Department of Defense - Office of the Inspector General, the Army National Guard Bureau, US Army Product Manager Force Protection Systems, the CECOM Software Engineering Center, and various Army Program Executive Offices (PEOs). SAMS provides operations support, information technology services, and facilities management services. We offer a variety of complex services and solutions to our customers. Our team provides agencies and industry partners a comprehensive package of services backed by experience, solid financial health and a commitment to exceed our customer’s expectations. SAMS, headquartered in Springfield, Virginia, is a SBA 8(a) program participant, verified SDVOSB, WOSB, and an SBA-certified SDB small business.
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Speaker Biographies Ms. Jackie L. Robinson-Burnette Chief Office of Small Business Programs US Army Corps of Engineers Jackie joined USACE in May 2010, with over 20 years of Army contracting experience. She serves as the Associate Director for the $8 billion USACE Small Business Program. She is the principal advisor to the USACE Commander and the Secretary of the Army, Director of Small Business Programs on all USACE small business matters. Jackie provides senior leadership and direction to an integrated network of over 70 Contract Specialists that serve as USACE Small Business Advisors throughout the United States. In this capacity, Jackie is the senior authority on small business legislation and regulations, develops and implements training programs, and leads the USACE small business Community of Practice (CoP). Jackie sets the vision for the small business workforce, and she builds and cultivates a competent and disciplined team of advisors equipped to deliver sustainable acquisition solutions. On 24 April 2012, the Secretary of the Army bestowed the highest SB Achievement award to the USACE Commander for Small Business Program excellence during a special ceremony in the Pentagon. For FY10 and FY11, USACE exceeded every assigned SB goal two years in a row, for the first time in its history. For FY11, while USACE accounted for only 21% of the Army’s total obligations, USACE accounted for an impressive 34% of the Army’s total dollars placed with small businesses ($8.1B out of $23.8B). USACE lead the Army with achieving 5.18% in awards to Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses totaling over $982M. USACE placed the Army’s highest number of dollars with the Small Disadvantaged Business and HUBZone communities, $4.5B and $2.5B respectively. Of the Army contracting activities that obligated over $5B, USACE obligated the highest percent of total obligations to Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged, Woman-Owned, Service Disabled Veteran Owned, and HUBZone small businesses. Jackie graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s in Business Management (minor in Acquisition Management). She graduated from the Army Contracting Intern Program in 1992 (Stuttgart, Germany). She is DAWIA level III certified in contracting, and is an Army Acquisition Corps member. She spent most of her career as an Army Contracting Officer moving every 24 months with her Army husband to Washington DC, Korea, and Germany. Her Army contracting service in Europe includes temporary duty in war torn areas like Bosnia, Kosovo, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Hungary, and Taszar. Jackie is married to LTC (Army Retired) Victor Burnette, and they have 3 daughters and 1 granddaughter. Together, they serve as emergency foster parents for the Fairfax and Prince William County communities with a focus on at-risk teenage mothers and their babies (currently caring for an abandoned 6-month old baby girl). Jackie serves as the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Board for her 1,500 member church She is the President and Founder of a small woman owned residential real estate management and investment LLC.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Mr. A. John Shoraka Associate Administrator of Government Contracting and Business Development U.S. Small Business Administration A. John Shoraka currently serves as the Associate Administrator of Government Contracting and Business Development at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). His team supports thousands of small businesses every year as they compete for over $500 billion in federal prime contracts and billions more in subcontracts. In his current role, Mr. Shoraka is responsible for overseeing the umbrella office with jurisdiction over the Agency’s offices of Size Standards, HUBZone, Government Contracting, and Business Development/8(a). With a background in business development, international trade, government contracting, and management, Mr. Shoraka works on behalf of small businesses and entrepreneurs across the region as they turn to the SBA for the tools they need to start, grow, succeed, and create jobs. Prior to his current role, Mr. Shoraka served as Regional Administrator for the SBA. As Regional Administrator for Region 3, Mr. Shoraka was responsible for the delivery and management of SBA’s small business programs, financial assistance, and business development program initiatives throughout the region. Mr. Shoraka previously served as vice president at The Aries Group in Silver Spring, Md., a business and financial consulting firm where he was responsible for implementing multi-year projects throughout the world. Prior to accepting the appointment as Regional Administrator, he served as chair of the Small Business Association for International Contractors, where he represented 26 small business contractors that provide services to the United States Agency for International Development. In addition, Mr. Shoraka served as adjunct faculty at Catholic University of America where he taught courses in international business and management science. Mr. Shoraka holds a B.S. from the University of Maryland, College Park and an MBA from George Washington University. Ms. Heidi Shyu Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology U.S. Department of the Army Heidi Shyu, a member of the Senior Executive Service, was named the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology [ASA(ALT)] on June 4, 2011. She also continues to serve as the Principal Deputy, a position to which she was appointed on November 8, 2010. As the Acting ASA (ALT), Ms. Shyu serves as the Army Acquisition Executive, the Senior Procurement Executive, the Science Advisor to the Secretary of the Army, and the Army’s Senior Research and Development official. She also has principal responsibility for all Department of the Army matters related to logistics. Ms. Shyu leads the execution of the Army’s acquisition function and the acquisition management system. Her responsibilities include providing oversight for the life cycle management and sustainment of Army weapons systems and equipment from research and development through test and evaluation, acquisition, logistics, fielding, and disposition. Ms. Shyu also oversees the Elimination of August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Chemical Weapons Program. In addition, she is responsible for appointing, managing, and evaluating program executive officers and managing the Army Acquisition Corps and the Army Acquisition Workforce. Prior to this position, Ms. Shyu was the Vice President of Technology Strategy for Raytheon Company’s Space and Airborne Systems. She also held several senior leadership positions there, including Corporate Vice President of Technology and Research, Vice President and Technical Director of Space and Airborne Systems, Vice President of Unmanned and Reconnaissance Systems, Senior Director of Unmanned Combat Vehicles, Senior Director of Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), and Director of JSF Integrated Radar/Electronic Warfare Sensors. As Director of JSF Antenna Technologies at Raytheon, Ms. Shyu was responsible for the development of lightweight, low-cost, Tile Active Electronically Scanned Antenna technologies. She also served as the Laboratory Manager for Electromagnetic Systems. In addition to her extensive experience at Raytheon, Ms. Shyu served as a Project Manager at Litton Industries and was the Principal Engineer for the Joint STARS Self Defense Study at Grumman. She began her career at the Hughes Aircraft Company. Ms. Shyu holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from the University of New Brunswick in Canada, a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics from the University of Toronto, Master of Science Degree in System Science (Electrical Engineering) from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the Engineer Degree from UCLA. She is also a graduate of the UCLA Executive Management Course and the University of Chicago Business Leadership Program. A member of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board from 2000 to 2010, Ms. Shyu served as the Vice Chairman from 2003 to 2005 and as Chairman from 2005 to 2008. Ms. Nancy D. Small Director Army Office of Small Business Programs US Army Materiel Command Redstone Arsenal, AL Ms. Nancy D. Small was appointed the Director of AMC Small Business Office in August 2007. Ms. Small serves as the principal advisor to the Commanding General, Deputy Commanding General, staff heads, and subordinate activities, on all matters related to the overall small businesses program. In this capacity, she serves as the senior AMC advisor to the Department of Defense and Department of the Army (Director Small Business) on small business issues and provides oversight of AMC’s $13B program. Experience: Secretary of Army, Office of Small Business Programs, Pentagon – Assistant to the Director, Women Owned Program Manager, Washington, D. C. (Pentagon). Ms. Small served as the Program Manager for both the Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and 8(a) / Small Disadvantaged Business (8(a)/SDB) for the Secretary of the Army, Small Business Office. The office Of Small Business Programs is the Army’s single point of contact for small business outreach, policy and acquisition integration.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Speaker Biographies Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), Alexandria, VA. She served as the appointed Associate Director for the Small and Disadvantage Business Utilization Office. Her work in these areas were instrumental in the award recognition the command received from the Secretary of the Army, SADBU first ever award, “Army Excellence in Subcontracting Award in 2004”. United States Army Medical Command and Army Installation Management Command, Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. First unlimited warranted contracting officer supporting Blanchfield Army Community Hospital. She was selected by the Commanding General (Air Assault), Richard Cody to serve as a Management Analyst, team leader of the Technical Proposal Evaluation Board for Ft. Campbell’s Competitive Sourcing, A-76 program. Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), Ft. Lee, VA as Branch Chief and Contracting Officer, Equipment and Supply Branch. She performed an assignment for DeCA, Midwest Region with the responsibility of transferring Inter Agency Service Agreements (ISSAs) from base level operations to DeCA and executed contract arrangements to support the mission. Ms. Small held an unlimited warrant authority and served as acting Division Chief, Subsistence. There she transferred some 208+ contracts and agreements from Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia and 500+ contracts from the West Service Center to Ft. Lee, VA. In addition, Ms. Small was responsible for establishing a new division, Marketing Resale at headquarters with managerial responsibility to hire, train and mentors 28 personnel (contracting, commissary management specialist and quality assurance specialist). 7th U.S. Army Joint Multinational Training Command, Ms. Small was assigned to Hohenfels, Germany, as Supervisor, Contract Administrator. She had the responsibility to administrator the Interim Training Objective Force System and served as the lead requirements analyst and head of the engineering change proposal board for the Future Objective Training Force System. U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC), Ms. Small began her career in 1985, as an Army Materiel Command (AMC) Contracting and Acquisition, intern at the Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM), St. Louis, MO. After successfully completing the journeymen level intern program she was selected as a Contract Specialist for AVSCOM, Automatic Data Processing Acquisition Division in Granite City, Illinois. Education: Tennessee State University - Speech Communications and Theatre with emphasis in Marketing. Strayer University - Masters in Business Administration with emphasis in acquisition. Ms. Small is married to Col Thomas F. Small, (QM) and has two sons. Mr. Harrison Smith Associate Director and Contracting Officer Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Procurement Operations (OPO) Mr. Harrison Smith joined the Department in 2005 as a Contracting Officer supporting the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, and was the Contracting Officer for the Program Management, Administrative, Clerical, and Technical Services (PACTS), a $1.5 billion setaside for service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs). In FY2010, DHS August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies met its goal for SDVOSB contracting for the first time – PACTS accounted for almost half of all SDVOSB obligations for DHS in FY2010. In 2011, Harrison joined the Enterprise Acquisitions Division, the office which is responsible for the planning and execution of DHS-wide strategic sourcing vehicles like the EAGLE and FirstSource programs. He is also the Contracting Officer for the FirstSource II requirement, a $3 billion set-aside in all five (5) socio-economic categories in which DHS has the authority to set-aside procurements. Ms. Sandra K. Spiess Associate Director Army Office of Small Business Programs Mission and Installation Contracting Command Since April 2008, Ms. Spiess has been with the Mission and Installation Contracting Command’s Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) and was appointed as the Associate Director on 2 July 2010. Ms. Spiess is responsible for developing and managing the MICC Small Business by developing policy, establishing procedures and providing guidance and direction to the MICC small business specialists throughout MICC’s 40 Contracting Offices. She is also the primary small business advisor to the MICC Commander, Deputy to the Commander and Headquarters Staff Directors. Ms. Spiess’ 20+ years in contracting began in the early 1990s as a Department of Army Intern with US Army Information Systems Command. She has since worked in various contracting offices to include a 10-year assignment in the Pentagon where she was the contracting officer for all the telecommunications requirements in the National Capital Region and for the Pentagon’s Information Technology infrastructure requirements. Ms. Spiess completed other assignments to include a stint in the Middle East where she was the Deputy Commander for US Army Contracting Command Southwest Asia, and as a Procurement Analyst with Army Material Command (AMC), Office of Command Contracting. At AMC, Ms. Spiess served as a member of the Defense Acquisition Regulation System Committee, representing Army on the Acquisition Strategy Committee. She was the AMC lead on the Commanding General’s initiatives on contract service approvals, and participated in various Army and AMC contract policy committees and working groups researching and writing policy and guidance. Ms. Spiess has received numerous performance and monetary awards during her 30+ years in federal service. She is level III DAWIA Certified in Contracting and is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. Ms. Ann Sullivan President Madison Services Group, Incorporated Ms. Sullivan is the President of Madison Services Group, Inc., a woman-owned company which provides government relations services to corporate and non-profit clients. She brings many years of government relations experience in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives, serving in key advisory roles. Ms. Sullivan works with the United States
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Speaker Biographies Congress as well as the United States government agencies to bring her clients’ issues national attention. Her expertise includes government procurement, health care and tax issues affecting small businesses. She currently represents the largest national association of women business owners and women in business, Women Impacting Public Policy. MSGI specializes in outreach to the small business community with an emphasis on women owned and minority businesses. In addition, Ms. Sullivan founded and heads the International Association for Business and Health (IABH), a nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., formed to advance the combined interests of business with the need for quality health care. In the corporate sector, Ms. Sullivan represented the Fortune 500 natural gas pipelines for the leading natural gas pipeline association in the United States and was at the forefront of government deregulation of the energy industry. As Vice President in a government relations firm, her expertise included environmental issues such as air emissions, water purification, alternative fuel vehicles and energy policy. Ms. Sullivan possesses six years of experience in the information technology field as the owner of a technical placement services firm serving the Washington and Baltimore metropolitan areas. Ms. Sullivan has lectured and conducted career transition training in the technology arena for both the public and private sector. She also serves on the James Madison University College of Integrated Science and Technology Executive Advisory Council. In March 2010, Ms. Sullivan received the Enterprising Women of the Year Award. Mr. Guy Timberlake Co-Founder and Chief Visionary Officer Small Business Coalition Guy Timberlake is Co-Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of The American Small Business Coalition, an innovative membership organization credited with enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of small government contractors, facilitating partnerships between small, mid-tier and large companies, and contributing to the successful award and capture of contracts and subcontracts valued at more than $10 billion dollars since its launch in 2004. He has been active in federal contracting since 1988 supporting programs to include the design and installation of video deposition systems for the U.S. Courts; telemedicine/teleradiology pilots and the management of global communications for the U.S. Army and Army Reserves; electronic classroom training systems for U.S. Navy pilots, and the manufacture of secure data processing systems supporting the information collection and analysis activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
August 2-3, 2012
Speaker Biographies Ms. Lisa N. Wolford Founder, President/CEO CSSS.NET As founder, President/CEO of CSSS.NET, Lisa N. Wolford brings exceptional business savvy through creative leadership to CSSS.NET, local and national business communities. While serving in the Marine Corps, Ms. Wolford worked in Communications. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, in 1992, she received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a triple specialization in Management Information Systems, Accounting, and Japanese Strategic Information Systems. Subsequently, she consulted on a variety of engagements including Information Technology (IT) project management, methodology implementation, architectural and software design, development, and testing. In 1997, Lisa founded CSSS.NET, specializing in providing high quality IT services and solutions to federal, state, and commercial customers. Ms. Wolford sits on the board of various organizations that serve veterans including the At Ease program that provides PTSD treatment services to veterans and their families and mentors other business owners. CSSS.NET is an 8(a) SDB, 8(m) WOSB, SDVOSB IT services provider solving critical challenges for a variety of Defense, Intelligence and Civilian Agencies in both a prime contractor and subcontractor role. CSSS.NET has offices in Bellevue, NE., Washington, D.C. and Chicago, Ill. CSSS.NET is a CMMI Level 3 appraised company sought after for its innovation, superior talent, and has established itself as the premier business partner of choice. The company’s competencies include: Information Assurance and Cyber Security, ITIL services and best practices, IPv6 testing, Network/Desktop Operations, Applications Software Services/Development, Engineering Services, Mission Support, Modeling & Simulation, and Geospatial Information Services(GIS). CSSS.NET was named 2011 SBA Nebraska Veteran Services Champion of the Year, 2010 Vetrepreneur of the Year (NaVOBA) for exceptional Government service, won the Nunn-Perry Award in 2009 in recognition of CSSS.NET’s work in GIS.
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
Location The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Background Information The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center facility brings together federal, state and regional trade resources, international trade related businesses and services to convey the United States’ recognition of the importance of trade in linking countries and communities. In 1995 Congress voted unanimously to name the building after President Ronald Reagan, who had signed the legislation authorizing its construction. Three years later, the building was officially dedicated on May 5, 1998. The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center is the largest building (3.1 million square feet) in Washington, DC, and is owned by the U.S. General Services Administration. As the first and only federal building dedicated to both government and private use, the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center has been mandated by Congress to bring together the country’s best public and private resources to create a national forum for the advancement of trade. In addition, the building houses a premier conference and event center, executive office space, ample meeting and event facilities, dining opportunities, and coordinates entertainment and programming.
Parking Information Public Parking Public street parking is available at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Daily Parking Daily parking (2,000 spaces) is available in our underground parking garage. Access is available via 13½ Street (off Pennsylvania Avenue) and via two entrances on 14th Street from 5:00 am until 2:00 am. Guests and attendees should allow extra time for parking, as all guests will need to have a photo ID and vehicles will be screened upon entry. There is no overnight parking for guests. The maximum overhead clearance in the garage is seven feet.
Amphitheater Directions All Attendees should have a Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, etc) to gain entry to the building. A concierge desk is located near each entrance door for additional assistance. By Car • Enter parking garage from any of the three entrance ramps • Follow posted BLUE signs for the Pennsylvania Avenue elevator banks • Take Pennsylvania Avenue elevator to “C” Concourse level • Exit the Pennsylvania Avenue elevator and walk straight ahead • The Amphitheater is located near the Grand staircase August 2-3, 2012
Location By Cab or From Metro Center (Red Line) Metro Stop • Enter the Moynihan Plaza at the corner of 13th and Pennsylvania Avenue • Walk towards the ARIA Restaurant(orange awning with outdoor seating directly in front of you) • Enter the building through the door on your right just before the restaurant • Once you are through the security checkpoint walk down the stairs that is just passed the guards • The Amphitheater is located at the base of the Grand staircase
Metro Transportation Information By Metro - Federal Triangle (Blue and Orange Lines) Metro Stop • Follow signs inside station to Ronald Reagan Building • Once inside the building, walk straight down the corridor to the ATM and turn right • Follow the directional signage toward the Conference Center • Once you pass the Business Center the Amphitheater will be on your Left
Area Restaurants Aria Pizzeria & Bar 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC (202) 312-1250 Del Frisco’s Grille 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC (202) 450-4686 Chef Geoff’s 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC (202) 464-4461 Fogo de Chao 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue NW #1, Washington, DC (202) 347-4668 Elephant & Castle 1201 Pennsylvania Ave NW # 2, Washington, DC (202) 347-7707
Hosted by the Department of the Army Office of Small Business Programs
U.S. Army OSBP 106 Army Pentagon Room 3B514 Washington, DC 20310 Phone: 703.697.2868 Fax: 703.693.3898
Our Mission
• Advise the Secretary of the Army and the Army leadership on small business related matters • Spearhead innovative initiatives that contribute to expanding the small business industrial base relevant to the Army mission priorities • Leverage the use of minority serving educational institutions in support of Army science and technology programs
Our Vision
To be the premier advocacy organization committed to maximizing small business opportunities in support of the Warfighter and the institutional transformation of the Army.
Statement by President Barack Obama
“We should start where most new jobs do — in small businesses, companies that begin when an entrepreneur takes a chance on a dream, or a worker decides it’s time she became her own boss. Through sheer grit and determination, these companies have weathered the recession and they’re ready to grow.” -President Barack Obama, 2010 State of the Union Address