2 minute read
Sleeping nurse disciplined
Mike Su
A Richmond nurse has been disciplined after his regulatory college found him guilty of sleeping during his shift, failing to administer medication on time and not properly assessing a patient who removed their urinary catheter, which could have had dire consequences
Ivan George Dacanay, a former licensed practical nurse from Richmond, was also accused of unethical conduct by the B.C. College of Nurses & Midwives (BCCNM) for not following the college’s guidelines regarding patient assessment and documen-
tation, and disrespecting colleagues
Dacanay has voluntarily agreed to the public reprimand and terms that will limit his nursing practice He received a twomonth suspension of his nursing registration and is prohibited from being the sole regulated nurse on duty, supervising nursing students or orienting new staff
Meanwhile, Dacanay will have to develop a learning plan to improve his professional communication, ethics, documentation and administration of medication The plan will be shared with his employer and BCCNM
The college is one of 18 regulatory bodies empowered under the Health Professions Act and regulates nursing, practical nursing, psychiatric nursing and midwifery
Feds fund youth gun violence prevention
The federal government aims to prevent gun violence with a cash injection of $250 million of which Richmond will receive $2 68 million
Richmond Mayor Mal- colm Brodie welcomed the funding, saying it will feed programs targeting “at-risk youth” and young adults with “mentoring, skills-building, training, outreach, and educational opportunities ” The money is from the federal government’s Building Safer Communities Fund
Mike Su/News
Search Gun violence for full story at Richmond-News.com
Tourism Richmond – Directors
Richmond City Council is seeking applications for three (3) Director positions for the Richmond Tourism Association (Tourism Richmond) Board of Directors.
Tourism Richmond Overview
Tourism Richmond is a non-profit, destination marketing organization (DMO) that promotes Richmond as a tourism destination. Its goal is to ensure that Richmond and the community benefit from a thriving visitor economy Tourism Richmond is the City of Richmond’s tourism destination marketing and destination stewardship services provider
• Executive-level work experience and expertise in a related sector such as: o Food and beverage o Retail o Transportation and travel o Tourism attractions, venues or events o Accounting/finance or general business

• A commitment to community-wide tourism development in Richmond.
• Strategic-level business planning and decision-making skills.
• Strong communications skills, including the ability to represent Tourism Richmond externally
• Abilities and skills for special tasks, such as legal guidance and financial expertise.
Attendance at approximately ten (10) Board meetings per year, in addition to Committee meetings and tourism industry events and engagements, is expected.
Applications and Process
Please submit a current resume, along with a cover letter specifying how you will contribute to the development of tourism in Richmond, to economicdev@richmond.ca no later than Friday, February 17, 2023. Any questions can also be sent to economicdev@richmond.ca Interviews and final selection are expected to be completed by Friday, April 28, 2023.