Portfolio November 2021

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Riccardo La Malfa

Languages Born and grown up in Sicily, I like to swim in the sea, listen music, chatting with friends and playing music. I am a friendly and curious person who would like to learn as much as possible about architecture and urbanism overall the world. I am used to play sports like basketball (which I played for 5 years), ping-pong (1 year) and volleyball (7 years as a setter, with 4 of them having a captain-role). My tasks for the future are getting a PhD and opening my own Architectural firm.

Contacts Experiences & studies 2021


+39 3314852911

2021 - now

Architect at Studio Element

2021 - now

2nd level master in “Metodi e tecniche per la gestione dei territori resilienti”


Architect at Stodio GamaHD


Master degree in Architecture for the Sustainable Design at Politecnico di Torino


Internship at Studio Element


Erasmus+ Program at ENSAG in Grenoble, France


Participation to the international workshop “Sommerakademie Venedig” (in collaboration with Technische Universitat Dortmund, IUAV, Technical University of Eindhoven, Potsdam School of Architecture, Politecnico di Torino)


Participation to the international workshop “Cultural Heritage in Context: Digital technologies for the humanities - Digital Nubia (in collaboration with University of California Los Angeles and Politecnico di Torino)


First prize winner in the competition “Premio studio Città di Savigliano - Antonio Olmo edizione 2016”

2012-2016 2012


Internship at Regione Piemonte

Bachelor degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino Diploma at Liceo Scientifico A. Meucci, Milazzo (ME)


INDEX Design






Refugee’s center


Fiumarella Milazzo


Floating pavilion

Cultural path Piedmont

Campus Einaudi Turin


St. Giuliano Church

Mirafiori sud Turin


Ex-Riposo Ferroviario

Porta Nuova Turin



Guggenheim museum


Top 20 projects for the international contest StaroNature



This product allows to clean the waste water thanks to a phytodepuration process, which helps to decrease the water usage still managing a modern design. In order to make it work safer the exhaust pipe is doubled, allowing in this way the separation between waste water with organic compounds and the ones with chemical products, in order to treat them separately. The first ones will be cleaned from all impurities by the plants, meanwhile the second ones will go to the degreasing system. At the end of the process both filtered waters can be reused as grey waters (i.e. for flushing). In case of severe use of the toilet (especially in case of use in commercial stores as common bathroom) the plants tank may be multiplied, in order to being able to supply all different necessities and still offering a micro-phytideupration system to users.


iListell Use your imagination and create your own model!

old wooden boxes

Assembly and use


3cm 10 panels

iListell derives from a deep thought on modern wooden boxes and on how we can improve them. We thougth in particular on the issues on recycling caused by the presence of both wood and needles, so... How can we create a tool which will have the same use as nowadays boxes, but by using only wood? The answer arrived by changing the shape of panels (still maintaining their actual shape): craving some cuts on them it will be possible to build an infitnte amount of objects, which can also be disassembled while not used, saving in this way lots of storage space (a wooden box disassembled occupies only 40x5.5x10.5 cm, compared to approx. 40x30x20 cm). In this way it will also be possible to reuse old wooden boxes and broken panels!

Disassembling and material separation

Needles Stocking

Broken panels collection


Assembly Disassembly


Refugee’s center Milazzo

On the north of Fiumarella (see City: Fiumarella) is located a pubblic building which was previously used first as an elementary school and lafter by the Civil Protection (nowadays it is unused since years). Despite various decays on the outside areas, inside the building time has stopped to 2007, with no signs of deteriorations. This will allow us to think a twostep intervention: first a renovation, in which (thanks to the overall good state of the building) there will be economically fixed all building’s decays and will be created a dynamic use of interiors with an hospotality center for refugees and a “neighborhood house” (almost all the new rooms’ use will be defined day be day according to the hospitality center’s needs. The second step consists in a superelevation, in order to maximize this new building’s opportunities (this will lead to double the indoor spaces). For all those interventions (starting from Milazzo up to this one) will be used EU funds, in order to achieve an economically sustainable project, which may be replicated (with all precautions which may vary case by case) overall Europe.


Floating pavilion Venice

This project was created during an international workshop. The request was to create a floating pavilion in Fondamenta Nove, a peripherical street in Venice, which represents the medium between Venice’s typical envorinment, defined by the magic relationship that exists in its buildings and water channels, and the sea, which, with it’s wide blue surfac, contrasts the city’s chaos. Counscious of those aspects the project proposed was a steel-grid structure covered by red tissues, which visually separate the inside from the outside: the only external aspects which are allowed to get inside will be thus the wind blowing, which will inflate the curtains like ship sails, the scent of the sea and all sounds produced by those two enourmous creatures: the city and the sea, which create with their contrast an unique environment is this area. A more pacific place will be the floating basement on the building: the white plastic tanks which bear the building will be accesible to visitors and project him in a totally isolated area, in which the particular light is created by the sunlight and its reflections on water.

Sketch of Fondamenta Nove’s plan

Sketch of Fondamenta Nove’s view


St. Giuliano chapel Savigliano

Ths is project started with a series of in loco surveys, in order to better understand building’s conditions nowadays and to make all the necessary drawings. They were made using drones (for roofs and belltower), LIDAR and geodetic survey, succeeding in creating a point cloud which was used in order to create the church’s Bim model. Then all main decays were identified: missing bricks, partially destroyed phrescos, excessive bent wooden beams, molds) and tracked on plans and prospects in scale 1:10. Then all the different decays were analyzed and treated according to what suggested in the Restoration Manual.


Ex Riposo Ferroviario Turin

The structure represents a mix between old and new: 5 new modular paralleleiped-shaped buildings will be placed behind the industrial’s historic facade with some semi-private areas between modules with bike parkings and small gardens. The modules will be built with a combination of materials: wood, steel and glass. Wood is used for the main part of the building, meanwhile stairs are made with a glass and steel structure, in order to create a buffer zone between apartments and the outside area. The apartments are all duplex modules, with living room and kitchen on th elower level and bedroom and bathroom on the upper one.

Prospetto A.3 (pt. 2)

Prospetto B.3 (pt. 2)


15,15 A.2

Stralcio di pianta A.1

Stralcio di pianta B.1 Sezione verticale B.2 (pt. 1)

Sezione verticale A.2 (pt. 1)


Looking for a greater sustainability the modules will be built following the LEED’s guidelines regarding thermal, acoustics and local materials.




SCALA 1:200



Guggenheim museum Helsinki

The project is inspired by an unnamed painting made by Nicolaj Suetin, which will be used in order to define both the horizonthal and the vertical parts of the building. The structured is formed by a long parallelepiped merged with a steel and glass cube in the middle. In order to preserve the building to the potential exondations of the river, it is hence superevated from the ground level with a concrete basement and linked to the outside area thanks to ramps and stairs which allows the entrance to the building to both people and vehicles. The entrance to the museum is located in the central cube (in which are placed also restaurant, bookshop and a cafeteria), from the whom the visitor can procede to the visit of the museum between lifts or escalators. The exhibition area is located in both building’s sides and connected with paths. The central block il reserved to visitor’s relax: the area will contain thridimensinal pieces of art, chairs and a second restaurant in order to pause the visiting path when necessary). At the end of the path the visitor will be back again in the main hall in the bookshop area.


Second floor

The area with the dock.

First floor

Ground floor

Longitudinal section

Guggenheim Museum’s placement in Helsinki



Traffic accidents in Piedmont from 2016 to 2019 on blank background.

The II level Master’s thesis focused on citizens’ road safety in Piedmont (especially in the Turin area). The research consists in a in-depht analysis on road accidents based on scientific pubblications, manuals and regional data on the topic, in order to gain knowledge on the situation in Piedmont Region and being able to simulate the application of 3 different bike pathes structures accordingly to the specific index of road safety, which is measured by calculating the reduction of accidents per square kilometer before and after the project. These data has been then used for a Cost-Benefit Analysis for calculating the best context in which place each of the 3 paths and then mapped overall the Region. The result were shown in 2 different maps: - the first one (the left image) shows the areas in which is necessary using this metodology during the planning phase of bike paths; - the second one shows the places in which an use of a specific bike path seciton will help reducing traffic accidents and give both social and economical benefits to the population.



Find more details at https:// www.pinterest.it/lama_rch/ hospitality-center-for-migrants-thesis-project/

The project, which is a component of a series of projects made at various scales in the town, consists in the old pubblic transportation’s improvement (which at the moment consists in 5 bus lines with few users and even less passages per day... Maybe because it was not updated according to new user’s needs?). It is important considering also the amount of turists which each summer came to the city (and make its population double) and their favourite places: the dock, the castle and the town’s beaches (which, as you can se in the image on left, are quite a lot!). The new service will be based on bus’ prenotation, which once reached the preset minimum amount of users, will start its ride. In this way it will be possible to decrease strongly the exopenses dued to empty busses and obtaining at the same time new datas about users’ routines in order to update the alread existing bus lines. All new lines will have the same terminal and a linear path in common. They will futhermore use most of the already existing bus stops and 12 new ones, in order to give to all users a compete service, updated to all the new people’s necessities. They will be paired with a “Project zero” for a new bike mobility, which will be linked in the future to the other cities’ ones (already planned by nearby towns).

Actual mobility

Project’s layers

Mobility project

New bus stops


Winner project for study prize “Premio di srudio della città di Savigliano - C. Olmo” 2017


In order to promote the two-naves-churches tradition in Piedmont (see Building: St. Giuliano chapel), it has been projected a new bike pilgrimate path that start from Villadossola and reach Roccaforte of Mondovi, passing through all the two-naves piemotese churches such as Savigliano. The project consists in a bycicle path which goes all along Via Francigena: a roman road which linked Rome with the french areas which pilgrims were used to follow as religious path. In order to offer a place for restoring pilgrims, many small two-naves churches were built nearby those streets. The reuse of this road, followed by th use of small info-totems, will allow people who wants to percur this path again to rediscover all the nearby churches and their history.



Milazzo Find more details at https:// www.pinterest.it/lama_rch/ hospitality-center-for-migrants-thesis-project/

The new public transportation service (see Mobility: Milazzo) will arrive on this area too (both busses and bycicle path will ensure a link from and to the city center for all the inhabitants. The crossroad, where are located the small square, the bar and all the other services, will be conquered by pedestrians with a bigger mix-used square for bycicles cars and pedestrians. Two bike paths will increase pedestrians’ security by creating a separation from only pedestrian area and mixed-use one. Blocks of porphyry will be used as flooring for all the new interventions. A new park will give more spaces and services to all inhabitants: a playgroung for kids, a skateboard track and a basketball field for teenagers (with some seats and water games in the center for the hot summer days) and a public vegetable garden and a covered area for a small market for adults and senior citizen.

Campus Einaudi


The aim of this project was to redefine the relationship between the Campus and the surrounding spaces. One of the main tasks was to reduce the acoustic level in the area (due to the high traffic level) with a padding area between the river and the main street obtained with massive objects and with Lungo Dora’s conversion from street to bike path. Then were placed new services, other bycicle paths in the area, a silence room and a new study room with river view.

Final projects for Campus Einaudi’s surroundings

New functions by area

Campus Einaudi, made by Norman Foster

The University Campus, designed by Norman Foster, is placed in an ex-industrial area in front of the river Dora Riparia. The particular shape of the building is subsequent to its lot and it’s particulary prominent thanks to the strong contrast between the usual Turin’s buildings and itself. Its main task was to create a classic American-style Campus (generally opened to the outside) inside Turin. In order to achieve that, some openings were placed in each side of the building, which were closed immediately after its opening for security reasons.


Mirafiori Sud


After FIAT factory’s dismission, the entire neighborhood became a “ghost-area” inhabitated just by some old factorys workers’s families. A series of 10 floors’ residential buildings (mostly abandoned) at the north separates the area from the city, like an impenetrable wall. Inside there are a university and a sport center at east and a huge mass of sheds (mostly abandoned) at south. A street separates it from the other residential buildings at west. In order to redevelop the area the university seems a good starting point: by enlarging it, in fact, it will be possible to create a new urban system with a greater flow of young people, which will lead to new necessities of services (thus new working opportunities). In order to enlarge the university three abandoned sheds will be renovated and will now include a library, new rooms and the offices. Those three will be the main point for the district, from the whom it will be possible to renovate the entire district (starting by adding new services in the old sheds).


Rooms and services Study rooms


Porta Nuova


The aim is to rethink the entire railway station (with a burying of the railway line, which will create a new 405.915 sqm. area), which nowadays separates the two districts San Salvario and Crocetta. The entire area is divided in 5 sectors and in each of them there will be created new buildings (in yellow), meanwhile the central inner area will become a park which will reconnect the above mentioned districts. This project, linked to Building: Ex Riposo Ferroviario (which is located in the upper-left part of the plan at the right) and, following the lead of the abovementioned project, will reuse abandoned buildings by installing new structures inside of them and by giving them a new purpose: almost each building will have a commercial destination in the ground floor and residential in the upper ones, similarly to the typical Turin building.

Science Sociology Analysis: Questionnair Survey

In 2017 city Major proposed to create a CAS (Extra-ordinary Hospitality Center for refugees) in Fiumarella district, but some of the population reacted strongly against it. Hence, in order to make a project which will successfully help to create a bond between refugees and migrants in Building: Refugees’ center, Mobility: Milazzo and City: Fiumarella, it was necessary to analyze the real situation from different points of view. In order to have better data a survey with 10 questions was somministrated to Fiumarella citizens, Municipality and Social cooperatives (which afterwards helped me to ask some questions to a refugee which was helped by them). All data collected were therefore analyzed in order to understand the needs of people, refugees and municipalities. Questionnaires and surveys helped to create a SWOT analysis of the project.

Willness to have a Hospitality center for migrants accordingly to the time spent in the area

Survey Questionnaires about: 1


District, Public transportations, Reactions to the presence of refugees



Services for refugees, publixc transportations situation, unused public buildings


Social cooperatives

Services for refugees (like homes, jobs opportunities, etc.), reactions to new italian laws (Decreto Salvini), people’s reactions to refugees

Services for citizens

Insufficient sewerage system

District defined “calm”

Poorly linked with the city center

Nearby vivariums Public fountain The district links two cities Stores Increasing public transports Job opportunities for migrants District’s repopulation

Few passages of public transports


Increasing security for pedestrians and cyclists Availability of European funds Wilfulness of some citizens to cooperate

Abscence of citizens’ public participation Great presence of abandoned areas Few public spaces Conflicts between citizens and migrants Few public money for projects Possible traffic congestions Low adaptability for elder citizens The district links two cities

Greater maintainance costs

Science Thermodynamics Programs: Excel

Thermodynamic study of Building: Ex Riposo Ferroviario. The calculations were made by using Excel software for all the rooms of a modular apartment inside the building. The calculations were made for thermic conduction of both walls, floors and ceiling and interstitial condensation. All data obtained were compared to the ones indicated by italian legislation and to a “model building” (which has the same geometrical properties as the actual building and an alreadty given set of thermal properties) in order to obtain a reliable index of building’s sustainability for thermal properties, which were used to file an portion of ITACA certification.

Science Acoustic Programs: Echo Excel

Acoustic study of Building: Ex Riposo Ferroviario (on the upper side). The calculations were made by using Echo software for both walls (outside noise reduction and apartment-apartment noise reduction) and floors (apartment-apartment footstep noise reduction). On the lower part acoustic study of City: Campus Einaudi. The calculations were made using Excel software on three different open space areas, after a previously made survey (in which, thanks to a phonometer it was possible to obtain data on actual noise pollution for both day and evening periods). All areas in the new project were proven to be respectful to noise-pollution limits in Turin and overall quieter than before (thanks to the traffic limitations set for some secondary roads.

Science Lighting design Programs: Dialux Excel Saint gobain

Natural light study of Building: Ex Riposo Ferroviario (on the left). The calculations were made by using Dialux software on all the rooms of a modular apartment inside the building. Calculations were made for Daylight factor, illuminance and luminance, using data obtained by Saint Gobain software for windows’ properties. On the right lighting study of City: Campus Einaudi. The calculations were made using Dialux software on all the rooms of a modular apartment inside the building. Calculations were made for lighting and luminance in public spaces according to the actual legislation in Turin. There were selected 3 different areas, each of one has its own specific lighting values: paths, green areas and stationary areas.

Illuminance - fake colors

Daylight factor



Science Mechanics Programs: Excel

Main beam B1-B4 q = (q + qbeam,sec)* nbeams = 7 * 4 = 28 kN/m l=6m

Static calculation of Carina shop, a store made by SANAA in Tokyo. For this excercize it was hypotized the application of italian legislation (for snow, wind and earthquake stresses they were used Turin’s charateristics). Only major stressed beams, pillar and cable stays were analyzed and dimensioned. For all other parts of the structures were supposed with the dimensions as the calculated ones. The metallic structure was composed by squared-section pillars (which were identified as more similar to the ones used in reality), meanshile for main and secondary beams they were selected I and H profiles. On the right it is displayed only the calculations for the main beam B1-B4, meanwhile all other calculations are available by request.

Momentum M=q*l²/8 M= 28 * 36 / 8 = 126,00 kN*m δamm= 204350 kN/ m² Wx= 126 / 204350 = 0,000536 m3 = 129 cm3 Main bean early choice: IPE O 270

Beams’ disposition

SANAA - Carina Shop

Momentum check: - q2 = q + qtrave-princ =28 + 0,03 = 28,03 kN / m - M = 28,03 * 36 / 8 = 126,12 kN*m - δamm = 204350 kN/m² - Wx = 126,12 / 258350 = 536,69 cm³ 536,69 < 574,65 Shear check: - VEd = q*l/2 = 28,032*6 / 2 = 84,1 kN - Vc,Rd = fy,k*Av /(√3 * δM0) = fy,k*{A- [(h- 2*hw)*tw]} = 235*{5383 – [(274 – 2*12,2) * 7,5]}*1000/(1000000*1.15*√3) = 453,75 kN 84,1 < 453,75 Deflection check: - v = 5/384* q*l2/E*I = 5/384 * 0,2803 / (210000 * 69470443) = 0,032 mm - vMax = l/250 = 6000/250 = 24 - v ≤ vMax 4.09+1.5 ≤ 8+6.66 0,032 ≤ 24



Structural composition

Secondary beam:

IPE A 80

Main beam:

IPE O 270


HE 300 M

Cable stay:

Ø 150mm

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