The Envoy 086 - The newsletter of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance

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The ENVOY The official newsletter of the

Canada Cuba Literary Alliance I.S.S.N. – 1911‐0693

April, 2019 Issue 086 www.CanadaCubaLiteraryAlliance.or

April 16, 2019

RE: CCLA Poets Laureate Program Dear CCLA Members: We are proud to announce our CCLA Poets Laureate Program. This idea has been percolating for some time now but finally time and tide allows us to bring it forward.

As you will see the deadline is October 15, 2019. The official

announcement of who will be our CCLA Poets Laureate will be announced no later than November 15, 2019. We hope you will give serious consideration to nominating a fellow CCLA member. Good luck to each nominee. For this issue of the Envoy it is my pleasure to bring you our dear friend and brother, Jorge as our new Editor of the Envoy. Jorge Alberto Pérez Hernández, otherwise known as Joy, is “THE” main mover and groover for the CCLA in Gibara. He is the President of the Gibara CCLA Chapter called “The Sea Dreamers”. His passion for poetry and gathering people in the name of poetry is

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