The ENVOY The official newsletter of the
Canada Cuba Literary Alliance I.S.S.N. – 1911‐0693
June, 2019 Issue 088 www.CanadaCubaLiterary
REPUBLIC OF CUBA HOLGUÍN GIBARA LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The People of Gibara, Holguín, hereby pay deep tribute to and profoundly thank Richard Marvin Grove, founding President of the Canada Cuba Literary Alliance (CCLA), for his priceless and sustained contributions to our spiritual and cultural growth. Mr. Grove’s endeavors have transcended place and time during the last fifteen years of his constant official support through the CCLA – and the more than twenty-five years of his personal dedication and commitment – to Cuba and Cubans. His efforts have included book donations, courses, visits, poetry workshops, publications of the literary production of Cuban writers and, by extension, the financing and printing of books that are landmarks in the history of a people. Such is the case of the book My Poems Go to You, Gibara (Mis versos son para ti, Gibara). The public presentation of this book sets a before and after in the cultural life of Gibara. We, the people, the artists and writers and poets, are forever grateful to all the CCLA friends and the CCLA President. To us, the CCLA is heaven-sent. We owe it all to Richard Marvin Grove, Kimberley Grove, Manuel Velázquez and to an endless list of other good people devoted to art, literature and culture. Revolutions, in any sense of the word, are the offspring of ideas and of culture. Our CCLA is a cross-cultural revolution that we must support and be its ambassadors because it is the ideas and the cultures of two peoples what keeps this project alive, and there is beauty and truth and joy to behold in what the CCLA promotes and defends: poetry, ART
Miguel Ángel Olivé Iglesias. CCLA Cuban President