2 minute read
MLA launches anti-racism survey
The provincial government has launched the BC Demographic Survey aimed at helping identify and eliminate systemic racism in government programs.
Richmond MLA Henry Yao, citizens’ services minister Lisa Beare, attorney general Niki Sharma and representatives from the Anti-Racism Data Committee made the announcement at the Chinatown Storytelling Centre in Vancouver, where they encouraged every resident in the province to participate before the deadline on Sept 29
“It’s unfortunate that racism is embedded in our society,” said Yao
“We are working through by first collecting data, understanding the challenges and how we can improve…and as government how we can address our gaps and barriers in our services to ensure all British Columbians are welcomed, supported appropriately in an equitable manner.”
Fill out the survey at Antiracism govbc ca/bcdemographic
“After the accident, Ms Sunner’s life changed completely,” Taylor wrote.
Sunner told the court she no longer engages in recreation of any kind and the impact on her mental health has been “substantial.”
Defence questioned Sunner’s credibility, pointing out that her testimony about the accident, her employment and income and her hospitalization were inconsistent.
Although Taylor acknowledged the issues showed Sunner had the ability to “exaggerate and stretch the truth when it suits her interests,” he decided Sunner is still credible because her physical and psychological injuries have impacted her memory and recollection
He added Sunner was “generally consistent and coherent” when testifying about her injuries and their impact on her life, andtherewas“anabundanceofexpertevidence”showingthe serious nature of the injuries and symptoms
Judge Taylor ultimately decided to award Sunner a total of $1,208,467 in non-pecuniary damages (compensation for her pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and loss of amenities), loss of her past earning capacity, loss of her future earnings, her future care costs and loss of housekeeping capacity However, he decided to discount the amount by 25 per cent to account for Sunner’s pre-existing back condition and her failure to take “proactive steps” to treat her symptoms, exercise and rehabilitate herself
Notice of Council Meeting
For the purpose of presenting the 2022 Annual Report
Pursuant to Sections 98 and 99 of the Community Charter, City of Richmond Council will receive delegations to provide the public an opportunity to comment on the 2022 Annual Report.
Monday, June 26, 2023 • 7:00 p.m. Richmond City Hall Council Chambers 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC
As an alternative to attending the proceedings in-person, you may:
• stream the council meeting online at www.richmond.ca/watchonline
• register to participate remotely or provide comments in advance of the meeting by emailing cityclerk@richmond.ca
Registration to participate remotely is available until 1:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. Information on how to register is available on the City website: https://citycouncil.richmond.ca/meetings/phone-participation.htm.
Copies of the 2022 Annual Report are available for public inspection via:
• the City website at www.richmond.ca (City Hall > Finance, Taxes & Utilities > Budgets & Financial Reporting > Annual Reports)
• the City’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/cityofrichmondbc)
• electronic copy by emailing finance@richmond.ca
For more information, please contact Finance Administration at 604-276-4218.