CCM students

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Welcome! Spending your student years in London? Great choice! Let me welcome you, and lay down a challenge: will you make the most of your student years by getting serious about Jesus? We hope you’ll graduate happily and successfully as a degree-level artist, mathematician, guitarist or medic, but have you considered the possibility that Jesus is the inventor of your subject? “All things were created by him and for him”, says the Bible (Colossians 1:16). So you’ll never truly understand physics, or music, or art history, until you see it in relation to him. And whether you’re thrilled or bewildered by all the opportunities and experiences on offer in London, you need to see that Jesus offers life “to the full” and forever (John 10:10). Nothing beats that. Whether you’re investigating Jesus seriously for the first time, or you already want to live for him as a student, we’d love to meet you and help you get going. Christ Church Mayfair (CCM) is tucked away between Green Park and Hyde Park, very easily reached from lots of London universities – and this leaflet gives you an intro to what goes on for students and how you can get involved. Simon Pedley (minister for students) and the CCM student team


Don’t get stuck in a bubble of just 18-22yr olds! Sundays are our chance to come together with the whole church family. At 6.30pm students are almost a quarter of the congregation. Look out for the regular student dinners at 5.15pm before the service (every week in October!) At 10.15am there are more young families and children, but some students like to join us in the mornings too. Our meetings are fairly informal, led by a band with a mixture of modern and classic songs, and centred on engaging, relevant teaching from the Bible. Ephesians 4 tells us this is “to prepare God’s people for works of service that the body of Christ may be built up”. Don’t miss out!

Tuesday evenings - SK G SKG = Student Knowing God 6pm doors open for refreshments, catching up and messing around 6.30pm start Join us in church on Tuesdays – most weeks there’s a talk, a cooked meal and then discuss a Bible passage in small groups – this year, the book of Acts. We love to pray for each other too – but no pressure, especially if you’ve never prayed out loud before. No question is too easy, too hard, or too offensive! We love to do our best to help, going as deep into the Bible’s answers as we can. There’s an international group for those who prefer to join with other internationals living in London. And don’t get caught out: on the first week of each month we meet on Wednesday instead, for pizza and prayer in the apprentice flat (21B Down Street, opposite church) and then join the whole church prayer meeting in church.

TERM 1 - August 1 Oct

Welcome to SKG

Wed 2 Oct

Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St

8 Oct

It’s all about Jesus

Acts 1:1-26

15 Oct

Jesus our prophet

Acts 2:1-47

22 Oct

Jesus our priest

Acts 3:1-26

29 Oct

Jesus our king

Acts 4:1-31

Wed 6 Nov Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St 12 Nov

Baptised in the Spirit

Acts 4:32-5:16

19 Nov

Filled with the Spirit

Acts 5:16-6:7

26 Nov

Gifts of the Spirit

Acts 6:8-8:1

3 Dec

London project carols (UCCF)

Wed 4 Dec Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St 10 Dec

Christmas cracker – invitation event


Pizza and prayer

14 Jan

Grace and works

20-24 Jan

London project invitation week (UCCF)

28 Jan


Wed 5 Feb

Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St

11 Feb


Acts 10:1-11:18

18 Feb

Relationships 1

Acts 11:19-12:25

25 Feb

Relationships 2

Acts 13:1-52

Wed 5 Mar

Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St

11 Mar

Are Christians homophobic?

Acts 14:1-28

18 Mar

Ambition & exams

Acts 15:1-35

25 Mar

Invitation dinner

Acts 8:2-40 Acts 9:1-43


Is the Bible really trustworthy?

Acts 20:1-38

Wed 7 May

Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St

13 May

Is God really in control?

Acts 21:1-36

20 May

Is suffering really part of God’s plan?

Acts 21:37-22:29

27 May

Are other religions really all wrong?

Acts 22:30-24:27

Wed 4 June

Pizza and prayer – 21B Down St

10 June

What about all the denominations?

Acts 25:1-26:36

17 June

Keeping going in the summer

Acts 27:1-28:31

24 June

End of year BBQ

OTHER EVENTS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO PUT IN THE DIARY… Thurs 17th October – UCCF London Project launch event Sat 19th October – London Women’s Convention Sat 16th November – UCCF Saltshaker Conference Wed 12th March – Passion for Life student mission event Sat 17th May – London Men’s Convention

Refresh Days At the start of each term, we enjoy a day together to catch up after time away, hear from God’s word, have some fun and pray for what’s coming up during the term. Plan to be back so you don’t miss them! Dates this year: Saturday 28th September – the gospel in our hearts A day to prayerfully consider the year ahead, fix our eyes on Jesus and have our hearts and minds realigned to his Word. And to get our post-summer catchingup done so we’re ready to welcome (we pray) lots of new students. Saturday 11th January – the gospel in London: a CCM students tour! After the success of last year’s British Museum tour, this year we’ll visit some key locations in our great city where the word of God has arrived, been opposed, and advanced under God’s sovereignty. Just like in Acts…? Saturday 26th April – the gospel in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth and Ephesus Catching up on the (very exciting) chapters in Acts that won’t fit anywhere else in the programme!

Join your CU! We love university Christian Unions. If you want to know why, find out what they’re all about at Now that you’re persuaded, look out for yours on campus and get involved. Or if there’s nothing going on, talk to us. We’d love to help you get something started.

4 Unmissable Trips Your CU weekend away

These are often in the autumn term and there’s no opportunity like them to get to know people in the CU and make friends for life. But there’s far more than that as CUs take this chance to plan together for the year’s mission of seeing students on campus engaging with Jesus.

Word Alive 12th-17th April

(check out:

During the Easter Holidays – a bunch of the students head off to Wales to enjoy a week of great teaching by the sea with thousands of other students from across the UK! Includes international student track to study the Bible in your home language and think through how it applies in a home context.

CCM Houseparty 28th February – 2nd March

As a church we believe that we are one big family and so once a year as achurch we spend a weekend out of the big city in a fancy hotel (students get unbelievable prices!) with its own grounds and we get to know each other better. We enjoy great food, solid teaching and being able to see the sky.

Revive 27th-29th June

After exams are over, what better way to celebrate than a weekend of sun in the beautiful city of Canterbury?! Our church family joins up with other churches in our little network for a weekend of catching up with old friends, making new ones and hearing from God.

Loving, Serving, Giv


If you choose to make Christ Church Mayfair your home, you’ll want to know how you can get involved and become part of the family. Obviously that starts with being around on a Sunday and as part of a small group, but beyond that there are loads of opportunities to...

LOVE the church

Through volunteering with kids work, music on a Sunday, running technical things, serving coffee, welcoming, and much more.

SERVE the world

We believe that it’s important not just to serve the church by volunteering on a Sunday but also to serve the world. So we have various opportunities all year round including: homeless ministries, crisis pregnancy counselling, links to overseas mission partners and helping to run summer camps for teenagers.

GIVE to the work

As a student we know that money can be tight and at Christ Church we try our hardest to subsidise events for students so you don’t miss out. But giving money to the church family is an important biblical principle – so we encourage Students to give confidentially as much or as little as they feel able.

email Simon (student To find out more, visit (020 7629 5885) or tchurch s@chris student at worker) student tional worker) or Richard (interna

Or just pop in on a Sunday!

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