It’s that time of the year again, when the RCMP invite the public to head on out and help them stuff a police cruiser full of unwrapped toys in aid of the Richmond Christmas Fund
STUFFED GET Sales • Lease • Management Your Richmond Specialist 604.271.3888
by Valerie Leung
Richmond Christmas Fund Angel Donor Spotlight
Gulf & Fraser
For 90 years, the Richmond Christmas Fund has helped brighten the holidays for our neighbours in need. In all that time, one thing has remained constant: support from our community The Christmas Fund exists thanks to the dedication and generosity of countless volunteers and donors, to whom we offer our heartfelt gratitude. This year, once again, our Angel Donors are leading the way. These caring companies and kind-hearted organizations have each given $10,000 or more, for the simple reason that, like us, they want everyone to share in the holiday spirit.
To endure for nine decades, the Christmas Fund has engaged in constant community outreach, always on the lookout for new supporters. This year, we found one in Gulf & Fraser, whose $11,000 gift makes them our latest Angel Donor The credit union’s tagline Power Your Possible ™ is fitting, because their generosity has opened a world of possibilities. Thanks to Gulf & Fraser, it’s possible for the Christmas Fund to help hundreds of families. As those families each enjoy a festive holiday celebration, just think of the memories they’ll create. The possibilties are endless!
Help make the Richmond Christmas Fund’s 90th holiday season the most magical yet! Donate online at
Thank You to Our 2022 Angel Donors
Media Partner
Richmond Realtors
Men’s group long overdue Low growth in some cities
Dear Editor, Re: “Richmond women setting up group to help trapped men,” News, Nov 10.
I am writing in response to the article regarding support for men in abusive relationships.
I have lost my paper, so I can’t recall the writer’s name.
However, I fully support this initiative, it’s very long overdue! I have always felt there is lots of support for women, next to nothing for men.
I know of someone who took their life due to divorce proceedings and the chance of losing his kids, when he was the stay-at-home dad. Finally, someone is doing something about this situation.
Well done!
Dear Editor, Re: “NIMBYism or le gitimate concern?” Edi tor’s column, Nov 3 Thanks for your ar ticle about the growing divide between those looking for affordable housing and those who wish to see their commu nities remain the same
It is interesting that just about every community in the Lower Mainland has seen a significant rise in population and need to increase their housing stock
Based on the Statis tics Canada population data between 2011 and 2016, the communities of Ladner and Tsawwas sen have somehow only seen modest population increases
More education needed on true meaning of citizenship for sake of democracy
Dear Editor,
Re: “Voter turnout dips down to 25%,” News, Oct 20
Low voter turnout, apathy among citizens and the decline of democ racy is deeply worrying and should be of great concern to us all
technical training That is a mistake Sciences and technical training do not yield meaning for life
They give us information, not com munication, lots of knowledge, little wisdom
Nadine Nowell RICHMOND
And yet, two communi ties have, at least on pa per, managed to side step these expansion
Given their close prox imity to Vancouver, I’m curious how did these communities not find themselves under the same degree of pres sure to build and ex pand compared to ev ery other community in the Lower Mainland dur ing that time frame?
A democracy’s first task is to edu cate its people for citizenship
Citizens make judgments based, not on self interest, but on the com mon good.
Concern for the common good is best taught in families, the schools and places of worship
In recent decades, curriculum in the schools and universities has in creasingly shifted from social stud ies and the arts to the sciences and
We fail at building community, common values and goals. It is a serious failure
To borrow Christian terms, isola tion is hell, community is heaven
Democracy depends for its life on education for citizenship
Schools, particularly the universi ties, need to do a better job of in culcating the virtues of citizenship
Nick Loenen
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A3 MALL LIGHTS UP CRAZY LEFT TURN Video: Beaver surprises Ste veston family Here is when Metro Vancouver might see snowfall this week Giant tree to be lit at
Glen outlet this week Canada Line shutting down early for a month Video:
Rich mond driver runs red light, makes crazy turn Feedback needed for City of Richmond’s new mobile app Killer of River Rock casino loan shark seeks early parole FORMORENEWS,SPORTS&COMMUNITYSTORIESSEARCHTHESEHEADLINESBYVISITINGRICHMOND-NEWS.COM The R chmond News is a member of the Glac er Media Group The News respects your privacy We collect use and disclose your personal informa ion in accordance wi h our Privacy S atement which is avai able a www richmond news com The Richmond News is a member of the Nationa Newsmedia Counci , which is an independent organiza ion established to dea with acceptable journalistic pract ces and ethical behav our If you have concerns about edi orial content p ease con act the ed tor at edi or@r chmond news com or ca l 604 249 3343 I you are no satisfied wi h the response and wish to fi e a forma complaint, visit the web s te at mediacounci ca or ca l o l free 1 844 877 1163 RICHMOND NEWS Published every Thursday by the Richmond News, a member of the Glacier Media Group. #170 2840 Olafsen Ave Richmond, V6X 2R3 604.270 8031 Advertising Sales: 604.249.3336 advertising@richmond-news com Delivery: 604.249.3132 Classified: 604.630.3300, 604.444.3056 or email EDITOR Eve Edmonds 604.249.3343 PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING DIRECTOR (ACTING) Alvin Chow 604.249.3336 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kristene Murray 604.249.3353 LETTERS Email letters to
Watch moment
Woman missing
The RCMP is asking for help in tracking down a missing 37-year-old woman, who was last seen in Richmond on Monday evening.
Richmond RCMP said that Courtney Marie Corrigal was last seen at around 9:15 p.m. on Nov 14 near No. 2 and Williams roads.
Courtney Marie Corrigal
She is known to frequent Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and family members are said to be concerned for her health and well-being.
Corrigal is also known to have resided in Sechelt in the past.
She is described as Indigenous, five feet five inches tall,
slim build, with shoulder length, dark brown hair and rose tattoos on her right forearm.
Corrigal was last seen wear ing a white fleece jacket, blue and white pajama pants, and she was carrying a backpack of an unknown colour Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to contact Richmond RCMP at 604278-1212.
If you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report it online at, quoting Richmond RCMP file number 2022-31384.
No signs for 3-hour parking
A Richmondite was shocked to find a warning ticket on his windshield after parking in a residential area for more than three hours.
Ed Chatur, who has been living in the city for the past five years, said he had never gotten a ticket for parking in residential areas before.
“There is no sign saying you cannot park here for (more than) three hours,” said Chatur “So basically, anybody who is ignorant or anybody who’s not very well-versed with wanting to find out for themselves what is right and what’s wrong, they are going to get tickets, and they are going to have to pay for it. And that’s not right.”
According to the city’s bylaws, the three-hour park-
ing limit applies to all streets throughout the day, unless you’re a resident:
“No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., on any highway abutting any premises used for residential or commercial purposes for more than 3 hours unless such premises are the property or residence of such person or the property of his employer.”
Since the rule applies throughout the whole city, said city spokesperson Clay Adams, there is no requirement for signage.
“However, we will place three-hour parking limit signs in areas where extended parking by non-residents has a tendency to occur,” he added.
One example of such an area is Burkeville, where students and travellers might park on residential streets to “avoid
pay parking on campus (on the east side of Russ Baker Way) or at nearby YVR.”
“Signs are in place and parking is monitored to reduce the risk of violation,” said Adams.
Adams added that the bylaw is enforced on a “complaint basis.”
While complaints are not common, when they happen the first step for bylaw officers is usually to try to knock on the door to contact the vehicle’s registered owner and educate them about the bylaw
If the owner can’t be reached, officers will leave a warning ticket.
“In circumstances where (complaints are received), we try to educate the vehicle owner to a potential violation based on a complaint,” Adams said. “We generally find this resolves the matter.”
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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A5 FIND YOUR PERFECT MATCH 12 INDIVIDUALLY-CRAFTED HOMES BY THE BEACH Renderings are art st c renditions only Layouts mater a s specificat ons features pro ect design and pr c ng are for lustration only and subject to change w thout notice Errors and Om ss ons Excepted (E &O E | 604.636.2220 Discovery Centre open daily 11am 4pm | 6388 Market Ave, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen 4 BEDROOM HOMES FROM THE MID $1.7Ms NOW SELLING · MOVE IN EARLY 2023 A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D Farmhouse meets beach house in these 12 homes inspired by the vibrant hues of the harvest. Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland. Southlands’ lively Market Square, farmers’ markets, and Prado Cafe’s signature espresso are right at your doorstep Yet beautiful Centennial Beach is just a short walk away. Life here is paddleboarding, beachcombing, and filling your basket with farm fresh produce. SHOW HOME OPENING NOVEMBER 20
Trustees blanketed
The Richmond Board of Education was sworn into office last week with an Indig enous blessing and a promise from the newly chosen board chair to keep work ing toward truth and reconciliation.
Four out of five incumbent school trustees seeking re election were voted in, in the Oct. 15 municipal election, to serve on the board of education They are joined by former trustees Alice Wong and Rod Belleza and first time trustee David Yang Debbie Tablotney, who has served as a trustee for almost 20 years, was acclaimed as board chair and trustee Heather Larson was elected as vice chair Musqueam elder Shane Point took part in the inaugural ceremony, both doing a chant at the beginning and blanketing the trustees after they were sworn in Point said, in his chant, he was asking the “infinite” to “lift up their hearts and their spirits, provide them with the strength
that they need for the task ahead ”
“I’m also saying to the infinite, please bless all the children that you ’ re going to look after in your terms as leaders,” Point added
As part of the inaugural meeting, the RC Palmer Concert Choir performed “In Flan ders Fields” in anticipation of Friday’s Re membrance Day ceremony
After the swearing in and board posi tion elections, Point placed blankets on the trustees, saying it’s a First Nations tradition for people entering leadership positions The blankets were designed by Debra Sparrow and depict a wolf, which Point explained represents family
As a thank you gift, Tablotney gave Point a jar of blackberry preserves, which, she said, were made with local berries in an effort to “connect with the land and to share in our gratitude to the Musqueam nation for your friendship ”
“We hope to honour this connection as we all work towards learning truth and reconciliation on behalf of the generation today and those to come, ” she added
Oval-area project squeezes in under 10% low-rental rule
Maria Rantanen
A hotel and residential development next to the Olympic Oval got the go ahead from Richmond city council Monday
Having passed first reading before Nov 15, the Landa Oval development will only be required to build 10 per cent affordable housing units As of Nov 15, any new ap proved large developments in city centre will need to dedicate 15 per cent of their floor space to affordable housing units
Coun Andy Hobbs argued for allowing the project to pass now to secure 10 per cent affordable units
“This application has made it under those rules,” he said.
Coun Michael Wolfe, however, pointed out if city council had waited a few more weeks after the Nov. 15 deadline the city could have secured 17 or 18 more af fordable housing units
As it is, the development will have 35 low end market rentals out of 356 residential units being built
Benefits to the city from the Landa devel opment come in the way of a $6 million contribution to community amenities, 52 parking stalls for use by Oval patrons dur ing special events and a $330,000 public art contribution
While the majority voted in favour of the project, both Couns Bill McNulty and Chak Au said they were reluctant to approve it
At a previous meeting, McNulty expressed concern about the lack of community ben efits, and questioned the 52 parking spots for use by Oval patrons
The parking spots, however, were agreed upon before Landa Oval bought the prop erty, something the city had asked for
In the end, only Couns Wolfe and Carol Day voted against it
Search Landa Oval for full story at
Register for the 2022 Richmond Christmas Fund
About the Christmas Fund
The Richmond Christmas Fund is a non-religious, non-discriminatory program operated by Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives. We assist individuals and families living in Richmond, BC, who are facing financial hardship and cannot afford a holiday celebration
What You’ll Receive
Eligible residents will receive a selection of grocery vouchers, toys, books, and gift cards, determined by household size and composition
How to Get Help
This year, the Christmas Fund is returning to same-day registration and distribution To access support, you must come and apply in person on a designated registration day If you qualify for assistance, you’ll receive your allotment of items on the same day you register Registration will be held at the Richmond Caring Place, located at 7000 Minoru Boulevard, on the following days:
Saturday, November 19 | 9am 1pm
Saturday, November 26 | 9am 1pm
Saturday, December 3 | 9am - 1pm
Saturday, December 10 | 9am 1pm
Eligibility Documents
Sign up for our newsletter at
when you
: 1.
4. An
To receive assistance from the Christmas Fund, you must bring the
Picture ID for yourself
CareCards for all family members being registered
Proof of Richmond residency such as a hydro bill, rent receipt, driver’s license, BCID, or BC Services Card
original document that proves you are currently enrolled in at least one of the following government income assistance programs: •
Disability Assistance (CPP Disability Benefit Is Not Accepted)
Housing Rental Assistance Program
BC Income Assistance
Child Benefit
Income Supplement
AID for Elderly Renters
Learn more at For questions, call 604-279-7035 or email Scan for More Information
Canada Line to quit early starting Nov. 21
There will be more construction disruptions on the Canada Line in Richmond in the coming weeks
From Nov 21 to Dec 22 (Monday to Friday only) the service will stop early, at 9:30 p m , be tween Bridgeport and Brighouse stations
The stoppage is to allow crews to continue their work on building the new Capstan station between Aberdeen and Bridgeport
Regular service, says TransLink, will resume on Friday, Dec 23
“The temporary service changes are necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the public, as crews will be using a large crane to continue in stalling heavy pieces of steel to construct the sta tion platforms,” said TransLink in a media release
“The crane cannot be used safely above the track while trains are in operation ”
TransLink says an extra bus service will be avail able between Bridgeport and Brighouse stations, with buses stopping at each impacted station, in cluding Aberdeen and Lansdowne
Alan Campbell/News
Workplace stabbings investigated
Two people were stabbed at an Ironwood business just before 11 a.m. on Wednesday morning and taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
About 20 police cruisers, ambulances and a fire truck descended on the area in the 11000 block of No. 5 Road, just south of Steveston Highway and close to the RCMP headquarters.
The suspect had fled the area by the time Richmond RCMP officers arrived but was arrested shortly after near the Clearbrook Road exit of Highway 1 in Abbotsford.
The suspect was taken into custody without incident, according to Richmond RCMP, after multiple police forces across the Lower Mainland coordinated their efforts to locate the suspect.
Police tape was put up around a building just south of the RCMP detachment on the west side of No. 5 Road. The road was blocked south of Riverside Way but re-opened shortly thereafter
Police say the suspect is believed to be associated with the business where the stabbings took place.
They say there is no risk to the public.
The Richmond RCMP Serious Crime unit has started investigating the incident.
Police showed up in force at a business in the Ironwood area following reports of a stabbing Two people were taken to hospital with non life threatening injuries A suspect was arrested shortly after Shane MacKichan photos
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SALE CONDUCTED BY LIQUIDATION GROUP www maynardsretail com 130 W BROADW VANCOUVER ALL SALES FINAL EVERYTHING SOLD AS-IS 130 W BROADWAY, VANCOUVER MAJOR WARDROBE LIQUIDATION SALE LOCALLY FILMED! | 3 SEASONS! | 50+ EPISODES! BEGINS FRIDAY, NOV. 18 @ 9:30AM FORMER MEC LOCATION • PARKING IS LIMITED • Pay Parking on Roof or Street Parking • Nearest Skytrain: Cambie & Broadway 30,000 PIECES OF WARDROBE! OVER WAY 10,000 OVER PAIRS OF SHOES & ACCESSORIES! MENS, WOMENS & CHILDRENS • Winter Coats • Jackets • Jeans • Pants • Dress Shirts & Pants • Suits • Suit Jackets • Skirts • Sweaters & Cardigans • Blouses • Sports Jackets • Sweat Tops & More! LARGE SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES • Shoes • Gloves • Jewellery • Hats • Purses & More! LARGE SELECTION OF HIGH-END WARDROBE & ACCESSORIES EVERYTHING PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION! Week 1: NOV 18 21 9:30 5 Each Day Week 2: NOV 25-28 9:30 5 Each Day Week 3: DEC 1-4 9:30 5 (Sun 11 5) Br ng own shopp ng bags No large purses jackets or baby strollers allowed in the store winter es st cr ar ex Call us for more information! Channel your creativity! 4388 Garry Street 604-338-5280
Church’s heritage status unclear
Richmond city council isn’t making it man datory for a city centre developer to save a 1930s house, but they are pushing to see if it could be salvaged and relocated
The Herrling Residence on Sexsmith Road near Capstan Way is currently located on a property that will be redeveloped
Coun Laura Gillanders suggested city council make it mandatory to move the house, preferably in Richmond
The Herrling Residence currently oper ates as a church and child care centre, but the property will be consolidated with adjacent properties to rebuild them and add four residential towers, including one rental building
The original recommendation from city staff was to ask the developer to make ef forts over a 60 day period to relocate the house or at least save historical artefacts Gillanders said she felt this recommenda
tion wasn’t strong enough
However, Mayor Malcolm Brodie argued against the mandatory requirement, saying there’s a lot of information about the house city council doesn’t have, for example, the heritage value and whether it actually can be moved
“I think it’s far from convincing that this house is worth saving,” Brodie said Coun Kash Heed said he felt making
moving the house mandatory would be “too restrictive” for the developer
Meanwhile, Coun Chak Au said the city staff recommendation gives “ so much lee way for the developer not putting enough effort into keeping it ”
“Some people say Richmond doesn’t have any history,” Au said. “I think we have no history because we don’t keep the heritage buildings ”
Arguing to reconfigure the development, Coun. Michael Wolfe cited the example of the “Hobbit House” in Vancouver, which was saved and renovated despite the sur rounding area being redeveloped Wolfe suggested the Herrling Residence be retained on site on Sexsmith Road, sav ing the 36 trees that surround it, and the development be built to encompass it
“That could be the park space for the whole development,” Wolfe said
In the end, it was decided city staff would assess the heritage value and structural soundness of the building before the public hearing on the development in a month
The majority of council voted to pass first reading on the development with Couns Day and Wolfe in opposition
The redevelopment needed to be ap proved by city council before Nov 15 in order to fall under the 10 per cent afford able rental rules
After Nov 15, large city centre develop ments need to have 15 per cent affordable rental units
City council is trying to figure out the heritage value of the Herrling Residence on Sexsmith Valerie Leung photo
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Richmond South Centre 604 775 0891 Henry Yao, MLA
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Sculptures will return to the river in time
What’s up with the beautiful ani mal sculptures at Britannia Heri tage Shipyards?
To find out more about these realistic but almost ethereal sculp tures, the Richmond News met up with artist Glen Andersen on a crisp winter morning for a private tour of his work
“I’ve always been kind of inter ested in making found art,” said Andersen, who started out as a filmmaker and eventually became a public artist, often creating art out of objects he finds
“And living in Richmond, the most abundant found thing on the river is, of course, driftwood and all kinds of other stuff as well ”
Andersen’s first driftwood sculp
ture for Britannia Shipyards, the Log Nest Monsters, was created for the 2020 Maritime Festival. Since then, he has been asked to expand his magical collection for a semi permanent installation in the area
Steveston, especially Britannia Shipyards, is particularly special to the Richmond artist, as it has “ so many layers of lost history ”
Andersen thinks interpreting the area ’ s history through the land scape is akin to “reading” Persian rug patterns, where motifs and meaning can only be spotted by those in the know
As of now, there are seven art installations sprinkled around the area: a sea lion, a seal, a deer, beavers at work, a heron, a nest of birds and the log nest monsters
“Nothing’s permanent when you ’ re talking about driftwood (The sculptures are) here until they decay, until they fall apart And
most of them were fairly solidly built so they could last five years, ” said Andersen
Though he doesn’t treat the ma terial to make it more durable, the sculptures have been surprisingly durable and seem to withstand even stormy weather
Collaborating with nature and letting go of ego
Andersen can breathe life into his sculptures with just a few piec es of wood if he finds the right pieces.
Sometimes a perfect piece of wood, such as the one used for
the body of the seal perched near the parking lot, will come to An dersen with a clear blueprint of what it should look like
Other times, creating a piece with what nature offers him doesn’t come as easily, like when he com bined a few pieces of wood for the head of his deer after failing to find the perfect piece
An artist’s legacy is often a part of their identity, their ego, but once a piece is sold commercial ly, they have to let it go, he said
“Ultimately, the owner is the one who will decide the fate of the art piece,” Andersen added.
It’s the same with his driftwood art, which is exposed to the natu ral elements and can therefore go back into the river or just decom pose
Glen Andersen has created seven sculptures out of driftwood in Steveston Vikki Hui photo
Search animal scultptures for full story at
Join the conversation at ARTS
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City of Richmond
Location/s: 10331/10333 Bird Road
Applicant/s: Iqbal Singh Bhullar
Notice of Public Hearing
Monday, November 21, 2022 – 7 p.m. Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Richmond City Hall 6911 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1 | www richmond ca
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/B)” zone to permit the property to be subdivided to two lots.
City Contact: Nathan Andrews, 604-247-4911, Planning and Development Division
• By Email: Copies of the proposed bylaw, supporting staff and Committee reports and other background material, may be requested via email between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing November 10, 2022 and ending November 21, 2022, by contacting the CITY CONTACT shown above.
• By Fax or Mail: Staff reports and the proposed bylaws may also be obtained by FAX or by standard mail, by calling 604-276-4007 between the hours of 8:15 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing November 10, 2022 and ending November 21, 2022.
Participating in the Public Hearing process:
• The Public Hearing is open to all members of the public. Please note that measures will be taken at the Public Hearing to respect physical distancing requirements and adhere to recommended preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. As an alternative to attending in-person, you may register to participate remotely or provide comments in advance of the meeting by emailing Registration to participate remotely is available prior to the Public Hearing until 1:00 pm on the date of the Hearing. Information on how to register is available on the City website:
• If you are unable to attend, you may send your written comments to the City Clerk’s Office by 4 pm on the date of the Public Hearing as follows:
• By E-mail:
• By Standard Mail: 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office.
• By Fax: 604-278-5139, Attention: Director, City Clerk’s Office
How to obtain further information:
• By Phone: If you have questions or concerns, please call the CITY CONTACT shown above.
• On the City Website: Public Hearing Agendas, including staff reports and the proposed bylaws, are available on the City Website at: hearings/2022 htm.
• Public Hearing Rules: For information on public hearing rules and procedures, please consult the City website at http://www or call the City Clerk’s Office at 604-276-4007.
• All submissions will form part of the record of the hearing. Once the Public Hearing has concluded, no further information or submissions can be considered by Council.
Claudia Jesson Director, City Clerk’s Of
City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Richmond will hold a Public Hearing as noted above, on the following items:
The fallen remember
“Hostilities will cease at 11 hundred hours ”
These were the words sent to soldiers on Nov 11, 1918, fighting the biggest war in human history.
Richmond residents were reminded of this moment on Friday by Remem brance Day Committee chair Matthew McBride as they gathered at the ceno taph in front of city hall to honour those who served in Canada’s wars
This year, a wreath was also laid by the Sylvia Hart, the mother in law of RCMP Const Shaelyn Yang who died on Oct 18 in the line of duty The wreath was on behalf of Silver Cross Mothers, those mothers who have lost a child in the line of duty
Yang was a Richmond resident and worked for the Burnaby RCMP She was responding to a homeless camp site in a park in October when she was
stabbed and consequently died of her injuries
“A loss of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police is a loss for everyone in the mili tary family, every Canadian,” McBride said
McBride noted 118,000 Canadians have died in the line of duty, “in the service of our nation ”
RCMP toy drive this weekend
Richmond RCMP is once again stuffing the cruiser for the eighth annual Richmond Christmas Fund toy drive this Saturday
Every year the Richmond RCMP detach ment partners with Richmond Cares, Rich mond Gives (RCRG), which runs the Christ mas Fund program, to collect toys to help underprivileged families celebrate the win ter holidays
The dunk tank, which was brought out last year, is returning with several officials to be dunked on the toy collection day
The public is encouraged to come by the toy drive and donate a new, unwrapped toy to stuff the RCMP cruiser or to make a monetary donation of $10 or more
Visitors can expect mini donuts, a cari cature artist, Coca Cola Christmas truck, CBSA dog unit, Santa and the RCMP safe ty bear on site
“We feel that helping out with the char ity it allows us to give back to the commu nity that is in need, said Richmond RCMP
“We’re hoping to bring a bit of holiday cheer to the community of Richmond ”
Ed Gavsie, president of RCRG, said the program has been receiving inquiries about the Christmas Fund as early as Au gust this year
He added that they are looking at distrib uting between 11,000 to 12,000 toys on top of grocery and gift vouchers to families
The toy drive runs Saturday, Nov 19 at the Lansdowne Centre parking lot from 8 a m to 1 p m
Const Sylvia Chan
Richmond RCMP’s stuff the cruiser drive runs Saturday
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MORE THAN FAMILY SERVICES MORE THAN TRAUMACOUNSELLING MORE THAN COMMUNITYEDUCATION MORE THAN VICTIM SUPPORTS MORE THAN YOUTH PROGRAMS FAMILY SERVICES OF GREATER VANCOUVER THERE’S MORE TO OUR STORY LEARN MORE AT FSGV.CA A Not So Silent Night Gala Reception & Auction In Support of the Richmond Christmas Fund NOV 21 to DEC 7 DEC 7 Participate In the Online Auction Featuring over 275 items, from restaurant gift cards to kitchen appliances, our online auction is open to everyone, giving you a chance to score some great deals while raising funds for families in need. Join Us at the In-Person Reception Taking place at the new Porsche Centre Richmond, our gala reception will feature a delectable selection of food and drink, holiday-themed entertainment, and a live auction with 10 stunning luxury packages. To sign up for the online auction, or purchase tickets for the gala, visit or scan the QR code
Sylvia Hart, the mother in law of Const Shaelyn Yang, laid a wreath on behalf of Silver Cross Mothers at the cenotaph on Friday Maria Rantanen/Richmond News
Massive blanket drive hits Canada Line this weekend
One of the continent’s biggest annual blanket drives will appear once more next week at Canada Line stations in Richmond and Vancouver
On Friday and Saturday, Nov 18 and 19, the Blanket BC Society will be camped out at Waterfront, Yaletown/Roundhouse, Vancouver City, Broadway/City Hall, Oakridge/41st, Marine Drive, Bridgeport, Lansdowne and Richmond Brighouse
In 11 previous drives, the non profit which started 17 years ago with a dona tion of a blanket to a homeless man has handed out more than 550,000 blankets to date to shelter programs, First Nations com munities and families in need, with more
than 20,000 shipped around the world However, Blanket BC is in desperate need of volunteers for next week’s big push at the Canada Line stations, according to its co founder Greg Ould
The two day drive normally has about 200 volunteers collecting donations from passengers and the public
The most requested donations are socks, scarves, mittens, toques and, of course, blankets All donated items are then di vided up and distributed to more than 100 shelter programs and organizations that work directly with society’s most impover ished individuals and families throughout Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast
To sign up as a volunteer, go to www blanketbc org/volunteer
Craft sale, Santa returns
If knitted and woven hand crafted items are your go to gift items, then the Richmond Weavers and Spinners Guild has you covered this week end
The guild is having a hand woven and hand spun exhibit and sale alongside the Richmond Potters Club from Friday through Sunday
The joint sale will take place at the Richmond Cultural Centre this Fri day from 1 to 9 p m, Sat urday, 10 a m to 4 p m , and Sunday, 10 a m to 3 p m
Meanwhile, Santa Chris and his lovely wife, Mrs Claus (pictured above) will welcome their army of fol lowers back at their former grotto at Lansdowne.
Starting this Saturday, Nov 19, the popular pair will be available for the
requisite photoshoots, for a fee
After Saturday, they will be available, via booking which is available online at lansdowne santas coming to lansd owne centre
The Richmond News re ported two years ago how Santa Chris underwent sur gery and received a new heart at St Paul’s Hospital
To find out when and where holiday themed community events are across Richmond, go to Richmond News com and search “holidays ”
Santa Chris returns
WRINKLE AND FROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base $3999 SAVE$10 Manager’s Special: Now only Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘WrinkleandFrownLineCream’ All positions available. COSTCO IS HIRING FOR SEASONAL AND PART TIME POSITIONS No walk in’s please. Visit: and select Richmond Location APPLY AT IS HIRING Maples Bingo “Always a winner at The Maples” Maples Bingo
If you ’ ve never been to Richmond’s food courts, you ’ ve been missing out Unassuming shops in food courts are an integral part of Richmond’s bustling food scene and they often have a loyal customer base that extends far beyond the city
One such eatery is Car’s Dessert, a mom and pop shop tucked into the cor ner of Pacific Plaza near Cambie Road and Odlin Crescent Car’s specializes in Hong Kong desserts such as mango and durian mo chis, baked sago puddings and mango pomelo sago pudding
Although the shop has only been open for a year, its popularity has grown steadly with the help of social media, bringing in regulars from as far away as the U S
The story behind Car’s is in part a love story chef
Jacky Lee and his wife Car Cheung met almost two de cades ago while working at Hong Kong’s InterConti nental Hotel The pair fell in love and eventually moved to Richmond And if you haven’t guessed, Car’s is named after Cheung
When the world shut down due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the couple saw an opportunity to finally pursue their dream to run their own little shop
“We’ve always been in the F&B business, and we couldn’t stay idle,” said Lee, who started working in the industry at the age of 17 and has more than 30 years of experience, includ ing working at Michelin two star restaurant Yan Toh Heen
The choice to keep opera tions small was deliberate as it’s “simpler,” he ex plained, and it allows the couple more flexibility in
balancing their costs with the high quality ingredients they want for the desserts They chose to specialize in mango desserts as well as Chinese favourites such as baked sago puddings be cause they are popular but not easily accessible.
“People might have to go all the way to restaurants (for the desserts) or they might not be able to find as much variety,” said Lee
“I’m offering them more options… and making it more convenient for them ”
The long lines outside the shop, sometimes even when it’s closed, are a tes tament to the demand for Char’s unique Hong Kong flavours
“We worked in Hong Kong restaurants for sev eral decades so we know how things work After we moved here, we noticed that the food, including the flavours and the way they were made, was a little dif ferent ”
To keep the flavours con sistent with what Hong Kongers remember, Car’s uses familiar ingredients like the Monthong durian Lee also uses traditional methods to make the des serts
And Car’s isn’t just offer ing a taste of home for the Hong Kong diaspora
John Ho, a Hong Konger who moved to Canada decades ago, said he had never tried the mango pom elo sago pudding before going to Car’s.
Ho recently documented his trip to Car’s through a Facebook post in a group for Hong Kong foodies in Vancouver. He had decided to go to get a mango pud ding to cheer up his part ner, who was diagnosed with cancer It appeared to work
Back in Car’s, Lee and Cheung said they felt touched by Ho’s story
“Our motto for the busi ness is to keep the human touch and stay grounded ”
Mango dessert spot
Jacky Lee’s Car Dessert opened a year ago in Pacific Plaza
offers taste of HK
BUSINESS FOREST LAWN Funeral Home & Memorial Park 3789 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby OCEAN VIEW Funeral Home & Burial Park 4000 Imperial St, Burnaby VICTORY MEMORIAL PARK Funeral Centre & Cemetery 14831 28th Ave, Surrey IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE ALL PROPERTY OWNERS AND FAMILY FOREST LAWN, OCEAN VIEW AND VICTORY MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERIES AND FUNERAL HOMES We are in the process of verifying and updating our records. Since many of our families have moved or changed phone numbers over the years, we have been unable to contact everyone. If you are a property owner with us and have not been contacted in the last two years call us for an appointment 604-328-6079. A Division of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC ATTENTION Since 1989, working diligently with a Client-First approach to Solving Legal Matters Successfully in Richmond and throughout Vancouver Metro 自1989年以來,我們 直在列治文市和 大溫地區努力地以客戶至上的精神為大 家解決法律上的問題。 Tel: 604-688-9337 http://www remedios lawyer/ Email: 李東尼律師事務所 Remedios and Company Lawyers & Notaries Public Suite 1233 2nd Floor, 3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond, BC V6X 3Z9 $2000 off your next oil change FREE TIRE INSPECTION Tire Services: New Tire Sales Tire Repair Tire Rotation FREE BRAKE INSPECTION Brake Services: Brake Replacement service Make and Appointment Now Open Hours: Mon: Sat: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM • Sun: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Jiffy Lube New Westminster 110-805 Boyd St, New Westminster (Queensborough outlet mall) (604) 527-7112 Jiffy Lube Richmond 10991 No 4 Road, Richmond (Steveston Hwy & No. 4 Road) Call us: (604) 448 0142 when you mention this ad, Expires December 8, 2022
Steveston Now
“For example, all of our appetizers are vegetarian and vegan, like our falafel, hummus, and kashk o bademjoon a grilled eggplant dish with turmeric and mint and served with Persian bread,” Tila said.
When it comes to the main meals, Anar Persian shines with its selection of kebobs
“For those unfamiliar with Persian food, it is best described as a barbecue that is slow-cooked,” Tila said “You can’t rush a properly prepared kebob ”
Enjoy a little taste of Persian food right in Steveston Village
That’s what Tila and David Akhavan have been providing guests at Anar Persian Cuisine (12051 Third Ave ) since 2017
“We are from northern Iran and the food from there is delicately spiced with flavours like saffron, cinnamon and lemons,” said Tila. “And we bring that, and much more, to the dishes we serve here ”
The menu is complied from a list of family recipes that have been shared and handed down.
“We keep the dishes simple and wholesome, just like they were originally,” Tila said, adding the selections have plenty of vegetarian, vegan, and glutenfree choices.
The same goes for their popular lamb shanks, which is marinated in a mixture of spices, and gently cooked overnight to achieve fall-off-the-bone perfection.
“People really love that,” Tila said. “It’s so tender and full of flavour.”
For those who would like to enjoy the delights of Anar Persian, but are on a tight schedule for lunch, there is a set of daily specials intended to please, and meet nutritional needs
“People here work so hard and we wanted to provide a fresh, balanced meal with three important elements equal portions of carbs, protein and vegetables,” Tila said. “And that comes with a very reasonable price of $15, including tax.”
For more on Anar Persian Cuisine, visit anargrill com
kisamostaverna com • 604 277 5626 Authentic Natura Greek Cuisine 3420 Moncton St , Historic Steveston Village Open everyday from 12:00 - 8:30 Tuesday 4:00- 8:30 WE’RE OPEN FOR TAKE-OUT www.jet
Slow-cooked perfection at Anar Persian Cuisine 604-278-4700 Laser & Skin Care For more information about advertising at the Steveston Now monthly feature, please contact Nayeli Garcia, monthly featured sponsored by 788-341-707
Tila and David Akhavan / Owners
Brewery wins award
Richmond’s Monkey 9 Brewing has walked away with an award in hand from the BC Beer Awards this year
The event saw 121 B C breweries with 1,000 entries in over 31 categories for the 11th annual BC Beer Awards
Steveston’s Monkey 9 Brewing took home a third place award with their Mizaru Brown Ale in the North Ameri can Amber & Brown Ale category
The brown ale entry is an updated recipe by the brewery’s newest head brewer Jules Dubus It’s known for its “roasted malt, chocolate and caramel characters ”
This is the brewery’s second time tak ing home an award in the category with the first being in 2019
“It’s very exciting for us and it’s always great to be recognized,” said Dallas Worthington, marketing manager of Monkey 9 Brewing
“Brewer Jules has been recognized for something he put so much hard work into his craft and (is) always learning It’s great for such a small brewery like ours to be recognized among 121 dif ferent breweries ”
Three-level Porsche centre opens at mall
A three-level Porsche centre officially opened at the Richmond Auto Mall.
The new flagship location is one of Canada’s largest Porsche dealerships with 75,000 square feet of space, which opened in partnership with OpenRoad Auto Group and Dilawri Group of Companies.
Porsche first announced the project to open a location at the Richmond Auto Mall in 2016. It wasn’t until 2019 that the project kicked off with a vehicle showroom at Richmond’s Aberdeen Centre
Porsche Centre Richmond’s auto mall location has a new and pre-used vehicle showroom, guest amenities, delivery area and 15 service bays.
The building was “specially designed” to accommodate Porche’s range of electric vehicles, according to a joint statement from OpenRoad and Dilawri.
—Valerie Leung/Richmond News
Dubus, who has been working at Mon key 9 for the past nine months, said they are trying to create more “approach able beers” for people at their brewery to make them “ easy drinking sessions.”
“Most of our beer is accessible to peo ple who don’t think they like beer,” said Dubus “That’s one of the biggest goals of our brewery.”
“The most important thing for us, we love what we are doing and we are trying to recreate and transfer this into our beer. Beer is a beautiful world and there’s so much to talk about it and we want to transfer our passion to others ”
A luxury resale pop up store is pre paring to open inside a Richmond shopping centre this week.
Mine & Yours, a popular luxury reseller, announced that it was set to open its largest location inside a 5,000 square foot store at the Rich mond mall on Wednesday, Nov 16
The store will be selling “hundreds of exclusive designer new arrivals,” according to the brand’s Instagram post
Items at the store includes design er bags, shoes, jewelry, clothing and accessories
Julus Dubus is Monkey 9
Brewing Co ’ s newest head brewer
Valerie Leung
store set to open at Richmond
23, 2022 RICHMOND FRANCIS 7020 Francis Road 604 204 0707 Gilbert Rd. No.3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTH DELTA #1 11161 84th Ave 604 592 2902 n Roya Delta Cen re 1 1 2 S NordelWay 1 2 0 S Commun y Cen e 84 h Ave VANCOUVER ARBUTUS 4639 Arbutus St. 604 263 2322 u u S Y w S W e s W33dA ValeyD N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLE mmfoodmarket com 1799 Prices of products hat feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Spec a ogo are exc us ve to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program Simp y present your membersh p card or s gn up for a ree membersh p n s ore or onl ne to take advantage o these exclusive of ers M&M Food Market Express and other non trad t onal stores offer a imi ed range of products therefore spec al pr c ng and promotions are not va id at M&M Food Market Express or other non trad tional s ores Lowes Pr ce of the Season is our guarantee o you subject o the fo low ng qua ifica ions that you w l no after th s flyer’s expiry period see a ower price on hese se ected items at M&M Food Market exclud ng M&M Food Market Express ocat ons and partners (the “Trad t onal Locations” from November 17 2022 unt l December 31, 2022 (the “Guaran ee Per od” I you find a ower advert sed price at our Trad t ona Locations dur ng he Guarantee Period you can br ng your receip to one of our Tradi ional Locat ons and receive a store cred t for the di ference between the price you pa d and the new adver ised pr ce NOTE Guarantee s only val d or M&M Food Marke Rewards customer transactions 12 each Fall Off the Bone® Back Ribs 1 FULL RACK OF RIBS 510 g 680 g Sausages 8 9 PIECES 750 g 900 g 1499
Luxury re-sale
Having been knocked out of the Rich mond play offs, McRoberts Strikers’ ju venile girls volleyball team had written off playing in the South Frasers
Their coach had actually collected their uniforms, thinking their season was over But when a fifth berth opened up, they were added to the competition, joining Steveston London, Holy Cross, Rich mond Secondary, Burnett and McMath And not only did the girls compete in the championships, they won it, defeat ing fellow Richmond school McMath 3 1 (25 17, 10 25, 25 12, 25 22)
Hosted by McRoberts and McNair, the championships ran from Nov 7 to 9
In the semifinals, McRoberts defeated Holy Cross and McMath defeated Rich mond Secondary to set up the final Richmond Secondary took home the
The Richmond Jets U13 A1 hockey team is off to a flying start to the season, after clocking up an 18 4 record and bagging the Nanaimo Bardown Remembrance Day Tier 1 Tournament.
The boys went undefeated, 6 0, on the weekend, claiming gold after an exciting final against Victoria Racquet Club
Despite being 2 0 down halfway through the game, the Jets stormed back with a goal to half the deficit, only for Victoria to quickly restore the two goal advantage
the game into overtime.
head to the
and Saturday at Lord Tweedsmuir in Sur rey, as number one and two seeds, re spectively, from the South Fraser region Elsewhere in the South Frasers, Bur nett’s junior boys took bronze, as did McMath’s junior girls, while McMath’s Grade 8 girls took silver
The Jets continued to battle and scored again in the second period to make it 3 2 as the game headed into the final period Jets goalie Daniel Kruk made some timely saves to keep the team in the game and, with just a minute remaining, the Richmond boys took a timeout that paid off, scoring the tying goal with one minute left to take
And, with 3:47 left in overtime, Tate Derosa scored the golden goal to send the Richmond bench into raptures
Tate Derosa got the game MVP with three goals while Leander Han got credit for a goal, as well, and captain Alexis Vary receiving the hardest worker award The team, led by long time rep coach Milton Chan, will look to continue their success competing in the PCAHA Flight 1 division
U13 Richmond Jets off to a flying start
McRoberts and
Provincial Championships this Friday
hand in uniforms, then win
McRoberts juvenile girls volleyball team won the South Fraser Championship last week
McRoberts’ girls
Alan Campbell
us on news SPORTS
photos follow
Alan Campbell
606 3198 R verwalk Avenue, Vancouver 901 1526 Finlay Street, Wh te Rock LISTED Personal Real Estate Corporation Gary K. Louis 604-818-7000 • Selling Homes In Richmond For 29 Years! STUNNING LUXURY WATERFRONT Penthouse with impressive 936 sq.ft. deck in The Peninsula, at Port Royal. With 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths over 2,300 sq. ft. & 2 floors, this unit features magnificent water, mountain & city views. Gourmet kitchen includes, Gaggenau appliances, expresso machine, built in wine fridge and entertainment sized island. Private 3rd floor deck include built-in BBQ and outdoor fireplace! Building amenities include concierge, lounge, theatre, guest suite, hot tub, steam room & gym. 2103 210 Salter St., New Westminster JUST LISTED 2,300 SQ. FT. PENTHOUSE 826 Weston Street, Coquitlam Fantastic 2 bedroom, 2 bath in Currents by Polygon in The River District. This sunny south facing unit is on the edge of the Fraser River and features expansive 180 degree views! The huge 900 sq ft. deck with natural gas hook-up, can accommodate the largest patio furniture pieces and is the perfect spot to enjoy evening sunsets! Modern and bright the kitchen includes a large entertainment sized island and appliances by BOSCH. Stunning mountain views from this upper East facing 2 bed, 2 bath plus den unit. Contemporary interiors feature engineered H/W flooring and porcelain tiles, energy efficient appliances, modern lighting and closet organizers. Comes with two parking, EV charger and bicycle storage. Centrally located, walking distance to White Rock’s East beach promenade, Semiahmoo Shopping Centre, schools and parks. Newly built custom home in Central Coquitlam. Featuring 8 bedrooms and 7 baths this house includes a 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE with separate entrance. The designer kitchen is an entertainer’s dream with well-appointed chef s kitchen, quartz counter tops, double wide fridge and a massive island! The open family space opens to an outdoor patio with exterior fi eplace. Great location near Poirier Leisure Complex, Como, restaurants and shopping. JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD #313 - 12633 No. 2 Rd Nautica North, 1 BDRM with Lovely window seat to enjoy green space view Walks large with no wasted space LISTED $499,000 5431 Wagtail Ave Classic split level. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 5,700 sq ft lot LISTED $1,499,000 2681 E. 54th Avenue Killarney oldie but a goodie 4 BDRM, 2 Baths bungalow with separate entrance basement Upgraded roof, windows and hot water tank NEW PRICE $1,898,000 #124 - 8520 General Currie Rd
Richmond Jets U13 A1 team won the Nanaimo Re membrance Day tournament
A20 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: Each office independently owned and operated. #114-7251 Minoru Boulevard $699,800 #2-4388 Bayview Street $1,099,000 #1106-7788 Ackroyd Road Quintet Tower D 11-storey concrete apartment building centrally located at the heart of Richmond. Professionally managed by Dorset. 2 bed 2 bath functional corner unit comes with geothermal airconditioning, balcony and 1 parking. Amenities include in-door swimming pool, cardio gym, meeting rooms, and 20,000 sqft roof top garden. Close to public transit, campus, community centre, restaurants and much more. Perfect for live-in or rental. Zack Zhang 778-881-9926 $839,000 #203-7777 Cambie Street NEW CONCRETE BUILDING SOMA at the popular Cambie Corridor and next to Winona Park in Vancouver West. Air-conditioned SOUTHEAST facing bright CORNER UNIT with 2 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths and lots of windows. Contemporary design with highend European MIELE appliances & gas stove, quartz countertops, engineered hardwood floor ng, and in-suite washer & dryer Functional floorplan and surprisingly spacious inter or make it an ideal first home for a family One ga ed parking with EV charging and a PRIVATE storage room included. Only 8 minutes walk to Marine Gateway shopping and Marine Drive Skytrain Station to YVR, downtown, Langara College, and UBC. School catchment: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary & Sir Winston Churchill Secondary Rentals & Pets Allowed. Donʼ miss this urban gem! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Andrea Chu 604-338-6660 $988,000 5571 Stefanko Place $1,499,800 #343-7471 Minoru Boulevard Top floor southwest corner 2bdrm 1 bath unit in Woodridge Estates facing the private treed courtyard is a must-see. Tastefully updated with newer kitchen cabinets and appliances, and laminate flooring throughout. Skylights in kitchen and dining provide even more light. Large deck off living area and access to a huge sundeck right next door for 3rd-floor owners to enjoy the outdoors. Separate laundry room/storage in-suite. Amenities include outdoor pool, squash court, weight room and more. Unit is rentable. Patti
604-273-2828 $549,000 #303-7660 Minoru Boulevard $739,800 #434-5700 Andrews Road MOVE-IN-READY, TOP-FLOOR UNIT IN RIVERS REACH 2 bedroom, 1 bath with west exposure in-suite storage hardwood floors throughout including the bedrooms and vaulted ceilings in the living room. Super clean and gently lived in, this unit has a kitchen with stainless steel appliances, laminate counters and opens onto the dining/living area Spacious storage area off kitchen with updated washer/ dryer Living room with cozy gas fireplace, has charming window seat and access to the balcony Updated blinds. Excellent school catchment with Homma Elementary and McMath Secondary Pet friendly building Beautiful grounds with the lagoon system and boardwalk into the Village. 1 parking spot. Live the Steveston lifestyle in this BRIGHT unit with a functional layout and lots of updates. Patti
604-273-2828 $599,800 SOLD 10111 No. 1 Road $1,199,800 #304-6077 London Road STEVESTON LIVING at its best in this PENTHOUSE, north-facing 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom 2 level home! Located in London Station II in highly sought-after London Landing. This beautiful home boasts STUNNING VIEWS from its MASSIVE 431 SQF ROOFTOP PATIO. Breathtaking sunsets provided from the sweeping Marina, Mountain and farm views. Enjoy climate comfort year-round with the building s Geothermal system. Other quality features include Bamboo flooring, gas fireplace and stove, and a gourmet kitchen with SS appliances. Steps away from Diplomat Bakery Ember Kitchen, Sanctuary Café, daycares, schools and a short stroll into Steveston Village. Maint. fee includes City Water and Sewer 2 parking and 1 locker Pet and rental friendly Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746 $799,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD #205-7840 Moffatt Road EXCEPTIONAL VALUE in this 2 bdrm, 2 full bath CORNER/ END unit at the conveniently located MELROSE. Over 1000 sq ft of living space with laminate flooring throughout and an eastfacing covered ba cony Tastefully updated over the years and in squeaky clean condition, this functional floorplan is bright with all the extra windows. Kitchen with a window above the sink features stainless steel appliances, subway tile backsplash, stone counters and room for a movable island Foyer entrance with large coat closet. Spacious primary bedroom with walk-thru closet and ensuite. Separate laundry room. 2 parking (1 covered and 1 open), 1 storage locker Building was re-plumbed in 2015 and the lobby facade was redone 2019. Close to shops and transit, this is the one! Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $539,800 #1201-6631 Minoru Boulevard Extra spacious east facing one bedroom unit in Regency Park Towers. Large windows for lots of light and good sized balcony off living room Unit is in original condit on ready for your decorating ideas. Excellent location across from Richmond Center and steps to Canada Line. Short walk to Minoru Park, library and Minoru Centre for Active Living which includes pool, gym and Seniors Center 1 parking included. No pets. No rentals. Shared laundry Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $379,900 NEW LISTING OPEN SAT & SUN 2-4PM
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A21 WEST COAST THE RIGHT ADVICE... FOR TODAY’S MARKET 40 years of award winning service is a simple click or call away 604.238.SOLD (7653) 604.649.9711 (TEXT) WE LOVE COME TRUE O MAKING DREAMS SOLD SOLD SOLD FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4PM #302-13040 NO. 2 ROAD HARBOUR WALK Brand new move in ready home just steps away from the water Features private outdoor space overlooking the Fraser River and Steveston Marina Plenty of amenities in the area including, restaurants, schools, parks, dyke trails and so much more Enjoy your new home in the heart of Steveston Please note photos are of the show suite. Offered at $848,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #9-6400 PRINCESS LANE Like living in your own detached heritage home in Georgie-Award winning London Landing neighbourhood! This 3 bdrm plus games room down and flex room loft up, enjoys beautiful water views, high ceilings, granite counters, s/s appliances hardwood floors and a functional floor plan. Priced at $1,598,800 Lynn Sakai-Boden 604.218.4800 SALES CENTRE OPEN SAT & SUN 2-4PM @ 12011 3RD AVENUE #9-9399 NO. 2 ROAD Introducing Crofton Town-homes, a boutique new community of 3 & 4 bedroom townhomes located in the North Steveston neighbourhood of West Richmond. The 11 brand new Townhomes are designed in a classic brownstone style with modern farmhouse aesthetics featuring a combination of brick, and wood trim accents. Sleek kitchens offer islands with quartz countertops and durable materials. Developed by Citimark, one of Richmondʼs most prolific townhome builders. Come visit our sales centre today! Offered at $1,298,800 Sean Lawson 604.240.4837 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY #123-12639 NO. 2 ROAD Enjoy sweet serenity in this rarely available 2 level, 2 bdrm 2 bat, 2 s/s parking Cityhome in sought after Nautica South On the quiet side, walk up to your own entrance with a private fully-fenced garden patio, and enjoy views of the marina from your super sunny South and West corner un t. You also have a spacious ba cony on the 2nd floor with an even better view of the Fraser River and boats.Updates include hardwood floors, granite kitchen counters, updated stainless appliances. Offered at $829,000 Lynn-Sakai Boden 604.218.4800 Valerie Laurendeau Endless Opportunity 604.603.7333 Independen ly Owned and Operated 110 6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 Bus: 604 273 2828 Fax: 604 279 8002 Westcoast 609 6080 Minoru Blvd $738,000 Welcome to Horizons by App a/Bosa This delightful 1066sf 2 bedroom 2 bath condo is spac ous enough to f t house size furniture The 2 bedrooms are separated for privacy Facing west, watch the spectacular sunsets from inside the unit or take it all in from the balcony Enjoy the city and Gulf Island views as well, day or night Cozy gas fireplace 1 parking & 1 ocker Amenit es include a social room exercise room hot tub Centrally located and connected to Richmond Centre Mall, it’s steps away from Canada Line, transit, Hudson Bay restaurants, medical off ces, banks, Minoru Park, ice arenas, library the track & the new Minoru Centre for Active Living and Aquatic Centre Close to Brighouse Elementary & Richmond Secondary Fantastic location! 3631 Francis Road $1,679,000 Welcome to this quaint and cozy home on a 66x106.5 sf lot on the quiet end of Francis Rd Make this cute and well-maintained 1871sf house yours with a beautiful private fenced backyard 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, Murphy bed in the family room 4 year old h/w tank, with unique extra parking in the back or make it into a great play area for the kids. Spacious covered balcony for bbq s and entertaining The attached shed includes a small workshop inside Also ideal for investment or holding property until ready to build your dream home Steps to Seafair Shopping Centre transit Gilmore Elementary Boyd Secondary gas station restaurants. 39 – 5380 Smith Drive $929,000 Welcome to Bridgeview Court in Hamilton! This spacious 3-level townhome end unit with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, double SxS garage w th loads of storage space and a quaint cozy fenced backyard is perfect for a growing family or if you are downsizing from a house Walk up to the living and dining, open kitchen with generous eating area and large family room surrounded by windows on the main floor Extensive utility room a flex room with a built-in desk and a workbench in the garage provides options for storage and hobbies. Two additional parking on the driveway Brand new ba cony too! Close to Hamilton Community Centre Hamilton Elementary School, retail, bus transit Queensborough Landing, New Westminster Vancouver and Burnaby
A22 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty - #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 SOUTH FACING 2 BDRM + 2 BATH CONDO This 1 year, SOUTH facing 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo at the “Hensley” located in the West Coquitlam Lougheed Town Centre neighbourhood is walkable to all amenities, shopping restaurants and the Lougheed SkyTrain station! Features a great open 846 SF floor plan with air conditioning, Jenn-Air SS appliances, integrated 48 Blomberg double fridge, slab porcelain backsplash quartz countertops and laminate floors throughout. This bright home also comes with a huge 21’ wide outdoor balcony 1 parking & 1 locker Complex has hotel-style amenities including concierge, fully-equipped gym, outdoor pool, ho tub steam room, sauna and an amazing triple-height penthouse lounge / indoor zen garden rooftop. Don’t miss out on this great home that’s rentable and pet friendly! #807-450 Westview St, Coq $855,000 , HENSLEY COQ WEST 1725 SF 3 BED PENTHOUSE Priced to Sell !!! Exceptional value on this 1725 SF spectacular 3 bedrooms / 2 + huge den with 2.5 baths, 2 large decks (235 SF outdoor space) and 2 side x side parking spots! t’s built by BOSA. t’s CONCRETE. It s priced at $607 PER SQ FT It s UPDATED. Strata has $450,000 in their contingency fund. What more can you ask for? Amazing views from his South West corner unit with high ceilings in the living room & floor to ceiling windows throughout brand new herringbone-designed oak hardwood floors, new contemporary gas fireplace, refinished smooth ceilings, automatic roller blinds plus 70 sf of functional insuite storage. Located in a prime Central Richmond location hat is just steps o shops, restaurants, transit Skytrain & Richmond Centre Mall. Don’t let someone else take advantage of this amazing opportunity #1809-7380 Elmbridge Way $998,000 , CENTRAL RICHMOND LARGE 664 SF 1 BEDROOM FLO built by Onni Developments. Spacious 664 sq ft 1 bedroom unit offers floor to ceil ng windows to enjoy the morning sunrise. Bonus spacious covered balcony offers additional outdoor space for year round enjoyment. Interior features nclude: newer aminate hardwood floors, quartz counters, stainless steel appliances, gas stove & insuite laundry Well-managed complex with excellent amenities w/outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna, gym, ounge & nicely landscaped gardens. Just steps to the Richmond Centre Mall O ympic Oval T&T Supermarket, Hospital & easy access to the Skytrain & Vancouver #809-6888 Alderbridge Way CENTRAL RICHMOND $568,000 LARGE LOT 63' X 302" = 19,035 SF! Excellent opportunity to build your dream home of up to 4305 square feet including garage on this great property Zoned AG1 so you can have lots of land at the back of the property for a tennis court basketball court mini pitch & putt or to just park extra cars, RV or boat Just steps to Henry Anderson Elementary and AR MacNeil Secondary School and conveniently located just minutes to Garden City Park, transportation, Walmart Supercentre and all the shops & restaurants at he Central at Garden City mall. Easy access to all highways & bridges into Vancouver 6300 No. 4 Road $1,688,888 LAND ONLY $2,098,000 4 BDRM + DEN FAMILY HOME Impressively well kept 4 bedroom + den family home that’s located on a huge 13,207 SF lot w/ a wide 72.5’ frontage! Enjoy this centrally air-conditioned 2393 SF home that features a super bright kitchen w/ island, newer stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings & family room w/ wet bar (all added with City permits). Other updates incl a roof that’s just 9 yrs old, 3 openable skylights, upgraded double-glazed windows, large laundry rm, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces & loads of storage in the enormous heated crawlspace. The super flexible layout can be easily separated for in-laws, nannies or extended family All this on a fully landscaped lot with a sunny SW backyard, large back patio & detached single garage. Perfect holding property or build your dream home that’s 5212 SF plus garage. 8751 Roselea Place HUGE 13,207 SF LOT $1,280,000 LACKNER 3 BDRM + DEN TOWNHOME WOW! Absolutely amazing 2 level CORNER end unit townhome with 3 bedrooms, large open den 2.5 baths and family room located in the heart of the soughtafter Lackner neighbourhood Totally renovated from top to bottoms and features a brand new dream kitchen with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, all new bathrooms, new flooring throughout, designer paint, cozy gas fireplace, insuite laundry new windows, new hot water tank, new patio doors and so much more. This 1493 SF home is also situated in a very private and quiet location within the complex and comes with a sunny south backyard exterior storage room and 2 parking spots. Walk to Jessie Wowk Elementary Steveston-London Secondary Richmond Christian School, Blundell shopping centre, parks and transit. #6-5111 Maple Road COMPLETELY RENO SOUTH FACING PENTHOUSE! UPDATED 2 BED/2 BATH 1155 SF WOW!! This renovated top floor South facing PENTHOUSE has an updated kitchen & 2 bathrooms with granite counter tops and custom tile flooring The kitchen offers an island stainless steel appliances & many cabinets for storage The living room has hardwood floors, custom gas fireplace & vaulted ceilings This sunny unit is located in one of quietest corners of the complex facing the inner courtyard There is an age restriction of 19+ years and no rentals are allowed. Also included is 1 secure parking & 1 storage locker The complex is conveniently located across the street from Lansdowne Mall, Canada Line Kwantlen College and just steps to all the shops & restaurants Central Richmond has to offer #301-8600 Lansdowne Road $618,000 , NEW LISTING $548,000 GREAT 593 SF WITH 1 PARKING Great opportunity to OWN your own brand new air conditioned 593 SF office space with 1 parking spot in the Class A-Rated office tower at the International Trade Centre in Richmond This 10th floor office space is rectangular in shape, has no pillars and offers high ceilings and easterly views. Comes with View Smart Windows with 4 shades o tint that can be operated by a phone app Located next to the new upscale Versante Hotel, Bruno Restaurant & Bar and Sushi Kiwami. Conveniently located by the corner of No. 3 Road & Bridgeport Road that’s just minutes to the Bridgeport Canada Line Station, YVR International Airport and 15 minutes to Downtown Vancouver Ready for your design ideas. #1075-8477 Bridgeport Road OFFICE SPACE $29/SF OFFICES FOR LEASE 200 6055 SF Excellent opportunity to lease up to 2 levels of office space in a central location between the Airport & West Richmond! Great for those who want flexible spaces ranging from 200 SF on the 2nd level, 2100 SF on the ground level or even up to 6055 SF in total at a reasonable cost. Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are also available to all occupants in the building. The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $29/SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4380 Agar Drive SOUTH AIRPORT TERMINAL $31/SF PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space n a central location between the Airport & West Richmond at the South Airport Terminal! Premium office space with 3376 SF with its own bathrooms at a reasonable rate. Access to a huge executive-style lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are available to all occupants in the building The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $31/ SF include property taxes, heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Central Richmond. 4360 Agar Drive AIRPORT & WEST RMD 6 BDRM HOME IN PRIME LOCATION This bright and newly renovated 6 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom family home has an amazing 3374 SF floor plan. Features high vaulted ceilings in the grand entry, living and dining areas, engineered oak hardwood, granite countertops, new stainless steel appliances, new washer/dryer 2 cozy gas fireplaces, new carpets, radiant floor heat, bright skylights, security system, concrete-tiled roof and more… The entire exterior including the detached double garage has all new paint and fascia upgrades which adds to the great street appeal. All this and located on a large south facing 66x110 7370 SF lot in an excellent neighborhood surrounded by new homes that’s just minutes to buses, the new Minoru Centre for Active Living, Minoru Park, Richmond Centre Mall and Steveston-London Secondary 6531 Chatterton Road $2,368,000 , , NEWLY RENOVATED 3331 Springford Avenue $2,538,000 , , NOV 3 2 BDRM + DEN WITH RIVER VIEWS Amazing south-facing WATERFRONT 2 bedroom + den + flex room condo with RIVER VIEWS from every room and 2 side x side parking spots at the Waterstone Pier! This hidden gem features 1130 SF of spacious living, open kitchen, stainless steel Kitchenaid appliances, gas stove, new hood fan, granite countertops, hardwood floors, new carpets, electric fireplace huge master bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, large insuite laundry room and 1 locker Monthly strata fees include hot water & geotherma air conditioning/ heating. All this in a petfriendly complex with lush greenery & serene settings that’s only minutes from Watermania Pool, Silver City Theatres, Country Farm Market, Ironwood Mall with super easy access to Hwy 99. #312-14200 Riverport Way $799,000 , WATERFRONT CONDO!! FAM HOME W/ 2 BEDROOM SUITE Beautifu ly kept! This custom built 15 year family home offers a total of 6 bedrooms that comes complete with a fantastic 1 or 2 bedroom suite that’s perfect for in-laws or just as a mortgage helper! Still being enjoyed by the origina owners, th s 3450 SF home features a gourmet kitchen with island, stainless stee appliances, quartz countertops, extra large laundry room with 2 sets of washer/ dryers, 4 ful + 2 half bathrooms, HRV system cozy gas fireplace and master bedroom with huge deck. The large 7346 SF landscaped lot is loc on a super quie street in popular “Seafair” with a private backyard, covered patio, large veggie garden & shed All this in an excellent location just steps to the Dyke, Seafair Mall, West Rmd Community Center Gilmore Elementary & Boyd Secondary 8351 Fairhurst Road $2,468,000 , , CUSTOM BUILT TOTAL 10 BEDROOMS, 6 BATHS Amazing opportunity to own this well maintained FOURPLEX that is located on a large 11,389 SF potentially subdividable property with excellent income potential. With 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths on each of the top floors and 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath on each of the lower levels, you can live in one, collect income from all or share with your family Features include some laminate flooring, 4 wood-burning fireplaces, detached double garage, back lane access and a large south facing backyard. The property has also been daycare approved. Don’t miss out! 10500-10520 Anahim Drive $2,188,000 4PLEX ON 11,389 SF LOT EXTRA LARGE 791 SF 1+ DEN Prime Central White Rock location just steps to shops and restaurants. This attractively priced one bedroom + den offers 791 sf of spacious living area with a BONUS huge 950 sf of outdoor patio space. This home features an extra large living room, bright white kitchen, bedroom with large walk in closet, 1 parking and a storage locker on the same floor Wiltshire House is a boutique condo with 18 units. Building has new roof in 2020 & maint fees includes hot water heating. Perfect home for owner occupiers who are 19+ years and have 2 cat and no dogs. Sorry no rentals allowed. #106-15265 Roper Ave, White Rock $319,000 , BONUS 950 SF PATIO JUSTSOLD #210-4233 Bayview Street NOV 11 $878,000 JUSTSOLD UPDATED 4 BDRM FAMILY HOME This well-cared for custom built 4 bedroom family home has been updated throughout the years & offers 2021 SF of spacious living Features engineered hardwood floors, newer carpets, bright maple kitchen stainless steel appliances, Bosch washer & dryer large covered back patio upgraded double-paned windows, 2 cozy fireplaces, new 6 yr furnace, on-demand hot water system & Google home security Bonus storage shed at back & add'l storage in carport. All this on 61.7 x 106.5 = 6577 SF lot with a sunny south facing backyard Excellent street appeal with curbs, sidewalks & underground wiring in a quiet & safe family-oriented neighbourhood close to Thomas Kidd Elementary & McNair Secondary Easy access to all highways & just minutes to Ironwood Mall. 10780 Mersey Drive $1,688,000 , , SPOTLESS 1 OWNER VAULTED CEILINGS LARGE 1 BDRM + DEN W/ 772 SF Bright, TOP FLOOR 1 bedroom + den at popular Dorchester Circle w/ 772 SF of spacious living! This SOUTH facing home features high vaulted ceilings. lots of natural light, laminate floors newer kitchen faucet, ceiling fan, new lighting, cozy wood fireplace and a large balcony The large open den can easily be partitioned into a 2nd bdrm. Grea complex offers a heated outdoor pool, large gym and onsite building manager and updates to the building include roof, plumbing and exterior paint. 1 secured parking and 1 locker All this in a fantastic centra loc on a quiet tree-lined street that’s close to Richmond Centre Mall, Minoru Centre for Active Living, Minoru Park, buses, Ferris Elementary and Richmond Secondary Grea investment to live in or rent out! #362-7293 Moffatt Road $409,900 , NEW LISTING
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A23 604-275-9787 www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD ● RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD ● RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics 1010-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Approx. 80 frontage facing No. 3 road. Prime ground floor corner 5,499 sq.ft. unit in Parker Place l. High ceiling. Bright and spacious. Located in the best area in this busy shopping mall. Perfect for medical centre excluding traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and pharmacy, retail trade & services businesses, western style restaurant or dancing school/sport institute & more. HVAC (heat, ventilation & air-conditioning), newly renovated. Rent-to-own plan available o.a.c.. On bus route, walking distance to Canada Line & city centre. 9 parking decals for staffs Plenty of parking & flexible operating hours with No. 3 Road exit doors for after mall hours entry Seize this amazing business opportunity 5,499 SF CORNER RETAIL UNIT $7,800,000 101-2691 VISCOUNT WAY I-L zoned light industrial warehouse. Self-managed small complex of 9 units right next to Home Depot in convenient North Richmond. Spacious front unit with wrap around windows & Knight St Bridge exposure. 4,178 sf (2,089 sf dn +2,089 sf up) corner unit. North half of unit has been a catering kitchen with full exhaust, 7 x 11 walk-in cooler cooking equipment, work & storage area, etc, all with City permits. Start your kitchen business right after Completion and save a lot of TIME and money! South half has 10 w x 8 h front overhead loading door at grade & has tenant since 2019, lease expiry on Dec, 2022 with no option to renew Unit has three 2-pc washrooms (2 up + 1 down). Perfect for central kitchen, restaurant, catering, bakery No usage restrictions except any business which is illegal or causes nuisance, hazard or unreasonab e noise to others. 4 assigned parking + loading bay & ample street parking. One block to bus stop. $350 monthly strata fee. LOOKING FOR CENTRAL KITCHEN OR RESTAURANT SPACE? $2,228,800 1290-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Famous Parker Place in the heart of Richmond. Steps away from No 3 Road entrance 762 sqʼ (16ʼ W x 48ʼ L). Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion or strata approved excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & close to City Centre. Vacant possession is negotiable. PARKER PLACE 762 SF RETAIL $549,000 PRIMA, a beautifully-crafted brand new building by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Walk 1 short block to No 3 Rd & couple of minutes later at Richmond Centre. Lowdensity w/only 101 strata units. Functional floor plan. Spacious & bright! Qualityfinished w/built-in brand name appliances in open modern kitchen, gas cooktop, quartz counter tops, AC, F-to-C windows, German 12mm wide-plank laminated wood floors & large tiles in bathrooms Roof-top garden, multi-purpose function room, equipped gym. All these plus a huge elegant entrance foyer on a very quiet residential street. #807 6833 Buswell Street 1,156 sf 3-bdrm NE corner unit + 2 balconies totaling 833 sf Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. King-sized master bdrm has walk-in closet. $1,196,800 NEW PRICE!! #1207 – 6833 Buswell Street 954 sf 2-bdrm NE corner unit + 95 sf balcony Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. Kingsized master bdrm. $1,098,800 NEW PRICE!! #715 6833 Buswell Street 579 sf 1-bdrm + 70 sf patio. W-facing looking right onto the 5th fl roof top garden view Open & spacious, king sized master bedroom. Not an inch of wasted space!! Asking $696,800 6125-4000 NO. 3 ROAD Top floor 12ʼ x 40ʼ (478 SF) office. F-to-C windows w/beautiful water & sunset views! Air-con. Shows like new Also FOR LEASE at $2,200 gross plus GST (3.78% NOI). At Canada Line skytrain Station Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mix retail w/office units) allowing many usages. ABERDEEN SQUARE 478 SF OFFICE FOR LEASE/SALE $438,000 MOVE-IN READY 2680 SHELL ROAD Good Corporate looking complex. Tilt-up concrete construction main floor unit. IB1-zoned. Suitable for professional & serv ce oriented business e.g. lawyer notary Chinese or naturopathic doctor 11 +/- ceiling. HVAC & sprinklered. Can be purchased together Each has 2 parking at front. Unit 143 1206 SF $718,800 3-pc bathroom Unit 148 1197 SF $713,800 2-pc H/C washroom. Presently used as a bakery (still going on strong but seller wants to retire). Sale of business or equipment negotiable OFFICE / SHOWROOM / WAREHOUSE NEW LISTING 501-3355 BINNING ROAD UNIVERSITY VW Prestigious Binning Tower in UBC by Award winning West Group. 1,330 sf 2 en-suited Bdrm + den, 2-bath, 2-u/g secured parking + locker Almost 100 sf SW covered balcony with open view Open concept & floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light. One owner since new & very well kept. Euro-styled gourmet kitchen with integrated high- end Gaggenau appliances including a 5-burner gas cooktop. Premium quality engineered hardwood flooring. Tiled kitchen & bath floors. One can have the originally-designed 3-bdrm back if necessary, & still have a huge living/dining area. Facilities include equipped gym, library lounge, etc. Walking distance to Westbrook Village, Pacific Spirit Park, 3-level of schools, shops & restaurants. 1,330 SF 2-BDRM CONDO IN UBC $1,688,000 1440-4380 NO. 3 ROAD Prime ground floor unit in Parker Place Phase I. Close to food court. 15' frontage. Located in the best area in this busy foot traffic shopping Mall. Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Good Tenant gross rent : $1,350/month, annual net return 3.25%. PARKER PLACE 266 SF RETAIL FOR SALE $298,000 1685 KINGSWAY, VANCOUVER 844 SF brand new tenant improvement w/$100,000+/- spent on new interior walls/doors/ ceiling, new millwork displays, shelving & racks, plumbing/grease trap,5 sinks, lighting w/scheduled shutoff, etc, Unit has good HVAC & 16ʼ+/- high open ceiling, all freshly painted. Perfect for café, pizzeria, small restaurants/ take out & more. Located conveniently at Sunrise Plaza just east of Knight St. with lots of parking. Business Licence type: Retail Food since July 20 2022 Lease expiry July 31, 2024 w/ option to renew for a further 2-year term Basic rent $22.50/sf ($1,582.50/m) till July 31, 2023 $24/sf ($1,688/m) till July 31, 2024. Operat ng Budget @ $17.50/sf. BUSINESS FOR SMALL CAFÉ OWNER ALERT! $113,800 NEW LISTING 3454 WEST BROADWAY, VANCOUVER Nice retail shop in West Broadway Corridor 749 sq.ft. with excellent exposure, air-conditioned, security system. 9 feet height, 18' frontage, T-bar ceiling. Close to UBC & Vancouver Downtown. One assigned parking stall. Just renewed the lease for 5 years. Good tenant. Lease expiry January 31, 2028. Basic rent average $2,371.83 per month + property tax and strata fees. Annual net return 3.4%. W BROADWAY 749 SF RETAIL $839,000 NEW LISTING 2005-10011 RIVER DRIVE RARELY available 5,539 SF unit with 172 wrap around window views ONLY unit on 2ND floor w/private elevator 11 exclusive underground parking. Parc Riviera mixed use complex at north end of No.4 Rd. Fast growing area with rapid increased population & commercial activities. 15 minutes walk to Bridgeport Station, couple of minutes drive to Vancouver Quick access to Highway 99, Knight Bridge & Airport. Close to Costco, Foody World & River Rock. Complex has vast green area, children playground & is right at Tait Waterfront Park with walking trails along the North Dyke. ZMU17-ZONED PERFECT FOR MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFICES, HEALTH CARE FACILITIES (e.g. CARE-HOME), CHILDCARE, RESTAURANT CLUB, STUDIO, ETC. Finished unit with 2 washrooms. Unit 1005 1,714 SF right below also on MLS. ZMU17-ZONED 5,539 SF RETAIL/OFFICE $3,388,000 NEW LISTING SOLD SOLD
A24 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM sutton group seafair realty 550 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 604.241.4898 FAMILY FRIENDLY 26-11491 7th Avenue MARINERS VILLAGE just steps from the West Dyke, Garry Point Park & Steveston Village. Beautiful cabinetry and built-ins in the living room, vinyl windows, bright updated kitchen (with extra window) and bath with laundry up. East and west patios to enjoy the morning or afternoon sun plus easy care laminate floors throughout. Choice complex with grand greenspace & indoor pool STEVESTON VILLAGE $788,000 TRENDY TERRA NOVA 70-6888 Robson Drive Townhome in STANFORD PLACE that has a lovely fresh pallet. Features 2 generous bedrooms up & 2 baths plus a tandem garage. Nine foot ceilings and open plan on the main with ample kitchen cupboards, stainless steel appliances and large deck for barbeques. Facing north/south affords wonderful brightness & the complex boasts a movie theatre, exercise room & beautiful outdoor pool. TERRA NOVA $998,000 MILLION $$$$ VIEWS 61-11491 7th Avenue Stunning waterview townhome in popular Mariners Village BEST location in Richmond. Perched on the West Dyke it boasts magnificent views of the channel, Gulf Islands & North Shore mountains. This home features vinyl windows, Master with ensuite plus 2 piece powder & a beautiful maple kitchen with a great layout. Having the beds down affords amazing views from the living areas and large deck. STEVESTON VILLAGE $1,028,000 MORTGAGE HELPER 4734 55B Street Superb value for this great 2½ storey home with coach house above the garage. This spacious 2,700 sq ft 4 bedroom & loft home features an open ʻGreat Roomʼ plan on main, 3 full baths and powder on the main, rear lane access & private yard. The one bedroom coach house has itʼs own laundry and is a terrific income/ mortgage helper Convenient Delta Manor area in lovely Ladner location. Sweet! LADNER $1,628,000 STEPS TO STEVESTON 4888 Duncliffe Road Spectacular 4 bedroom & den home in popular ʻDUNNSʼ area where you can walk to The Village, community centre & parks in minutes. Beautiful woodwork & built-ins, A/C, crown mouldings & lofty ceilings. Spa-like baths (3 full up & 1 down), majestic Master Suite with big walk-in closet & lavish ensuite. Chefʼs kitchen boasts gas range, wine fridge, big island & fine cabinetry Nicer than new STEVESTON SOUTH $2,198,000 NICER THAN NEW 11491 No. 2 Road Simply smashing re-build is this grand 3,400 sq ft home with unbelievable ʻFamily Fantasyʼ yard. Boasts basketball court, inground trampoline & amazing outdoor lounge & kitchen area. Great Room affords views to the farmland & Mt. Baker Lower level offers a 1 bedroom in-law suite that could expand to a 2 bedroom one easily Gourmet kitchen, gym, Master Suite with HUGE walk-in and more. WESTWIND $2,299,000 ELEANOR SY TAN WESTSIDE Cell. 604 802 1696 Bus: 604 263 8800 OF B C 30 Years Broadmoor Area big lot 78 by 150 foot lot. Build your dream home. Good for rental and holding property Renovated kitchen, bathroom, laminate flooring, master bedroom new carpet. Secluded garden with newly built gazebo. 5 minutes to sky train, Richmond Centre, Minoru Park, Community Centre, library Transit few steps from the house. Nice residential neighborhood. 8611 NO. 3 ROAD Richmond ~ $2,888,000 #311-7500 MINORU BOULEVARD Richmond ~ $538,000 Carmel Pointe central location Adult -oriented building 19 above Well managed building. 2 Bedrooms 1 and a half bath. over a thousand square feet on top floor Updated kitchen and Bathrooms. Walking distance to Minoru Park, Library, Community Centre, Sky train, bus, shopping mall etc Rainscreened well maintained building. Lots of visitors parking. No rentals allowed.Strata fee includes City of Richmond Utility Tax. SOLD Sutton Group Seafair Realty “A NAME EASY TO RECOMMEND” GOLD MASTER Salim Shivji 604.328.3521 Shivji #4906 4650 BRENTWOOD BOULEVARD, BURNABY "AMAZING BRENTWOOD" - TOWER 3! Absolutely fantastic higher floor unit in like Brand-New condition only one year old in one of the best locations in Brentwood Park! Like living on a resort, everything is right there at Brentwood Mall! Steps from Skytrain & Transit! Approx 720 sq ft., excellent floor plan, featuring 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms Sweeping views for miles! Rentals and Pets OK See it you’ll love it! GREAT BUY! $769,900! 1027 WALALEE AVE SOLD BY SALIM THE VILLAGE UPPER TSAWWASSEN Totally updated 4 bdrm home in The Village in Upper Tsawwassen No expense spared updating this gorgeous property The updates are endless. New roof, doors, windows, all new plumbing JUST LISTED! $1,565,800 #209 8291 92 STREET, DELTA "TILBURY" IN LADNER Excellent 5,634 sq.ft strata warehouse in Tilbury area in a super corner location with easy access to all lower mainland areas Dock & Grade loading Call for full details! $3,698,000 Just Sold! #314 8591 WESTMINSTER HWY, RICHMOND "LANSDOWNE GROVE" Spacious 726 sq.ft. Top Floor 1 Bedroom in ever popular complex in the heart of Richmond steps to everything! The suite is completely renovated & looks fabulous! Brand new laminate flooring throughout, Designer décor paint schemes, Stainless appliances in Kitchen New light fixtures, complete new bathroom, etc. etc.. Ample size Master Bedroom with loads of closet space. Insuite laundry & Utility area too! Don’t miss out! Investors and Pet lovers are welcome. MARKET FRESH! $399,800!
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A25 TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS richmond 604 653 7851 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT REMEMBRANCES in mEmoriam You left us too soon, and now it has been four years We love and miss you so much our dear girl We ta k to you everyday but miss your voice talking back to us Love Mom and Dad To our dear daughter Corinne Wright September 3, 1971 November 22, 2018 obituariEs WALTERS, Nettie December 15, 1933 November 9, 2022 It s wth extreme sadness we announce the passing of a very strong, proud and independent woman; Our friend, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt and sister Nette Passed away peacefully at home in the company of many loved ones after a sudden decline of health in her 88th year Nette was a long tme Rchmond resident who wl be mssed by al that have met her Her legacy lves on through al her famiy that she eft behnd Many thanks to everyone that was so helpful in our tme of need In ieu of flowers, pease volunteer or donate to a charity of your choice Servce to be held on November 21st at Ocean Vew, 4000 Imperia St , Burnaby Viewng n the Chapel from 12 1, Funeral 1 2 and Reception 2 4 EMPLOYMENT MAKE DOING WORK FOR YOU Behind every orange apron, there’s a career for you! Join a team that cares. Applyatcareershomedepotca ortext“HomeDepotJobs” to97211 MARKETPLACE appLianCEs WHIRPOOL FRIDGE, $550 obo Exc cond no dents or scratches 778 297 3682 WantEd WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL Aso purchasing SIL VER & GOLD cons, bars, jewery, scrap, nuggets, ster ng, 999+ BULLION, mape leafs, bulk s ver, pre 1969 coins Con colector BUYING ENT RE COIN COLLEC TIONS od $ & Roya Cana dian Mnt coins TODD 250 864 3521 REAL ESTATE industriaL/ CommErCiaL INTEGR TY POST FRAME BUILDINGS snce 2008 Buit wth concrete posts Barns, shops riding arenas ma chine sheds and more sales@integrtybuilt com 1 866 974 7678 www inte gritybu t com MARKETPLACE Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community WOLOSHEN, Andrew M. January 14, 1932 November 5, 2022 With sadness, we announce the passing of radio broadcaster Andrew Woloshen, aka Andy Walsh. He passed away at home at the age of 90. He is survived by his wife, Bea; six children; eight grandchildren; and six great grandchildren. A service will be held at 1pm, November 29, 2022, at St. Joseph the Worker, 4451 Williams Rd, Richmond In lieu of flowers, please support Coming EvEnts Historical Arms 2 Day Gun Show Saturday • Nov 26 8:00am 5:00pm Sunday • Nov 27 8:00am 3:00pm Evergreen Ha l 9291 Corbould Street Chllwack, BC Exit #116 off Hwy #1 www hacsbc ca COMMUNITY Lost LOST CAT White & Grey Tabby since June 15 Short haired / Green eyes / Very friendly / Pics Online RN Microchip / Reward / Please call 604 272 4207 To the former clients of DAVID L TAKAHASHI TAKE NOTICE that the ega pract ce of Dav d L Taka hash (deceased), former y located at 308 8171 Cook Road R chmond BC V6Y 3T8, is closed For those c ents who have yet to make arrangements to take pos sess on of or transfer the r wi s, f les, corporate records or other va uab e documents p ease contact Mr Branko Verb c at the Law Society of Br t sh Co umb a Tel: 604 605 5375 or E mail: LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES As you share the stories and the memories of how they lived their lives and how very much they meant, may you find comfort Create, review, adjust, tweak, resize, change font, add colour, tweak, review again, publish, sell, simple. Create your own ads at classifieds.richmond It’s selling made simple Dreaming of a New Home? Check the Real estate section To advertise call 604-630-3300 604-653-7851 Getting Married? Announcements 24/7 . . Place your Wedding Announcements 24/7 Discover new job possibilities. classifieds.vancourier com BRINGHOME THEBACON
1 Rd, Regent St (Townhouse route)..
1420102 Fortune Ave, Gander Crt, Dr, St. Brides Crt Pl, St. Johns Crt, Pl, St. Vincents Crt Pl, Williams Rd......
1420103 Cornerbrook Cres, Fortune Ave, Freshwater Dr, Williams Rd......
1420108 Sable Ave, Sceptre Crs, Skagit Dr, Sorrel Dr
1420109 Springfield Crt, Dr, Springthorne Cres......
1420203 Geal Rd, Groat Ave , Williams Rd....
1420204 Pendelton Gate, Dr, Waller Crt, Dr, Williams Rd......
1420208 Desmond Ave, Rd, Diamond Rd, Earlmond Ave, Elkmond Rd, Lamond Ave, No 1 Rd, Williams Rd......
1420209 Barmond Ave, Desmond Rd, Diamond Rd, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Osmond Ave, Raymond Ave......
1420210 Diamond Rd, Oakmond Rd, Raymond Ave, Rosamond Ave
1420212 No. 1 Rd, Pendlebury Rd, Peterson Dr, Pickering Dr, Waller Dr, Williams Rd..............
1420215 Barmond Ave, Diamond Ave, Francis Rd, Newmond Rd, Oakmond Rd......
1430104 Hollymount Dr, Gate, Railway Ave, Steveston Hwy
1430111 Addison St, Defoe St, Goldensmith Dr, No. 2 Rd, Swift, Williams Rd......................
1430113 Gilbert Rd, Williams Rd..........
1430114 Goldsmith Dr, Steele Crt...........
1430115 Hollycroft Dr, Gate, Hollywood Dr, Williams Rd......
1430116 Gilbert Rd, Steveston Hwy
1430412 Francis Rd, Maple Rd, Martyniuk Gate, Pl, No. 2 Rd......
1440613 Algoma Dr, Arvida Dr, Gate, Bissett Dr, Francis Rd......
1440619 Arrowsmith Dr, Pl, Athabasca Dr, Auburn Dr
1490402 Lancing Crt, Pl, Langton Rd, Ledway Rd, Lindsay Rd, Lombard Rd, Ludgate Rd, Pl, Ludlow Pl, Rd......
1490405 6780 / 6800 / 6840 Lynas Lane......
1490409 Bouchard Crt, Gate, Dover Rd, No. 2 Rd, Walton Rd, Westminster Hwy
1490417 Opal Pl, Sapphire
A26 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM HOME SERVICES GENERAL EMPLOYMENT classifieds EMPLOYMENT Kids and Adults Needed to deliver the Richmond News. Papers are delivered to your door No need to insert flyers either! Deliver once a week, on Thursdays, right in your neighbourhood. Call our Distribution Department for information. 604-249-3132 or email Route Boundaries Routes in other areas also available. Call for more information
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7th Ave (Mariners Village).....
Ave, Georgia St, Pleasant St.........
Garry St, Georgia St,
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1410019 2nd Ave, Garry St, Georgia St, No. 1
Richmond St, Garry St..........
Regent St.........
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Pleasant St,
1410024 4th Ave, 6th Ave, 7th Ave, Garry St, Georgia St, Richmond St.......... 1410026 11020 11500 No.
Pl, Tiffany Blvd, Turquoise Dr 1500001 Boeing Ave, Catalina Cres, Douglas Cres, Hudson Ave, Miller Rd, Stirling Ave, Wellington Cres...... 1500004 Boeing Ave, Catalina Cres, Douglas Cres, Handley Ave, Hudson Ave, Lancaster Cres....... 1510114 Bryson Bay, Crt, Dr, Pl, Hall Pl.... 1510115 Carter Crt, Fisher Crt, Dr, Gate, Odlin Rd...... 1510117 Kilby Dr, Cambie Rd.. 1510119 Blair Dr, Howard St.............. 1510123 Carter Dr, Hayne Crt, Kitcher Pl...... 1510303 No. 4 Rd, Craig Crt, McLeod Ave, Crt.......... 1510304 Finlayson Dr, McLennan Ave, Baydala Crt, Gagnon Pl.... 1510404 Caithcart Rd.... 1510405 Dallyn Rd, Deerfield Cres, Dewsbury Crt, Dr, Dumont St, No. 5 Rd..................... 1510417 Harrison Ave, Jack Bell Dr, McNeely Dr ST. ANNE’S 4071 FRANCIS ROAD RICHMOND NOVEMBER 26 9:30 AM 2 PM Baked Goods St Anne’s Pies Homemade Preserves Crafts, Books, Jewelry Christmas Decor Puzzles, & more! 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RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2022 A27 CALL THE EXPERTS SUDOK U Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 b oxes T o s olve a Sud oku the numb ers 1 throug h 9 must fi ll each row column and box. Each number can appear only on ce in each row colu mn an d box. Y ou can fi gure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the n umeric clues alread y p rovid ed in the b oxes. PUZZLE ANS WERS O N SEP ARA TE P AGE 604.241.8466 richmond bc@mollymaid ca Relax, leave the cleaning and disinfecting to us! M.S. MAINTENANCE & RENOVATIONS Plumbing • Electrical • Woodwork • Drywall • Bathrooms • Painting • Handyman • Textured Ceilings • FREE Quotes Door Repairs: Patio • Pocket • Bi-folds • Shower Insured / WCB • Mike Favel • 604 341 2681 and I’m a Nice Guy! PLUMBING & HEATING Licensed, Insured & Bonded Local Plumbers Plumbing Service & Repairs Boilers & Furnaces Gas Work 604.868.7062 Heating System Service Special Only $109 Inc uding free hot water tank service! Ken Miller 604.275.1417 Complete Services Offered • 35 Years Experience • Fully Insured 604-277-4519 | It’s the FRIENDS we meet along the way that help us APPRECIATE the journey A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE, A GREAT WAY TO LIVE ACROSS DOWN 1 Greek mountain 5 One dependent on something 11 Gratitude 14 Glazed ceramic ware 15 Paddling 18 Step 19 More greasy 21 Upper class young woman 23 Light beige 24 Belief in a supreme being 28 Indigenous people of Scandinavia 29.Abeloved princess 30 Transfer property 32 Field force unit 33 Automated teller 35 When you hope to get there 36 Sino Soviet block (abbr) 39 Politicians Fischer and Conroy are two 41 Blood type 42 Stringed instrument 44 Curses 46 Barbary sheep 47 Belonging to a thing 49. Supporters 52 Leaf footed bug 56 Ashower of water 58 Attribute to 60 Intermittent 62 Soda waters 63 Scottish island 1 Klutz 2 Relaxing places 3 Expel saliva 4.The extended location of something 6 Cease to exist 7 Powerful legal pro 8.The OJ trial judge 9 Popular greeting 10 “90210” actress Spelling 12 Blyton, children’s author 13 “This Is Us” star Fitch 16. Battery cell with a nickel alode 17 Full of bacteria 20 Remains of an old building 22 Exist 25. It gets you into places 26 Witness 27 The spreading of a disease to another part of the body 29 Father 31.Touch gently 34 Licensed forWall Street 37 Lute used in N Indian music 38. Mirabel shouldn’t talk about him 40 Atomic #62 43 Religious 45 Silvery white metal (abbr) organization 50 Acknowledgment (abbr) 51 Turn away 53 Kidney disease (abbr) 54. Smooth feeling fabric 55 Competently 57 Sea eagle 58 General’s assistant (abbr) 59 It helps you see 61. Emerging technology PUZZLE ANSWER IN CLASSIFIEDS
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