Richmond News October 6 2022

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 WWW.RICHMOND-NEWS.COM Candidates vying for a seat at city council squared off in an all-candidate’s meeting where housing topped the agenda. ELECTION 2022 ELE CTIO N : CA N D IDA T E PROF ILES A N D SU R VEY B1 Sales • Lease • Management Your Richmond Specialist 604.271.3888


A2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY LANGLEY FARM LMARKET ANGLEY FARM MARKET UNIT #640, LANDSDOWNE CENTRE 5300 #3 ROAD, RICHMOND • 604.232.1188 STORE HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 9:30AM TO 7:00PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:30AM-8PM Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6–SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2022 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST For freshness and quality you can count on! This sale is only for the Richmond location LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods $399 lb. $315 ea.2 for $13 2 for $10 $399 ea $399 lb $389 ea $799 lb. $315 ea. $625 ea WHOLE FRYING CHICKEN Fresh / $8.78/kg HOT CROSS BUN 400g CLAM MEAT (COOKED) 100/200 /Frozen / 300g AA 1 NEW ZEALAND GREENSHELL MUSSELS 1/2 shell / Frozen / 454g BABY YELLOW CROAKER FILLET Frozen / 454g BONELESS PORK BUTT STEAKS Fresh / $8.78/kg CARROT LOAF 450g BEEF DIGITAL MUSCLE Fresh / $17.58/kg OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES 280g COFFEE SWISS ROLL 600g $239 ea. $249 ea. $169 ea. $399 ea. $439 ea. $319 ea. $169 ea. $429 ea. $299 ea. KIKKOMAN SOY SAUCE Low sodium / 296ml $219 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC BALSAMIC VINEGAR OF MODENA 500ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC KETCHUP 500g AROY D MANGO SLICES IN SYRUP 425g BALOCCO HAZELNUT WAFERS 250g CAMPBELL SIMPLY CHICKEN BROTH No salt added / 946ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC SAUERKRAUT & CARROT 909ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT MILK Regular/Light / 400ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC ITALIAN SWEET CORN 341ml SAN REMO RIPE BLACK OLIVES Pitted & sliced / 398ml LOCAL LOOSE BEETS Product of B.C. $1.74/kg OKANAGAN PRUNE PLUMS Product of B.C. $2.18/kg LOCAL HONEY CRISP APPLES Product of B.C. $2 roduct B.C. 99¢ lb. roduct B.C 99¢ lb. $199 lb. GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $
Product of U.S.A. $2.18/kg 99¢ lb. $499 ea. LOCAL RUSSET POTATOES Product of B.C. 10 lb. bag $299 ea. MIXED COLOR PEPPERS Product of B.C. 2 lb. bag BOILER ONIONS Product of U.S.A. 3 lb. bag $199 ea. $269 ea. LOCAL CARROTS Product of B.C. 3 lb. bag LOCAL BRUSSELS SPROUTS Product of B.C. $4.14/kg $188 lb. BROCCOLI CROWNS Product of U.S.A./B.C. $4.14/kg $188 lb. 79¢ lb. YELLOW TURNIPS Product of B.C. $1.95/kg 89¢ lb.


If ‘common sense’ means exclusion, I passPaulik Park now a garden gem

Dear Editor,

I have been visiting Paulik Park for several years now and I am amazed to see the wonderful changes that have happened under Richmond Garden Club’s guidance. Each and every one of these changes have been well thought out. Environmental concerns are obvious.

The original plants and trees, if healthy, have remained New wandering pathways have led us to perfect small areas, weeds have disappeared but perennial plants have been allowed to grow in profusion. Birds, bees, butterflies have been encouraged.

There have been so many hours of hard la bour put into this little jewel of a park and more and more people are learning about our wonderful hidden delight.

The huge ongoing commitment that is needed should be noted by everyone strolling and delighting in the colours, fragrances, and varied sights.

Thank you to all of the many young and not so young people who spend their few spare days doing great physical work so that we can enjoy respite in the park.

Dear Editor,

Re: “Richmond trustee candidate upset to be listed as being against diversity,” News, Sept 22

Since when did creating school environments that uphold human rights and welcome students, staff and families to be themselves fully and openly, come to be under stood by some as the opposite of common sense?

Referenced in your article, some school board candidates and their supporters would have us be lieve that there is a choice to be made: one can either support eq uity initiatives such as anti racism or SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) inclusive policies, or one can be a ‘ common sense ’ candidate who “supports history, literature, arithmetic, spelling and grammar ”

Sorry, I didn’t realize those two things were mutually exclusive.

Last I checked, the new curricu lum developed by the Ministry of Education and the strategic plans

of most school districts (including Richmond’s) focus on both social/ emotional learning (including SOGI 1 2 3 and anti racism) and on what some would call “the ba sics” such as literacy and numera cy In fact, all of these subjects and more are included in the BC K 12 curriculum’s “ core compe tencies”

In the Richmond School Board’s 5 year Strategic Plan, adopted last year, Priority 1 states, “The district builds literacy, numeracy and digi tal literacy through innovation and a commonly held vision ” Priority 2 includes the goal: “The district actively addresses uncon scious bias and privilege, systemic discrimination and marginaliza tion based on factors such as abil ity, colour, cultural identity, gender, gender identity, Indigeneity, politi cal beliefs, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and socio eco nomic status.”

Within this goal, two key objec tives are: 1) support students and

staff to develop a deeper under standing of the history and impacts of systemic discrimination, and 2) ensure students and staff have ac cess to current and relevant learn ing resources that reflect the diver sity of, and the challenges faced by, our community and the world

Real common sense should point us to the logic that when kids feel safe, accepted and supported at school, they have better mental health and are more engaged with their learning That means teach ing about diversity and fostering respect for difference

Equity and inclusion are at the heart of a strong public education system. If what’s passing for ‘ com mon sense ’ now is a call to revert back to an era where conformity, inequity, discrimination and bully ing were accepted as just the way things were, then I’ll take a pass


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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A3 FARMERS HAPPY WITH DRY HARVEST KUDOS: FUNDS FOR MEDICAL IMAGING Downed wires cause Richmond traffic delays Metro Vancouver farmers happy with warm, dry harvest season ‘Going to need a lot more staff’: TransLink to hire 500 workers by 2028 Go by Bike Week returns to Richmond Kudos: Richmond business raises over $43,000 for medi cal imaging centre Richmond Canada Line service ending early for next four weeks FORMORENEWS,SPORTS&COMMUNITYSTORIESSEARCHTHESEHEADLINESBYVISITINGRICHMOND-NEWS.COM The R chmond News is a member of the Glac er Media Group The News respects your privacy We collect use and disclose your personalinforma ion in accordance wi h our Privacy S atement which is avai able a www richmond news com The Richmond News is a member of the Nationa Newsmedia Counci , which is an independent organiza ion established to dea with acceptable journalistic pract ces and ethical behav our If you have concerns about edi orial content p ease con act the ed tor at edi or@r chmond news com or ca l 604 249 3343 I you are no satisfied wi h the response and wish to fi e a forma complaint, visit the web s te at mediacounci ca or ca l o l free 1 844 877 1163
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Building a better, more progressive Richmond Public Safety Enable authorities to ensure a safer environment for our fellow Richmondites Housing Ensure a wider variety of home options by promoting a collaboration between all levels of government Seniors Living Offer better housing strategies and services to Richmond’s senior citizens Good Government Ensure access and delivery of municipal services are effective, equitable, and transparent Authorized by Earl Reyes for Richmond Rise 604-767-2145

Learner drivers causing ‘chaos’ in quiet street

A group of Richmond residents has plead ed with ICBC to change its driver testing route in the city because their quiet street is being plagued with learners

A number of people living on Dover Cres cent, near Westminster Highway and No 2 Road, say their formerly sedate neigh bourhood has become a dangerous hive, buzzing constantly with driving instructors and their students, as well as parents teach ing their kids and, of course, the ICBC ex aminers themselves carrying out an actual road test

The reason for the swarm of novice driv ers is the poorly kept secret that Dover Crescent is a well trodden testing route for ICBC, possibly due to its speed limit sig nage, kids playground and opportunities for parallel parking

But over the last year or so, one of the residents, Nik Raniga, said the matter has gotten out of control, with the street filled

with student drivers from morning until eve ning, resulting in numerous scrapes and dents from the parking practice and near misses with kids and other vehicles at in tersections

Indeed, the Richmond News went down to Dover Crescent themselves last week to see what all the fuss was about. In a 30 minute spell between 9 and 9:30 a m , the News recorded no less than 15 different driving schools using the U shaped street for all manner of practice manoeuvres

“(Dover Crescent) has been on the test route for more than 20 years and, what compounds the issue is, word gets around among the instructors that this is the place where people are getting tested,” Raniga told the News

“Schools are also coming in from Surrey, New West and Vancouver because it’s easier for their students to get a test here ”

Raniga said one neighbour spotted a learner driver hitting someone ’ s car while trying to parallel park

“He went out and stopped the instructor

from driving away There’s been several near misses with kids and several near, multiple vehicle collisions,” he added

Raniga said his entire strata building of more than 100 units has “been mobilized” to take action and has urged ICBC all sum mer to do something to help them

“We contacted the manager at the Rich mond branch in Lansdowne Centre in June and they sent someone out here to monitor it for a short period of time they acknowl edged there were far too many instructors

in the one place,” Raniga said, adding that one of the ideas ICBC apparently came up with was to contact the driving schools to tell them to stop using Dover Crescent.

The subject of changing the test route also surfaced with ICBC, who told Raniga that it has asked the City of Richmond to put up more speed limit and warning signs at or near parks so it can add more testing routes.

“ICBC has to use its power to stop the amount of traffic in this street Ideally, just change the route,” said Raniga

ICBC told the News it was aware of the residents’ concerns but said it has “multiple test routes in Richmond, as is the case with all of our other testing locations We evalu ate and adjust our test routes regularly.”

It did confirm, however, that it is working with the city to increase signage which will “help increase the number of potential test routes and improve road safety.

“It’s important that drivers have experi ence in all types of areas such as school and playground zones ”

The Dover Crescent area swarms with student drivers
ACAMPBELL@RICHMOND NEWS COM NEWS Sign up for our newsletter at Authorized by Financial Agent Rob Hayman | 604 313 9225
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A5 Authorized by financial agents: Alexa Loo fin.agent@alexaloocom, Bill McNulty RE-ELECT ALEXALOO& BILLMcNULTY Buildinginclusionanddiversitybysupporting cultureandtheartsinRichmond.

Home sale farce after WeChat deal

Motorcyclist killed in crash near YVR

A judge has refused to rule in a court case involving the botched sale of a near $3 million Richmond home

The case revolves around a lawsuit filed by Hong Yang and Yuzhang Wang owners of a home on Blundell Road, just west of No 1 Road against a former acquaintance, Xue Yun Li

It centres on a convoluted deal originat ing from a conversation on the Chinese language social media platform WeChat, ending with a disputed contract drawn up in Chinese and allegedly signed by both parties

To add to the confusion, Li, a former dance partner of Yang’s, had actually moved into the large, detached home in 2017 and stayed there for almost a year before completing the purchase and had, allegedly, made several deposits totalling $200,000 towards the sale

Ultimately, Li backed out of the sale and bought another property in Richmond, sparking the lawsuit from Yang and Wang for breach of contract

However, in her BC Supreme Court deci sion, Justice Jacqueline Hughes said it was almost impossible to determine the facts of the case, given the discrepancies in each parties’ evidence and that their individual translations of the “contract” differ

“As a whole, the nature of the evidence on this summary trial application left the Court in the position where it could not

find the facts necessary to determine the issues in this case, ” Hughes concluded

“There are simply too many conflicts in the evidence and issues of credibility that would benefit from cross examination by way of a conventional trial

“In the circumstances, I conclude that this matter is not suitable for determination by summary trial as I cannot find the facts necessary to grant judgment on the claim or counterclaim ”

Hughes added, even if she was able to find the facts necessary to determine li ability on the breach of contract claim, “I would not be able to find the facts neces sary to assess the plaintiffs’ alleged dam ages ”

Hughes then dismissed both parties’ sum mary trial applications

Among the court documents recently published was the alleged contract and

WeChat messages between Yang, Li and Li’s son, Yang Zhan all of which are in Chinese

The alleged contract between Yang and Li comprises of a single page and was apparently drafted by Yang and her hus band, Wang.

Certified translations of the documents were before the court, however the se quence of WeChat messages, said the judge, was “not always consistent and, in at least one instance, two translators provided different translations of the same message ”

Li denied the contract’s validity and blamed the homeowners for not being ready, willing or able to go through with the sale By way of counterclaim, Li de manded return of the funds she paid to wards the Blundell Property and claims damages for unjust enrichment

Valerie Leung

A motorcyclist died following a vehicle collision in Richmond on Monday after noon

Richmond RCMP officers arrived shortly to Russ Baker Way and Inglis Drive after receiving a call of a motor vehicle collision between a motorcycle and a transport bus around 12:30 p m

“Despite the efforts of emergency person nel on scene, the operator of the motorcy cle was pronounced deceased,” said Cpl Dennis Hwang, spokesperson of the Rich mond RCMP, in a media statement

“The operator of the transport bus was not injured ”

Richmond RCMP Criminal Collision In vestigation Team (CCIT) has taken over the case and the Lower Mainland collision analysis and reconstructive team are assist ing

Northbound traffic on No. 2 Road was blocked from Westminster Highway to In glis Drive

Southbound Russ Baker Way was blocked from Gilbert Road.

Anyone with information or dashcam foot age of the incident is asked to contact the Richmond RCMP CCIT at 604 278 1212

A dispute over the sale of this house on Blundell Road ended up before a judge in a civil suit Google Streetview screenshot Alan Campbell
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Nurse suspended for ‘neglect’

A Richmond nurse has been suspended for two weeks and agreed to significant re training after she was found to have neglected basic du ties at three different work places

Xiaofang (Sophie) Huang, an LPN, has been banned from working for two weeks by the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) after a catalogue of neglect over two years

The disciplinary notice published by the BCCNM last week revealed that, at Huang’s first workplace, between November 2019 and June 2020, she was wit nessed to have unsafely ad ministered medicine, failed to monitor IV infusions and properly document assess ments, failed to recognize and respond to a deterio rating patient and failed to respect a patient’s right to refuse care

At another place of work, in December 2020, Huang failed to secure access to a patient records system prior to her shift and didn’t docu

ment things adequately, said the college

And at a third workplace, between July and August 2021, concerns were raised about Huang improperly in serting catheters, administer ing medication and following feedback.

The BCCNM revealed how Huang has also failed to abide by prior disciplinary conditions twice during that time, neglecting to tell new employers about the allega tions against her and disre garding an order she work under mentorship for six months

The Richmond News has asked the BCCNM where Huang worked during the aforementioned incidents

As well as the suspension and re training, her latest disciplinary action prohibits her from being the sole nurse on duty, supervising students, orientating new staff for six months or working night shifts alone for three months Huang will also be under indirect supervision for four months

The BCCNM, according to its notice, believes the disci plinary terms “will be enough to protect the public ”

Man dies in shooting

A 21 year old man from To ronto has been identified as the shooting victim who died in Richmond on Sunday

The Integrated Homicide In vestigation Team (IHIT) said that the fatal shooting of She mar Jack appears to be a tar geted hit in connection to the Lower Mainland gang conflict and is working with its part ners to determine Jack’s con nection to the area

The Richmond News report ed on Monday morning how residents heard shots ringing out Sunday around 11 p m in the area of Sunnymede Crescent, near Blundell and No 3 roads

Police said two men were found at the scene with gun shot wounds One was taken to hospital in critical condi tion while the other was pro nounced dead at the scene

If you have a vehicle with a dashcam, police are asking to check to see if it has any recordings, even if your ve hicle’s engine was off ”

On Monday, Surrey RCMP received a call at around 7:30 a.m. of a burnt vehicle in the 17000 block of 92 Av enue in Surrey

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Armed kidnapping nets five years

A woman involved in an armed kidnapping in Richmond has been sentenced to more than five years behind bars.

Ashley Smith appeared at Vancouver Provincial Court last week for sentencing for her role in the incident last fall after a home invasion.

The incident took place on Sept. 8, 2021, when four people allegedly kidnapped a victim from a vehicle at gunpoint in Richmond, according to the Vancouver Police Department (VPD). A “brief pur suit” ensued and the VPD rescued the victim.

Details of the armed kidnapping are covered by a publication ban as one of Smith’s co-accused, Har man Parmar, has opted to be tried by a judge and is scheduled to have a preliminary inquiry

Smith had pleaded guilty to five counts, including kidnapping with a firearm and unrelated charges, such as dangerous driving and breach of probation.

Crown counsel Jeremy Hermanson proposed a sentence of eight years and three months in total, adding that the sentences, other

than ones for breaches of probation, should not be concurrent as it would result in a situation where crime was “cheaper by the dozen.”

Counsel for Smith, Paul McMur ray, told the court that Smith was a product of a very difficult background, where her Métis roots were denied and she did not receive proper schooling and medical attention.

He added that Smith did not become involved in the criminal justice system until 2020, and she had been using her time in custody productively.

Before learning her sentence, Smith addressed the court and apologized for the time, money and resources put into her case.

“A few years ago, my life took a turn down a dark and ugly road to self-destruction, using drugs and alcohol to mask pain caused by many years of trauma and abuse,” she said, adding that she was able to reflect on the impact of her actions while in custody with “a clear mind.”

“I will continue to work on myself and take advantage of any programs available to ensure a positive future, and I will be using the remorse and regret I feel every day as motivation to change for the better.”

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Housing, racism top election issues

Housing took top billing at Tues day’s all candidate meeting held at Richmond’s Minoru Centre

From a call for large scale change to ensure next genera tions can live in Richmond, to building on city owned land, to the need for more rental and co op housing, candidates pitched their vision of what Richmond should look like in the future

Even questions on supporting businesses or the food bank cir cled back to the housing crisis

And, sometimes, candidates got emotional on the topic

Independent candidate Evan Dunfee called for “foundational change” to reach the city’s hous ing goals, instead of just “tinker ing around on the edges ”

“I heard so many of my fellow candidates say how they raised families here in Richmond,” Dun fee said, then choked up

“I want to raise a family here in Richmond and that is getting so untenable,” he added, his voice wavering

One audience member asked about the Caring Place, which has a proposal to redevelop the city owned land it leases to in clude affordable housing

Coun Bill McNulty said the pro posal the board brought to the city wasn’t “palatable,” although, in principle, he agreed city land should be used for low income and co op housing

Sheldon Starrett, running for council with the Richmond Com munity Coalition, said he’d like to see rent to own housing as well as co op housing

In the meantime, RITE candidate Jerome Dickey said businesses are hurting because they can’t get employees, largely, because they can’t get housing

“We’ve heard from a lot of busi ness people that if we don’t create affordable housing, they’re not going to have employees here ”

When asked if they would sup port six storey buildings outside of city centre, incumbent Coun Al exa Loo said this should be based on consultation While it makes sense to have commercial with residential on top, some single family home areas might not be ready for more density

“I think we need to, as a commu nity, decide what we want, what we ’ re willing to live with, and what sacrifices or changes we ’ re willing to live with,” Loo said

Day’s response to the question was “ yes, yes, yes, ” however, she didn’t think it would necessarily work in subdivision areas, that is, single family home areas

“We keep voting for develop ments that under utilize the land,” Day said She noted a “luxury” townhouse development at No 2 and Blundell roads, which, in stead could have been towers

‘Divisive inertia’

Richmond Rise candidate Kash Heed, former MLA and solicitor general, called the atmosphere at the current city council table one of “divisive inertia ”

Some of that was on display at the meeting with sniping between sitting city council members

While Coun Michael Wolfe, who has served one term on city council,” said he sometimes gets “under the mayor ’ s skin,” Coun Alexa Loo criticized another coun cillor for voting against projects that were too big for their own neighbourhood

Derek Dang, who lost a re elec tion bid to council four years ago and joked about this round being a “bit of a rerun, ” agreed with his running mate, Heed, on the need for more collaboration at council Generally, in Richmond, however, he said he wants more dialogue and understanding to fight rac ism

Shortly after, Laura Gillanders, a member of FarmWatch, said the last council was allowing mega mansions in the ALR, but, after lobbying from FarmWatch, provincial changes were made

Dang and then councillor Ken Johnson were defeated in 2018 and “ we got two pro farm candi dates (on council),” she said

The city’s flag policy was chal lenged by an audience member who asked what candidates would do for Truth & Reconcilia tion Day

RCA candidate Mark Lee said this has already been discussed at council and they should figure out how to change the policy and “get it done ”

In response, McNulty said he takes policy seriously and got testy as the audience heckled him after he said the issue is being looked at by city staff He shot back saying he was “hurt,” fur ther saying he was accused on Twitter of supporting Communist China after attending the opening of a Richmond restaurant

“We’re not Republicans in Rich mond we ’ re not Republicans,” McNulty said. “I’ve lived here 52 years, and I built you a swimming pool, I built this bloody centre, and I get this crap from people out there I built your library I’ve done a whole slew of things for people in this community And I’m standing here again because I be lieve in my community ”

He was interrupted by Adil Awan, an independent candi date, who told him not to take credit for building amenities, say

ing “the community built them ”

McNulty, later, offered his “firm and humble apologies” for his outburst

Meanwhile, Coun Chak Au said First Nations have been ignored for too long and everyone needs to be educated on the subject

“We can’t have a truly harmoni ous society until we recognize we have to face that issue and active ly work on it,” Au said

Coun Andy Hobbs, speaking on anti Asian hate, said he’s been participating in an educational event, adding “It’s important, frankly, for people who look like me to participate in those talks.”

However, more importantly, he said its important to get to know other people and try to walk in their shoes.

More trees needed

Many candidates tied the hous ing crisis to the climate crisis RCA candidate Jack Trovato, however, focused on the need to expand Richmond’s tree canopy Rich mond’s has dipped to 11 12 per cent coverage from 15 per cent because of development, he said, compared to Vancouver’s tree canopy at 22 per cent

Trovato wants the city’s tree planting program accelerated to help build the tree canopy.

“Otherwise we might not have much of a climate left,” he said

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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A9 | Authorized by Financial Agent Rob Hayman | 604 313 9225 RE-ELECT DONNA SARGENT SCHOOLBOARD RE-ELECT ANDY HOBBS CITYCOUNCIL ELECT MELISSA ZHANG CITYCOUNCIL ELECT ERIC YUNG CITYCOUNCIL We are committed to increasing our housing options, keeping our neighbourhoods and parks safe, and strengthening Richmond’s flood protection system.


Mayor questions vote

If you want more rental housing, why don’t you vote for it, was Richmond Mayor Malcom Brodie’s query to Coun Michael Wolfe at last Monday’s council meeting

Brodie was challenging Wolfe on his op position to a proposal to build a 330 unit rental project in the Thompson area

Wolfe is running in the current election under the RITE Richmond banner and at the meeting Brodie, who is also seeking re election, read from RITE’s housing platform in an attempt to highlight what he called Wolfe’s “inconsistent” stance

“What you say flies in the face of your platform,” Brodie told Wolfe at the council meeting

“What more is the applicant to do to build rental housing in this city than what is be ing done in this report?” Brodie added

In fact, there is more the applicant can do, according to Wolfe, adding that while he

is “ very much for affordable housing,” this project could be made better

The proposal which would replace 50 rental units with 330, would destroy a grove of 10 mature trees in the northeast corner of the property, and it’s that which he opposes

Changes have been made to previous projects, like the Polygon development on Cambie and Garden City roads, whereby a large grove of trees was saved after pres sure from council, Wolfe noted

Wolfe also pointed out that, despite re quests, the mayor hasn’t put him on the planning committee where development proposals are first dealt with So, when a proposal comes to city council, it’s the first time he can vote on it

“There are things about this (project) that council doesn’t have unanimous support on, ” Wolfe said, adding his vote opposing it wasn’t a “token vote ”

Housing has been a consistent topic during the municipal election, given high rents and million dollar price tags for most homes in Richmond

• Keep Municipal Taxes Low • Implement Consumption Voucher to Stimulate Local Economy • Support Rent-to-Own Housing Initiatives • Promote the Broadmoor Neighborhood Safety Program • Introduce Textile Recycling Program for Greener City • Adopt the Richmond Community Protocol Responding to Racism & Hate



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Young candidates aim to be heard

Candidates under 40 years old in the upcoming civic elections are tired of being asked if they’re “old enough” to run

At Tuesday’s all candi dates meeting at Minoru Centre for Active Living, council candidate Bill Han

introduced himself as one of the youngest candidates, saying he was told he was “too young ” to get elected And Han is not alone Other younger candidates including Evan Dunfee, Keefer Pelech, Mark Lee, Jasmine Piao and David Yang have all been asked the same question aren’t you too young to run?

“I have had to preface a

lot of conversations by ex plaining that I am an expe rienced and credentialed professional in my field, because some may mistake my enthusiasm and passion for naïveté,” said Lee

The extra work to prove themselves, said Dunfee, is time these candidates could have spent on connecting and sharing their visions with more people

While most of their cam paign experiences have been positive, with mem bers of the community be ing supportive of younger voices and visions, these candidates remain con cerned that they’re not be ing “taken seriously” due to their age

“I am concerned with the common assumption that young people are inexperi enced and don’t know what

they’re talking about when it comes to governance

“Too often, when young people step up to partici pate in our community, we are met with skepticism, condescending treatment, and outright hostility,” said school trustee candidate Yang, referring to his at tempt to participate in a council meeting earlier this year

And they’re also worried the positive response from community members will not translate into votes

“My biggest worry has been that people who agree with our politics will pass on voting for us be cause they may think that younger candidates are less likely to be elected,” said Lee

“I have had some people say that they appreciate what I’m trying to do, but tell me to not feel discour aged ‘when’ I lose I have a hard time imagining someone saying that to a retiree,” said Lee

As Oct 15 approaches, these candidates are hop ing to convince Richmon dites that younger genera tions should get a seat at the table

“We have goals and ob jectives that take us to 2050 and beyond and we need people at the decision mak ing table who can best ad vocate for that future,” said Dunfee

Younger candidates have “ an acute awareness ” of their lack of representation in decision making, Pelech explained, and they’re “in vested in the future” of their community

Piao, who’s running as an independent, said younger candidates can bring a “fresh voice

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” 4 272 2655/www sinfullythebest c 0 12251N 1R d St t 0BC o1R 1 oad,ston,BC eve evisitourstoreatthe stonHeritageMarke nfullyTheBest anChocolates,Pastri d com t ies&FineFoods 60 11 Si Artis Com Steve +save up to 20% on cemetery prearrangements* 0% interest for 60 months** Chung Yeung Festival L m ted t me discounts valid on y for se ect cemetery property October 1 30 2022 D scounts app y to new pre need purchases only Terms and conditions app y See an associate for details 0% interest free financing for 60 months va id only w th 10% down payment October 1 30 2022 Terms and cond t ons app y See an assoc ate for eligib l ty details A divis on of Service Corporation nternationa (Canada) ULC LOCK IN 2022 PRICES Honour your family’s legacy when you plan ahead. Boal Chapel & MEMORIAL GARDENS 1505 Lillooet Rd | North Vancouver BC V7J 2J1 Forest Lawn FUNERAL HOME & MEMORIAL PARK 3789 Royal Oak Ave | Burnaby, BC V5G 3M1 ForestLawnMemorial Burnaby com Ocean View FUNERAL HOME & BURIAL PARK 4000 Imperial St | Burnaby BC V5J 1A4 OceanViewBurialPark com Victory Memorial Park FUNERAL CENTRE & CEMETERY 14831 28th Ave | Surrey, BC V4P 1P3 VictoryMemorialPark com Act now to secure savings. Call 604-328-6079. Since 1989, working diligently with a Client First approach to Solving Legal Matters Successfully in Richmond and throughout Vancouver Metro 自1989年以來,我們 直在列治文市和 大溫地區努力地以客戶至上的精神為大 家解決法律上的問題。 Tel: 604 688 9337 Email: info@remedios lawyer 李東尼律師事務所 Remedios and Company Lawyers & Notaries Public Suite 1233 2nd Floor, 3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond, BC V6X 3Z9
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A13 The perfect centrepiece to your holiday table slow roasted and naturally smoked! 429 lb Western Family Signature Smoked Ham Limited Edition, 9.46kg .99lb Yams No 1, USA, 2 18/kg 399 ea Artisan Potato Bread Also Selected Varieties, 450g AAA Beef Western Canadian 3 DAYS ONLY THURS SAT OCT 6 8 599 lb Top Sirloin Premium Roast Aged Min.14 Days, Guaranteed Tender, Fresh, 13.21/kg, First 1 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. 399 ea Breyers Creamery Style Ice Cream Frozen, 1 66 Litres BUY2 GET1 Pepsi Soft Drinks Selected Varieties, 12 x 355 mL he entrepieceThanksgivingThanksgivingDelicious SHOP THE FULL FLYER FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING MEAL Prices effective October 6 to 12, 2022 Offers require use of More Rewards card Asparagus Mexico, 7 69/kg349 lb


Dining area may need a rethink

Modern homes look a bit different than those of generations past. Rather than several small rooms divided by walls, modern homes offer open-concept floor plans. That means the boundaries between spaces are not so defined, allowing rooms and activities to blend into one another Formal dining rooms may or may not be part of the current home layout with regard to new construction. Many home owners now gravitate toward kitchens with adjacent breakfast nooks that utilize large islands with stool seating that open up to family rooms. These layouts can make it more challenging for homeowners to fig ure out how to furnish their dining areas however casual or formal they may be Individuals can use these tips as a spring board for selecting the right pieces in their homes, no matter where they enjoy their meals.

Consider the scope of the room

Is it a dining room or a dining area? This will help determine decor and the formality of the pieces of furniture needed to outfit

the room. If the room is a multi-purpose space, consider furniture that can serve different purposes, such as a table that has fold-down portions to change its size de pending on the number of people dining at a particular time You may want to include an armoire to store linens and stash away pens and pads for making shopping lists.

Dining table

The dining table is the foundation of a dining area. After all, people need to have somewhere to sit and eat. Remember to measure the dimensions of the room care fully, as furniture can look much smaller in warehouse stores or furniture showrooms than in a home.

Consider a round or square dining table, which tend fit into rooms more easily than rectangular tables. Plus, these shapes are more conducive to conversation. Rectangular tables often leave people at the ends out of the chat.


Seating can affect the ability to move

Modern homes require a different kind of dining area

around the room. If space is at a premium, some narrow-profile chairs are a better option than larger, upholstered wingbacks

Homeowners may consider a wooden or upholstered bench on one side of the dining table to maximize seating during fam ily events.


Consider using a mix of lighting sources to create the right lighting needs in the space. Floor lamps, an overhead chandelier, wall fixtures, and natural light need to blend and be adjusted as needed. Also, choose an overhead chandelier that complements the shape of the dining table. For example, a round fixture will look best above a round table.


An area rug can help define the dining space and set it apart from other areas in an open-concept home. An area rug also adds warmth and color when a wood table meets a wood floor; otherwise, it may look too stark.

Homeowners must take various factors into consideration when decorating a dining room. Size, purpose and style are just some of the things that merit ample consideration before furnishing a dining space.

—Metro Creative



Location/s: 7600 and 7620 Ash Street

Applicant/s: Randy Schuette and Updesh Johal

Purpose: To rezone the subject properties from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/E)” zone and the “Single Detached (ZS14)”

to permit the properties to be subdivided to create

fronting Ash Street

three fronting

proposed extension of Armstrong Street.

City Contact: Nathan Andrews, 604-247-4911, Planning and Development Division

Notice of Public Hearing


Location/s: City Wide

Applicant/s: City of Richmond

Purpose: To increase the notification area for a public hearing from 50 metres to 100 metres from the proposed development.

City Contact: Matt O’Halloran, 604-246-4098, Law and Legislative Services Division

How to obtain further information:

• By Phone: If you have questions or concerns, please call the CITY CONTACT shown above.


Location/s: 8880 Cook Road/8751 Citation Drive

Applicant/s: GBL Architects

Purpose of OCP Designation Amendment:

To permit alternate housing forms (i.e. other than highdensity townhouses), on a site-specific basis for rezoning applications that provide additional affordable housing and/or market rental housing to address community need.

Purpose of Zoning Amendment:

1. To discharge “Land Use Contract (LUC 025)”, entered into pursuant to “Imperial Ventures Ltd. Land Use Contract Bylaw No. 3108 (RD19308)”, from the Title of 8880 Cook Road/8751 Citation Drive;

2. To amend the “Low Rise Apartment and Town Housing (ZLR32) Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone to remove all references to 8880 Cook Road/8751 Citation Drive;

3. To create the “Low Rise Rental Apartment (ZLR44) Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone; and

4 To rezone 8880 Cook Road/8751 Citation Drive from the “Low Rise Apartment and Town Housing (ZLR32) Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone to “Low Rise Rental Apartment (ZLR44) Brighouse Village (City Centre)” zone; in order to permit development of a 100% rental residential apartment development consisting of two six-storey buildings, containing approximately 338 units.

City Contact: Edwin Lee, 604-276-4121, Planning and Development Division


Location/s: 6071 Azure Road

Applicant/s: 0923745 BC Ltd.

Purpose of OCP Designation Amendment:

To redesignate the property from “Neighbourhood Residential” to “Apartment Residential”.

Purpose of Zoning Amendment:

To rezone the subject property from the “Low Density Townhouses (RTL1)” zone to a new “Low to Mid Rise Apartment (ZLR45) Thompson” zone, to permit development of approximately 330 residential rental units in two four-storey buildings and one six-storey building.

City Contact: Sara Badyal, 604-276-4282, Planning and Development Division

• On the City Website: Public Hearing Agendas, including staff reports and the proposed bylaws, are available on the City Website at: agendas/hearings/2022.htm.

• By Email: Copies of the proposed bylaw, supporting staff and Committee reports and other background material, may be requested via email between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing October 7, 2022 and ending October 17, 2022, by contacting the CITY CONTACT shown above.

• By Fax or Mail: Staff reports and the proposed bylaws may also be obtained by FAX or by standard mail, by calling 604-276-4007 between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing October 7, 2022 and ending October 17, 2022.

Participating in the Public Hearing process:

• The Public Hearing is open to all members of the public. Please note that measures will be taken at the Public Hearing to respect physical distancing requirements and adhere to recommended preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. As an alternative to attending in-person, you may register to participate remotely or provide comments in advance of the meeting by emailing Registration to participate remotely is available prior to the Public Hearing until 1:00 pm on the date of the Hearing. Information on how to register is available on the City website: cityhall/council/phone-participation.htm.

• If you are unable to attend, you may send your written comments to the City Clerk’s Office by 4 pm on the date of the Public Hearing as follows:


Location/s: 9100 Cambie Road

Applicant/s: Pacific Land Group

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from “Gas & Service Stations (CG2)” to a new site-specific zone, “Gas Station Commercial (ZC50) West Cambie”, to permit a gas station, convenience store and restaurant.

City Contact: Steven De Sousa, 604-204-8529, Planning and Development Division

• By E-mail:

• By Standard Mail: 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office.

• By Fax: 604-278-5139, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office.

• Public Hearing Rules: For information on public hearing rules and procedures, please consult the City website at /about.htm or call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-276-4007.

All submissions will form part of the record of the hearing

the Public Hearing has concluded, no further information or submissions

be considered by Council.

Monday, October 17, 2022 – 7 p.m. Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Richmond City Hall 6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 | www richmond ca
of Richmond City of Richmond | 6911 No 3 Rd Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Richmond will hold a Public Hearing as noted above, on the following items:
five lots with two
Claudia Jesson Director, City Clerk’s Office Bylaw 10126 Bylaw 10396 Bylaw 10406 Bylaw 10414

Arts demand their share of election limelight

Arts is a way to bring people together and requires as much consideration as other topics in an election, according to actor and playwright Andrew Wade

Wade, executive director of the Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC), wants this year’s candidates in the Richmond election to consider it in their platforms.

“At the Richmond Arts Coalition, we be lieve that the arts are crucial for a healthy community. We feel that the arts can help bring people together in our multicultural city,” said Wade.

The Richmond Gateway Theatre Society, Community Arts Council of Richmond and Richmond Art Gallery Association compiled nine questions regarding the arts in Richmond

The questions and responses are not meant to tell voters how to vote, Wade explained, but rather, to have voters “form

their own decisions with the arts in mind.”

One of the questions to candidates addressed the lack of purpose-built perfor mance spaces in Richmond.

Both mayoral candidates John Roston and incumbent Malcolm Brodie responded that there is a need for additional perfor mance spaces.

Roston said he would consider expanding spaces in already built, paid admission, venues such as Gateway Theatre to “minimize operating costs” instead of building a new facility

He added permanent installations in parks or plazas for outdoor performance spaces would be considered.

“I live in Steveston’s Imperial Landing and there is a space at the foot of my street on the waterfront that was designated as a performance space on the plans but sits there as an open plaza with no perfor mances,” said Roston.

Brodie agreed that he would be in favour of new facilities and expansion of existing

spaces, but it would need to be “demonstrated through a business case.”

“Other levels of government and the School Board would need to be partners along with the community,” said Brodie.

At an all-candidates meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 4, three council-seeking candidates were also asked the same question.

Candidates Chak Au and Adil Awan brought forth the idea of incorporating an arts space within high rise buildings and new developments around the city

Au, who is running for his third term, called the Richmond Gateway Theatre “old and small” and that new more artdedicated facilities are needed to help “pass on culture and knowledge.”

He suggested that a more “modern and adequate space for the arts community” could be considered for the new Lansdowne redevelopment project.

Awan said talking to developers building high rise developments could help merge economics and the arts together with the-

atres and commercial spaces in high rises and housing on top.

“More smaller venues instead of one big one could be built to better house events,” said Awan.

Richmond Community Coalition candidate, Rahim Othman, said awareness and education on serious matters like Truth and Reconciliation and racism relies heavily on arts and art venues.

“We need to give it the attention to deserve and the city to provide incentives and facilitate and expedite these types of projects and fund them,” he added.

Other questions on the survey include What role do you think the arts can play in creating bridges between cultures? Do you feel that the arts contribute to our local economy? How could this contribution be increased?

Of the 45 candidates for mayor, councillor and school trustee, 38 answered the questionnaire. The complete survey can be found on RAC’s website.

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“Say No to Status Quo and Yes to Progress!”


“I’m fed up with the token efforts being made to address the housing crisis and environmental threats brought about by climate change There is a lot we can do that isn’t being done, but it takes strong leadership and a collaborative management style which means listening to others and treating everyone equally. I will act as the champion of bold solutions to get councillors on board, motivate staff and speed up implementation.”

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A17 ACTIONS NOT PLATITUDES TO DO LIST Upgrade the Dike levels in 30 years not the current proposed 50 years TO DO Zone land for purpose-built rental and acquire land for affordable housing TO DO RITE REPORT CARD OUTCOME We stopped Mega houses on farmland now 4,400 sq ft max PASSED We now have a City Council online voting record PASSED All council material now available 5 business days prior to meetings PASSED Increased public notification area to 100 meters for rezoning PASSED Changed policy to allow for rentals in perpetuity for new condos PASSED T Authorized by Financial Agent James Day 604 271 7761 VOTE JOHN ROSTON
MAYOR MY CAREER EXPERIENCE: ✔ Retired McGill senior administrator and Adjunct Professor with an accounting background, experience managing large budgets, dealing with unionized staff and acting as the Chairperson of committees. ✔ Co-author and Programmer, “McGill Negotiation Simulator” ✔ Inventor and patent holder, “Remote language interpretation system and method,” ✔ Winner, “Most Innovative Use of New Technology” Citation. MY COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE: ✔ Founder, Richmond Rental Housing Advocacy Group: increasing rental housing in Richmond ✔ Member, Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition Housing Committee ✔ Member, Richmond FarmWatch Executive Committee: halting mega mansions on farmland ✔ Founder, Plug-in Richmond: promoting electric vehicles ✔ Past Treasurer, Richmond Museum Society ✔ Captain in the RCMP BlockWatch program @RITERichmond RITERichmond RITERichmond FOLLOW US RE ELECT CAROL DAY FOR CITY COUNCIL 沃戴嘉露 爾夫 RE ELECT MICHAEL WOLFE FOR CITY COUNCIL 羅斯頓 ELECT JOHN ROSTON FOR MAYOR 羅吉蘭 ELECT LAURA GILLANDERS FOR CITY COUNCIL 狄志傑 ELECT JEROME DICKEY FOR CITY COUNCIL RITE Richmond works for YOU! 列治文RITE為您服務 FOR FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYVOTE VOTE OCT 15

2023 City Grant Programs Open




and Culture;


A18 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM Richmond is reading the News.
Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset? Do you consider yourself self-motivated with a positive attitude? Do you have a passion for digital? Are you fluent in Mandarin or Cantonese? If you answered yes to all of the above, this might be the career for you! The Richmond News is looking for an experienced Media Sales Consultant. This is a role requiring experience in sales, media, strong interpersonal skills, and a keen desire to win. Please submit your resume to by Friday October 7, 2022 • EncourageAffordableHousingandIncreaseSupplyofAffordableRentalUnits • EnsuringPublicSafety • SupportingLocalSmallBusinesses • BuildingaSafe,Harmonious,andInclusiveCommunity • IncreasingWellnessProgramsandActivitySpaceforSeniorsandYouths PLATFORM City of Richmond Notice City of Richmond 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000
Applications accepted until 5:00 p.m. on October 19, 2022. The City of Richmond supports a positive quality of life for all its residents City Council recognizes that one means of helping to achieve this goal is through City Grant Programs to support the work
community service groups. The City is
accepting applications for the following grant programs: (1) Arts
(2) Child Care; (3) Health, Social
Safety; (4) Parks, Recreation and Community Events; and (5) Environmental. To access the online application system, as well as Grant Program Guidelines, User Guides and City Staff contact information, please visit


RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A19 RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty* #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 $29/SF PRIME EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond at the South Airport Terminal! Premium ground floor corner space with 3376 SF at $30/SF and its own bathrooms at a reasonable rate. Second floor spaces also available at $29/SF Access to a huge executivestyle lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are available to all occupants in the building. The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond 4360 Agar Drive FOR LEASE GROUND $548,000FLR GREAT 593 SF WITH 1 PARKING Great opportunity to OWN your own brand new air conditioned 593 SF office space with 1 parking spot in the Class A-Rated office tower at the International Trade Centre in R chmond. This 10th floor office space is rectangular in shape, has no pillars and offers high ceilings and easterly views. Comes with View Smart Windows with 4 shades of tint that can be operated by a phone app. Located next to the new upscale Versante Hotel Bruno Restaurant & Bar and Sushi Kiwami Conveniently located by the corner of No. 3 Road & Bridgeport Road that’s just minutes to the Bridgeport Canada Line Station, YVR International Airport and 15 minutes to Downtown Vancouver Ready for your design ideas. #1075-8477 Bridgeport Road OFFICE SPACE $28/SF OFFICES FOR LEASE 200 6055 SF Excellent opportunity to lease up to 2 levels of office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond! Great for those who want flexible spaces ranging from 200 SF on the 2nd level, 2100 SF on the ground level or even up to 6055 SF in total at a reasonable cost Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are also available to all occupants in the building. The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $28/SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4380 Agar Drive SOUTH AIRPORT TERMINAL $2,088,000 10,458 SF SUBDIVIDABLE LOT Prime South facing lot 10,458 sq ft Subdividable into 2 5,229 sq ft each. Build a new home up to 2818 sq ft each If you are not ready to build it is a great investment/holding property with 4 bedrooms, 2 dens and 2.5 bathrooms. Updates include laminate hardwood floors and double glazed windows. Convenient location just minutes to Ironwood Mall and easy access to all Highways. 9751 Seavale Road PRICE REDUCED $688,000 2 BDRM 2 BATH WITH HUGE DECK Amazing NW corner 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom CONCRETE condo at “The Versante” in the heart of Richmond with some city and mountain views. Fantastic open layout with floor to ceiling windows, gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, granite countertops, laminate floors and wraparound NW facing sundeck off the living room, 821 SF, insuite laundry & 1 secured parking spot Great complex w/ billiards room exercise centre and guest suite. Al this in a totally convenient location just steps to Lansdowne Mall, Canada Line, T&T supermarket, Kwantlen College, banks, buses and restaurants. Rentals & pets ok. #504-8280 Lansdowne Road NW CORNER $498,000 #210-8880 No 1 Road SEPT 30 1725 SF 3 BED - PENTHOUSE Priced to Sell !!! Exceptional value on this 1725 SF spectacular 3 bedrooms / 2 + huge den with 2.5 baths, 2 large decks (235 SF outdoor space) and 2 side x side parking spots! It s built by BOSA. It’s CONCRETE. It’s priced at $607 PER SQ FT It’s UPDATED. Strata has $450,000 in their contingency fund. What more can you ask for? Amazing views from this South West corner unit with high ceilings in the living room & floor to ceiling windows throughout, brand new herringbone-designed oak hardwood floors, new contemporary gas fireplace, refinished smooth ceilings, automatic roller blinds plus 70 sf of functional insuite storage. Located in a prime Central Richmond location that is just steps to shops, restaurants, transit, Skytrain & Richmond Centre Mall. Don’t let someone else take advantage of this amazing opportunity #1809-7380 Elmbridge Way $1,048,000 , CENTRAL, RMD P/H 2 BDRM + DEN WITH RIVER VIEWS Amazing south-facing WATERFRONT 2 bedroom + den + flex room condo with RIVER VIEWS from every room and 2 side x side parking spots at the Waterstone Pier! This hidden gem features 1130 SF of spacious living, open kitchen, stainless steel Kitchenaid appliances, gas stove, new hood fan, granite countertops, hardwood floors, new carpets, electric fireplace, huge master bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, large insuite laundry room and 1 locker Monthly strata fees include hot water & geothermal air conditioning/ heating. All this in a pet-friendly complex with lush greenery & serene settings that’s only minutes from Watermania Pool, Silver City Theatres, Country Farm Market, Ironwood Mall with super easy access to Hwy 99. #312-14200 Riverport Way $799,000W, ATERFRONT CONDO!! $2,098,000 4 BDRM + DEN FAMILY HOME Impressively well kept 4 bedroom + den family home that’s located on a huge 13,207 SF lot w/ a wide 72.5’ frontage! Enjoy this centrally air-conditioned 2393 SF home that features a super bright kitchen w/ island, newer stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings & family room w/ wet bar (all added with City permits). Other updates incl a roof that’s just 9 yrs old, 3 openable skylights, upgraded doubleglazed windows, large laundry rm 2.5 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces & loads of storage in the enormous heated crawlspace. The super flexible layout can be easily separated for in-laws, nannies or extended family All this on a fully landscaped lot with a sunny SW backyard, large back patio & detached single garage. Perfect holding property or build your dream home that’s 5212 SF plus garage. 8751 Roselea Place NEW PRICE LARGE LOT 63' X 302" = 19,035 SF! Excellent opportunity to build your dream home of up to 4305 square feet including garage on this great property Zoned AG1 so you can have lots of and at the back of the property for a tennis court basketball court, mini pitch & putt or to just park extra cars, RV or boat. Just steps to Henry Anderson Elementary and AR MacNeil Secondary School and conveniently located just minutes to Garden City Park, transportation, Walmart Supercentre and all the shops & restaurants at the Central at Garden City mal Easy access to all highways & bridges into Vancouver 6300 No. 4 Road LAND$1,688,888 ONLY CUSTOM BUILT 5+ DEN FAMILY HOME This custom-built family home offers 5 bedrooms den and 4.5 bathrooms in an amazing south-facing location that’s directly across from the park and 1 block from the dyke trails This “Steveston North” 3400 SF home features high vaulted ceilings in the grand entry and living room hardwood floors gourmet kitchen, granite counters, stainless stee appliances, 2 cozy fireplaces, lots of built-in cabinets, bright skylights, large walk in closets, crown mouldings and radiant floor heat Super bright and even comes complete with a 1-bedroom nanny / inlaw suite, 3-car garage, security system and built-in vacuum All this and located on a large 66x108 7166 SF landscaped lot in the Steves Elementary & Boyd Secondary school catchment and close to Steveston Village and Seafair Mall. 3331 Springford Avenue $2,538,000 , NEW, PRICE #104-8775 Jones Road $568,000SEPT, 21 JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD $1,280,000
WOW! Absolutely amazing 2 level CORNER end unit townhome with 3 bedrooms, large open den, 2.5 baths and family room located in the heart of the sought-after Lackner neighbourhood. Totally renovated from top to bottoms and features a brand new dream kitchen with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, all new bathrooms, new flooring throughout, designer paint, cozy gas fireplace, insuite laundry new windows, new hot water tank, new patio doors and so much more This 1493 SF home is also situated in a very private and quiet location within the complex and comes with a sunny south backyard, exterior storage room and 2 parking spots. Walk to Jessie Wowk Elementary / StevestonLondon Secondary, Richmond Christian School, Blundell shopping centre, parks and transit. #6-5111 Maple Road COMPLETELY RENOVATED TERRA NOVA – QUILCHENA GREEN 3 BDRM + DEN TOWNHOME W/2360 SF Terra Nova DUPLEX STYLE townhome with 3 bedrooms, large den, 2.5 baths in the prestigious gated community at Quilchena Green by Polygon! This executive townhome that backs onto GREEN SPACE has 2360 SF of spacious living on 2 levels and has a very flexible open floor plan with a large master bedroom on the main floor and a 2nd master on the upper level. Fantastic corner unit with north/south exposures offers soaring high vaulted ceilings, rad ant heat throughout, stainless steel appliances, side x side double garage and sunny south facing backyard. All this in an adult-oriented complex with onsite caretaker and impeccable grounds in a great location that’s just steps to Terra Nova Mall, the Dyke trails, golf course and parks #58-5531 Cornwall Drive NEW LISTING $1,548,000

PRIMA, a beautifully-crafted brand new building by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Walk 1 short block to No 3 Rd & couple of minutes later at Richmond Centre. Lowdensity w/only 101 strata units. Functional floor plan. Spacious & bright! Qualityfinished w/built-in brand name appliances in open modern kitchen, gas cooktop, quartz counter tops, AC, F-to-C windows, German 12mm wide-plank laminated wood

#807 6833 Buswell Street


Buswell Street

large tiles

bathrooms Roof-top garden, multi-purpose function room, equipped gym. All these plus a huge elegant entrance foyer on a very quiet residential street.

Buswell Street


1005-10011 River Drive



1,714 sf bright


+ frontage. Beautifully

unit with washroom. High ceiling with floor-to-ceiling windows.

exclusive underground parkings stalls. Price $1,388,000

2005-10011 River Drive

RARELY available 5,539 SF unit with 172 wrap around window views, ONLY unit on 2ND floor w/private elevator 11 exclusive underground parking. Finished unit with 2 washrooms. Price: $3,388,000

A20 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM 604-275-9787 www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD ● RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD ● RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics 1010-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Approximate 80 frontage facing No. 3 Road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping Mall. Perfect for retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent to-own plan available o.a.c. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Plenty of parking & flexible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry 9 parking decals for staffs. Seize this amazing business & investment opportunities. 5,499 SF CORNER RETAIL UNIT $7,800,000 101-2691 VISCOUNT WAY Approximate 80 frontage facing No. 3 Road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping Mall. Perfect for retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent-to-own plan available o.a.c. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Plenty of parking & fl exible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry 9 parking decals for staffs. Seize this amazing business & investment opportunities. LOOKING FOR CENTRAL KITCHEN OR RESTAURANT SPACE? $2,228,800NEW LISTING 2160 W. 39TH AVENUE VANCOUVER Established Kerrisdale! Minutes to downtown, UBC, YVR, Hwy 91 & 99. Close to parks & schools (private & public) RM3 zoned 50ʼ x 118 5ʼ 1956 built 3 levels with 8 units yielding $24,113.17 net for year 2020. Almost never any vacancy Great for developers or investors. PRIME LOCATION! KERRISDALE! $4,980,000NEW LISTING 1290-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Famous Parker Place in the heart of Richmond. Steps away from No 3 Road entrance. 762 sqʼ (16ʼ W x 48ʼ L). Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion or strata approved excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & close to City Centre. Vacant possession is negotiable. PARKER PLACE 762 SF RETAIL $549,000NEW PRICE Parc Riviera mixed use complex at North end of No. 4 Rd. Fast growing area with rapid increased population & commercial activities. 15 minutes walk to Bridgeport Station, couple of minutesʼ drive to Vancouver Quick access to Highway 99, Knight Bridge & Airport. Close to Costco, Foody World & River Rock. Complex has vast green area, children playground & is right at Tait Waterfront Park with walking trails along the North Dyke. ZMU17-ZONED PERFECT FOR MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFICES,
floors &
1,156 sf 3-bdrm NE corner unit + 2 balconies totaling 833 sf Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt
King-sized master bdrm has walk-in closet. $1,255,800 price includes GST!!! #1207 6833
954 sf 2-bdrm NE corner unit + 95 sf balcony Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. Kingsized master bdrm. $1,153,800 price includes GST!!! #715 6833
579 sf 1-bdrm + 70 sf patio. W-facing looking right onto the 5th fl roof top garden view Open & spacious, king sized master bedroom. Not an inch of wasted space!! Asking $696,800 NEW LISTING * Limited time offer for units from $731,800 **OAC 6125-4000 NO. 3 ROAD Prestigious Aberdeen Square! Top fl oor 478 (12ʼ x 40ʼ) SF offi ce Floor-to-ceiling windows with beautiful Fraser River North Arm & sunset views! Approx. $400 strata fee includes Hydro (AC & lighting, etc). Unit was rented out @ 4+% net ROI. Now vacant & freshly painted; shows like new & immediate occupancy possible. At Canada Line skytrain Aberdeen Station & abutting Aberdeen Centre. Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mixes retail w/offi ce units) allowing many usages. ABERDEEN SQUARE 478 SF OFFICE IN RICHMOND $438,000 160-2288 NO. 5 ROAD North Richmond prime location of Bridgeport. Total 2,505 SF IL-Zoned warehouse / office / showroom (1,666 SF main + 839 SF up). Down warehouse has 18' clear ceiling with 10' x 12' rear loading door at grade. Two 2-pc washroom, 3-parking + loading bay Vacant possession BRIDGEPORT 2,505 SF WAREHOUSE $1,498,000NEW LISTING #36-12871 JACK BELL DRIVE Tastefully renovated ($90k+/- spent) corner 2-level, 1,463 sq.ft. townhome w/huge private SW-yard. Vaulted up-to-18ʼ ceilings in living, dining, kitchen, & foyer areas. Roomy modern white Euro kitchen, with stainless steel appliances, opens to spacious family room & large sunny backyard. 3 Bedrooms up. 2.5 Baths. Gas fireplace with custom millwork bookcases. Bright & spacious. Master has walk-in closet & shower for two (2 shower-heads + rain-head + built-in seat). Granite kitchen- & bathroomcounter tops. Side-by-side, 2-car garage. Gated complex has outdoor pool & hot tub plus club house with gym & ping pong table. Shows like new with designer colours plus lots of built-ins & storage. Pets & rentals friendly CALIFORNIA POINTE'S CAPISTRANO BY POLYGON $1,068,000NEW LISTING SOLD #70-12500 MCNEELY DRIVE Prestigious "FRANCISCO VILLAGE" in California Pointe by Polygon. Bright corner unit. 1,463sf beautiful 2-level townhome. 3-bdrm 2½ bath + fam rm. Two 85 sf patios in huge sunny garden Gas fireplace with wood mantle. Vaulted-up-to 17 ce ling in living, dining, kitchen & foyer areas. S/S kitchen appliances (Fridge & DWasher 5-yr, Range w/air-fry-oven 2-yr Tastefully renovated w/ modern designer warm colors. Huge window seat in lovely living room & master bdrm for you &/or your cat to relax! Master has walk-in closet. Side-by-side 2-car garage w/ lots of storage area. Complex has outdoor pool, hot tub + club house w/ gym. Shows like new Pets & Rentals friendly "FRANCISCO VILLAGE" IN CALIFORNIA POINTE $1,068,000NEW LISTING RENT-TO-OWN 10% Deposit**

11371 Seacrest Road


RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A21 RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: Each office independently owned and operated. #1106-7788 Ackroyd Road Quintet Tower D 11-storey concrete apartment building centrally located at the heart of Richmond. Professionally managed by Dorset. 2 bed 2 bath functional corner unit comes with geothermal airconditioning, balcony and 1 parking. Amenities include in-door swimming pool, cardio gym, meeting rooms, and 20,000 sqft roof top garden. Close to public transit, campus, community centre, restaurants and much more. Perfect for live-in or rental. Zack Zhang 778-881-9926 $849,000 #434-5700 Andrews Road MOVE-IN-READY TOP-FLOOR UNIT IN RIVERS REACH 2 bedroom, 1 bath, with west exposure, in-suite storage, hardwood floors throughout including the bedrooms and vaulted ceilings in the living room Super clean and gently lived in, this unit has a kitchen with stainless steel appliances, laminate counters and opens onto the dining/living area. Spacious storage area off kitchen with updated washer/ dryer Living room with cozy gas fireplace, has charming window seat and access to the balcony Updated blinds. Excellent school catchment with Homma Elementary and McMath Secondary Pet friendly building. Beautiful grounds with the lagoon system and boardwalk into the Village. 1 parking spot. Live the Steveston lifestyle in this BRIGHT unit with a functional layout and lots of updates. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $649,800 #309-4111 Bayview Street LIVE IN THE HEART OF STEVESTON VILLAGE in this west facing 2 bedroom plus den unit with views to the Village and Fraser River at the sought after Brunswick. Enjoy 2 huge outdoor balconies perfect for outdoor enjoyment, dining, gardening and catching those famous Steveston sunsets! Large kitchen with huge centre island, ample cabinetry and counter space. Kitchen opens onto the living/ dining "great room" with huge picture windows and electric fireplace. Amazing floor plan with separated bedrooms, both with ensuites. Huge in-suite storage, cozy den, high ceilings. Well-managed, pet-friendly building located right beside the Starbucks and across from the Prickly Pear Garden Centre. Building amenities incl guest suite, caretaker party room, library and gym. 2 parking, a great unit! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $1,199,800 #114-7251
Boulevard Spacious 2 bedroom + den/ 2 Bath corner unit at THE RENAISSANCE, central Richmondʼs premier ADULT ORIENTED (19+), rainscreened & re-piped building! Perfect for a downsizer or empty nester looking for a QUIET YET CENTRAL location, complex has resort vibe with all suites facing an open air courtyard with fountain & mature landscaping to enjoy Many updates incl hard surface flooring throughout, RENO D KITCHEN in 2019 includes quartz counters, SS appliances & lighting. Baths also completely reno d except for tub & shower Second bdrm includes large storage area & negotiable boxed style Murphy bed. Gas f/p in the living dining/area. Private west facing balcony Short walk to shops, skytrain & Seniors Centre. 1 locker & 1 parking (owner rents 2nd spot) A must see! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $699,800 5182 57A Street, Delta SUPERB VALUE in Ladner 2600 sq ft meticulously maintained nice family home on a rectangular 7,700 sq ft lot with EAST backyard & a park-like garden overlooking open green space. House is solid & owner occupied w/ many updates incl: roof, windows, blinds, lightings, carpets, paint & hot water tank 2017. Upstairs has 3 spacious bedrooms, full bath, kitchen w/ eating area, living, dining & COZY enclosed sundeck for family room. Potential in-law suite downstairs with full bath, workshop & a fantastic SOLARIUM. Laundry can be shared by both floors. Situated on a qu et street in nice family or ented ne ghborhood. 2 mins to shopping, SaveOnFoods, FreshCo, 10 mins to Richmond. Don't miss this gem! A great investment opportunity Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 $1,419,900 #201-3411 Springfield Drive Spacious and bright 2 bed 1.5 bath condo in recently updated Bayside Court, Steveston. Enjoy a generous living room with newer laminate flooring leading out to your large, west-facing, enclosed balcony The kitchen has been updated with new white, soft-closing cabinets, new stone countertops, and SS appliances. Complex recently rain-screened with all exterior walls, windows, sliding doors, balconies, roofs, and enter phone replaced. 1 parking spot and 1 locker Convenient access to Steveston Village, parks, splash parks, schools, walking trails, dyke, cafes, restaurants and community centre. Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $549,000 #2-4388 Bayview Street Rarely available spacious 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhouse with lower level and upper level flex rooms for extra living space in the heart of Steveston at PHOENIX POND. Just steps to the Waterfront Pier! This recently renovated unit features: new vinyl flooring, new carpet, new paint, a large updated kitchen and countertops, open living area and French doors leading out to your 200 sqft south facing patio. All this and a short stroll to the village with quaint shops, gourmet restaurants and Farmers Market, cafes, schools, playground and community centre. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $1,099,000
Solid and well maintained upstairs-living style home located in the Ironwood neighbourhood. Set in a redeveloping area, on a HUGE NORTH/SOUTH LOT, this home offers 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths UP and 2 bedrooms with 1 full bath and a separate entrance and kitchen DOWN Both kitchens feature gas cooking. Potential for a bigger rebuild in the future, a fantastic property to live in and develop later H/W tank 2020, roof 2015, new shed 2015, repiped 2008, furnace 2008, brand new back fence. Tons of driveway parking, easy access to Hwy 99 & 91, Ironwood Mall, transit and schools. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $1,599,900 #304-6077 London Road STEVESTON LIVING at its best in this PENTHOUSE, north-facing 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom 2 level home! Located in London Station II in highly sought-after London Landing. This beautiful home boasts STUNNING VIEWS from its MASSIVE 431 SQF ROOFTOP PATIO. Breathtaking sunsets provided from the sweeping Marina, Mountain and farm views. Enjoy climate comfort year-round with the building s Geothermal system. Other quality features include Bamboo flooring, gas fireplace and stove, and a gourmet kitchen with SS appliances. Steps away from Diplomat Bakery, Ember Kitchen, Sanctuary Café, daycares, schools and a short stroll into Steveston Village. Maint. fee includes City Water and Sewer 2 parking and 1 locker Pet and rental friendly Patti Martin 604-273-2828 / Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $849,000 #1201-6631 Minoru Boulevard Extra spacious east facing one bedroom unit in Regency Park Towers. Large windows for lots of light and good-sized balcony off living room. Unit is in original condition ready for your decorating ideas. Excellent location across from Richmond Center and steps to Canada Line. Short walk to Minoru Park, library and Minoru Centre for Active Living which includes pool, gym and Seniors Center 1 parking included. No pets. No rentals. Shared laundry Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $399,900
A22 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM DAVID LINDSAY Personal Real Estate Corporation 604.279.3865 Over 38 years of professional and courteous service Gold Master Medallion Club member 12238 Imperial Dr Steveston South 5 bedroom and games! $2,098,800 Lots of space here with this huge 3,364 sq ft home on a 6,000 sq ft lot in one of Richmond’s most highly sought after locations! Beautifully maintained and tastefully updated throughout including a gorgeous ‘Designer’s own’ kitchen with huge island, granite counters and stainless steel appliances with a gas stove! Features generous room sizes throughout, a large bright entry area, 4 full bathrooms (all updated) and a 2nd set of stairs up to the games room ‘Westwater’ subdivision is located just minutes to the Steveston boardwalk and the great restaurants and shops in the Village Great school catchment includes Homma elementary just around the corner and a 15 minute walk to McMath High (both French immersion) Great value here, call for your private viewing! JUSTSOLD! HELEN PETTIPIECE 604.341.7997 Seafair Realty SALES CENTRE SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY @ 12011 3RD AVENUE #2-9399 NO. 2 ROAD Introducing Crofton Town-homes, a boutique new community of 3 & 4 bedroom townhomes located in the North Steveston neigh-bourhood of West Richmond. The 11 brand new Townhomes are designed in a classic brownstone style with modern farmhouse aesthetics featuring a combination of brick, and wood trim accents. Sleek kitchens offer islands with quartz countertops and durable materials. Developed by Citimark, one of Richmondʼs most prolific townhome builders. Come visit our sales centre today! Offered at $1,398,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #119-8500 GENERAL CURRIE ROAD QUEEN'S GATE. 55+ Adult Oriented Luxurious living. A renovated first floor 2 bed 2 bath unit. The largest floorplan in the complex, features FULL SIZED living & dining rms, eat-in kitchen, 9 ft ceilings, big windows. A wrap around balcony accessible from living room, kitchen & master bdrm! Renovations include, new paint, bathroom countertops & sinks, and more! Amenities include swimming pool, exercise room, hot tub, & more. Short walk to shopping & bus connections. Immaculately managed & beautifully maintained complex with on-site caretaker manager, book your private showing today! Priced at $698,800 Fraser Roberts 604.779.5324 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #47-11391 7TH AVENUE WATERFRONT TOWN HOME in Mariners Village This 3 bedroom 2 & 1/2 baths is 1520 sqft and is fully renovated throughout. Great room concept on the main floor to maximize the stunning views includes hardwood floors, fire place gorgeous new kitchen w/ huge island, quartz counter tops in kitchen & baths. Stainless stee appliances gas stove. 3 bdrms master ensuite w/ shower New roofs in 2017, Sundeck front and back, fenced private yard, all new windows & doors Walking d stance to everything the Village has to offer, located on West Dyke minutes to Garry Point & Village shops & restaurants. Priced at $1,298,800 Fraser Roberts 604.779.5324 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #302-13040 NO. 2 ROAD HARBOUR WALK Brand new, move in ready home just steps away from the water Features private outdoor space overlooking the Fraser River and Steveston Marina. Plenty of amenities in the area including, restaurants, schools, parks, dyke trails and so much more. Enjoy your new home in the heart of Steveston. Come by our show suite open from 2pm-4pm on Sundays. Please note photos are of the show suite Offered at $848,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #302-23233 GILLEY ROAD Beautiful, owner occupied, like new 1 & den home at Hamilton Village This 2020 built unit lives large with high end features such as integrated high end appliances and high ceilings The large balcony features a gas bib for your bbq Heating included in your low strata fee Walk to elementary school and community centre! 1 parking and 1 storage locker included Flexible possession dates and a motivated seller! Book your showings! Offered at $549,900 Joe Preswick 604.315.5559 NEWLISTING SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #206-11771 KING ROAD Welcome to your bright beautiful spacious & airy top floor one bedroom unit at "Kingswood Downes". Located next to transit, near both levels of schools, parks & easy access to highways to Vancouver, Surrey, Delta, New West & the southern border This home has been cared for and maintained and boasts 771 sq.ft of livable space, tall vaulted ceilings with skylights, 1 large master bdrm, in-suite laundry & a tranquil treed exposure from the balcony Amenities in this complex include an indoor swimming pool, hot tub, & sauna. You are located within minutes of Ironwood mall & close to Richmond Centre & the Canada Line skytrain at Bridgeport station. Pets & Rentals ok! Offered at $399,000 Fraser Roberts 604.779.5324 NEWLISTING

Francis Road

Welcome to this quaint and cozy home on a 66x106.5 sf lot on the quiet end of Francis Rd. Make this cute and well maintained 1871sf house yours with a beautiful private fenced backyard 3 bedrooms, 1 5 baths, 2 fireplaces, Murphy bed in the family room, 4 year old h/w tank, with unique extra parking in the back or make it into a great play area for the kids. Also ideal for investment or holding property until ready to build your dream home Steps to Seafair Shopping Centre transit Boyd Secondary, gas station, restaurants

Smith Drive


Welcome to Bridgeview Court in Hamilton! This spacious 3 level townhome end unit with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, double SxS garage with loads of storage space and a quaint cozy fenced backyard is perfect for a growing family or if you are downsizing from a house Walk up to the living and dining, open kitchen with generous eating area and large family room surrounded by windows on the main floor Extensive utility room, a flex room with a built-in desk and a workbench in the garage provides options for storage and hobbies Two additional parking on the driveway Close to HamiltonCommunityCentre HamiltonElementary School, retail, bus transit Queensborough Landing, New Westminster Vancouver and Burnaby

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A23 Valerie Laurendeau Endless Opportunity 604.603.7333 ValerieLaurendeau ca ValerieL@remax net Independen ly Owned and Operated 110 6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 Bus: 604 273 2828 Fax: 604 279 8002Westcoast 3631
39 – 5380
NEWLISTING Open House: Sat October 8: 2-4pm. #313 - 12633 No. 2 Rd Nautica North, 1 BDRM with Lovely window seat to enjoy green space view Walks large with no wasted space NEWLY LISTED $518,000 5431 Wagtail Ave Classic split level. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 5,200 sq ft lot LISTED $1,599,000 #207 - 10160 Ryan Rd Overlooking South Arm Park green space LARGE, over 1,600 sqft, 4 bdrs 3 spacious storage, two parking 19+ adult building LISTED $669,000 #503 - 221 Eleventh St One bedroom on the quiet cool side, large parking and storage locker. Walkable to skytrain LISTED $499,000 5052 WalkerAve, Delta 1-6429 MarketAve, Delta 5-1048DelsomCres,Delta Listed by Sutton Group Seafair Realty JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD#114-4111 Francis Road ~ $589,000 WOW! Your gorgeous garden oasis in Richmond’s popularApple Greene is here! This fabulous ground floor home features an updated kitchen (with stainless appliances), bathrooms, lighting & vinyl plank flooring Extra large primary bedroom with walkthrucloset,ensuite&slidertoyourhugepatioformorningcoffee Youwilllovethesquarerooms,in suitestorage&a250sq.ft. patio overlooking your garden with the cutest pond. BONUS!! Francis Road parking and direct access to your home. It’s the best! No need for the interior hallways or the front door buzzer....Easy for your visitors, unloading your groceries. Resort style amenities;unbeatableSeafairlocation Walktoeverything SeafairMall,dining,coffee,theWestDykeTrailswithstunningviews of the North Shore Mountains MLS# R2725818 Garden Suite inApple Greene Park NEWLISTING


A24 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM sutton group seafair realty 550 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 PERFECT PENTHOUSE 316-5791 Granville Avenue Situated in ADULT ORIENTED (50+) Sharon Gardens. This bright top floor one bedroom is spotless and spacious at 764 sq ft Boasts in-suite washer & dryer plus storage on the balcony as well as in the laundry room. Complex has a gym and a lovely recreation room with pool table and large patio to barbeque on. Conveniently located near Thompson Community Centre, shopping & transit. ADULT ORIENTED $336,000 DOWNSIZE IN STYLE 16-11771 Kingfisher Drive Two-level townhome in sought after SOMMERSET MEWS adult complex (19+) in Westwind Spacious 1,500 sq ft with beautiful bright white kitchen, granite counters & stainless steel appliances. House sized Dining & Living rooms with cozy gas fireplace. Master Suite is generous with walk-in closet and 3 piece bath Lovely large patio for entertaining and there is a gleaming outdoor pool as well. SOMMERSET MEWS $968,000 STEVESTON TOWNHOME 26-11491 7th Avenue Make the move to MARINERS VILLAGE just steps from the West Dyke, Garry Point Park & Steveston Village Beautiful cabinetry and built-ins in the living room, vinyl windows, bright updated kitchen (with extra window) and bath with laundry up. East and west patios to enjoy the morning or afternoon sun plus easy care laminate floors throughout. Family friendly with grand greenspace & indoor pool. MARINERS VILLAGE $788,000 BIG, BOLD & BEAUTIFUL 11491 No. 2 Road Simply smashing renovation in this grand 3,400 sq ft home with unbelievable ʻFamily Fantasyʼ yard. Boasts basketball court, inground trampoline & amazing outdoor lounge & kitchen area. Great Room affords views to the farmland & Mt. Baker Lower level offers a 1 bedroom in-law suite that could expand to a 2 bedroom one easily Gourmet kitchen, gym, Master Suite with HUGE walk-in and more. WESTWIND $2,399,000
SUNSETS 61-11491 7th Avenue Stunning waterview townhome in popular STEVESTON VILLAGE with some nice updates. Perched on the West Dyke it boasts magnificent views of the channel, Gulf Islands & North Shore mountains. This home features vinyl windows, Master with ensuite plus 2 piece powder & a lovely maple kitchen with a thoughtful layout. Having the beds down affords amazing views from the living areas and large deck. VIEWS, VIEWS, VIEWS IDEAL INVESTMENT 607-6188 No. 3 Road Situated in the heart of Richmond with the Brighouse Skytrain Station at your doorstep and bus station around the corner Shopping and restaurants all within walking distance you donʼt need a car Clean contemporary 1 bed and den in Mandarin Residence. Beautiful central garden, gym & playground too. Across the street from Richmond Centre and rentals are allowed Ideal investment. CITY CENTRE $648,000 LET'S MAKE A DEAL 116-10780 No. 5 Road On this bright corner condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths & 2 side by side parking. Open plan with nicely separated bedrooms. Wide plank flooring, gas range, spa-like bathrooms and air conditioning Four year old complex offers quick access to Hwy 99 & shopping at Ironwood Mall. Great amenities gym, badminton & ping pong courts & party room Walls of windows plus pets & rental are OK. THE GARDENS $780,000 CLASSY COMPLEX 70-6888 Robson Drive Townhome in STANFORD PLACE that affords some lovely upgrades. Features 2 generous bedrooms up & 2 baths plus a tandem garage. Nine foot ceilings and open plan on the main with ample kitchen cupboards, stainless steel appliances and large deck for barbeques Facing north/south affords wonderful brightness & the complex boasts a movie theatre exercise room & beautiful pool. TERRA NOVA $998,000 $1,028,000 BOB SCHMITZ 30TH YEAR OF HELPING YOU WITH YOUR HOMEWORK 604.908.2045 SCHMITZ REALTOR® Find out what’s happening in your neighbourhood - call Bob 7520 Railway Avenue • Offered at $2,800,000 Nearly 12,000 sqft, huge rectangular lot located only a few minutes from Burnett Secondary and Mckay Elementary schools. This very bright and well kept 1750sqft split level home is perfect for the family, or to invest and hold for potential future development with the neighbouring properties. Or build that dream home you have always talked about. Owner occupied for many years and ready for your touch. Great opportunity in a great location. Call your Realtor for an appointment to yview y g y 6420 Buswell Street • Offered at $265,000 You read it correctly $265,000 FOR A TWO BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM APARTMENT IN the CITY CORE. Prepaid until 2073 leasehold building that recently had the exterior building envelope remediated. “RAINSCREENED” with NEW THERMO WINDOWS, Sliding doors, new balcony membranes & railings (Seller paid over $40,000). This HUGE 973 sqft home has a great layout to accommodate larger family and their furnishings, and a large useable balcony This is only minutes to the CANADA LINE & transit, restaraunts, Richmond Centre Mall, and all levels of great schools including Kwantlen PolyTechnic University and Richmond Secondary The maintenance fee INCLUDES property tax, caretaker services, storage locker water heat, hot water garbage pickup, secure parking, etc. So you only need to pay for electricity & cable Great for investors or getting away from being a renter in such a challenging rental market. Call your agent for a viewing appointment. Easily put your own touch on this with some flooring and paint. Great find!! Diana Dickey 604.618.7060 dianadickeycom HELPING YOU MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE 435 E. 47th Avenue, Vancouver $1,698,000 5 bed 2 bath 4026 sqft. LotSold! 6906 Fleming St. Vancouver $1,588,000 2 bed 1 bath 4,028 sq. ft. Corner Lot Reach out to Diana today to find out the value of your home Sold!

FURLONG, Vincent September 6, 2022

Vincent Furlong was born in Liverpool, England, to John and Anne Furlong on January 7, 1941.

Vince died in Victoria on Tuesday, September 6, at age 81. He is survived by his partner Brenda Barre, and her children Jill and Tyler, grandchildren Austen and Livia, along with his three sons Mark (Liz Vezina), Karl (Cassandra Mitchell), and Steven (Jolene Furlong), and his brother Francis. Vince was predeceased by his wife of 41 years, Patricia Furlong (Farmer).

Born to a working class household during the Second World War and at the height of the Liverpool Blitz, Vince knew what it was to struggle and grind. A stone mason by trade, Vince worked in England, New Zealand and throughout Canada.

A consummate dreamer and traveller. Vince was never one to let fear get between him and what he believed to be best for his family. After marrying in Liverpool, he and Pat packed up and headed to New Zealand for a better life. A few years and several epic voyages later, they ended up in Canada. This country may have been his final stop, but he never sat still. From Toronto to Edmonton to Vancouver to Victoria, Vince moved farther and farther west until there was no more west left.

A man bursting with charisma, charm, and a dash of mischief, Vince touched many people. Clever and funny, he was a teller of tall tales who spoke almost daily of life’s beauty and wonder. He was a man who put his back into everything he did and appreciated every small pleasure life offered up.

He is deeply missed, forever loved, and never forgotten.

In lieu of a funeral, a celebration of life will be held in Richmond, BC, in the spring of 2023.

WYNDLOW (nee Wright), Irene M.

January 6, 1934 August 19, 2022

Irene passed away peacefully with the comfort of family by her side. The youngest of eight children, Irene was raised in the pioneer George A. and Martha Wright farming family in Steveston, BC. She was an award winning member of Richmond 4 H, CGIT, and a church organist at South Arm United Pioneer Church. After graduating from Richmond HS, attending YTS (Youth Training School) at UBC, Pitman Business College in Vancouver, and travelling to Europe for a year, Irene married farmer Keith Wyndlow in 1959 and moved to Ladysmith, BC. They raised a family (Shannon (Rob) and Ian (Isabelle)), and Irene had a rewarding career as an office professional for 40+ years. Irene will be remembered for her dedication, compassion, sense of humour, love of family, photography, travel, the arts, wordplay, and her soups and baking. She will be missed dearly by family and friends, especially her cherished grandchildren, Keagan, Nicolas, Ella, and Benjamin.

A full obituary and Celebration of Life details can be viewed, and condolences left at

Please consider a donation in Irene’s memory to the Nanaimo Ladysmith Schools Foundation or the Alzheimer Society of BC.


RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 A25 ADVERTISING POLICIES All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised p ces Advert sers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher o th s newspaper and The Adve s ng Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Richmond News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or correct ons on charges mus be made w h n 30 days o he ad s exp rat on For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! P ZZ E
COMMUNITY announcements The Richmond Gogos S h r e d E v e n t On site Shredding $10 per box or bag Saturday, Oct 22 • 10:00AM 2:00PM South Arm United Church Parking Lot 11051 No 3 Road, Richmond WHAT TO SHRED • Old financial and personal documents • Tax Records & Receipts • Medical records & bills • Credit card receipts & pay stubs A l proceeds go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lew s Foundation For more information, contact Lauris at 778 434 5146 LEGAL Notice of Disposition of Abandoned Goods RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT By vrtue of the Resdental Tenancy Act and Residentia Tenancy Reguation and on behalf of WAI MOON CHAN, andord of 4634 Ktcher Pl, Rchmond, BC, V6X 3V3, we w l dispose of the folowng goods beonging to WAI NGAI WONG, former tenant of 4634 Ktcher P, Richmond, BC, V6X 3V3: Motor Vehcle: 1 BMW 2008 3 VIN: WBAVA33558K055214 Shoes that ncude the followng: 1 JS Superstar Wngs 2 Ar Jordan 11 Low (whte) 3 Ar Jordan 4 retro (whte/red) 4 Yeezy Boost 380 5 Ar Jordan 12 (black/whte) Other Items 1 Smart Baance Whee 2 Rce Cooker and Mcrowave 3 Printer 4 Appe Macbook 5 Cothes sutcase and other househod tems to recover $16,600 00 plus accruing storage and any/all other expenses related These goods w be made ava able for sale or dispostion at WAI MOON CHAN’s discreton after November 15, 2022 Goods are currently being stored n Vancouver, BC Ths notce s placed by Remedos & Company whose address for servce is 1010 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 2Y3 Attenton: Timothy Wan Ema : twan@remedosandcompany com U Haul Moving & Storage Richmond Clams a Landlords Contractual Len aganst the folowing persons goods in storage at 4511 Shel Rd, Richmond, BC Te: 604 270 8827 Auction s subject to cancelation at anytime 228 Rchard Joly 4711 57 Street, Deta, BC V4K3E6 453 Crag Gingras 505 7555 Alderbrdge Way, Rchmond, BC 256 James Douglas Young 1215 C 56 Street, Deta, BC A sae wl take pace online at www ibid4storage com starting at 10:00AM on Frday October 07 2022 unt 10:00AM Monday October 10 2022 Wnners w l be contacted by emai at the end of the auction Room contents are personal/househod goods unless noted otherwse Bds w l be for the entre contents of each locker unit MARKETPLACE Wanted COLLECTOR will purchase FIREARMS & AMMUNITION. Military & Civilian Modern & Antque Frearms Cal: 604 290 1911 Emai: jimmygunns@gmail com GOLD, S LVER & PLATINUM BUYERS purchasng al god & s ver bulion, ewelry, cons, nuggets dust scrap pre 1968 coins, bulk s ver, sterling +++ Numismatst pur chasing entre con colec tions & accumuatons, Royal Canadan Mnt cons, world colectons, od $$$ +++ 250 864 3521 MARKETPLACE Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community @Place ads online @ richmond news com 604 653 7851 Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps them near.

Kids and






1420102 Fortune Ave, Gander Crt, Dr, St. Brides Crt Pl, St. Johns Crt, Pl, St. Vincents Crt Pl, Williams Rd.

1420103 Cornerbrook Cres, Fortune Ave, Freshwater Dr, Williams Rd..............

1420108 Sable Ave, Sceptre Crs, Skagit Dr, Sorrel Dr

1420109 Springfield Crt, Dr, Springthorne Cres.

1420203 Geal Rd, Groat Ave , Williams Rd.

1420204 Pendelton Gate, Dr, Waller Crt, Dr, Williams Rd.

1420208 Desmond Ave, Rd, Diamond Rd, Earlmond Ave, Elkmond Rd, Lamond Ave, No 1 Rd, Williams Rd.


1420209 Barmond Ave, Desmond Rd, Diamond Rd, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Osmond Ave, Raymond Ave

1420210 Diamond Rd, Oakmond Rd, Raymond Ave, Rosamond Ave

1420212 No. 1 Rd, Pendlebury Rd, Peterson Dr, Pickering Dr, Waller Dr, Williams Rd.

1420215 Barmond Ave, Diamond Ave, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Oakmond Rd......

1430104 Hollymount Dr, Gate, Railway Ave, Steveston Hwy

1430111 Addison St, Defoe St, Goldensmith Dr, No 2 Rd, Swift, Williams Rd..............

1430113 Gilbert Rd, Williams Rd.

1430114 Goldsmith Dr, Steele Crt.

1430115 Hollycroft Dr, Gate, Hollywood Dr, Williams Rd.

1430116 Gilbert Rd, Steveston Hwy

1430412 Francis Rd, Maple Rd, Martyniuk Gate, Pl, No 2 Rd.

1440613 Algoma Dr, Arvida Dr,

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Getting to know your municipal election hopefuls

The Richmond News has been busy soliciting the profiles and some key information from all 30 may oral and city council candidates for the civic election being held on Saturday, Oct 15

We asked them why they are looking for your vote and why they are running for office We also asked them what they believe to be the three key issues in this year ’ s election

Finally, we posed our own 15 questions in a Yes/ No format, based on what we ’ re hearing are the hot button topics for our readers

We didn’t do a Yes/No survey for the Richmond Board of Education candidates, but next week we will publish their profiles telling what they believe are the key issues in education

Don’t forget to check out all the latest election news on our dedicated section at Richmond News com/ 2022 civic election

Name: Chak Au

Party: Richmond Community Coalition Association

Occupation: Family therapist

Why are you running for office: Families, businesses, and individuals are suffering from the pandemic’s negative impact, and I am running on a platform to make living more affordable for them

Council approved the highest property tax in crease in a decade (5 68%) during the pandemic and insisted on recruiting 16 additional RCMP of ficers regardless of the huge accumulated financial impact down the road. RCCA’s platform is action oriented and solution focused

Key issues in this election: Economic Recovery: Richmond lost 17,500 jobs during the pandemic

Many small businesses are still struggling to sur vive The City must reduce the red tape for starting new businesses and introduce measures, such as consumption vouchers and a “buy local” policy, to stimulate the local economy and keep jobs

Name: Adil Awan Party: Independent Occupation: Pilot/property manager

Why are you running for office: As we all know, Rich mond has grown significantly

A thriving hub for commerce, and rich with nature and beautiful views Rich mond has a lot to offer

But, now is the time for a new voice on council to help move Richmond towards a more viable and sustainable future

Key issues in this election:

As your councillor, I will advocate for measured growth, low property taxes, affordable housing, and increased green space

I also pledge to donate 50% of my net salary as councillor to a new foundation called “We Care for Richmond.”

This money will be donated on behalf of Rich mond residents, for grants to families and indi viduals who need it the most

ELECTION at RichmondNews com
WE WECLEANED CLEANED GARRY POINT GARRYPARK! POINT PARK! Andy Hobbs City Councillor CAL Travel International CPC Vancouver Fraser Heritage Club Everglade Development Henry Yao, MLA & Richmond South Centre Constituency Office HSBC Lauren Financial Corp Legear Pelling Insurance Agencies Ltd McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Rogers Communications Sutton Group Seafair Realty The Arts Conservatory THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS SUPPORTED BY THE CITY OF RICHMOND ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT GRANT THANK YOU TO EVENT SUPPORTER Thank you to everyone who helped the Richmond Chamber clean Steveston on October 1st. The finds included: water bottles, nylon marine nets, empty beer cans, broken glass, marine foam, plastic straws, plastic cutlery, plastic confetti, a single shoe, and much more. and thanks to Richmond community members


Party: Independent Occupation: Mayor

Why are you running for office: I’m running for re election as May or to help lead Richmond in continuing to grow responsibly, affordably and sus tainably for future generations as we maintain the safe, high quality of life and good management the City has now

Key issues in this election:

1 Affordability we need to work with partners on a full range of housing for families to sustainably complement our many environmental initiatives and programs Impor tant in order to ensure affordability, we want to extend our extensive recreational trails, cycle paths, childcare centres and facilities;

2 Finances we need to continue to keep Richmond’s property taxes low and our finances strong while expand ing grants and subsidies for those who cannot afford recre ation or other programs;

3 Community safety it’s vitally important that we con tinue to provide the resources and personnel to keep every resident and business safe We need to eliminate racial discrimination and hate through education and encourag ing victims to report incidents Everyone needs to feel safe in the City

Party: Independent

Occupation: Sports instruc tor

Why are you running for office: Richmond needs fresh air business development, more community safety, more multicultural education and more green space for residents.

Key issues in this election:

Community safety

Improve local business

More medical clinics

Party: RITE Richmond

Occupation: Retired McGill University senior administrator and adjunct professor

Why are you running for

office: I’m running because I’m fed up with the token efforts being made by our Mayor and the ma jority of our councillors to address the housing crisis and emergency preparedness for the environmental threats brought about by climate change

Key issues in this election:

Housing: We need to attract large developments of 100% purpose built rental housing to dramatically increase supply to meet demand and provide the economies of scale that keeps rents down We can also rezone single storey commercial properties to add only 100% rental on top of the ground floor commercial

Climate Action: We must accelerate protection from floods and earthquakes and plant many more shade trees to cope with heat emergencies

Public Safety: We need more mental health workers to accompany RCMP when required We can build segregated bicycle lanes to protect both cyclists and drivers

City of Richmond Notice

The City of Richmond (“City”) hereby gives notice that the City intends to amend the agreement under which it can provide assistance to the LULU ISLAND ENERGY COMPANY LTD. (“LIEC”), pursuant to Section 21 of the Community Charter.

The City and LIEC, a wholly-owned corporation of the City, entered into a Partnering Agreement (the “Partnering Agreement”) dated June 4, 2014, to allow LIEC to provide energy services (the “Service”) to certain neighbourhoods within the City, for or on behalf of the City for a thirty (30) year term. The City and LIEC will now enter into an amendment agreement, extending the term of the Partnering Agreement to September 22, 2052. City Council believes the Service is necessary and desirable for the economic and environmental benefit of the residents of the City The assistance to be provided may include grants, loans, guarantees, and the transfer of lands, improvements, and other assets below market value, staff resources, and the use of City assets, from time to time, as City Council deems prudent for the better operation of the Service.

Any inquiries concerning the proposed assistance may be addressed to:

Peter Russell

Director, Sustainability and District Energy 6911 No. 3 Road

V6Y 2C1

Richmond, B.C. 604-276-4130

ELECTION at RichmondNews com
You’re invited to a FDJ Custom Fit Clinic • Savings on select FDJ • Enter to win a gift card • Fit experts on hand to assist you • Sizes 2 -18, Regular and Petites Sat. Oct 8th 10am to 5pm Stay Connected 5028 48th Ave, Ladner Village Shop Online 24/7Mon Thurs 10 5 Fri 10 - 6 Sat 10 5 Sun 11 - 5 Store Hours
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Occupation: City councillor/ business owner

Why are you running for office: I love being a City Council lor I am able to help so many peo ple with issues that are important to them. I feel there is work to be done and I need to serve another term to make sure we solve the key issues facing Richmond

Key issues in this election:

1 The housing crisis: We cannot allow any more op portunities to go under utilized and I will continue to work for the maximum benefit to Richmond citizens on each and every redevelopment application, as we do not need more luxury townhouses; we need affordable smaller options for owning and renting

2 Safety and policing: We need to hire more men tal health workers to accompany police when they’re on mental health calls. Far too many calls are mental health related and police are not trained to deal with these calls

3 We need a code of conduct that is more up to date with the changes in B.C. The managers of cities cannot develop properties in the city he/she works in and we need the same rule for members of council

Name: Jerome Dickey Party: RITE Richmond

Occupation: Mediator/busi ness consultant

Why are you running for office: As a forward thinking com munity advocate, I’m committed to a new kind of leadership at city hall a leadership that includes listening to and engaging with Richmond residents to fully under stand their concerns and issues

As a qualified mediator, I have experience in dealing with conflicting perspectives to reach agreement and, as a Richmond resident of 25 years, I have been an active volunteer with the city’s emergency programs, where I led a team involved in assisting families facing personal disasters

Key issues in this election:

Economic recovery: Richmond lost 17,500 jobs during the pandemic

Many small businesses are still struggling to sur vive

As such, the city must reduce the red tape for start ing new businesses and introduce measures, such as consumption vouchers and a “buy local” policy, to stimulate the local economy and keep jobs

Name: Evan Dunfee

Party: Independent Occupation: Olympian (50km race walk) and KidSport ambas sador

Why are you running for office: My childhood dream was to win an Olympic medal

Walking tens of thousands of kilo metres around Richmond, chasing that dream for 21 years, has allowed me to see our city through a unique lens

That, along with the skills I’ve developed like dedication, goal setting, and teamwork make the council table a place where I believe I could best continue to try and make this community I love so much stronger I have a pragmatic, progres sive vision for a Richmond that is on track for everyone

Key issues in this election:

Adaptability and active transportation: I’m presenting a positive vision for a Richmond with the housing we need in every neighbourhood; that is resilient in the face of a changing climate; where people can safely and easily access their daily needs; and where everyone feels welcome, included and at home

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Occupation: Property manager

Why are you running for office:

My desire is to contribute to a resurgent Rich mond in the coming years I want to add my experience to City Council in order to have a cohesive, unified working Council

Key issues in this election:

Public safety: Public Safety has been a main focus of mine since I first got elected in 1996 The RCMP has provided Rich mond with a professional police force for decades They need our support as a Council to achieve the high standard of po licing a dynamic City like Richmond needs and expects The population is over 200,000 and its importance geographi cally, with an international airport and a vibrant business sec tor, requires vibrant police oversight

Seniors living: Our Community is home to a vibrant seniors population Aging in place has been a goal of our City for de cades We want to continue to provide programs and services that meet the needs of our local seniors As boomers age, the demand for an emphasis to meet the needs of an aging population will intensify

Housing: Richmond’s ideal location has prompted much at tention from the development community Pricing of housing has been a critical factor for many Our goal is to have a variety of housing choices that can meet the housing needs of Richmond residents and future residents

Why are you running for office: I have taken a lead role ad vocating for many issues Richmond has faced, such as being spokes person for Richmond FarmWatch and combating mega mansions on farmland I have volunteered for and chaired city advisory committees I often hear from Richmond residents and businesses who have concerns and I do my best to advise them, knowing how city hall works and the effects the city’s decisions have on all of us

Key issues in this election:

1. Housing: Large-scale rental housing through rental tenure zoning, rental above single storey commer cial and densifying community hubs, as well as acquiring land to build affordable housing and co-ops.

2 Climate change and climate resilience through incentives for improved building standards to reduce GHG’s, retaining and increasing the tree canopy to keep us cool and support biodiversity

3. Bringing people and communities together with better dialogue; this means improving civic engagement with residents and more collaboration on council.

Name: Bill Han Party: Independent Occupation: Home financing advisor

Why are you running for office:

I want to bring in a different per spective to our Council, one that is full of energy, vitality and inclusivity Just like it’s our civil duty to vote in an election, running for office is one way to exercise our rights that are given to us.

Key issues in this election:

1. Encourage affordable housing and increase supply of affordable rental units

2. Ensuring public safety

3. Supporting local small businesses


Name: Kash Heed Party: Richmond Rise

Occupation: Public safety consultant, former MLA, Solicitor General, chief of police, adjunct professor

Why are you running for office: I am a firm believer that politics has reached a point of “divisive inertia” and is not developing progressive public policy that serves the constituents of their electoral area. Politics should not be considered a career and people that are interested in public ser vice should do so after they have proven themselves in other areas. This is one of the reasons why I am advocating for term limits at all levels of our political sphere as part of the “good government” issue.

Key issues in this election:

Public safety: Enable authorities to ensure a safer environment for our fellow Richmondites.

Housing and senior living: Ensure a wider variety of home options by promoting a collaboration between all levels of governments. Offer better housing strategies and services to Richmond’s senior citizens.

Good government: Ensure access and delivery of municipal services are effective, equitable, and transparent.

Name: Andy Hobbs Party: Richmond United

Occupation: Vancouver police officer, superintendent, retired

Why are you running for office: There must be opportuni ties for young people to live here, for seniors to thrive here and for new residents to be welcomed here I’ve volunteered continuously in our community since Grade 5 and council is another form of community service On council, there is the opportunity to influence large policy priorities such as the Official Community Plan or building a new community centre At a more personal level, every day, you are able to assist individuals with very specific challenges, which is all part of providing service to others and that is what Council is all about

Key issues in this election:

1 Housing: Large scale rental housing through rental tenure zoning, rental above single storey commercial and densifying community hubs, as well as acquiring land to build affordable housing and co ops

2 Climate change and climate resilience through incentives for improved building standards to reduce GHGs, retaining and increasing the tree canopy

3 Bringing people and communities together with bet ter dialogue; this means improving civic engagement with residents and more collaboration on council

Name: Mark Lee Party: Richmond Citizens’ Association (RCA)

Occupation: Translator and interpreter

Why are you running for office: Richmond needs a local government that truly engages the public and responds to the needs of the entire community We need more culturally com petent “ young ” people in government, and it’s well past time for fresh faces on Council The quote may be cliché, but I am running to be the change I wish to see as a resident committed to listening and will ing to work to build the Richmond we all deserve

Key issues in this election:

Housing: We need to expedite building non market rentals, fight for more co ops, and update the OCP to streamline developments that meet our needs

Environment: We need to invest in active transpor tation, push for improved public transit, and encour age EV uptake We need to drop fossil fuel use in public buildings and incentivize strata properties to take up renewables

Community Safety: We need to invest in mental health services, youth programs including sports, and other community infrastructure that promotes be longing and leads to healthier, safer communities

Authorized by financial agents: Alexa Loo fin.agent@alexaloo com and Bill McNulty billmcnulty2022@gmail com RE-ELECT ALEXA
M e c s o c t c t t t v


Party: One Richmond

Occupation: City councillor and mother of 2 boys.

Why are you running for office: I love Richmond and I love being a City Councillor for Rich mond. We have a great city and a wonderful community and I would like to continue making life better so that everyone can reach their potential

Key issues in this election:

Our top issues are interconnected: Housing affordabil ity, health and safety and environment.

Housing affordability is our biggest issue and best tackled holistically by updating our Official Community Plan (OCP): planning for growth with more housing types, continuing to require developers to build afford able housing in new projects, designing complete en ergy efficient neighbourhoods that are safer, friendlier, walkable, and sustainable Keeping good jobs here in Richmond by improving transportation and speeding up dike improvements to protect people, homes, busi nesses and our heritage will help families afford to stay

Reducing congestion by improving bike lanes and providing secure bike parking while embracing new modes, like e bikes and e scooters, will get us where we are going safely and sustainably

Name: Bill McNulty

Party: One Richmond

Occupation: City councillor

Why are you running for office: Richmond is a vibrant, diverse city and I am committed to working for you to keep it safe, prosperous, affordable, and sustain able

Key issues in this election:

Housing: Diverse housing options must be made available and accessible across the housing continuum with rental housing being paramount We need to re spond to an aging population, changing family and household characteristics and a range of household incomes

Community safety: We must maintain city infrastruc ture now and in the future with long term flood protec tion strategies to keep Richmond safe Dykes and pump stations need continual upgrading Commitment to in vest in first responders will improve response time and reduce crime Mental health challenges, hate crimes and racism must be addressed along with pedestrian and cycling safety traffic enforcement

Taxes: Maintaining a solid financial position enables Richmond to provide excellent services while improv ing the infrastructure within the city

Name: Rahim Othman

Party: RCCA Richmond Commu nity Coalition

Occupation: Engineer and program manager

Why are you running for office: Richmondites and local businesses are suffering from the pandemic’s negative impact, and I am running on a platform to enhance the quality of living for them For example, Council approved the highest property tax increase in decades of about 5 7 per cent during the pandemic I am running to represent and advocate for them in the City Council by working with stakeholders at all levels

Key issues in this election:

Lower tax burdens: propose budget reset every new term to scrutinize city funds more efficiently/transpar ently without resorting to automatic tax hikes

Housing crisis: Find innovative measures to increase all types of housing supply, including “rent to own ” incentives and social housing

Economic recovery: Richmond lost 17,500 jobs during the pandemic Many small businesses are still struggling to survive The City must reduce the red tape for starting new businesses and introduce mea sures to stimulate the local economy and keep jobs

4388 Garry Street 604-338-5280 Live your oved , Nea r R L Education and Frank Academy are collaborating to host the first annual Canadian Children’s Cultural Festival This is a free event and all proceeds are donated to BC Children’s Hospital The main purpose of this event is to bring together different communities, customs and culture to create awareness and bring opportunities to children Come join us for free shows, food, raffles and prizes! R L EDUCATION (FRANK ACADEMY) SUNDAY, OCT 16 2022 Richmond Olympic Oval, 10AM TILL 5PM https://www frankacademy ca/ Richmond Olympic Oval 6111 River Rd, Richmond, BC, V7C 0A2


1) The city currently requires 15 per cent affordable rentals in new developments in City Centre and 10 per cent in the rest of the city Is that enough?

2) Do you think allowing developers to build more market housing will increase the supply of affordable housing?

3) Should city-owned land be provided to build not-for-profit housing?

4) Should city council impose reduced house size limits in residential neighbourhoods?

5) Do you think city hall should reduce red tape to allow developers to build housing faster?

6) Do you think the municipal government should implement programs to fight climate change, even if it means raising taxes?

7) Do you support tougher environmental protection bylaws?

8) The City of Richmond employs 306 police officers (including 30 at YVR) with a total RCMP budget of $64 million. Is this sufficient to keep residents safe?

9) Richmond City Council approved a Cultural Harmony Plan three years ago. Do you think the city is doing enough to combat racism and discrimination?

10) An average residential property in Richmond is paying $3,241 in property taxes and for utilities in 2022 Is this an appropriate amount for the services the city provides?

11) Would you increase the city’s budget to add to Richmond’s sports and recreation facilities?

12) Do you think Richmond City Council is sufficiently open and transparent in how they make decisions?

13) Do you think the city is investing enough in cycling infrastructure?

14) Should council give more financial incentives for older homes ans stratas to also install EV chargers?

15) Should the city be pushing for more live-in artist studios?

B10 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM = Yes = No = No response
Malcolm Brodie
Mayoral and city council hopefuls were asked by the News for a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to questions
affect our everyday lives

One of the biggest challenges for voters in a civic election, especially one with a record number of council candidates, is de termining just where candidates stand on various local issues. To that end, the Richmond News asked all council and mayoral candidates to answer “yes” or “no” to 15 questions we posed regarding everything from housing, to development, to the arts.

For all the latest news and headlines around

municipal election


Richmond councillor ‘building bridges’ at Chinese cultural event

More election campaign signs stolen in Richmond

RCA and RITE Richmond once again join forces

Richmond city council candidate hits out at sign thief

One Richmond mayoralty candidate lives in Burnaby

Five early opportunities for Richmond voters to cast ballots

Richmond trustee candidate upset to be listed as being against diversity

Incumbent Richmond politicians renege on twoterm limits

Richmond councillor shelves twoterm pledge

Page Melissa Zhang
go to Championingprogressivesolutions thatbuildonourhistory. Authorized by financial agents: Alexa Loo fin.agent@alexaloo com, Bill McNulty l p g



Name: Dennis Page

Party: Independent

Occupation: Digital marketing and management

Why are you running for office: I believe in democracy I believe that our politicians should be proactive and vigilant. When issues arise, our elected officials should be leading the charge on proactive solutions not ignoring the problems, not denying the issues, and certainly not disappearing from public life when good leadership is needed.

I’ve studied Canadian History and B.C. politics, digital marketing at BCIT, and covered local Rich mond issues as a journalist. I put myself out there as a candidate because it is now a matter of survival if I don’t fight for the Richmond I want, and the services, jobs, culture and all that goes with it others, with their own motives, will seek power in my stead.

Key issues in this election:

Top priorities are bringing back mixed-income com munities to Richmond to help boost housing affordability Effective bylaws and strong enforcement, and reviewing policies and practices for exploits and loopholes and shut them down. Finally, boost social harmony and economic activity

Occupation: Executive assistant to the Minister of Education and Child Care

Why are you running for office: I grew up in Richmond and it’s where I want to raise my family But the cost of housing is making it harder for families, senior renters, and new professionals to live here Tweaking around the edges isn’t working but there is hope for creat ing more affordable housing

Key issues in this election:

Expanding below market and non market housing op tions for residents in every neighbourhood We can do this through zoning for multi family housing, working with developers to create more below market rentals with a registry for these units, and providing city land for non market housing for needs such as seniors’ and accessible housing

Addressing the climate crisis through greener public infrastructure, incentives for residents, and an emergen cy response plan to help vulnerable residents during extreme weather events

Planning neighbourhoods to be family centric hubs with different transportation options and access to local businesses and culture

Name: Jasmine Piao

Party: Independent

Occupation: Community sup port worker and tutor

Why are you running

for office: Richmond urgently needs accountable and responsive representation After speaking to Council about voting accessibility and a closed door meeting decision, I learned that governments run unchecked unless informed citizens get involved

Key issues in this election:

Tax dollar accountability: Review budgets for Af fordable Housing Program and Reserve Funds Pro pose affordable housing models adapted from Sin gapore and Whistler Debrief lessons learned from Minoru Pool delayed opening

Voice for the people: Stop closed door meetings for public policy

Review Richmond Fire Rescue budget to address in creased response to medical emergency calls Advocate for consultation and local programs to protect and support small businesses

Moral family values: Preserve family values in poli cy decisions Parents decide how to raise their fami lies, not government and institutions

forabetterRichmond Authorized by financial agents: Alexa Loo fin.agent@alexaloo com, Bill McNulty w


I have lost my first upper right molar, still have my last molar on the same side. Is it possible to make me a small partial just for this side?

A: Yes, these are called unilateral partials However there are circumstances that must be observed before your practitioner can commit to fabricating your prosthetic.

The remaining teeth adjacent on each side of the missing tooth/teeth must be caries (cavity) free and have no present movement. The prosthetic like all prosthetics should be checked on an annual basis for fit and function. Proper fit is of utmost importance To prevent accidental swallowing, you must not sleep with the prosthetic Following your dental practitioners’ advice is paramount. When created properly patient’s absolutely love this type of partial. They can be made to feel similar to a bridge to your tongue. Be prepared to possibly have a clasp showing in favor of safety but clasps in most cases can be hidden. If you have any questions regarding this or any other implant or dental related subject please do not hesitate to call or rake an appointment for a free consultations

Alex Hupka Reg’d Denturist Reg’d Dental Technician

Alex Hupka Denturist

#240 3671



What are the ways chiropractic can improve your life?

Creates Wellness

Sleep Quality

Dr. Dana Koren


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other health

Alleviates Pain

Chiropractic care has advantages spanning far beyond relief from muscle and joint pain.

For optimal health and quality of life, a chiropractor should be a part of every person’s healthcare team. If you haven’t already had a chiropractic check up call us today

Dr. Bonnie

#230 7340

Hwy Richmond, B.C. contact@chirofamily ca


With the passing of Queen Elizabeth, do you think the coins, stamps, and banknotes with her picture on will increase in price?


Since Queen Elizabeth reigned for 80 years, there has been a large amount of these items issued during that time. I know that the demand for these items has increased dramatically in the past month, but not so much in prices.

Queen Elizabeth II banknotes have been going up in value for many years. People have been coming in for years buying all different countries with the Queen’s portrait. We have most countries which issued notes with the Queen’s portrait still on stock.

Stamps with the Queen have been selling well this month but not popular over the last few years. We have many stamps with her portrait from the 1953 Coronation, 1972 25th Wedding anniversary, 1977 Silver Jubilee and 2012 Diamond Jubilee in stock. Also, special envelopes for these above events, with most priced starting at less than one dollar We also have many coin issues for the events, Canadian as well as Great Britain and many other counties.

Western Coin & Stamp

How should I stop smoking?


cigarette by

minutes. Try using exercise

B14 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM Q: A: With water claims on the rise, the following are some useful tips on how to prevent water claims from occurring: • Make sure your downspouts are always connected correctly so water drains well away from your home • Leaves and other debris can collect in your eaves troughs. Regular maintenance & clearing out eaves is important all year round but especially in the fall and winter months. Keep sewer drains clear as well. • Upgrade old hoses on your appliances to new steel braided hoses • Look to install water mitigation device(s) in your home to help detect water leaks before they cause significant damage. Some sensors include the option of an automatic shutoff of the water supply Sump pumps are also good option to draw water away from inside your home. • Make sure you buy an insurance policy which provides coverage against sewer backup, overland water and service line coverage. Remember, most insurance companies can offer a discount for installing water mitigation devices so be sure to ask your broker Central Agencies Ltd. is open 7 days a week to provide support, advice and coverage for those things that matter the most to you! How can you protect your home from water damage and potential claims? PEOPLE YOU TRUST | CHOICE YOU DESERVE HOME | BUSINESS | AUTO | MARINE | TRAVEL Suzanne Lima, CAIB, CIP Branch Manager Garden City 604-276-0234 170 9040 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6Y 1K3
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a medication used to help quit smoking NRT contains nicotine but does not have the other harmful chemicals found in tobacco, which will help ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings. There are many types of NRT including chewing gum, lozenges, nicotine patch, inhaler, and mouth sprays. NRT are over-the-counter products that do not require a prescription. Talk to your pharmacist for more information Some tips for helping quit smoking include developing an action plan about what you need to do and how you will approach it. For example, you can pick a quit date, list the important benefits of quitting to remind yourself the reasons for quitting, list situations that may trigger you to smoke, list activities that can help you resist the urge to smoke. Avoid smoking triggers for example, if smoking is associated with coffee, try drinking tea or water instead. If you smoke in a social environment, try to meet up with friends only when you feel more comfortable and in control. Don’t carry matches, a lighter or cigarettes. Each time you crave a cigarette, try to
lighting the
to reduce stress instead of reaching for a cigarette. Lastly, use your support network of family and friends to keep you accountable on your quit smoking journey! Q: A: Erin MacPherson Managing Director 604-332-4904 Richmond Funeral Home 8420 Cambie Road Richmond, BC V6X 1K1 Fax: 604 273 1697 EMacPherson@arbormemorial com www richmond funeral ca Discover the Power of Planning Q: • Save money with today’s prices and today’s dollars • Spare your loved one from uncertainty and stress • Eliminate risk of emotional overspending • Ample time to discuss openly with family • Memorialization choices to suit your own tastes, culture, beliefs and budget • If you are travelers, you will want to look at the Journey Home travel insurance • Discover peace of mind Call us today at 604-273-3748 and speak with one of our dedicated professionals! A We plan for our Will and Power of Attorney. But have you planned your cremation or burial arrangements? Do you know what the benefits are to planning ahead? Q: A:
Jim Richardson Western Coin & Stamp 604-278-3235 6960 No 3 Rd, Richmond, B C Email: westerncns@telus net
2. Improves
3. Reduces dependency on medications 4. Less time off work 5. Reduces Stress 6. Boosts Productivity 7. Prevents
conditions 8.



Party: Independent

Occupation: Accountant, system information management, paralegal and legal assistant

Why are you running for office: I want to help, grow and be part of the community with my resources and connections.

Key issues in this election:

Affordable housing, elimination of homelessness, community safety and supporting Hamilton police station.

Name: Sheldon Starrett

Party: Richmond Community Coalition RCCA

Occupation: Wine professional

Why are you running for office: I am running on a platform that is action oriented and solutions focused to address the complex issues facing our Richmond commu nity Uncertainty and anxiety surrounding affordability is a matter concerning many residents and businesses in Richmond RCCA has solutions to create affordable housing and support a thriving economy that empow ers residents to live and work locally It’s imperative to elect people who are committed to protect Richmond’s agricultural land for farming and food security

Key issues in this election:

Lower tax burdens: budget reset every term to scruti nize and allocate city funds more efficiently and trans parently without resorting to tax hikes

Housing: find innovative measures to increase all types of housing supply, including a ‘Rent to Own’ ini tiative, and social housing

Economic recovery: Richmond lost over 17,500 jobs during COVID 19, and many small businesses are still struggling today The city must cut red tape to help start new businesses, and introduce a consumption voucher to stimulate the local economy

Name: Jack Trovato

Party: Richmond Citizens’ As sociation (RCA)

Occupation: Retired educator

Why are you running for office: I care deeply for this community. The time for incre mental change is over regarding affordable housing; a bold environmental action plan and responsive leadership is needed I will challenge the status quo of our current policies for a greener, more livable, and sustainable Richmond

Key issues in this election:

Protecting and growing a variety of housing op tions: RCA will work with the provincial and federal governments to advocate for more affordable, non profit, and purpose built rental housing Clearly, when families are living from paycheque to paycheque, it becomes apparent that we need more non market, cooperative, and social housing units We will also provide options for rezoning medium density and multi family housing throughout Richmond

Implementing a comprehensive environmen tal plan: RCA will advocate developing a plan to bring more district geothermal power systems online throughout Richmond on city owned land, exploring options for solar power, increasing EVcharging sta tions and active transportation networks


Why are you running for office: To continue representing the people of Richmond, who expect better from their political representatives. I have run in over 10 elections with heavy involvement in city hall proceedings in between, delegating on issues from all city departments. As I complete my first term in office with the best attendance record by far, includ ing attending committees that I am not even ap pointed to, I have invested a great deal in learning how to be an effective voice of change on council. I will continue to advocate for public environmental enhancement grants to restore and rewild our island, as well as for cycling training for students and will continue to visit all development sites BEFORE council deliberations

Key issues in this election:

1. Housing affordability

2 Environment, including habitat restoration, reducing our city’s greenhouse gases, and adaptation to climate impacts

3. Building public trust to increase civic engagement

Name: Elsa Wong Party: Independent

Why are you running for office: I believe with my experience as a constituency assistant, I have had the honour to listen to the citizens of Rich mond, and get an understanding on their needs and concerns I believe that with my years of experience in business and community services, I will be able to use my strengths to help the munici pal government, creating strategic plans that are beneficial to Richmond

Key issues in this election:

Encourage affordable housing and increase sup ply of affordable rental units;

Ensuring public safety; Supporting local small businesses

Name: Fipe Wong

Party: Richmond Citizens’ As sociation (RCA)

Occupation: Union orga nizer

Why are you running for office: I am dedicated to being a voice for ordinary working people on Council and to work hard and advocate for all Richmond workers who struggle to cover basic expenses, like, mortgage, rent, food and other basic necessities. Our City’s diversity is our strength and we want to make sure that those who work here can continue to afford to live here instead of moving out of Richmond.

Key issues in this election:

Housing affordability is through the roof, we need all three levels of government to commit to building new non market, cooperative and social housing units and rentals.

We need to support our local businesses, civic infrastructure and improve community safety

Richmond should be a city where everyone can afford to live, work and raise a family and where neighbourhoods can thrive while doing our part to protect the environment.



Name: Eric Yung

Party: Richmond United Voters Association

Occupation: Staff scientist at BC Cancer Agency

Why are you running for office: Housing affordabil ity made families move away from Richmond, causing declining enrollment in our schools while I served as a school trustee I want everyone to find homes in Richmond to live, grow their families, and age in our community

Key issues in this election:

I believe that the three key issues to this election are:

Housing affordability providing a variety of purpose built housing options that support all ages and stages of life;

Community safety reducing crime and racism and improving inclusiveness; Sustainability ensuring our food security, and planning programs and infra structure to alleviate future climate change and reduce our environmental impact

Name: Melissa Zhang

Party: ichmond United Voters Association

Occupation: Financial advisor

Why are you running for office: I believe residents, community organizations and businesses need to be involved in decisions made by the City

I’m running for Council because I believe I can help bring concerns and feedback from the community to the table and work with others to find solutions. This is an opportunity for me to serve and give back to the community and I believe my experience serving in leadership roles in the different organizations prepared me well for this challenge.

Key issues in this election:

Community safety: Enhance Block Watch program to get more residents involvement;

Community inclusiveness: Unite Richmond against all discrimination, and support vulnerable groups;

Community development: Increase and diversify supply of affordable housing for different needs;

Enhance efficiency and transparency at city hall

Remember to make your mark

voting opportunities continue Thursday, Oct. 6 at city hall and n Polytechnic University, Friday, at city hall and on Saturday, Oct city hall as well as four Richmond chools: Burnett, Cambie, McMath McRoberts

voting on advance days as well as on general election day, Oct. 15, takes place from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Voters can cast their ballot at any polling station during advance voting, but, on Oct. 15, they have to cast their ballot at their designated polling station.

To see your polling station for election day, and enter your address.

The City of Richmond uses the provin-

cial voting list Anyone on that list should receive their voter card in the mail.

If you’re not on the voters list, you can register when you go to vote.

Non-resident property electors need to register every election. For more information, contact the city at or by phone at 604-276-4100.

wo city hall candidates, Sunny Ho and Chai Chung, not reply to the Richmond News’ requests for their and key election issues
Pr ces of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Spec al logo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program Simply present your membership card or sign up for a free membersh p n store or onl ne to take advantage of these exclusive offers M&M Food Market Express and other non traditiona stores offer a l mited range of products; therefore special pr cing and promotions are not va id at M&M Food Market Express or other non traditiona stores We reserve the right to correct any errors RICHMOND 7020 Francis Road 604 204 0707 Gilber Rd. No .3 Rd. F anci Rd. NORTH DELTA #1, 11161 84th Ave 604 592 2902 n Roya Delta Cen re 1 1 2 SNordelWay 2 0 SCommunCy en e 84 h Ave VANCOUVER 4639 Arbutus St. 604 263 2322 A b S w S W B dW 3 d A e ValeyDChevron DELIVERY AVAILABLEmmfoodmarket com ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 TO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED CHECK STORES FOR HOLIDAY HOURS 1999 We guarantee you l love t In fact if you re not complete y sa isfied simp y re urn he unused portion and the packag ng to the store and we l replace or give you b k 2 lb Entrées 907 g save $5up to Shrimp Ring 42 48 SHRIMP 454 g Cocktail Sauce included 1499 1999 1299 Supreme Scalloped Potatoes 907 g save $2 save $5 save $4 Cheesecake Variety Pack 12 SLICES 1 kg 1799 save $2

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