20 Annual “Where the Canadian Gaming Industry Meets” Event 20 Annual Event th
June 13-15, 2016
Casino du Lac-Leamy • Gatineau, QC Ottawa Shaw Centre • Ottawa, ON
Canadian Gaming Summit Owned and Operated by:
2016 Canadian Gaming Summit Sponsors PLATINUM
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
WELCOME MESSAGE Welcome to the 2016 Canadian Gaming Summit Welcome to Gatineau, Quebec and Ottawa, Ontario and the 2016 Canadian Gaming Summit “Canada’s premier annual conference and exhibition for gaming professionals since 2006.” Now, more than ever, the Summit is the only annual event relevant to all of Canada’s major players – the crown agencies charged with conducting and managing, and regulating gaming, gaming property owners and operators, the charitable gaming sector, First Nations, Food & Beverage professionals and the manufacturers and suppliers of gaming equipment, systems, and services. Summit development has been driven from the beginning by dialogue with delegates, sponsors and exhibitors about what we can do better to deliver the highest quality event for the best value. Our intention has always been to improve the depth and quality of the information and education experience offered. Surveying the Summit and the trade show universe over the past few years has taught us that: • Technology and customer awareness of and familiarity with products and services has changed the nature of trade shows from the perspective of how exhibitors engage and interact with their customers; • Crown agencies want a greater emphasis on the educational programs, including ways to innovate and unique research; and • There are frequent touch points between larger manufacturer/suppliers of electronic gaming devices and systems and their crown agency customers to demonstrate products and services. • Consequently, the trade floor component of the Summit has been re- thought and re-configured. The goal is to provide significantly enhanced information and education content, more time and flexibility for the crown agency delegates to attend educational sessions and various networking events and pavilions on the trade floor, and increased opportunities for exhibitors to interact with their customers. Our working partnership for the development and delivery of the gaming education component of the Summit with, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, British Columbia Lottery Corporation, Lotto-Quebec, Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, SaskGaming and a wide array of gaming industry manufacturers and service providers has produced the most content-rich Summit yet. The key to this is the continuing leadership and support of the senior executives from each of the agencies and suppliers, and their willingness to come together to share knowledge, develop common practices and standards and to explore new and different thinking. The Summit would not be the success it is without our attending delegates, event and entertainment sponsors and exhibitors. We would also like to acknowledge and thank 2016 Summit co-host LottoQuebec for their assistance and support, enabling us to produce what we are sure will be an outstanding educational experience. We would be remiss if we did not urge all attending to take advantage of information and content on hand, as well as the many formal and informal networking opportunities to catch up with colleagues from across the country and around the world. Thanks to you all for attending and supporting the Summit. We are sure that you are going to value and enjoy your entire experience this year.
Chuck Nervick Senior Vice President, MediaEdge Communications
Bill Rutsey President & CEO, Canadian Gaming Association
Plenary Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
CGC Charitable Gaming Conference. . 12 F&B Food & Beverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 RG
Responsible Gambling. . . . . . . . . 16
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
7:15am – 4:15pm Canadian Gaming Summit Golf Classic. . . . . . . . . . . Marshes Golf Club
7:30am – 5:30pm Registration Desk Open. . . . . . Level 2 Foyer
Sponsored by:
HOR Horse Racing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 SPO Sports Betting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 OPS Gaming Operations. . . . . . . . . . 20
Sponsored by: 12:00pm – 5:00pm Registration Desk Open. . . . . . Level 2 Foyer
iGA iGaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 LOT Lottery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 LR
Legal & Regulatory. . . . . . . . . . . 24
MKT Marketing & Communications. . . 26 SEC Security & Surveillance. . . . . . . . 27 HR
Human Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Business & Finance. . . . . . . . . . . 29
Education Program Content Development Partners:
8:00am – 9:00am Canadian Gaming Summit Opening Breakfast & Welcome. . . . . . . Canada Hall 1
2:00pm – 3:00pm Concurrent Sessions MKT Using Event Strategies To Increase Your Gaming & Non-Gaming Revenues . . Room 209 LR
First Nations Gaming . . . . . Room 210
OPS Overlooked Operational Challenges in Gaming with Significant Effects on Revenue Generation. . . . . Room 202 SPO Sports Wagering In Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 201 3:10pm – 3:30pm Summit Coffee Break Sponsored by:
3:15pm – 4:15pm Concurrent Sessions iGA iGaming Meets Big Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . Room 202 LR
On or through a Computer Bill C- 43 and the future of electronic Charitable Gaming in Canada. . . . . . . . Room 210
MKT 1+1=3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 209 6:00pm – 8:00pm Canadian Gaming Summit Opening Reception, Industry Awards and Chairman’s Reception . . . . . . . . . . Casino du Lac-Leamy, Le Théâtre du Casino Sponsored by:
8:30am – 9:00am State of Scientific Games and The Industry Today and Tomorrow. . . . . . . . Canada Hall 1 9:00am – 9:50am Opening Plenary Session: No Silver Bullet – How casinos can appeal to different targets. . . . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 1 Sponsored by:
9:50am – 10:00am Break 10:00am – 10:50am Concurrent Sessions CGC cGaming – The Successes. . . . . . . . . . Room 201 OPS The Incentive Game Why Some Whales Swim Above Water. . . . . . . . . . . . Room 211 LR
The Regulators Panel . . . . . Room 210
The Art and Science of ‘Responsible Gambling’ Messaging. . . . Room 212
Investments in Research and Customer Data Should be Getting You Top Line Revenue Return and a Positive ROI. . . . . . . Room 209
iGA Click to Brick - Evolution of a Player’s Journey at Loto-Québec’s Casinos. . Room 202 10:50am – 11:00am Summit Coffee Break
Sponsored by:
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
11:00am – 11:50am Concurrent Sessions HR The Next Generation of Training and Development in the Canadian Lottery and Gaming Industry. The First Step – Training Needs Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 212
2:15pm – 2:45pm Dessert & Coffee on Tradeshow Floor. . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 2&3
10:30am – 11:20am Concurrent Sessions CGC cGaming in Quebec. . . . . Room 201
eGaming Player Development: How Customer Understanding Helps Grow and Retain Player Participation Online . . . . . Room 202 Because it’s 2016”: Liberalization of the Conduct and Management Regime. . . . . Room 210
MKT Theme Months: A Synergic and Comprehensive Method to get New & Existing Clients to Fall in Love with the Gaming Experience! . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 209 OPS Removing Costs of Managing Cash Through Automation/Automating Your Cash Processes. . . . . . Room 211 11:50am – 12:00pm Break 12:00pm – 12:50pm Concurrent Sessions SEC Safety in Places of Public Assembly – Preventing Major Incidents . . . . . . . . . Room 209 CGC Mobile and Social Media. . Room 201 LOT
The Trifecta: How to Combine Mobile, Social and Brick-and-Mortar to Drive Revenue, Retain Players and Engage New Ones . . . . . . Room 202
Horse Racing and Gaming: When is a Bet not a Wager? . . . . . . . Room 210
Gaming and Capital Markets in 2016 . . . . . . . . . . Room 211
12:00pm – 5:00pm Canadian Gaming Summit Exhibition Open. . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 2&3 1:00pm – 2:45pm CGC Lunch and Keynote Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 201 1:15pm – 2:15pm Canadian Gaming Summit Lunch on Tradeshow Floor. . . . . . . Canada Hall 2&3 Sponsored by:
3:00pm – 3:50pm Concurrent Sessions CGC Opportunities with Bill C-43 – Cross Province Updates. . . . . . . . Room 201 MKT Using Social Gaming and Social Networks to drive traffic to Land Based Gaming destinations. . . . . Room 209
iGA iGaming One Stop Shop and the Road to Merchandising . . . Room 212 SEC How Secure is Your Random Number Generator (RNG)? . . . . . . . Room 209 BF
Boosting Performance in Canada’s Casinos with Amenity Additions . . . . . . Room 202
The Regulators Panel . . . . . Room 210
Marketing Pre-Commitment Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 212
The Regulator’s Role in Responsible Gambling. . . . Room 210
Power in Numbers – Using Coalitions to Advocate for Gaming Development . . . . Room 211
HOR TBD Session Title. . . . . . . . Room 202 3:10pm-4:00pm Concurrent Sessions CGC Marketing for Generation Now . . . . . . . Augustus 4
11:20am – 11:30am Break
4:00pm – 5:00pm Exhibitor & Delegate Reception
11:30am – 12:20pm Concurrent Sessions SPO Introduction to eSports . . . Room 212
Sponsored by:
OPS Casino RFP Processes – Different Approaches Achieve Similar Objectives? . . . . . . . Room 211 SEC
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:00am – 3:00pm Registration Desk Open. . . . . . Level 2 Foyer 8:30am – 9:00am Canadian Gaming Summit Breakfast. . . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 1 Sponsored by:
9:00am – 10:00am Industry Roundtable: A Look Back and a Look Ahead. . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 1 Sponsored by: 10:00am – 2:00pm Canadian Gaming Summit Exhibition Open. . . . . . . . . . Canada Hall 2&3
Random Number Generator (RNG) Fraud Risk – Canadian Implications and Response. . . . . . . . . . . Room 209
LOT Online Lotteries – Extending the Possibilities . . . . . . . . . Room 202 LR
Crunching the Numbers - The Use of Data Analytics in Regulation, Compliance Business and Other Applications. . . . . . . Room 210
CGC Volunteer Management and Retention. . . . . . . . . . . Room 201 12:30pm – 2:00pm Canadian Gaming Summit Lunch on Tradeshow Floor. . . . . . . Canada Hall 2&3 Sponsored by: Dessert on Tradeshow Floor Sponsored by:
10:00am – 10:30am Summit Coffee Break on Tradeshow Floor Sponsored by:
CGC Media Campaigns – Learning’s and Future Applications. . . . . . Room 201
Sponsored by:
SEC How Secure is Your Random Number Generator (RNG)? . . . . . . . Room 209
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
7:15am – 4:15pm Canadian Gaming Summit Golf Classic. . . . . . . The Marshes Golf Club
10:00am – 10:30am Coffee Break and Booth Visitation . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
7:30am – 3:00pm Registration Desk Open. . . . . . Mozart Foyer
4:00pm – 6:00pm Back of House: A guided tour of the back of house and front of house Casino du Lac-Leamy. . . . . Mozart Ballroom
10:30am – 11:30am Session #1 – The Latest Food Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
6:00pm – 8:00pm Canadian Gaming Summit Opening Reception & Canadian Gaming Industry Awards & Canadian Gaming Chairman’s Reception. . . . . . . . . . Casino du Lac-Leamy, Le Théâtre du Casino
11:30am – 1:00pm Lunch & Booth Visitation. . Mozart Ballroom 1:00pm – 1:50pm Session #2 – Recent Projects in Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
1:50pm – 2:50pm Session #3 – Foodservice Industry Supplier Roundtable. . . . . Mozart Ballroom
7:00am – 6:00pm F&B Conference Registration Desk Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Foyer
2:50pm – 3:20pm Coffee Break and Booth Visitation . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
8:00am – 9:00am Food & Beverage Conference Opening Breakfast and Booth Visitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
3:20pm – 4:10pm Session #4 – Latest Beverage Trends. . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
9:00am – 10:00am Keynote Session: Food & Beverage in a Changing World . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
4:10pm – 5:00pm Session #5 – Partnering with Your F&B Suppliers. . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 5:30pm – 7:30pm Food & Beverage Conference Reception, Dinner and Awards. . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
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8:00am – 9:00am F&B Breakfast and Booth Visitation. . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 9:00am – 9:50am Keynote Session: Food and Beverage Outlets – What Baby Boomers and Millennials Want. . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 11:00am – 11:10am Coffee Break and Booth Visitation. . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 11:10am – 12:00pm Session #6 – Branded Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch & Booth Visitation. . . . Mozart Ballroom 1:00pm – 1:50pm Session #7 – Using Your F&B to Drive Customers to Your Facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom 1:50pm – 3:00pm Coffee Break & Final Booth Visitation. . . . . . . . . . Mozart Ballroom
- CA
F Casino du Lac-Leamy Le Théâtre du Casino 1 Boulevard du Casino Gatineau, QC (819) 772-2100
B Hilton Lac-Leamy 3 Boulevard du Casino Gatineau-Ottawa, QC (819) 790-6444
B Hilton Lac-Leamy 3 Boulevard du Casino Gatineau-Ottawa, QC (819) 790-6444
A Shaw Centre Ottawa 55 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, ON (613) 563-1984
C The Westin Ottawa 11 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, ON (613) 560-7000 D Novotel Ottawa 33 Nicholas St Ottawa, ON (613) 230-3033 E Ramada Plaza Le Manoir Du Casino 75 Rue d’Edmonton Gatineau, QC (819) 777-7538
Annual Canadian Gaming Summit Golf Classic
Opening, Award and Chairman’s, Delegate & Exhibitor Receptions
Marshes Golf Club Monday, June 13, 2016 7:15am – 4:15pm
Le Théâtre du Casino, Casino du Lac-Leamy Monday, June 13, 2016 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Shaw Centre Ottawa Trade Show Floor Tuesday, June 14, 2016 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Join your colleagues at this year’s Opening Reception to kick off the 2016 Canadian Gaming Summit. Cocktails and appetizers will be served as you mix and mingle with old friends and new acquaintances. Enjoy as you reconnect with those from past Summits and meet this year’s new attendees. We will also be celebrating this years’ Industry awards winners and conducting our annual chairman’s reception.
After a full and busy day of visiting the Summit’s Exhibition and attending education sessions and keynote presentations, the Delegate and Exhibitor Reception will provide a chance to unwind and network. Right after the close of the Summit’s Exhibition floor for the day, you’re your industry colleagues to discuss the day’s activities, enjoy some refreshments, and have the opportunity to win one of numerous exciting prizes to be drawn at the reception.
The Canadian Gaming Summit Golf Classic will be held at The Marshes Golf Club. This annual event has been structured for both avid and occasional golfers. The day will include 18 holes of golf with power cart, breakfast, snacks and a BBQ with awards after the round. Round trip transportation from the Shaw Centre and Hilton du LacLeamy will also be included for participants. The Marshes represents the final design collaboration between Robert Trent Jones, Jr. and Sr. The designers were presented with an unusual site that encompassed many natural features such as wetlands, meadows, and hardwood forests. The course was carefully routed around these natural features to enhance the golfing experience and to provide a strategic interest.
ADDRESS The Marshes Golf Club 320 Terry Fox Drive Kanata, ON K2K
Golf Classic Sponsored by:
Opening Reception Sponsored by:
Sponsored by:
Awards & Chairman’s Reception Sponsored by:
First Nation Canadian Gaming Awards Sponsored by:
2016 Food and Beverage Sponsors Golf Hole Sponsors:
Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
C A N A D A’ S B E S T
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AWARDS & CHAIRMAN’S RECEPTION Canadian Gaming Opening Reception, Industry Awards & Chairman’s Reception
2016 First Nation Canadian Gaming Awards Sponsored by:
Le Théâtre du Casino, Casino du Lac-Leamy Monday, June 13, 2016 6:00 – 8:00pm This year we will have the Opening Reception Combined with the Industry Awards and Chairman’s Reception. Join us for a great networking evening where you can spend you time catching up with and meeting new industry professionals. Throughout the night we will also be announcing the Award winners in for the Industry Award and First Nations Canadian Gaming Award. The Canadian Gaming Summit Industry Awards & Chairman’s Reception, since its inception 20 years ago, has honoured achievements in industry leadership. Again this year, the event will benefit a deserving local charity. Join your industry colleagues for an evening of networking to kick off the summit, celebration of your colleagues, fine food and drink– while at the same time supporting a worthy cause.
Industry Awards & Chairman’s Reception Sponsored by:
Opening Reception Sponsored by:
THE CANADIAN GAMING INDUSTRY AWARDS Recognizing an award winner under the Industry Leadership and Outstanding Contribution award category to the gaming industry.
FIRST NATION CANADIAN GAMING AWARDS The 7th Annual First Nation Canadian Gaming Awards will be presented at the Summit’s Awards Reception. The First Nations Canadian Gaming Awards recognize the contributions of the First Nation casinos to the First Nations and their neighbouring communities. These awards honour the outstanding accomplishments and contributions by Aboriginal people employed by a First Nation casino within Canada and the continued development and improvements within their operations.
Chairman’s Reception Sponsored by:
Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
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PLENARY SESSIONS Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
8:30am – 9:00am
9:00am – 10:00am
State of Scientific Games and The Industry Today and Tomorrow Canada Hall 1
Industry Roundtable: A Look Back and a Look Ahead Canada Hall 1
Gavin Isaacs, President and Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Games Corporation, shares an update on Scientific Games and provides his inside view on the state of the industry, macro trends, industry disruption, and the future.
Join HLT Advisory for a review of Canadian gaming revenue trends and supply changes over the past few years and gain insight into where things might be headed in the future.
Speaker: Gavin Issacs, President and Chief Executive Officer – Scientific Games
9:00am – 9:50am No Silver Bullet – How Casinos Can Appeal to Different Targets Canada Hall 1 Casinos have long been seen as a location where gaming and gambling takes place. In recent years, many properties have made significant investments to improve amenities, and offer more and different entertainment options. These efforts have been and are aimed at changing the perception that casinos are no longer just a place to gamble, but a place to dine, have fun and connect with friends at a bar or watch a show. In other words, the notion has been to change the casino experience form one of just gambling to a destination for multi-faceted entertainment opportunities. To that end, casino properties have broadened their scope for audiences of interest to include non-gamblers who might find these alternative entertainment options appealing. Ipsos recently conducted qualitative and quantitative research on behalf of the Canadian Gaming Association aimed at understanding specific issues related to this effort by casino operators. Some of the key findings will be presented and discussed in this session. For example, among non-visitors who are not morally opposed to casinos, Ipsos will discuss the relevant barriers that seem to get in the way of this audience visiting a casino property. Delving more deeply, Ipsos will also discuss the barriers preventing non-gambling visitors from spending money on gambling activities.
This session will consist to two parts. First, a review of revenue performance at the regional, product and channel levels. Where is demand the strongest? What gaming product types have seen the greatest revenue increases or declines? How has internet gaming affected traditional land-based venues? How does Canada compare on key metrics to other major gaming markets? Where are the growth opportunities? Part 1 of today’s plenary will provide a concise, thorough and informative summary of key gaming data.
From data we turn to discussion…and a focus on the markets of the future for a maturing industry. This interactive panel will address the gaming product, packaging and delivery needs of today’s and tomorrow’s consumers. As boomers give way to Gen X/Y and they to Millennials, what does the entertainment industry, including casino gaming, need to do to stay relevant. And how can all these product and delivery types coexist in the same venue. Moderator: Lyle Hall, Managing Director – HLT Advisory Inc. Panelists: Robert Scarpelli, Managing Director – HLT Advisory Inc.; Roberto Coppola, Global Director of Market Research and Consumer Insights - YWS Design & Architecture; Paul Lauzon, Senior Vice President and Managing Director Ipsos Reid’s Lottery & Gaming Group Sponsored by:
There’s no such thing as too much knowledge. At the SAS Insights Centre, you can access the latest thinking on topics you care about — analytics, big data, data management, marketing, risk and fraud. We’ve assembled a variety of compelling content published by and created from experts around the world... from SAS, our customers and our partners. Join the conversation
Speaker: Paul Lauzon, Senior Vice President and Managing Director – Ipsos SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. © 2016 SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved. S152914US.0416
Sponsored by:
CHARITABLE GAMING CONFERENCE The Ontario Charitable Gaming Association is excited to once again partner with the Canadian Gaming Summit to bring you the 2016 Charitable Gaming Conference. We are pleased to be working with the Commercial Gaming Association Ontario this year. We are entering a New World with the many changes we are seeing in the charitable gaming sector and beyond. We are excited to see the industry working together and share experiences as we continue to evolve and develop the charitable gaming industry.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:00am – 9:50am
11:00am – 11:50am
1:00pm – 2:45pm
Opening Plenary: No Silver Bullet – How casinos can appeal to different targets Canada Hall 1 Please refer to page 11
Media Campaigns – Learning’s and Future Applications Room 201
CGC Lunch and Keynote Address Room 201
10:00am – 10:50am cGaming – The Successes Room 201 Charitable Bingo & Gaming Revitalization expansion began in late 2012 in Ontario to provide funds for charities and notfor- profits. Although there have been many challenges there have been more successes. Hear about these from the perspective of Ontario Lottery and Gaming and from the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association. Speakers: Diane Gartshore, Director, Product & Marketing, cGaming, OLG; Richard Schwar, Field Coordinator, OCGA
Case Study: Over a three-month period, from October to December 2015, the Break Open Ticket Development Fund Management Committee, with its commercial vendor SoundsCreative, launched a Break Open Ticket campaign focused on the link between Break Open Ticket purchases and local charities and communities. This initiative included radioads in certain marketplaces, a social media digital-campaign and TV ads running on a TV listing channel. Attend this session and learn how various media can impact your business. Explore how this type of cost-effective campaign could be applied to other sectors of the charitable gaming industry.
Sponsored by:
Speakers: Sam Goodwin, OCGA, Policy Advisor; Carr Johnston, Owner, SoundsCreative
10:50am – 11:00am
Sponsored by:
Speakers: Lynn Cassidy, Executive Director, Ontario Charitable Gaming Association; Jean Major, CEO, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
Sponsored by:
3:00pm – 3:50pm Opportunities with Bill C-43 – Cross Province Updates Room 201 Bill C-43 received Royal Asset on December 16, 2016. Part of Bill C-43 amends section 207 of the Criminal Code to permit charitable or religious organizations to carry out, with the use of a computer, certain operations relation to a provincially-licensed lottery scheme. Where are provincial regulators in the development of policy? What are the potential impacts on existing charitable gaming products?
Coffee Break
Sponsored by:
12:00pm – 12:50pm Mobile and Social Media Room 201 Research estimates that individuals look at their mobile phones every six-andhalf minutes. In total people check their smartphones an average of 150 tunes during a 16-hour period. In today’s technology driven world social media has become an important part of marketing for companies. Attend this session and learn how to use social media to reach clients and target demographics to engage individuals and target messages. The social media experience in the Break Open Ticket campaign will be shared. Speaker: Kyle Verge, Managing Director, PUSHMedia
Sponsored by:
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Moderator: Tom Mungham, Chief Operating Officer, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Panelists: Donna Brewer, Director, Gaming Integrity, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority; Amanda Creasy, Licensing Officer, Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba; Michele Jaggi-Smith, Executive Director, Strategic Policy and Projects Division, Gaming, Policy and Enforcement Branch, Ministry of Finance; Martha Otton, Chief Strategy Officer, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
Sponsored by:
Overall CGC Education Program Sponsor:
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:00am – 10:00am Canadian Gaming Summit Industry Roundtable Canada Hall 1 Please refer to page 11
10:09 AM
10:30am – 11:20am cGaming in Quebec Room 201 Attend this session and learn about the new developments for charitable bingo in the province of Quebec. Learn about the pilot they will be launching. Learn about the process, the measurement, the product portfolio and timing of the pilot.
Playing it forward in BC
Speaker: François-Patrick Allard, Managing Director of marketing and Community Gaming, Société des établissements de jeux du Québec
Sponsored by:
11:20am – 10:30am Coffee Break
Sponsored by:
11:30am – 12:20pm Volunteer Management and Retention Room 201 Volunteers play a critical role in charitable gaming. Recruiting volunteers, managing them effectively and providing them with tools and support are important factors in retaining volunteers. Speaker: Paula Speevak, President and CEO, Volunteer Canada
Sponsored by: Community Gaming & Entertainment Group
BCLC plays if forward in all that we do - for our players, our partners, our people and our communities.
12:30pm – 2:00pm
Canadian Gaming Summit Lunch on Tradeshow Floor Canada Hall 2 & 3
The Canadian Gaming Summit is where the Canadian gaming industry meets, and the Food and Beverage Conference is where gaming hospitality meets. Delegates will partake in the opening breakfast, F&B Conference reception, dinner and awards ceremony and booth visitation, all excellent opportunities to meet and network with people in your stream to discuss F&B topics and trends and gain new perspectives on the industry.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
4:00pm – 6:00pm
9:00am – 10:00am
Back of House Mozart Ballroom
A guided tour of the back of house and front of house at Casino du Lac-Leamy
2016 Food and Beverage Sponsors FOOD & BEVERAGE SUPPORTING SPONSOR
Reviewing where we are at today, tomorrow and the future in Food & Beverage overall. Discussion of Guests/Players, Industry Professionals, Local Customers and how they all blend together. Looking at trends, flavors, ideas, concepts, brands, relationships and more – all adding to greater experience at our casinos and facilities, then leading to revenue and ROI. Speaker: Corey Nyman, Director of Operations – The Nyman Group
10:30pm – 11:30am Latest Food Trends Mozart Ballroom
This session will explore all of the latest food trends related to the gaming industry. We will discuss items such as new menu ideas, healthy/gluten-free/local products, portion size, table service, creating a wow factor, what are patrons asking for and what is applicable for gaming today, table provided food samplings and other ideas.
FOODSERVICE Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
KEYNOTE: Food & Beverage in a Changing World Mozart Ballroom
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Moderator: Geoff Wilson, Principal – FsSTRATEGY Inc. Panelists: Jesse Boseman, Executive Chef – Gold Eagle Casino; Patrick McClary, Executive Chef – Caesar’s Windsor; Denis Girard, Executive Chef – Casino Lac-Leamy Danny Lecours, Chef – Casino Lac-Leamy
1:00pm – 1:50pm
Recent Projects in Canada Mozart Ballroom Canadian gaming facility case studies/project profiles on recently renovated or newly added spaces. This session will cover some of the most exciting and hottest projects that have recently taken place in Canada. Speakers: Joe Moore, Director of Food & Beverage – Caesars Windsor; Patrick McClary, Executive Chef – Caesar’s Windsor; Steve Chase, Executive Director – Food and Beverage – Fallsview Casino Resort & Casino Niagara
Panelists: Steve Chase, Executive Director – Food and Beverage – Fallsview Casino Resort & Casino Niagara Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
VENUE: Hilton Lac-Leamy 3 Boulevard du Casino Gatineau-Ottawa, QC
1:50pm – 2:50pm
Foodservice Industry Supplier Roundtable Mozart Ballroom Several of Canada’s most recognized foodservice industry suppliers will be on stage discussing a wide array of topics including product offerings, trends and more. This discussion will provide new menu ideas and opportunities to increase both F&B revenues and patron satisfaction. Moderator: Jorge Soares, VP, Hospitality – Woodbine Entertainment Group Panelists: Graham Hayes, Director of Culinary – McCormack Bourrie Sales & Marketing; Marc Laroche, Corporate Chef – OLYMEL
3:20pm – 4:10pm
Latest Beverage Trends Mozart Ballroom In this session we will be addressing a whole range of important beverage topics from beer, wine, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Topics such as craft/micro-beer, using local products, what are patrons asking for and what is applicable for gaming today, pairing beverages with food and other ideas. Moderator: Joe Moore, Director of Food & Beverage – Caesars Windsor Panelists: Roger Mittag, President, Thirst For Knowledge Inc; Angela Lyons, Marketing Director – Canada – Treasury Wine Estates; Elfreda Chang Planert, National Account Executive Food Service on Premise Sales – Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada
4:10pm – 5:00pm
Partnering with Your F&B Suppliers Mozart Ballroom This session will cover how you can partner with your suppliers on special promotional evenings and having supplier’s products being offered at special events such as the Super Bowl, etc. Moderator: Joe Moore, Director of Food & Beverage – Caesars Windsor Panelists: Roger Mittag, President, Thirst For Knowledge Inc; Patrick McClary, Executive Chef – Caesar’s Windsor; Elfreda Chang Planert, National Account Executive Food Service on Premise Sales – Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada; Kim Lussier, Territory Sales Manager, Western Ontario – Smucker Foods of Canada Corp Foodservice
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:00am – 9:50am
KEYNOTE: Food and Beverage Outlets – What Baby Boomers and Millennials Want Mozart Ballroom In 2014, Millennials surpassed Baby Boomers as the biggest spenders in restaurants in Canada. This has implications for casinos. The core gamer in Canada belongs to the Baby Boomer generation. Millennials, on the other hand, represent the future and a market segment that casinos must attract for long term viability. The rub is that restaurant dining preferences are very different for these two groups. In this session, we will discuss the differences and how your casino can develop food and beverage options that meet the expectations of both generations.
11:10am – 12:00pm
1:00pm – 1:50pm
Branded Concepts Mozart Ballroom
Using Your F&B to Drive Customers to Your Facility Mozart Ballroom
This session features an in-depth panel discussion on introducing branded F & B concepts into a casino setting, identifying and securing the ideal brand, how the process works and areas of opportunity to enhance the overall F&B experience for patrons.
This panel discussion will consist of casino marketing executives who will discuss the importance of F&B in your facility. Moderator: Karsten Purbs, Director of Food & Beverage – River Rock Casino Resort
Speaker: Ray Casey, Director of Retail – Fallsview Casino Resort & Casino Niagara Panelists: Glen A. Blake, President & CEO – Canadian Sports Grill Development Corporation; Corey Nyman, Director of Operations – The Nyman Group
Speaker: Jeff Dover, Principal – FsSTRATEGY Inc.
CANADIAN GAMING SUMMIT www.CanadianGamingSummit.com Untitled-1 1
2016-06-01 8:44 AM
RESPONSIBLE GAMING Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00am – 10:50am
12:00pm – 12:50pm
3:00pm – 3:50pm
The Art and Science of ‘Responsible Gambling’ Messaging Room 212
Play It Forward: Stakeholder Partnerships and the Positive Impact on Social License Room 212
Marketing Pre-Commitment Tools Room 212
Communication with players is at the heart of responsible gambling programs. It is critically important to get the right information to the right player at the right time. The Responsible Gambling Council has over 20 years’ experience in communicating RG messages through social marketing campaigns, through on-site Responsible Gaming Resource Centres, awareness week and youth education programs.
Using a case study of BCLC’s Play It Forward Program, demonstrate how communicating how gambling revenues benefit communities can have a positive impact on social license and public perceptions of gambling. Speaker: Chris Fairclough, Manager, Stakeholder Engagement - BCLC
This session presents some of the key lessons learned about what has worked well in communicating RG ideas as well as what has not worked well. It also points to how this learning might be used in future RG messaging. Speaker: Jon Kelly, CEO - Responsible Gaming Council
Marketing Pre-Commitment Tools: An Ontario Case Study: In June 2015, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) launched Canada’s first-ever pre-commitment system in a casino environment. How these RG tools are different from others that have been tried, not always successfully in other jurisdictions? They are built to add value to the player, by providing self-directed options that fit seamlessly into the overall gaming experience. Presented as the “MyPlaySmart” tools, a helpful suite of budgeting options, they are positioned as a loyalty program benefit. This collaboration involved OLG’s Social Responsibility team and OLG’s Gaming Marketing team, who focused on building customer satisfaction and player acceptance of RG tools. This session will provide an overview of OLG’s precommitment system, marketing approach, and player research findings to date. Speaker: Michael Hearne, Manager - Social Responsibility – OLG
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16-05-09 8:59 AM
Only 53% of gamblers consider themselves knowledgeable about gambling. That’s why we created PlaySmart. Introducing PlaySmart – a world-class gambling education platform that strives to inform Ontarians how gambling works – whether you play or not. The facts, tools and advice found here are designed to help players develop responsible gambling habits, with every intention of keeping the experience fun and enjoyable.
olg.ca Figures based on OLG Consumer Research, May 2015.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
3:00pm – 3:50pm
2:00pm – 3:00pm
11:30am – 12:20pm
The Challenges of Change, Unfreezing the Old Model and Innovating the Future for Horse Racing Room 202
Sports Wagering In Canada Room 201
Introduction into eSports Room 212
Canadians clearly enjoy wagering on sports, with billions wagered annually. Only a small fraction of that wagering takes place legally making it clear that Canadian laws haven’t kept pace with this growing sector. From single event wagering, live-in game betting, daily fantasy to e-sports the sector continues to expand and offer new ways to engage the customer. This panel will examine the sports wagering marketplace, the need for modernization of gaming laws related to sports wagering, and perspectives from amateur sport.
As one of the fastest-growing areas in gaming and entertainment, you’ve no doubt heard the word eSports thrown around – but you might not understand the complexity or nuances of the space. Join Kevin Hovdestad, Director of Communications with Catalyst eSports Solutions, to get a glimpse at the history of competitive video gaming, the current market, and some key challenges ahead, as well as to ask any questions you might have about the industry.
Horse Racing Today and Tomorrow! Progress has been made but challenges still exist for the horse racing industry. The panel discusses how racing jurisdictions in Canada and its neighbor to the south have changed the way they do business and some results of several initiatives. Innovation may be a key that helps unlock the future for the sport as well. The session also highlights a new event to reward innovation in racing – Innovators’ Circle. Can racing drive a new future for the industry? Moderator: Hai Ng, Partner, Neomancer LLC Panelists: Sean Pinsonneault, Executive Vice President & COO – Woodbine Entertainment Group; F. Douglas Reed, Principal, Racing, Gaming & Entertainment LLC and Director Emeritus University of Arizona Race Track Industry Program
Moderator: Danielle Bush, Partner – Miller Thompson LLP Panelists: Earl Cochrane, Deputy General Secretary – Canadian Soccer Association (Soccer Canada); Kevin Hovdestad, Director of Communications – Catalyst eSports Solutions
Moderator: Kevin Hovdestad, Director of Communications – Catalyst eSports Solutions Panelists: Hai Ng, Partner – Neomancer LLC
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Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
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2016-05-05 5:09 PM
EXPERIENCE AINSWORTH’S NEW GOLD AWARD SERIES GAMES The Gold Award™ series brings high-performing Ainsworth titles to the A560®SL cabinet. Six classic proven games reach new heights during bonus features that take full advantage of the 32-inch HD screen. Visit Ainsworth in booth #301 to learn more.
Subject to jurisdictional approval
GAMING OPERATIONS Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
2:00pm – 3:00pm
10:00am – 10:50am
11:30am – 12:20pm
Overlooked Operational Challenges in Gaming with Significant Effects on Revenue Generation Room 202
The Incentive Game – Why Some Whales Swim Above Water Room 211
Casino RFP Processes – Different Approaches Achieve Similar Objectives? Room 211
In this session, we will dive into the murky waters of high stakes play and describe how some of these players can turn the tables on the house. How in some cases, counter-intuitively, getting players to play more can cost the house its edge.
Moderator: Greg Chamberlain, Manager, Cashiering and Casino Credit – Caesars Windsor Casino
Recently a number of significant North American jurisdictions have elected to introduce new gaming offerings, expand offerings or make fundamental changes to existing offerings. This session will highlight the different approaches used to achieve core government objectives: revenue and economic development. Examples will be provided from Massachusetts (introduction of new offerings), New York (introduction of additional offerings) and Ontario (fundamental changes through replacement of government owned/ operated facilities with private sector owners/operators). While each of the processes employed by these jurisdictions are unique, each situation had/have similar interrelated issues including the need to balance “tax” rate, investment requirements, municipal approvals, economic development and market opportunity (including competition) among other factors. While success can be measured in various ways, the best opportunity to achieve success will be/ are those jurisdictions that select capable bidders who fully appreciate and are committed to the opportunity and the needs of the various stakeholders. This session should be of interest to gaming operators wishing to participate and jurisdictions wishing to implement future processes.
Panelists: Robin Steinberg, Director of Business Development, Retail Solutions – CashTech Currency Products Inc.
Speakers: Katia Muro, Manager – HLT Advisory; Matthew Klas, Manager – HLT Advisory
After the completion of many operational assessments and performance improvement initiatives it has become clear that gaming facility performance improvement with significant impact on property revenues lie in the fundamentals surrounding “the execution of standard work”. Ironically, these challenges and opportunities are completely within the control of operational leaders and frontline staff to mitigate and require little to no capital expenditures to correct. Further, these conditions exist not because senior leaders are out of step with their businesses, but rather because communication and information required in different parts of the operation are not flowing from senior leadership, through middle management to the front line and back up. This same issue means that senior leadership may not really know the problems even exist. This session examines three common operational challenges I have observed that have become commonplace within the casino floor and include the execution of clear and consistent customer experience standards, inter-department communication, handoff’s and execution surrounding promotions and the execution of standard work required of leaders (particularly shift managers) that often fail to engage the frontline workforce.
Speaker: Peter Betnaza, Client Partner – The Engine Room Group
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Speaker: Kelvin Morin, President, Padrino Gaming Corp.
11:00am – 11:50am Removing Costs of Managing Cash Through Automation/Automating Your Cash Processes Room 211 Greg will present the Caesars case study on cash automation. He will discuss why Caesars made the decision to automate, how they determined which equipment would best fit their needs and provide the greatest return-on-investment and the benefits and ROI achieved through automation. He will discuss how Caesars uses an automated cash management solution to dispense floats, count back floats/sales and the the ease of reconciliation. Finally he will provide the benefits and cost savings achieved through automation.
Konami Gaming, Inc. is a proud sponsor of the 2016 Canadian Gaming Summit. For more information about Konami, please visit gaming.konami.com
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
3:15pm – 4:15pm
11:00am – 11:50am
12:00pm – 12:50pm
iGaming Meets Big Data Analytics Room 202
Player Development: How Customer Understanding Helps Grow and Retain Player Participation Online Room 202
The Trifecta: How to Combine Mobile, Social and Brick-and-Mortar to Drive Revenue, Retain Players and Engage New Ones Room 202
The online environment is rich with customer data and insight. This session will share some of the ways these insights can be used to deepen customer relationships and identify business and player development opportunities online. The session will highlight learnings realized by BCLC from operating a comprehensive digital gambling site offering a broad portfolio of sports, casino and lottery games. We will share some emerging opportunities we see in our online and retail operations to serve our players better.
This session will discuss the state of the Union: A look at macro trends, the social casino player: A look at the demographics and behavioral trends of the social casino player and the solution: Combining mobile, social and brick-and-mortar to drive revenue, retain existing players and engage new ones.
Speaker: Monica Bohm, Vice President, eGaming – BCLC
11:30am – 12:20pm
The growing popularity of iGaming is undeniable and can prove to be key in rejuvenating the gaming landscape. Beneath the covers of iGaming technologies, lie a wealth of data (massive volumes of big data) that lays largely untapped. SAS would like to discuss how the iGaming operators/practitioners can apply end-user Approachable Analytics such as predictive concepts, forecasting and optimization to glean actionable insights - enabling decision makers the agility to make calculated, measured moves in marketing, loyalty & rewards, supplier management, etc. Speaker: Natalie Osborn, Principal Marketing Consultants – SAS Institute
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00am – 10:50am Click to Brick – Evolution of a Player’s Journey at Loto-Québec’s Casinos Room 202 “Click to Brick – Evolution of a Player’s Journey at Loto-Québec Casinos” describes the evolution of the Gaming industry in Québec since 1993, where LQ opened its first landbased casino, to today’s emerging online casino business. The main focus of the presentation will be related to the evolution of the casino iGaming experience on Espacejeux.com – LQ online casino business. Speakers: Bruno Gauvin, Customer Service Director – Loto-Quebec; Sovanna Phan, Head of Online Casino & Bingo – La Société des Casinos du Québec
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 10:30am – 11:20am iGaming One Stop Shop and the Road to Merchandising Room 212 Customers are shifting online and only businesses offering the best user experience will emerge. Learn LotoQuébec’s online igaming barriers and what is being done to address them, our road to online merchandizing and how we keep the customers engaged. Casino, Sports, Bingo, Lottery, Poker are different forms of igaming with strong and diverse personalities. Loto-Québec looks back at its online gaming footprint, highlights learnings, quick wins and reveals a strategic re-orientation towards synergy and the power of convergence. Speakers: Paul Nguyen, Head of Merchandising, Espacjeux – Loto-Quebec; Clément Aubin, Head of Online Lottery, Espacejeux.com – Loto-Quebec
Speaker: Quincy Raven, Executive Director, Commercial – Scientific Games
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Online lotteries – Extending the Possibilities Room 202 How do we market the lotteries online? The simple answer would be to simply take our lottery products and make them available on desktop and mobile. But, the digital world has so much more to offer. In this presentation I will demonstrate how lotteries can extend their possibilities with concrete examples: Online group play – it is possible to create or join an online lottery group with friends or with people you don’t necessarily know. The social media also allow the group creator to share his group and send invitations to his friends. Automatic purchase – consumers have specific behavior, some of them only buy lotteries when the jackpot is over 40M$, some of them would like to purchase their lottery for many draws without having to front all the cost of a $5 participation for 52 draws. It will now be possible to program their purchase accordingly to their preferences. E-scratch 2.0 – the popular casual games have given us some insights on what triggers can be used to create a popular and long lasting game. Progression, personalisation, socialisation, competition and exploration can be added to digital scratcher to improve them.
Speaker: Maxime Desrosiers, Product Manager – Online Lotteries – Loto-Quebec Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
LEGAL & REGULATORY This year’s legal and regulatory program at the Canadian Gaming Summit brings together Canada’s leading experts in gaming law and regulatory issues. The Legal and Regulatory Advisory Panel under the leadership of Michael Lipton and Don Bourgeois have assembled a impressive collection of speakers and topics. From experts on our “Regulators Panel” who will bring their unique perspectives on today’s pressing issues, to insightful sessions on The Regulators Role in Responsible Gaming, to the future of electronic charitable gaming in Canada, this year’s program is not to be missed.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
2:00pm – 3:00pm
3:15pm – 4:15pm
11:00am – 11:50am
First Nations Gaming Room 210
On Or Through a Computer – Bill C- 43 and the Future of Electronic Charitable Gaming in Canada Room 210
“Because it’s 2016”: Liberalization of the Conduct and Management Regime Room 210
First Nations have long claimed an inherent right to self-government that includes the right to conduct and manage gaming on reserves. In 1996, that claim was stymied by the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Pamajewon. The Supreme Court applied a test of “is the specific activity at issue integral to the culture of the First Nation” to the self-government claim. This test, originally designed to adjudicate on a claim to the right to engage in an activity, was applied without differentiation to a claim to sovereign authority to govern an activity. Some observers have characterized the Pamajewon test as the “empty box” approach, where the onus is on First Nations to establish the existence of a First Nations sovereign right on an activity-byactivity basis. The Supreme Court has since 1996 indicated a willingness to revisit its past decisions on First Nations matters, most notably on the issue of Aboriginal title. Our panel will discuss whether the jurisprudence since Pamajewon can provide the basis for revisiting that decision, potentially giving rise to a test that would address the original sovereignty of First Nations and create a path for a right to conduct and manage gaming on reserves. Moderator: Kevin J. Weber, Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP Panelists: Michael D. Lipton, Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP; Murray Marshall, General Counsel – Kahnawake Gaming Commission; Bob Stocker, Member & Gaming Practice Leader – Dickinson Wright LLP; Matt Jamieson, Director of Economic Development – Six Nations of the Grand River
An amendment to s. 207 of the Criminal Code, given Royal Assent on December 16, 2014, removed the restriction on the use of computers by charities in the sales of tickets, selection of winners or distribution of prizes in raffles that charities were licenced to conduct and manage. Our panelists will discuss a number of the issues and opportunities that the amendment in Bill C-43 raises for in the charitable gaming sector in Canada, for charities, operators, suppliers and regulators. Moderator: Craig Slater, Director, Legal Services & General Counsel – AGCO Panelists: Troy Ross, President, TRM Public Affairs; Danielle Bush, Partner – Miller Thomson LLP; Eric Lamoureux, Public Affairs Advisors
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00am – 10:50am The Regulators Panel Room 210 A panel of gaming regulators from across Canada will be asked to address a wide ranging series of topic. These will include how do regulators treat applicants that are already registered in well regarded foreign or provincial jurisdictions? Does the principle of risk based regulations not apply to the process of due diligence for these applicants? Moderator: Michael D. Lipton, Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP
Panelists: Rick Josephson, Executive Director and CEO – LGA Manitoba; Tom Munghan, COO – Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario; Len Meilleur, Executive Director Compliance Division – Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch, B.C; Donna Brewer, Director, Gaming Integrity – SLGA; Marc Lalonde, Senior Compliance Officer – Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
The Criminal Code provides creates a monopoly on the conduct and management of all electronic gaming, including slot machines, electronic gaming, video lottery terminals and online gaming (“iGaming”). Only a provincial government may lawfully act as the “operating mind” of such gaming. A private sector entity under contract with the provincial government may be paid to take responsibility for dayto-day operations, but always under the guidance and direction of the provincial government, which operating through a Crown corporation must remain the “operating mind” of the lottery scheme. The panel will review the current “conduct and management” regime of the Criminal Code, and consider whether it provides the provincial governments with the tools they need to ensure that the iGaming that reaches Canadians is regulated in the public interest. Moderator: Michael D. Lipton, Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP Panelists: Terry Debono, Partner – The Debono Group; Troy Ross, President – TRM Public Affairs; Jeff Silver, Of Counsel – Dickinson Wright LLP
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
12:00pm – 12:50pm
10:30am – 11:20am
11:30am – 12:20pm
Horse Racing and Gaming: When is a Bet Not a Wager? Room 210
The Regulator’s Role in Responsible Gambling Room 210
Crunching the Numbers – The Use of Data Analytics in Regulation, Compliance Business and Other Applications Room 210
Horse racing was, for most of Canada’s history, one of the few lawful opportunities for Canadians to gamble in a commercial setting. Amendments to the Criminal Code in the late 20th century permitted the growth of legal lotteries, bingos, casinos and internet gaming. While these forms of gambling are major entertainment and economic activities for Canadians and have superseded horse racing, pari-mutuel wagering and horse racing are still a billion dollar a year industry. This session focusses on the legal and regulatory structures for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering and the opportunities for new products that could be used to enhance the sustainability of the industry.
RG is an extremely crucial, yet sensitive topic with each Provincial regulator approaching the subject in a unique manner. This session will provide a quick overview of a few of those Provincial differences and delve into a discussion with panelists from diverse backgrounds. The panel will provide perspectives on questions such as: what should the Regulator’s role be with regards to RG, what are Regulator’s looking to achieve, what is the most effective and efficient approach, how can operators and regulators stay abreast of new and emerging trends, and how can operators decipher and operationalize RG regulatory requirements.
Moderator: Craig Slater, Director, Legal Services & General Counsel – AGCO
Moderator: Nav Sandhawalia, Vice President, RICHTER Advisory Group Inc.
Panelists: Hugh Mitchell, Chief Operating Officer – Western Fair; Don Bourgeois, Principal – GRG Advisors; Bill Ford, Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel – Woodbine Entertainment Group
Panelists: Bruce Caughill, General Counsel – Falls Management Company; Dr. Kahlil Philander, Director Social Responsibility – British Columbia Lottery Corporation; Elizabeth Stephenson, Chief Administrative Officer – Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba; Jon Kelly, CEO – Responsible Gambling Council
3:00pm – 3:50pm Anti-Money Laundering – AML Room 210
As gaming in Canada and the world becomes increasingly technology-driven and as regulation of the gaming industry starts to increasingly focus on outcomes and control mechanisms to achieve appropriate outcomes, participants in the gaming industry are looking to maximize the significant amount of data available to them to improve regulatory and compliance outcomes and business outcomes. Moderator: Craig Slater, Director, Legal Services & General Counsel – AGCO Panelists: Martha Otton, Chief Strategy Officer – AGCO; Ilkim Hincer, Counsel, Commercial – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP; Rob Kroeker, Vice President – BCLC
Gaming establishments are not banks, or credit unions, or trust companies. Nonetheless, in the course of their business they act as financial intermediaries for their patrons. But where an individual usually fully expects to be required to disclose personal and financial information in a business environment such as a bank, considerable resistance can be expected in an environment that is designed to communicate fun and diversion, such as a horse racing track or casino. This difference lies at the core of the complexities associated with applying risk-based AML compliance to casinos. Moderator: Michael D. Lipton, Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP
Panelists: Derek Ramm, Director, AntiMoney Laundering Programs – OLG; Rob Kroeker, Vice President – BCLC; Gary Beam, Director, Investigations Branch Compliance and Social Responsibility Division – AGLC; Matthew Robins, Rational Group
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
2:00pm – 3:00pm
11:00am – 11:50am
3:00pm – 3:50pm
Using Event Strategies to Increase Your Gaming & Non-Gaming Revenues Room 209
Theme Months: A Synergic and Comprehensive Method to Get New & Existing Clients to Fall In Love with the Gaming Experience! Room 209
Using Social Gaming and Social Networks to Drive Traffic to Land Based Gaming Destinations Room 209
How casinos can utilize a strategic approach to live events that maximize profits and sustainability by attracting customers that will most positively affect both gaming and non-gaming revenues. Moderator: Mike Anderson, President – Trixstar Panelists: Brennan McFaul, Director of Operations – Trixstar; Russ Giroux, Director of Entertainment – Grey Eagle Casino
3:15pm – 4:15pm 1+1=3 Room 209 A segment based approach to product marketing” that outlines our use of player segments to create “zones of value” for certain player segments. It will touch on WMS segments, The Block, Wicked Winnings Lair (and future iterations) as well as how we will use lease product as a marketing driver. Speakers: Karen Gray, Director, Marketing & Product Management – BCLC; Darren Jang, Manager, Product Development – BCLC
The plethora of entertainment choices available to consumers is overwhelming, all vying for their attention and disposable income. How can casinos grab hold of consumers’ fleeting attention? How can we position ourselves as a relevant and fun entertainment option? To support the company’s growth plan and further reinforce its entertainment positioning, the Québec Casinos launched the concept of Theme Months, a promotional Marketing initiative that includes a series of customer activities and offers designed under one single overarching theme. Every Loto-Quebec business unit and Québec Casinos sector, from gaming to restaurants to hotels and every service from marketing, loyalty to customer service, all collaborate in executing activities for the Theme Months, an 8 week promotional period during which customers are immersed into a multi-faceted gaming and entertainment experience. To date we have executed 8 comprehensive themes and results have exceeded all expectations! New consumers poured in and consumer engagement has increased. The company has put forth a successful framework that has quickly become a Marketing best practice in increasing customer engagement, traffic to casinos, and acquiring new and younger customers. In this session, learn how you can create a Theme Month like ours and integrate every single service and consumer touchpoint into a promotional Theme Month. Speaker: May Kaine, Director of marketing client experience & loyalty program – Société des casinos du Québec
Todays’ consumers are increasingly connected to each other on their watches, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and TV’s. These consumers use Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and other Social Networking sites to play, compete, share and communicate with their families, their friends and strangers. This session will discuss how Social Gaming and Social Networks are being used to drive current and future consumers into Resorts, Casinos, Racetracks and Community Gaming Centres. Moderator: Terry Debono, Partner – The Debono Group/ Boom Gaming Media Group Panelist: Hai Ng, Partner – Neomancer LLC; Dr. Katherine Spilde, associate professor – San Diego State University’s L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 10:30am – 11:20am Power in Numbers – Using Coalitions to Advocate for Gaming Development Room 211 “Vancouver Not Vegas”, “No Casino Toronto” – two effective grassroots coalition campaigns that stopped significant gaming developments in their tracks. Groups like these use common misperceptions and out-of-date information to rally public opinion against gaming, making it difficult for politicians to support new development. The Gaming industry has an incredible story to tell, and many natural partners to help tell it. This session will discuss successful coalition strategies from across North America. The panelists all have extensive experience in running coalition campaigns, and will provide the framework and the necessary tactics for success. Moderator: Patrick Harris, TRM Public Affairs
Panelists: Lis Pimentel, President UNITE Here Local 75; Carrie Kormos, Principal Navigator Ltd. Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
SECURITY & SURVEILLANCE The 2016 Security & Surveillance education track consists of topical matters which are relevant to many aspects of gaming operations and focus on the identification and minimization of risks. The subject matter will be presented in such a manner as to highlight the roles, responsibilities and relationships of security and surveillance with those of other departments in order to develop a common understanding and encourage collaboration. The Security & Surveillance educational sessions are developed with and are sponsored by the Gaming Security Professionals of Canada (GSPC) and the track is chaired by the GSPC’s Executive Director, Gerald Boose. The GSPC is a pan-Canadian organization, whose membership consists of executives and senior managers in private and public sector organizations who have responsibility for supporting and ensuring the security of gaming operations. Its mandate includes game protection in general and, more particularly, the protection of casino, video lottery, conventional lottery ticket and electronic gaming products and systems.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
12:00pm – 12:50pm
10:30am – 11:20am
11:30am – 12:20pm
Safety in Places of Public Assembly – Preventing Major Incidents Room 209
How Secure is your Random Number Generator (RNG)? Room 209
Random Number Generator (RNG) Fraud Risk – Canadian Implications and Response Room 209
There is a heightened awareness of the vulnerability of persons assembling for the purpose of entertainment as a result of events in Europe and the USA. Public acceptance of enhanced security measures in such venues has increased, but the response is to use Connectivity to Concentrically Push-Out Security, rather than building a fortress like atmosphere. To do so, you need “knowledge workers” who collaborate and communicate to detect and respond to suspect behaviour before the public assembly is put at risk.
A recent lottery fraud case in Iowa involves the tampering with the RNG of an Automated Draw machine (ADM). This incident is stirring discussions throughout the global lottery and gaming industry as fraud risks can affect any RNG in any gaming operation. The realization is now setting in that RNG certification for randomness alone is not enough and this fraud case raises important questions: Are your RNGs secured and tamper proof? Are you aware of the external but also the internal threats to your ADMs? Is there a silver bullet technology solution? Is the security around your RNG mature enough to include controls around technology, process and people? What are the key factors in the implementation and operation of RNGs that make your system tamper proof?
Many lessons have been learned from the experience of other jurisdictions and applied in one of the largest assemblies in Canada in recent years, that being the Pan Am and Parapan Am Games. The Games were an enormous success from many perspectives, including that of providing a safe and secure environment. Your presenter, Superintendent Mike McDonell of the Ontario Provincial Police, was responsible for the security of that operation.
Speaker: Thomas Bierbach, Director, Lottery & Gaming Practice, Gaming Laboratories International LLC (GLI)
There have been documented cases of RNG’s being deliberately compromised to effect the outcome of lottery draws. RNG’s are the bedrock upon which the integrity of electronic games is based. The panel will discuss the implications and response in the Canadian gaming industry from the perspectives of technology, business, security, compliance and audit. Moderator: Gerald Boose, Executive Director GSPC Panelists: Thomas Bierbach, Director, Lottery & Gaming Practice – Gaming Laboratories International LLC (GLI); Kevin Sweeney, Director Compliance and Investigations, and Interim Director Information Privacy and Security – BCLC; Kris Kornelsen, Senior Manager Enterprise Risk – Deloitte; Susan Pratt Frostad, Director Risk Reg and Audit, Policy Planning Continuous Imp – OLG
Speaker: Superintendent Mike McDonell, Ontario Provincial Police
HUMAN RESOURCES Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:00am – 11:50am The Next Generation of Training and Development in the Canadian Lottery and Gaming Industry. The first step – Training Needs Assessment Room 212
The lottery and gaming industry in Canada has evolved in the past twenty-five years to become an important employer and provider of meaningful economic returns to Canadians that are balanced with socially-responsible measures. The Canadian gaming industry generates more than $31-billion in Gross Output and $14-billion in purchased goods and services; directly supports more than 128,000 full-time jobs; and produces $8.7 billion annually to fund government and community programs and services. The CGA is in the process of building up its capability to provide a comprehensive education and training program to meet the needs of the Canadian lottery and gaming industry. This session will focus on the critical first step in the process of training culture transformation – the National Training Needs Assessment project and highlight some specific activities currently underway nationally in Ontario and British Columbia to address current and future talent requirements for the industry. Please join the panel of presenters, Tom Marinelli, Larry Flynn, Leo Tiberi and Dr. Michael Henry as they explain the scope of the projects, the intended outcomes, and implementation plans. Speakers: Tom Marinelli, Marinelli and Flynn Gaming Advisors; Larry Flynn, Marinelli and Flynn Gaming Advisors; Leo Tiberi, Sault College
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Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide CGS_ad_2016.indd 1
5/17/16 2:51 PM
BUSINESS & FINANCE Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:00am – 10:50am Investments in Research and Customer Data Should be Getting You Top Line Revenue Return and a Positive ROI Room 209 Many Finance Managers, Business Managers and C-Suite Executives on both the Crown and Operator side, are perplexed about how much they spend in research with no obvious return. This is because most organizations are challenged to make the connection between what is typically a marketing exercise and making actionable business opportunities for revenue positive outcomes. Most casino operators and their crown partners collect customer data. It is a huge investment shared over a number of departments; whether its business data like the number of restaurant covers, coin-in, visitation, carded play, or some qualitative information like guest satisfaction, preferences, or large quantitative research like public perception studies. How does it relate to slot utilization, visitation and other business metrics? What does your marketing
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 department’s customer research mean and how can you use it to develop organizational strategies? Most operators do not consistently bring all these data points together in a coherent narrative to create actionable business strategies. Speaker: Helen MacMillan, Founder and Principal Advisor – All-In Gaming
12:00pm – 12:50pm Gaming and Capital Markets in 2016 Room 211 An overview of the capital market landscape for gaming. Financing and M&A environment for gaming. Speaker: Michael Kogan, Director, Investment Banking – Canaccord Genuity
10:30am – 11:20am Boosting Performance in Canada’s Casinos with Amenity Additions Room 202 The presentation will focus on amenity development and its impact on gaming revenue and return on capital (ROI) as it relates to the future of gaming Canada. The presentation will first examine comparable amenity development and revenue trends in the United States. Included in this section will be a look at consumer spending trends as revealed in a recent nationwide survey of gamers by the Innovation Group showing gaming and non-gaming trip budgets by age cohort. From there the Innovation Group will assess and inventory amenity development in Canada, exploring where amenity development is robust and where it is underdeveloped. The presentation will conclude with sample estimates of upside potential to gaming revenue in select cases and implications by province or major market area in Canada if amenities were to be expanded. Speaker: Michael Soll, The Innovation Group
TOGETHER, WE’LL MAKE IT BIG. We made a promise: to deliver the games, titles and experience to build your success. We’ve provided you with the cabinets that house an unparalleled portfolio. So make the big play with us—because big things are here, and always on the horizon.
2016 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited.
EXHIBITION Canadian Gaming Summit Exhibition The Canadian Gaming Summit Exhibition provides delegates the opportunity to meet one-on-one with existing and prospective suppliers. The 2016 Exhibition showcases the latest technologies and services. Walk the show floor to experience the best and hottest products available to the gaming industry today.
eConnect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
3rd Rock Gaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Everi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Nanoptix Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409/411
Accro Furniture Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
Gary Platt Casino Seating. . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Novomatic Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Advanced Gaming Associates. . . . . . . . . 703
Gasser Chair Co Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
NRT Technology Corporation . . . . . . . . . 220
Ainsworth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Gemsys Money Handling Systems Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
Oracle Hospitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Arrow Games/Bazaar and Novelty/Bingo Vezine. . . . . . . . . . . 100 Aruze Gaming America Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Bet Rite Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Canadian Gaming Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . Show Office 2B Cash Tech Currency Products Inc.. . 107/109 Crane Payment Innovations. . . . . . . . . . . 401 Cummins Allison ULC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Diamond Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Global Payments Gaming Canada . . . . . 617 Gold Club Slots & Roulettes. . . . . . . . . . . 401 Hanwha Techwin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Pelco By Schneider Electric . . . . . . . . . . . 706 R2 Gaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Robco Gaming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Interblock Luxury Gaming Products. . . . 614
Sault Ste Marie: Building L&G Business Opportunities. . . . . 508/510
Ipsos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
Scientific Games International. . . . . . 201
JCM Global. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
SSI - Survellance Systems Incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
KGM Gaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Locomotive Marketing Inc, DBA Casino Gifts Direct. . . . . . . . . 704/705 Media Resources Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 603/605 MediaEdge Communications. . . . . . . . Show Office 2D
Non-Exhibiting Sponsors
Moxipay Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Titan Creative Entertainment Network Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 TransAct Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Video King Gaming Systems . . . . . . . . . . 110 *Highlight indicates a 2016 Sponsor*
FLOOR PLAN Exhibition Hours
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 12:00pm – 5:00pm Wednesday, June 15, 2016 10:00am – 2:00pm
621 619 617
220 510
109 207
605 102
Stage 16' X 12' x 24''
French’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Reuven International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Campbell Company of Canada. . . . . . . . . 11
Hobart Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 & 4
Rose Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Canada’s Best Caesar Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Matrix POS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Smucker Foods of Canada Corp.. . . . . . . . . 9
Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada. . . . . . . . 6
Muskoka Brewery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Steelite International Canada. . . . . . . . . . . 17
Danone Inc. in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Olymel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tyson Foods Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
C A N A D A’ S B E S T
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Non-Exhibiting Sponsor
noun eve·ri \ev-rē\ 1. born of two companies — Global Cash Access and Multimedia Games — that have served the casino industry for decades 2. the casino industry’s only single source provider of payments, intelligence, and gaming products
Everi’s portfolio of integrated solutions gives casinos the products they need to be successful and profitable in the competitive gaming industry. For more information on how Everi can serve as a vital partner to your casino, please visit everi.com.
Powers the casino floor.™
Booth: 505 75190 Gerald Ford Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 T: 760-733-0197 F: 760-346-9064 www.3rdrockgaming.com
Accro Furniture Industries
Booth: 707 Canadian manufacturers of premium quality gaming seating, established in 1946. Produce comfortable, durable, custom designed slot, table games, poker, and VLT chairs for leading Canadian casinos and hotels. Terry Clark 305 - McKay Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2G 0N5 T: 204-654-1114 F: 204-654-2792 info@accro-acmechrome.com
Advanced Gaming Associates
Booth: 703 Printers, Idedsys, Signage, Survey Surge Protectors, Chairs , Service Company Tony Rodio 223 Pratt Street Hammonton, NJ 08037 T: 609-576-0133 F: 609-704-9685 Trodio@advancedgamingassociates.com www.dvancedgamingassociates.com
Ainsworth Game Technology
Booth: 301 With global vision and exceptional leadership, Ainsworth is able to provide the global gaming market with its outstanding range of gaming technology and game combination software. John Glaser – Director of Sales 5800 Rafael Rivera Way Las Vegas, NV 89118 T: 702-954-3000 F: 702-954-3001 enquiries@agtslots.com www.agtslots.com
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
Booth: 102 The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating the sale and service of alcohol, gaming and horse racing activities in the province. Tanya Cadeau 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M2N 0A4 T: 416-326-8700 F: 416-326-5555 www.agco.on.ca
Aristocrat helps operators make the big play with industry-leading cabinets and content, including the new Wonder 4 Tower, Lightning Link and J*Series line of games. Liberty Reyes, Jenn Parker 7230 Amigo Street Las Vegas, NV 89119 T: 702-270-1000, 800-748-4156 F: 702-270-1001 contact@aristocrat-inc.com www.aristocrat-us.com
Arrow Games/Bazaar and Novelty/Bingo Vezine
Booth: 100 Arrow International is the world’s largest manufacturer of charitable and social gaming solutions. Arrow Games, a member of the Arrow International family, operates through a network of distributors across Canada. Jim McLean - Director of Gaming Solutions; Roy Lister - President; Terry Jarrell - Ontario Sales Manager 9515 Montrose Road, Unit 2 Port Robinson, ON L0S 1K0 T: 905-354-7300 or 877-983-7300 F: 905-354-5662 or 877-983-7301 jmclean@arrowgames.com www.arrowgames.com
Aruze Gaming America Inc AGS
AGS® is powered by high-performing Class II and Class III slots, a table games portfolio, and highly-rated social casino products, offering an unmatched value proposition for our casino partners. Tommy Florio; Zach Tretton 5475 S. Decatur Boulevard, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89118 T: 702-722-6700 marketing@playags.com www.playags.com
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
All-In Gaming & Hospitality Advisory Group Inc.
Experts in the Canadian casino industry, specializing in strategic planning, marketing, loyalty programs, business growth and data insights. Bringing a customer-centric approach to create a successful industry for all stakeholders. Helen MacMillan; Kara Holm Vancouver, BC Halifax, NS T: 902-403-3885 helen@all-inadvisorygroup.com www.all-inadvisorygroup.com
Booth: 309 Aruze Gaming is a global entertainment company that designs, develops and manufactures slot machines and gaming devices for the global casino market. Krystene Strohak 9565 Grier Drive, Suite A Las Vegas NV 89119 T: 702-361-3166 F: 702-381-3403 support@aruze-gaming.com aruzegaming.com
Bet Rite Inc.
Booth: 401 Canadian Gaming Distributor for CPI (Bill Validators), Transnet (Ticket Printers), Gary Platt (Seating), Ortiz (Bingo), Gold Club (ETG’s & Slot Games), Mapped Inc (Digital way finding), plus many more! Billy MacLellan – COO T: 506-960-1198 Mark Dalla Riva – Director of Sales T: 416-788-0780 1534 Mathers Bay W. Winnipeg, MB B3N 0T7 T: 204-489-8260 T: 204-489-8260 info@betrite.ca www.betrite.ca
CashTech Currency Products Inc
Booth: 107/109 CashTech is a leading provider of cash management products. From our automated cash management solutions to the latest in G&D products we streamline your processes. Robin Steinberg, Director of Business Development, Retail Solutions 1040 Cardiff Boulevard Mississauga, ON L5S 1P3 T: 905-696-4831 F: 905-696-0733 Robin_steinberg@cashtechcurrency.com www.cashtechcurrency.com
Booth: 6 (Hilton) Coca-Cola offers a variety of no and low-calorie beverages in popular brands -- Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Coca-Cola Zero®, Sprite®, Fanta®, Nestea®, PowerAde®, Minute Maid®, Dasani® and vitaminwater®. Elfreda Planert 15 Westcreek Boulevard Brampton, ON L6T 5T4 T: 416-894-4734 echangplanert@coca-cola.com www.coca-cola.ca
Booth: 702 eConnect™ provides gaming operators operational intelligence by synchronizing transactional data from various casino systems with digital video surveillance. Our system detects and alerts suspicious activity. Dave McCormick 7710 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 126 Las Vegas, NV 89117 T: 702-523-8786 ext. 5010 dave@econnect.tv www.econnectglobal.com
Campbell’s Canada
Booth: 11 (Hilton) Manufacturer of fully prepared Soups, Entrées and sauces. Premium stocks & Bases. Pepperidge farm pastries. Pace Salsa Sauces. Paul Coshall; John Belford; Alex Roy 60 Birmingham Street Toronto, ON M8V 2B8 T: 613-290-2893 paul_coshall@ca.campbellsoup.com www.campbellsfoodservice.ca
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Canada’s Best Caesar Mix
Booth: 7 (Hilton) Fully spiced, non-alcoholic Caesar drink mix. No MSG. Gluten-free. Wayne Singer; Barbara Singer 2303 Hill Ridge Crescent, Unit 13 Oakville, ON L6M 3N3 T: 1-844-534-7486 canadasbestcaesarmix@cogeco.ca www.canadasbestcaesarmix.com
Crane Payment Innovations
Booth: 401 3222 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 200 Malvern, PA 19355 T: 610-430-2700 www.cranepi.com/en/submarkets/gaming
Cummins Allison ULC
Booth: 601 Manufacturer and supplier of single-pocket, dual-pocket and multi-pocket curreny and car-coded ticket sorter/counters. On-site service support across Canada. Harry Patrios, Managing Director; Kosta Adamis, Eastern Canada Regional Sales Manager; Oliver Schelb, Prairies Regional Manager; Scott Salter, B.C Regional Manager Head Office: 3350 Rideway Drive, Unit 3 Mississauga, ON L5L 5Z9 Regional Offices: Montreal, Ottawa, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver & Victoria T: 800-499-6191 F: 905-814-6182 inquire@cumminsallison.ca www.cumminsallison.ca
Diamond Game
Booth: 209 Diamond Game designs, produces, and services games, gaming systems, and tickets for various North American Lotteries and alternative gaming markets. U.S.: Bill Breslo 9340 Penfield Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-727-1690 Canada: Peter Howard 560 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5P1 T: 905-643-6040 sales@diamondgame.com www.diamondgame.com
Booth: 101 Everi Holdings Inc. is uniquely positioned as the casino industry’s only single source provider of robust payments solutions, vital intelligence offerings and engaging gaming machines that power the casino floor. Everi’s mission is to be a transformative force to casino operations by facilitating memorable player experiences and striving for customer satisfaction and operational excellence. Jason King, VP International Business Development 7250 S. Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89113 T: 702-855-3000 info@everi.com www.everi.com
Frenchs Food Company Canada
Booth: 14 (Hilton) Franks RedHot Sauces, French’s Mustard’s and Ketchup’s, Cattlmen’s line of BBQ sauces Jon Stewart; Donna St Louis; John Morfitt 1680 Tech Avenue, Unit 2 Mississauga, ON L4W 5S9 T: 647-208-9661 Jonathan.Stewart@Frenchs.com www.frenchs.ca
Gary Platt Casino Seating Booth: 401 Aircenter Circle Reno, NV 89502 T: 800-969-0999 www.garyplatt.com
Driven By Taste, Powered By Solutions
Booth: 700 When you buy a Gasser chair, you’re making an investment in style, innovation and durability that will be a better value over the long run. Roger E.Gasser 4136 Logan Way Youngstown, OH 44505 T: 800-323-2234 F: 330-759-9844 Sales@gasserchair.com www.gasserchair.com
Gemsys Money Handling Systems Inc
Booth: 619 Most complete range of cash management solutions, software and supplies: currency recyclers, dispensers, multi-pocket devices, ticket counters (serial number recognition capability), cheque image and archiving. Janet Lord, Jack Lord 1108 South Service Road West Oakville, ON L6L 5T7 T: 800-465-0465 F: 905-847-3071 sales@gemsysinc.on.ca www.gemsysinc.com
Global Payments Gaming Canada Inc
Booth: 617 Proudly offering quasi-cash advance and retail payment solutions with world-class customer service to gaming establishments across Canada. Keith Boucher; Malia Sutton 3381 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M2H 3S7 Gaming.sales@globalpay.com www.globalpaymentsinc.com
HLT Advisory
HLT offers a comprehensive set of financial, operations, strategy and market skills to the Canadian and international gaming industry. Robert Scarpelli, Managing Director; Lyle Hall, Managing Director 370 King Street West, Suite 604 Toronto, ON M5V 1J9 T: 416-924-7737 F: 416-961-7737 robertscarpelli@hlt.ca www.hlt.ca
Hobart Canada
Booth: 3 & 4 (Hilton) Hobart Canada is your exclusive servicebased organization to support customers, dealers and consultants with the full range of Hobart, Traulsen, Baxter, Vulcan and Berkel product offerings. Mark Schilling, Director of Sales & Marketing Food Service Equipment 105 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M2H 3P8 O: 416 496-4305 C: 647 299-7887 F: 416 447-8112 Mark.Schilling@hobart.ca www.hobart.ca
Gold Club Slots & Roulettes Booth: 401 www.gold-club.si
Hanwha Techwin
Booth: 108 Hanwha Techwin America is a leading supplier of video surveillance solutions for OP – video and analog systems. Hanwha is dedicated to providing solutions with the highest levels of performance. Dan Couillard 100 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 T: 514.926.9400 d.couillard@hanwha.com www.hanwhatechwinamerica.com
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
328 Urquhart Avenue Moncton, NB E1H 2R6 www.IGT.com
Interblock Luxury Gaming Products
Booth: 614 Interblock is a developer and supplier of ETG products. Its multi-player gaming devices set industry standards and provide the ultimate in luxury interactive entertainment experiences. Jamie Garrett; Burton Poitras 1106 Palms Airport Drive Las Vegas, NV 89119 T: 702-260-1384 F: 702-260-1374 info@interblockgaming.com www.interblockgaming.com
Booth: 701 Specialty practice that serves the research needs of gaming clients. We are considered the most experienced lottery and gaming market research provider in North America. Paul Lauzon 700-6th Avenue SW, Suite 1950 Calgary, AB T2P 0T8 T: 587-952-4871 F: 403-294-1535 paul.lauzon@ipsos.com www.ipsos.ca
JCM Global & R2 Gaming
Booth: 207 JCM helps operators make better customer connections with award-winning peripheral equipment including iVIZION and UBA bill validators, GEN2 Universal printer, ICB cash box and JCMedia. Jason Cribbs, VP of Sales 925 Pilot Road Las Vegas, NV 89119 T: 702-651-0000 or 800-683-7248 F: 702-644-5512 hq-am@jcmglobal.com www.jcmglobal.com
KGM Gaming
Booth: 116 4250 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19129 T: 215-430-0388 www.kgmgaming.com
Konami Gaming Inc.
Konami is a complete gaming manufacturer that develops, designs, manufactures, distributes, sells, and services slot machines and its award winning casino management system SYNKROS™ Ross O’Hanley, Vice President, North American Sales; Matt Reback, Vice President, Marketing; John Eary, Marketing Manager 585 Konami Circle Las Vegas, NV 89119 T: 1-866-KGI-INFO sales@konamigaming.com www.gaming.konami.com
Locomotive Marketing Inc, DBA Casino Gifts Direct
Booth: 704/705 The #1 supplier in North America for VIP Gifts, Promotion Gifts, and Experiential Events for the Casino Market. Get your gifts at 80% off, delivery included! Domenic Trapasso & Patrizia Trapasso 3483 Portage Road, Suite 9 Niagara Falls, ON L2J 2K5 T: 905-354-5648 x 100 patrizia@casinogiftsdirect.com www.casinogiftsdirect.com
NOVOMATIC Americas Muskoka Brewery
Booth: 5 (Hilton) Nestled in the heart of Muskoka, Muskoka Brewery handcrafts premium beers as unique and refreshing as the region they’re from. Tim Charters; Brendan Merrit; Paul Guerriero 1964 Muskoka Beach Road Bracebrdige, ON T: 705-646-1266 www.muskokabrewery.com
Media Resources Inc Matrix Integrated Solutions Ltd.
Booth: 8 (Hilton) Liquor and Draught Control Experts, and Point of Sale Specialists. If It’s Not Measured, It’s Not Managed! Matrix has been integrating technologies since 1992 to help Hospitality Professionals manage their cash and inventory needs. Brian Hall 3075 14th Avenue, Unit 15 Markham, ON L3R 0G9 T: 905-752-1200 F: 905-752-8888 brian.hall@matrixpos.com www.matrixpos.com
McCormack Bourrie Sales & Marketing
Leading food broker based in Concord, Ontario who brings manufacturers and customers together to foster continuous growth and profitability for all parties. Donna St Louis 27-160 Applewood Crescent Concord, ON L4K4H2 T: 905-738-8511 F: 905-738-4219 donnas@mccormackbourrie.com www.mccormackbourrie.com
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Booth: 603/605 With extensive experience in gaming signage, Media Resources specializes in: LED Displays, Large Format Printing, Installation & Maintenance, Trivision Signs, Sign Frames, 3D Custom Displays Will Thompson 1387 Cornwall Road Oakville, ON L6J 7T5 T: 800-667-4554 F: 905-337-9531 info@mediaresources.com www.mediaresources.com
Moxipay Inc.
Booth: 507 A simple secure Mobile Wallet for merchant payment processing and person to person transfers. Features real time loading and full API Integration. Marco Bonanni; Lorenzo Covelli; Daniel Tse #3, 9820 47 Avenue Edmonton, AB T: 780-469-5699 F: 780-469-4859 info@moxipay.com www.moxipay.com
Nanoptix Inc
Booth: 409/411 An industry leading global provider of thermal printers. We provide future proof printing solutions, allowing our customers to develop products without sacrificing performance, reliability and innovation. Rejean Belliveau, Senior Sales Executive, North America 699 Champlain Street Dieppe, NB E1A 1P6 T: 1-888-983-3030 F: 1-506-384-3588 info@nanoptix.com rbelliveau@nanoptix.com www.nanoptix.com
Booth: 219 NOVOMATIC Americas product range includes slot machines for Class lll, Class ll and VLT/VGT markets, electronic table games as well as management systems and ancillary services. Rick Meitzler, President, CEO - North America 1050 East Business Center Drive Mount Prospect, IL 60056 T: 224-802-2974 sales@novomaticamericas.com www.novomaticamericas.com
NRT Technology Corp
Booth: 220 With the most advanced solutions, integration & payment processing platform, NRT is positioned to equip your casino with effective solutions that maximize revenue opportunities while enhancing your customers experience on the casino floor. Jason Ferreira jferreira@nrttech.com Rosa Laricchia rlaricchia@nrttech.com 10 Compass Court Toronto, ON M1S 5R3 T: 416-646-5232 F: 416-646-5242 sales@nrttech.com www.nrttech.com
Oracle Hospitality
Booth: 611 Oracle Hospitality provides leading applications, services and hardware for the hospitality industry. Our solutions, which include systems for point-of-sale, PMS, reservations, distribution, sales and catering, kitchen management, mobility, loyalty, and reporting are utilized in restaurants, bars, hotels, casinos, parks around the world. Robert Garity, Sales Director – U.S. and Canada 6480 Cameron Street - Suite 305 Las Vegas, NV 89118 T: 1-702-854-7150 robert.garity@oracle.com www.oracle.com/hospitality
Pelco By Schneider Electric
Booth: 706 Pelco the worlds leading manufacturer of IP Video systems including Video Management Software, Networked Video Recorders and IP Cameras. Installed in 500+ North American casinos. Steve Wright, Gaming Director North America 3500 Pelco Way, Building 7 Clovis, CA 93612-5699 T: 226-235-0102 stephen.wright@schneider-electric.com www.pelco.com
R2 Gaming
Robco Gaming
Booth: 207 2406 Industrial Street Burlington, ON L7P 1A5 T: 905-901-3108 www.r2gaming.com
Reuven International Ltd.
Booth: 13 (Hilton) We are dedicated to providing globally sourced, premium quality, innovative poultry solutions for the Canadian Marketplace. Paul Armitage 1881 Yonge Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON M4S 3C4 T: 519-577-9938 F: 416-429-1499 paularmitage@reuven.com www.reuven.com
Booth: 501 Table and layout manufacturer, Casino seating, Licensed games, Drop box currency counters, Table, game accessories, Roulette side bets, Crowd control / Customer Guidance Louis-Philippe Demers/ Donald Robinson 53 Rue Brassard St-Joseph-du-Lac, QC J0N 1M0 T: 514-825-2936 Lpdemers@creationrobco.com www.creationrobco.com
Rose Hill Foods
Booth: 16 (Hilton) Rose Hill was founded in 1983 and develops, manufactures and supplies the food service industry with quality soup bases, sauces, marinades, seasonings and natural glace. George Sarbanis; Angelis Sarbanis 7171 Boulevard Thimens Montreal, QC H4N 2Z8 T: 514-745-1153 gsarbanis@rosehillfoods.com angelis@original86.com 2016-05-16
10:46 AM
SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
SAS is the leader in analytics. Through innovative analytics, business intelligence and data management software and services, SAS helps customers at more than 75,000 sites make better decisions faster. Andrew Bowden 280 King Street East, Suite 500 Toronto, ON M5A1K7 T: 416-363-4424 andrew.bowden@sas.com www.sas.com/canada
Sault Ste. Marie Educational Partners (Algoma University, Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre)
Booth: 508 & 510 Post Secondary Education, Contract Training, Continuing Education, Applied Research, Business Development and Innovation. Leo Tiberi, Executive Lead, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre 1520 Queen Street East, Suite CC200 Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2G4 T: 705-942-7927 x3144 F: 705-942-6169 tiberi@ssmic.com www.ssmic.com
The Largest Supplier of Casino VIP & Promotions Gifts in North America New & fresh brand name gifts up to 80% off!
Give better gifts for your budget. See more brands and pricing at: casinogiftsdirect.com
Some of our happy customers include:
Scientific Games International
Booth: 201 Scientific Games (NASDAQ: SMGS) is changing the player and customer experience through engaging game content and sophisticated technology. Through our portfolio of casino, lottery, and interactive solutions, we empower customers by creating the world’s best gaming and lottery experiences. Jim Heater 6650 El Camino Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 T: 303-325-3164 jim.heater@scientificgames.com www.scientificgames.com
Smucker Foods of Canada
Booth: 9 (Hilton) From Smucker’s® jams and jellies to Jif ® peanut butter to Folgers® coffee, you can trust the Smucker Foodservice Family of Brands to help you create the moments that make your guests feel special. Marie-Eve Poulin; Kim Lussier; Patti Evans 80 Whitehall Drive Markham, ON L3R 0P3 T: 613-867-6565 F: 905-940-5970 Marie-Eve.Poulin@jmsmucker.com www.smuckerfoodservice.ca
Steelite International Canada
Booth: 17 (Hilton) Steelite International is a world leading manufacturer and supplier of tabletop products, servicing over 140 countries with solutions in china, metal and glass. Eric Ross 26 Riviera Drive Markham ON L3R 5M1 T: 905-752-1074 F: 902-752-1120 eross@steelite-canada.com www.steelite.com
SSI - Survellance Systems Incorporated
Booth: 623 SSI is North America’s fastest growing casino integrator, providing “the best possible customer experience” in every facet of business - from product purchases to installations. Todd Flowers, Michael Flowers; Daniel Jackson 4465 Granite Drive Rocklin, CA 95677 T: 800-508-6981 F: 916-771-7297 sales@ssicctv.com www.ssicctv.com
TCSJOHNHUXLEY is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of end-to-end live gaming solutions and services with strategically based offices all over the world to provide personal service. Brad Broderick – Chief Operating Officer; Todd Craven – Chief Executive Officer; Mark Corso – Business Development Manager – Western Canada; Greg Stewart – Business Development Manager – Eastern Canada 6171 McLeod Drive, Suite M Las Vegas, NV 89120 T: 702-798-0500 F: 702-798-0545 sales@tcsjohnhuxley.com www.tcsjohnhuxley.com
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Titan Creative Entertainment Network Inc
Booth: 621 1-223 Bay Street South Hamilton, ON L8P 3J2 T: 905-572-6759 bookings@titancreativeentertainment.com www.titancreativeentertainment.com
TransAct Technologies
Booth: 401 6700 Paradise Road, Suite D Las Vegas, NV 89119 T: 702-254-5005 F: 702-254-7796 www.transact-tech.com/gaming-lottery
Booth: 15 (Hilton) Tyson’s Canadian sale division supplying the Canadian foodservice industry with Value Add Protein, Desserts and Pastries for over 30 year. Iain Grant; Director of Sales 5900 Ambler Drive Mississauga, ON T: 416-770-2172 iain.grant@tyson.com www.tysonfoodscanada.com
Video King Gaming Systems
Booth: 110 Electronic gaming systems, bingo equipment, digital signage, innovative games – found aboard luxury cruise liners, throughout Indian Country and thousands of charitable, commercial and military establishments. Peggy Hansen/Carla Chance 1045 N. 115th Street, Suite 200 T: 402-951-2970 or (800) 635-9912 F: 402-951-2990 phansen@vkge.com cchance@vkge.com www.VideoKingNetwork.com
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES François-Patrick Allard
Managing Director of marketing and Community Gaming – Société des établissements de jeux du Québec From 1998 to 2003, François-Patrick Allard consecutively occupied the positions of consultant, analyst, specialist and department head of the Research and Analysis team at Loto-Québec subsidiary Société des casinos du Québec. He went on to become Director of Business Intelligence from 2004 to 2005 at the same company, while simultaneously taking on the responsibilities, in 2005, of interim Relationship Marketing Director. In October 2008 he became Managing Director of another Loto-Québec subsidiary, Société des bingos du Québec. Since 2014, François-Patrick has been the Managing Director of marketing and Community Gaming for la Société des établissements de jeux du Québec, a subsidiary of Loto-Québec that runs VLTs, link bingos, Kinzo and Salons de Jeux.
Mike Anderson
President – Trixstar For the last 18 years, Mike has been building and managing entertainment portfolios across North America for a variety of clients including Casinos, Government Agencies, Festivals, Tourism Destinations and Communities. While there are a number of companies who can book a band for their clients; it is Mike’s belief that not everyone can help their client build a strategic entertainment program designed to consistently increase both gaming and non-gaming revenue streams. That is the core of what Trixstar is trying to do with their casino clients.
Clément, Aubin
Head of Online Lottery, Espacejeux. com – Loto-Quebec Clément Aubin has worked with LotoQuébec for the past 15 years. He is a graduate in Marketing and I.T. from HEC Montréal, the independent affiliated business school of the Université de Montréal. His career path through product development, mixed with his creativity and his willingness to re-invent the lottery, has led him to a range of innovative projects, and has earned him a place at the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation’s (ILC) Business Innovation Team. The Interprovincial Lottery Corporation is a consortium operating lottery games in Canada, owned jointly by the five Canadian provincial lottery commissions. Currently Online Lottery for espacejeux.com at LotoQuébec, Mr. Aubin is playing a key role in the lottery’s technological shift. Clément Aubin is appreciated for his passion, devotion, and strategic input in the attempt to revolutionize the lottery and igaming business.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Gary Beam
Director, Investigations Branch Compliance and Social Responsibility Division – AGLC Gary Beam is the Director, Investigations Branch, Compliance and Social Responsibility Division, Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC). Gary joined the AGLC in 2005 after completing a 25 year career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Investigations Branch is responsible for the administration and operational management of the AGLC Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Program. Gary was the operational lead for the development and implementation of the AGLC AntiMoney Laundering Program which was awarded the AGLC President’s Award of Excellence in December, 2015. The Anti-Money Laundering Unit, consisting of a Senior Manager, a Trend Analyst/Training Coordinator, a Business Relationship Analyst and five Compliance Investigators was established in October, 2014. The AGLC commenced its role as a FINTRAC Reporting Entity for 25 casinos and 4 Racing Entertainment Centers on July 1st, 2015
Peter Betnaza
Client Partner – The Engine Room Group Peter is a senior management consultant and executive coach with over 16 years’ experience. As a consultant Peter has led and worked on numerous projects with some of Canada’s top 100 employers covering performance management, operational excellence, cost management, and leadership development with organizations in the Hospitality, Health-Care, Forestry and Mining sectors. Peter coaches leaders at all levels to develop the rigor to provide feedback and change behaviours that drive significant bottom line results paying particular attention to where people and business process connect with field and floor execution. Peter specializes in helping organizations anchor the precise behaviours that derive positive business results.
Thomas Bierbach
Director, Lottery & Gaming Practice – Gaming Laboratories International LLC (GLI) Mr. Thomas Bierbach is a consummate professional in the field of Lottery Risk Management and Security & Compliance, working with organizations in the identification and implementation of Security & Compliance programs in support of operational integrity, fraud prevention and player protection. Thomas has held senior roles in Risk Management in the lottery industry, such as the Director of Security & Compliance at Atlantic Lottery, supported lotteries in creating the competitive edge of a world class organization while maintaining highest standards of Security and Integrity. Having represented Canada as Co-Chair on the World Lottery Association Security & Risk Management Committee (WLA SRMC), supporting development of and propagating WLA Security Control Standard, Thomas brings a broad global perspective to the GLI team.
Glen A. Blake
President & CEO – FULL HOUSE HOSPITALITY SERVICES LIMITED Glen Blake brings to his position of President & CEO, Full House Hospitality Services Limited, over 40 years of hospitality experience. Full House was the Master Franchisor for Howard Johnson Canada, Knights Inn Canada and owns and operates Canada’s largest hospitality procurement company Preferred Alliance Group. Full House is now moving back to its core business of providing hospitality consulting services to hotels, inns and restaurants with a target on independently owned and operated facilities. Mr. Blake has held this position since January 1, 2007, prior to opening Full House Franchise Systems Limited, he was Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of AFM Hospitality Corporation and its subsidiaries from September 2000 to December 2006, overseeing all aspects of franchise development and services for 10 brands under the AFM umbrella.
Monica Bohm
Vice President, eGaming – BCLC Monica is responsible for the strategic direction of the eGaming business unit. Providing leadership in all aspects relating to operations, development and marketing of BCLC’s secure and regulated gambling website, PlayNow.com as well as Business Intelligence, CRM and Digital services for all departments at BCLC. Monica is passionate about business development at BCLC and has had strategic involvement in many programs that improve business health, grow participation and meet expectations of current and future customers. She also led efforts to evolve BCLC’s customer relationship marketing strategy, broaden the customer base and introduce innovative products to the casino gaming experience.
Gerald Boose
Executive Director – GSPC Gerald Boose is the Executive Director of Gaming Security Professionals of Canada (GSPC). The GSPC is a panCanadian not-for-profit organization which was formed in 1994. It brings together security, game integrity and compliance specialists for the purpose of education and the establishment of best practices. Gerry has held senior executive positions in public policing and the gaming industry. As an independent consultant, Mr. Boose provides advice to gaming organizations in the fields of security, surveillance, investigation, regulatory compliance and corporate governance. Gerry is also the President of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries (ICSA) – Canada. His involvement in corporate governance and the ICSA dates back to 2002 when he became the Corporate Secretary of Manitoba Lotteries Corporation and a Fellow of the Institute. He is a graduate of the University of Windsor (B.Comm.), Queen’s University (MPA) and the National Defence College of Canada (NDC).
Executive Chef – Gold Eagle Casino Jesse started his cooking career in Meadow Lake sk. where he worked at a small family restaurant while attending the professional cooking program. After finishing the program he moved to Waskisu to work as a breakfast cook at the Hawood Inn. He then moved to Saskatoon to start his apprenticeship program whilst working in hotel settings. He spent six years in the Saskatoon Hilton Garden Suite Hotel learning all aspects of the trade. Jesse then took up a new challenge and accepted the position of chef at a privately run restaurant. After a couple years he decided that he needed a challenge and took an opportunity to work on Gabriola Island and learn a lot regarding scratch cooking and slow food. Jesse returned home in 2010 to Saskatchewan and accepted the position of Executive Chef of the Gold Eagle Casino where he continues to share his knowledge and experience with his culinary team.
Don Bourgeois
Principal – GRG Advisors Don Bourgeois is a Principal of Gaming & Regulation Group Inc. and has a private practice of law. Don has over 20 years of experience in the gaming sector, primarily in executive positions, in all aspects of the gaming sector, including casinos, charitable gaming, lottery, internet gaming, and horse racing. He was most recently General Counsel for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, where he was also Deputy Registrar. He was previously counsel for the Ontario Racing Commission and its Executive Director. Don was the architect of the AGCO’s shift to a risk-based approach to regulation and the modernization of the Gaming Control Act and its regulation, the development of the Registrar’s Standards and Requirements, the Registrar’s eligibility assessment process for applicants for registration or licensing, and the AGCO’s regulatory assurance program.
Donna Brewer
Director, Gaming Integrity – Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Donna Brewer has experience in policy development and spent several years as a director at the Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation and Saskatchewan Labour. Prior to joining SLGA, she worked at the First Nations University of Canada where she taught and developed courses in gaming management. She has experience as a chief privacy officer and with enterprise risk management. Donna holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Public Administration.
Danielle Bush
Partner – Miller Thomson LLP Danielle Bush is a partner at the Canadian law firm of Miller Thomson LLP. Ms. Bush provides legal advice and services (including negotiating and drafting software licence agreements, and providing legal opinions) to companies involved in all aspects of the gaming industry including lottery corporations, casino operators, charitable gaming providers, gaming regulators, gaming software companies, payment processing companies, and online gaming operators. She regularly advises clients on a broad range of gaming-related issues including online gaming, sports betting, fantasy sports leagues, and lottery products. Sports betting is a particular interest, as are the related issues of probity, and the prevention and penalizing of match-fixing.
Raymond Casey
Director of Retail – Fallsview Casino Resort & Casino Niagara With over 30 years of shopping centre management experience, Ray’s background includes direct responsibility for over 50 retail projects – from landmark, super-regional malls to entertainment centres, hospitality and gaming developments. He has held senior management and on-site responsibilities in shopping centre operations, leasing and development in Canada, United States and the Middle East. Ray currently holds the position of Director of Retail at Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort, a $1 billion casino resort facility located in Niagara Falls, Canada.
Lynn Cassidy
Executive Director, Ontario Charitable Gaming Association Lynn Cassidy has been the Executive Director of the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA) since 1997. Prior to joining the OCGA, Lynn held senior management positions with the Ontario provincial government at the Ministry of Community and Social Services, she was the Executive Director for two social service organizations, providing treatment services to adolescents and families, and was part-time faculty at George Brown College. She has an honours degree in Sociology and a Masters of Business Administration. Lynn brings a unique combination of experiences with charities/non-profits, volunteer boards and governments and is a frequent speaker and trainer.
Bruce Caughill
General Counsel – Falls Management Company Mr. Caughill joined Falls Management Group, L.P. in 1999. Falls Management Group, L.P. is a consortium operating the two government owned resort casinos in Niagara Falls, Ontario on behalf of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. His position includes responsibility for all legal, internal audit, security and compliance matters concerning the operation as well as the organization’s communication/corporate affairs portfolio. Bruce’s role also includes governance duties in his position as general counsel and secretary for the company. Mr. Caughill attended Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, before earning his law degree from the University of Western Ontario. He was called to the bar in 1992 and subsequently practiced with a Toronto-based international law firm until 1997. In 1998, he received a Masters Degree in Administrative Law from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and in 2008 he was honoured by the Canadian Gaming Association with the Association’s national award for industry leadership and outstanding contribution.
Greg Chamberlain
Manager, Cashiering and Casino Credit – Caesars Windsor Casino Greg Chamberlain has spent over 20 years in the Gaming Industry working at Caesars Windsor. Greg has taken on progressively more significant roles and was part of the team during the opening of the 1st Casino in Ontario, 1st Riverboat Casino in Ontario and the grand opening of Caesars Windsor. He is currently the Manager of Cashiering and Casino Credit and has been instrumental in the automation of various functions within the Cashiering Department. Greg is always looking for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency by introducing new technologies and re-purposing existing technology to meet the demands of the business.
Steve Chase
Executive Director – Food & Beverage – Fallsview Casino Resort & Casino Niagara Steve currently holds the position of Executive Director of Food and Beverage at Niagara Casinos reporting directly to the Vice President of Resort Operations and is a member of the Executive Committee. As Executive Director of Food and Beverage, Steve is responsible for each element of the Food and Beverage experience at both Casino Niagara and Fallsview Casino Resort (“Niagara Casinos”). Executing this for two properties is no small feat as Food and Beverage is a unique and essential part of the Resorts with 11 restaurants, two lounges and four bars. The F&B department employs over 1,100 associates and is responsible for a significant portion of total annual revenues. With over 2.3 million customers served in casino restaurants and 3.4 million beverages served annually across both properties, this is an ever changing and dynamic department.
Earl Cochrane
Deputy General Secretary – Canadian Soccer Association (Soccer Canada) Earl Cochrane has been a Senior Sports Executive for over 15 years and was recently appointed the Chief Strategy and Development Officer for the Canadian Soccer Association, where he is responsible for key growth and strategic initiatives that affect the largest participation sport in Canada. Prior to his new role, Earl was the Deputy General Secretary of Canada Soccer where he oversaw soccer administration in Canada, including sport governance, integrity, discipline and appeals, international and domestic player registration and transfers and all national competitions. He was also responsible for member relations with Canada Soccer’s Provincial/Territorial Associations, professional leagues and clubs and other international and national organizations such as FIFA, INTERPOL, CONCACAF, COC, Sport Canada, and Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport.
Roberto Coppola
Global Director of Market Research and Consumer Insights – YWS Design & Architecture Roberto is a seasoned marketing professional who is skilled in creative problem solving and discovering insights gleamed through an open minded and structured approach using qualitative market research methods. His work has influenced internal and external client understandings of consumer preferences in significant ways that have led to successful marketdriven solutions. Additionally, Roberto is a highly accomplished speaker who has presented to a wide variety of industry audiences. His work has appeared in publications such as Forbes and routinely is published within industry trade magazines. Prior to joining YWS in 2014, Roberto spent five years with International Game Technology. At IGT he lead the company’s consumer insights group. Prior to this role, he was a Leadership Development Associate at Las Vegas Sands, where he spent a year in the company’s prestigious post-MBA executive training program.
Jesse Boseman
Licensing Officer – Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba Amanda is the Supervisor of Gaming Licensing at the Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba. With the LGA since 2012, Amanda is responsible for the oversight of all charitable and commercial gaming programs. In 2014 she assisted in Manitoba’s amalgamation of liquor and gaming regulation to find more streamlined approaches for licensing and industry stakeholders. Her current work focuses on procedural and policy evaluations in light of recent federal and provincial legislation changes. Amanda holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Winnipeg and is currently studying Public Administration with Ryerson University. Prior to her work with the LGA, Amanda worked primarily in the public sector in Manitoba’s legislature.
Terry Debono
Partner – The Debono Group / Boom Digital Media Group Terry is a partner in the Debono Group which provides consulting, management & operational services to companies in the Gaming, Broadcast, Technology, Media and Entertainment sectors. The Debono Groups clients include: Lotteries, Land based and Online Casino operators, Gaming Technology companies, Gaming Regulators, Government Policy Makers, Media Companies and Financial Analysts. Terry is also a partner in Boom Gaming, a Social Gaming company that creates games for the Web, Facebook, iOS Android, Kindle, Roku and AppleTV platforms. Terry is a member of numerous Gaming industry associations and he is a regular speaker at conferences worldwide.
Maxime Desrosiers
Product manager – online lotteries – Loto-Quebec Maxime has worked for seven years in the gambling industry and is currently employed as Online Lottery Product Manager. His experience in his current position has enabled him to gain a thorough knowledge of the entertainment and gambling industry. Maxime has created, coordinated and completed several marketing and promotional projects such as the launch of an online draw games platform, the launch and improvement of its mobile application, as well as the launch of many lotteries and television game like Lotto Bingo and instant scratch games. He launches and manages the new category of online instant games called the Expérience games since February 2015. He completed a specialized graduate degree (DESS) in e-commerce allowing him to expand his knowledge in different fields like e-marketing, e-commerce strategies and marketing management.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Jeff Dover
Principal – FsSTRATEGY Jeff Dover is a Principal with fsSTRATEGY Inc., a consulting firm specializing in strategy support in the foodservice industry—analysis, design and implementation. Jeff received a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Hotel and Food Administration from the University of Guelph in 1989. He earned his MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1996 where he won the School of Business and Economics Graduate Gold Medal for Academic Achievement. Jeff also holds the Certified Management Consultant Designation. Jeff has been consulting to the hospitality and tourism industry since 1992. Jeff was most recently a Director with HLT Advisory Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in all sectors of the hospitality industry. Jeff was also a Director with KPMG’s Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism practice after beginning his career with Pannell Kerr Forster Consulting Inc. Prior to his consulting career, Jeff held hospitality industry management positions in the hotel, attractions and food service sectors.
Chris Fairclough
Stakeholder Engagement – BLCL A senior communications strategist with more than 15 years of success, Chris is all about building relationships that enhance reputations. As Manager of Stakeholder Engagement with BCLC, Chris leads the Corporation’s reputation and community-investment strategies, which combined have helped BCLC to achieve its highest-ever public support ratings. Prior to joining BCLC in 2008, Chris led communications campaigns in the retail, real estate and financial sectors, including iconic brands, Vancity and Lululemon. Chris is a regular presenter on the topic of Strategic Communications at BC Institute of Technology and Kwantlen Polytechnic University and is a contributor to academic reference and textbooks. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Diploma of Marketing from BCIT.
Larry Flynn
Partner – Marinelli and Flynn Gaming Advisors Larry Flynn is the President of 2 Vice Advice Inc and The O’Flynn Group of Companies Inc, as well as a partner in Marinelli & Flynn, Gaming Advisors and R2 Technologies. 2 Vice Advice Inc offer consulting and advice in both the gaming and beverage alcohol businesses. Prior to his retirement in April, 2015, Larry was the Senior Vice President, Gaming, of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG). Larry oversaw a $3.6 billion gaming operation responsible for 24 gaming sites, two warehouses and more than 6,500 direct employees. Before joining OLG, Larry held a number of senior management roles at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) for over 26 years. His last role was Senior Vice President of Merchandising, responsible for all product purchasing, LCBO’s Food and Drink publication and marketing for LCBO’s 600+ store network.
Bill Ford
Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel – Woodbine Entertainment Group Bill Ford is the General Counsel and Secretary of Woodbine Entertainment Group in Toronto. Mr. Ford has worked in the horseracing and gaming industry for over a decade, joining Woodbine in 2011, after working at Magna Entertainment Corp. from 2003 to 2010. Prior to entering the industry he worked as a corporate lawyer at McCarthy Tetrault LLP in Toronto. Mr. Ford has law degrees from the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit. He completed his undergrad education at McGill University and is originally from Montreal. In his position at Woodbine, in addition to being responsible for all legal matters for the company, Mr. Ford also oversees Corporate Affairs and Community Relations. He is particularly proud of the work Woodbine has done under the #WEGcares banner.
Diane Gartshore
Director, Product & Marketing, cGaming – OLG Diane Gartshore is Director of Product and Marketing for Charitable Gaming at the Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation (OLG) in Toronto. Diane’s focus is to work with the industry to enhance the customer experience in Charitable Bingo and Gaming Centres with a focus on new product, product enhancements, branding and customer research. Diane has worked in the gaming industry for over twenty years and was first involved in the bingo industry when she oversaw the development and launch of Ontario’s first linked bingo game at OLG that was subsequently launched in two other provinces. Diane later worked in internet gaming for five years as Director of Product Development working on new games as well as spearheading the Customer Relationship Management solution.
Bruno Gauvin
Customer Service Director – Loto-Quebec Bruno Gauvin began working into the gaming business in 2006 at the Société des casinos du Québec (SCQ), a Loto-Québec subsidiary. With fifteen years of experience in the tourism industry, he contributed to many of the SCQ’s clientele development and customer service projects, particularly as Sales Director. Continuing to progress within the Corporation, he is now responsible for managing the Customer Experience sector and clientele development for Espacejeux.com, LotoQuébec’s online gaming site.
Denis Girard
Executive Chef – Casino du Lac-Leamy and Casino de Mont-Tremblant Executive chef at the Casino du LacLeamy since August 2003, Denis Girard received his diploma in culinary arts and pastry making from the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec. Denis is an active member of the Société des chefs, cuisiniers et pâtissiers du Québec (SCCPQ), and has gained broad experience in large-scale institutions. In early 2015, he was named Chairman of the Prix Reconnaissance Renaud-Cyr, which recognizes the savoir-faire of chefs and artisans dedicated to promoting Québec cuisine and products. He has acquired more than 35 years of experience, including extensive management experience.
Russ Giroux
Director of Entertainment – Grey Eagle Casino As Director of Entertainment at The Grey Eagle Event Centre, Russ Giroux is responsible for the development, production, management and delivery of concerts and events at the state-of-the art venue. With over 15 years of experience in the entertainment industry, primarily as a Tour and Production Manager, his knowledge and relationships within the industry are a key asset to his role at the Grey Eagle. Good at wearing multiple hats, Russ is adept at responding quickly to changing circumstances, always maintaining an upbeat, can-do attitude. His outstanding organizational, problem-solving and negotiation talents, including the ability to handle a variety of assignments simultaneously make him an integral part of the Grey Eagle Event Centre team.
Karen Gray
Marketing & Product Management – BCLC Karen Gray is the Director of Marketing & Product Management for the casino division of BCLC. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce, a Masters of Marketing and an MBA. She grew up in Australia betting on horses, playing two-up, and trying to beat Queen of the Nile. With 23 years of marketing experience that spans player research, direct, digital, CRM and loyalty in industries as diverse as romance publishing, phone dating and online gambling, Karen brings a unique perspective to crafting player strategy and transforming businesses. She helped Harlequin romances transform its direct marketing operations from a product-based business to a reader-focused business. She helped Teligence imagine, develop and deploy customer marketing based on caller preference.
Lyle Hall
Managing Director – HLT Advisory Inc Lyle Hall is a Managing Director of HLT Advisory Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (marketing) degree from the University of Calgary, is a Certified Management Consultant and a member of the International Society of Hospitality Consultants. Prior to co-founding HLT Advisory in 2005 with Rob Scarpelli, Lyle was the National Director of KPMG Canada’s Hospitality, Leisure & Tourism practice, based in Toronto. Lyle’s past consulting experience also includes a role as Associate Partner at Western Management Consultants and as a consultant with Laventhol & Horwath, both positions located in Vancouver. Lyle’s consulting experience spans 35 years and includes a wide range of accommodation, gaming, public infrastructure and tourism projects for both the public and private sector.
Sam Goodwin
Policy Advisor – OCGA Sam Goodwin is OCGA’s Policy Advisor. Sam provides policy analysis staff support to OCGA, for both specific and industry-wide initiatives. This includes preparing analysis, option papers, and briefing notes, as well as working alongside government officials on specific issues of concern to OCGA members. As part of his OCGA duties, Sam is also the project manager for the Break Open Ticket Development Fund and he works with the OCGA Executive Director and Board on industry and government relations strategies. In addition to his work for OCGA, Sam continues to have an active consulting practice with a wide range of clients in the public and broader public sector.
Patrick Harris
Canada Development – MGM Resorts International (TRM Public Affairs) Patrick Harris joins TRM from MGM Resorts International where, for the last three years, he served as the lead for Canadian gaming development. Prior to that Patrick served as an Account Director at the Toronto office of a multinational public affairs firm, servicing clients in the Gaming, Energy, Food and Beverage, and Agriculture sectors. In addition to his public affairs and gaming experience, Patrick brings a decade of political experience to TRM including serving for four years as a senior advisor to Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory. Patrick also served as an advisor to the Minister of Health in Ontario, and Canada’s Minister of Industry.
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Director of Culinary – McCormack Bourrie Sales & Marketing Born in Northern Ireland, Graham Hayes developed a passion for food and cooking at the tender age of 11, working alongside his discerning parents at their popular catering business. In January 2015 Graham joined McCormack Bourrie Sales and Marketing as there Director of Culinary and the French’s Food Company as their Corporate Chef for Canada. Hayes is intensely passionate about his work, both inside and outside the kitchen. He is as much at home in front of the grill as he is chatting with clients and colleagues about his favorite subject – food. Hayes strongly believes that the portfolio of products he has are best in class and so much fun to work with. “I’m constantly driven to create dishes that stand-out from the rest,” says Hayes.
Michael Hearne
Manager, Social Responsibility – OLG Mr. Michael Hearne is the Manager of Social Responsibility Strategy at OLG (Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation). As lead on the integration of myPlaySmart tools and the Amber Alert program at OLG Gaming sites, Michael has been instrumental in bringing innovative technologies to use across gaming facilities. His background includes previous design, and digital communication roles with a B.A. in Communications from the University of Western Sydney and a diploma in Multimedia Design from Durham College. Michael currently assumes responsibility for RG player education and directing critical enterprise-wide RG initiatives.
Ilkim Hincer
Counsel, Commercial – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Ilkim Hincer is the Co-Chair of the Gaming Specialty Group at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, LLP. Ilkim is the former General Counsel of the British Columbia Lottery Corporation, Penn National Gaming’s Canadian subsidiary at Casino Rama, and Onex Corporation’s Trilliant Canada Gaming. Ilkim has extensive regulatory, compliance, risk management, procurement, commercial and international transactional experience in the gaming industry. His experience includes practical and operational experience establishing and enhancing compliance regimes and internal controls (including provincial gaming, responsible gambling, and federal anti-money laundering requirements) for both private sector gaming operators and the public sector provincial government agent responsible for the conduct and management of gaming.
Kevin Hovdestad
Director of Marketing & Communications – Catalyst eSports Solutions Kevin Hovdestad is a lifetime video gaming enthusiast who slowly turned that hobby into a career. Born and raised in Saskatoon, Kevin is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan in political science, and has over a decade of experience in marketing and communications, as well as a broad freelance gaming journalism portfolio and volunteer experience on several charitable organizations’ board of directors. Within the world of eSports, Kevin can be found casting tournaments, hosting podcasts and gaming shows, and working to professionalize the industry as the Director of Communications at Catalyst eSports Solutions.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Gavin Issacs
President and Chief Executive Officer – Scientific Games For more than 16 years, Gavin Isaacs has held leadership roles with leading global gaming technology companies. Today, as President and Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Games, Isaacs oversees a premier gaming and lottery entertainment powerhouse that operates under an impressive portfolio of successful brands, including Bally, Barcrest, Global Draw, SG Lottery, Shuffle Master, and WMS. He is focused on improving Scientific Games’ performance and growth through the development of innovative products and services to help lottery and gaming customers grow their businesses.
Michele Jaggi-Smith
Executive Director, Strategic Policy and Projects Division, Gaming, Policy and Enforcement Branch – Ministry of Finance, British Columbia Michele Jaggi-Smith is the Executive Director of Strategic Policy and Projects Division, Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch, Ministry of Finance. She has over 20 years of public policy, research and communications experience and has lead the Strategic Policy and Projects Division since March 2012. Following the 2014 Criminal Code changes when Canada allowed charities to use computers to operate raffles, Michele’s team launched the Licenced Gaming Online initiative in January 2016 which allows eligible gaming event licensees to operate ticket raffles through the internet. Her leadership role with GPEB follows ten years of senior policy work on criminal justice issues, legal access, and protective services in B.C.’s Ministry of Justice.
Matt Jamieson
Executive Chief Officer – Six Nations Matt is a member of the Tuscarora Nation and resident of Six Nations of the Grand River – Canada’s largest First Nation. In his role as CEO, Matt leads economic development strategy on behalf of the Six Nations community which most recently has included several investments into utility scale energy projects and joint venture initiatives. Thus far, Matt has deployed $50 million of direct equity investment and participated in the construction of $2.25 billion of infrastructure assets. In addition to development activities, Matt is the chief architect behind the creation of Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation which now operates autonomously from the political structure within the community.
Darren Jang
Manager, Product Development – BCLC Darren Jang has worked in the gaming industry since 2000 devoting his career tenure at BCLC in various capacities including marketing research, slot game analytics, and slot product management. He currently serves as a Product Manager developing strategies and roadmaps for slots, tables, and bingo products. He is passionate about inspiring teams using collaborative efforts to drive results in the best interests for players, profitably. In his spare time, he practices being a world traveler and wine connoisseur though not always successfully.
Carr Johnston
President – Sounds Creative Carr Johnston is the President of Sounds Creative, a boutique advertising agency. For the past 23 years he has helped both the retail and national sector in creating marketing campaigns using Radio, TV, outdoor, print as well as sourcing the many opportunities available online. His creative vision and team behind him have created countless successful marketing campaigns. He coordinates the placement of each medium together while creating promotions within the schedule to create that extra added value clients are looking for. Carr is a passionate, big thinker and likes to take a road untraveled.
Rick Josephson
CEO – Liquor and Gaming Authority Manitoba Rick has led Manitoba’s gaming regulatory agency since 1997. During that time, he has observed the evolution of the public’s acceptance and consumers’ appetite for gaming matched with technological advances that have created an environment and access inconceivable at the end of the last century. Throughout this period, Rick has overseen diverse regulatory developments in the province including the introduction of Craps, the licensing of Texas Hold’em poker, the regulation of online gambling offered by Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries, charities’ option to manage and conduct gaming over a computer and casino development and operations by First Nations. Most recently, the rise and acceptance of online gambling offered by other jurisdictions and challenges to the Canadian Criminal Code’s definition of gambling have presented new challenges to regulators and their public interest mandate.
May Kaine
Director of marketing client experience & loyalty program – Société des casinos du Québe Jon Kelly, CEO – Responsible Gambling Council May Kaine is Director of Marketing of the Québec’s Casinos and responsible for Relationship Marketing, Promotions, Events and Sales for the company’s four casinos and online casino platform. She has worked for the company for the past 13 years and was previously Director of Marketing, Customer Service and High Rollers for the Casino of Montréal. For over a year now, May has successfully spearheaded the Theme Months campaigns, the company’s highest profiled marketing initiative, with the objective of increasing traffic to the casinos all while implementing the company’s entertainment positioning, a positioning adopted across all of LotoQuébec’s business units.
Jon Kelly
CEO – Responsible Gambling Council Dr. Jon Kelly is a leading expert on play safeguards and problem gambling prevention. Since 1997 he has been CEO of the Responsible Gambling Council. The Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) is an independent, nonprofit organization committed to problem gambling prevention and with a reputation for high-quality research. Founded in 1983, RGC has established an internationally acclaimed record of achievement in research and analysis, evaluation/program review, standards development and program design. The RGC has now accredited over 70 venues and on-line gaming sites through the RG Check program designed to be the gold standard for responsible gambling. Jon has been invited to present on responsible gambling issues at conferences and seminars around the world including New Zealand, Norway, Australia, Italy, the United States, Singapore, Macau, Panama, the United Kingdom and Canada. Since 2011 Dr. Kelly has been a Member of Singapore’s International Advisory Panel on gambling safeguards.
Matt Klas
Manager – HLT Advisory Inc Matthew Klas is a Manager with HLT Advisory Inc. having joined HLT as an Analyst in January 2010. Matthew has been involved in several casino benchmarking and market assessment studies across Canada as well as gaming procurement processes. Matthew’s recent experience in the gaming sector includes a broad range of financial and market analyses on behalf of public-sector gaming bodies as well as the private sector. Matthew was a key player in recent assignments undertaken by HLT to review the casino operator compensation models in Alberta and British Columbia. Matthew also played a significant role in HLT’s team assisting the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation in its land-based modernization strategy as well as procurement processes in Massachusetts and Kansas.
Kris Kornelsen
Senior Manager Enterprise Risk – Deloitte Kris is a Senior Manager in the Enterprise Risk (ERS) group of the Winnipeg Office of Deloitte. Kris specializes in providing risk management internal control advisory and assurance services primarily within the lottery and gaming industry. In his 16 years with Deloitte, Kris has over 14 years’ experience working with Canadian and US lotteries and lottery suppliers. He continues to lead long-term engagements combining aspects of lottery security, IT and process controls and data integrity, focused both within the instant ticket and passive lottery draw operations of lotteries throughout Canada.
Rob Kroeker
Vice President – BCLC Rob is BCLC’s Vice President of Corporate Security and Compliance. In this role Rob provides executive leadership for all aspects of compliance, legal services, corporate security, privacy, and freedom of information administration at BCLC. Prior to joining BCLC, Rob served as Vice-President of Corporate Security and Compliance with the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation. He currently serves as President of the Gaming Security Professionals of Canada and is the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors for the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Through his career Rob has held a number of senior management and executive roles with the provincial government in the justice sector.
Marc Lalonde
Senior Compliance Officer – Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Marc is currently a Senior Compliance Officer with FINTRAC and has worked in areas of Risk Assessment, Compliance Assessment Reports, Administrative Monetary Penalties, Examinations and most recently with the Legislative Implementation team within the Compliance Enforcement Unit. As a subject matter expert, Marc also regularly conducts compliance examinations in the casino sector. Prior to FINTRAC, Marc spent 11 years as a manager in the casino industry and 10 years in the banking sector.” Eric Lamoureux, Managing Director – PAA Public Affairs Advisors.
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Managing Director – PAA Public Affairs Advisors Éric Lamoureux has been extensive experience in public policy and regulatory affairs for more than 13 years in Canada, predominantly in the province of Quebec. He has an array of expertise including lotteries and charitable gaming which has allowed him to engage with various stakeholders and provincial gaming authorities. Before co-founding CAP Conseiller Affaires Publiques in 2012, he was Vice President at a major public affairs agency based in Montreal. Eric also worked for various associations and not for profit organizations, including the Canadian Soccer Association. He also served as political advisor to various cabinet ministers, including Health, International Trade and Foreign Affairs.
Marc Laroche
Corporate Chef – Olymel With an experience of over 35 years in kitchens throughout the country, Chef Laroche has prepared meals for countless people, Including athletes, Chef with international reputation, celebrities, both Canadian and American, and political leaders. Since April 2009 he his Corporate Chef for Olymel, his principal duties are to worked has a food specialist and culinary advisor for the department of marketing, innovation, research and development, retail sales for both Canada and United States sales teams and for the food service sales department.
Paul Lauzon
Senior Vice President and Managing Director – IPSOS Paul Lauzon is a Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Ipsos’ North American Lottery and Gaming practice. Paul’s core responsibilities include managing the specialized team of researchers in the Lottery and Gaming practice, providing senior strategic advice on key accounts, representing Ipsos at key lottery and gaming industry conferences, and steering the direction for R&D within the group. While leading the Lottery & Gaming team from Ipsos, Paul has been involved in the design and implementation of ad hoc and on-going market research programs for provincial and state lotteries, casinos, i-gaming operators and vendors across North America. He has worked extensively on segmentation studies, segment tracking, corporate image, customer satisfaction and evaluation studies, as well as product testing campaigns using advanced analytics such as discrete choice modeling, paired-choice analysis, and different segmentation algorithms.
Danny Lecours
Chef – Casino Lac-Leamy Danny Lecours is a chef at the Casino Lac-Leamy. He graduated from the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of Quebec (ITHQ) in food service management and catering. Over the years, he held several jobs in restaurants, hotels and caterers in Montreal. In 1996, Danny worked as an intern in the kitchens of the Casino de Montreal, and his performance earned him a job he held until 2001. The next few years, he had the chance to work at the opening of the five- star Hilton hotel of the Casino Lac-Leamy in Gatineau. He briefly worked at the Ottawa Parliament as sous chef in 2010. However, in 2011, Danny returned to his former love as a chef at the Hilton Casino Lac-Leamy.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Eric Levy
Partner – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Eric Levy is a partner in the firm’s business law department and specializes in cross-border M&A and securities law. Eric has significant experience in public offerings, private placements, recapitalizations and stock exchange listings. His work encompasses initial public offerings as well as other public and private placement offerings of many Québec based and multinational companies in various industries, including mining and gaming. His private equity expertise includes representing numerous technologybased companies and institutional private equity funds in structuring cross-border financings. Eric was a lecturer of business law at McGill University.
Michael Lipton
Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP Michael Lipton has served as senior counsel on gaming law matters for over 25 years, regularly representing governments, operators, lottery corporations, and gaming equipment suppliers/manufacturers and counseling licensees throughout North America on gaming compliance issues. Michael is a founding member of the International Masters of Gaming Law and a past President. He has been recognized by his peers for inclusion in Best Lawyers in Canada and by Chambers Global – Band I for his expertise in gaming law from 2008 to 2016. He is editor of Canadian Gaming Lawyer Magazine, has authored many articles in gaming publications, and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. Michael has earned a global reputation for the strength and substance of his practice. Michael Lipton is a Senior Partner at Dickinson Wright LLP and Head of the Canadian Gaming Law Group.
Helen MacMillan
Founder and Principal Advisor – All-In Gaming Helen has over 15 years’ experience in the gaming industry, delivering exceptional results and encouraging creative thinking and cutting-edge approaches to doing business. A proven leader and highly driven professional, Helen has expertise in business planning and activation, leading change, stakeholder relations, strategic marketing, loyalty programs, brand positioning, customer relationship management (CRM), customer experience, social responsibility, community engagement, and client relations. One of her passions is aligning business strategy with organizational goals. In June 2015, she took a “gamble” and started her own consulting firm: All-In Gaming & Hospitality Advisory Group Inc.
Jean Major
CEO, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario With 30 years of experience with the Ontario Public Service, Jean spent 21 of those years as CEO of two regulatory agencies. Jean began his career as a gaming regulator in 1990 as Manager responsible for charitable gaming. In 1994, he joined the Ontario Racing Commission as CEO. In this role, he was successful in effecting significant changes to the regulatory framework governing horse racing. Jean was appointed CEO and Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario in 2004. In this capacity Jean continues to lead significant regulatory changes to the alcohol and gaming industries, including transformational changes to a risk-based, compliance focused approach to regulation and the development of a regulatory framework for lotteries and internet gaming.
Tom Marinelli
Partner – Marinelli and Flynn Gaming Advisors Tom Marinelli has 35+ years in the technology and gaming sectors. He currently is President of Habtom Consulting Inc., a company that provides consulting and advice in the gaming sector (Casino, Lottery, Charitable, Internet, Social) on strategic direction, technology application, organizational transformation, process design and education. Habtom Consulting also provides advice on change management and leadership development. Tom is also a partner in Marinelli & Flynn Gaming Advisors and R2 Technologies. Before establishing Habtom Consulting in 2015, Tom retired from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) from the position of President and Chief Executive Officer (Interim). Over his 23 years at OLG, Tom held the senior positions of President and Chief Executive Officier (twice), Chief Transformation Officier, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Vice President, Gaming.
Murray Marshall
General Counsel – Kahnawake Gaming Commission Murray Marshall has been a practicing Canadian lawyer for over 28 years and is a member of the bars of Alberta, Québec and Ontario. Mr. Marshall’s practice has always focused on issues of concern to aboriginal peoples and he has acted for a variety of aboriginal businesses, governmental entities and individuals. He has advocated on behalf of his clients at every level of court in Alberta, the Federal Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada. In 1996, as general counsel to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, Mr. Marshall was mandated to draft the Kahnawake Gaming Law. For the past 20 years, he has continuously served as legal counsel and advisor to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. In 1998, Mr. Marshall developed the legal framework for Mohawk Internet Technologies and drafted the Commission’s Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming and, in 2005, Regulations concerning Poker Rooms. Mr. Marshall has spoken at many aboriginal and gaming conferences in various parts of the world and authored articles and papers for a variety of publications including the Canadian Bar Review, Gaming Law Review and Economics and Internet Gambling Report.
Patrick McClary
Executive Chef – Caesar’s Windsor Caesars Windsor’s Executive Chef, Patrick McClary, oversees a talented kitchen brigade of 200 cooks and stewards at the largest, award-winning gaming resort in Canada. From casual to fine dining, guests have five restaurants to choose from: the city’s biggest buffet, The Market Buffet; the musically themed Artist Café; meals-on-the-go at Pronto Café; the action packed Legends Sports Bar and the signature, award-winning steakhouse, Neros. They also service an exclusive Diamond Lounge, room service and 100,000 sq. ft. of convention and banquet space. Arriving in 2008, McClary brought with him over 20 years of culinary experience with lead roles in worldclass Fairmont Hotels in Jasper and Edmonton, variety of fine dining restaurants and Casino Rama.
Superintendent Mike McDonell
Ontario Provincial Police Superintendent Mike McDonell, following the completion of the TO2015 Pan/Parapan American Games was requested to conduct an analysis of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Emergency Response Capability. Prior to this new assignment, Superintendent McDonell was the Commander of the Integrated Security Unit (ISU), responsible for the provision of a safe and secure environment for the conduct of the Games. The massive and challenging mobilization operation involved many police services as well as a contracted private security agency. The disciplined use of intelligence, balanced by experience-guided risk management allowed Superintendent McDonell to successfully lead the ISU to achieve its goals.
Hugh Mitchell
Brennan McFaul
Director of Operations – Trixstar As Director of Operations, Brennan has been working almost exclusively with Casinos managing the dayto-day strategy and execution of entertainment programs for the last 4 years. With over 10 years in the entertainment industry, his knowledge and relationships within the industry are a key asset to any casino looking to strengthen their entertainment program. His focus is on helping his clients maximize revenues and increase their community profiles through exciting entertainment solutions.
Len Meilleur
Executive Director Compliance Division – Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch, B.C Len Meilleur is the Executive Director of Compliance Division at British Columbia’s Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch (GPEB). His division is responsible for audits, investigations, horse racing and risk. Len joined GPEB after enjoying a 25 year career in law enforcement. He was previously the Executive Director of Registration and Certification Division and the Director who established the Lottery Retailer Registration Unit. Prior to GPEB Len enhanced his business acumen and regulatory oversight experience through roles at Air Canada Corporate Security and the Office of the BC Ombudsperson. Len holds a Master’s of Arts in Leadership from Royal Roads University. He believes Compliance division’s true strengths are service delivery and a willingness to change. This, he stresses, is accomplished through the team of dedicated employees he works with. Len wishes to thank all those in the gaming sector who support his role and collectively work towards collaborative solutions.
Chief Operating OfficerWestern Fair Hugh first joined the District in 1982 as the Agriculture Manager. His career took him outside the District for a period of time, working in the agri-business sector with the Ralston Purina Feed Company, returning in 1990 as Raceway Manager and then again in 2005 as Chief Operating Officer. Served as Senior Vice President of Racing for the Woodbine Entertainment Group in Toronto. Hugh has remained active in the horse racing industry and recently served as Chair of the Ontario Horse Racing Industry District (OHRIA) and President of Harness Tracks of America (HTA). Hugh is a past Director of the London Chamber of Commerce, past Director of Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions and past Director of Ontario Agriculture & Food Education Inc.
Roger Mittag
President, Thirst for Knowledge Inc and Founder, Prud`homme Beer Certification Roger Mittag, , the founder of Canada’s leading beer education company, Thirst For Knowledge Inc.® is one of the leading beer experts in Canada. He has delivered quality beer education since 1997 and is a consultant/educator to many breweries and restaurant groups bringing his extensive beer industry knowledge and enthusiastic approach to their businesses. In 2009, he created Prud’homme Beer Certification®, a sommelier style program for beer (the first comprehensive online beer education program in the world). Roger is also a published author who contributes to magazines and books and has appeared on radio and television sharing his love of beer.
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Director of Food & Beverage – Caesars Windsor Casino Joseph Moore, Director of Food and Beverage at Caesars Windsor, has been in the hospitality industry for over 35 years holding a variety of management positions at award winning resorts and hotels. For the past 20 years, Moore has played an integral role in major milestones at Caesars including the opening of the first commercial casino in Ontario and later the permanent property; the $400 million expansion and the rebranding to Caesars which saw the opening of new restaurants like the current awardWinning signature steakhouse, Neros. He has also held various executive positions: Director of Continuous Improvement, Operational Efficiencies and Director of Resort Operations.
Kelvin Morin
Tom Mungham
Chief Operating OfficerAlcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Tom Mungham is the Chief Operating Officer at the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. With the AGCO since 2006, Tom oversees all liquor licensing; charitable and commercial gaming; audit; slot, electronic and internet game testing activities; horse racing operations; and compliance within these multibillion dollar sectors for the AGCO. Focused primarily on leading change and operations, Tom’s working experience includes both the private and public sectors in diverse areas of regulation, law enforcement, correctional services and banking including business operations, education and training, information technology, strategic and business planning, audit and financial management.
President – Padrino Gaming Corp Kelvin Morin is the Senior Gaming Product Consultant for the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corp and President of Padrino Gaming Corp. He has spent a number of years in Nevada working for the Las Vegas Sands Corp as Director of Product & Gaming Optimization, where he provided gaming analytics and new product development expertise. Kelvin has been in the gaming industry for over 30 years, specializing in global table game related products.
Katia Muro
Manager – HLT Advisory Inc Katia Muro is a Manager with HLT Advisory Inc., has over 14 years of consulting experience. She began her career in the real estate industry conducting economic/market analyses to support the development of multiple retail and residential proposals across Southern Ontario. Since joining HLT in 2006, Katia has focused on the gaming industry and has since completed numerous casino-related assignments including provincewide market assessments, bank financing reviews, casino operational benchmarks as well as economic impact analyses. Katia has worked across Canada and internationally on various gaming procurement processes and/or start-up assessments including recent projects in Cyprus, Massachusetts and Georgia. Katia played a significant role in HLT’s team assisting the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation in its land-based modernization strategy as well as procurement processes in Massachusetts and Kansas.
Hai Ng
Partner – Neomancer LLC Co-founding partner at Neomancer, a technology strategy and management group, Hai has over three decades of experience in Technology, and over a decade in Gaming. His breadth and depth of experience fuels solutions that thrive at the intersection between industries. His current focus includes eSports/Gaming, VR/Gaming/eSports/ Media, and cultivating innovation in Gaming. Follow him on Twitter @HaiOnGaming.
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2016-06-01 2:32 PM
Head of Merchandising, Espacjeux – Loto-Quebec Paul Nguyen have been in the Web industry for almost 10 years and has been Managing Digital Projects at Loto-Québec for more than 5 years. Having a Bachelor degree in marketing and Master degree in E-commerce, Paul have recently played a key role redesigning the Casinos du Québec Website as well as building and optimizing or online igaming presence.
Corey Nyman
Director of Operations – The Nyman Group Corey T. Nyman, Director of Operations for The Nyman Group, is passionate about the total Food & Beverage experience, believing that in an operation, “You need to be the consummate host, always anticipating guest needs – even beyond the culinary elements – to give them an extraordinary experience, from the moment they walk through the door until they leave. It’s important to make each and every guest feel special in some fashion.” Corey has been able to transition this care and zeal for the guest into the development of new projects for the organization along with day to day operations working with clients domestically and internationally. He is a partner and co-founder of Labor Wines, a boutique wine project from Oregon’s Willamette Valley, started with the 2009 vintage now in its 6th year of production. Corey has worked with acclaimed chefs and companies including Wolfgang Puck, Bobby Flay, Piero Selvaggio, Hilton Worldwide and Caesars Entertainment.
Natalie Osbord
Principal Marketing Consultant – SAS Institute Natalie Osborn is principal marketing consultant for SAS Institute’s Hospitality and Travel practice, and a 20+ year veteran of hospitality and hospitality technology solutions development, specializing in analytics and revenue management. Prior to joining SAS, Natalie was the director, product marketing for Minneapolis-based IDeaS Revenue Solutions, where she worked from 2000 to 2011. She is a frequent contributor to industry publications, speaker at industry conferences and is co-author of the SAS and Cornell Center for Hospitality Research joint blog “The Analytic Hospitality and Travel Executive”.
Martha Otton
Chief Strategy Officer – Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Martha Otton is the Chief Strategy Officer at the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). As CSO, her responsibilities include overseeing the agency’s Policy and Planning Branch, Strategic Engagement Unit, Portfolio and Project Management Office and Change Management Office. Martha is responsible for the AGCO’s Strategic Plan and annual planning process and plays a lead role in ensuring the AGCO remains a modern and effective regulator. Prior to joining the AGCO, Martha was a Director General at Legal Aid Ontario and responsible for the development of the agency’s strategic plan. Before joining LAO, Martha held a series of positions at the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) including Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Agency Relations Division and Director of Corporate Policy and Agency Relations.
Sovanna Phan
Head of Online Casino & Bingo – La Société des Casinos du Québec Sovanna Phan is a casino gaming specialist with more than 16 years’ experience in both land-based and online casino operations. He currently works as the Head of Online Casino & Bingo at La Société des Casinos du Québec, a subsidiary of Loto-Québec. He is responsible for the strategic development of the interactive casino & bingo business, providing leadership aspects relating to operations, development and marketing. Starting his career in 1999 at the Montreal Casino as a table game dealer, Sovanna quickly went on to become a table game supervisor, only to be promoted to floor manager and poker room supervisor. He shared his experience through training both dealers and casino surveillance personnel.
Dr. Kahlil Philander
Director Social Responsibility – British Columbia Lottery Corporation Dr. Philander is the Director of Social Responsibility at BCLC. He has previously served as an Assistant Professor and Director of Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ International Gaming Institute. He is a member of the editorial board of International Gambling Studies and the Brief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS), and has published widely in gambling and business journals. Among other outlets, he has been interviewed by the Washington Post, Toronto Star, CBC, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, and New Scientist magazine. In 2015, he was named to Global Gaming Business Magazine’s 40 under 40 list, and won the research of the year award from the U.S. National Council on Problem Gambling.
Lis Pimentel
President – UNITE Here Local 75 Lis Pimentel is currently the President of UNITE HERE Local 75 and has worked as an organizer for UNITE HERE International Union since 1999 in various jurisdictions throughout North America. She has worked in university, gaming, hotel and food service organizing in the United States and Canada, leading organizing drives, bargaining, mobilization and political campaigns. UNITE HERE represents over 275,000 hospitality workers in hotels, food service and gaming throughout North America.
Sean Pinsonneault
Executive Vice President & COO – Woodbine Entertainment Group Sean Pinsonneault is the Executive Vice-President of Strategy and Wagering for Woodbine Entertainment Group. Sean leads the company’s corporate strategy around business development and revenue creation with a keen focus on wagering related opportunities. His career in racing started in 1988 and he has held various senior management and technical positions throughout that time. He has been at Woodbine since 2000. He is an Electronics Engineering Technologist and has also earned an Executive MBA and a Master of Management degree. In addition to his full time responsibilities, Sean is the Chairman & President of Racetracks of Canada, Secretary for the Thoroughbred Racing Association, Director for the Thoroughbred Protection Bureau and has served on several North American and International technical committees.
Elfreda Planert
National Account Executive – Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Elfreda Planert is National Account Executive with Coca-Cola Refreshments in the Food Service On-Premise Channel. A 9-month contract has turned into 8 years with the company in Brand Activation, Integrated Marketing, Customer Marketing and Product Commercialization and over 20 years in marketing and packaged goods. Marrying customers’ needs and opportunities to promote CocaCola brands has achieved strong performance in her portfolio, with many accounts achieving upwards of 15% growth.
Susan Pratt Frostad
Director Risk Reg and Audit, Policy Planning Continuous Imp – OLG Susan has over twenty five years of senior level experience in federally and provincially regulated entities. An engaged leader, she has extensive business development experience with global banks, multi-national corporations and governmental agencies. Her background covers consulting, sales, service, product management and development, strategy and industry regulation. At OLG, Susan is responsible for regulatory assurance and compliance matters for the Lottery division. This includes game and draw integrity as well as retailer and regulatory compliance.
Karsten Purbs
Director of Food & Beverage – River Rock Casino Resort Karsten’s F&B Casino/Resort career has spanned 20 years working at 4 properties, 3 in Ontario and currently in British Columbia. Karsten spent 10 years at the Niagara casinos, beginning with the launch of Casino Niagara and then the construction and opening of Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort. In 2007, Karsten joined Casino Windsor shortly before the Caesars rebrand and $400 million expansion. Karsten enjoyed 6 years with Caesars Windsor as a part of the Sr. Leadership Team in F&B. In 2013 Karsten transitioned to the West Coast joining Great Canadian Gaming Corporation as Director of Food & Beverage for the 4 Diamond River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond.
Derek Ramm
Director, Anti-Money Laundering Programs – OLG DEREK RAMM is the Director of Anti-Money Laundering Programs for the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG). In his current role, Derek is responsible for overall leadership and management of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing programs in the province of Ontario’s gaming industry. Prior to joining OLG in September 2011, he spent over seven years as a federal officer with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), the Canadian government’s financial intelligence unit. His primary duties at FINTRAC included oversight of Canadian investment companies and casinos’ compliance with the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act, and liaising with domestic and international regulatory and law enforcement agencies.
Paul Nguyen
Matthew Robins
Quincy Raven
Executive Director, Commercial – Scientific Games Quincy Raven is the Executive Director, Commercial – North America for SG Interactive, a division of Scientific Games. Quincy’s primary responsibilities include all commercial activities supporting the SG Universe product suite, specifically sales and business development, account management and marketing services. Quincy has more than 15 years of experience across the gaming, hospitality and payments industries. Most recently he served as Executive Director of Market Development for the Scientific Games Enterprise CTO. Previously, Quincy was Vice President for Interactive Solutions at Everi (formerly Global Cash Access) and Senior Manager, Strategic Products at Aristocrat.
F. Douglas Reed
Principal – Racing, Gaming & Entertainment LLC and Director Emeritus University of Arizona Race Track Industry Program Doug Reed is a renowned authority in the horse racing industry, and is also active in the evolution of the racino (racing/ casino) industry. Currently Principal for Racing, Gaming & Entertainment LLC a horse racing, racino and entertainment consulting company and director emeritus of the University of Arizona Race Track Industry Program (RTIP), Reed also has extensive experience as a racing official, track executive and racing and gaming industry consultant. He was affiliated with the RTIP for 20+ years and responsible for all aspects of the racing program, including administration, instruction, promotion and fundraising.
Director of Compliance – Amaya Matthew Robins is the Director of Compliance at Amaya and has been working in online gaming for the past 9 years. Matthew has set up the compliance and AML framework in its entirety for the Group and has been able to grow the team and help ensure that Amaya meets the regulations in the 14 jurisdictions where it holds online gaming licenses. Matthew is the Group’s money laundering reporting officer in multiple jurisdictions and also represents Amaya on the Remote Gaming Associations’ Crimes Committee and he is also a member of the Anti Money Laundering Professional Forum and regularly attends conferences and events.
Troy Ross
President – TRM Public Affairs For twenty years Troy has been involved in the complex political, public policy and regulatory environment of gaming. He is an expert government relations executive with extensive experience in Canadian jurisdictions. Troy has advised a broad spectrum of gaming industry clients including casino operators, slot machine and equipment manufacturers, technology vendors, Internet gaming providers, lottery and charitable gaming interests, horseracing stakeholders, as well as provincial gaming agencies across the country. Prior to founding TRM Public Affairs, Troy lead Canada`s first national public affairs practice specializing in gaming while working with H+K Strategies.
Vice President – RICHTER Advisory Group Inc. Nav Sandhawalia has been a Vice President with Richter’s consulting practice since early 2014. Nav has deep Gaming industry relationships and relevant work experience in Ontario, throughout Canada, and globally. Nav has delivered a number of engagements in both the public and private sector. A few of his core areas of expertise include governance, compliance, risk management, process re-engineering, business transformation, project management, and due diligence. Nav received his Bachelors of Business Administration (Honours) degree from Wilfrid Laurier University and has since obtained his Certified Professional Accountant (CPA CA), Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified AntiMoney Laundering (CAMS) designations. Nav has also been on the Board of Directors of the Oakville ParentChild Centre since 2014.
GET NOTICED! Canadian Gaming Business subscribers are comprised of Canada’s most influential gaming industry leaders and decision makers. For information on the magazine or to discuss effective programs to promote your business, please contact Chuck Nervick at 416-512-8186 ext. 227 or chuckn@medieadge.ca.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide GamingBusiness_Summit_SG_2016.indd 1
2016-06-06 2:50 PM
Managing Director – HLT Advisory Rob Scarpelli is a Managing Director of HLT Advisory Inc. and has over 25 years of business and consulting experience. Over 20 of these years, Rob has focused in the hospitality and leisure industries, most recently as the Managing Director/Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Hospitality and Leisure Practice. After starting his career at a small economic research firm, Rob joined the real estate consulting practice of Coopers and Lybrand (Larry Smith and Associates) in 1990. In 1993, he started to focus solely on Hospitality and Leisure industries. Rob became the Managing Director/ Partner of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Hospitality and Leisure practice area within the Corporate Finance group in 1999. In 2005, Rob together with Lyle Hall, formed HLT Advisory Inc., which specializing in the hospitality and leisure industries.
Richard Schwar
Field Coordinator – OCGA Richard Schwar is the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association’s Field Coordinator. Richard has been working in the charitable gaming industry for over 20 years. As administrator for the Charitable Gaming Association of Sudbury, Richard is responsible for the financial management and coordination of approximately 100 charities regarding the processes related to their bingo events. At the same time, he has been very involved in developing advertising and promotion initiatives for the Sudbury Bingo Centre. For over 10 years, Richard has been a part-time member of the Member Services team at OCGA, developing communications and assisting with members’ issues.
Jeff Silver
Of counsel – Dickinson Wright LLP Mr. Silver’s practice focuses on every aspect of gaming, liquor licensing and regulatory law, as well as planning and zoning matters, contractor licensing and transportation law. Mr. Silver’s representative clients include Gaming Laboratories International, Dubai World, Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, Tuscany Hotel & Casino, Riverside Resort (Laughlin, NV), The Stephen Siegel Group, Grand Sierra Hotel & Casino (Reno, NV), Century Gaming Technologies, Applebee’s Restaurants, Bell Transportation, United Coin, Ryan’s Express, and Casino Technology (Bulgaria). He has testified before the Nevada Legislature and U. S. Congressional subcommittees on gaming law issues and has consulted on gaming regulatory matters in several jurisdictions.
Craig Slater
Director, Legal Services & General Counsel – AGCO Craig is the General Counsel and Director of Legal Services at the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. He joined the AGCO in December 2012 and was appointed to his present position in August 2013. Craig previously spent 28 years at the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General where, amongst other appointments, he was the Director of the Crown Law Office – Civil for 4 years and the Director of Legal Services, Ministry of Finance for 7 years. Under his direction, the Legal Services Division of the AGCO has provided support to the implementation of standardsbased regulation in charitable gaming, internet gaming and casino gaming in Ontario, the merger of the AGCO with the Ontario Racing Commission and the expansion of liquor retailing in Ontario to farmers’ markets and grocery stores.
Jorge Soares
VP, Hospitality – Woodbine Entertainment Group Jorge Soares has worked at Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) for the past 17 years in various Food and Beverage and Business Development positions and in his current role of VP, Hospitality, leads various teams comprising of 800 hospitality employees across WEG’s four (4) properties; Woodbine & Mohawk Racetracks, WEGZ Stadium Bar and Greenwood Teletheatre. Soares leads his teams with a people first attitude and service mantra of “Make Every Experience a Winning One” which connects directly to the manner of how he and his team members strive every day to serve the needs of internal and external guests but as well provides direction and guidance for how relationships need to be managed with the many long standing food and beverage suppliers and corporate partners that WEG does business with. Soares credits the recent financial growth and experiential success within the events side of WEG’s hospitality business through leveraging of strong key supplier relationships that have greatly supported operational teams to execute events that ensure “winning” guest experiences.
Michael Soll
President – The Innovation Group A founding member of The Innovation Group (“TIG”) team, Michael Soll brings 25 years of experience as a leader and industry advisor in gaming and hospitality. Michael’s capabilities range from project development expertise to strategic deliverables. In addition to leading daily operations, Michael focuses on the firm’s complex projects and high profile clients, including introducing gaming legislation into new jurisdictions, analyzing large-scale leisure investment opportunities, deploying brands at new and existing properties, and strategic and business planning initiatives. Before rejoining TIG in 2008, Michael held various senior roles at Hard Rock International, Caesars Entertainment, Starwood Hotels & Resorts and Bear Stearns & Co.
Paula Speevak
President and CEO – Volunteer Canada Paula joined Volunteer Canada after serving as the managing director of Carleton University Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development. At Carleton, in the school of public policy and administration, she taught a graduate course in non-profit Management, and at the University of Ottawa she taught undergraduate courses in governance in the voluntary sector and community service-learning. Prior to her focus on applied research, Paula enjoyed a 24-year career as a practitioner and senior manager in the non-profit and voluntary sector in both institutional and community-based settings, in Montreal, Ottawa and on pan-Canadian initiatives. She holds a master of management degree from McGill University in the McGill-McConnell Program for National Voluntary Sector Leaders.
Dr. Kathrine Splide
Associate Professor – San Diego State University’s L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Dr. Katherine Splide is an associate professor in San Diego State University’s L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and chair of the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming. Katherine is a leading authority on government-owned casino gambling models with extensive research and practical experience in American Indian economic development and Tribal Government Gaming in the United States. With a PhD in cultural anthropology and an MBA in entrepreneurial management, Dr. Spilde has presented her public policy and economic development research to multiple international audiences in Japan, Macau, Hong Kong, Finland, Canada, France, Russia, and Portugal. She has also testified before the US Congress four times on such diverse issues as tribal land claims, federal recognition of tribal governments, and economic development.
Robin Steinberg
Director of Business Development, Retail Solutions – CashTech Currency Products Inc Robin Steinberg is Director of Business Development, Retail Solutions at CashTech Currency Products Inc. Selling the first closed loop coin and note recycling solution in Canada, makes Robin one of the foremost experts on retail cash management. Her experience in dealing with Canada’s leading retailers allows her to have a depth of knowledge on the inner workings of a cash room. Whether a casino, convenience store, gas station or big box store, Robin works hard to help her customers streamline their cash handling processes, reduce labour and achieve a significant return-oninvestment.
Rob Scarpelli
SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Elizabeth Stephenson
Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba – Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba Elizabeth is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba. She brings a unique perspective on the advancement of responsible gambling to her role, with over 20 years’ experience in the regulatory and operational sectors of Manitoba’s gaming industry. During this time, she has observed and influenced the balancing of social and economic policies that have driven the evolution of gaming across Canada. Her early experiences included the start-up of two new casinos and urban VLT operations, Manitoba’s first problem gambling prevalence project and casino-based training for problem gambling treatment providers. Since joining the regulatory realm in 1997, Elizabeth has led diverse initiatives in the areas of responsible gambling, research, consumer information and awareness, and has championed a legislated responsible gambling mandate for Manitoba’s gaming operators.
Robert W. Stocker
Member & Gaming Practice Leader – Dickinson Wright LLP Robert W. Stocker II is a member of Dickinson Wright PLLC, which has offices in several states, the District of Columbia, and Toronto, Canada, as well as cooperation agreements with law firms in Bulgaria, Macau, Malta, and Peru. He has an international practice in the areas of gaming (commercial, Internet, charitable, Indian, and sweepstakes), regulatory, corporate, and alternative insurance programs (captives and insurance pools) law. Stocker chairs the firm’s Gaming Practice Group. He is also an adjunct professor at Thomas M. Cooley Law School, where he teaches gaming law, business planning, business organizations, and alternative insurance programs and received the Frederick J. Griffith III Adjunct Faculty Award for excellence in teaching. Stocker has been recognized by his peers for inclusion in Chambers Global, Chambers USA, Best Lawyers in America, and Michigan Super Lawyers for his gaming law expertise, and he has been elected a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.
Canadian Gaming Summit Show Guide
Kevin Sweeney
Director Compliance and Investigations, and Interim Director Information Privacy and Security – BCLC Kevin Sweeney is the Director, Security, Privacy and Compliance at BCLC (a crown corporation in British Columbia responsible for conducting and managing lottery, casino and online gaming). Kevin leads the execution of Security, Compliance and Privacy strategies, programs and processes for risk control, partner and asset protection and compliance with relevant acts, legislation, policies and procedures and helps influence and drive consistent compliance strategies and practices, threat assessment and asset protection approaches to mitigate loss, litigation risk and protect the BCLC brand. Kevin has over 18 years of experience in the gaming industry and has held senior management positions within both the Private and Public Sector. Kevin is board certified in Risk Management, holds the Certification for International Counter-Cybercrime Professionals (CICP) and has been called upon as a subject matter expert for Casino Security and Surveillance Operations in the development of various curriculum and training programs as well as an expert witness for court purposes.
Leo Tiberi
Executive Lead, Lottery & Gaming – Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre Leo Tiberi has recently been appointed as Executive Lead, Lottery and Gaming Pursuit Project, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre. He and his team are focused on developing and growing the Lottery and Gaming Industry cluster in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario through Talent Management, Business Development and Innovation initiatives. Leo was the Vice-President, Academic and Research at Sault College in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. As a seasoned and accomplished executive leader with a passion for education and a commitment to student success in the College system, Leo was instrumental in the development and implementation of a Total Quality and Service mandate that resulted in Sault College becoming the #1 College in Ontario for Student Satisfaction for two consecutive years.
Kevin Weber
Partner – Dickinson Wright LLP Kevin Weber has practiced gaming law for over 18 years, guiding clients through compliance issues with gaming regulators, and providing opinions on all matters relating to the lawful operation of gaming, both land-based and online. He is a prolific author and speaker on gaming issues, and has represented gaming equipment suppliers, casino operators, payment processors and governmental entities, among others, in their dealings with the complex issues associated with gaming compliance in Canada. A member of the International Masters of Gaming Law, he is recognized by Chambers Global and Best Lawyers in Canada as a pre-eminent expert in gaming law. He also advises clients on business immigration matters, facilitating cross-border transfers of personnel into Canada in multi-jurisdictional industries such as gaming. Kevin Weber is a Partner at Dickinson Wright LLP.
Geoff Wilson
Principal – FsSTRATEGY Inc. Geoff Wilson received a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Hotel and Food Administration from the University of Guelph in 1976. He was designated as a Credentialed Food Executive (CFE) by the Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals in 1990 and received his Diamond Level certification in 2004. Geoff was in charge of foodservice consulting for two major professional services firms—KPMG from 1995 to 1999 and Price Waterhouse / Laventhol & Horwath from 1989 to 1994. He has many years of operations and marketing experience in the foodservice industry, spanning restaurants, institutional foodservices, resorts, and trade and convention facilities. Geoff held multiunit and unit management positions with Domco Foodservices, Beaver Foods, Robin Hood Multifoods Restaurant Division (Pizza Patio/Pizza Delight), Atlific Inns and Clevelands House. Geoff was also a parttime instructor in Hospitality Accounting at Humber College.
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