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Woman hit by car at Costco gets almost $1M compensation

VIKKI HUI Vhui@Richmond-News com

A woman has been awarded almost $1 million after getting hit by a car in the Richmond Costco parking lot


Parminder Kaur Sunner, 50, was walking through the parking lot in 2017 when she got hit by Myung Ju Lee’s car Sunnerrecalledlandingonthehoodofthecarandhittingher head near her ear.

She felt a headache and pain on her side, and she experienced pain all over her body and suffered “excruciating headaches” after the accident.

She told the court she has not been able to work since the accident and has had to undergo a variety of treatments, especially to alleviate the “intolerable” and “non-stop” pain in her leg

“There is little question that the injuries that Ms Sunner incurred as a result of the accident have had a profound and longstanding effect on her quality of life,” said B C Supreme Court Justice Matthew Taylor in his written decision

At the time ofthe accident, Sunner wasworking full-time asa medical imaging booking clerk and was doing freelance esthetician work for friends and family

She also worked as a medical office assistant and a makeup consultant prior to the accident.

Sunner was described as “the life of the party” who exercised almost daily, hosted dinner parties for big groups of friends and there was no evidence she had mental health issues.

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