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W E D N E S D AY , A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 ! A police forensics investigator probes the scene of Friday night’s suspected gangland shooting near Dover Park in the city’s Thompson neighbourhood. Yellow crime scene markers appear to indicate where the victim bled down the path. Photo by Ryan Stelting
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ARTS: Charlotte Diamond and son play out Cannery series 11
Gang shots spark question
Acting mayor perturbed over shooting information delay Staff Reporter
he 40 hours it took the RCMP to inform the public of basic details of a gangrelated shooting late Friday night is another example of why the City of Richmond ought to look seriously at its own municipal police force, according to city council’s public safety committee chair. “It’s very concerning. The public needed to be aware of what took place and this is one of the things about the RCMP that really bothers me. They do their own thing for whatever reason,” said committee chair Coun. Bill McNulty, when asked about the incident near Dover Park in the Thompson neighbourhood. Presently, the city is researching the implications of shedding the RCMP from day-today police services, in place of a municipal police service, similar to Vancouver or New Westminster. McNulty said he was also the acting mayor at the time of the incident, and yet he was not informed of it beyond what he saw in the
media over the weekend. He said, under normal circumstances, Mayor Malcolm Brodie is immediately informed of such high-profile incidents and then the information is brought to councillors. “I was not informed in any way, shape or form,” said McNulty. “This is why This is why we’re we’re looking looking at an alterat an alternative. This is a native. This is a good good example example right here. right here,” he added. – C. B MN Last month, Brodie announced that the city is preparing to reveal to the public its research into a municipal police force as early as the end of the year. Should Richmond City Council decide to part ways with the RCMP, the process would take two years. Brodie has said some police
Graeme Wood
work performed by the RCMP, including homicide investigations, could be kept on a contractual basis. On Friday, Mounties attended the area of No. 2 Road and Westminster Highway shortly after 11 p.m. and cordoned off part of a neighbourhood adjacent to Dover Park. Area residents told Global News BC they heard gunshots and an apparent trail of blood was spotted in the area leading to the nearby Chevron gas station. Meanwhile, police provided zero details on the incident as late as Sunday afternoon. At 3 p.m. on Sunday, the RCMP held a news conference where some of the more apparent details (such as the fact it was a shooting) were announced. Acting RCMP spokesperson Const. Adriana Peralta further stated the one shooting victim is well known to police and has gang ties. The male victim was shot multiple times and was sent to hospital, where he is now expected to survive. Peralta also said the victim is not cooperating with the police investigation and that no one was in custody. See RCMP page 3
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