Richmond News November

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Ken Rae’s story of guarding the Queen at Buckingham Palace, a student choir singing at the cenotaph, a tale about an Indigenous soldier and the laying of a wreath for Const. Shaelyn Yang

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are all part of
Remembrance Day

As a kid growing up in Canada, I was well aware of Remembrance Day thanks to school events, but actually attending a ceremony was not a tradition for my family not, at least, until I became an air cadet Being an only child in an immigrant fam ily, my parents loved the idea of having me “learn a bit more self discipline” and what better way to instill that than to introduce their daughter to the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program

Although, it didn’t quite turn out as planned for them

Yes, I did learn self discipline as a mem ber of the 819 Delta Skyhawks Squadron I also learned how to work as a team with other youths, how to play the flute in a marching band, how to speak publicly, how to embody leadership. I even got to experience flying a plane

But what my parents hadn’t counted on

was how much fun I was going to have and how many friends I would make while doing all of the above In fact, at one point they wanted to pull me out of the program thinking I couldn’t really be learning disci pline if I was enjoying myself so much Guess who won that debate

But while cadets was a place to build friendships and learn skills, what sticks with me most from the whole experience is a deep appreciation of Remembrance Day

Every year, our squadron would par ticipate in the annual parades And every year it was cold, wet and windy

Standing in foul weather, holding a metal flute for four hours made my hands and fin gers feel like they were being stuck in a block of ice

“The wind is not cold, pretend it is blow ing through you, ” our drum major, who would lead the marching band, would al ways say

Trust me, it was harder to drill that in my head than anything else.

If one person forgot to bring their desig nated cadet blue jacket, no one else in the band could wear theirs And I only ever remember wearing mine once on Remem brance Day in the five years of my cadet career

However, no one in the band or in the squadron ever complained not once Why? Because we knew this was nothing compared to what those who sacrificed their lives for our country experienced Remembrance Day was not about our chilled bones or our stiff muscles, we knew it was about them Them, who suffered on the battlefield Them, who lost loved ones and friends Them, who suffered a lot more than wind and rain.

Even my parents, who initially came to the ceremony just to watch their daughter in the parade, were moved They saw something in this group of youth standing and marching alongside other veterans and military members and found themselves also staying for the entire cer emony.

It was also not lost on us that these pa rades honour more than those who fought and died, they also salute active members who are risking their lives today for the ci vilians of their countries

Since graduating from cadets, I don’t play the flute much and I’ve never tried to fly a plane again, but what I do do every year is honour Remembrance Day

The last couple of years have been unset tling, something was missing I understand why the event was held virtually, but it wasn’t the same

I look forward to once again hearing the bugler play The Last Post, the two minutes of silence and the bagpiper play The La ment The feeling of relief that follows is something I can’t explain

Was it from standing too long? Or maybe it was knowing I could be indoors and warm soon?

It is too much for me to assume it was the same relief the soldiers felt on Nov 11, 1918 at 11 a m

Frozen hands were a small price to pay JAIL THREAT PAUSED FOR DISGRACED HONG GUO MEMORY LANE: A PROPER DUMP Chinese espionage networks operating in B C , U S indict ment alleges Memory Lane: A proper dump of snow in Richmond Videos feature Richmond his tory at new museum website Richmond actress becomes the Little Mermaid for East Van Panto Santa photos coming back to Richmond mall With a new lawyer’s help, judge pauses threat to jail Hong Guo OPINION FORMORENEWS,SPORTS&COMMUNITYSTORIESSEARCHTHESEHEADLINESBYVISITINGRICHMOND-NEWS.COM Email news tips to The Richmond News is a member of the Glac er Media Group The News respects your privacy We collect, use and disclose your personalinforma ion in accordance wi h our Privacy S atement which is avai able a www richmond news com The Richmond News is a member of the Nationa Newsmedia Counci , which is an independent organiza ion established to dea with acceptable journalistic pract ces and ethical behav our If you have concerns about edi orial content p ease con act the ed tor at edi or@r chmond news com or ca l 604 249 3343 I you are no satisfied wi h the response and wish to fi e a forma complaint, visit the web s te at mediacounci ca or ca l o l free 1 844 877 1163 RICHMOND NEWS Published every Thursday by the Richmond News, a member of the Glacier Media Group. #170 2840 Olafsen Ave Richmond, V6X 2R3 604.270.8031 Advertising Sales: 604.249.3336 Delivery: 604.249.3132 Classified: 604.630.3300, 604.444.3056 or email EDITOR Eve Edmonds 604.249.3343 PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR (ACTING) Alvin Chow 604.249.3336 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kristene Murray 604.249.3353 Valerie Leung VLEUNG@RICHMOND NEWS COM Call us (604) 370-1300 9100 Blundell Rd #490, Richmond in the Garden City Shopping Centre One Free Naan Min order of 20$ only with this coupon Expires Nov 30th, 2022 GINGER INDIAN CUISINE TOP RATED INDIAN RESTAURANT IN RICHMOND, BC BEST DINE IN EXPERIENCE

Public input too late in process LETTERS

Dear Editor,

Re: “NIMBYism or legitimate concerns?” Opinion, Nov 3

Whether their concerns were legitimate or not, the Azure Road residents felt unheard by council lors for the simple reason that the process runs backwards from one that would allow them meaning ful input. Public consultation is the very last step in the process when it should be the first

Even councillors are consulted very late in the process when de cisions on the size and location of buildings have been made and detailed drawings have been pre pared, all of which represents a large investment of time and mon ey on the part of the developer

Making changes at that point is very costly compared to making changes at the beginning of the process

For example, public consulta tion on the new Steveston Com

munity Centre began before de cisions were made on how large the building should be, where it should be located, what functions it should accommodate and how much it should cost

If council thinks that is the best way to design a project, why do they do it the opposite way around when it is being built by a private developer?

New amendments to the Local Government Act remove the re quirement for a public hearing if the proposed zoning changes for a property are consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP)

Since the OCP gives very broad categories for what type of hous ing is permitted in a wide area, most zoning changes are consis tent with the OCP

The provincial government felt that residents have sufficient input by writing letters to councillors

Many of the Azure Road resi

dents wrote letters to the mayor and councillors but had little confi dence they were effective

Informal meetings when a proj ect is first proposed that enable local residents and councillors to discuss concerns with the devel oper are more likely to result in a project that addresses most of those concerns

City staff can also provide in dependent input at the outset on whether concerns are legitimate and suggested changes are rea sonable In other words, this is about working collaboratively from the start rather than winding up with confrontation at the end

Let’s hope the low turnout and results of the recent election didn’t send the message to the mayor and councillors that most residents are happy with the current pro cess

Dear Editor,

As we move on from Hallow een to Christmas, pumpkins to presents, I ask you to take a moment on Remembrance Day to remember the fallen, the veterans who survived and those who serve now, who gave us the freedom to continue to celebrate these holidays, among others.

At Halloween, we see children dress as their favourite superhero and other characters that they love. It is the uniform of the day, so to speak, the rank they so choose to become.

But let us also see the soldiers in the uniforms of all ranks, both past and present, and thank them for their ser vice then and now

I humbly ask that you be

thankful for your freedom and remember the veterans who have fallen, those who have served and are still here.

But to also be thankful to the Canadians who are defending this country still, and ask yourself how you can help them, when they need it.

This Remembrance Day, we should also think of those who chose and choose to stand tall and put on the Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force uniforms today

Through their hard work daily, their diligence to defend this country and indeed their sacrifice, we as Canadians continue to enjoy our freedom.

Lest we forget.

letters to
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moment to be thankful and remember
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Police watchdog looks into crash with murder suspects

The police watchdog agency in B.C. is investigating a three-vehicle crash in Richmond involving the RCMP and three mur der suspects.

The Independent Investigations Office (IIO) is looking into the crash on Highway 91, at Westminster Highway, on the morning of Oct. 17.

The crash at around 10:45 a.m. resulted in serious injuries for one of the three suspects after the collision involving a marked police vehicle, the suspects’ vehicle and a commercial vehicle.

The IIO is asking any person with relevant information or video footage regarding the incident to contact the witness line toll-free at 1-855-446-8477 or via the contact form on the website.

The Richmond News reported last month

how the three arson suspects were taken into custody after the collision with the police vehicle from BC Highway Patrol.

Police were looking into whether the suspects were connected to a suspicious vehicle fire in Vancouver earlier that morning and a shooting at the University Golf Course, on the University Endowment Lands.

Officers attended at the golf course and found a man suffering from gunshot wounds, who later succumbed to his injuries.

The three men arrested in Richmond after the collision have been charged with first degree murder

DeAndre Baptiste, Balraj Basra and Iqbal Kang are facing first degree murder charges for the shooting of Vishal Walia at the University Golf Club on Monday, Oct. 17

Investigators believed the incident at UBC was a targeted shooting in relation to the Lower Mainland gang conflict.

ALC approves expansion of school for gifted kids

Expanding a private school in the Ag ricultural Land Reserve (ALR) will have “little to no impact” on farming, accord ing to the provincial farmland governing body

Choice School for Gifted Children has been given the go ahead by the Agricul tural Land Commission (ALC) to continue to run its school on a former church prop erty and to install a 261 square metre building for a classroom expansion, al lowing 30 new spaces for students

The next step is for Richmond city coun cil to rezone it

Choice School for Gifted Children So ciety bought a former church on West minster Highway in 1992 and applied to rezone it, which the city allowed

The school applied in 2019 to rezone 20411 and 20451 Westminster High

way to add two more classrooms.

A city report noted, “ an ALR non farm use application is required to allow the existing education uses to continue and to construct a new classroom building.”

City council forwarded the application in January 2021 to the ALC, which has to approve non farm use in the ALR Only then Coun Harold Steves voted against forwarding the application

In its decision, the ALC found the pro posal for rezoning and expansion would not impact the ALR after looking at the sur rounding properties around the school

“The Property is separated from active farming operations by exempt ALR land and a large commercial cranberry pro cessing facility,” reads the ALC decision

“Based on these factors, the Panel finds that (the proposal) would have little to no impact to the integrity of the ALR, and adjacent and nearby farm activity, or the continuity of the surrounding ALR land.” with files from Maria Rantanen

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A special thank you Richmond Funeral Home by Arbor Memorial 8420 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC 604-273-3748 www.richmondfuneral ca Arbor Memorial Inc. We proudly honour our veterans on this Remembrance Day Have a say in your community! South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road 604 238-8060 Meeting will include: • a review of all program area highlights • nominations for Board of Directors • refreshments Allcommunityemembersare ncouragedto attend! South Arm Community Association Annual General Meeting Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. 113-7000 St. Albans Road Richmond BC V6Y 2K1 Call to book an appointment today. 604-273-4221 The clinic where Quality means comfort and confidence.Precision Dentures Partial Dentures Immediate Dentures Relines Soft Liners Check Ups Implants Bleaching trays Night guards We have staff that speak “Farsi,Arabic, Cantonese” 2022

A person sleeping in a garbage bin in Richmond recently got a rude awakening when they, along with the garbage, were accidentally dumped into a garbage truck

Luckily, the driver of the truck was keeping an eye on what was going into the bin of his truck and spotted

the person

And, even more luckily, the person was uninjured Richmond Fire Rescue was called to extricate the man in a “technical rescue ” using their ladders to get them out

A report of the incident was includ ed in the community safety report go ing to city council next week

However, fire chief Jim Wishlove declined to give details on the inci dent, saying he wanted to update the committee first

This happened on Sept 16 on Westminster Highway

Maria Rantanen/News

that require at least 15 per cent affordable rental units in developments larger than 60 units

The property where the church is situated, on Sex smith Road close to Cap stan Way, is assessed at about $10 million

The proposal from Dava Developments brings to gether four properties and the proposal is to build a new church and child care centre, a restaurant and four apartment buildings, one of which will be a rent al building

If approved by city coun cil by Nov 15 with final approval by November 2023 the development will squeeze under the wire and not fall under new rules

The proposal was on the agenda for this week’s planning committee meet ing after the News’ print deadline

The rental building is pro posed to be eight storeys and have 49 affordable units and 20 market rental units, possibly managed by the non profit SUCCESS, out of a total of 392 units in the entire development Three of the apartment tow ers will be strata condos

A church in Capstan could be redeveloped. Google
Maps screenshot
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The Richmond Capstan Al liance Church and adjacent properties could be devel oped into affordable rental homes and market condos
Sleeping person dumped into garbage truck


One person in hospital after brawl outside Steveston pub

One person was sent to the hospital after an alcohol fuelled fight outside a Steveston bar on Friday night

According to spokesperson Cpl Den nis Hwang, Richmond RCMP respond ed to reports of multiple people fighting

in front of The Buck & Ear on Third Av enue shortly before 2 a m Friday night

At least two people were injured, and one was sent to the hospital Other peo ple had scattered before police arrived.

“Some people provided limited or no cooperation with police,” said Hwang, who confirmed alcohol consumption was a factor.

Police are investigating the incident

Teens arrested after vandalism complaint

Richmond RCMP arrested a group of teens for mischief after receiving a com plaint of possible vandalism last week

Police responded to a call shortly after 7 p m last Friday that multiple youths were “possibly vandalizing vehicles” in a Ste veston underground parking garage, near No 1 Road and Bayview Street

Officers found four males and one fe male, between the ages of 15 and 17, in the parkade

“No damaged vehicles were observed but graffiti was located on the walls of

the parkade,” said Cpl Dennis Hwang, spokesperson of the Richmond RCMP

The group had “skateboards, a paint spray can, bottles of alcohol, drug para phernalia, a substance believed to be mari juana and a knife,” Hwang added

The Richmond News initially learned of the incident from one of the teens, who claimed the police were heavy handed in their reaction However, the individual then decided not to elaborate

Police are investigating the incident


Development Permit Panel Meeting

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 3:30 p.m. in Council Chambers Agenda Items:

1. 11251 Clipper Court DV 22-015216 Randhill Construction Ltd. To vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum required rear yard setback under the “Single Detached (RS1/B)” zone for a portion of the first storey from 6.79 m (22.3 ft.) to 5.95 m (19.5 ft.) and the second story from 8.5 m (27.9 ft.) to 5.27 m (17.3 ft.) to permit the retention of an existing addition at 11251 Clipper Court.

Please call 604-276-4395 for further information.

Please note: If you are unable to attend the Development Permit Panel meeting in-person, you may provide written comments in advance of the meeting by email to, by standard mail, or participate in the meeting remotely by teleconference. Registration to participate remotely is available starting on the Friday prior to the meeting until 1:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. Information on how to register is available on the City website:

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Probation, criminal record for couple in racist coffee shop case

A Richmond man and woman were each sentenced to one year probation, which carries with it a criminal record, for their part in a racist incident at Ste veston’s Rocanini Coffee Roasters last year

Michel Jean Jacque Berthiaume and Astrid Maria Secreve, who represent ed themselves in court, had originally pleaded not guilty to a charge of mis chief They changed their minds last month during the trial

Richmond Provincial Court Judge Di ana Vandor agreed with the couple that their actions were not a hate crime, as based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“Canadians have the freedom to hate and feel bias or prejudice against oth ers without fear of criminalization,” said Vandor

“They’re free to throw insults that are

motivated by hate, bias or prejudice ”

But by pouring coffee on the floor and throwing a cup in addition to saying “F***ing Chinese,” the couple had gone “too far ” Their actions, said Van dor, were at least partially “motivated by bias, prejudice or hate” against the Chinese community

A 34 page decision was read out at the couple’s sentencing last Thursday


Vandor said the couple’s “gratuitous anti Chinese comments” were “humiliat ing and denigrating” towards barista Nikki Tan, who was just doing her job

And Berthiaume’s “coronavirus is you ” comment went “ one step further,” by as sociating Tan with the COVID 19 virus

The racial motivation, along with the fact that the couple committed “brazen and disrespectful” acts of mischief in re sponse to COVID 19 protocols and the adverse impact on Tan, said Vandor, were aggravating factors in her deci sion

Mitigating factors included their clean criminal record and their guilty plea be fore more resources were spent on the trial

Vandor gave Berthiaume and Secreve a suspended sentence for 12 months, saying it would be against public inter est to discharge them without a criminal record The main objectives of the sen tence are deterrence and denunciation. Crown’s proposed conditions such as

counselling and community service were rejected, as Vandor thought rehabilita tion was less important for Berthiaume and Secreve, who felt no remorse

The couple is forbidden from going to Rocanini Coffee Roasters or having contact with Tan and fellow barista Ray mond Chan They were also ordered to each pay a $100 victim fine surcharge.

Crown prosecutor Darren Tam said the Court “displayed great patience and valiant effort given the difficult trial ”

However, he found it difficult to rec oncile the couple’s “complete lack of remorse ” with Vandor’s decision that counselling, community service and a court mandated apology were “not ap propriate” for the couple as the Court also had “strong comments about the degrading and dehumanizing nature” of their actions

Brea Huang Sami, a Richmondite pres ent in the courtroom, said she hopes this case would serve as a starting point for the community to build “ a diverse and inclusive community that is good for ev eryone ”

Register for the 2022 Richmond Christmas Fund

About the Christmas Fund

The Richmond Christmas Fund is a non-religious, non-discriminatory program operated by Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives. We assist individuals and families living in Richmond, BC, who are facing financial hardship and cannot afford a holiday celebration

What You’ll Receive

Eligible residents will receive a selection of grocery vouchers, toys, books, and gift cards, determined by household size and composition.

How to Get Help

This year, the Christmas Fund is returning to same-day registration and distribution To access support, you must come and apply in person on a designated registration day If you qualify for assistance, you’ll receive your allotment of items on the same day you register

Registration will be held at the Richmond Caring Place, located at 7000 Minoru Boulevard, on the following days:

Saturday, November 19 | 9am 1pm

Saturday, November 26 | 9am 1pm

Saturday, December 3 | 9am 1pm Saturday, December 10 | 9am 1pm

Michel Jean-Jacque Berthiaume and Astrid Ma ria Secreve arrive at an earlier court appearance Vikki
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To receive assistance from the Christmas Fund, you must bring the following documents when you register: 1. Picture ID for yourself 2 CareCards for all family members being registered 3 Proof of Richmond
as a
4. An original document that proves you are currently
in at least one of the following government income assistance programs: • BC Disability Assistance (CPP Disability Benefit
BC Housing Rental Assistance Program
BC Income Assistance • Canada Child Benefit
Guaranteed Income Supplement • Shelter AID for Elderly Renters
Documents Learn more at For questions, call 604-279-7035 or email Scan for More Information
residency, such
hydro bill,
license, BCID,
Is Not Accepted) •

A Richmond woman is preparing to launch a non profit support group to help men trapped in abusive relationships and marriages

La Toya Barrington who has talked openly about her own domestic abuse in the past is putting together “The Good Guy,” based on the premise that “not all men are bad” and that “ women can most definitely be the toxic ones in relation ships ”

She hopes to advocate for men ’ s parental rights, divorce rights and more support for first time dads

Barrington said she spent some of the summer helping male friends navigate their way out of damaging marriages and relationships, often discovering a distinct dearth of resources either available or ad equate to deal with the situation

And, given that she has two young sons, age 13 and 11, she expressed concern for

them in the future if they were unfortunate enough to find themselves in similar tur moil, with nowhere to turn

“There is a real lack of resources for men dealing with domestic abuse, big gaps in the services,” said Barrington, who runs an award winning cleaning business in Rich mond

“I have been trying to find resources for my friends but pretty much came up empty handed The stuff out there is mostly for do mestic abuse support and is mostly focused on women There’s stuff for sexual abuse (for men) but very little for mental or physi cal abuse

“If my two boys end up in toxic situations as adults, they will have nowhere to go, un less someone does something about it now “God forbid if my daughter ends up in that situation there is plenty of help out there for her.”

Barrington said she is still gathering infor mation and feedback from the community, but hopes to launch The Good Guy website soon.

She said, ultimately, she wants it to be a place for people to connect and maybe find resources, or unearth them, as well as advocating for more help.

“Men shelters don’t accept children, but women ’ s shelters do,” added Barrington

“And a soon to be dad doesn’t really have many resources or places to go to ei ther, women do

“One friend thought about committing sui cide because he couldn’t see a way out of an abusive marriage She was saying she was going to bankrupt him

“The suicide rates in Canada are stagger ing among men, they are so high ” Barrington said she has received a ton

of support, from men and women, since reaching out on social media a couple of weeks ago

But, as is always the case with social me dia, there are few negatives

“I’ve been told by other women that I clearly hate women, ” said Barrington

“One woman questioned why I, as a woman, was fighting for men ’ s rights, ask ing why the men are not standing up for themselves

“One said men wouldn’t need parenting classes if they were married? Of course, that made absolutely no sense, but I’m not going to get into fights with these strangers and I know it comes with the territory of social media and sticking your neck out ”

If you are a male, or identify as a male, and have suggestions for Barrington and her non profit, she wants to hear from you

“Are there programs you wish to see, is there knowledge and support you wish you had had?” she added

She invites people to email her at info@ thegoodguy org

La Toya Barrington is setting up a non profit to help men stuck in abusive relationships Richmond woman setting up group to help trapped
Alan Campbell ACAMPBELL@RICHMOND NEWS COM NEWS Sign up for our newsletter at People | Place | Community 4388 Garry Street 604.338.5280 Lest We Forget At Wisteria Place, we honour those from every nation that fought for our freedom Free South Arm Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, November 19 10:00am 4:00pm Free to attend Visit the seniors knitting table inside the Seniors Lounge! Stay Connected & Be Active with a $15 Seniors Annual Facility Pass! South Arm Community Centre | 8880 Williams Road 604-238-8060 Find a schedule at, visit the front desk or call 604 238 8060 for more details South ArmCOMMUNITY ASSOCATON For $15 per year, choose from 12 weekly 55+ year drop-in programs that include: • Carpet Bowling • Social Coffee and Tea Group • Book Club • Karaoke • Knitting Group • and more!
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 A11 Thursday, November 17, 2022 SHOPPING DEALS 6-9PM* info@exploresteveston com wwwexploresteveston com Follow us on Facebook StevestonGNO Follow us on Instagram @stevestongno Use hashtag #StevestonGNO and post photos GIRLS’NIGHT OUT Steveston merchants invite you to Steveston Village for a pre Christmas shopping night with your girlfriends. 2022 Steveston SHOP SIP SOCIALIZE SHOPPING DEALS *Each store deal is different. Many include music, snacks and gifts! Some offers extend throughout the day, may include online shopping, or end earlier than 9pm. Please check times for each store and follow social media. • A MONKEY TREE • ASK HAIR STUDIO • BARE BASICS LINGERIE • BAYVIEW DENTAL/FAMILY DENTISTRY • HARMONY DENTAL • JET LAG TRAVEL FASHION • JUVELISTO • MR GOLD GELATO • PRICKLY PEAR GARDEN CENTRE • RHA THRIFT STORE • RICHMOND STEVESTON PHYSIO • SEAS ON SHORE • SERENDIPITY’S • SHIFT & LIFT FITNESS • SINFULLY THE BEST • SPLASH TOY SHOP • STEPIN OUT • STEVESTON HISTORICAL / MUSEUM • STEVESTON WINEMAKERS • THE GLASS HOUSE • TRUE YOGA & TRUE CONDITIONING • VISION PLUS • ANAR • BLUE CANOE WATERFRONT RESTAURANT • BRITANNIA BREWING CO • CATCH KITCHEN & BAR • LITTLE MEXICO CANTINA • SOCKEYE CITY GRILL • STEVESTON BUILT FOOD & DRINK GNO SPECIALS Drop in before and after shopping. Some offers are all day. Reserve your table if you have a big group.

Joyful Giving

As the saying goes, ‘There’s no place like home ’

Your home is the most important place on earth. It’s where we build memories, find comfort, feel safe, and can truly be ourselves.

For ASPAC Developments, one of the world’s most respected real estate visionaries, home is truly where their heart is.

Established 30 years ago, ASPAC Developments chose Richmond as the site for River Green, the largest master planned waterfront community in Canada. With approximately 4,000 homes over 27 acres of serene landscape, River Green is the epitome of creating meaningful places to help Richmond residents live their best life.

“Our goal is to build homes that enrich the lives of Richmond residents,” explains Ryan Laurin, Vice President, Sales and Marketing for ASPAC Developments. “We are intentional about creating homes with amenities that foster wellness and joy for residents because we believe that is our responsibility ”

From mahjong and music rooms to fitness facilities and communal kitchens, ASPAC

homes foster exceptional and comfortable spaces for sharing, caring and wellbeing. And ASPAC is constant in its pursuit to enhance wellness through environmental, social and technological innovations in its new builds.

Making life better for Richmond residents does not end there For the past 10 years, ASPAC Developments has taken it one step further by supporting the vital work of Richmond Hospital Foundation.

As the presenting sponsor for the annual Richmond Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament over the past decade, ASPAC’s continuing support has helped raise significant funds for much needed medical equipment

Most recently, the 2022 Golf Tournament raised more than $300,000 for life saving equipment in the cardio pulmonary unit, including electrocardiogram systems that can quickly diagnose and monitor conditions.

“We want to be a proactive, contributing member of society because we believe that health is wealth,” states Ryan “Our greatest hope is to help make the health care process more efficient, predictable and comfortable, so that when someone has a health care issue, they come out of it feeling like they’ve been well cared for.”

With a deep connection in Richmond, ASPAC Developments has been a community leader in improving local health care, and encourages others in the business community to do the same.

To take an active leadership role to support Richmond Hospital, please contact Richmond Hospital Foundation for more information on philanthropic giving and sponsorship opportunities.

“Joy is a fundamental human right, and ASPAC wants to play a role in making this possible,” says Ryan “We are all going to benefit by funding health care It’s something we all need to do as a business community, so let’s show our collective support by giving and sharing resources Together we can make an incredible impact ”

Hollybridge at River Green
For more information on making a donation, please visit or call us at 604 244 5252
How can you and your company get involved in improving health care in the community?
Stay up to date on foundation initiatives follow us at: @RichmondHospitalFoundation @@rhf604 RichmondHspFdn
Ryan Laurin, Vice President, Sales and Marketing for ASPAC Developments. Photo Credit: ASPAC Developments
Building a better and healthier future for Richmond

Moving company, customer at odds over son ’ s lost ashes

breakage among their belongings

“’Yes, fine,’”

A Richmond family was horrified after they moved to Florida and found an empty urn with their unborn son ’ s ashes no where to be found

Brent Leung and his wife said they had asked one of the movers at Compass Relo cation to pack an urn containing their son Gabriel’s ashes

“We wanted to keep (the ashes) with us, but neither of us knew the logistics,” said Leung

“So ultimately, we thought it would be the safest to just send the urn and all (of Ga briel’s) belongings with the moving truck ”

The first sign of trouble surfaced almost two months later when they finally moved into their new house and noticed damage to some of their valuables

Leung recalled casually asking his father, who was helping him unpack in Florida, if everything was “okay” with the urn given there was already noticeable damage and

As Leung con tinued to unpack, his father asked about the urn, “Is it supposed to be empty?”

“And I said, ‘What are you talking about?’ He said, ‘Well, there’s nothing inside ”

When Leung saw that the urn was empty, he had an “emotional breakdown ”

His son Gabriel, the family’s first child, had passed away due to a genetic anoma ly in 2016, six months into his wife’s preg nancy His ashes were kept in a little bag inside the urn

Trouble despite due diligence

Before hiring movers, Leung and his wife did their “due diligence,” and they felt sat isfied the moving company “checked all the right boxes ”

Upon discover ing his son ’ s ash es were missing after the move, however, Leung i m m e d i a t e l y reached out to the moving company about the ashes and damaged be longings He also complained about the unloading process in Florida, noting his whole family had to help the two movers who were unable to handle the volume of boxes

A spokesperson for the moving company said they never even packed the urn. If they had, the items would have been on the packing list, and they would have been declared to U S customs

Regarding the issue of short staffing at the Florida end, the spokesperson said they are looking into it, but it’s up to the Leungs to submit an insurance claim for the dam aged items, adding that they follow a stan dard procedure for these situations

Moving can be a ‘financial and emotional nightmare’

An average of 13,000 complaints and negative reviews about movers across North America are made to the Better Busi ness Bureau (BBB) each year, involving “fi nancial and emotional nightmares” due to dishonest companies

Not all scams or complaints are reported, said BBB spokesperson Aaron Guillen, as many prefer to cut their losses and learn from their mistakes rather than go through a lengthy reporting process

“Consumers should keep track of all your belongings before and after moving, in or der to maintain proof when moving com panies may lose an important belonging,” said Guillen

“Take photos of the items that are going into the truck and keep an inventory to en sure everything is accounted for ”

In the meantime, Leung hopes that he will get an apology from the moving company

“We’re not litigious and I have no desire to go to court If nothing happens, I will ”

Leung recalled him replying
Brent Leung and his wife lost their son six month’s into the pregnancy But their son ’ s ashes went missing in tran sit to Florida
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City of Richmond


Location/s: 10331/10333 Bird Road

Applicant/s: Iqbal Singh Bhullar

Notice of Public Hearing

Monday, November 21, 2022 – 7 p.m. Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Richmond City Hall 6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 | www richmond ca

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/B)” zone to permit the property to be subdivided to two lots.

City Contact: Nathan Andrews, 604-247-4911, Planning and Development Division

• By Email: Copies of the proposed bylaw, supporting staff and Committee reports and other background material, may be requested via email between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing November 10, 2022 and ending November 21, 2022, by contacting the CITY CONTACT shown above

• By Fax or Mail: Staff reports and the proposed bylaws may also be obtained by FAX or by standard mail, by calling 604-276-4007 between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing November 10, 2022 and ending November 21, 2022.

Participating in the Public Hearing process:

• The Public Hearing is open to all members of the public. Please note that measures will be taken at the Public Hearing to respect physical distancing requirements and adhere to recommended preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. As an alternative to attending in-person, you may register to participate remotely or provide comments in advance of the meeting by emailing Registration to participate remotely is available prior to the Public Hearing until 1:00 pm on the date of the Hearing. Information on how to register is available on the City website:

• If you are unable to attend, you may send your written comments to the City Clerk’s Office by 4 pm on the date of the Public Hearing as follows:

• By E-mail:

• By Standard Mail: 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office.

• By Fax: 604-278-5139, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office

How to obtain further information:

• By Phone: If you have questions or concerns, please call the CITY CONTACT shown above.

• On the City Website: Public Hearing Agendas, including staff reports and the proposed bylaws, are available on the City Website at: hearings/2022.htm.

• Public Hearing Rules: For information on public hearing rules and procedures, please consult the City website at http://www or call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-276-4007.

• All submissions will form part of the record of the hearing. Once the Public Hearing has concluded, no further information or submissions can be considered by Council.

City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000


TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Richmond will hold a Public Hearing as noted above, on the following items:

Asian TV star calls for more representation

The Vancouver Asian Film Festival (VAFF) kicked off this weekend, and Bling Em pire’s Kevin Kreider is hoping people can pay attention to “real stories” beyond ste reotypes

Kreider, known for his role on the hit Net flix reality show, was a special guest for VAFF’s opening gala and a long time ad vocate for Asian representation in media

“Representation is not a single pill for everybody,” he said, adding more Asian stories need to be told, regardless of the subject

“The media sets the mindset (of) how we see the world and how we view people is through the media,” said Kreider “So if all we do is tell stories of us coming from another country, trying to make it in Ameri ca… that’s how the world will see us. ”

Kreider said his Bling Empire castmates realized the importance of representation during the COVID 19 pandemic, which was “about time ”

“They used to make fun of me for talking about representation so much, now you’ll hear (about representation) from all their work ”

But this doesn’t mean stories about the im migrant experience and popular subjects such as Kung Fu should be ignored

“It just means we need to put more of the other stuff to it We don’t hear us complain ing, ‘Oh my god, not another white rich show ’ And you definitely don’t hear that from Asians, right? So why are we put ting that on us? Why are we limiting our selves?”

Bling Empire’s global appeal, said Kre ider, boils down to the cast being “ nor mal people” who “just so happen to be Asians,” and the reality show format al lows them to be “the ultimate storytellers ”

“And that’s the best part of unscripted is that we get to just be people We’re the ultimate storytellers because we are just people,” he said

Kreider, who recently started Asian Lead Love Stories Productions with girlfriend Devon Diep to tell love stories that feature Asian leads as “desirable and sexy ” love interests, hopes Hollywood executives will “have a little bit more courage to bet on other people and other talents as well,” and hire Asian talents who are less well known

Apart from representation on screen, this year ’ s VAFF is also hoping to highlight rep resentation for “all those individuals that are behind the camera, ” said Susan Han son, VAFF director and actor

The 26th VAFF runs until Nov. 13.

Both in theatre and virtual screenings are available Programming and ticketing in formation can be found at VAFF org

Kevin Search
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Richmond Christmas Fund Angel Donor Spotlight

Help make the Richmond Christmas Fund’s 90th holiday season the most magical yet! Donate online at


For 90 years, the Richmond Christmas Fund has helped brighten the holidays for our neighbours in need. In all that time, one thing has remained constant: support from our community The Christmas Fund exists thanks to the dedication and generosity of countless volunteers and donors, to whom we offer our heartfelt gratitude. This year, once again, our Angel Donors are leading the way. These caring companies and kind-hearted organizations have each given $10,000 or more, for the simple reason that, like us, they want everyone to share in the holiday spirit.

This marks Herbaland’s third year as an Angel Donor, which means that, altogether, they’ve contributed over $30,000 to the Christmas Fund. But that’s only the start! The company is a regular participant at Christmas Fund events, including this year ’ s Richmond RCMP Toy Drive, happening November 19 at Lansdowne Centre. The Herbaland team will be there to lend a hand, and hand out samples of their wildly popular nutritional gummies. Did we mention that the samples will come in a custom bag, featuring the Christmas Fund bear? Herbaland made them just for us!

Richmond Realtors Thank You to Our 2022 Angel Donors
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Coats for Kids hcampaign as 6 Richmond drop-offs

The annual Coats for Kids campaign has kicked off and there are six drop-off locations across Richmond.

Organized and run by the Homebuilders Association of Vancouver (HAVAN), the 27th annual Coats for Kids campaign supports the Lower Mainland and Surrey Christmas Bureaus and goes to Dec. 8.

Fifty-nine HAVAN member companies are providing 78 drop-off locations across 14 Metro Vancouver cities, where people can donate new and gently used coats, scarves, gloves, blankets and new unwrapped toys and gifts for children of all ages.

After Dec. 8, the HAVAN member companies will gather to build and present one massive donation to the bureaus at a wrap-up party on Friday, Dec. 9 at Trail

Appliances on Sweden Way in Richmond.

The Richmond drop-off locations are:

Area3 Design Studio Inc., 7080 River Rd., Unit 217;

Everglade Development Ltd., 5188 Westminster Hwy #113;

Island Glass & Mirror Ltd., 110-11120 Hammersmith Gate;

STOR-X Organizing Systems, 150-11120 Hammersmith Gate;

Trail Appliances Ltd., 3388 Sweden Way;

Kander Design Inc., 3080 Broadway St.

For all of the drop-off locations across Metro Vancouver, go to coats-for-kids-2022.

—Alan Campbell/Richmond News

Christmas Fund opening

The 90th annual Richmond Christmas Fund will begin registration next week

Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives (RCRG), which runs the Christmas Fund program, will be accepting applications in person at the Richmond Caring Place be tween Nov 19 and Dec 10

Every year, the program helps low income residents celebrate the winter holidays by providing them with grocery vouchers, toys, books and gift cards

To register for the Christmas Fund, eligible individuals will need to bring a picture ID for themselves, CareCards for all family members being registered, proof of Rich mond residency and an original document showing they are enrolled in a government approved income assistance program

“With the rising cost of living, we know

that more people are struggling,” said Ed Gavsie, president and CEO of RCRG

“We’re prepared to meet the need, but, as always, we ask everyone using the Christmas Fund to be patient and respectful with our volunteers and each other so we can help as many people as possible ” Those who qualify for support will receive their grocery vouchers, toys and gift cards on the same day they register

“Its mission then, as now, is to ensure that all of our neighbours in need can share in the holiday spirit,” Gavsie added.

Registration will take place from 9 a m to 1 p m at the Richmond Caring Place

For more information on the Christmas Fund and the registration process, call 604 279 7035

Richmond churches and community groups have begun to organize craft fairs to celebrate the winter holiday that is around the corner

From homemade crafts to delicious food, there will be something for everyone look ing to get their early holiday shopping in Steveston United Church Christ mas Bazaar

Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p m

Visitors can expect to find baked goods, jewelry, crafts, jams and jellies, Christmas decorations and more. Live music will also be playing at the event

South Arm


Craft Fair

Saturday Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p m

Free event with more than 80 vendors selling handmade goods such as soaps, jewelry and knitted items.

ANAF Christmas Craft Fair

Sunday, Nov 20 from 10 a m to 3 p m

Dixon Craft Fair

Wednesday, Nov 23

Dixon Elementary School at 9331 Dia mond Ave from 5:30 to 8:30 p m

Silent auction, raffle, cake walk, tree treat decorating contest and homemade crafts and food

Christmas craft fair listings ACROSS DOWN 1 Clip a small piece 5 Enter forcibly 11 Southwestern Native American tribe 12 Helps you smell better 16 Sun or solar disk 17 Low frequency 18 Former Houston football player 19 Federal crime 24 Home to Boston (abbr) 25 Approval establishment (abbr) 29 Line where two pieces meet 31 Type of sword 34 Stinkhorns 38 Stroke 39 Industrial process for 40 Sir Newton 44 Muslim ruler 45 Scottish ancestor 49 Hat 50 Horse mackerel 51.Alcoholic accompaniment 53 Tech department 58 Of I 60 Military prisons 63 FamedAmerican cartoonist 64 Rise 65 Greek God of war and 2 Functionary the thumb (abbr) 8 University of Dayton 13 Yankovic is a weird one 14 Adversaries 15 Merchandisers 20 Radioactive metal (abbr) 21 Atomic #52 22 The back 27 Female of a horse � 30 Vehicle 33 Political action committee 35 Natural home of an animal 36 In bed 37 Superman villain 38 The Golden State 40 One who leads prayers in a mosque 41.They accompany a leader 42 Atomic #18 44 Electronic countermeasures 47 Deep red color 48 Secret affairs 50 Drenches 51 Contains music 54 Intestinal pouches 55 Where birds are born 57 and behold 61 Cools your home 62 The First State PUZZLE ANSWER IN CLASSIFIEDS 604-277-4519 | It’s the FRIENDS we meet along the way that help us APPRECIATE the journey A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE, A GREAT WAY TO LIVE


In Flanders Fields sung by Palmer choir

RC Palmer Concert Choir will be back this Friday on Remembrance Day at the Richmond cenotaph per forming a musical version of “In Flanders Fields ”

After a couple year break because of COVID 19, their teacher Iris Chan said it’s an “honour” to give back to the community

In preparation for the an nual event, she has tried to convey the importance of Remembrance Day and the sacrifices soldiers made for their country

When students give up their day off and come to perform, instead of just tak ing a break, it brings home the meaning of the day,

Chan explained “Instead, they’re coming out to serve their commu nity,” she told the Richmond News “This part is the most valuable, other than the op portunity to perform in such a solemn occasion.”

For Grade 12 student Mikolaj Dzierza, remem bering past wars is espe cially important now, given the war currently taking place in Ukraine

Dzierza’s family is from Poland and he is acutely aware of the history of the Second World War, and he’s worried the current conflict will spread into his country of origin

With lots of family back in Poland, he said, “ we worry here in Canada ”

“It’s better if we could get

along and have peace and not fight these pointless wars, ” Dzierza said

As the students practice “In Flanders Fields,” the emotion of the words as

they sing them is obvious “That’s the power of mu sic,” Chan said. “We can read notes, we can see the text, but what is it that we want to convey ”

She wanted her students to realize many soldiers who fought in the First World War, for which the poem was written, were very close in age to them

The performance is the ulti mate goal, but the process, the social emotional piece, the sense of accomplish ment, belonging and com munity is also part of being in the choir, Chan said And doing a difficult piece with so much range and emotion soon after coming together again has been a challenge, Chan said, but she felt her students have risen to the occasion

“It takes time for people to be vulnerable, it takes time for community to be built, it takes time for us to trust each other and trust our selves to show our voice,

when it’s something so per sonal,” Chan said “They really are a special group to so courageously show a part of themselves ”

One choir member, Iris Chan, who happens to share the same name as the choir teacher, will sing O Canada and God Save the King at the public Remem brance Day ceremony on Nov 11

“I’m really happy that Palmer gets the oppor tunity to be a part of the Richmond community and showcase this for Remem brance Day,” Iris said

It feels special, she added, especially since it’s the first Remembrance Day perfor mance in person since the pandemic

with files from Shaina Garces

RC Palmer choir performs on Remem brance Day this Friday Maria Rantanen photo
Honouring Our Veterans The Richmond Firefighters Association honours and remembers the service and sacrifice of our veterans. e are grateful for their courage and resolve in the name of freedom. e salute them today and every day. Richmond Firefighters Association IAFF Local 1286
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Wreath for fallen officer

Sylvia Hart, the mother in-law of Const. Shaelyn Yang, will lay a wreath at the Richmond Remembrance Day ceremony in memory of Yang and on behalf of Silver Cross Mothers this Friday

Yang, who was a Richmond resident, was stabbed and died of her injuries after attending a homeless campsite in Burnaby where she worked as an RCMP officer.

The Silver Cross, whose official name is the Memorial Cross, was created in 1919 to recognize widows and mothers of those who died on behalf of their country

The Remembrance Day ceremony is back this year with a fulll, in-person gathering and procession.

Matthew McBride, chair of the Remembrance Day Committee, said he expects between 850 and 900 people in the parade this year

Taking part in the parade will be the RCMP, the 39th Service Battalion, six cadet corps, Richmond FireRescue, St John Ambulance, Canadian Border Services Agency, Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue and other ser vice agencies.

Streets will be closed and traffic patterns changed between 8 a.m and 1:30 p.m. with restricted road access in both directions on Granville Avenue between Minoru Boulevard and Buswell Street No. 3 Road will also be closed in both directions from Park Road to Bennett Road.

The ceremony itself is about 17 minutes long and will include the national anthem, opening remarks, RC Palmer choir per formance of In Flanders Fields, a piper playing Amazing Grace, after which McBride will tell a story about a fallen soldier whose name is on the cenotaph.

To watch the event live, click on the “Watch Ceremony” button at

Const. Shaelyn Yang
REMEMBRANCE “Strength is granted to us all when we are needed to serve great causes” Front Row: Elizabeth, Royal Canadian Air Force, Nancy, Royal Canadian Navy, Betty, Royal Canadian Navy, Back Row: Bud, U.S. Army, George, Royal Canadian Air Force, Phllip, Royal Canadian Air Force, Bud K. Royal Canadian Navy, Ken, Grenadier Guards, British Army - Winston ChurchillThank you for your Service 4071 Chatham Street • 604-277-4519


Teenage Indigenous soldier remembered

Each name on Richmond’s cenotaph has a story but few of the soldiers whose names are engraved there still have living local family connections

The name Edward Wil liams is etched in stone in front of Richmond City Hall, one name on a list of Rich mondites who died in Can ada’s wars

Private Williams was pos sibly just 15 when he went to fight the “Great War,” the First World War He fought at the Battle of Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917, and died a few days later from his injuries Remembrance Day Com

mittee chair Matthew Mc Bride said he knows of only a few soldiers listed on the Richmond cenotaph with lo cal family ties, so he was thrilled to be in contact with the great nephew of Private Williams

Doug Wilson, Pte Wil liams’ great nephew and Cody Brentzen, Doug Wilson’s nephew, are de termined to make sure his name isn’t forgotten

Brentzen will lay a wreath to commemorate Pte Wil liams at Friday’s ceremony at the cenotaph and Mc Bride will tell his story

Finding family members of the soldiers makes Rich mondites realize “this isn’t some ancient thing,” Mc Bride said And, he added, it begs the question “How

would life have been dif ferent if this soldier had lived?”

Wilson knew Pte Wil liams’ mother and remem bers her speaking of him Wilson is the last person who has direct knowledge of him

But there are some myster ies surrounding the soldier, namely, what his real age was when he signed up for the Canadian Expedition ary Forces, who is “Ada Williams” listed as his next of kin, and whether there’s a marker for him in France where he died

McBride said his next project is to ensure one is placed in France and pos sibly at Mountainview Cem etery in Vancouver

©2021 Mcdonald’s With deep appreciation, we honour and remember those who served. Locally Owned and Operated November 11, 2022 Richmond Queensborough (604) 664-0700 Aman Singh, AMLA

Pte Williams’ age is listed on his enlistment papers as 17 years and one month, or, as it’s noted, this is his “ appar ent age ”

But his mother Mary Corkill Williams, other wise known as “Grandma Corkill” to Wilson, insisted he was only 15 when he joined up to fight the “Great War,” Wilson explained

Pte Williams listed his pro fession as “fisherman,” his address as the postal office in Steveston and his next of kin as “Ada Williams” his “widowed mother ”

It’s a mystery to the family who “Ada” was and why Pte Williams would use that name for his mother

While some mystery may surround Pte Williams, the story of his life, how he served and fought at Vimy Ridge as a young Indig

enous man is that “he was still growing up, ” Wilson said

Pte Williams joined the 121st Battalion of the Cana dian Expeditionary Force He travelled to England on the Empress of Britain and arrived there on Aug 24, 1916 Upon arrival in France on Nov 29, 1916, he was transferred to the 7th Battalion

Pte Williams fought in the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which took place April 9, 1917, and was injured, with his medical records showing he fractured his femur and

was taken on April 14 to No 8 Stationary Hospital in Wimereux, a Canadian field hospital set up in 1915

He passed away the same day

But, for Wilson, as part of the Hwlitsum First Nation, originating in Steveston, keeping the memory alive of his great uncle, espe cially his contribution as an Indigenous soldier, is para mount

“Their memories flow through us, the living,” Wil son said

Private’s age a mystery An excerpt from Pte Williams hos pital records 22 REMEMBRANCE Henry So B.A (Econ) personal real estate corporation RE/MAX Crest Realty Direct: 604-880-87 Office: 604-370-21 Email: info@henryso.c Thank you Veterans for your service LEST WE FORGET! Thank you for your Courage and Sacrifice. Because of you, we have our Freedom today. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them We will remember them Lest We Forget


Steveston resident recalls guarding the Queen and palace

Rae said a policeman might come by and tell him that someone from the Royal Family is coming out

“That’s when we would present arms That was about as active as it got.”

He used to shake his head and just about every drop of rain would be expelled from his hat

So what was Ken Rae’s secret to keeping his head dry, way back in 1959?

It was the Canadian black bear skin that his iconic Gren adier Guard helmet was made of Richmond resident and English born Rae remembered how, as a member of the Grenadier’s Third Battalion, he used to stand guard for hours at a time at the likes of Buck ingham Palace in London

It was 63 years ago but he recalled how “ very routine” it all was being the official guard for the Queen and the Royal Family, whether it be at Buckingham, St James’ Pal ace or at the Tower of London

“We were stationed at the Wellington Barracks, across the road from Buckingham Palace,” said Rae, now 85, and a resident of the Maples on No 1 Road in Steveston

“It was nice and peaceful at the palace (Buckingham), no crowds Buckingham was the easiest, as you could have a word or two with your mate on guard

“I just used to shake my head and all the rain would shake right off They’ve tried to make (the helmet) synthetic, but it doesn’t work in the rain ”

Guarding the Queen and her palaces for a year wasn’t the first service completed by Rae

He also served for a year in Cyprus, after spending five years between the age of 15 and 20 learning to become an engineer in his home town of Huddersfield

Because he was in the trades, Rae was allowed to defer national service until he was 20 and that’s when he de cided to join one of the guard regiments in 1957

“I did several months of training and then joined the Third Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, who were stationed in Cyprus at the time,” recalled Rae

“This was when Britain was giving up part of its empire and the countries with ties in Cyprus were fighting to fill the vacuum of power ”

Rae said the British troops were primarily there to keep the EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston) “terrorist group ” in check EOKA being a Greek Cypriot national ist paramilitary organization that fought a campaign for the end of British rule

“I never saw anyone shot or shot anybody thankfully On patrols we would have to learn to shout a command for halt in English, Greek and Turkish ”

Ken Rae (above, left) at The Maples in Steveston and (above, right) as a Grenadier Guard tasked with guarding the Queen at Buckingham Palace
Personal Real Estate Corporation Gary K. Louis 604-818-7000 • Selling Homes In Richmond For 29 Years! STUNNING LUXURY WATERFRONT Penthouse with impressive 936 sq.ft. deck in The Peninsula, at Port Royal. With 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths over 2,300 sq. ft. & 2 floors, this unit features magnificent water, mountain & city view Gourmet kitchen includes, Gaggenau appliances, expresso machine, built in wine fridge and entertainment sized island. Private 3rd floor deck include built-in BBQ and outdoor fireplace! Building amenities include concierge, lounge, theatre, guest suite, hot tub, steam room & gym. 2103 210 Salter St., New Westminster COMINGSOON 826 Weston Street, Coquitlam JUSTSOLD 13371 20th Avenue, Surrey LISTED 2,300 SQ. FT. PENTHOUSE Open Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Sun: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Call us: (604) 448–0142 (Steveston Hwy & No. 4 Road) 10991 No 4 Road, Richmond Call us: (604) 527-7112 805 Boyd St #110 New Westminster LEST WE FORGET Remembrance day when you mention this ad, Expires on November 30, 2022 $2000 off your next oil change
Alan Campbell


Free transit for veterans, military, first responders

Veterans and active military members will be able to ride for free on most public trans portation on Remembrance Day

TransLink is offering free transit, includ ing HandyDART, on Nov 11 to honour the service and sacrifices of past and present veterans

Veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, police and fire departments, Canadian Coast Guard and BC Ambu lance Service will need to present their badge, military ID, Veteran’s Service Card or appear in uniform to receive free transit

They can ride for free on buses all day, and SkyTrain and SeaBus for free from 8 a m to 6 p m

“This Remembrance Day, TransLink is hon oured to support those who have served and continue to serve our country,” said TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn, in a media release

“On November 11, we also want to acknowledge all the first responders who work tirelessly to keep our communities

safe and secure every day ”

Holiday fares will be in effect for non veterans with service running on a Sunday and holiday schedule

West Coast Express will not be running

The SkyTrain, SeaBus and buses will ob serve a moment of silence at 11 a m at their closest stop to the hour this Friday

Poppies will be given out, by donation, by members of the Royal Canadian Legion at various transit hubs

“The funds raised by the Poppy Cam paign enable us to fulfill our mission within our communities and ensure our veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP and their families get the support they deserve,” said Craig Thomson, presi dent of the BC/Yukon Command of the Royal Canadian Legion Foundation

“Our partnership with TransLink is a won derful opportunity for us to engage with everyday Canadians ”

Valerie Leung/Richmond

Seafair Realty We Shall Remember Them.. HELEN PETTIPIECE helenpettipiece com | 604 341 7997 J d C l We RemembeR the SoldieRS R S STEVESTON HARBOUR AUTHORITY 12740 Trites Road Richmond, B.C. V7E 3R8 604-272-5539 Fax 604-271-6142
With deep appreciation we honour our veterans

Dash Real Estate Group salutes former and current members of all branches of the Canadian Forces the Army, Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force.

The Canadian Forces, comprised of the Regular Force, Special Force, and Reserve Force, are recognized around the world for its professionalism and dedication. Through their service and sacrifice, Canada is well respected and admired around the world. We are a model democracy and our Forces have served throughout the world, especially in UN peacekeeping roles.

Martin Dash, Founder and Team Leader of Dash Real Estate Group, served in both the British and Canadian Army as an Infantry Officer. Martin served as a Platoon Commander with The Royal Westminster Regiment based in New Westminster, BC and is very proud of his service and association with “The Westies.” It has been such a privilege to serve.

As a Brother in Arms, thanks to all the veterans for your service and sacrifice.

You are the Best of the Best. We Will Never Forget.

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

Think Local, Act Global
604 760 8609
778 688 2448
604 788 9639
Martin Charles Dash, BGS, ABR, CLHMS, SRES, CIPS, IRES, ACP, Dash Real Estate Group Martin
Dash, Realtor,
Margaret Lim, Realtor margaretlim@remax net,
Emily Lim, Realtor emily lim@remax net,
Catherine Li, Realtor catherine li@remax net, 604 780
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 A27 604-275-9787 www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD ● RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD ● RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics 1010-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Approx. 80 frontage facing No. 3 road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place l. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping mall. Perfect for medical centre excluding traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and pharmacy, retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (heat, ventilation & air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent-to-own plan available o.a.c.. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & city centre. 9 parking decals for staffs Plenty of parking & flexible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry Seize this amazing business opportunity 5,499 SF CORNER RETAIL UNIT $7,800,000 101-2691 VISCOUNT WAY I-L zoned light industrial warehouse. Self-managed small complex of 9 units right next to Home Depot in convenient North Richmond. Spacious front unit with wrap around windows & Knight St Bridge exposure. 4,178 sf (2,089 sf dn +2,089 sf up) corner unit. North half of unit has been a catering kitchen with full exhaust, 7 x 11 walk-in cooler cooking equipment, work & storage area, etc, all with City permits. Start your kitchen business right after Completion and save a lot of TIME and money! South half has 10 w x 8 h front overhead loading door at grade & has tenant since 2019, lease expiry on Dec, 2022 with no option to renew Unit has three 2-pc washrooms (2 up + 1 down). Perfect for central kitchen, restaurant, catering, bakery No usage restrictions except any business which is illegal or causes nuisance, hazard or unreasonab e noise to others. 4 assigned parking + loading bay & ample street parking. One block to bus stop. $350 monthly strata fee. LOOKING FOR CENTRAL KITCHEN OR RESTAURANT SPACE? $2,228,800 1290-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Famous Parker Place in the heart of Richmond. Steps away from No 3 Road entrance 762 sqʼ (16ʼ W x 48ʼ L). Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion or strata approved excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & close to City Centre. Vacant possession is negotiable. PARKER PLACE 762 SF RETAIL $549,000 PRIMA, a beautifully-crafted brand new building by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Walk 1 short block to No 3 Rd & couple of minutes later at Richmond Centre. Lowdensity w/only 101 strata units. Functional floor plan. Spacious & bright! Qualityfinished w/built-in brand name appliances in open modern kitchen, gas cooktop, quartz counter tops, AC, F-to-C windows, German 12mm wide-plank laminated wood floors & large tiles in bathrooms Roof-top garden, multi-purpose function room, equipped gym. All these plus a huge elegant entrance foyer on a very quiet residential street. #807 6833 Buswell Street 1,156 sf 3-bdrm NE corner unit + 2 balconies totaling 833 sf Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. King-sized master bdrm has walk-in closet. $1,255,800 price includes GST!!! #1207 – 6833 Buswell Street 954 sf 2-bdrm NE corner unit + 95 sf balcony Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. Kingsized master bdrm. $1,153,800 price includes GST!!! #715 6833 Buswell Street 579 sf 1-bdrm + 70 sf patio. W-facing looking right onto the 5th fl roof top garden view Open & spacious, king sized master bedroom. Not an inch of wasted space!! Asking $696,800 * Limited time offer for units from $731,800 **OAC 6125-4000 NO. 3 ROAD Top floor 12ʼ x 40ʼ (478 SF) office. F-to-C windows w/beautiful water & sunset views! Air-con. Shows like new Also FOR LEASE at $2,200 gross plus GST (3.78% NOI). At Canada Line skytrain Station Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mix retail w/office units) allowing many usages. ABERDEEN SQUARE 478 SF OFFICE FOR LEASE/SALE $438,000 RENT-TO-OWN 10% Deposit** 2680 SHELL ROAD Good Corporate looking complex. Tilt-up concrete construction main floor unit. IB1-zoned. Suitable for professional & serv ce oriented business e.g. lawyer notary Chinese or naturopathic doctor 11 +/- ceiling. HVAC & sprinklered. Can be purchased together Each has 2 parking at front. Unit 143 1206 SF $718,800 3-pc bathroom Unit 148 1197 SF $713,800 2-pc H/C washroom. Presently used as a bakery (still going on strong but seller wants to retire). Sale of business or equipment negotiable OFFICE / SHOWROOM / WAREHOUSE NEW LISTING 1005-10011 RIVER DRIVE Parc Riviera mixed use complex at North end of No. 4 Rd. Fast growing area with rapid increased population & commercial activities. 15 minutes walk to Bridgeport Station, couple of minutes drive to Vancouver Quick access to Highway 99, Knight Bridge & Airport. Close to Costco, Foody World & River Rock. Complex has vast green area, children playground & is right at Tait Waterfront Park with walking trails along the North Dyke. 1,714 sf bright corner commercial unit with 50ʼ+ frontage. ZMU17ZONED PERFECT FOR MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFICES, HEALTH CARE FACILITES, CHILDCARE, RESTAURANT STUDIO, ETC. Beautifully finished unit with two 2pc-washroom. High ceiling with floor-to-ceiling windows. 5 exclusive underground parkings (#98, 100, 102, 103 & 104). BRIGHT CORNER COMMERCIAL UNIT $1,388,000 501-3355 BINNING ROAD UNIVERSITY VW Prestigious Binning Tower in UBC by Award winning West Group. 1,330 sf 2 en-suited Bdrm + den, 2-bath, 2-u/g secured parking + locker Almost 100 sf SW covered balcony with open view Open concept & floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light. One owner since new & very well kept. Euro-styled gourmet kitchen with integrated high- end Gaggenau appliances including a 5-burner gas cooktop. Premium quality engineered hardwood flooring. Tiled kitchen & bath floors. One can have the originally-designed 3-bdrm back if necessary, & still have a huge living/dining area. Facilities include equipped gym, library lounge, etc. Walking distance to Westbrook Village, Pacific Spirit Park, 3-level of schools, shops & restaurants. 1,330 SF 2-BDRM CONDO IN UBC $1,688,000 1440-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Prime ground floor unit in Parker Place Phase I. Close to food court. 15' frontage. Located in the best area in this busy foot traffic shopping Mall. Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Good Tenant gross rent : $1,350/month, annual net return 3.25%. PARKER PLACE 266 SF RETAIL FOR SALE $298,000 3454 WEST BROADWAY, VANCOUVER Nice retail shop in West Broadway Corridor 749 sq.ft. with excellent exposure, air-conditioned, security system. 9 feet height, 18' frontage, T-bar ceiling. Close to UBC & Vancouver Downtown. One assigned parking stall. Just renewed the lease for 5 years. Good tenant. Lease expiry January 31, 2028. Basic rent average $2,371.83 per month + property tax and strata fees. Annual net return 3.4%. W BROADWAY 749 SF RETAIL $839,000NEW LISTING 2005-10011 RIVER DRIVE RARELY available 5,539 SF unit with 172 wrap around window views ONLY unit on 2ND floor w/private elevator 11 exclusive underground parking. Parc Riviera mixed use complex at north end of No.4 Rd. Fast growing area with rapid increased population & commercial activities. 15 minutes walk to Bridgeport Station, couple of minutes drive to Vancouver Quick access to Highway 99, Knight Bridge & Airport. Close to Costco, Foody World & River Rock. Complex has vast green area, children playground & is right at Tait Waterfront Park with walking trails along the North Dyke. ZMU17-ZONED PERFECT FOR MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFICES, HEALTH CARE FACILITIES (e.g. CARE-HOME), CHILDCARE, RESTAURANT CLUB, STUDIO, ETC. Finished unit with 2 washrooms. Unit 1005 1,714 SF right below also on MLS. ZMU17-ZONED 5,539 SF RETAIL/OFFICE $3,388,000NEW NEWLISTING LISTING SOLD
A28 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: Each office independently owned and operated. #114-7251 Minoru Boulevard $699,800 #1201-6631 Minoru Boulevard Extra spacious east facing one bedroom unit in Regency Park Towers. Large windows for lots of light and goodsized balcony off living room. Unit is in original condition ready for your decorating ideas. Excellent location across from Richmond Center and steps to Canada Line. Short walk to Minoru Park, library and Minoru Centre for Active Living which includes pool, gym and Seniors Center 1 parking included. No pets. No rentals. Shared laundry Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $379,900 #2-4388 Bayview Street $1,099,000 5182 57A Street, Delta SUPERB VALUE in Ladner meticulously ma ntained 2600 sq ft family home on a rectangular 7,700 sq ft lot with EAST facing park-like backyard overlooking open green space. House is solid built with many updates including: roof, windows, blinds, lightings, carpets, paint & ho water tank 2017. Upsta rs has 3 spacious bedrooms, full bath, living & formal dining, kitchen with gas stove & eating area, and a COZY enclosed sundeck for family room. Potential in-law suite downstairs with gas fireplace in the living room, full bath, and a sun-filled bedroom/solarium. Laundry and workshop can be shared by both floors. Situated on a quiet street in nice family-oriented neighborhood. 2 mins to shopping, SaveOnFoods, FreshCo, 10 mins to Richmond. Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 $1,399,000 #1106-7788 Ackroyd Road Quintet Tower D 11-storey concrete apartment building centrally located at the heart of Richmond. Professionally managed by Dorset. 2 bed 2 bath functional corner unit comes with geothermal airconditioning, balcony and 1 parking. Amenities include in-door swimming pool, cardio gym, meeting rooms, and 20,000 sqft roof top garden. Close to public transit, campus, community centre, restaurants and much more. Perfect for live-in or rental. Zack Zhang 778-881-9926 $849,000 #203-7777 Cambie Street NEW CONCRETE BUILDING SOMA at the popular Cambie Corridor and next to Winona Park in Vancouver West. Air-conditioned SOUTHEAST facing bright CORNER UNIT with 2 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths and lots of windows. Contemporary design with highend European MIELE appliances & gas stove, quartz countertops, engineered hardwood floor ng, and in-suite washer & dryer Functional floorplan and surprisingly spacious inter or make it an ideal first home for a family One ga ed parking with EV charging and a PRIVATE storage room included. Only 8 minutes walk to Marine Gateway shopping and Marine Drive Skytrain Station to YVR, downtown, Langara College, and UBC. School catchment: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary & Sir Winston Churchill Secondary Rentals & Pets Allowed. Donʼ miss this urban gem! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Andrea Chu 604-338-6660 $988,000 5571 Stefanko Place $1,499,800 #205-7840 Moffatt Road EXCEPTIONAL VALUE in this 2 bdrm, 2 full bath CORNER/ END unit at the conveniently located MELROSE. Over 1000 sq ft of living space with laminate flooring throughout and an eastfacing covered balcony Tastefully updated over the years and in squeaky clean condition, this functional floorplan is bright with all the extra windows. Kitchen with a window above the sink features stainless steel appliances, subway tile backsplash, stone counters and room for a movable island. Foyer entrance with large coat closet. Spacious primary bedroom with walk-thru closet and ensuite. Separate laundry room. 2 parking (1 covered and 1 open), 1 storage locker Building was re-plumbed in 2015 and the lobby facade was redone 2019. Close to shops and transit, this is the one! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $539,800 #303-7660 Minoru Boulevard Fantastic 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom unit at adult-oriented Bentley Wynd, perfect for “right sizing” Bring your housesize furniture to this beautifully updated top floor unit with vaulted ceilings. Huge laundry room spacious eat-in kitchen with pantry cupboard, living room dining room can accommodate a grand piano! Over 1600 sqft of living space! Enclosed balcony/solarium perfect for morning coffee! Complex is surrounded by lovely landscaping and has an outdoor swimming pool conveniently located close to the Minoru Seniors Centre. 2 parking stalls and 1 storage locker included. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $739,800 #434-5700 Andrews Road MOVE-IN-READY, TOP-FLOOR UNIT IN RIVERS REACH 2 bedroom, 1 bath, with west exposure in-suite storage hardwood floors throughout includ ng the bedrooms and vaul ed ceilings in the living room. Super clean and gently lived in, this unit has a kitchen with stainless steel appliances, laminate counters and opens onto the dining/living area. Spacious storage area off kitchen with updated washer/ dryer Living room with cozy gas fireplace, has charming window seat and access to the balcony Updated blinds. Excellent school catchment with Homma Elementary and McMath Secondary Pet friendly bu ld ng. Beautiful grounds with the lagoon system and boardwalk into the Village. 1 parking spot. Live the Steveston lifestyle in this BRIGHT unit with a functional layout and lots of updates. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $649,800 SOLD 10111 No. 1 Road $1,199,800 #304-6077 London Road STEVESTON LIVING at its best in this PENTHOUSE, north-facing 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom 2 level home! Located in London Station II n highly sought-after London Landing This beautiful home boasts STUNNING VIEWS from its MASSIVE 431 SQF ROOFTOP PATIO. Breathtaking sunsets provided from the sweeping Marina, Mountain and farm views. Enjoy climate comfort year-round with the building s Geothermal system. Other quality features include Bamboo flooring gas fireplace and stove, and a gourmet kitchen with SS appliances. Steps away from Diplomat Bakery, Ember Kitchen, Sanctuary Café, daycares, schools and a short stroll into Steveston Village. Maint fee includes City Water and Sewer 2 parking and 1 locker Pet and rental friendly Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $799,000 SSOLD OLD SOLD
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 A29 Valerie Laurendeau Endless Opportunity 604.603.7333 Independen ly Owned and Operated 110 6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 Bus: 604 273 2828 Fax: 604 279 8002Westcoast 609 6080 Minoru Blvd $738,000 Welcome to Horizons by App a/Bosa This delightful 1066sf 2 bedroom 2 bath condo is spac ous enough to f t house size furniture The 2 bedrooms are separated for privacy Facing west, watch the spectacular sunsets from inside the unit or take it all in from the balcony Enjoy the city and Gulf Island views as well, day or night Cozy gas fireplace 1 parking & 1 ocker Amenities include a social room exercise room hot tub Centrally located and connected to Richmond Centre Mall, it’s steps away from Canada Line, transit, Hudson Bay restaurants, medical offices, banks, Minoru Park, ice arenas, library the track & the new Minoru Centre for Active Living and Aquatic Centre Close to Brighouse Elementary & Richmond Secondary Fantastic location! 3631 Francis Road $1,679,000 Welcome to this quaint and cozy home on a 66x106.5 sf lot on the quiet end of Francis Rd Make this cute and well-maintained 1871sf house yours with a beautiful private fenced backyard 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, Murphy bed in the family room 4 year old h/w tank, with unique extra parking in the back or make it into a great play area for the kids. Spacious covered balcony for bbq s and entertaining The attached shed includes a small workshop inside Also ideal for investment or holding property until ready to build your dream home Steps to Seafair Shopping Centre transit Gilmore Elementary Boyd Secondary gas station restaurants. 39 – 5380 Smith Drive $929,000 Welcome to Bridgeview Court in Hamilton! This spacious 3-level townhome end unit with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, double SxS garage w th loads of storage space and a quaint cozy fenced backyard is perfect for a growing family or if you are downsizing from a house Walk up to the living and dining, open kitchen with generous eating area and large family room surrounded by windows on the main floor Extensive utility room a flex room with a built-in desk and a workbench in the garage provides options for storage and hobbies. Two additional parking on the driveway Brand new ba cony too! Close to Hamilton Community Centre Hamilton Elementary School, retail, bus transit Queensborough Landing, New Westminster Vancouver and Burnaby NEWLISTING NEWPRICE OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #302-13040 NO. 2 ROAD HARBOUR WALK Brand new move in ready home just steps away from the water Features private outdoor space overlooking the Fraser River and Steveston Marina Plenty of amenities in the area including, restaurants, schools, parks, dyke trails and so much more Enjoy your new home in the heart of Steveston. Please note photos are of the show suite Offered at $848,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #9-6400 PRINCESS LANE Like living in your own detached heritage home in Georgie-Award winning London Landing neighbourhood! This 3 bdrm plus games room down and flex room loft up, enjoys beautiful water views, high ceilings, granite counters, s/s appliances hardwood floors and a functional floor plan. Priced at $1,598,800 Lynn Sakai-Boden 604.218.4800 SALES CENTRE OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 12011 3RD AVENUE - #9-9399 NO. 2 ROAD Introducing Crofton Town-homes, a boutique new community of 3 & 4 bedroom townhomes located in the North Steveston neighbourhood of West Richmond. The 11 brand new Townhomes are designed in a classic brownstone style with modern farmhouse aesthetics featuring a combination of brick, and wood trim accents Sleek kitchens offer islands with quartz countertops and durable materials. Developed by Citimark, one of Richmond s most prolific townhome builders. Come visit our sales centre today! Offered at $1,298,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #123-12639 NO. 2 ROAD Enjoy sweet serenity in this rarely available 2 level, 2 bdrm, 2 bat, 2 s/s parking Cityhome in sought after Nautica South On the quiet side, walk up to your own entrance with a private fully-fenced garden patio, and enjoy views of the marina from your super sunny South and West corner un t. You also have a spacious ba cony on the 2nd floor with an even better view of the Fraser River and boats.Updates include hardwood floors, granite kitchen counters, updated stainless appliances. Offered at $829,000 Lynn-Sakai Boden 604.218.4800
A30 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty - #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 SOUTH FACING 2 BDRM + 2 BATH CONDO This 1 year, SOUTH facing 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the “Hensley” located in the West Coquitlam Lougheed Town Centre neighbourhood is walkable to all amenities, shopping, restaurants and the Lougheed SkyTrain station! Features a great open 846 SF floor plan with air conditioning, Jenn-Air SS appliances, integrated 48" Blomberg double fridge, slab porcelain backsplash, quartz countertops and laminate floors throughout. This bright home also comes with a huge 21’ wide outdoor balcony 1 parking & 1 locker Complex has hotel-style amenities including concierge, fully-equipped gym, outdoor pool, hot tub, steam room, sauna and an amazing triple-height penthouse lounge / indoor zen garden rooftop. Don’t miss out on this great home that’s rentable and pet friendly! #807-450 Westview St, Coq $855,000HENSLEY, COQ WEST WATERFRONT 2 BDRM + DEN, 1640 SF This stunning 2 bedroom + den CORNER home has amaz ng N, W and S views of he ocean, mountains and Stanley Park in the coveted Vancouver WATERFRONT residence at One Harbour Green! With understated elegance hroughout and 1640 SF of spacious l ving, this pristine home features Snaidero cabinetry top of the l ne Sub-zero & Meile appliances, stone countertops, contemporary bui t-in mil work, air conditioning auto blinds, 2 luxurious bathrooms including a spalike master ensuite with radiant heat/seam ess glass/body jets, full walk-in pantry, hidden murphy bed, ti ed gas fireplace + more. Comes complete with 4 outdoor balcon es and private 2 vehicle garage w/ storage room. With full-time concierge service, 3 units/floor and resort style amenities, OHG is Coal Harbour l ving at ts best! #803-1169 West Cordova St, Van $3,580,000 1725 SF – 3 BED - PENTHOUSE Priced to Sell !!! Exceptional value on this 1725 SF spectacular 3 bedrooms / 2 + huge den with 2.5 baths, 2 large decks (235 SF outdoor space) and 2 side x side parking spots! It’s built by BOSA. It’s CONCRETE It’s priced at $607 PER SQ FT t s UPDATED. Strata has $450,000 in their contingency fund Wha more can you ask for? Amazing views from this South West corner unit with high ceilings in the living room & floor to ceiling windows throughout, brand new herringbone-designed oak hardwood floors, new contemporary gas fireplace, refinished smooth ceilings, automatic roller blinds plus 70 sf of functional insuite storage. Located in a prime Central Richmond location hat is just steps to shops, restaurants, transit, Skytrain & Richmond Centre Mall. Don’t let someone else take advantage of this amazing opportunity #1809-7380 Elmbridge Way $998,000CENTRAL, RICHMOND LARGE 664 SF 1 BEDROOM FLO built by Onni Developments. Spacious 664 sq ft 1 bedroom unit offers floor to ceiling windows to enjoy the morning sunrise. Bonus spacious covered balcony offers additional outdoor space for year round enjoyment. Inter or features nclude: newer laminate hardwood floors, quartz counters, stainless steel appliances, gas stove & insuite laundry Well-managed complex with excellent amenities w/outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna, gym, lounge & nicely landscaped gardens. Just steps o the Richmond Centre Mall, Olympic Oval T&T Supermarket, Hospital & easy access to the Skytrain & Vancouver #809-6888 Alderbridge Way CENTRAL RICHMOND $568,000 2 BDRM, DEN, 2 BATH & 2 PARKING! Walk to everything in Steveston Village from this fantastic 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom + large den condo that comes complete with 2 SxS parking and 2 balconies that adds 224 SF of outdoor space! This freshly painted east facing home has 1137 SF of open concept living, stainless steel appliances, eating bar granite countertops, gas stove, engineered hardwood floors, electric fireplace and insuite storage. Building is well managed, has on-site caretaker and offers guest suites, gym and large amenity room. Rentals and 2 pets ok. All this and more that’s just steps to the boardwalk, Steveston shops, restaurants, specialty coffee, ice cream, pizza, grocery store, community centre, bus stops, Byng Elementary & McMath Secondary Excellent opportunity to live the Village lifestyle! #210-4233 Bayview Street STEVESTON VILLAGE CONDO $878,000 LARGE LOT 63' X 302" = 19,035 SF! Excellent opportunity to build your dream home of up to 4305 square feet including garage on this great property Zoned AG1 so you can have lots of land at the back of the property for a tennis court, basketball court, mini pitch & putt or to just park extra cars, RV or boat Just steps to Henry Anderson Elementary and AR MacNeil Secondary School and conveniently located just minutes to Garden City Park, transportation, Walmart Supercentre and all the shops & restaurants at the Central at Garden City mall. Easy access to all highways & bridges into Vancouver 6300 No. 4 Road LAND$1,688,888 ONLY $2,098,000 4 BDRM + DEN FAMILY HOME Impressively well kept 4 bedroom + den family home that’s located on a huge 13,207 SF lot w/ a wide 72.5’ frontage! Enjoy this centrally air-conditioned 2393 SF home that features a super bright kitchen w/ island, newer stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings & family room w/ wet bar (all added with City permits). Other updates incl a roof that’s just 9 yrs old, 3 openable skylights, upgraded double-glazed windows, large laundry rm, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces & loads of storage in the enormous heated crawlspace. The super flexible layout can be easily separated for in-laws, nannies or extended family All this on a fully landscaped lot with a sunny SW backyard, large back patio & detached single garage. Perfect holding property or build your dream home that’s 5212 SF plus garage. 8751 Roselea Place HUGE 13,207 SF LOT $1,280,000 LACKNER 3 BDRM + DEN TOWNHOME WOW! Absolutely amazing 2 level CORNER end unit townhome with 3 bedrooms, arge open den 2.5 baths and family room located in the heart of the soughtafter Lackner neighbourhood Totally renovated from top to bottoms and features a brand new dream kitchen with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, all new bathrooms, new flooring throughout, designer paint, cozy gas fireplace, nsuite laundry new windows, new hot water tank, new patio doors and so much more. This 1493 SF home is also situated in a very private and quiet location within the complex and comes with a sunny south backyard exterior storage room and 2 parking spots. Walk to Jessie Wowk Elementary / Steveston-London Secondary Richmond Christian School, Blundell shopping centre, parks and transit. #6-5111 Maple Road COMPLETELY RENO SPOTLESS 1 OWNER UPDATED 4 BDRM FAMILY HOME This well-cared for, custom built 4 bedroom family home has been updated throughout the years & offers 2021 SF of spacious living. Features engineered hardwood floors, newer carpets, bright maple kitchen, stainless steel appliances, Bosch washer & dryer large covered back patio, upgraded double-paned windows, 2 cozy fireplaces, new 6 yr furnace, on-demand hot water system & Google home security Bonus storage shed at back & add'l storage in carport. All this on 61.7’ x 106.5’ = 6577 SF lot with a sunny south facing backyard. Excellent street appeal with curbs, sidewalks & underground wiring in a quiet & safe family-oriented neighbourhood close to Thomas Kidd Elementary & McNair Secondary Easy access to all highways & just minutes to Ironwood Mall. 10780 Mersey Drive $1,688,000 , NEW, LISTING $548,000 GREAT 593 SF WITH 1 PARKING Great opportunity to OWN your own brand new air conditioned 593 SF office space with 1 parking spot in the Class A-Rated office tower at the International Trade Centre in Richmond This 10th floor office space is rectangular in shape, has no pillars and offers high ceilings and easterly views. Comes with View Smart Windows with 4 shades o tint that can be operated by a phone app Located next to the new upscale Versante Hotel, Bruno Restaurant & Bar and Sushi Kiwami. Conveniently located by the corner of No. 3 Road & Bridgeport Road that’s just minutes to the Bridgeport Canada Line Station, YVR International Airport and 15 minutes to Downtown Vancouver Ready for your design ideas. #1075-8477 Bridgeport Road OFFICE SPACE$29/SF OFFICES FOR LEASE 200 6055 SF Excellent opportunity to lease up to 2 levels of office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond! Great for those who want flexible spaces ranging from 200 SF on the 2nd level, 2100 SF on the ground level or even up to 6055 SF in total at a reasonable cost. Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are also available to all occupants in the building. The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $29/SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4380 Agar Drive SOUTH AIRPORT $31/SFTERMINAL PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space n a central location between the Airport & West Richmond at the South Airport Terminal! Premium office space with 3376 SF with its own bathrooms at a reasonable rate. Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are available to all occupants in the building The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $31/ SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4360 Agar Drive AIRPORT & WEST RMD 6 BDRM HOME IN PRIME LOCATION This bright and newly renovated 6 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom family home has an amazing 3374 SF floor plan. Features high vaulted ceilings in the grand entry living and dining areas, engineered oak hardwood granite countertops, new stainless steel appliances, new washer/dryer 2 cozy gas fireplaces, new carpets, radiant floor heat, brigh skylights, security system, concrete-tiled roof and more… The entire exterior including the detached double garage has all new paint and fascia upgrades which adds to the great street appeal. All this and located on a large south facing 66x110 7370 SF lot in an excellent neighborhood surrounded by new homes that’s just minutes to buses, the new Minoru Centre for Active Living Minoru Park, Richmond Centre Mall and Steveston-London Secondary 6531 Chatterton Road $2,368,000 , NEWL, Y RENOVATED 3331 Springford Avenue $2,538,000 , NOV, 3 2 BDRM + DEN WITH RIVER VIEWS Amazing south-facing WATERFRONT 2 bedroom + den + flex room condo with RIVER VIEWS from every room and 2 side x side parking spots at the Waterstone Pier! This hidden gem features 1130 SF of spacious living, open kitchen, stainless steel Kitchenaid appliances, gas stove, new hood fan, granite countertops hardwood floors, new carpets, electric fireplace, huge master bedroom, 2 full bathrooms large insuite laundry room and 1 locker Monthly strata fees include hot water & geothermal air conditioning/ heating. All this in a petfriendly complex with lush greenery & serene settings that’s only minutes from Watermania Pool, Silver City Theatres, Country Farm Market, Ironwood Mall with super easy access to Hwy 99. #312-14200 Riverport Way $799,000W, ATERFRONT CONDO!! FAM HOME W/ 2 BEDROOM SUITE Beautifu ly kept! This custom built 15 year family home offers a total of 6 bedrooms that comes complete with a fantastic 1 or 2 bedroom suite that’s perfect for in-laws or just as a mortgage helper! Still being enjoyed by the original owners, th s 3450 SF home features a gourmet kitchen with island, stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, extra large laundry room with 2 sets of washer/ dryers, 4 ful + 2 half bathrooms, HRV system cozy gas fireplace and master bedroom with huge deck. The large 7346 SF landscaped lot is loc on a super quiet street in popular “Seafair” with a private backyard, covered patio, large veggie garden & shed All this in an excellent location jus steps to the Dyke, Seafair Mall, West Rmd Community Center Gilmore Elementary & Boyd Secondary 8351 Fairhurst Road $2,468,000 , CUST, OM BUILT FOURPLEX ON HUGE 11,389 SF LOT TOTAL 10 BEDROOMS, 6 BATHS Amazing opportunity to own this well maintained FOURPLEX that is located on a large 11,389 SF potentially subdividable property with excellent income potential. With 3 bedrooms and 1 5 baths on each of the top floors and 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath on each of the lower levels, you can live in one, collect income from all or share with your family Features include some laminate flooring, 4 wood-burning fireplaces, detached double garage, back lane access and a large south facing backyard The property has also been daycare approved Don’t miss out! 10500-10520 Anahim Drive $2,188,000 , NEW, LISTING BONUS 950 SF PATIO EXTRA LARGE 791 SF 1+ DEN Prime Centra White Rock location just steps to shops and restaurants. This attractively priced one bedroom + den offers 791 sf of spacious living area with a BONUS huge 950 sf of outdoor patio space. This home features an extra large living room bright white kitchen, bedroom with large walk in closet, 1 parking and a storage locker on the same floor Wiltshire House is a boutique condo with 18 units. Building has new roof in 2020 & maint fees includes hot water heating. Perfect home for owner occupiers who are 19+ years and have 2 cat and no dogs. Sorry no rentals allowed. #106-15265 Roper Avenue, White Rock $319,000NEW, LISTING #58-5531 Cornwall Drive OCT 29 $1,548,000 JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 A31 BOB SCHMITZ 30TH YEAR OF HELPING YOU WITH YOUR HOMEWORK 604.908.2045 SCHMITZ REALTOR® Find out what’s happening in your neighbourhood - call Bob 7520 Railway Avenue Offered at $2,805,000 HUGE 11,378 sqft property with nice split level home, conveniently located a block away from Burnett Secondary and Mckay Elementary schools. Beautiful lot for a new build or renovate and enjoy the current home. Or at some point get on board with the neighbours for potential future redevelopment. Call your Realtor to book a viewing Please do not walk the property without an appointment. JOHN COULTHARD 604-209-8424 Award Winning Service Since 1982 Gold Master Medallion Club Member (10+ years) 5080 Maple Road Massive 65 x 165', 10,722 Sq Ft, Rectangular Lot in a Very prestigious and Popular area of West Richmond No trees no ditch no right of ways Rarely will a lot like this come for sale Build a 4,460 Sq Ft Mansion! The House has been well maintained by Long Time Owners and is in immaculate Cond tion! Huge Detached Double Garage and Loads of Parking Seller Requires a "Rent Back" of 6 months or so Huge Lot in West Richmond 5660 Cathay Road Well maintained 2 level house on lovely 66 x 120' lot in very popular West Richmond Subdivision of Lackner. Nice House in Popular Location #202 8975 Jones Road Fabulous Opportunity! Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 full bath unit in "Regent's Gate", Richmond's premier adult oriented gated complex! Unit is clean although original and has a great location overlooking inner courtyard and fountains 9' ceilings, insuite laundry extra storage attached to parking stalls INCLUDES 2 SIDE BY SIDE PARKING STALLS! Excellent Buy in Regent's Gate! $2,498,000 $568,000 $ N1,980,000 EW LISTING SOLD SOLD #313 - 12633 No. 2 Rd Nautica North, 1 BDRM with Lovely window seat to enjoy green space view. Walks large with no wasted space. NEW PRICE $499,000 5431 Wagtail Ave Classic split level. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths 5,700 sq.ft. lot. NEW PRICE $1,498,000 #503 221 Elevenntth 2681 E. 54th Avenue Killarney oldie but a goodie 4 BDRM, 2 Baths bungalow with separate entrance basement Upgraded roof, windows and hot water tank LISTED $1,998,000 #207 - 10160 Ryan Rd #124 - 8520 General C Currie Rd They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning
A32 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM sutton group seafair realty 550 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 604.241.4898 TIP TOP TOWNHOME 26-11491 7th Avenue Make the move to MARINERS VILLAGE just steps from the West Dyke, Garry Point Park & Steveston Village. Beautiful cabinetry and built-ins in the living room, vinyl windows, bright updated kitchen (with extra window) and bath with laundry up. East and west patios to enjoy the morning or afternoon sun plus easy care laminate floors throughout Family friendly with grand greenspace & indoor pool STEVESTON VILLAGE $788,000 TRENDY TERRA NOVA 70-6888 Robson Drive Townhome in STANFORD PLACE that has a lovely fresh pallet Features 2 generous bedrooms up & 2 baths plus a tandem garage Nine foot ceilings and open plan on the main with ample kitchen cupboards, stainless steel appliances and large deck for barbeques. Facing north/south affords wonderful brightness & the complex boasts a movie theatre, exercise room & beautiful outdoor pool. TERRA NOVA $998,000 MILLION $$$$ VIEWS 61-11491 7th Avenue Stunning waterview townhome in popular Mariners Village BEST location in Richmond. Perched on the West Dyke it boasts magnificent views of the channel, Gulf Islands & North Shore mountains. This home features vinyl windows, Master with ensuite plus 2 piece powder & a beautiful maple kitchen with a great layout. Having the beds down affords amazing views from the living areas and large deck. STEVESTON VILLAGE $1,028,000 COOL COACH HOUSE 4734 55B Street Superb value for this great 2½ storey home with coach house above the garage. This spacious 2,700 sq ft 4 bedroom & loft home features an open ʻGreat Roomʼ plan on main, 3 full baths and powder on the main, rear lane access & private yard. The one bedroom coach house has itʼs own laundry and is a terrific income/ mortgage helper Convenient Delta Manor area in lovely Ladner location. Sweet! OPEN SAT/SUN 2-4PM $1,628,000 STEPS TO STEVESTON 4888 Duncliffe Road Spectacular 4 bedroom & den home in popular ʻDUNNSʼ area where you can walk to The Village, community centre & parks in minutes. Beautiful woodwork & built-ins, A/C, crown mouldings & lofty ceilings. Spa-like baths (3 full up & 1 down), majestic Master Suite with big walk-in closet & lavish ensuite. Chefʼs kitchen boasts gas range, wine fridge, big island & fine cabinetry Nicer than new OPEN SAT 2-4PM $2,198,000 BIG, BOLD & BEAUTIFUL 11491 No. 2 Road Simply smashing renovation in this grand 3,400 sq ft home with unbelievable ʻFamily Fantasyʼ yard. Boasts basketball court, inground trampoline & amazing outdoor lounge & kitchen area. Great Room affords views to the farmland & Mt. Baker Lower level offers a 1 bedroom in-law suite that could expand to a 2 bedroom one easily Gourmet kitchen, gym, Master Suite with HUGE walk-in and more. WESTWIND $2,299,000 ELEANOR SY TAN WESTSIDE Cell. 604 802 1696 Bus: 604 263 8800 OF B C 30 Years Broadmoor Area big lot 78 by 150 foot lot. Build your dream home. Good for rental and holding property Renovated kitchen, bathroom, laminate flooring, master bedroom new carpet. Secluded garden with newly built gazebo. 5 minutes to sky train, Richmond Centre, Minoru Park, Community Centre, library Transit few steps from the house. Nice residential neighborhood. 8611 NO. 3 ROAD Richmond ~ $2,888,000 #311-7500 MINORU BOULEVARD Richmond ~ $538,000 Carmel Pointe central location Adult -oriented building 19 above Well managed building. 2 Bedrooms 1 and a half bath. over a thousand square feet on top floor Updated kitchen and Bathrooms. Walking distance to Minoru Park, Library, Community Centre, Sky train, bus, shopping mall etc Rainscreened well maintained building. Lots of visitors parking. No rentals allowed.Strata fee includes City of Richmond Utility Tax. Sutton Group Seafair Realty “A NAME EASY TO RECOMMEND” salshivji@shaw.caGOLD MASTER Salim Shivji 604.328.3521Shivji #4906 4650 BRENTWOOD BOULEVARD, BURNABY "AMAZING BRENTWOOD" TOWER 3! Absolutely fantastic higher floor unit in like new condition only one year old in one of the best locations in Brentwood! Like living on a resort, everything is right there! Approx 720 sq.ft excellent floor plan, featuring 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Sweeping views for miles! Rentals and Pets OK. See it, you’ll love it! GREAT BUY! $778,800! #107 12160 80th AVENUE, SURREY "LA COSTA GREEN" Here’s a spacious over 750 sq.ft 1 Bedroom Ground Floor suite with an excellent south facing sunny patio looking onto a green belt! Excellent family oriented complex in an excellent West Newton location Will sell fast! GREAT BUY! $399,900 #314 8591 WESTMINSTER HWY "LANSDOWNE GROVE" Spacious 726 sq.ft top floor 1 Bedroom in ever popular complex in the heart of Richmond steps to everything! The suite is completely renovated & looks fabulous! Don t miss out! MARKET FRESH! 1027 WALALEE AVE SOLD BY SALIM THE VILLAGE UPPER TSAWWASSEN Totally updated 4 bdrm home in The Village in Upper Tsawwassen No expense spared updating this gorgeous property The updates are endless. New roof, doors, windows, all new plumbing JUST LISTED! $1,565,800 #209 8291 92 STREET, DELTA "TILBURY" IN LADNER Excellent 5,634 sq.ft strata warehouse in Tilbury area in a super corner location with easy access to all lower mainland areas Dock & Grade loading. Call for full details! $3,698,000 Just Sold! Just Sold!

Peter Keiichi Nimi January 9, 1929 October 22, 2022

It is wth great sadness we announce the passing of Peter Keiichi Nimi on Satur day, October 22, 2022, at the age of 93 at Richmond Hosptal in Richmond, BC

Peter was born to Toragoro and Ru Nm (nee Kaneda) January 9, 1929 in Van couver, BC As a Nisei (second generaton Canadian of Japanese ancestry) he endured a stressfu and complex eary lfe of wartme uprootng, nternment, and dsplacement From Powel Street n Japantown to Minto in the Bridge Riv er Valey, and from nternment camp sef schooing, to Hamiton and Britannia High, Peter persevered through t al and was accepted into UBC Pharmacy School, where he graduated as only the second person of Asian descent in 1956 More importanty, he would tel us, he met hs lifeong partner Aster Mukai n pharmacy school, and they wed in 1957 Dad tod us, maybe creatvely, that he purposely failed some courses to stay in classes with Aster

Together the couple began a drugstore business in 1959 that encompassed 36 years, hundreds of employees (many who became close frends) and lteraly generatons of patents and customers The first flagshp store was Seafair Drugs in Richmond, which was on the same bock as their new home on Fairfax Pace Despite naysayers, their tire less efforts and entrepreneuria acumen proved profitabe, and expansion followed: a second store n Coquitlam, and more stores in Richmond at Broadmoor and Shellmont mals, as wel as a dspensary at Bundell Centre Peter was a foundng member of Pharmasave in 1981, a unique concept of the time creating a buying and marketng co operative of independent pharmacies He was an ncredby astute businessperson but aso a proper, true gentleman, always lookng out for the best nterests of hs employees; on seling the chan in 1995, extremely dfficult negotiations resoved wth the retainment of every sngle employee

Despte incredibly busy and productve careers, Peter and Aster managed to start a famiy, wth Pau in 1962 and Davd in 1965 Peter aways ensured famly took prority, devotng time to reguar family activites and vacations Whister at Christmas and California road trps in the summer then later more cultura forays into eastern North America and eventualy across Asa and Europe He was a master planner of actvties, and with Aster, truly enoyed famly tme more than the drugstore busness Havng become proficent at sking at an eary age Peter dlgently taught his famiy hs favourte wnter actvty, and in the process created endless happy memores from the sopes of Seymour, Grouse, and Whistler mountains He also started hs boys on their al consuming hockey ives, whch in turn was passed on to his grandchildren Summers were spent on the golf course, and memberships at Qulchena, then Rchmond Country Club, introduced the couple to new circles of ifelong, incredibly close friends

Through it al , the r shared love of music created co dependenc es that brought the fami y un que y closer Peter fine tuned h s cu inary sk lls at home with the kids, allowing Aster to atta n a UBC music degree as a mature student The l v ng room became a sanctuary for music as Peter had h s h gh end sound system set up next to a very n ce Kawa grand p ano, wh ch eventually was replaced by the Bösendorfer Peter a ways enjoyed having the grand piano in the room as t a lowed Aster to perfect her sing ng and the k ds to practice their playing n turn, the grandchi dren deve oped an appreciat on for mus c, as all 4 wou d spend numerous hours pract cing on the p ano, cu minat ng in performances for Peter and Aster as their Chr stmas g ft dur ng the hol days Peter was a so the most d l gent sup porter and attendee at every Vancouver Bach Choir and EnChor performance Aster sang in from loca Orpheum performances to worldwide competit ons, and the close fr endships that developed immensely enriched them for the rest of their lives

Retrement allowed the couple to explore areas of the world they had never seen But Dad was always thnking of the famly, especially the grandchidren he ensured that we all had one happy get together for ther 50th wedding anniversary on a Disney cruse around the Carbbean, and as chef translator and historian, he led each of our famiies on extensive tours of Japan, introducng us to our dstant reatives Famly and friends were aways top of mnd and of utmost importance

It was truy tragc with Aster’s sudden passng in 2018 As can be imagined, Peter was never qute the same, and seemed ost without his true love and life partner these ast few years They were the perfect match, and one was in complete without the other While we are emotionaly draned and mourn the loss of our generatonal famiy patriarch, we are comforted in the knowledge that Mom’s enduring ove and strength of spirt wll once agan envelope and guide Dad on their next worldly journeys, together, once again, and forever

Peter is preceded in death by hs beloved wfe Aster, brother Robert (Bob), sister Etsuko (Elen) and her husband Steve, father Toragoro, and mother Rui He is survved by hs sister n law Jane, and his sons Paul (wfe Donna, their sons Nicholas and Aex) and David (wfe Liy, their sons Markus and Ryan) The famly thanks al the caregivers over hs fina years, especaly Alma, who became hs confidante, conversaton companion, then personal nurse we consider you part of our famly

With thoughts of Peter, please be kind to each other and chersh the present moments with loved ones, family, and frends In lieu of flowers or koden, please consider donations towards:

Nikke Pace Foundaton; “Honour, preserve, and share the heritage of Japanese Canadians through the Nkkei Na tiona Museum and Cutura Centre”: https://www canadahelps org/en/dn/m/63380/

VGH and UBC Hospita Foundation; “Drive innovaton and health care transformation through Vancouver Coastal Heath’s prmary phlanthropic partner”: https://on vghfoundation ca/


Sakie Nariwa passed away peacefuly on Sunday October 30, 2022 at the age of 98 years Sakie was born on July 4 1924 in Steveston B C and was the daughter of Mtsutaro and Risa Nakane After completng schoo she worked on the famly farm and heped her father durng the fishng season In the spring of 1942 she and her famly were evacuated to Magrath, Alberta Her famly was assgned to work in the sugar beet fieds She stayed n Magrath untl 1950 at which tme she moved back to the ower manland She married Morio Nariwa on December 10, 1953 Moro was a commercial fisherman and Sake worked in the cannery durng fishing season In 1959 Sake started working for the Post Office n Steveston and would ater become Post Mstress The Post Office closed n 1972 and she went to work at Woodward s Stores unti her retrement in 1984 During her retrement she traveled to Japan, Europe and the Unted States Saki enjoyed gardenng, cooking, sewng and gong to Vancouver Symphony concerts She was an active member of the Steveston Buddhist Temple She is survived by her sisters Michie Chiang of Portand, Oregon and Isoko Motomura of Dundas, Ontario She was predeceased by her husband Morio, her sisters Mkiko Yamamoto, Yoshe Tsuj and her brother Mitsuo Nakane The famiy woud lke to express our apprecation for the excellent care provided by the Staff at Lion’s Manor Bridgeport and south tower fifth floor paliatve staff at the Richmond Genera Hospital Services for Sakie wil be hed on November 9, 2022 for famly only In ieu of flowers and koden, pease donate to the charity of your choice

Onine condoences may be left at www richmond funera ca Funeral arrangements entrusted to Richmond Funera Home • (604) 273 3748

WALLIS, William Ronald

It is wth profound sadness and feelngs of oss that we announce the passing of our beoved husband, father, brother, grandfather, neghbor and friend Wiliam ‘Bil’ Ronad Walis June 24 1937 October 25, 2022 Though born in Edmonton, Aberta and attended high school n Vancouver Bil was proudly a lfelong resident of Richmond, BC

Bil s survved by his beoved wife, Sherril; sons Randal, Dean and Darren and Darren’s lovng wfe Anny; and oving and much loved grandchildren Rebecca, Aexandra, Matheu, Wiliam and Peerya Bil was a supportve and committed son to his parents Wiliam and Margaret, brother to his pre deceased siblngs Charles, Alfred, Gordon and Margaret

Whether raking the fal leaves at hs Seafar home, standng on the sdelnes of his sons’ soccer games or caring for and cherishing his wife of 60 years, Bil was a quiet and relentless example of devotion, responsblity, integrity, humiity, caring, humor and strength Bil Walis was true gentleman Our famly woud like

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 A33 To advertise in the Classifieds call: 604-653-7851
SHARE YOUR CELEBRATIONS AND MEMORIES 604-653-7851 REMEMBRANCES Obituaries MARKETPLACE Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community
to extend a profound ‘thank you’ to the wonderful and caring staff at Richmond Genera Hospital and Bll’s wise and carng doctors

Kids and Adults

great sadness that

announce the passing of our mother, Kayoko (Kay) Yamamoto

She wl be lovingly remembered by her chidren, Ryan, Lor (Gary), Todd (Brenda), Norne (Mtchell), grandchildren, Ty (Megan), Casey, Nicole, Chad (Sarah), Stephane, and great grandchildren

She is predeceased by her husband, John, edest son, Randy and her parents, and four siblngs Kayoko s survived by her o der sster n Japan (Hideko), sisters in laws, Toyoko Tamaki, Naoe Ikeda, Eko Akizuki and many nieces and nephews

Born in Japan, immgratng to Canada as an infant, mom was rased on the famiy orchard in Keowna After the war, she met her future husband (John), marred in 1956 and moved to Steveston, where they spent the next decades rasng their chidren

Mom worked for many years in the ocal fish plants, first as an advisor and advocate for the non Engish speakng Japanese women, later as an officia for the Unted Fshermen and Alied Workers Unon (UFAWU) She spoke proudly of her time with the UFAWU especialy her nvovement with the Solidarty Movement in 1983

Retirement was the next phase of Mom’s ife As with many, she relished the roe of grandma, dong the thngs that grandmothers do More chalengng was managing Dad s just dagnosed End Stage Kidney falure Mom persevered, enabing Dad to be grandpa for another 12 extra years

Mom found another calng she started walkng the neighbourhood (Westwind Subdivision)

In her favourte green acket and one of many hats, she patroled the neighbourhood every morning, rain or shine, until heath issues grounded her durng the last year Thanks to the wonderfu neghbours who watched over her She had a particular soft spot for the four legged friends that would rush to greet her, lookng for treats

To her Westwind angels, we hope you’l remember Mom with fondness

Mom was determined and proud, who aways put her family first The famiy is very grateful for everything she had done and taught us

A prvate famly service was held earlier

1400217 Dyke Rd, London Rd, Princess Lane, St............................. 1410001 4th , 6th, 7th Ave, Broadway St, Chatham St, Richmond St 1410002 11491 7th Ave (Mariners Village).......................................

1410003 11291 / 11391 7th Ave (Mariners Village).......................... 1410004 4th Ave, 6th Ave, 7th Ave, Georgia St, Pleasant St.............. 1410005 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave, 4th Ave, Garry St, Georgia St, Pleasant St, Richmond St.................................................. 1410019 2nd Ave, Garry St, Georgia St, No. 1 Rd, Richmond St, Garry St.....................................

1410022 2nd Ave, 4th Ave, No. 1 Rd, Pleasant St, Regent St............ 1410024 4th Ave, 6th Ave, 7th Ave, Garry St, Georgia St, Richmond St................................................................... 1410026 11020 11500 No. 1 Rd, Regent St (Townhouse route)..... 1420102 Fortune Ave, Gander Crt, Dr St. Brides Crt Pl, St. Johns Crt, Pl, St. Vincents Crt Pl, Williams Rd 1420103 Cornerbrook Cres, Fortune Ave, Freshwater Dr, Williams Rd

1420108 Sable Ave, Sceptre Crs, Skagit Dr, Sorrel Dr 1420109 Springfield Crt, Dr, Springthorne Cres................................ 1420203 Geal Rd, Groat Ave , Williams Rd 1420204 Pendelton Gate, Dr, Waller Crt, Dr, Williams Rd 1420208 Desmond Ave, Rd, Diamond Rd, Earlmond Ave, Elkmond Rd, Lamond Ave, No 1 Rd, Williams Rd 1420209 Barmond Ave, Desmond Rd, Diamond Rd, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Osmond Ave, Raymond Ave........................

1420210 Diamond Rd, Oakmond Rd, Raymond Ave, Rosamond Ave 1420212 No. 1 Rd, Pendlebury Rd, Peterson Dr, Pickering Dr, Waller Dr, Williams Rd

1420215 Barmond Ave, Diamond Ave, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Oakmond Rd

1430104 Hollymount Dr, Gate, Railway Ave, Steveston Hwy 1430111 Addison St, Defoe St, Goldensmith Dr, No. 2 Rd, Swift, Williams Rd 1430113 Gilbert Rd, Williams Rd

1430114 Goldsmith Dr, Steele Crt............. 1430115 Hollycroft Dr, Gate, Hollywood Dr, Williams Rd 1430116 Gilbert Rd, Steveston Hwy

1430412 Francis Rd, Maple Rd, Martyniuk Gate, Pl, No. 2 Rd 1440613 Algoma Dr, Arvida Dr, Gate, Bissett Dr, Francis Rd 1440619 Arrowsmith Dr Pl, Athabasca Dr Auburn Dr 1490402 Lancing Crt, Pl, Langton Rd, Ledway Rd, Lindsay Rd, Lombard Rd, Ludgate Rd, Pl, Ludlow Pl, Rd 1490405 6780 / 6800 / 6840 Lynas Lane........................................

Bouchard Crt, Gate, Dover Rd, No. 2 Rd, Walton Rd, Westminster Hwy

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YAMAMOTO, Kayoko (Kay) September 11,1929 September 10, 2022
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A36 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY LANGLEY FARM LMARKET ANGLEY FARM MARKET UNIT #640, LANDSDOWNE CENTRE 5300 #3 ROAD, RICHMOND • 604.232.1188 STORE HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 9:30AM TO 7:00PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:30AM-8PM Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10–SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2022 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST For freshness and quality you can count on! This sale is only for the Richmond location LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods $449 lb. 2 for $600 $319 lb $170 ea. $360 lb. $799 lb $419 ea $399 lb. $385 ea. $625 ea WHOLE PORK LOIN BONELESS Fresh / $9.88/kg CHICKEN SAUSAGE BUN 100g WHOLE TILAPIA Gutted, scaled / 750UP / Frozen / $7.03/kg BC LING COD COLLARS Frozen / $7.94/kg AA 1 SILVERSIDE SMELT BABY FISH Frozen / 300g BEEF DIGITAL MUSCLE $17.58/kg BLUEBERRY LOAF 450g WHOLE CHICKEN WINGS Fresh / $8.78/kg BIRDSNEST COOKIES 300g GREEN TEA SWISS ROLL 600g $229 ea. $249 ea. $419 ea. $519 ea. BALOCCO HAZELNUT WAFERS 250g CABANA STRAWBERRY LEMONADE 591ml $319 ea. SAN REMO RED WINE VINEGAR 500ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT BUTTER 500ml $179 ea. $249 ea. $329 ea. LEE KUM KEE PREMIUM SOY SAUCE 500ml $179 ea. ASIAN CHOICE SOYBEAN ROLL 168g DAN D PAK ORGANIC QUICK OATS 1kg LUCKY PEARL PURPLE POTATO VERMICELLI 400g $949 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC BAKED BEANS 398ml EVERLAND PITTED DATES 454g 2 for $5 2 for $ 95 9¢ lb. $199 lb. ZUCCHINI SQUASH Product of Mexico $2.18/kg CHINESE LONG EGGPLANT Product $3.28/kg CARROTS Product of U.S.A. 3 lb. bag BARTLETT P Product of U.S.A. $2.18/kg RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $4.38/kg POMEGRANATES Product of U.S.A. 99¢ lb. 79¢ lb. GREEN CABBAGE Product of U.S.A. $1.74/kg roduct of Mexico $149 lb.
F4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 F1 Everything You Need & So Much More ☐ Bamboo Express ☐ The Boss Bakery ☐ Cobs Bread ☐ CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice ☐ L.A. Grill ☐ McDonald’s ☐ Otaru Japanese Kitchen ☐ Round Table Pizza ☐ Starbucks ☐ Subway ☐ Sushi Han ☐ Thai Kitchen ☑ What are you shopping for? ☐ 12 Baskets Nutr tion (temporarily closed) ☐ Amron’s Meats ☐ Bellissima Fashions ☐ Benjamin Moore ☐ Blundell Liquor ☐ Expert Hearing ☐ Eye Stat on Optic ☐ Faithful Friends Pet Food and Supply ☐ Foot Solutions ☐ Loonie Town ☐ Persona Laser & Skin Care Centre ☐ UPS Store Places to Eat Personal TLC and Errands Specialty Stores ☐ Awesome Nails ☐ Bank of Montreal ☐ Park Georgia Insurance ☐ Blundell Dental ☐ Blundell Return it Centre ☐ Body Glo Tan ☐ Easy Care Dry Cleaning ☐ H&R Block ☐ Kins Farm Market ☐ Mathnasium of Richmond ☐ Medussa Home Bedding ☐ Mon Amie Hair Salon ☐ Q2 Barbers ☐ Sense Massage ☐ Shoppers Drug Mart ☐ TD Canada Trust ☐ Vancity 43 Stores for Everything ☐ Broli K tchen ☐ Hey! I am Yogost Everything You Need & So Much More Conveniently located on the corner of Blundell & No 2. PERSONALTLC & ERRANDS ERRANDS SPECIALITY STORES SPECIALITY STORES PLACES TO EATTO STORESPECIALS &PROMOTIONS STORESPECIALS &PROMOTIONS Conveniently located on the corner of Blundell & No. 2. PERSONALTLC & ERRANDS PERSONALTLC ERRANDS SPECIALITY STORES STORES PLACES TO EAT PLACES TO STORESPECIALS &PROMOTIONS Fall Time

Fall Time

Convenience, selection and price all part of what’s in store at Liquor Town

When you go shopping for your favourite a coholic beverages, what makes you gravitate to a spec fic store?

Often, it comes down to three factors conven ence, selection, and price

Since it opened in 2006 L quor Town at Blundel Centre has al three covered Liquor Town s open seven days a week from 9 a m to 11 p.m. With longer hours than most government stores, shopp ng is an easy drop in while you’re out running errands And w th the winter ho iday season just around the corner L quor Town makes it quick and easy to stock up for your next b g gather ng.

Store staff are availab e to provide suggestions on wine beer and other sp r t choices whether it be for s mp e at home gatherings a persona gift to a spec a friend, or a thank you to your doctor. They are also on hand and happy to assist customers w th tems to the r car, f needed

When you arrive at L quor Town you wi l be pleased w th the var ety of ocal products on the shelves and in the coo ers

“Whi e we are not as big as some of the larger government run liquor stores, we pr de ourselves on offering a w de var ety of loca ly made products”says Lou se W ll ams store manager at Liquor Town.“And that includes the great craft brewer es around Richmond Ladner and Tsawwassen, rather than branch ng out to those from other prov nces”

Among those loca ly made products are Britann a Brewing (R chmond , Barnside Brewing (Ladner), Four Winds (South De ta) 33 Acres (Vancouver) and Paral e 49 (East Vancouver)

There are also se ect ons from popular craft breweries located on Vancouver sland, such as Driftwood Brewery and Phi lips Brewing & Ma t ng Co.

“Wh le those craft producers may all have their own tasting rooms t s not always convenient for peop e to v s t so we stock those products here for customers to try and enjoy,”W ll ams says adding L quor Town is always respons ve to what customers want and can alter stock depend ng on demand

“We are always isten ng to our customers and the r suggest ons,”W ll ams says.“And because we dea with so many ocal producers, we can qu ck y, and easi y, shift around our selections”

When it comes to price L quor Town is a so on the mark

“Our prices are competitive with other iquor stores. Look for in store“Every Day Low Prices”, Sen or’s Day (55+ years) discounts every Tuesday and the Christmas Flyer n early December”

For more nformat on on how Liquor Town can he p fi l your needs, v sit the r website at www.

Math can be for anyone

That’s the philosophy at Mathnasium, one that Jerry Li director of the R chmond ocation, instil s in each student coming through his center s doors.

And t starts w th estab ishing a sense of confidence

“Everybody who comes in has a reason to be here,”L says.“We’re here to tailor our he p to their needs whether they are beh nd stay ng on top of the semester or ooking to get ahead.”

Mathnasium prov des assistance based on the B.C. schoo ’s curricu um for elementary and h ghschool students.

“When a student oins our program the goa , first and foremost is to bu ld confidence,”says L ,“It’s hard for them to be receptive to nstruction and progress if they are anxious they need to see the center as a safe place to make mistakes”

In addition, Mathnasium provides keenly focused attent on from the instructor

“There’s more emphasis on student teacher interaction”Li says “It’s more than just powering through worksheets.”

Helping achieve that s the beneficial ratio of students to teachers at Mathnasium

“We have just three to four students for each instructor,”L says.“That allows for d a ogue between the student and instructor, which we find s much more productive. Th s way the teacher can be personab e, rather than simply handing out a worksheet, marking t and moving on”

Student-teacher interaction the key for success at Mathnasium

Conveniently located on the corner of Blundell & No. 2.

Conveniently located on the corner of Blundell & No 2.

And since a student s weaknesses can be so individua ized a natura and easy flow of communication between student and teacher can pave the way to a more product ve learning experience.

“When try ng to engage our students n math, we try our best to build rapport first. It cou d be as s mple as asking how their day went t s mportant to estab ish dialogue before we get deeper into the teach ng. The students need to feel comfortable and heard when they ask questions”Li says.

“Theres also a lot of th ngs we do beh nd the scenes to he p the student w th retention,”L adds,“and that nc udes a spaced repetition approach to the r personal curriculum.”

It al ows for a student to engage w th more than one topic per c ass as opposed to learn ng each topic sequentially

“We try to teach multip e top cs in parallel,”L says.“So n every class, the student is tack ing three topics or more That way each of the topics spans a longer learning period and there are more opportun t es to nterrupt that ‘forgetting curve wh ch helps ncrease retention”

And when it a l comes together and the student progresses it’s a w n win proposition

“There aren t many obs where you can experience this kind of instant feedback from your contr butions. Seeing a student deve op confidence and grow right before your eyes is ncredibly rewarding.”

For more nformation and to connect w th Mathnas um of R chmond, visit their website at mathnas or call (604) 241 8020

Stocking up for the holidays? Liquor Town has what you’re looking for, and much more Developing a student’s confidence to learn a big part of the equation at Mathnasium

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