Richmond News November 18 2015

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W E D N E S D AY , N O V E M B E R 1 8 , 2 0 1 5

NEWS: Police fear for woman’s safety 3

Going for gold " Richmond Olympic Oval staff were giving away replica gold medals to kids on Sunday morning at Steveston Park as part of a promotion for the opening this weekend of the ROX (Richmond Olympic Experience). Photo submitted

COMMUNITY: Marathon runners’ combined age hits 409 years 10

Bhullar donates precious medals to new ROX at Oval Alan Campbell

Staff Reporter


he first question he asked was, “how good is your security?” Suffice to say, Richmond’s Commonwealth gold medal-winning and Olympic wrestling hero Arjan Bhullar had mixed feelings about handing over his prized possessions for the new ROX museum, which opens this Saturday exclusively for Richmond residents. Bhullar’s memorabilia will be among more than 500 Olympic, Commonwealth and other sport artifacts on permanent display at the Richmond Olympic Experience (ROX) at the Olympic Oval. The wrestling champ, now an up-an-coming MMA fighter, has given up his Commonwealth gold medal, 2012 Olympic Games wrestling suit, tracksuit and wrestling boots

" Olympic wrestler Arjan Bhullar with his 2010 Commonwealth gold medal. Photo submitted

for the exhibit. And at the official unveiling on Friday, Bhullar said the moment will be a proud one, not just for him, but for his team and his extended family.

“The stuff in there is priceless to me and I would be curious as to what the insurance costs are,” joked Bhullar. “Outside of all the memories, these items are really all I have. But rather than have them all sit in the house, it’s better they’re on display and I can then maybe multiply hundreds of times over the inspiration. “But this weekend will be a celebration for sure; it’s a big day for everyone who has helped me throughout my career. I’m very proud and privileged to be a part of (the ROX).” Aran Kay, the Olympic Oval’s program manager for marketing and communications, said being a member of the IOC’s Olympic Museum Network will enable the facility to participate in artifact exchanges that will change some feature exhibits from time to time. See Wall page 3

ARTS: ‘Oncer’ granny happy to poke fun 15

SPORTS: McRoberts sweep titles in city volleyball playoffs 26

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