Making the Best of Nature
CEDARTREE PRODUCTS LTD IS A YOUNG AND DYNAMIC COMPANY, MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTING AN ATTRACTIVE RANGE OF PRODUCTS TO THE BROAD DESCRIPTION OF ‘OUTDOOR LIVING’ Cedartree is a family-owned business with a manufacturing base in Stokenchurch. As the name implies, we manufacture entirely from Western Red Cedar. All our roofs are made with Western Red Cedar shingle tiles. Small, but highly capable, our company is able to offer our customers, a range of quality products... • Attractively designed • Attractively priced • Delivered and installed by us at your own premises.
Attractively designed Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but our raw material, cedar, is recognised as being one of the most beautiful products of nature. With a rich variety of yellow, cream and brown colours, it has a beautiful mellow and mature appearance, not to mention the distinctive aroma for which it is renowned. But added to the material excellence, the design of our products, which is generally recognised as being “one step further” e.g. the selection of attractively-shaped boarding and panelling; the shape of the roof support brackets; the double angle of the roof; the presentation of the facia boards; the “swept heads” to the windows, all making our products look “that little bit different” and putting them in a league of their own.
Attractively priced How can one easily compare prices without a very finite comparison of qualities and materials? But we ask you to do this please. You will find that on a like for like basis, our products are excellently positioned in the market. There are a number of reasons for this... • We have drastically shortened the lines of supply • We regularly visit British Columbia in Canada... the home of Western Red Cedar • We buy direct from the largest sawmills in the area. Those sawmills own their own cedar forests • In simple terms, we buy directly from the people that harvest the tree • We manufacture • And then we supply directly to the person that buys the end product. I.E. you, our customer. It could not be simpler, it could not be more advantageous to you, the buyer. We are not buying from a multitude of timber merchants. This means that you are buying a very high quality product at a very advantageous price. • We are specialist manufacturers with sophisticated machinery, concentrating on manufacturing a limited range of products in a very efficient way. Our overheads are kept to the minimum. • We offer a direct supply service. • We believe in a friendly response to your initial approach to us. • We believe in speedy attention to your requirements, be they for brochures, quotations or further information. • We believe in visiting you in your home to discuss your particular requirements in detail. We believe in a discreet and direct supply to your home with our qualified installers. We believe in after sales service and attention.
Why cedar? We have separate questions and answers and fact sheets, and with particular reference to this question. But in essence, cedar has been chosen by us after very careful research into a number of alternatives.
WESTERN RED CEDAR IS TECHNICALLY KNOWN AS THUJAPLICATA, AND IS SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS ARBORVITAE, OR “TREE OF LIFE” It grows extensively in an area going from the North Western states of America e.g Washington and Oregon, up through British Columbia to Alaska. Trees grow to a massive height of 45 – 60 metres, and a girth of 22 metres. The tallest in the world is 55 metres and the oldest is over 2,000 years old.
Cedar has a large number of attributes, but for us, its importance is as follows: Decay Resistance Most other timbers will rot in the fullness of time, and particularly when in contact with the ground. For that reason, many of the cheaper materials need to be “tanalised” or protected with copper chrome arsenate or similar preservatives applied by vacuum pressure or the like. Not so with cedar. Cedar has its own “built in” preservative…. technically known as thujaplicins or thujic acid - a substance which Mother Nature provided to the cedar tree to enable it to survive naturally, and to have its own in-built resistance to fungal attack. Some cedar tree trunks have been found in swamps and carbondated to be more than 2,000 years old. We are able to provide you with a material that has not suffered or needs to be further treated with any form of toxic preservative. This is a massive advantage, both economically and aesthetically. And we also avoid the need to introduce other potentially harmful additives.
Dimensional Stability
Cedar absorbs far less ambient moisture than other timbers. When it becomes wet and subsequently dries, the absorption and evaporation is considerably less. This enables it to keep its original dimensions. If left out “in the elements”, cedar will not “cup” or warp to anything like the extent of other timbers. It has an amazing ability to retain its original shape. This means that cedar boarding will not curl or warp significantly. Why else should North Americans have built most of their homes with cedar bevel siding... and their roofs with cedar shingles?
Particularly when air dried. This helps us in manufacture, and most particularly, it enables us to make large roof sections under factory-controlled conditions. We can also physically deliver and lift to site with the minimum cost to be passed on to the customer.
High Insulation Value
In sound insulation terms, this is rarely a benefit... only if you make guitars out of cedar! But it is an advantage in situations like cedar clad home office buildings, garden studios and music centres, where it’s ability to damp vibrations is an important acoustic property. But most particularly, it is an excellent heat insulator. This is of great advantage in the manufacture of saunas, hot tubs and all our buildings, be they further insulated or not.
Highly Porous
Cedar is highly porous and therefore extremely well placed for accepting paint and other finishes. Paint and other textures can be applied very simply and very economically, giving you, our customer, the opportunity to express your individual requirements, both effectively and economically.
Readily Available
Grown and harvested over vast areas of territory, cedar is a widely available material. The price of cedar is therefore not subject to restrictions of supply shortages.
But finally, cedar is, by any standards, a beautiful product of nature
It gives our “Cedartree” products an attractive appearance, which is appreciated by so many. Cedar’s future is protected. Our supplier’s woodlands operations are located on publicly-owned land in Canada. They meet or exceed all provincial government regulations and have achieved independent third-party certification of their sustainable forest management practices. Our suppliers were the first Canadian company to join the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program and have maintained certification on its operations since 2001. Their SFI certification is endorsed by PEFC™ which is recognized globally. In addition they hold a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certificate in the Mid-Coast region of British Columbia. It can safely be said that the cedar re-planting and cedar management programmes are a positive, rather than negative, in our world concerns about the future of the planet.
We have recently opened a new facility in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire We have chosen this location because of its excellent relationship to the motorway network. Stokenchurch lies on the M40, junction 6, and our facility is within half a mile of that junction. We have a 4,500 square foot warehouse and manufacturing area.
Our range includes: • Play equipment and play lodges for the younger folk. • Cedar cottages for all ages. • A range of Cedarlodges in both octagonal, square and rectangular form, and each in an attractive range of sizes. And most particularly, our “mix and match” approach to offering our customers a wide range of choices. From the basic structure through to the “roof on posts”, and with a wide choice of floors and fill in sides, by way of ballustrading, doors, different style windows etc. A tremendous choice, where from our manufacturing point of view, the basic elements are the same, but from the customer’s perspective, the choice is very extensive.
2.5 metre square Cedarlodge with hipped roof
3 metre square Cedarlodge with hipped roof
3.5 metre square Cedarlodge with hipped roof
4 metre square Cedarlodge with hipped roof
2.5 metre square Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
3 metre square Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
Oregon (continued)
3 metre square Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
3.5 metre square with monopitch roof
4 metre square with monopitch roof
3.5 x 2.5 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof
4 x 3 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof The following four pages present the Winona and Selona range of very attractive rectangular hipped roof buildings, available in a variety of layouts and derivatives.
5 x 3 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof
5 x 4 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof
6 x 4 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof
7 x 4 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with hipped roof
Saratoga, Missoula & Toledo An introduction to our range of rectangular, monopitch roof buildings. The next 4 pages give you an idea of the differing sizes and appearances.
5 x 3 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
5 x 4 metre rectangular Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
6 x 4 rectangular Cedarlodge with monopitch roof
2.5 metre octagonal Cedarlodge with hipped roof
3 metre octagonal Cedarlodge with hipped roof
Sonoma & Algoma Cedarlodges Introducing Sonoma and Algoma 4 & 5 metre octagonal Cedarlodges with hipped roofs
Dakota & Minnesota Quarter Cedarlodges Introducing Dakota and Minnesota - 2.5 & 3 metre quarter Cedarlodges with hipped roofs
Colorado Swimlodge 4.5 x 3.7 metres with monopitch roof
Cedar Cottage Range
Octagonal garden buildings, 2.5, 3.5 & 5 metre diameter
The Faraway Lodge
Introducing the Faraway Lodge range of 4 metre, 5 metre & 6 metre octagonal leisure buildings.
1. R
.P 0078
.E n No
Treeden 5
5’ deck height
Treeden 7
7’ deck height
Treetower 5 5’ deck height
Treetower 7 7’ deck height
Playlodge Midi & Maxi
Introducing the Playlodge Midi and Maxi range of children’s playhouses
Introducing the Hideaway Midi and Maxi range of storage sheds
Cedartree Coverama Cedartree range of covered canopies
Cedartree Storeaway Mini & Maxi
The Cedartree Range Of Planters
The 500
The 1000
Your Questions Answered Why cedar? This is the most frequently asked question, and we have covered our answer fairly extensively in the introduction to this brochure on page 2 & 3. Our commentary there sets out the many, many advantages of cedar by way of a) attractiveness, b) dimensional stability and resistance to warping and bending, c)resistance to decay because of cedar’s “built in” anti-fungal acids and agents, d) the lightweight characteristics of cedar, e) the thermal insulative qualities of cedar, to name but a few.
Are your suppliers members of international forest stewardship organisations? Yes. We buy direct from sawmills in British Columbia, Canada, and their woodlands operations are located on publicly-owned land in Canada. They meet or exceed all provincial government regulations and have achieved independent third-party certification of their sustainable forest management practices. Our suppliers were the first Canadian company to join the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program and have maintained certification on its operations since 2001. Their SFI certification is endorsed by PEFC™ which is recognized globally. In addition they hold a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certificate in the Mid-Coast region of British Columbia. It can safely be said that the cedar re-planting and cedar management programmes are a positive, rather than negative, in our world concerns about the future of the planet.
Does cedar require maintenance? Yes, there is no doubt about this. All timbers change with exposure to the elements and cedar is no exception. The great advantage of cedar is that it has an extraordinarily high resistance to rot and decay because of its inbuilt “thujaplicins” which are naturally occurring in Western Red Cedar, and protect the timber against fungal decay, without the need to further add preservative treatments, which run the risk of being toxic. Left exposed to the elements, and most particularly if left exposed to direct bright sunlight, cedar will turn a very attractive silvery colour. Some people specify cedar particularly for this feature. Others prefer to retain the original multicoloured appearancea rich blend of brown, cream and yellow. We can provide the appropriate cedar maintenance oils, and depending on location and aspect, a treatment is usually needed every 6-12 months. Because of the porous nature of cedar, it is very easily and quickly applied. A typical garden structure for instance, taking probably a maximum of one hour. It is simply applied by either brush or roller, and the dramatic results make it very satisfying.
The 1500
In the case of cedarlodges, do I need planning permission? In the great majority of cases, planning permission is not necessary… particularly in a residential situation. This is because developments in private gardens typically fall under the title of Permitted Development. This pertains as long as the building 1) is not positioned between your house and a highway, 2) is less than 4 metres high or, if within 2 metres of a boundary is less than 2.5 metres high, 3) along with any additional outbuildings, does not cover more than half the original ground area of the property, 4) is positioned 5 metres away from your house. Planning permission may be required for properties situated in conservation areas, listed buildings, and areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There is a very useful website called Planning Portal This aims to set out the general guidelines on planning permission and has a raft of information available.
To what extent can cedartree offer bespoke structures? Basically we offer the size ranges shown in this brochure. The variety and versatility however, is provided by the great number of variations and “Selections” that we can offer within a certain building/size type. In earlier pages, we cover, in the case of Cedarlodges, the many options that are available, and by a process of “mix and match”, our customers can usually get exactly what they want, and yet it being “something different”.
Is the price of delivery and installation included? Yes, the price usually includes delivery and installation. However, there are certain areas and distance bands where we make a surcharge. Please check the detail of our price list.
What guarantee is there on cedartree products? We offer a 15 year guarantee against timber rot and decay. In addition, we offer a 1 year guarantee for all other components.
Does cedartree manufacture, or simply import? Emphatically, we manufacture. We import from Canada our basic Western Red Cedar materials, but we have a factory in Stokenchurch involved in the manufacture from raw material to finished product. Truly “Made in Britain” by a family business.
Do you make site visits? Yes, we will be pleased to do so, and give you our advice. And follow up with a quotation and a design and layout, suitable for your requirements.
Cedartree Products Ltd. Units 7 & 8 Bates Industrial Estate Wycombe Road Stokenchurch High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 3PD Tel 0845 601 1099 Email