Owners Perspective | Spring 2017

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Project Leadership Gold Award Winner Northeast Georgia Health System Braselton Hospital



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PROJECT LEADERSHIP GOLD AWARD WINNER Northeast Georgia Health System Braselton Hospital Compiled by Matthew Bradford

INTERIM MAGAZINE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Matt Handal COAA Communications Committee Chair Trauner Consulting Services Mike Biesiada Structural Group Karen Bresson COAA


James C. Jankowski Cannon Design


Laticia A. King COAA Stan Scott Scott Consulting


MediaEdge Communications 5255 Yonge Street, Suite 1000 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6P4 President Kevin Brown Publisher and Senior Vice President Chuck Nervick chuckn@mediaedge.ca Editor Matthew Bradford matthewb@mediaedge.ca

Designer Jen Carter

Contributing Writers Ron Antevy Matthew Bradford Bill Palka John Sier Are you interested in having your project profiled in an upcoming issue of Owners Perspective? Please contact Chuck Nervick at 866-216-0860 ext. 227 or by email at chuckn@mediaedge.ca

© 2017 All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the association and publisher.


Industry leaders and experts unite for “Hot Trends, Cool Ideas 2.0”

Making the most of digital tools By Bill Palka

By Matthew Bradford

Senior Designer Annette Carlucci

Account Executive Angela Rafuse angelar@mediaedge.ca



President’s Corner


Owner Alerts


By Joe Sprys By John Sier

25 New Members

Calendar of Events

FIVE SIGNS YOUR ORGANIZATION MIGHT BE READY FOR A PMIS Optimizing now can yield immediate results By Ron Antevy


2017 COAA

Fall Owners Leadership Conference NOVEMBER 8 – 10 Hilton Tampa Downtown • Tampa, FL




Some major changes have occurred within the COAA structure in the last year. As you can see, Dean McCormick is not writing this President’s Corner article this time – I am. Dean elected to leave Iowa State University and has ventured to the contractor side of our business. As such, Dean’s departure left a vacancy in the president’s role, which I will fill. We at COAA thank Dean for his dedicated service to the organization and to the Board. His leadership has taken us through some significant changes within the organization and for that we are all grateful – thanks, Dean! A s Dean mentioned last fall, COA A has transitioned from an association management model to a stand-alone organization. That transition is complete and COAA now has a full-time dedicated staff. They include Lucie Castro, Manager, Membership & Chapters; Laticia King, Manager, Marketing & Communications; Jill McKen zie, Mana ger, Meet in g s & Sponsorship; and Natasha Patterson, Manager, Administration & Operations. This group of talented individuals individuals are led by our Executive Director, Karen Bresson. You will notice some familiar names and a few new ones as well. The staff will work with the organization and our members to foster the continuous growth of COAA and to make it a strong voice for the Owner. As we move into the Spring of 2017, COAA has several educational opportunities for our members. These include Chapter Workshops occurring in the months ahead which offer education and networking opportunities at a local/regional level. Visit the COAA website for more information about a Chapter Workshop in your area. If you miss a spring

event in your region, be sure to check back for the fall schedule of educational events which will be available later this summer. Fall offerings will include Chapter Workshops, webinars, and OTI courses. The COAA Spring Owners Leadership Conference will take place May 17-19, 2017, in St. Louis, MO at the Hyat t Regency – St. Louis at the Arch. This program is the in-person event for facility Owners involved in the planning, design, and construction process, offering 20-plus educational sessions, an opportunity to connect with colleagues, and – if you have time – the ability to participate in a tour of the Anheuser-Busch facilities at the conclusion of the Conference. In 2016, COAA was informed that our database vendor had been purchased by a new company, Impexium, and that they would be “sun-setting” COAA’s database sof t ware within 12-18 months. This information required the Board of Directors to evaluate its options and determine a plan moving forward in a rather short time frame. In late 2016, the Board approved the transition to the Impexium database, which

enables organizations to manage their data at the enterprise level. The new database software is fully web-based, mobile-ready, responsive, and touch-enabled. It will provide a much more positive end user experience for COAA members and volunteers. The COAA staff facilitated the database transition in early February, communicating with members and stakeholders throughout the process. I want to recognize the staff team who undertook this project during a very busy time of chapter workshops and Spring Conference planning, and thank all of you for your understanding as we transitioned to the new software. I hope that you enjoy the more user-friendly features of the member-facing pages and forms. In early March, the COA A Board of Directors, several st akeholders – representing Chapters, sponsors and Associate Members, and staff – convened in Atlanta, GA for the COAA Strategic Planning Leadership Retreat. Facilitated by Susan Radwan of Leading Edge Mentoring, the purpose of the retreat was to set overall goals and objectives for the association and to develop a plan to achieve them. It provided an opportunity for all the attendees to take a step back from our day-to-day work and operations and ask where is COAA headed and what the priorities should be going forward for the next three to five years. This is an exciting time for COAA and I will share an update with the members and stakeholders at the Spring Owners Leadership Conference in St. Louis. I hope you a ll can see t hat our organization, although going through major changes, continues to be strong and a voice for the Owner in our industry. I look forward to seeing everyone in St. Louis! Spring 2017 5



Construction necessarily occurs in the legal environment, which can be unique for each state, district, or circuit. Changes and developments can take place gradually or unexpectedly, and most changes will affect contracts already in place as well as future projects. COAA is a great resource for maintaining currency on industry evolution and identifying best practices. By John Sier

Drones may soon be flying near you ... carrying packages In August 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration issued the final Small Unmanned Aircraft Rule (“Part 107�) providing a framework for regulating t he c om merci a l u s e o f u n m a n ne d aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds. As with the previous interim rule, the drone must f ly within the line of sight of the operator during daylight hours. W hile the interim rule limited f light to below 500 feet, the final rule allows f light below 400 feet above ground level as well as within 400 vertical feet of a structure, such as a wind turbine. The 6 OwnersPerspective.org


interim rule prohibited drones f lying over people, but the final rule allows t he drone to be f low n over persons participating in the operation, such as a construction site. The final rule establishes a Remote Pilot Airman certification to allow the certificate holder to operate or supervise the operations of a drone. The interim rule required the drone operations to be overseen by a licensed pilot. The FA A has est ablished an aeronautical k nowle d ge te s t for te s t- t a ker s over si x teen years old and vet ted by t he Transportation Security Administration to achieve t he cer t i f icat ion. W hile

t he drone is not required to sat isf y airworthiness certification, the Remote Pilot In Command must register the drone with the FAA and perform preflight inspections to ensure that the drone is in a safe condition for operation. The more significant addition to the final rule allows external load – such as packages – if the object being carried by the unmanned aircraf t is securely at t ached and does not adversely a f fe c t t he f li g ht ch a r ac ter i s t ic s or cont rollabi lit y of t he aircr a f t . T he Par t 107 Rule allows t ranspor t at ion of propert y for compensation or hire allowed provided that:

• The aircraft, including its attached systems, payload and cargo weigh less than 55 pounds total; • the flight is conducted within visual line of sight and not from a moving vehicle or aircraft; and • the f light occurs wholly within the bounds of a state. Most of the restrictions discussed are waivable if the applicant demonstrates t h at t he o p e r at ion s c a n s a f el y b e conducted under t he ter ms of a certificate of waiver. Spring 2017 7


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under the prior administ rat ion announced several measures and activities intended to expand the use of commercial drones. Some of those initiatives include:


a process for the rapid prototyping and approval of new UAS payloads for its fleet by January 2018. This will allow for quick access to new sensor technology for users in the field as technology advances.

• Expanding existing capabilities through enhanced technology and training: The Department of the Interior (DOI),

which manages one-fifth of all land in the United States, has used unmanned aircraft systems since 2009 to conduct wildlife and vegetation sur veys, to protect endangered populations, perform archeological studies, assist in emergency response, conduct wildfire management on a 24-hour-a-day basis, and more. Today, DOI is committing to: w

sing unmanned aircraft systems for U search-and-rescue operations: DOI

will develop and maint ain a training program for the use of UAS in Search and Rescue (SAR) by October 2018. This program will allow DOI first responders to rapidly deploy unmanned aircraft technology in cr it ica l se arch- and rescue situations.


Developing UA S for augmenting manned aircraft missions: By

December 2017, DOI will develop payloads that have traditionally been carried aboard manned aircraft for UAS. T his w ill aug ment t he manned aircraft fleet and result in cost-savings and reduced risk to departmental personnel.

8 OwnersPerspective.org

Rapidly prototyping and approval of new UAS payloads: DOI will develop


Implementing rapid data processing capabilities : UAS-collected data often

requires post-mission processing before it can be used directly by the end user. DOI will find innovative solutions for rapid processing of data into usable products for scientists, first responders, and land managers. By FY 2019, DOI will have in place procedures for rapid

Most of the restrictions are waivable if the applicant demonstrates that the operations can safely be conducted under the terms of a certificate of waiver.

data processing of UAS-acquired data using the cloud. This will dramatically reduce the time needed to process imagery at a local office. w Increasing

dat a sharing of wildland fire locations: DOI will share near-

real-time f ire location information with the public by July 2017 as part of a multi-faceted ef fort to prevent unauthorized drone incursions over act ive wildf ires. Building upon DOI’s 2016 protot ype wildland fire location data sharing initiative with t hree volunteer indust r y par t ners, this expanded data sharing initiative will further reduce the risk of drone incursions that jeopardize the safety of wildland firefighters. Perhaps most interesting is the use of drones for deliveries as introduced in the Part 107 final rule. • E xploring the public’s views on using unmanned aircraf t for the d e l i ve r y of m a i l o r p a c k a g e s:

Te ch nolo g ic a l i n nov at ion i s rapidly t ransforming what is possible in t he world o f d e l i v e r y. O n e o f t h e innovat ions t hat is gaining extensive attention is delivery by unmanned aircraft, but to date little research has been done on public suppor t for t he concept . [ T he] United St ates Post al Ser v ice Of f ice of Inspector General [intends] to publi sh new f i nd i n g s a nd analysis on the public’s rapidlyevolving opinion of drone delivery as a potent ial f ut ure logist ics technology. Several topics are covered in the study, including the opinion

The airplane is part of the modern environment of life, and the inconveniences which it causes are normally not compensable under the Fifth Amendment.

of sur vey respondents to unmanned aircraf t d e l i v e r y ’s o v e r a l l appeal, it s most and least compelling applications, the believabilit y of claims about it s potential b e ne f it s , t he publ ic’s expected timeframe for implementation of operat ions, potent ial dow n side s of t he prop o s e d technology, and how the public would view drone delivery if it were offered by the U.S. Postal Service and a small collection of other interested organizations. The last initiative can be viewed i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e FA A Extension, Safet y, and Securit y Act of 2016 enacted in July 2016 t hat requires, among ot her t hings, t hat the FAA issue a final rule authorizing t he carriage of proper t y by drones within t wo years. The current Part 107 rule limits the use to visual line of sight, which impairs the efficacy of usin g drone s to deliver good s. Drone delivery would likely require autonomous operations outside of the operator’s line of sight and generally without the intervention of a Remote P i lo t i n C om m a nd. I nclude d i n t he Act is t he specif ic preemption of cer t ain st ate laws at tempting to regulate the operations of drones:

6 (a) F EDER A L PR EEM P T ION.— No State or political subdivision of a St ate may enact or enforce any law, regulation, or other provision having the force and effect of law relating to the design, manufacture, testing, licensing, registration, certification, operation, or

maintenance of an unmanned aircra f t s y stem, includin g air space, alt it ude, f light pat hs, equipment or technolog y requirement s, purpose of operat ions, and pilot , operator, and obser ver qualifications, training, and certification. The preemption does not limit t he enforceabilit y of local laws relat ing t o n u i s a n c e , v o y e u r i s m , p r i v a c y, d at a s ecu r it y, h a r a s sment , reck le s s endangerment, wrong f ul deat h, personal injur y, proper t y damage, or other illegal acts arising from the use of unmanned aircraft systems if such laws are not specifically related to the use of an unmanned aircraft system. Similarly, the Act does not eliminate a cause of act ion for personal injur y, wrong f ul death, property damage, or other injury based on negligence, st rict liabilit y, products liabilit y, failure to warn, or any other legal theory of liability under any State law, maritime law, or Federal common law or statutory theory. However, the Act does open the door to further development of the use of autonomous or remote-controlled drones

for delivering packages, which could allow for realt ime deliveries of cer t ain materials to project s. T he role of the drones would be g re at ly e x p a nde d b e yond observation and inspections. T hi s g row t h w ill not be wit hout a fair amount of conf lict among government al agencies determining the r e l a t i v e s c o p e o f ju r i s d i c t i o n as well as examining the rights of private property owners. In 1946, the United States Supreme Court observed in United St ates v. Causby, t hat t he ancient doctrine that ownership of the land extended to the periphery of the universe “has no place in the modern world. The air is a public highway, as Congress has declared.” Causby argued that the frequent low-altitude f lights above his proper t y by large milit ar y aircraft destroyed his chicken farm. The Court noted The airplane is part of the modern environment of life, and the inconveniences which it causes are normally not compensable under the Fifth Amendment. The airspace, apart from the immediate reaches above the land, is part of the public domain. T his not ion of t he public domain and the exclusive ability of the federal government to regulate operations of aircraft in that space will keep policy makers busy for several years to come. Likewise, the expansion of drone use will prov ide insurance under w riters much to consider and calculate a s t he v a r iou s r i s k s a r e i m a g i ne d and ident i f ied, but not nece s s ar i ly quantified.

Spring 2017 9


COAA 2016 FALL OWNERS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Industry leaders and experts unite for “Hot Trends, Cool Ideas 2.0” By Matthew Bradford

10 OwnersPerspective.org


It was a time for big ideas and bold visions as Owners and construction industry stakeholders met in Atlanta, Georgia, for COAA's 2016 Fall Owners Leadership Conference.

He adquartered at the Intercontinental Buckhead from November 9 – 11, the fall 2016 year's event welcomed COAA members and guests from across North America for three days of interactive forum, presentations, industry showcases, and networking events – all driven by 2016's theme of “Hot Trends, Cool Ideas 2.0.” “This was a fantastic group of people who are very passionate about what they do,” recalled Brent Darnell, conference presenter and attendee. “They are all open to new ways of doing things and openly share best practices with each other. The atmosphere at this conference was very welcoming, and it was obvious they liked to have fun.”

Darnell was one of the first speakers to take the stage following Information Exchange / Transition to Operations, one of the opening sessions, a facilitated discussion with Mike Kenig from Business Leaders United for Workplace Partners and Holder Construction. Offering expert insight on soft skills, Darnell's session, Emotional Intelligence and Relationships: Key to Success, was one of many to emphasize the importance of building solid relationships, trust, and communication on any project. “O w ner s a re re a li zi n g more a nd more t hat one of t he main element s of successful projects is the abilit y to have successful relationships filled with

trust and good communication,” he told COA A's Owners Perspective af ter the conference, adding, “The courses I took them through gave them the tools to be able to do just that.” Te a m b u i l d i n g a n d e f f e c t i v e communication were central themes throughout the event. This was especially evident during Day One's breakout sessions, which included the rapid-fire Risk Management … Powered By Pecha Kucha event, featuring insights from Stuart Adler (Emory University), Dick Temple (Michigan State Universit y), Marvin Woodward (Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission), Terr y Yeager (Berkeley Spring 2017 11


High-Speed Social Re s e a rch Group) , a nd Joh n Z a hor (University of Maryland). Roundin g out t he d ay's it iner a r y were presentations on biophilic design f rom R ichard Piacent ini (Phipps C o n s e r v a t o r y) a n d S o nj a B o ch a r t ( Wellbein g + De si g n) ; t he in s and out s of project contract s with Carrie Ciliber to (ConsensusDocs) and John Sier (Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook); and an examination of t he A / E selection process from John D uCon ge a nd How a rd Wer t heimer (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Joshua Gassman (Lord Aeck Sargent). Attendees also had the opportunity to share their own stories and experiences w it h colle a g ue s dur in g t he midd ay net working lunch and t he evening's Opening Night Reception.

Day 2: Down to Business C OA A's 2 016 C on f er e nc e ke p t it s moment um goin g w it h a D ay Two schedule packed wit h engaging present ations, case studies, and skill development workshops. A fter breakfast and COA A's Annual Meeting, the doors opened up to a rich selection of sessions. These included COA A – What Color is Our Parachute, led by COA A; Maintaining Safety and Security in an Insecure World, hosted by Nathan Brown (University of Kentucky Police Department) and Tom Sorrell (CMTA , Inc.); and Cost Increases or Cost Escalations? Which is It and Why Does It Matter to an Owner's Bottom Line ? Pre s ente d by Bi l l St audu h a r (Omni Hotels & Resor t s) and C.G. 12 OwnersPerspective.org

A highlight of this year's social events was a behind-the-scenes tour of The Porsche Experience Center and Headquarters, a $100 million, 27-acre facility featuring a driver development track, classic car gallery, restoration center, human performance center, driving simulator lab, and a restaurant. Here, guests got a peak behind the curtain of one of the world's top automobile makers and an opportunity to take a few “hot laps” with a professional instructor.

“Sonny” Jester (Gleeds USA, Inc.) O w ner s and project le ader s were also on hand to share their experiences from a number of recent projects. In Play Ball! The Atlanta Braves Leverage Virtual Reality, for example, Greg Mize (A t lant a Br ave s) and Tr av i s Noble, M i ch a l Woj t a k , a n d B r i a n N a h a s (Mor ten son Con st r uct ion) took t he audience through their use of virtual realit y ( V R) dur in g t he desig n and promotion of the Brave's new facilit y. Emor y Universit y's Dwight Raby and Holder Construction's Brian Campa, C o op er C a r r y, a nd B ob C a mpb el l also t alked about t he challenges of t r a n s f or m i n g Emor y's m id - cent u r y At wood Chemistry Building in When the Best Design Solution is Also the Mo s t D if f ic ult : Em or y Uni ve r s it y's Transformation Case Study. Additional case studies included an in-depth look at a Daytona International Speedway project with Derek Muldowney (International Speedway C or p or at ion) , Ch r i s S of fe ( Gle e d s A m e r i c a s ) , Ji m R e n n e ( R o s s e t t i) , a nd D a v id P r ic e ( B a r t on M a lo w) ; New York Cit y's Toilet Replacement Project, provided by Benjamin Huf f (N YC Depar tment of Environment al Protect ion) and Paul Schreyer (T he Gordian Group); and an integ rated design project at the Children's Hospital

of Michigan, presented by Ronald Henry (Detroit Medical Center), John O'Toole (The Christman Company), and Arthur Smith (Harley Ellis Deveraux).

Day 3: Ending on a High Note T heme s of col lab or at ion, problem solving, future proof ing, and project excellence came toget her on t he conference's final day. After breakfast, at tendees were invited to par ticipate in a wide variety of sessions, from The Smith sonian A sks … What are You Doing to Satisfy Your Client, with hosts Michael Car rancho (Smit hsonian Institution) and Ryan Suydam (Client Sav v y), to Deconstr uct Your Tower of B a b el … A n d O th e r C o a chin g f o r Clients, with Rob Engblom and Keven Kehlenbach (Baylor Universit y) and David Short (KSQ Design). “ I t h i n k t he pr e s e nt at ion w a s a good reminder of how impor t ant st ron g communicat ion is acros s all participation groups during a project,” s a i d E n g blo m , n o t i n g , “A u n i qu e feature of our session was having the mu lt iple v iew p oi nt s – such a s t he end -user, architect , and m ana ger – able to ref lect on their positive (and negative) experiences related to their

shared builds. It allowed for real-life examples of what works well and why that’s important.” Reflecting on the event, he adds, “I hope our session attendees appreciated the lively dialogue we had about how important communication is in large projects like these. I know we were excited to have so much audience participation, and I would hope too that the participants will remember how valuable the input of the end-users can be.” The final day also provided deeper insight on some of the industry's key issues. In Not My Problem? What Owners Can do About the Workforce Shortage, presenters Miles Albertson and Howie Ferguson (University of Florida) joined John Jefferson (GSFIC) and Mike Kenig (Holder Construction & Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships) to talk strategies for today's labor market

shortages and plans for COAA's Workforce Development Initiative Committee. “Because there's been precious little said about t he Owner's role when it comes to the workforce shortage issue. It's not like we (UF) have done anything groundbreaking, but at least we've done something by broaching the topic in our const r uct ion manager select ion process and hosting a regional forum on the topic with our School of Building Construction,” said Howie Ferguson, who returned as COA A's Commit tee Chair for this year's show. “I hope Owners in the audience walked away understanding that there really is a skilled workforce shortage, the workforce issue will impact their construction projects in multiple ways, if it isn't already, and we as Owners must take a leadership role on beginning to help solve or remedy the problem,” he added.

T he d ay's it inerar y also included Optimizing Owner Organizations, with Bevan Mace (Balfour Beatty), Bill Seed (Strategic Solutions Incorporated), and Design- A ssist 202 : Mission Health's Current Best Practices, offered by Toby K ay (Mission Healt h System), Scot t Johnson (Smith Seckman Reid, Inc.) and Steve Russell (Brasfield & Gorrie). Last but never least, COA A invited guests to take the mic in the alwaysp opu l a r O w ne r s' R oundtable. A s it d o e s e v e r y y e a r, t h i s o p e n f o r u m gave attendees a chance to raise their questions and issues in an open forum discussion and share their own opinions and strategies with the room. While the buzz remains high from 2016's fall leadership conference, plans are already in place to do it all again during 2017's spring and fall conference events. For details, visit www.coaa.org.

2016 SPONSORS Special thanks to the sponsors who made the 2016 COAA Fall Owners Leadership Conference one of the most successful association events to date:


Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook, P.C.

COAA Texas

Bentley Systems, Inc.


COAA Florida

Chameleon Consulting Corp.


COAA Maryland / Washington, DC



COAA Pennsylvania

Coast 2 Coast

PC Associates

COAA Georgia


Structural Group

COAA Michigan


Whiting-Turner Spring 2017 13


PROJECT LEADERSHIP GOLD AWARD Northeast Georgia Health System Braselton Hospital By Matthew Bradford

In March 2013, work began on a groundbreaking addition to the Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS). 654 days later, the NGMC Braselton Hospital project came online, offering a new stateof-the-art facility with innovations focused on disease management, patient safety, operational efficiency, facility and resource efficiency, and the integration of technology with the delivery of care.



Vision: The NGHS Executive Team sought to create one of the best hospitals of its size in the US. The design of the hospital system (the built environment, equipment, health IT), and the process of planning and design for the Braselton Hospital supported the NGHS Vision of: • Creating a total patient experience that is among the best in world; • providing extraordinary safety and clinical outcomes; • providing the best possible value for healthcare dollars spent; • creating a setting for physicians and staff that supports their effectiveness through coordinated team-based care; • creating a setting that is sustainable and advances the wellness and safety of patients, families, staff, community and the environment; • innovating through the consideration of new ideas; and, • creating an overall healthcare destination “village” of which the hospital is but one piece. Goals: The NGHS Executive Team seeks to create a design process and final project that: 1. Is totally designed for the future; 2. identifies and incorporates the latest evidence-based design and best practices for patient and staff safety; 3. reduces waste in key value streams: the patient voyage, movement of staff, information, supplies and other key flows; 4. achieves LEED certification; 5. is integrated with the surrounding community; 6. architecturally compliments the residential character of the surrounding communities; and 7. effectively incorporate a comfortable environment consistent with the brand promise of the Northeast Georgia Health System. Project Guiding Principles: 1. Patient Focused Care 2. Top Regional Provider 3. Excel in Heart, Cancer, Ortho, and Neuro Care 4. Stewardship

16 OwnersPerspective.org


and in this case the NGMC team was instrumental in providing a focused direction and timely decisions. Additionally, the dedication and “Successful projects are driven by the Owner,

commitment to creating a sustainable, safe, and innovative facility encouraged the entire project team to be collaborative, consider all options, and always make the best decisions for the project.” – Keith Merritt, project manager with Turner Construction The satellite hospital was completed on December 18, 2014, two months before the contract's original February 19, 2015, completion date. Spanning 352,000 sq. ft., it is a 100-bed medical and surgical facility connected to an integrated medical office building featuring imaging and diagnostics capabilities, an emergency department, 7 operating rooms, 12 ICU beds, a laboratory, and a variety of support services. Building the Team The project team was led by Rudy Lonergan, Director of Facilities Development for Northeast Georgia Health System, who was

challenged by the NGHS Board to deliver the project for less than the project budget of $187.4 million using integrated project delivery (IPD). Their direction represented a decisive change in approach from previous experiences on several large project undertakings utilizing traditional delivery methods. To begin, a team with experience in IPD and design innovation was assembled. It included Lawler-Wood (LW), which was chosen as the Owner’s representative to lead a process that would accomplish NGHS's ambitious goals. Under Lonergan’s guidance, LW developed a series of customized RFQs and RFPs to identify team members who

could work under a “more creative” set of rules and processes. In order to identify the best Lean construction firms possible, the Owner’s team then hand-picked the entire crew. Key subcontractors (e.g. mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and drywall) were hired under this IPD contracting approach, and each joined a team incentive plan and signed a Team Partnering Agreement. This agreement documented the nature, actions, and rewards relative to project's success with collaboration, innovation, respect for others, and project-centric outcomes. A Core Group was also formed to lead the overall delivery team and work together to make decisions in the best interest of the Spring 2017 17


A Sustainable Vision NGHS Leadership established an early project goal of creating a hospital that not only incorporated sustainable building materials but was a good steward of utility and water resources for its entire life. As a result, a “LEED for Healthcare” Gold objective was targeted and the team collaborated to find the best combination of design solutions to accomplish this objective. As evidence of NGHS’s commitment to sustainability, they established both an “Innovation Budget” and an Innovation Incentive. A $3.6 million fund was set apart for accomplishing sustainable measures that would achieve a combined simple payback of 7-8 years and meet the CFO’s requirement of a 12% return on investment (ROI). Highlights include: • Using a geothermal system to heat and cool the building, results in a 5-1/2 year life-cycle payback with projected 30-year savings of $15 million; • selecting native species landscape plants and vegetation with a high degree of drought tolerance; • using extensive LED lighting, including dark sky site lighting, to eliminate light pollution to surrounding neighborhoods; • designating low emitting vehicle parking areas with solar voltaic electric car charging stations • recycling and diverting 92% (or 6.5 million pounds) pounds of all construction waste; • installing solar activated window shades on the 3-story dining atrium windows, which automatically lower on sunny days; • sourcing more than 20% of building materials from recycled content; and • installing roof gardens above dining patio entrances to reduce heat gain. The result was a hospital facility that operates with 35% less utility consumption than a typical hospital and uses 35% less water. For accomplishing the sustainability and renewable energy objectives, the design and construction team was rewarded financially through the incentive program.

18 OwnersPerspective.org

project. This Core Group met regularly to assess the progress of the team, set goals for success, and ensure effective communication. Scheduling and Cost Management Strategic approaches to construction scheduling and cost management contributed greatly to the project's success. For example, NGMC Braselton used a top-down approach to the development of the design with the understanding that the hospital staff was not yet in place during the design phase. “With no staff for this Greenfield hospital, and a small leadership team during the early phases of the project, NGHS knew there would be challenges in designing a building that would support operational decisions that were still to be made,” said Kurt Spiering, Vice President and Principal with HGA Architects. “The pro-active approach was to involve the system hospital leadership team, the internal system-wise process improvement team, and selected focus groups of clinical and community leaders in order to define the human experience, operational efficiencies, and desired clinical outcomes to be achieved. The outputs from these sessions provided the direction for facility planning and the ultimate model for the new hospital.” A Last Planner scheduling method was also used through the project to encourage

a more collaborative approach between the subcontractors, vendors, and consultants. This was effective in creating a complete buy-in amongst all parties on the project schedule. At the beginning of the project, the team developed a batching plan to orchestrate how t he project would f low and to determine what size of the individual work areas would best suit the entire project. The plan was distributed to all parties as they came on board, after which the team came together every six weeks to develop a six-week look ahead schedule and refine the workflow. Cost management was also a top focus. This meant using a continuous real-time process when it came to budget preparation and confirmation, as opposed to individual milestone budgets set by design phases. The team used a collaborative methodology, referred to as “Component Team Approach”, which managed the pricing dynamically. The basic premise was to collaborate on a periodic basis to share updates on design, decisions, and estimating, operating with a short term goal of updating the budget and setting directions for the next meeting. The crew's focus on Lean design also assisted with controlling costs. Utilizing a Lean philosophy of “maximizing the whole”, every operational and clinical aspect of the

AWARD PROFILE project was evaluated in order to determine the “product in”, the transformation that took place, and the “product out”. In doing so, 13 core processes were identified that would take place in this environment. Elsewhere, the Owner worked closely with HGA to evaluate “like experiences”, “like work activities”, and the utilization curves of the space due to schedule or other variations. By matching “like work” with “like experiences”, and creating universal spaces to perform a variety of clinical functions, the space near the patient was increased in order to meet real needs while reducing the overall number of patient care sites. This eliminated redundancy and improved overall utilization of the functional unit. These highly effective “platforms” formed the basis for the design of the clinical areas. Thanks to this Lean philosophy and process innovations, the hospital has 10% less square footage overall and a 20% more focus on clinical space compared to traditionally designed facilities. The resulting savings were applied directly to other areas to further enhance the quality of patient care and services. Quality Management The Owner placed and emphasis on quality from the onset of the build. The foundation for quality and craftsmanship was first set by enabling the entire team to perform a thorough constructability review of the construction documents during the design phase of this project. Additionally, the Owner worked with Turner to ensure reputable subcontractors were selected through the purchasing process. Once all stakeholders were on board, Turner moved into the submittal phase, requesting and reviewing all detailed shop drawings for constructability issues, all material samples, and mock-ups. Mock-ups were reviewed in-depth by the entire team. Once the construction phase

Approach to Safety Safety was one of the system’s guiding principles established during the early project planning. The Owner wanted to create a safe hospital and this philosophy transcended into the actual construction. From project inception, the construction manager was very proactive in dealing with safety. When the project incentive plan was established, safety was one of the items that would factor into compensation. During construction, the number of man-hours worked was tracked weekly on the constraint log along with the number of lost time safety incidents. As well, Turner conducted safety orientations and stand down training on a regular basis, and safety record updates were regularly reported to the system senior administration and board. As a result, the facility became the first hospital in Georgia to receive LEED Gold certification for Healthcare (and one of only 10 in the world), operating with 35% less utility consumption than a typical hospital and using 35% less water. For accomplishing the sustainability and renewable energy objectives, the design and construction team was rewarded financially through the incentive program.

began, first work inspections were required to be performed as new materials were installed to ensure the quality standards were being upheld as required by the contract documents. The Owner conducted quality control inspections on regular intervals as construction progressed. Workers demonstrating an outstanding work product were awarded with gift cards or selected by supervisors to be a part of prize drawings. Quality was also maintained on the project through the implementation of prefabricated

elements such as patient bathrooms pods, headwalls, panelized sections of framing, and router cut drywall components such as soffits and bulkheads. These components were built offsite at a location near the project, creating a controlled environment which led to increased quality and improved fabrication times. The Owner and the CM also employed the services of a third-party exterior skin consultant to provide an additional constructability review of the exterior skin details and conduct field inspections with documented reports. This further ensured the water tightness of the exterior over the long term. Project Success The project achieved substantial goals relative to operational efficiency, construction cost savings, reduction of waste, and use of local labor through the use of Integrated Project Delivery, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Lean Construction, and Clinical Lean methodologies. As a result, the following successes were achieved: • The project was completed two months ahead of schedule; • it generated $3.5 million in savings from the GMP; • is expected to receive LEED Gold Certification for Healthcare; • recycled 92% of construction waste; • sourced 33% of materials within 500 miles of the project; and • uses 35% less energy than a typical hospital ' “On behalf of Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton, I would like to express my personal gratitude to all the team members who kept this project on an aggressive schedule and achieved our lofty goals of designing and building a patient-centered hospital, keeping the best interest of our patients and their families as the main focus,” said Anthony Williamson, President of NGMC Braselton.

“Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton is the first net-new hospital built in Georgia in over 20 years. Our mission is improving the health of our community in all we do and every step along the way we have made it a priority to do the right things for the right reasons. The passion of the development team is highly evident in many ways throughout the entire building.”– Anthony Williamson, President, NGMC Braselton Spring 2017 19

THE NEW CONSTRUCTION ASSET Making the most of digital tools By Bill Palka

20 OwnersPerspective.org


When project records were paper-based, it was difficult for Owners to oversee, collect, and house all of that information. And if they did collect it, what good did it do? Finding a particular item was next to impossible. Now that project information is digital, however, software has arisen that enables companies to oversee projects and mine their data to resolve disputes and make the next project more successful. Moreover, it allows for Owners to have their complete project records in a form they can use for ongoing operations and remodeling. The first step is to take an active role in project information governance. In the past, when project information only existed as a hard copy, it made sense to rely on the contractor to maintain a record and to deliver a final copy in the form of a building manual. Now, all that’s changed. That project data is digital, making it extremely easy for users to find what they need quickly and easily. What's more, that transition from ink-on-paper to pixels-on-screens morphs digital project information into a new capital asset that can use to a company's benefit. Specifically, digital project information enables users to oversee construction, resolve disputes that may arise from past actions, and manage structure going forward. It even supplies learnings you can apply to future projects. How total project information governance mitigates risks Most building Owners work with a trusted general contractor (GC) or construction manager (CM) who maintains the data as a project is built or renovated. More likely than not, owners count on receiving those records once construction is complete, but mitigating information risk relies greatly on who owns and controls the information. For example, if a dispute or lawsuit arises, Owners are wholly dependent on their GC or CM to tell them what happened and why. However, Owners need to be in possession of the data their legal

team needs to document how decisions were made and to piece together the steps that led to the dispute. To resolve a dispute, you need data that’s siloed in the email, computer folders, and/or team members' disparate systems. For example, a discussion regarding a critical decision may be stored in one employee’s Microsoft Outlook folder, and consequently, very difficult to include in legal discovery. Owners are the only party whose concern spans the full project timeline. Owners are the ones invested throughout the entire life cycle of the building: design, build, maintain, renovate. The information that’s generated in the project’s design and construction phases will provide insights that will be extremely useful in maintaining and renovating projects, as well as planning future ones. The GC or CM is involved in the build phase of your project only, which means Owners are missing data generated from your design teams. They may want that data if a dispute concerns issues with the design. A lso, as t he ultimate st akeholder, Owners want to be assured the project is progressing as scheduled. Project information management (PIM) software provides that oversight. If GC or CM are left to judge when an issue should be brought to the Owner's attention, the project may already be at risk. That's where real-time insight into the project data can proactively identify and resolve problems. Complete, searchable data helps maintain projects and plan new ones. A clear record of project information can save time and resources when developing a project of similar scope.

As well, an Owner needs to guard against attrition. Capital projects often have long durations and it’s likely that project teams will lose or replace key st akeholder s or cont ractor s. Hav in g acce s s to a l l of a proje ct 's d i g it a l assets provides for critical continuit y. Employees may move on, and companies want future employees to have access to institutional knowledge. You can manage – not drown in – your project data. Let’s face it, an abundance of data is a hallmark of the construction industry. In addition to the reams of sheet sets, specs, RFIs and submit tals, projects create massive volumes of communications between the design and build teams. Today, software for PIM is putting data where people can use it. For example, PIM software enables these actions: • File email with other project documents; • q u i c k l y f i n d e m a i l a n d o t h e r information, even if the person who filed it is no longer with the company; • automatically see captured logs showing the who, what and when of transmittals; • know who downloaded what, when; and • Quickly find records in past projects. In short, data once thought of as unwieldy and therefore useless can now be tamed and put to strategic use in protecting Owner interests, mitigating risks, and even maintaining buildings and planning future ones. As an owner, it’s no longer acceptable to sit on the data sidelines; it’s your project, and that means it’s your data. Bill Palka is on the customer engagement team at Newforma, a leading provider of building and infrastructure project information management software. Spring 2017 21



YOUR ORGANIZATION MIGHT BE READY FOR A PMIS Optimizing now can yield immediate results By Ron Antevy

22 OwnersPerspective.org


According to McKinsey & Company and Accenture research on program performance, more than 66 percent of capital programs exceed budget and schedule objectives. Within the construction industry, this statement rings true as many projects run over time, acquire additional costs and fall short on quality, due to lack of proper planning and management techniques. Clo u d - b a s e d p r oj e c t m a n a g e m e nt informat ion systems (PMIS) enable building and project managers to store all data required for successful execution in an organized, easily-shared and useful way. According to a new study by Dodge Data and e-Builder, about half of owner organizations (private and public) have begun to use a PMIS; however, many still do not take full advantage of their benefits. Is it time for your organization to adopt a PMIS? Are you using your current PMIS to its full ability? Here are five signs that your organization might be ready to employ a new technology solution.

1. Inadequate Project Controls Inef fective project management and control is one of the greatest contributors to schedule and quality issues. Organizations that fail to fully prepare and plan for a renovation or new construction projects are susceptible to last minute organizational issues, such as scheduling and materials changes. Furthermore, without a solid plan, it is difficult to get input from all appropriate stakeholders and third-party contractors who will invest in the project. A PMIS helps address these issues by offering greater control over project plans, schedule and project data from the start of a project. By inputting these moving

factors into the PMIS, all stakeholders and contractors can weigh in on the project ahead of time and sign off on actions ahead of the project’s commencement. Minimizing those moving factors will help future projects stay on schedule and will ensure that the desired quality is met. 2. Lack of Collaboration Among Thirdparty Consultants Ne g le c t i n g t o i nv olv e t h i r d - p a r t y consultants in project planning and kick off can have a negative impact on schedule, qualit y and budget. Consultants are brought into a project because they have a specific talent or skill that cannot be found Spring 2017 23


within your organization; by failing to include them in plans, you miss out on their opinion of any potential roadblocks or best-practices. Fur t her more, once a project is in operat ion, you’ ll have to work with multiple contractors for various parts of the construction. Each of these contractors conducts measurements and accrues extensive data on the project; by failing to incorporate all this data into a common system, the project manager risks time wasted and poor project quality due to duplicated efforts, human error and missing or outdated information. Using a PMIS helps the owner and vendors compile and share data - essentially serving as “one version of the truth” for all project team members. . Once the project is complete, this data is easily accessible for reference for ongoing maintenance. 3. Unsupported and Unengaged Staff Of ten overlooked but equally as impor t ant as the other considerations outlined, investment in employees has a major impact on project quality. In order to unleash the promise of

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its people, organizations must effectively recruit and nurture t alent, as well as promote a culture of organized capit al projects. Owners should complement these efforts by providing their teams with the tools needed to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. According to an FMI 2015 Industry Survey of Millennials in Construction, 51 percent of millennials strongly agree that they’re interested in challenging work environment s – harness that drive by ensuring that your organization’s technolog y helps them complete their jobs effectively and feel challenged and engaged. 4. Lack of stakeholder integration Failing to involve stakeholders in project planning can have a significant impact on project budget performance due to schedule overruns and last minute changes. Over 44 percent of owners do not effectively engage stakeholders, according to Dodge Data – that’s almost half of all projects that do not take the final users’ purposes or intentions into account in planning stages. This opens the door for last minute requests that can be costly, sometimes accruing millions of dollars of additional budget per day that the project is not complete and operational. For organizations like hospitals and government buildings, this could mean more than just additional spend, but lives saved and public works projects completed faster. A PMIS can help mitigate these last minute issues by helping internal stakeholders envision the final project and engage them in advance so the final design meets their needs. 5. Inadequate Risk Management Risk management plays a critical role in budget planning. By using a PMIS, project managers and contractors can decide on reasonable expected overages and can plan for challenges throughout the project lifespan. Through proper planning, risk is minimized and is internalized into the project scope, allowing extra budget for later changes and upgrades. By honest ly assessing your organizat ion’s project s and planning procedures against the warning signs outlined above, you may identify a few areas for performance improvement with a PMIS. Despite the upfront cost of incorporating new technology into your organization, the benefits of organized data, planning and communication within and outside of your organization have vast beneficial impacts upon project timing, budget and quality. Ow ners are const ant ly pressed to deliver best-in- class facilities on time and within budget. According to research by McKinsey & Company, Accenture and e-Builder and Dodge Data & Analytics, more than 66 percent of capital programs exceed budget and schedule objectives. It's worth discussing how owners and project managers can identify opportunities to address common project mishaps with a PMIS. Ron Antevy is President and CEO of e-Builder

24 OwnersPerspective.org Kitch_3.333x4.583.indd 1

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NEW MEMBERS The list is from the time the last publication was written until February 2017.

OWNERS Arapahoe County, Colorado Ann Baertlein Ascension Health FRG/PDC Julie Seaborn Auburn University Adam McManus Banner Health – North Colorado Kyle Majchrowski Board of Regents / University System of Georgia Marguerite Adb El-Shahid Christina Hobbs Broward County Public Schools Leo Bobadilla Broward Health Richard Polemeni Case Western Reserve University Graham Binnig Rebecca Lowry Cedars Sinai Medical Center Mildred Soto Christman Capital Development Co. John O'Toole City of Chicago Judy Fryland College of William and Mary Adam Witkowski Georgia State Financing & Investment Commission Larry Jennings Christy Sanders Jonathan Shaw Grand Rapids Public Schools James Teahan Grand Valley State University Patricia Beck Jake Mallekoote Justin Petersen

Noble Network of Charter Schools Kelly Milburn

Pima Community College Owen Long

Oakland University Patricia Engle

Princeton University Danielle Amico Rob Dennis

Ohio State University Mark Banta Jack Bargaheiser Denise Beard Brett Boyce Tom Carmody Holly Cloud Kathie Cole Gary Collier Scott Conlon Charlie Conner Pat Cuthbert Mitch Dollery Kevin Duckworth Tom Ekegren Brenan Flaherty Cyndi Fout Evan Gardiner Brett Garrett Glenn Gerhart Ernie Gresh Mark Hartmann Bill Holtz Walter Ingram Kevin Koesters Paul Lenz Heather McNamara Ruth Miller Eric Pike Kritin Poldermann Pat Purtee Jay Rapp George Rice Bart Ridgill Nikolina Sevis Tim Shepard Al Stazzone Mark Stelzer Nate Thomas Lance Timmons Marjory Trishman Rick Van Deusen Jeremy VonStein Jackie Yakubowski Glen Yoder

Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Christine Hough

Oregon Health & Science University Mike Buckiewicz Jeffrey Dilba Narumon Dooduang Sarah Echols Tyler Harding Lori Hays Katherine Park Amber Rosenberry Mike Ross Jennider Taylor

Lansing Board of Water and Light Margo Ryan

Parrish McCall Constructors, Inc. Mike Walsh

Loudon County Public Schools Walter Boysen Sara Greenblatt David Heimburger Denis Kostick Alexander Mayo

Peckham Inc. Nate Vanderlean

Harvey Mudd College James Hawley Iowa State University Mark Graeve

MD Anderson Cancer Center Samir Patel Michigan State University Bryan Anderson Jannene Andrews Scott George Robin McVay Lori Senecal

Penn Medicine Gwen Glattes Penn State University Rustyann Echard Richard Lawrence Dave Peck Brett Traino Steve Watson Phipps Conservatory Richard Piacentini

Public Building Authority Micah Herren Thomas Wade Sarasota County, Capital Projects Kim Humphreys

Amy Bechard Rob Hermstein Erlie Pruitt University of North Texas System Jennifer Bressler Chad Crocker Andrew Herrell Michael Laws Jan Mak Jackie Miller Thah Nguyen Charlie Scaife

State of Idaho, Division of Public Works Ben Hill

UT Health Science Center – Houston Monica Haley

State of Utah Jim Russell

Virginia Tech Dwyn Taylor

Sutter Health Jeanne Gomez Eric Miller

Wayne State University Cassie Lee

Sutter Health Facility and Property Services May Baltazar Dan Conwell John Cremin Shane Freeno Catherine Fry Heidi Goldstone Vicki Hill Steve Hinz Ramon Icatar Kristin Maxim Carleen Mitchell Robert Mitsch Catherine Ro Ken Roberts Shahrokh Sayadi Stella Sze Michael Valero Syracuse University James Blum Leonard Shanes Texan Children's Hospital Veronica Bucio Cindy Civallero Miguel Colin Dennis Ford Patrick Hatcher Rene Hoelker Alie Jones Claudia Stone The Art Institute of Chicago Sara Urizar University of Central Florida Allen Bottorff Susan Hutson Scott Werley University of Georgia Sean Christian Ralph Johnson Tony Marshbank David Patterson University of Maryland, Baltimore County Lenn Caron Charles Hogan University of Maryland, Baltimore Anthony Consoli Judy DeGraw Zachary Kuhn Putu Sayeh

Western Michigan University John Koestner Conn Macomber Chris Pyzik Shannon Sauer-Becker Peter Strazdas Xavier University Robert Sheeran

ASSOCIATES Bentley Systems, Inc. Jackie Gutshall Bulley & Andrews, LLC Jen Chaplin Coast 2 Coast Amy Voiles Concrete Strategies, LLC Dan Lester DeMaria William Mazzola DPR Construction Eric Rassmussen HITT Contracting Michael Filipowicz Hope Furrer Associates, Inc. Thomas Barabas Invicara Aaron Bridwell Doug Sinclair Kahua Inc. Chris Faklaris Scott Unger Jim Wilson Mortenson Construction Erich Rectenwald Pepper Construction Company Jennifer Suerth SmithGroup / JJR Kathleen Hudson-Beitz Thompson Hine LLP Erin Luke Walter P Moore Douglas Robinson

University of Maryland, College Park

Spring 2017 25


COAA-MD/DC Chapter announces new president; Eric Burdine Er i c B u r d i n e i s c u r r e n t l y C h i ef, B u r e a u of Building Construction at Carroll Count y Government, and previously served as Chief, Bureau of Solid Wa ste at C arroll C ount y G over nment. H e ha s a M a s ter ’s D e gre e i n C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g f r o m We s t V i r g i n i a University.

COAA-MI Chapter – Emerging Leaders write up The New Holland Brewing Company Nickerbocker Brewpub & Distillery in Grand Rapids, MI is now open for business and ramping up operation. In total, 11 COAA-MI members and friends braved a cold evening and busy holiday schedule this winter to make it out for the tour of the restaurant, brewing area, distillation facilities, and the two floors of “build to suit” office spaces above available for lease. The group learned a lot about the beer samples in hand and everyone in the group shared their unique perspective on the building's design and construction as they toured its many spaces. Everyone present was able to relate to a hurdle or two that the construction team encountered while creating such a unique building on a fast schedule. COAA-MI Emerging Leaders Tour+Cash Bar Happy Hour is focused on activating young members of the organization as well as inviting new members into the group through a causal setting to start to learn about COAA, its diverse and talented members, and all of its benefits and resources. If you have any tour ideas for places you want to see, or have access to an interesting project and want to host, it is a great opportunity to show off projects and connect with your peers in the industry. Watch you inbox for future tours, we would love to see you there!

2017 COAA SPONSOR INFORMATION At time of print, the following firms have committed to COAA Sponsorship for 2017: Corporate Sponsor

Media Sponsor





2017 COAA SPRING OWNERS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE May 17 2017 - May 19 2017 Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch St. Louis, MO


2017 FALL OWNERS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Nov. 8 - 10, 2017 Hilton Tampa Downtown Tampa, FL

26 OwnersPerspective.org

GET NOTICED! Owners Perspective (OP) magazine subscribers are comprised of North America’s most influential audience of construction industry executives. For information on advertising in the magazine or its companion digital media products or if you’d like to discuss the development of custom marketing programs for your organization, please contact Chuck Nervick at 416-512-8186 ext. 277 or chuckn@medieadge.ca


LCI TRANSFORMS OUR INDUSTRY BY MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE WAY PROJECTS ARE MANAGED! out how at the AND MANAGE YOUR PROJECTSFigure MORE EFFICIENTLY 19th Annual LCI Congress, EFFECTIVELY THROUGH LEAN PROCESSES Oct 16-20, 2017, WHEN YOU ATTEND THE 18TH ANNUAL LCICalif. CONGRESS! Anaheim, Attend the 60-minute Owner’s Perspective Panel, comprised of three owners with unique perspectives to share sharing their own paths to Experienced instructors


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