Richmond News August 20 2014

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More hats thrown into civic ring Mayor Brodie yet to face a challenger Graeme Wood

Staff Reporter

Getting ready to lace up their hiking boots are Paramjit Sandhu (right) and son Amit who are organizing the second annual Grind for the Mind fundraiser for Richmond Hospital’s mental health programs. See Page 6 for the full story and where to register for the event. Photo by Philip Raphael/Richmond News

Four more city council candidates were announced by their respective parties this week; three of whom have unsuccesfully run for a seat at Richmond City Hall in years past. And some of the emerging words-du-jour for this November’s municipal election — which will introduce four-year terms — are: “engagement” and “transparency.” According to the newest city council candidates for the Richmond Community Coalition, it is you, the voter, who will shape the issues they take to city hall. “We want to hear from them and listen to what the issues are as opposed to us telling them what the issues are,” noted Dan Baxter, who was introduced as the newest candidate for city council, along with running mate Helen Quan, who unsuccessfully ran for city council in 2005 for Richmond First. Baxter and Quan were announced as candidates at Aberdeen Mall on Monday. The public affair was in contrast to the more subdued, media-only event held at Minoru Park last month in which candidate chair Sylvia Gwozd introduced incumbent councillors Ken Johnston (formerly of Richmond First) and Chak Au (formerly of RITE) as RCC candidates. Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the Richmond Independent Team of Electors (RITE) announced its two-candidate slate for city council, consisting of high school teacher Michael Wolfe and small-business owner Carol Day. RITE, via a news release, announced three platform issues for the upcoming municipal term, including: Campaign disclosure reform,

greater development transparency and a health-related business plan. Day and Wolfe say they are planning to disclose political funding before the election (instead of after) and have vowed to lobby the City of Richmond and the province to cap election spending. RITE will also “visit the issue of term limits” on municipal politicians. RITE vows to “go through an improved civic engagement process” and provide better, clearer communication to home owners for development applications. Furthermore, “through public feedback we can create lists of the most pressing needs and fast track the approval process for businesses that will fill those gaps in quality of life and preventative health,” noted the party’s letter. RITE said it is also hoping to tackle Richmond’s perceived “spending problem” by finding efficiencies at city hall. see BUZZ › page 4

RCC candidates Helen Quan and Dan Baxter Photo by Graeme Wood/Richmond News.


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