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As the U.K. and the Commonwealth prepares for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, the News gauged the reaction of British ex-pats in Richmond to the monarch’s death and looked back on her brief visits to the city
A2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY LANGLEY FARM LMARKET ANGLEY FARM MARKET UNIT #640, LANDSDOWNE CENTRE 5300 #3 ROAD, RICHMOND • 604.232.1188 STORE HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 9:30AM TO 7:00PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:30AM-8PM Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST For freshness and quality you can count on! This sale is only for the Richmond location LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods $389 lb. $130 ea. $499 ea. $369 lb. $999 ea. $329 lb $419 ea $789 lb. $389 ea. $119 ea PORK SHANK MEAT Fresh / $8.56/kg GREEN ONION BUN 100g METRO GOLD SEAFOOD MEDLEY Frozen / 340g OCEAN MAMA YELLOW CROAKER FISH 150/250 / Scaled & Gutted / Frozen / 340g AA1 CALIFORNIA SQUID 10/15 / Frozen / 1kg CHICKEN THIGH BONE IN Fresh / $7.24/kg BLUEBERRY LOAF 450g BEEF FLANK Fresh / $17.36/kg CRAISIN SUNFLOWER SEED COOKIES 280g CUPCAKE 100g 4 for $5 89¢ ea. $329 ea. $449 ea. $249 ea. $479 ea. $199 ea. $169 ea. ASIAM FAMILY SLICED WATER CHESTNUTS 227ml $1099 ea. 2 for $3 $199 lb. OKANAGAN NECTARINES Product of B.C. $4.38/kg 99¢ ea. OKANAGAN GALA APPLES (NEW CROP) Product of B.C. $1.74/kg 79¢ lb. $149 lb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $3.28/kg LOCAL GREEN BEANS Product of B.C. $3.72/kg $169 lb. LOCAL GREEN LEAF/RED LEAF/ ROMAINE LETTUCE Product of B.C. LOCAL BUNCH CARROTS Product of B.C. $139 ea. AROY D COCONUT MILK 400ml CABANA RASPBERRY LIMEADE 591ml CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 284ml DAN D PAK ORGANIC CHESTNUTS 100g EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC FOUR MIXED BEANS 398ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with cinnamon & turmeric / 1L EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC SLICED BEETS 500ml HENGSTENBERG KNAX CRUNCHY PICKLES Gherkins / 1.5L KIKKOMAN TAKUMI TERIYAKI Original / 476ml
Meanwhile, activists in the Caribbean na tions are calling on the monarchy to pay “slavery reparations ”
(Admittedly, reaction to the Queen’s death is our front page feature, but as a print weekly this is the first of our coverage )
While I can respect the Queen as an in dividual and as a leader, I can’t respect the institution As one of our reporters said upon hearing news of the Queen’s death
I, too, have a soft spot for this royal in par ticular and not just because she looked remarkably like my own grandmother Queen Elizabeth held herself with such poise and decorum, she seemed the very embodiment of “Keep calm and carry on ”
the destructiveness of colonization on First Nations people,” Roseanne Archibald, First Nations National Chief told CTV Granted, all the ills of the world can’t be laid at the feet of the monarchy, and some royals have brought attention to some very worthy causes I respect people’s desire to honour the Queen and mourn her passing But to shut down the government and close schools seems to be making some out of touch assumptions
That said, Premier John Horgan also joined the chorus, claiming B C joins oth ers in our “outpouring of grief.”
India’s reaction to the Queen’s death has largely been described as “muted ” That’s shouldn’t be a surprise Many there are still waiting for apologies for some brutal atrocities perpetrated on behalf of the Brit ish monarchy during its rule
Schools closed for the Queen? Really?
This flies in the face of the foundation of a modern democracy, not to mention the ral lying cry of the American revolution: “No taxation without representation ”
And, of course, here in Canada some In digenous people refer to the Queen as the figurehead of colonialism that resulted in residential schools and land seizures
GOOD MORNING, RICHMOND! STEVESTON SENIORS HOME Richmond attempted robbery suspect sought Richmond City Grant Program open for applications Steveston seniors home support ed by $5 9 million BC Housing grant Watch: Timelapse captures smoke blanketing Metro Van couver Missing 35yearold Richmond man found safe Richmondites invited to apply for neighbourhood small grants Good morning, Richmond! OPINION FORMORENEWS,SPORTS&COMMUNITYSTORIESSEARCHTHESEHEADLINESBYVISITINGRICHMOND-NEWS.COM Email news tips to Editor@Richmond-News.com The R chmond News is a member of the Glac er Media Group The News respects your privacy We collect use and disclose your personalinforma ion in accordance wi h our Privacy S atement which is avai able a www richmond news com The Richmond News is a member of the Nationa Newsmedia Counci , which is an independent organiza ion established to dea with acceptable journalistic pract ces and ethical behav our If you have concerns about edi orial content p ease con act the ed tor at edi or@r chmond news com or ca l 604 249 3343 I you are no satisfied wi h the response and wish to fi e a forma complaint, visit the web s te at mediacounci ca or ca l o l free 1 844 877 1163 RICHMOND NEWS Published every Thursday by the Richmond News, a member of the Glacier Media Group. #170 2840 Olafsen Ave Richmond, V6X 2R3 604.270.8031 Advertising Sales: 604.249.3336 advertising@richmond-news.com Delivery: 604.249.3132 distribution@richmond-news.com Classified: 604.630.3300, 604.444.3056 or email classified@van.net EDITOR Eve Edmonds editor@richmond-news.com 604.249.3343 PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR (ACTING) Alvin Chow achow@glaciermedia.ca 604.249.3336 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kristene Murray kmurray@glaciermedia.ca 604.249.3353
“There needs to be an apology by the Crown for the failures and particularly for
I’m already tired of the media coverage this has been getting, but to extend it to a day off seems a bit much
And how much tax? It can’t be a pittance At one point the Queen was declared the richest woman in the word (Although Oprah may have since toppled her off that throne )
They are supported by the taxpayers of Britain primarily, but all of us in the Com monwealth to some extent, yet no one votes them into power
I don’t doubt there will be an outpouring of grief, but not just among monarchists Those recalling the impacts of colonization, may also feel it not to mention, parents who are now scrambling to find day care
Granted, once Prime Minister Trudeau an nounced a holiday, Premier John Horgan may not have had much choice given that some union contracts state members will get any day proclaimed by the provincial or federal government
Then there’s the history
A day off to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth? Really?
All that said, I’m not a monarchist
As kindly as many of the royals may be, and as much good charitable works they may engage in, there is absolutely nothing democratic about the monarchy
More importantly, she displayed a wis dom and compassion that comforted many and gave the sense we ’ re in good hands
I’m not trying to make light of what for many is a truly sad and momentous mo ment in history My heart goes out to her loved ones and in fact anyone who is griev ing Queen Elizabeth’s death.
Moreover, as impactful as we like to think our front page is, it’s not quite the same as closing offices and schools And it’s that, that has me baffled In fact, Mayor John Tory’s decision to grant his city of Toronto a day off to celebrate the Raptor’s parade after the team won the NBA Championship made more sense to me
“What I want to know is when the elec tion will be held Oh, right, there won’t be one ”
that was completed a few years ago the city’s own nature renovation project to keep its ecological karmic balance in good stead. It must be the case that as Masters of Nature, the city departmental heads who make these (apparently routine) decisions determine who gets to live and who gets to die.
This sign (pictured) was found next to the extension of Woodward Slough
Re: “Richmond council candidate balks at closed-door meetings,” Online, Sept. 8.
So, once again, I say he just isn’t listening. And just a reminder, Falcon was in favour of the hated HST
Once again Falcon and the BC Liberals don’t listen to, and don’t care, what the mayors and people of the Lower Mainland want
Glen Andersen RICHMOND
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
And he’s assuming the BC Liberals will be elected, forgetting they lost the last election even though the BC NDP said they would scrap the bridge.
Re: “Falcon laments the bridge that never was,” News, Sept. 8.
There must be a calculus at City Hall that reads something like:
“Killing a few plants with poison (rather than pulling them out) is more equal than threatening an ecosystem (which empties into the Fraser) where many other small plants and animals live and thrive.”
Why is the City of Richmond still using an indisputably proven carcinogen and digestion disruptor (Roundup) to suppress supposedly invasive plant species?
Ted Taylor (former Steveston resident) SURREY
Perhaps after the election some personnel “Roundup” should be liberally applied through the hallways of select departments to ensure these toxic ideas don’t seep into other cor ners of the building, that is, before these islands become only habitable to the most resilient of cockroaches.
Currently, many online conspir acy theorists equate the Nuremberg Trials and the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, thus, linking Nazi atrocities to the various Public Health Orders made during the pandemic.
Roundup use illogical
The Nazis killed millions of psychiatric patients, disabled people and people they deemed to be “racially inferior.”
I challenge anyone to find a country in the world where millions died from Public Health Or ders.
The mindset behind it is about 60 years old and long obsolete.
Falcon ignores people, again Nuremberg trials false comparison
Dear Editor,
Falcon has accused the BC NDP of wasting millions by scrapping the work already done by the BC Liberals, but has said he is going to do the same to whatever has progressed for the new tunnel if he’s elected. Isn’t that kind of hypocritical?
Notice of pesticide use in Richmond LETTERS letters to
“Knotweed, not ber ries, sprayed,” Community, Sept. 1.
Right from the get go, a tunnel was the favoured choice for a new crossing. The BC Liberals never once consulted anyone, just announced what they were going to build.
Authorized by financial agents: Alexa Loo fin.agent@alexaloocom, Bill McNulty billmcnulty2022@gmail.com th i fi i l t RE-ELECT E ELECT ALEXALOO& BILLMcNULTY We have supported increasing the fire and police complement. We voted for the budgets that fund the increased fire and police protection to keep Richmond safe.
ting away like this ”
She said the discoveries have been reported to the DFO The News has reached out to the DFO for comment
“The fish have spoiled suggesting that there are far more fish on the black market than there are buy ers ”
The News’ parent company, Gla cier Media, published a story last week about a man calling for the DFO to get to the bottom of ongo ing illegal poaching and sales of salmon from up and down the Fra
“We are seeing evidence of ille gal fish sales all over social media and Craigslist,” said the federa tion’s executive director Jesse Ze man
Zeman claimed that the authori ties, such as the DFO, are “hope lessly overmatched to deal with the problem ”
This tote full of rotting salmon, believed to be sockeye, was one of four discovered at Steveston Harbour last week
ser River
“It’s more rare that we can recover the hook that caused the damage ”
Discarded fishing hook kills seagull
“The BCWF is seeing reports of dumping involving thousands, possibly tens of thousands of fish, which is a symptom of illegal sales on a massive scale,” said Zeman
Unfortunately, the gull did not survive the incident, ac cording to the association, adding that it’s all too com mon for such equipment to get left behind by people not fully aware of the risk
As such, only First Nations in the Lower Fraser River are allowed to fish for food and ceremonial pur poses
While another two were located “ on the compound” of the harbour, after it received reports of the smell from members of the public
Fishing for sockeye in the Lower Fraser River has been as conten tious as ever this summer, with vir tually zero openings for commer cial fishers
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The Wildlife Rescue Association of BC has warned of the dangers of what it calls “ghost gear, ” after the gull was found near No 1 and Francis roads with a five centimetre hook in its body
Gusto said the harbour has also received numerous reports of rot ting fish on the water inside the harbour walls
As a non profit organization, Wildlife Rescue relies on the generosity of donations to continue caring for injured, orphaned and pollution damaged wildlife
This year, the sockeye count came in at about 5 5 million fish, as op posed to the 9 8 million that had been expected
The Richmond News was made aware last Thursday of the finding of at least four large tote boxes of decomposing salmon, understood to be sockeye
Rodney Hsu, a member of the sport fishing advisory committee in the Fraser Valley, says it’s now an annual occurrence to hear reports of dead salmon tossed along road sides nearby the river.
“This hasn’t happened as far as I can remember, but we haven’t had many (sockeye) openings in the last few years, ” said Gusto “It is heartbreaking to see thou sands of dollars’ worth of fish rot
“We regularly intake wildlife that have been injured by hooks or caught up in line and nets,” said Jackie McQuillan, Wildlife Rescue’s support centre lead.
A wildlife rescue orga nization has appealed to the public to be wary of discarding fishing gear, after it had to put down a seagull injured in Richmond by a large fishing hook (right)
Widespread poaching, added Zeman, is “harming us all as dwin dling sockeye runs are being pil laged
Meanwhile, the B C Wildlife Federation (BCWF) has hit out at the apparent discovery of rotting sockeye at Steveston Harbour.
The discovery at Steveston Har bour of large buckets of what ap pears to be rotting sockeye salmon has been reported to the Depart ment of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).
For more information, or to donate, go to Wildliferes cue ca/give
If members of the public see wildlife in distress, con tact the Wildlife Help Centre at 604 526 7275
Alan Campbell/Richmond News
Rotting salmon stinks up harbour
“Further, when an unknown num ber of fish are caught by poach ers, we can’t sustainably manage the fishery ”
Jamie Gusto, Steveston Harbour’s general manager, confirmed to the News that two of the buckets were found on a vessel after it received reports due to the smell
At Monday’s council meet ing, she once again said the development should consist of a taller building with a smaller footprint, allowing the retention of more trees, including a mature cedar and a mature Douglas fir
for our newsletter at richmond-news.com
However, building a tall er building would mean higher costs because of the type of construction needed, whereas the six storey buildings being proposed were doable, Wayne Craig, director of development, explained to city council
80/20 rule opposed by city council
As a safety precaution, however, a strata windup goes through BC Supreme Court where anyone who opposes the process can make their concerns known to a judge, explained Paul Roberts, the lawyer for Ascott Wynde strata windup
with fixed rents
The development application is from a numbered company whose directors are Yechuan Wu and Hongda Wu Court documents show the property was sold to Everbright Properties after the strata windup.
Coun Carol Day told the planning committee last week she was in court with the owners opposed to the windup
“Many moderate income households struggle to find suitable and affordable housing,” she said, adding it could pro vide rental housing for people who work in Richmond
Sixty six of the units out of the total of 338 will be for moderate income earners
If the buildings were taller than six storeys, it would have to be built using mass timber or concrete, which would drive up the cost, he added.
In 2018, the province changed the rules to wind up a strata corporation allowing 80 per cent of the owners to make this decision instead of the 100 per cent pre viously needed At that time, Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie wrote to the prov ince on behalf of city council expressing their opposition to the new rules
At that time, she suggested the application be sent back to staff “to challenge how this went down ”
Three city councillors Carol Day, Mi chael Wolfe and Harold Steves argued two mature trees should be saved by building a taller building, thereby reduc ing the footprint of the complex
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The condo complex has fallen into disre pair and four years ago the strata council decided to wind it up and sell it to a de veloper
A 100 per cent rental complex with 338 units will replace a 40 year old condo building in the city centre
The proposal got the go ahead from Richmond city council on Monday, but not without opposition
Day called the complex, Ascott Wynde on Garden City Road south of Westmin ster Highway, the “heartbreak hotel ”
But the judge disagreed and allowed the windup
Even the city’s general manager of devel opment, Joe Erceg, said he didn’t like the 80 per cent rule, but, as he told the plan ning committee, it’s “out of your hands” since it’s under provincial jurisdiction
100% rental building to replace strata
Thirteen owners voted against the wind up Some went to court during the windup process and tried to argue the buildings and strata shouldn’t be shut down, claim
ing the process had been un democratic and they weren’t getting fair compensation
Many moderate income households struggle to find suitable and affordable housing.
She also argued that the rents should be lower for the “affordable” units in the development
Coun Linda McPhail, who voted for the project, said the proposal fills in a “critical gap ” for the “missing middle,” that is, moderate income earners
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Alan Campbell
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The poster on Reddit claimed she needed to speak with him about a passport issue, but never received a reply to voicemails and emails.
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Asked again on Monday why the office was still not open, a spokes person for Miao once more blamed renovations and said again it would be “completed soon ”
Permit issues and subsequent ren ovations at a new premises near Richmond Hospital were also cited by Miao’s spokesperson as rea sons for the delay, but claimed that he hoped to open it soon
For more info, dates and times please visit on CLASSES) oasis@vch.ca call
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“ …we understand that there are some constituents that tried to visit us We would like to reassure that our office is set to completion very soon and will allow in person meet ings and services,” they added “Currently, we are accessible through email and phone during our work hours If any constituents require any assistances they are
The Liberal member of Parliament ousted long time Conservative in cumbent Alice Wong in last Sep tember’s federal election
When the News previously ques tioned the delay back in May, we were told the MP wasn’t able to
take over Wong’s former office as is the custom because the lease expired.
welcome to contact us ”
One such resident, Kerry Starchuk, did call Miao’s number, after visiting his yet to open office, but was redirected to a different number, which was unsuccessful, before finally getting through on his Ottawa number
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Her experience was echoed by others on the thread, with people suggesting they contact Rich mond’s other MP, Parm Bains.
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But 12 months on, Miao has yet to open a constituency office, much to the frustration of many of his constituents, some of whom reached out to the Richmond News to ask why
Miao’s contact details for constitu ents, given to the News in May, are email: Wilson Miao@parl gc ca or call: 604 775 5790.
Curious about Cannabis Classes offered both in-person and online, via Zoom
It has been almost a year to the day since residents in the Rich mond Centre riding elected a new MP but many of them have still to meet rookie politician Wilson Miao
There is also a thread on social media platform Reddit about the difficulty in getting hold of Miao.
Richmond MP yet to open local office a year after getting elected
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Man charged with fatal UBC crash released with conditions
A statement released by RCMP on Wednesday, Sept. 7 announced that Goerner was charged with two counts each of impaired driving causing death, dangerous driving causing death and impaired driving.
One of his lawyers, Vincent Michaels, told Judge Glenn Lee that the investigation on the case started a year ago and the conditions upon which Goerner was released have now lapsed.
6911 No. 3 Rd.
City of Richmond | Richmond 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000 www.richmond.ca
2023 City Grant Programs Open
Applications accepted until 5:00 p.m on October 19, 2022.
In 2018, the RYHC represented BC at the World Choir Games in South Africa and now for their 21st season so the singers will have the opportunity to tour to an international choral festival in July of 2023 In, 2024 they will have the opportunity to tour to Aukland New Zealand for World Choir Games and in 2024 to Wakayama, Japan! So many amazing opportunities to learn, grow, perform, and make new lasting friendships! Now is the time to join this rich legacy in Richmond.
Alleged racists on trial
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Tim Goerner appeared before Richmond Provincial Court on Friday accompanied by two lawyers to renew his release order
The trial is expected to start Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. in Richmond Provincial Court
Astrid Maria Secreve and Michel Jean Jacque Berthiaume are both charged with mischief un
The trial was set to start last April, but the judge determined the defendants hadn’t been able to access the necessary files for the trial to proceed and it was
The 18-year-old UBC students, Evan Smith and Emily Selwood, were walking on a sidewalk near Northwest Marine Drive at around 1:45 a.m. when they were struck and killed by a vehicle.
der $5,000 in connection with the incident that took place at Rocanini Coffee Roasters in March 2021
A couple who allegedly uttered a racist slur and threw coffee at a staff member in a Steveston coffeeshop are scheduled to be on trial this week
richmondunited.ca Authorized by Financial Agent Rob Hayman | 604 313 9225
Upon hearing from Michaels and Crown
The City of Richmond supports a positive quality of life for all its residents.
Counsel Michelle Merry, Lee decided to release Goerner without financial obligations with three conditions: he is not to leave B.C., he must go to Richmond RCMP next week for fingerprinting and he must surrender all his travel documents and not obtain any new ones.
postponed At that time, the couple said they were representing themselves
The 22-year-old driver charged in connection to a 2021 collision killing two UBC students has been released on condi tions.
Auditions Last Call Wednesday, September 14 & 21, 5:00 pm 8:00 pm at Peace Mennonite Church, 11571 Daniels Road, Richmond
Vikki Hui
City of Notice
Maria Rantanen Richmond News
www.ryyhc.org | 604 723 4040 | www facebook.com//RichmondYouthHonourChoir
City Council recognizes that one means of helping to achieve this goal is through City Grant Programs to support the work of community service groups. The City is currently accepting applications for the following grant programs: (1) Arts and Culture; (2) Child Care; (3) Health, Social and Safety; (4) Parks, Recreation and Community Events; and (5) Environmental. To access the online application system, as well as Grant Program Guidelines, User Guides and City Staff contact information, please visit http://www.richmond.ca/citygrants.
• Heritage Commission
• Richmond Public Library Board
Nancy’s Story
Richmond provincial court Judge Diana Vandor heard submissions from both sides on Wednesday and adjourned the bail hearing so she could work on her deci sion
He has been in custody since he was ar rested on July 13, 2022
Car share driver ‘fled’ cops
“It escalated to the point where Chen threw the lobster dishes and other items
• Board of Variance
• Gateway Theatre Society Board
• YVR Aeronautical Noise Management Committee
• Advisory Design Panel
• Aquatic Advisory Board
• Economic Advisory Committee
• Public Art Advisory Committee
As the roommates pulled Chen off Ding, Chen allegedly pulled on Ding’s collar and slapped her on the cheek.
• Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee
The incident took place in Febraury at a UBC residence, Crown told the court. The accused, Yuxin Chen, was having dinner with her roommates, including complainant Daisy Ding
• Intercultural Advisory Committee
When comments about “food tasting poor ” and cooking being “underappreci ated” were made, the fight turned physical
A UBC student appeared before Rich mond Provincial Court on Tuesday for al legedly pushing and slapping a roommate while having a lobster dinner
Chen was subsequently arrested and re leased the next day She appeared in per son in court on Tuesday afternoon along with a Mandarin interpreter
• Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee
• YVR Environmental Advisory Committee
Application forms can be obtained on the City website at www richmond ca/cityhall/council/boards/advisory or by phone 604-276 4007
Nancy moved into the Maples in May of 2012 “I love to walk and living in Steveston means I can walk out the Maples front door, up to the River, on the Boardwalk and around the village. I was 90 years old when I arrived and will turn 100 in October. I have a lovely suite that faces Steveston Park. I enjoy watching the children and families on the Playground from my balcony My Son lives nearby and visits me often, it’s convenient for both of us. I’ve made many friends and am enjoying living at The Maples.
2023 Richmond City Council wishes to fill vacancies on the following Advisory Committees/Boards/Commissions: Persons interested in serving the community, in a volunteer capacity, on any of the below Advisory Bodies are invited to submit an application along with a resume to the attention of the City Clerk’s Office, no later than Monday, October 3, 2022.
City Appointments
Vikki Hui/Richmond News
• Child Care Development Advisory Committee
on the kitchen counter onto the floor and pushed Ding across the room, ” said Crown counsel Anthony Toljanich Chen allegedly had both her hands on Ding’s neck, causing Ding to cough, al though no allegations of choking were made
• Sister City Advisory Committee
A man who allegedly fled from police in an EVO in Vancouver during a busy after noon, is waiting to see if he will get bail Marc Phillip Mcgregor faces 38 charges spread out across Richmond, Burnaby and Vancouver, including break and entering a condo building, stealing mail, stealing various vehicles, licence plates and miscel laneous items in vehicles
• Advisory Committee on the
But Craig noted that Chen has not plead ed guilty to any criminal offence and the peace bond is not a sentence This means that Chen will not have a criminal record
For more information, visit: www.richmond ca/cityhall/council/boards/advisory
• Seniors Advisory Committee
When Ding cut her thumb on a lobster shell and asked Chen for a Band Aid, a disagreement over whether the Band Aid was “done properly” soon escalated
Lobster dinner brawl lands UBC student in court
“I’ve lived in Richmond since 1957 and have always loved Steveston.” 4071 Chatham Street • 604-277-4519 Resident since 2012
• Minoru Centre for Active Living Program Committee
Mcgregor appeared by video at 10 a m on Friday, Sept 9 to receive the result of his bail hearing, but the matter was ad journed until Sept 14 when a date will be fixed for his next appearance
“It sounds like the events got out of hand,” said Judge Bonnie Craig, who placed Chen under a peace bond for a year
50% OFF Balderson Cheddar Cheese Cut & Wrapped in Store Saverdays 199 lb Saverdays 399 ea Saverdays 299 ea Find more Saver Days deals in your weekly digital flyer at SaveOnFoods.com Hey Saver, load up on your favourite brands. Cauliflower No 1, USA Green Grapes No 1, Seedless, Imported, 4.39/kg Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream (500 mL) or Frozen Novelties (3 x 72 mL) Kellogg’s Rice Krispies (340g) or Minecraft Cereal (227g), Selected Varieties Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Cereal Bars (295g) or Rice Krispies Squares (176g), Selected Varieties Prices effective September 15 to 21, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card Saverdays $62 for Saverdays $82 for pack of 12 599 ea Western Family Bathroom Tissue Double, 12 Rolls UNLOCK WITH LOAD N W 499 ea First 3 399 Bakery Cookies
1. Pre-register between 8:15–9:30 a.m. at City Hall.
If a bidder was unsuccessful at the auction, the certified cheque will be returned to the bidder
011-585-006 23441 GILLEY RD LT 126 SEC 36 BLK 5N RGE 4W NWD PL 45449
In accordance with the provisions of Section 647 of the Local Government Act, the following properties with delinquent taxes will be offered for sale by public auction at the City of Richmond’s Council Chambers. The sale will commence at 10:00 a.m. on September 26, 2022 for all properties with delinquent taxes and interest outstanding at that time.
Take notice that the purchaser of a tax sale property is subject to tax under the “Property Purchase Tax Act” on the fair market value of the property The City makes no representation express or implied as to title or the condition or quality of the properties being offered for sale.
064-624-070 225 7297 MOFFATT RD LT 70 SEC 17 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS1902 064-762-005 103 7520 MOFFATT RD LT 5 SEC 17 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS3081 064-957-017 301 7660 MINORU BLVD LT 17 SEC 17 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS2361 064-985-045 41 7400 MINORU BLVD LT 45 SEC 17 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS2349 066-431-004 7366 LUCAS RD LT 452 SEC 20 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 56960 067-281-000 8740 COOPER RD LT 40 SEC 21 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 14350 067-425-020 8120 HEATHER ST LT 2 SEC 22 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCP49044 067-691-029 9420 MCBURNEY DR LT 461 SEC 22 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 59170 067-691-087 8160 ASPIN DR LT 519 SEC 22 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 59170 070-870-000 9140 FRANCIS RD LT 261 SEC 27 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 35222
Folio Civic BCA Short Legal
A12 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000 www.richmond.ca
035-022-053 2280 NO 6 RD LT 15 SEC 21 BLK 5N RGE 5W NWD PL 3820 041-901-011 273 13986 CAMBIE RD LT 11 SEC 32 BLK 5N RGE 5W NWD PL NWS3091 056-690-094 309 8400 ACKROYD RD LT 94 SEC 4 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS1682 056-797-030 215 8651 ACKROYD RD LT 30 SEC 4 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS2926 057-202-109 502 5028 KWANTLEN ST LT 9 SEC 4 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS1861 057-205-289 410 8871 LANSDOWNE RD LT 289 SEC 4 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS3459 057-593-308 509 5619 CEDARBRIDGE WAY LT 98 SEC 5 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS4199 057-600-217 1602 7488 LANSDOWNE RD LT 207 SEC 5 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS3676 057-602-119 601 5900 ALDERBRIDGE WAY LT 19 SEC 5 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS2884 057-612-005 5333 NO 3 RD LT 1 SEC 5 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPP86098 057-620-026 707 7555 ALDERBRIDGE WAY LT 26 SEC 5 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS2497 057-902-291 1101 5171 BRIGHOUSE WAY LT 91 SEC 6 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS1416 057-902-295 1205 5171 BRIGHOUSE WAY LT 95 SEC 6 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS1416 059-459-113 1017 7338 GOLLNER AVE LT 113 SEC 8 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS2876 059-678-206 1702 6068 NO 3 RD LT 106 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS2610 059-679-112 202 8033 SABA RD LT 12 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS3856 059-830-024 903 8111 ANDERSON RD LT 24 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS1669 059-894-085 1202 8333 ANDERSON RD LT 85 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS757 059-894-216 1509 6888 COONEY RD LT 216 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS757 059-905-103 1306 6611 COONEY RD LT 103 SEC 9 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS2845 060-380-022 125 9373 HEMLOCK DR LT 22 SEC 10 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS3091 060-380-189 322 9371 HEMLOCK DR LT 189 SEC 10 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS3091 060-383-217 1205 9133 HEMLOCK DR LT 217 SEC 10 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS1060 060-498-106 6 6331 NO 4 RD LT 6 SEC 10 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS2991 063-803-024 14 7651 TURNILL ST LT 14 SEC 15 BLK 4N RGE NWD PL EPS1226 064-023-119 EPS2639 LMS500
4471 LANCELOT DR LT 555 SEC 23 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 50208
071-909-000 7531 REEDER RD LT 22 SEC 29 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 17566 071-962-000 9771 BATES RD LT 149 SEC 29 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 37110 072-242-000 7200 AFTON DR LT 8 SEC 29 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 16786 072-271-000 9631 DEAGLE RD LT 1 SEC 29 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 16641 072-938-000 6391 WILLIAMS RD LT 101 SEC 30 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 34945 075-187-001 10060 SEVERN DR LT 227 SEC 34 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 41287 075-812-000 10695 AINTREE PL LT 3 SEC 35 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL 18551 076-441-125 25 11511 STEVESTON HWY LT 25 SEC 36 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS2534 078-445-116 885 8477 BRIDGEPORT RD LT 61 SEC 21 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS5804 079-589-001 2660 NO 4 RD LT 1 SEC 23 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMP2586 079-958-110 110 11800 RIVER RD LT 110 SEC 24 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS790 079-958-111 112 11800 RIVER RD LT 111 SEC 24 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS790 079-958-112 114 11800 RIVER RD LT 112 SEC 24 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS790 079-958-113 116 11800 RIVER RD LT 113 SEC 24 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS790 081-448-001 1 9731 CAPELLA DR LT 1 SEC 27 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL NWS3135 082-163-380 521 8988 PATTERSON RD LT 20 SEC 27 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS4250 082-163-927 1117 3300 KETCHESON RD LT 177 SEC 27 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS6022 082-249-057 1007 3333 CORVETTE WAY LT 57 SEC 28 BLK 5N RGE 6W PL BCS3718 082-325-136 517 8333 SWEET AVE LT 36 SEC 28 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS3982 082-325-247 1701 8333 SWEET AVE LT 147 SEC 28 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS3982 084-424-152 201 9399 TOMICKI AVE LT 152 SEC 34 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL BCS4008 084-533-600 423 9388 TOMICKI AVE LT 500 SEC 34 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS2669 084-866-043 57 4933 FISHER DR LT 43 SEC 35 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS2194 085-631-045 45 11571 THORPE RD LT 45 SEC 36 BLK 5N RGE 6W NWD PL LMS1961 086-679-050 50 11771 KINGFISHER DR LT 50 SEC 1 BLK 3N RGE 7W NWD PL NWS150 091-123-031 78 5531 CORNWALL DR LT 31 SEC 3 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL LMS423 091-123-087 12 5531 CORNWALL DR LT 87 SEC 3 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL LMS423 092-912-004 6531 BARNARD DR LT 4 SEC 10 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL LMP22345 093-418-000 6240 BELLFLOWER DR LT 200 SEC 11 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 40451 093-875-010 6571 BOUCHARD CRT LT 10 SEC 12 BLK 4N RGE 094-763-004 097-435-000 097-734-032
22 8288 NO 1 RD LT 22 SEC 23 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL EPS4022 100-279-000 3671 LAMOND AVE LT 10 SEC 27 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 19052 102-970-037 10170 HOLLYMOUNT DR LT 349 SEC 36 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 52447
All bidders must:
071-107-015 15 9700 NO 3 RD LT 15 SEC 28 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS119
3. Provide a certified cheque or bank draft made out to the City of Richmond for the maximum amount they will be spending at the auction.
Prospective purchasers are urged to research the properties to determine the existence of any bylaws, restrictions, charges or other conditions which may affect the value of the properties.
7W NWD PL 76189 094-259-003 3 7240 LANGTON RD LT 3 SEC 13 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL NWS2146
Folio Civic BCA Short Legal
064-023-170 1108 8288 GRANVILLE AVE LT 70 SEC 16 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL EPS2639 064-362-263 308 8600 JONES RD LT 263 SEC 16 BLK 4N RGE 6W NWD PL
If a bidder was successful in purchasing a property or properties, the successful bid price(s) will be deducted from the certified cheque and a refund of the balance will be available to the bidder within 2 business days.
4171 BLUNDELL RD LT 19 SEC 14 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 10114 094-872-028 7926 SHACKLETON DR LT 28 SEC 14 BLK 4N RGE 7W NWD PL 70881
2. Pay $175 non-refundable registration fee by debit card.
Three men vie for $185K mayor’s job
including taxable benefits
Au’s lower salary resulted from a decision to waive a pay increase in early 2019 to compensate for the fact the federal gov ernment removed a one third salary tax exemption on the salaries of municipal elected officials
The former slate Richmond First no longer exists but some of its former candidates are running with other groups
Roston pointed out the Richmond mayor ’ s salary is higher than that of the Vancou ver mayor ’ s salary, which was about $178,000 in 2021
Three men want to be mayor of Richmond Incumbent Mayor Malcolm Brodie is joined on the mayoralty ticket by Steveston resident and RITE Richmond candidate John Roston as well as Wei Ping Chen in the Oct 15 municipal election
The mayor ’ s salary increased from 2018 to 2019 by about $39,000 while council lor salaries increased by about $11,500
Heed told the Richmond News he was approached last winter to run for mayor,
One high profile name on the council can didate list is former solicitor general Kash Heed, who has joined forces with former councillor Derek Dang under the party name Richmond Rise
The nomination period for candidates ended at 4 p m Friday Candidates have until Friday, Sept 16 to withdraw their nominations
Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie re ceived a salary of $182,253 in 2021 while most city councillors earned $82,636, not
15 trustee candidates on ballot
Steves ran previously with the Richmond Citizens’ Association, and this slate is run ning four candidates this election
For the seven school trustee spots, 15
The successful mayoral candidate’s salary will be in the order of about $185,000, assuming this year ’ s increase is around two per cent
Roston said, if elected as Richmond mayor, he’d lower the mayor ’ s salary by $30,000 and devote that money to a project chosen by students in Richmond schools
Richmond has several slates of candidates this year, including old ones and new ones: Richmond Community Coalition, Richmond Citizens’ Association, RITE Richmond, Rich mond Education Party, Richmond United, Richmond Rise and One Richmond
but he didn’t think he could beat Brodie, so instead decided to run for city council Richmond Community Coalition, which Coun Chak Au belongs to, is running both council candidates as well as school board candidates
The notable exception was Coun Chak Au whose salary was $72,707
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See p. 21 for more election coverage
At the time, then Coun Kelly Greene and Au both voted to not take the salary in crease
Search Municipal election for full election coverage at Richmond-News.com
candidates have put their names forward, including five incumbents Current board chair Sandra Nixon and trustee Norm Goldstein aren’t running for re election
Coun Bill McNulty, who was one of the key players in the Richmond First slate, is running with a banner of One Richmond along with another incumbent, Coun Al exa Loo
As for the eight councillor seats, there are 27 candidates who’ve filed their nomina tion papers, including six incumbent coun cillors Current Couns Linda McPhail and Harold Steves aren’t running for re election
And winning Richmond city council candi dates will be compensated about $84,000 per year, again assuming a two per cent increase
Didyou know that status quo councillors approved anAUTOMATIC EXTRA1% property tax increase over and above the necessary budget? VOTE OCT 15 Authorized by James Day Financial Agent 604 271 7761 VOTE
Roston is the only mayoralty candidate who’s running on a slate, whereas Brodie and Chen are running independently Richmond United has candidates who ran previously with Richmond First and Rich mond Community Coalition McPhail was previously listed as a Richmond United can didate but later decided to drop out, citing health reasons
She, too, expected Queen Elizabeth’s passing, but added she was glad that the Queen “died in peace She was 96 and she served her country and the Commonwealth well ”
As for Monday’s state funeral, set for around 3 a m Pacific Time, all three Maple residents will like ly catch up with it when they wake in the morning
“We’re going to be in central London a few days before the funeral, I would imagine, and all my mates are all get ting together over there,” he said
Queen’s strength was to bring people together
But Ball remembers hearing it before that, when Queen Elizabeth’s father was on the throne
“She was trying to keep up with British traditions I never saw her wear a hat like that in my life ”
“She wasn’t supposed to be an heir to the throne But I thought she did a very good job Seventy years and hardly a little blip,” added Ball, who has a declaration on his wall, addressed to him from Her Majesty, appointing him
“I remember the kind of steadfast courage the Queen showed The motto was ‘keep calm and carry on ’ and I have that sign on my fridge still ”
“Then I found out in the evening that all the schools were closed anyway and I didn’t need to lie ”
The last week has seen an outpouring of grief across the Pond as news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II rippled up and down Great Britain
Michael Hargreaves who was born in London, but moved to Canada to work for the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1959 remembers the Coronation well, but has stron ger Royal memories of the Second World War
“As a little kid, I remember realizing how they were get ting the same bombs as we did,” said Hargreaves
“I do remember kneeling in front of the radio, age five, and listening to the Queen’s wedding (in 1947),” said Morris, 80, who has a Coronation mug on her bookshelf
to the Canada Council
Although the reaction here in Richmond and Canada has been more tempered, the passing of Britain’s longest serv ing monarch, at the age of 96, still provoked sadness and rekindled memories of her reign among local ex pats
“I remember asking my parents why it was snowing Of course, it was the interference,” explained Ball
At his Steveston Barbers hair salon, where Mackelworth’s phone was “ringing off the hook,” the barber said the
That was the amusing memory Bev Boyd had of her dad, Gil Blair, who was Richmond’s mayor when Queen Eliza beth II arrived on the tarmac at Vancouver Airport
Best of British store owner Lenny Entwistle (left) and clerk Elly Fenton have been welcoming customers wanting to talk about the Queen’s death Graeme Wood photo. Below, Richmond mayor Gil Blair escorted Queen Eliza beth from the tarmac at YVR Right, the Queen opened the Deas Island Tunnel in 1959
The day Queen Elizabeth opened The Tube
three times during Blair’s time in city hall
Another Maple resident, Alan Ball who was born in Manchester and grew up in Sheffield emigrated to Can ada in 1969, age 25
Not far from Best of British, Englishman Iain Mackelworth was pondering the impact of the Queen’s passing on his upcoming trip back to England with friends
“It was very sad But I was happy so many people have shown support for her and the Royals,” he added
On July 15 in 1959, just seven years into her reign, a fresh faced “Queen of Canada” as she was then ar rived in town to cut the ribbon on what was then called the Deas Island Tunnel, later renamed after George Massey
Richmond residents pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
Several such Brits living at the Maple Residences in Ste veston spoke this week with the Richmond News about their recollections of major Royal events, such as the Queen’s wedding in 1947 and her Coronation in 1953
After the passing of the 96 year old British monarch, Boyd dug out the old photos of her dad meeting, greeting and escorting the Queen off her plane
As Mackelworth put it, she had an “ability to change with the times and not get stuck in one situation ”
With files
A fellow Maple Residences resident, Sheila Morris, who emigrated from England in 1969, recalls having to go to the movie theatre to watch the Queen’s Coronation in 1953, because she didn’t have a TV at home
Steveston ex pat merchants in mourning
Just around the corner in Steveston, Best of British store owner Lenny Entwistle, who was born in Berwick upon Tweed, England, said it’s been a difficult time for her shop customers and those at her hair salon on Chatham Street
“It’s someone who’s always been in the media and some one who’s been with you your entire life It’s just a bit of a weird empty thought,” said Mackelworth, who never did see the Queen in the flesh during his time in South London, before moving to Canada
Mayor escorted Queen from YVR tarmac
Now, Mackelworth may be embarking on a historic trip to London this month
In front of a cheering crowd, and with husband Prince Philip in tow, the Queen “graciously opened” as per the unveiled plaque to that effect the tunnel, according to records and a grainy, black and white video on YouTube from Graeme Wood/Glacier
“But I spent most of the day worrying how I would get an excuse note for school the next day
Hargreaves said there was a sense that Queen Elizabeth was one of the family, however, he wasn’t surprised when the news broke of her death last week
He looked more like Clint Eastwood, acting as the Queen’s bodyguard, than the mayor of Richmond
“I lied to my mother that day I told her the schools were closed She went along with it She didn’t argue
Many Brits would have been hearing “God Save the King” being sung for the first time on the weekend
Blair was the city’s mayor from 1973 to 1990, however his daughter isn’t quite sure of the date her dad met the Queen, but there are records of her visiting Vancouver
“I went into my hair salon this morning and told everyone and there were tears all around,” said Entwistle, who said childhood memories were, in part, marked by the Queen
The 78 year old recalled, as an eight year old, hud dling around a 10 inch, black and white TV to watch the Queen’s Coronation
VOTE Authorized by James Day Financial Agent 604 271 7761 A14 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM
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Boyd recalled how her dad who passed away in 2006, age 79 shared the same birth year as the Queen, 1926
Of what may come, Entwistle added: “I think we will have a fine leader in King Charles I think we can move on ”
“The Queen was part of everything; every school, every church, everything; everyone had a picture of the Queen ”
“We joked that he looked like Clint Eastwood as her bodyguard,” Boyd told the Richmond News, noting that her mom, Barbara, is the woman in the “strange looking hat to his right
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 A15 FIELDS. BEACH. CRAFT BEER. FARMERS’ MARKET. URBAN LIVING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Private walk up front doors open to a pedestrian friendly street or courtyard You’re next door to Four Winds Brewing's new restaurant and craft brewery. Just down the block from Prado Cafe and their great espresso, across the street from the farmers’ market and a range of village shops. Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland All a short walk from a beautiful sandy beach Quintessentially Southlands. Renderings are artistic renditions only Layouts, materials, specifications, features, project design and pricing are for illustration only and subject to change without notice. Errors and Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) DiscoverSouthlands.ca | 604.636.2220 Discovery Centre open daily 11am 4pm | 6388 Market Ave, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen SALE S B E G I N S O O N · R E G I STE R N O W A LIMITED RELEASE OF 17 DESIGN FORWARD FLATS & TOWNHOMES IN VIBRANT MARKET DISTRICT A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D
• are a Canadian citizen
McMath Secondary School 4251 Garry St
• check the 2022 Richmond Election app available on Apple and Android devices)
Thursday, October 6
• have lived in British Columbia for at least six months before registering to vote
There are three ways you can vote:
Cambie Secondary School 4151 Jacombs Road
Sat., October 8
1. General Voting Day
Wednesday, October 5
• call the Richmond Elections Office at 604-276-4100
Vote at your designated neighbourhood voting place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Find out where to vote at richmond.ca/elections, download the Richmond Election app (available on Apple and Android devices), or contact the Richmond Elections Office. If you receive a voter card in the mail, it will also show your voting place.
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road
Visit richmond.ca/elections or download the 2022 Richmond Election app (available on Apple and Android devices).
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Rd
• are not disqualified from voting by law
Kwantlen Polytechnic University 8771 Lansdowne Rd
3. Mail Ballot
How do you register to vote?
McMath Secondary Schoo 4251 Garry Street
McRoberts Secondary School 8980 Williams Road
All existing voters and new registrants will be able to request a mail ballot package. The mail ballot package will include instructions on how to complete and return the mail ballot. Applications for a mail ballot will be available beginning Wednesday, September 7 until Friday, October 7, 2022, 3:00 p.m. Mail ballot packages will be sent out via Canada Post until October 5, 2022 After this date, voters will be asked to pick up their mail ballot packages at Richmond City Hall. Find out how to request a mail ballot package at richmond.ca/elections, download the Richmond Election app or contact the Richmond Elections Office. Completed mail ballots must be received by October 15, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. PST in order to be counted.
If you are not yet registered to vote, you can register in person at your voting place. Please bring at least two valid IDs (identification documents) with you that together show your name and address, at least one piece of D must include your signature. Visit richmond.ca/elections to see a list of acceptable IDs.
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road
• check the Am I on the Voters List? search tool at richmond.ca/elections
2. Advance Voting Days
1. General Voting Day
Vote at your designated voting place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you receive a voter card in the mail, it will show your voting place.
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Rd
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road
Burnett Secondary School 5011 Granville Ave
When and where can you vote?
Saturday, October 1
By appointment, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (weekdays except on statutory holidays) 604-276-4100 elections@richmond.ca /CityofRichmondBC @Richmond_BC @CityofRichmondBC (use hashtag #rmdelxn)
When and where can you vote?
Richmond Election
Burnett Secondary School 5011 Granvi le Avenue
2. Advance Voting Days
Sat., October 1
3. Mail Ballot
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Rd
There are three ways you can vote:
First, find out if you are already registered to vote in the 2022 Richmond Election:
Vote on any of the following days and at any of the following locations between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.:
Non-Resident Property Elector
For information on voting places, mail ballot applications and more visit richmond.ca/elections, download the Richmond Election app or contact the Richmond Elections office at elections@ richmond.ca or 604-276-4100.
Vote on any of the following days and at any of the following locations between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.:
Contact the Richmond Elections Office
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road
Find out more at richmond.ca/elections or download the 2022 Richmond Election app.
• are at least 18 years old on General Voting Day (Saturday, October 15, 2022)
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Rd
Fri., October 7
McRoberts Secondary School 8980 Williams Rd
All existing voters and new registrants will be able to request a mail ballot package. The mail ballot package will include instructions on how to complete and return the mail ballot. Applications for a mail ballot will be available beginning Wednesday, September 7 until Friday, October 7, 2022, 3:00 p.m. Mail ballot packages will be sent out via Canada Post until October 5, 2022. After this date, electors will be asked to pick up their mail ballot packages at Richmond City Hall.
You may vote as a resident elector if you:
Thur., October 6
Saturday, October 8
Richmond City Hall, 6911 No. 3 Road
Kwantlen Polytechnic University 8771 Lansdowne Road
• are a resident of Richmond
Are you eligible to vote?
On Saturday, October 15, 2022, eligible voters in Richmond will be electing one Mayor, eight Councillors and seven Richmond School Board Trustees. Those elected in October 2022 will serve in office for four years.
Friday, October 7
Wed., October 5
f you own property in Richmond, but do not live in the city, you may be eligible to vote in the 2022 Richmond Election. V sit richmond.ca/elections to find out more nformation.
Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Rd
Cambie Secondary School 4151 Jacombs Rd
Stolen collector’s poster donated back to thrift store
“I don’t want anyone to miss out. My dad was a lover, fighter, free spirit, compassionate, humanitarian, a friend to most, an enemy to few and lived hard and loved even harder.”
Tang said the thief snatched the poster while staff were distracted and they only noticed the next morning that it was gone
Richmond residents remember the man called ‘Cowboy’
“He was part of the community and deserved the respect our staff showed cow boy He was always grateful for everything we provided him and the fact that City staff showed cowboy this respect over the years only says we care for everyone in this community regardless of stature or profile. We should all be proud of that.”
A little piece of music memorabilia has been returned to a Steveston thrift store, four months after it was stolen
“He had posted a photo of it on social media I think, and someone saw it and made the connection,” said Tang
“His familiar face and amazing spirit should be immediately recognized by most of Richmond, as he has many, many friends in the community he loved so much for most of his life,” said Jen.
And, despite the theft being caught on CCTV and being reported to the police, Tang had given up hope of ever seeing the poster again
And a retired City of Richmond manager, Ted DeCrom, wrote how Cowboy “showed contentment for himself and compassion for others, regardless of his tough lifestyle,” adding that he “could teach us all some things to be better people.
A 14 year old Richmond girl is sewing her way into the hearts and minds of those less fortunate in the city
of the church’s outreach program
“He even offered to buy it back from me when we are ready to sell it again But we love it so much ”
A church sponsored them and they have “lived in gratitude for Canada and its people ever since Growing up, the impor tance of giving and sharing has been a key aspect in Eden’s life,” added Woodhouse
Eden Wu used her sewing skills to make and donate care packages for guests at St Alban’s community meal
Girl, 14, sews her way into hearts and minds
SOS Children’s Village manager Yasmin Tang (right) with Rob Frith, of Neptoon Re cords, who donated the stolen poster back to the store
And, coupled with the skill of learning to sew in Grade 8, she set about making re usable bags and filling them with hygiene essentials for men and women
A friend of the family, Jackie Purdy Hall, has kicked off a GoFundMe page to help Jen “send him off with as much love as he gave.”
Cowboy, whose real name was Daryl Netzlaw, passed away just over two weeks ago, age 64, according to his daughter, Jen Netzlaw
Many spoke of how they frequently ran into Cowboy outside of one of the city’s SaveOnFoods, with one commenting how he was a “super friendly gentleman, and seemed like a genuine person.”
laugh. I know a few people used to call him their street family. This man was a friend and a hero!”
Hall is asking for tables, tents, music, food and trinkets for guests, small urns/ necklaces “to spread his ashes” in places around the province where Cowboy and Jen used to camp.
of her father’s passing, as she wanted everyone who knew him to attend an outdoor celebration of life, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. at Garry Point Park.
“He told me a friend gifted it to him after buying it at a market I offered to buy it from him but he said ‘ no, it’s a donation ’
always listened with every inch of his being to the problems some of us faced. He made survivors out of us and I feel so incredibly lucky to have met him.
A few years ago, the teenager and her family had the opportunity to travel to India and volunteer at a women ’ s mission centre, where girls and women received shelter, education and opportunities
Eden was so inspired by the gratitude they expressed, that upon return to Cana da, she founded her community initiative called PacKits, hoping to share care pack ages to “spread love, care, and happiness to anyone in need ”
Store manager Yasmin Tang told the Richmond News how the prized poster, worth several hundred dollars, took pride of place at their music section, frequently “attracting customers” to that area
That was until Rob Friph, of Neptoon Records on Main Street in Vancouver, called her this week to say he had her poster
He has been called a “legend,” a “ won derful man” and a “hero.”
Jen said she wanted to spread the word
Richmond residents posting their condolences on Facebook said that Cowboy was “ so very friendly and kind when I’d see him outside of Save-on.”
And judging by the comments on social media, he was respected by hundreds of locals, who remembered him with fond ness.
Another wrote he “always enjoyed chatting with him. He was a very genuine man R.I.P Cowboy you will be missed buddy.”
“He always knew how to make us
Last week, Eden handed every guest a bag at the St Alban’s Community Meal and, thus, “inspired everyone at St Al ban’s tonight,” said Dianne Woodhouse,
Eden Wu is being described by those running the community meal at St Alban’s Outreach as a “shining star ”
The framed poster advertising the appearance in the ‘60s at the Commo dore Ballroom in Vancouver of jazz per former Buddy Rich was stolen in May from SOS Children’s Village on Moncton Street
Connect at Editor@Richmond-News.com
Suffice to say, the loss of a man known simply as “Cowboy” has had a profound effect on many people in the Richmond community
Known for helping people whenever he could, despite his own situation, Cowboy touched the lives of countless Richmondites.
“He saved our butts so many times and
Woodhouse told how, back in the late 1970s, Eden’s mom ’ s family fled Vietnam and arrived in Canada as refugees
Alan Campbell
Of the more detailed and in-depth comments, one woman recalled how Cowboy “kept so many of my friends safe who didn’t have stable home lives.
Daryl Netzlaw, aka “Cowboy,” was well known and loved across the city He passed away last month
orized by James Day Financial Agent 60 61 VOTE Authorized b 6 4 271 7761 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 A19
Fraser River sockeye is “ a phenomenal product,” explained Clark, as its oil content is much higher than most sockeyes
The cookout was a rare opportunity for those dedicated to the conservation of Fra ser River sockeyes to taste the fish since commercial fishing is once again closed despite a stronger run compared to last year ’ s
A cookout using Fraser River sockeye salmon was held in Steveston Saturday to thank all those involved in salmon habitat restoration
Search Steveston cookout for full story at Richmond-News.com
These groups include Pacific Salmon Foundation, Ocean Wise Conservation Association, David Suzuki Foundation,
Day by day, for the last 50 years, Coast Mental Health has made ‘A Difference’ in your neighbourhood. We continue to advocate for, support, and provide specialized mental health services to over 5,000+ people living with mental illness. This is ‘The Difference’ we make every day. Visit coastmentalhealth.com/50years to follow along with our 50th Anniversary and learn more about ‘The Difference’ we make! coastmentalhealth.com Celebrating 50 years of making ‘The Difference’ www.gardencityshoppingcentre.com ALL PROCEEDS TO RICHMOND FOOD BANK. ART ACTIVITIES 4CATS ART STUDIO
Students, members of hatcheries, stream keeping societies and non profits as well as politicians gathered at the docks to have a taste of the fruits of their hard work, made specially by chef and Order of Canada re cipient Robert Clark
Pacific Salmon commission to determine whether commercial fisheries would open in case populations are too low
Cookout celebrates salmon heroes
“It’s really important to get that holistic knowledge of the full cycle, what’s going on and what everybody’s trying to do ”
“A phenomenal product”
tive from Surrey that began in 1996
“There are just so many groups that are connected to [the restoration of wild Pacific salmon] and [Chauvel] realized there’s so many that go unnoticed or unappreci ated or unrecognized,” he said
“It’s one of those things where maybe the folks who are doing the sustainable fishing don’t know about the work that happens in the local streams to care for the young, ju venile salmon And vice versa, ” explained Liana Ayach, an environmental technolo gist for SHaRP
The salmon served at the cookout were test fish obtained to measure the health and stock of the species Results of test fishing are used by the Fraser River Panel of the
Unlike most sockeyes, which tend to dry out easily if they’re overcooked, Fraser River sockeyes are “ so rich and fatty” that they stay “incredibly lush ”
Apart from recognizing their efforts, it was also a chance to bring all sectors of salmon stewardship together and share their work
According to Business in Vancouver, the latest run size estimate in August for this year ’ s run is about 5 5 million, which is about half of the pre season forecast of 9 8 million 2 5 million fish had returned in 2021
SeaChoice, RiverWatch, Watershed Watch Salmon Society and students employed by the Salmon Habitat Restoration Program (SHaRP) SHaRP is a student based initia
SHaRP students have been helping restore the riparian areas by “removing invasive plant species, planting native plants, and installing rock features as well as spawning gravel in order to assist the salmon popula tion’s continued growth and success rate,” explained Madeleine Wasmuth, a student and SHaRP spokesperson
Credit for the idea, said Clark, should be given to co founder of Organic Ocean and chair of BC Salmon Marketing Council Dane Chauvel
Students employed through Surrey’s SHaRP pro gram retrieved salmon from the hull Sarah Wong photo
Best friends cook up ID scam in comedy
Leo nominated actress Jennifer Tong plays the role of Rebecca in the show “Fakes” that follows two best friends who acciden tally build one of the largest fake ID em pires in North America
Tong told the Richmond News that there was an undeniable amount of pressure film ing as the lead character Rebecca, but ex perience from past roles in film and theatre prepared her well
Jennifer Tong (left) plays Rebecca and Emilija Baranac plays Zoe in the CBC Gem and Netflix series “Fakes ” David Astorga/CBC Gem
The McMath alumna works along side Emilija Baranac and Richard Harmon in the 10 episode comedy series, which premiered on Sept 1 on CBC Gem for Ca nadian viewers and Sept 2 on Netflix for other countries
“It’s every actress’ dream come true espe cially for a role in a story like this,” she said
“Being able to show Vancouver as Van couver it’s a proud moment for all of us It’s magical,” she says
Tong was shopping at a store on Gran ville Street in Vancouver when she received the call from her agent that she landed the role
For photos follow us on Instagram.com/richmond newsARTS
said Tong
Iconic views of the Vancouver Seawall, Ambleside Beach and the Lions Gate Bridge can be seen throughout the TV se ries Too often, these scenes need to be “hidden” to create the impression the ac tion is happening in Seattle or Los Angeles, said Tong
Authorized by James Day Financial Agent 604 271 7761 VOTE A20 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM
“I went outside, I screamed, and I cried on Granville,” she explained
Creating fake ID wasn’t on a Richmond actress’ resume at least, not until she landed a leading role in CBC Gem and Netflix’s newest TV series
Tong describes her character Rebecca as a motivated, passionate and adventurous
17 year old girl who also has “fatal flaws” of hurting others
An important part of the filming, for Tong, was the fact it showcases Vancouver itself
About 70 per cent of the film was shot in the outskirts of Greater Vancouver like Ab botsford and Langley, according to Tong
“I relate to Rebecca in a lot of ways be cause I have that drive and motivation in side of me that she does Rebecca is a loyal friend to Zoe (Baranac’s character) and you can see her grow and be vulnerable throughout the season, ” she adds
“I felt ready for it, and I think ‘China Doll’ (at Gateway Theatre) kind of prepped me for it too,” she said “I’m so grateful and had so much fun in a collaborative expe rience while getting to know the writers, show runners and other (cast members) ”
And while her character makes a living from producing fake IDs, Tong said she never had a fake ID herself “not to say that I did not underage drink,” she added Friendship, vulnerability and relationships are all challenged in the comedy show,
“I really hope Vancouver people watch this show and are proud of what their city looks like on ‘Fakes’ ”
“I think one of the biggest underlying mes sages is analyzing that friendship between a friend you grew up with and just how much sh*t can be thrown at it before it fi nally breaks or succeeds and survives ” Vancouver featured as itself
In her profile, Piao said, she wants to seek the truth, preserve “moral family values” and have tax dollar accountability in council decision-making
After a testy exchange with questions coming from the audience, Brodie eventually explained what was happening with the vaccination mandate.
The vaccination mandate was lifted on April 8, about 10 days after Piao spoke to city council.
While Piao was speaking, audience members started heckling city coun-
On her social media feed, Piao links to her presentation and discussion with the mayor
In her profile, on the city’s election page, Piao
The Community Char ter allows city councils to discuss issues like labour and employee relations, litigation, legal advice, as well as some land issues in closed-door meetings.
Closed meetings irk candidate
See Richmond-News.com for full coverage.
Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie told Piao the vaccination decision was dealt with in a closed meeting, clarifying certain items are allowed to be discussed in closed-door meetings.
ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Specia logo are exc us ve to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program S mply present your membership card, or sign up for a free membership in store or online, to take advantage of these exc usive offers M&M Food Market Express and other non trad t onal stores offer a lim ted range of products; therefore special pric ng and promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Express or other non trad t onal stores We reserve the right to correct any errors RICHMOND 7020 Francis Road 604 204 0707 Gilber Rd. No .3 Rd. F ancis Rd. NORTH DELTA #1 11161 84th Ave 604 592 2902 ( n Roya De ta Cent e 1 1 2 SNordelWay 1 2 SComm n Cy en re 84 h Ave VANCOUVER 4639 Arbutus St. 604 263 2322 A w S W B v d V leyD N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLEmmfoodmarket com Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts 8 12 BREASTS 1 36 kg/3 lb save $8 TRY WITH PlumDipping Sauce350mL $549 2999 2199399 Jalapeño and Cheddar Cheese Sticks 13 16 PIECES 454 g Chicken Strips 27 33 PIECES 1 36 kg Marinated Kabobs 105 g 128 g 2 lb Entrées 907 g Mozzarella Sticks 15 21 PIECES 454 g Steakhouse Seasoned Beef Lemon and Herb Chicken Chicken and Bacon *Reg stered Trademark of the Canad an Ce iac Assoc ation Used under icense sale each save $4up to save $8 MADE WITH 100% WHITE CHICKEN BREAST MEAT WRINKLE AND FROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base $3999 SAVE$10. Manager’s Special: 9 Now only Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% Available in London Drugs stores or order online at londondrugs.com Search for ‘WrinkleandFrownLineCream’
explains her civic engagement began during this council meeting about “voting accessibility challenges” and “the discovery of a closed-door meeting decision for public policy.”
Jasmine Piao attended a city council meeting in March to talk about accessibility issues during the May 2021 by-election.
The election will be held on Oct. 15.
In December, 36 city staff members, including nine firefighters, refused to show proof of vaccination and were put on unpaid leave. They were, however, given some back pay after a mediated resolution.
After the Second World War, Nazis were tried at the Nuremberg trials, and Piao drew a comparison between their defence of following orders and those implementing vaccine mandates.
In the end, Piao referred to the Nuremberg trials, at which time, Brodie shut down the exchange.
cil, asking questions about closed-door meetings and why decisions are made in these meetings.
But she also spoke about the vaccination mandate that was imposed on all city staff last year, a decision made by city council.
One Richmond city council candidate said she was inspired to run in the Oct. 15 municipal election after discovering there were closed-door meetings at city hall.
Spikeball will still be allowed in city parks
City spokesperson Clay Adams did say that park staff are still asking Spikeball participants to consider using more dis-
However, it appears that the proper process for limiting use of the fields was not followed and that the signs banning Spikeball should, in fact, not have gone up.
Tom Au vocals, electric guitar
cultural barriers, everyone can enjoy and experience the fun and buzz of live music at Gateway,” reads Gateway Theatre’s media release
The City of Richmond initially told the News that the signs were put up to protect the grass fields from excessive wear and tear caused in small areas by the rapid and repetitive movements in Spikeball.
The Richmond News reported online on Tuesday how the city’s parks depart ment was being branded killjoys after signs were placed at Brighouse and King George parks prohibiting the four-person activity, which requires some volleyball skills where your team has to “spike” a small ball off a two-foot wide trampoline.
The sport of Spikeball will be allowed in Richmond’s parks, despite signs to the contrary placed in two public spaces ear lier this week.
This sign, placed at Brig house and King George parks earlier this week, has now been taken down
Vikki Hui
creet and outlying parts of any grass fields or use artificial turf areas.
Members of the band
While another commented that the ban was “like my grandparents ‘good furniture’ in the off-limits living room.”
Doors open at 1:15 p m on Sept 24 for the free Culture Days Celebration Concert and it will run from 2 p m until 3 p m Reservation is required and details and tickets are available at GatewayThe atre com
The reaction to the ban earlier in the week on social media platform Reddit was less than understanding.
A free multilingual con cert is going to be held at the Gateway Theatre on Sept 24 as a part of its Culture Days program ming
Ricky Mo music direc tor, keyboard Danny Lai bass
Dominic Lam percus sion, wind instruments
The six member act (pic tured right) will be per forming covers of hits from artists such as The Carpen ters, Cliff Richard and Te resa Teng, as well as mash ups and original songs
“As music is a universal language that transcends
Free Gateway concert for Culture Days
B C based Star Band’s hour long concert will fea ture pop songs in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese.
Priscilla So lead vocalist Albert Wong vocals, guitar
“It’s a damn field in a public park not an expensive Persian rug... it’s meant to be used and will have wear and tear,” wrote one Reddit user
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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 A23 #207 10160 Ryan Rd … NEW YORK sized condo overlooking South Arm Park green space Over 1,600 sqft, can be 4 bdrms with 3 spacious storage areas, two parking. NEWLY LISTED $669,000 5431 Wagtail Ave WESTWIND Classic split level. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 5,700 sqft lot NEWLY LISTED $1,599,000 Valerie Laurendeau Endless Opportunity 604 603 7333 ValerieLaurendeau.ca ValerieL@remax.net ndependently Owned and Operated 110 6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 Bus: 604 273 2828 Fax: 604 279 8002Westcoast 39 5380 Smith Drive $929,000 Welcome to Bridgeview Court in Hamilton! This spacious 3 level townhome end unit with 3 bedrooms, 2 5 bathrooms, double SxS garage with loads of storage space and a quaint cozy fenced backyard is perfect for a growing family or if you are downsizing from a house Walk up to the living and dining open kitchen with generous eating area and large family room surrounded by windows on the main floor Extensive utility room a flex room with a built-in desk and a workbench in the garage provides options for storage and hobbies. Two additional parking on the driveway Close to Hamilton Commun ty Centre, Hamilton Elementary School, retail, bus transit Queensborough Landing New Westminster, Vancouver and Burnaby SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT #509-6168 LONDON ROAD LIVE AT THE PIER! W th a HUGE ROOFTOP deck (629sf) with and southwest facing balconies off the l ving space this unit has a l the outside space you could want right n the heart of Steveston Vi lage! Th s 2 bed PLUS den open concept floor plan, 2 car garage PENTHOUSE UNIT w th over 1500sf of liv ng space is one of the most sought after floor p ans in the bui d ng Views of the river, farmland, and mounta n and Geo exchange heating and coo ing Offered at $1,598,800 Barb Nimchuk 604 505 9917 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT 10531 SPRINGWOOD CRESCENT Own one of the few homes on west dyke tra l with unobstructed water views. Resort style iving in this mu ti evel, custom home Top evel boasts master bedroom with a soaker tub and opens to a 600 sf outdoor deck with hot tub fire p t and expansive views from Garry Point to the North Shore mountains. Main floor boasts a chef’s kitchen, bu lt n coffee maker arge Quartz Island and a wok kitchen Ground floor has a theatre room a fam ly room with a wet bar, w ne cel ar, and gym, a l opening onto your own putting green n the rear yard The three car garage holds a golf simulator for golf enthusiasts. Offered at $3,998,800 Evan Wang 604 265 8068 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 #9-6400 PRINCESS LANE Like living in your own detached heritage home in Georgie Award winning London Landing neighbourhood! This 3 bdrm plus games room down and flex room loft up, enjoys beautiful water views, high ceilings, granite counters, s/s appl ances hardwood floors and a functional floor plan Priced at $1,649,900 Lynn Sakai Boden 604 218 4800 SALES CENTRE OPEN SAT & SUN 2-4PM @ 12011 3RD AVENUE #2-9399 NO. 2 ROAD Introducing Crofton Town homes, a boutique new commun ty of 3 & 4 bedroom townhomes located in the North Steveston neigh bourhood of West Richmond The 11 brand new Townhomes are designed n a classic brownstone style with modern farmhouse aesthetics featur ng a combination of brick, and wood trim accents. Sleek kitchens offer slands with quartz countertops and durable materials. Developed by Citimark, one of R chmond’s most prol fic townhome builders. Come visit our sa es centre today! Offered at $1,398,800 Sean Lawson 604 240 4837 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT #119-8500 GENERAL CURRIE ROAD QUEEN'S GATE 55+ Adult Oriented Luxurious living A renovated first floor 2 bed 2 bath unit The argest floorp an in the complex, features FULL SIZED living & dining rms, eat n kitchen, 9 ft ceil ngs, b g w ndows. A wrap around balcony accessible from l ving room kitchen & master bdrm! Renovations inc ude new pa nt bathroom countertops & sinks and more! Amen ties inc ude sw mm ng pool exercise room hot tub & more Short walk to shopping & bus connections Immaculately managed & beautiful y maintained complex w th on site caretaker manager, book your private showing today! Priced at $758,800 Fraser Roberts 604 779 5324 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 5-4160 GARRY ST Steveston at ts best! This ovely 6 years young, 1582 sf 3 bedroom end unit townhome features a sunny south and East pat o (with gas outlets), 2 car garage, granite counters, sta nless stee appl ances, hardwood floors, B/I vacuum and lots of storage! Walk through the park to Vi lage shops, restaurants, Fisherman’s Wharf community Centre, schools, and transit! Priced at $1,398,000 Lynn Sakai Boden 604 218 4800 NEWLISTING NEWLISTING
A24 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM 604-275-9787 patsy@patsyhui.com www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD ● RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD ● RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics 1010-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Approximate 80 frontage facing No. 3 Road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping Mall. Perfect for retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent to-own plan available o.a.c. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Plenty of parking & flexible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry 9 parking decals for staffs. Seize this amazing business & investment opportunities. 5,499 SF CORNER RETAIL UNIT $6,988,000 101-2691 VISCOUNT WAY Approximate 80 frontage facing No. 3 Road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping Mall. Perfect for retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent-to-own plan available o.a.c. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Plenty of parking & fl exible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry 9 parking decals for staffs. Seize this amazing business & investment opportunities. LOOKING FOR CENTRAL KITCHEN OR RESTAURANT SPACE? $2,228,800NEW LISTING 2160 W. 39TH AVENUE VANCOUVER Established Kerrisdale! Minutes to downtown, UBC, YVR, Hwy 91 & 99. Close to parks & schools (private & public) RM3 zoned 50ʼ x 118 5ʼ 1956 built 3 levels with 8 units yielding $24,113.17 net for year 2020. Almost never any vacancy Great for developers or investors. PRIME LOCATION! KERRISDALE! $4,980,000NEW LISTING 1290-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Famous Parker Place in the heart of Richmond. Steps away from No 3 Road entrance. 762 sqʼ (16ʼ W x 48ʼ L). Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion or strata approved excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & close to City Centre. Vacant possession is negotiable. PARKER PLACE 762 SF RETAIL $579,000NEW PRICE Parc Riviera mixed use complex at North end of No. 4 Rd. Fast growing area with rapid increased population & commercial activities. 15 minutes walk to Bridgeport Station, couple of minutesʼ drive to Vancouver Quick access to Highway 99, Knight Bridge & Airport. Close to Costco, Foody World & River Rock. Complex has vast green area, children playground & is right at Tait Waterfront Park with walking trails along the North Dyke. ZMU17-ZONED PERFECT FOR MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFICES, HEALTH CARE FACILITES (e.g CARE-HOME), CHILDCARE, RESTAURANT, STUDIO, ETC. BRIGHT CORNER COMMERCIAL UNIT - ZMU17-ZONED RETAIL/OFFICE OR RESTAURANT 1005-10011 River Drive 1,714 sf bright corner commercial unit with 50ʼ+ frontage. Beautifully finished unit with washroom. High ceiling with floor-to-ceiling windows. 5 exclusive underground parkings stalls. Price $1,388,000 2005-10011 River Drive RARELY available 5,539 SF unit with 172 wrap around window views, ONLY unit on 2ND floor w/private elevator 11 exclusive underground parking. Finished unit with 2 washrooms. Price: $3,388,000 501-3355 BINNING ROAD UNIVERSITY VW Prestigious Binning Tower in UBC by Award winning West Group. 1,330 sf 2- en-suited Bdrm + den, 2-bath, 2-u/g secured parking + locker Almost 100 sf SW covered balcony with open view Open concept & floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light. One owner since new & very well kept. Euro-styled gourmet kitchen with integrated high- end Gaggenau appliances including a 5-burner gas cooktop. Premium quality engineered hardwood flooring. Tiled kitchen & bath floors. One can have the originally designed 3-bdrm back if necessary & still have a huge living/dining area. Facilities include equipped gym, library lounge, etc. Walking distance to Westbrook Village, Pacific Spirit Park, 3-level of schools, shops & restaurants. 1,330 SF 2-BDRM CONDO IN UBC $1,688,000 PRIMA, a beautifully-crafted brand new building by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Walk 1 short block to No 3 Rd & couple of minutes later at Richmond Centre. Lowdensity w/only 101 strata units. Functional floor plan. Spacious & bright! Qualityfinished w/built-in brand name appliances in open modern kitchen, gas cooktop, quartz counter tops, AC, F-to-C windows, German 12mm wide-plank laminated wood floors & large tiles in bathrooms Roof-top garden, multi-purpose function room, equipped gym. All these plus a huge elegant entrance foyer on a very quiet residential street. #807 6833 Buswell Street 1,156 sf 3-bdrm NE corner unit + 2 balconies totaling 833 sf Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. King-sized master bdrm has walk-in closet. $1,255,800 price includes GST!!! #1207 6833 Buswell Street 954 sf 2-bdrm NE corner unit + 95 sf balcony Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. Kingsized master bdrm. $1,153,800 Price includes GST!!! #715 6833 Buswell Street 579 sf 1-bdrm + 70 sf patio. W-facing looking right onto the 5th fl roof top garden view Open & spacious, king sized master bedroom. Not an inch of wasted space!! Asking $696,800 NEW LISTING Prices includes GST * Limited time offer for units from $731,800 6125-4000 NO. 3 ROAD Prestigious Aberdeen Square! Top fl oor 478 (12ʼ x 40ʼ) SF offi ce Floor-to-ceiling windows with beautiful Fraser River North Arm & sunset views! Approx. $400 strata fee includes Hydro (AC & lighting, etc). Unit was rented out @ 4+% net ROI. Now vacant & freshly painted; shows like new & immediate occupancy possible. At Canada Line skytrain Aberdeen Station & abutting Aberdeen Centre. Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mixes retail w/offi ce units) allowing many usages. ABERDEEN SQUARE 478 SF OFFICE IN RICHMOND $438,000 160-2288 NO. 5 ROAD North Richmond prime location of Bridgeport. Total 2,505 SF IL-Zoned warehouse / office / showroom (1,666 SF main + 839 SF up). Down warehouse has 18' clear ceiling with 10' x 12' rear loading door at grade. Two 2-pc washroom, 3-parking + loading bay Vacant possession BRIDGEPORT 2,505 SF WAREHOUSE $1,498,000NEW LISTING #404-1438 W. 7TH AVENUE VANCOUVER SPACIOUS 760 sq.ft. 1-bedroom + solarium/den in Fairview's concrete "Diamond Robinson" with mountain views. Enjoy your ifestyle of South Granville shopping, restaurants & galleries: theatre & produce at Granville Island; and walking False Creek's seawall (Wa kScore of 96!). Well kept updates include granite counters, white kitchen & bathroom cabinets, wide plank laminate wood flooring, stainless stee appliances & front-loading washer/dryer 1 Parking ncluded (inquire for details on 2nd parking space!). Pets (max 50lb dog) & rentals friendly (minimum 6-mth terms); no smoking building. 760 SQ.FT FAIRVIEW BEAUTY $699,000NEW LISTING
Patti Martin 604-273-2828
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 A25 RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: patti@pattimartin.com Each office independently owned and operated. #434-5700 Andrews Road RIVERS REACH 2 bedroom, 1 bath, TOP FLOOR unit with west exposure over the greenspace, mature lanscaping provides all the privacy you will need. Live the Steveston lifestyle in this BRIGHT unit with a functiona layout and lots of updates. Kitchen with stainless steel appliances and updated paint throughout. Gas fireplace in the living area, hardwood floors throughout including the bedrooms. Updated blinds. Excellent school catchment with Homma Elementary and McMath Secondary Pet friendly building. Beautiful grounds with the lagoon system and boardwalk into the Village. 1 parking spot. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $659,800 #309-4111 Bayview Street LIVE IN THE HEART OF STEVESTON VILLAGE in this west facing 2 bedroom plus den unit with views to the Village and Fraser River at the sought after Brunswick. Enjoy 2 huge outdoor balconies perfect for outdoor enjoyment, dining, gardening and catching those famous Steveston sunsets! Large kitchen with huge centre island, ample cabinetry and counter space. Kitchen opens onto the living/dining "great room" with huge picture w ndows and electric fireplace. Amazing floor plan w th separated bedrooms both with ensuites. Huge in-suite storage, cozy den, h gh ceilings. Well-managed, pet-friendly building located right beside the Starbucks and across from the Prickly Pear Garden Centre. Building amenities incl guest suite, caretaker party room, library and gym. 2 parking, a great unit! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $1,199,800 #114-7251 Minoru Boulevard Spacious 2 + Den/ 2 Bath corner unit at THE RENAISSANCE, central Richmond s premier ADULT ORIENTED (19+), rainscreened & re-piped building! Perfect for a downsizer or empty nester looking for a QUIET YET CENTRAL location, complex has resor vibe with all suites facing an open air courtyard with fountain & mature landscaping to enjoy Many updates incl hard surface flooring throughout, RENO D KITCHEN in 2019 includes quartz counters, SS appliances & lighting. Baths also completely reno d except for tub & shower Second bdrm includes large storage area & negotiable boxed style Murphy bed. Gas f/p in the living dining/area. Private west fac ng balcony Short walk to shops skytrain & Seniors Centre. 1 locker & 1 parking (owner rents 2nd spot) A must see!
Solid and well maintained upstairs-living style home located in the Ironwood neighbourhood. Set in a redeveloping area, on a HUGE NORTH/SOUTH LOT, this home offers 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths UP and 2 bedrooms with 1 full bath and a separate entrance and kitchen DOWN. Both kitchens feature gas cooking. Potential for a bigger rebuild in the future, a fantastic property to live in and develop later H/W tank 2020, roof 2015, new shed 2015, re-piped 2008, furnace 2008, brand new back fence Tons of driveway parking, easy access to Hwy 99 & 91, Ironwood Mall, transit and schools.
Jennifer 604-868-4895 Seacrest Road
Martin 604-273-2828 $699,800 5182 57A Street, Delta SUPERB VALUE in Ladner 2600 sq ft meticulously maintained nice family home on a rectangular 7,700 sq ft lot with EAST backyard & a park-like garden overlooking open green space. House is solid & owner occupied w/ many updates incl: roof, windows, blinds, lightings, carpets, paint & hot water tank 2017. Upstairs has 3 spacious bedrooms, full bath, kitchen w/ eating area, living, dining & COZY enclosed sundeck for family room. Potential in-law suite downstairs with full bath, workshop & a fantastic SOLARIUM. Laundry can be shared by both floors. Situated on a quiet street in nice family oriented neighborhood. 2 mins to shopping, SaveOnFoods, FreshCo, 10 mins to Richmond. Don't miss this gem! A great investment opportunity Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 $1,419,900 3380 Francis Road Sunny 66' X 120' south facing backyard in redeveloping area of Seafair makes this well maintained split level home ideal for a live/rent out now and build later Previous renos include oak cabinets, slate tile, s/s appliances and large island in kitchen leading to a cozy family room Spacious liv/din with gas fireplace. Primary bedroom up is two rooms joined for loads of space. Two full baths, lower level bath has walk-in shower Refinished original oak flooring throughout. Roof is 12 years old, several skylights for additional light. Exposed aggregate patio for outdoor living that includes a hot tub. Powered and insulated oversized garage.
Martin 604-273-2828 NEW$1,599,900 LISTING #304-6077 London Road STEVESTON LIVING at its best in this PENTHOUSE, northfacing 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom 2 level home! Located in London Station II in highly sought-after London Landing. This beautiful home boasts STUNNING VIEWS from its MASSIVE 431 SQF ROOFTOP PATIO. Breathtaking sunsets provided from the sweeping Marina, Mountain and farm views. Enjoy climate comfort year-round with the buildingʼs Geothermal system. Other quality features include Bamboo flooring, gas fireplace and stove, and a gourmet kitchen with SS appliances. Steps away from Diplomat Bakery, Ember Kitchen, Sanctuary Café, daycares, schools and a short stroll into Steveston Village. Maint. fee includes City Water and Sewer 2 parking and 1 locker Pet and rental friendly Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 NEW$849,000 LISTING #308-7751 Minoru Blvd Beautifully renovated, TOP FLOOR 1 bdrm LOFT, with 1.5 baths in popular CANTEBURY COURT MOVE RIGHT IN to this spacious unit that has been FRESHLY PAINTED throughout and features vaulted ceilings in the living room. Main floor offers updated kitchen with newer cabinets, counters and s/s appliances, renovated powder room, wood burning fireplace and in suite laun dry New baseboard heating units keep the unit cozy Upstairs offers a breezy loft bedroom with full ensuite and east facing PRIVATE DECK. Convenient location to transit, shopping, Canada Line and all amenities. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 NEW$499,000 LISTING NEW LISTING $529,800
$1,699,800 #201-3411 Springfield Drive This functiona 2 bed 1.5 bath, fully renovated Steveston home is located in a newly rainscreened building with all exterior walls, windows, sliding doors, balconies, roofs, and enterphone replaced. Piping project APPROVED and to be completed in the coming months. Enjoy a generous living room with newer laminate flooring leading out to your large west-facing, enclosed balcony The kitchen has been updated with new, white, soft closing cabinets, new stone countertops, and SS appliances. 1 parking spot and 1 locker Convenient access to Steveston, parks, splash parks, schools, walking trails, dyke, cafes, restaurants and community centre. Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $549,000 #1201-6631 Minoru Boulevard Extra spacious east facing one bedroom unit in Regency Park Towers. Large windows for lots of light and good-sized balcony off living room. Unit is in original condition ready for your decorating ideas. Excellent location across from Richmond Center and steps to Canada Line. Short walk to Minoru Park, library and Minoru Centre for Active Living which includes pool, gym and Seniors Center 1 parking and 1 locker included. No pets. No rentals. Shared laundry Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $399,900 #2-4388 Bayview Street Rarely available spacious 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhouse with lower level and upper level flex rooms for extra living space in the heart of Steveston at PHOENIX POND. Just steps to the Waterfront Pier! This recently renovated unit features: new vinyl flooring, new carpet, new paint, a large updated kitchen and countertops, open living area and French doors leading out to your 200 sqft south facing patio. All this and a short stroll to the village, with quaint shops, gourmet restaurants and Farmers Market, cafes, schools, playground and community centre. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $1,099,000 8591 Fairdell Crescent $1,699,800SOLD #305-7571 Moffatt Road TOP FLOOR 2 bdrm corner unit in well maintained BRIGANTINE SQUARE. Lots of light in this southwest corner location. Unit is in mostly original condition but well cared for Spacious floor plan with wood burning fireplace, in suite laundry and covered balcony Convenient storage locker on the same floor for easy access. 2 side by side parking. Amenities include exercise room and sauna. Great location to bus, Canada Line, shopping and desirable schools: Ferris Elementary & Richmond Secondary Easy to show Patti Martin 604-273-2828 11371
A26 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty* #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 $948,000 #115-7571 Moffatt Road AUG 30 $988,000 #307-5500 Andrews Road AUG 29 $29/SF PRIME EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond at the South Airport Terminal! Premium ground floor corner space with 3376 SF at $30/SF and its own bathrooms at a reasonable rate. Second floor spaces also available at $29/SF Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are available to all occupants in the building. The all inclusive GROSS lease rates include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4360 Agar Drive FOR LEASE - GROUND $548,000FLR GREAT 593 SF WITH 1 PARKING Great opportunity to OWN your own brand new, air conditioned 593 SF office space with 1 parking spot in the Class A-Rated office tower at the International Trade Centre in Richmond. This 10th floor office space is rectangular in shape, has no pillars and offers high ceilings and easterly views. Comes with View Smart Windows with 4 shades of tint that can be operated by a phone app. Located next to the new upscale Versante Hotel, Bruno Restaurant & Bar and Sushi Kiwami. Conveniently located by the corner of No. 3 Road & Bridgeport Road that’s just minutes to the Bridgeport Canada Line Station, YVR International Airport and 15 minutes to Downtown Vancouver Ready for your design ideas. #1075-8477 Bridgeport Road OFFICE SPACE WATERFRONT 2 BDRM + DEN, 1640 SF This stunning 2 bedroom + den CORNER home has amazing N W and S views of the ocean, mountains and Stanley Park in the coveted Vancouver WATERFRONT residence at One Harbour Green! With understated elegance throughout and 1640 SF of spacious living, this pristine home features Snaidero cabinetry top of the line Sub-zero & Meile appliances, stone countertops, contemporary built-in millwork, air conditioning, auto blinds, 2 luxurious bathrooms including a spa-like master ensuite with radiant heat/seamless glass/body jets, full walk-in pantry hidden murphy bed, tiled gas fireplace + more. Comes complete with 4 outdoor balconies and private 2 vehicle garage w/ storage room With full-time concierge service, 3 units/floor and resort-style amenities, OHG is Coal Harbour living at its best! #803-1169 West Cordova St, Van $3,790,000 $2,198,000 4 BDRM + DEN FAMILY HOME Impressively well kept 4 bedroom + den family home that’s located on a huge 13,207 SF lot w/ a wide 72.5’ frontage! Enjoy this centrally air conditioned 2393 SF home that features a super bright kitchen w/ island, newer stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings & family room w/ wet bar (all added with City permits). Other updates incl a roof that’s just 9 yrs old, 3 openable skylights, upgraded double-glazed windows, large laundry rm, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces & loads of storage in the enormous heated crawlspace. The super flexible layout can be easily separated for in-laws, nannies or extended family All this on a fully landscaped lot with a sunny SW backyard, large back patio & detached single garage. Perfect holding property or build your dream home that’s 5212 SF plus garage. 8751 Roselea Place HUGE 13,207 SF LOT JUSJUSTSOLD TSOLD CUSTOM BUILT 5+ DEN FAMILY HOME This custom-built family home offers 5 bedrooms, den and 4.5 bathrooms in an amazing south-facing location that’s directly across from the park and 1 block from the dyke trails. This “Steveston North” 3400 SF home features high vaulted ceilings in the grand entry and living room, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, stainless steel appliances 2 cozy fireplaces, lots of built-in cabinets, bright skylights, large walk-in closets, crown mouldings and radiant floor heat. Super bright and even comes complete with a 1-bedroom nanny / inlaw suite 3-car garage security system and built-in vacuum. All this and located on a large 66x108 = 7166 SF landscaped lot in the Steves Elementary & Boyd Secondary school catchment and close to Steveston Village and Seafair Mall. 3331 Springford Avenue $2,688,000 , STEVEST, ON NORTH 1725 SF 3 BED PENTHOUSE Priced to Sell !!! Exceptional value on this 1725 SF spectacular 3 bedrooms / 2 + huge den with 2.5 baths, 2 large decks (235 SF outdoor space) and 2 side x side parking spots! It’s built by BOSA. It’s CONCRETE. It’s priced at $607 PER SQ FT It’s UPDATED. Strata has $450,000 in their contingency fund. What more can you ask for? Amazing views from this South West corner unit with high ceilings in the living room & floor to ceiling windows throughout, brand new herringbone-designed oak hardwood floors, new contemporary gas fireplace, refinished smooth ceilings, automatic roller blinds plus 70 sf of functional insuite storage. Located in a prime Central Richmond location that is just steps to shops, restaurants, transit, Skytrain & Richmond Centre Mall. Don’t let someone else take advantage of this amazing opportunity #1809-7380 Elmbridge Way $1,048,000 , CENTRAL, RMD P/H 2 BDRM + DEN WITH RIVER VIEWS Amazing south-facing WATERFRONT 2 bedroom + den + flex room condo with RIVER VIEWS from every room and 2 side x side parking spots at the Waterstone Pier! This hidden gem features 1130 SF of spacious living, open kitchen, stainless steel Kitchenaid appliances, gas stove, new hood fan, granite countertops, hardwood floors, new carpets, electric fireplace, huge master bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, large insuite laundry room and 1 locker Monthly strata fees include hot water & geothermal air conditioning/ heating. All this in a pet-friendly complex with lush greenery & serene settings that’s only minutes from Watermania Pool, Silver City Theatres, Country Farm Market, Ironwood Mall with super easy access to Hwy 99 #312-14200 Riverport Way $799,000W, ATERFRONT CONDO!! 2 BDRM, 2 BATH CONDO REGENT'S GATE by Polygon! Very well maintained and sparkling clean 2 bedroom, 2 full bathroom condo with 983 SF of spacious living that is ABOVE the ground level. This bright home west-facing home features 9’ ceilings, radiant in-floor heat insuite laundry gas fireplace and crown mouldings and patio off of living room. 1 secured covered parking with overhead storage Maintenance fees include the heat, hot water gas and city utilities. All this in a well-run, pet friendly gated community for 19 years+ with guest suites, exercise room party room, pool table and lots of visitors parking. Enjoy the conveniences of being just steps to Garden City Shopping Mall, buses, parks & restaurants. Ready to move in so make this your next home! #104-8775 Jones Road $568,000NEW, PRICE $948,000 #33-9079 Jones Road AUG 16 $988,000 #59-6188 141 Street, Surrey AUG 16 JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD $498,000 APPLE GREENE PARK SOUTH FACING 2 BEDROOM! Super bright and clean 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom condo in the very popular Apple Greene Park community by No 1 & Francis Rd. This south-facing clean home is located in an excellent quiet location and features 926 SF of spacious living, large living and dining areas and a arge upgraded covered balcony 1 parking & 1 locker All this in a great complex that has reasonable maintenance fees, clubhouse, indoor and outdoor pools that’s just steps to Seafair Mall, West Rmd Community Centre Pitch & Putt, Grauer Elementary and Boyd Secondary and a short distance to Steveston Village and nice strolls along the Dyke trails. #210-8880 No 1 Road NEW LISTING $28/SF OFFICES FOR LEASE 200 6055 SF Excellent opportunity to lease up to 2 levels of office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond! Great for those who want flexible spaces ranging from 200 SF on the 2nd level, 2100 SF on the ground level or even up to 6055 SF in total at a reasonable cost Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are also available to all occupants in the building. The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $28/SF include property taxes, heat air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4380 Agar Drive SOUTH AIRPORT TERMINAL $688,000 NW CORNER 2 BDRM 2 BATH WITH HUGE DECK Amazing NW corner 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom CONCRETE condo at “The Versante” in the heart of Richmond with some city and mountain views. Fantastic open layout with floor to ceiling windows, gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, granite countertops, laminate floors and wraparound NW facing sundeck off the living room 821 SF insuite laundry & 1 secured parking spot. Great complex w/ billiards room, exercise centre and guest suite. All this in a totally convenient location just steps to Lansdowne Mall, Canada Line, T&T supermarket, Kwantlen College, banks, buses and restaurants. Rentals & pets ok. #504-8280 Lansdowne Road NEW LISTING OPEN SAT 2-4PM OPEN SUN 2-4PM $2,188,000 BUILD OR INVEST 10,458 SF SUBDIVIDABLE LOT Prime South facing lot 10,458 sq ft Subdividable into 2 5,229 sq ft each. Build a new home up to 2818 sq ft each. If you are not ready to build it is a great investment/holding property with 4 bedrooms, 2 dens and 2.5 bathrooms. Updates include laminate hardwood floors and double glazed windows. Convenient location just minutes to Ironwood Mall and easy access to all Highways. 9751 Seavale Road NEW LISTING LARGE LOT 63' X 302" = 19,035 SF! Excellent opportunity to build your dream home of up to 4305 square feet including garage on this great property Zoned AG1 so you can have lots of land at the back of the property for a tennis court, basketball court, mini pitch & putt or to just park extra cars, RV or boat. Just steps to Henry Anderson Elementary and AR MacNeil Secondary School and conveniently located just minutes to Garden City Park, transportation Walmart Supercentre and all the shops & restaurants at the Central at Garden City mall. Easy access to all highways & bridges into Vancouver 6300 No. 4 Road $1,688,000 , NEW, LISTING
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 A27 604.970.8118 Personal Real Estate Corporation www.bcwestcoasthomes.com #110 6068 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 Westcoast 1205 6611 MINORU BLVD 3709 1289 HORNBY STREET 5378 COMMODORE DRIVE 407 1315 56 STREET SOLD SOLD SOLD VIEW VIEW VIEW!!! Amazing opportunity to own this Brand New Luxurious 779 sqft one bedroom + den at ONE BURRARD PLACE! Unobstructed VIEWS of English Bay False Creek and beyond! Quality wide plank hardwood floors throughout, heated stone floors in spa like bathroom MITON Italian cabinetry, Caesarstone waterfall kitchen countertop, GAGGENAU kitchen appliances, BOSCH washer & dryer Spacious SW balcony to take full advantage of the view to enjoy your morning coffee or evening glass of wine! Convenience of smart home system air-conditioning, secured parking & bike locker Storage! Superb 5 Star 24/7 Concierge Services, 30,000 sqft “CLUB ONE” amenities featuring Fitness Centre, Indoor Pool, Sauna/Steam Rooms, Hot Tub Yoga Room, Music & Study Rooms, Social Lounge, Wine Tasting room & more! Prominent location with just minutes walk to beach, seawall, Beach District with Fresh Street Market, London Drugs plus easy access to Westend, and Yaletown. A perfect place to call HOME! NEW LISTING $1,298,000 wendianderic.ca www.WendiandEric.ca WEST COAST THE RIGHT ADVICE... FOR TODAY’S MARKET. 40 years of award winning service is a simple click or call away 604.238.SOLD (7653) 604.649.9711 (TEXT) YOURLOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD EXPERTS Richmondbornandraised WELCOME FALL DAVID LINDSAY Personal Real Estate Corporation 604.279.3865 Over 38 years of professional and courteous service Gold Master Medallion Club member 12238 Imperial Dr Steveston South 5 bedroom and games! $2,098,800 Lots of space here with this huge 3,364 sq ft home on a 6,000 sq ft lot in one of Richmond’s most highly sought after locations! Beautifully maintained and tastefully updated throughout including a gorgeous ‘Designer’s own’ kitchen with huge island, granite counters and stainless steel appliances with a gas stove! Features generous room sizes throughout, a large bright entry area, 4 full bathrooms (all updated) and a 2nd set of stairs up to the games room ‘Westwater’ subdivision is located just minutes to the Steveston boardwalk and the great restaurants and shops in the Village Great school catchment includes Homma elementary just around the corner and a 15 minute walk to McMath High (both French immersion) Great value here, call for your private viewing! Connecting agents to the community Show current and future clients you mean business 604 379 4576 | rewads@glaciermedia ca M a c d o n a l d R e a l t y W e s t m a r SELLING? Call today for a free market evaluation of your home Steve Buchsbaum 604.657.7877 Top 10% of all Realtors www.bchomesales.com $578,800 ** 3 Bedroom Concrete Condo ** Masters Green concrete high rise located in West Richmond This rare 3 bedroom condo is on the top floor (7th) facing West and has great views and features large room sizes, laminate flooring, large balcony and much more Well run complex features an outdoor pool, club house and hot tub Short walk to West Richmond Community Centre & Seafair shopping centre No rental or age restrictions, sorry pets not allowed 704 9320 Parksville Drive, Richmond Steve Buchsbaum: 604.657.7877
#202-6233 LONDON ROAD
Offered at $425,000
Unbeatable ocation. Cute STUDIO in LONDON STATION 1 Concrete and Metal Frame construction!. Quiet location with pastoral unobstructed views of Farmland and North Shore Mountains. Corner suite with open concept floorplan, featuring Bamboo Floors, compact Kitchen w th granite counters, and Sta nless Steel appl ances. Stones throw from London Heritage Farm, South Dyke Trai , and off eash Dog Park. Local area features, unique shops and services. Stroll or bike along the river to Steveston Vi lage, with all it's amenities, and beyond, to Garry Point Park.
A28 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM Diana Dickey 604.618.7060 dianadickeycom HELPING YOU MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE 435 E. 47th Avenue, Vancouver $1,698,000 5 bed 2 bath 4026 sqft. LotSold! 6906 Fleming St. Vancouver 33’ x 122’ corner lot with laneway access. Reach out to Diana today to find out the value of your home ComingSoon HELEN PETTIPIECE 604.341.7997 www.helenpettipiece.com Seafair Realty HARBOUR WALKCLASSY PENTHOUSE #402-13040 No. 2 Road Enjoy serene views of the North Shore Mountains from this beautiful 2 Bedroom & Den 2 Bathroom Penthouse. Sleek modern interior with designer color scheme, wide plank flooring, black out roller window shades, high-end Stainless Steel appliances, featuring Bertazzonni Gas Range, Fisher Paykal Fridge Freezer, and Blomberg Dishwasher 2 Parking stalls included Offered at $895,000 4610 52A STREET, LADNER Looking to downsize without compromise. NO STAIRS! DETACHED 3 Bedroom rancher in desirable Laburnum Park Place. Located on a no-thru street, within walking distance to Shops, Amenities, and the WATERFRONT of LADNER Village. Spacious layout featuring large Principal Bedroom with custom en-suite shower 2 Guest Bedrooms, lovely forma Living and Dining Room, Big Kitchen with Oak cabinets, Granite counters and Stainless Steel appliances, good sized Family Room with cozy gas fire and direct access to covered patio and private yard. Hot Summers are NO PROBLEM, as house is fitted with HEAT PUMP and has CENTRAL AC Perfect opportunity for future owners, 55 + to enjoy living in this highly sought after retirement community
www.AnnePiche.com sutton group seafair realty 550 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 202-7280 Lindsay Road At just under 700 sq ft this one bedroom/one bath unit affords options for home ownership or investment opportunities. Rentals are allowed. Good schools within walking distance, transit a short stroll away and pre-paid leasehold building has undergone major upgrades over the past few years. Railway walking trail just steps away that leads to the North & South dykes too. SUSSEX SQUARE $198,000 IDEAL INVESTMENT 607-6188 No. 3 Road Situated in the heart of Richmond with the Brighouse Skytrain Station at your doorstep and bus station around the corner Shopping and restaurants all within walking distance you donʼt need a car Clean contemporary 1 bed and den in Mandarin Residence. Beautiful central garden, gym & playground too. Across the street from Richmond Centre and rentals are allowed Ideal investment. CITY CENTRE $648,000 ONE SWEET SUITE 316-5791 Granville Avenue Situated in ADULT ORIENTED (50+) Sharon Manor This bright top floor one bedroom is spotless and spacious at 764 sq ft. Boasts in-suite washer & dryer plus storage on the balcony as well as in the laundry room Complex has a gym and a lovely recreation room with pool table and large patio to barbeque on Conveniently located near Thompson Community Centre, shopping & transit OPEN SAT 2-4PM $336,000 NICER THAN NEW 118-8611 General Currie Road Is this fabulous one bedroom home with a HUGE 315 sq ft west facing patio. Recently renovated you will love the cool new kitchen with tons of cabinets & counter space, stainless steel appliances & live edge bar top. Low maintenance laminate floors & beautiful bright white décor throughout. At 732 sq ft the Master Suite is generous with walk-in closet & cheater ensuite. Donʼt miss this one it wonʼt last OPEN SAT 2-4PM SPRINGATE COOL CLASSY CONCRETE 116-10780 No. 5 Road Low-rise that boasts 2 bedrooms, 2 baths & 2 side by side parking. Open plan with nicely separated bedrooms. Wide plank flooring, gas range, spa like bathrooms and air conditioning. Four year young complex offers quick access to Hwy 99 & shopping at Ironwood Mall. Great amenities gym, badminton & ping pong courts & party room Walls of windows plus pets & rental are OK THE GARDENS $798,000 CHOICE COMPLEX 26-11491 7th Avenue Make the move to MARINERS VILLAGE just steps from the West Dyke, Garry Point Park & Steveston Village. Beautiful cabinetry and built-ins in the living room, vinyl windows, bright updated kitchen (with extra window) and bath with laundry up East and west patios to enjoy the morning or afternoon sun plus easy care laminate floors throughout. Family friendly with grand greenspace & indoor pool. OPEN SUN 2-4PM $788,000 DOWNSIZER'S DELIGHT 5460 Hummingbird Drive Age in place with this rambling rancher with 3rd bedroom up that has been professionally renovated to perfection. Warm wood floors throughout, beautiful bright white kitchen with shaker doors & BIG island. Master Suite is generous with spa like bath & large shower Seldom do we see homes of this calibre where the floor plan is fabulous, renovation exceptional & situated on one of the nicest streets. WESTWIND $2,148,000 BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL 11491 No. 2 Road Simply smashing renovation in this grand 3,400 sq ft home with unbelievable ʻFamily Fantasyʼ yard. Boasts basketball court, inground trampoline & amazing outdoor lounge & kitchen area. Great Room affords views to the farmland & Mt. Baker Lower level offers a 1 bedroom in-law suite that could expand to a 2 or 3 bedroom one if necessary Gourmet kitchen, Master Suite with HUGE walk-in and more. WESTWIND $2,399,000
Offered at $1,225,000
Date of the ceebration of lfe pending
She was an excelent cook and enjoyed hostng unches and dinners for her friends and family Her weekly lunch with Simon was aways a specia time
When she retired from Worksafe BC, Lndsey enoyed trips to Hawai, browsing thrft stores, gardening, reading, DIY home projects, watchng Coronation St, and playing her ukulele
Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes wil be made in the next available issue. The Richmond News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or correct ons on charges mus be made w h n 30 days o he ad s exp rat on For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice!
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The intent of the application is to appy for a new Liquor Primary Licence and request hours of liquor sales as, Monday to Sunday, 9:00AM to 2:00AM
Pau was an avd dancer, boater and hiker who found solace in the natura beauty of the mountains and sea He wil be greatly mssed and remembered by hs many friends and colleagues al over the word
The City of Richmond, Business Lcence Division, Liquor Licence Applications 6911 No 3 Road Rchmond, B C , V6Y 2C1
be included on your comments Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIEN By vrtue of the Warehouseman’s Len Act and on behalf of Shelter Island Marina, we wil dispose of goods belongng to Evgueni Palamartchouk, namey: 28’ Chris Craft Powerboat to recover $4,837 37 plus accruing storage and any/all other expenses related These goods wll be made avaiable for sale after September 22nd, 2022 Goods are currently beng stored n Rchmond, BC Contact 604 434 2448 for further informaton MARKETPLACE Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at richmond-news.adperfect.comclassifieds.richmond-news.com Your Community Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Share the love
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Pau Joseph Dubord MD, FRCSC, OC, passed away Monday, September 5 n Vancouver after a short, ntense battle with pancreatic cancer He is survived by Mary Lou, hs oving wife of fifteen years, and by her chldren Mitchel (Maryam) and Tom (Shara) Paul was predeceased by his wife Joanne and is survived by their three sons: Luke (Laure), Michae (Shela) and Marc (Danne)
Dr Dubord was a renowned corneal surgeon, an actve member of the Ophthalmology communty and a world leader n nternationa eye banking and corneal transpantation Paul worked tirelessly n Canada, Japan, Singapore, Sr Lanka, Afrca, South Amerca, Europe and especially in India to improve access to qualty corneal transpants Pau was a Professor Emeritus at the Unversity of Brtish Columbia (UBC), Department of Ophthamology and was a board member of the Branch of Internationa Surgery at UBC He was active in the Eye Bank Associaton of America where he hed various leadership positions, ncludng servce on ts medica advisory board snce 1992 He aso worked on expert panes of the Canadan Standards Assocation and of the Word Health Organzation to develop standards for tissue transplantaton
A beautiful soul has left this world The famly of Lndsey Margaret Hayama is saddened to announce her recent peaceful passing
Public Notice of Intent
Lndsey was born in Aberdeen, Scotland and emgrated to Toronto with her parents when she was a ittle girl At the age of 23, she moved out west to Vancouver wth her husband Sei and their baby son Smon They eventualy setted in Richmond
Under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act
Birdie Indoor Golf Centre Ltd , dba Birde Indoor Gof Centre, operating from premises located at 4280 No 3 Road Unt 120, Richmond BC
Total person capacity proposed for the establishment wil be set at 53 Persons
To ensure the consideration of your views, your written comments must be received on or before October 1, 2022. and must
In 1994 Pau founded the registered charty Eyesight International whch has worked internatonaly to improve corneal transplantation and has had a ong and productve reationshp with the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad India training hundreds of fellows and hepng thousands of people For his contributons to ophthamology and for his treless humantarian work on the internatonal stage, notaby in India, Paul was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada
Lndsey was known for her creatvty and artistic ablity, her beautifu tabe settngs, and her eye for desgn; the resuts of which were evdent through out her ovey home Lindsey had a gentle and sweet nature She was a loyal compassonate and much vaued friend to many She was also a patron of the arts and loved ive music and theatre She truly had a “green thumb” and a knack for perfecting her amazing garden She enjoyed travel and her and Sei experienced many memorable trps, highights incude Japan and Italy
She s predeceased by her father Edward Forest Lndsey is survved by her husband Sei, her son Simon, her mother Eisabeth, and her sisters Juie (John Paul) and Diane (Roger) She was a proud, ovng aunt and absoutely adored her four neces (Mandy, Tory, Holy, and Katie), her two grand nieces (Beth and Elie), and her grand nephew (Nathan)
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DUBORD, Paul Joseph
HAYAMA, Lindsey Margaret March 19, 1951 April 18, 2022
Lndsey wl be deary mssed and forever remembered by her loving family and wde range of friends At her request, there wil be no service Rest in peace dear Lindsey COMMUNITY Lost LOST CAT White & Grey Tabby since June 15 Short haired / Green eyes / Very friendly but shy at first. Microchip / Reward / Please call 604 272 4207
An appicaton has been received by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in Victoria and by the City of Richmond from:
In leu of flowers, donations may be made n Paul’s memory to Eyesight nternationa: https://eyesghtnternationa com/ (Regstered Canadan Charity # 92923848RR0001)
phone number
A30 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM HOME SERVICES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT LEGAL U Haul Moving & Storage Richmond Caims a Landlords Contractua Lien aganst the folowing persons goods n storage at 4511 Shell Rd, Rchmond, BC Te: 604 270 8827 Aucton s subject to cancelaton at anytme 217 Misty Chalmers 3800 Youngmore Rd, Richmond, BC V7C1R6 228 Richard Joy 4711 57 Street, Deta, BC V4K3E6 325 Pau Daniel 7531 Petts Rd, Rchmond, BC 488 Dens Therrien 3193 Hunt Street Rchmond BC V7E2L5 115 Mchael Reaume 5989 Krkwood Rd , Delta, BC V4L1G5 429 Kirk Mcrae 18702 74th Ave, Surrey, BC V4N6C2 394 Jason Scott Koroluk 9 8632 French St Vancouver, BC V6P4W6 148 Janet Kee Nee Gui 207 10033 River Dr , Rchmond, BC V6X1Z3 A sale wll take place onine at www bd4storage com starting at 10:00AM on Monday September 12 2022 unt 10:00AM Wednesday September 14 2022 Wnners w l be contacted by emai at the end of the aucton Room contents are personal/househod goods unless noted otherwise Bds wll be for the entre contents of each locker unt EMPLOYMENT Kids and Adults Needed to deliver the Richmond News Papers are delivered to your door No need to insert flyers either! 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