CCM students 2015

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Let us be among the first to say, welcome to London! And welcome to the best days of your life. I know that’s what they said about school, but let’s face it – now you’re a student there are no registers, detentions or uniforms! Instead you’ve got more time than you’ll probably ever have to explore life in one of the greatest cities on the planet. There are new people to meet, new ideas to wrestle with, and new cultures to discover.

At CCM, we hope you will make the most of your student years by getting serious about Jesus. It would be a huge shame to graduate as a degree-level designer, historian, computer scientist, violinist or whatever but a primary-schoollevel Christian. For a start, “all things were created by him and for him”(Colossians 1:16). All things! That means neutrino stars and neuter nouns, Tchaikovsky symphonies and tectonic plates: you’ll never grasp your subject fully unless you see it in relation to Jesus. But even more importantly, Jesus offers life “to the full” now and forever (John 10:10). No degree qualification promises that! So whether you want to find out about Jesus for the first time or you’re already keen to join a church that will help you live for him throughout your time as a student then this leaflet is all you need to know about what goes on at Christ Church Mayfair and how you can get involved. We look forward to meeting you! Matt Banks (minister for students) and the CCM student team


As students, it can be very easy to get stuck in a ‘bubble’ and never see anyone younger than 18 or older than 22. Sundays are our chance to all come together as a church and enjoy the broader range of the church family. Most students come at 6pm. Here the feeling is really relaxed: our aim is to create a space to enjoy God as we praise him, pray to him and above all as we encounter him through relevant and engaging bible teaching. Others prefer the 10:15 - this is our family service with lots of kids and young families. You’d be really welcome at either service!

Tuesday evenings - SKG 6pm doors open for refreshments, catching up and messing around, 6.30pm start Join us in the church building Tuesdays for SKG (Student Knowing God) – each week there’s a talk, a cooked meal and then we study and discuss a Bible passage in small groups. We love to pray for each other too – but no pressure, especially if you’ve never prayed out loud before. No question is too easy, too hard, or too offensive! We love to do our best to help, going as deep into the Bible’s answers as we can. And don’t get caught out: on the first week of each month we meet on Wednesday instead, for Ponder over Pizza in Loz’s flat (21B Down Street, opposite the church building). We discuss an article on a topical ethical, cultural or moral issue and then join with the whole church for the prayer meeting


SKG Lite

22 Sep

SKG Lite

29 Sep

SKG Lite

06 Oct


Romans Intro




20 Oct

Every blessing in Christ + Regeneration


27 Oct



04 Nov

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St







24 Nov



01 Dec

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

08 Dec

UCCF carols

15 Dec

SKG Lite


Why do we tell people about Jesus?


19 Jan

Making the most of mission week


26 Jan


Realm talk

02 Feb

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

09 Feb


Realm talk

16 Feb

What is a world view?

6:1-14 6:15-7:6

23 Feb

Analysing a world view

02 Mar

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

08 Mar

Grill a Christian

15 Mar

Being Human & Gender


22 Mar

Being Human & Service


29 Mar

SKG Lite

06 Apr

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

12 Apr

SKG Lite

19 Apr

SKG Lite


Being Human & Stress


04 May

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

10 May

Being Human & Depression


17 May

The sovereignty of God


24 May

Election and Predestination


01 Jun

Ponder over Pizza - 21B Down St

07 Jun



14 Jun



21 Jun

Long and lonely summer


28 Jun

Making the Jump

Training Days At the start of each term, we enjoy a day together to catch up after time away, and get trained up in some of the fundamentals of the Christian life. Plan to be back so you don’t miss them! Dates this year: Saturday 3 October – How to pray to the Father Saturday 9 January – How to speak about Jesus Saturday 23 April – How to study the Bible

Join your CU! We love university Christian Unions. If you want to know why, find out what they’re all about at Look out for yours on campus and get involved. Or if there’s nothing going on, talk to us. We’d love to help you get something started. Some dates for your diary: UCCF London Mission Week launch event – 15 Oct UCCF Carol Service – 8 Dec UCCF London Mission Week – 25-28 Jan

4 Unmissable Trips Your CU weekend away

These are often in the autumn term and there’s no opportunity like them to get to know people in the CU and make friends for life. But there’s far more than that as CUs often use this time away to plan together for the year round mission of helping other students on campus hear about Jesus.

Word Alive 2-7 April

During the Easter Holidays – a bunch of the students head off to Wales to enjoy a week of great teaching by the sea with thousands of other students from across the UK! Includes international student track to study the Bible in your home language and think through how it applies in a home context. Check out what a great time we had last year…

CCM Houseparty 26 – 28 February

As a church we believe that we are one big family and so once a year as a church we spend a weekend out of the big city in a fancy conference centre (students get unbelievable prices!) in order to get to know each other better. We enjoy great food, solid teaching and a chance to have fun in the spacious grounds.

Revive 24-26 June

After exams are over, what better way to celebrate than a weekend of sun in the beautiful city of Canterbury?! Our church family joins up with other churches in our little network for a weekend of catching up with old friends, making new ones and hearing from God.

Loving, Serving, Giving

If you choose to make Christ Church Mayfair your home (and we hope you do!), you’ll want to know how you can get involved and become part of the family. Obviously that starts with being around on a Sunday and at SKG, but beyond that there are loads of opportunities to…

LOVE the church

Through volunteering with kids work, music on a Sunday, helping with powerpoint or the sound desk, serving coffee, welcoming, and much more.

SERVE the world

Various members of our church family are involved in an anti-trafficking group, crisis pregnancy counselling, links to overseas mission partners and helping to run summer camps for teenagers.

GIVE to the work

As a student we know that money can be tight and at Christ Church we try our hardest to subsidise events for students so you don’t miss out. But giving money to the church family is an important biblical principle – so we encourage students to give confidentially as much or as little as they feel able.

email Matt (student To find out more, visit (020 7629 5885) or a Sunday! worker) Or just pop in on

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