Richmond News January 20 2016

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NEWS: Council grills Massey Tunnel replacement boss

Pedestrian hit in Steveston, fights for life


Alan Campbell

Staff Reporter


69-year-old man is fighting for his life after being struck by a car in Steveston on Tuesday morning. The accident happened as the man walked across Dyke Road, just a few yards south of the intersection with London Road, at around 11 a.m. The car involved, a Chevrolet sedan, was being driven by a 77-year-old and appeared to be travelling north at the time. According to Richmond RCMP, the driver stayed at the scene and is cooperating with police. Speed and alcohol are not factors in the incident. Police say the pedestrian was rushed to hospital with “life-threatening injuries.” There is a construction site to the west side of the crash scene, but it’s unclear whether the sidewalk is fully accessible and whether it played a part in the incident. Crash investigators were still probing the scene at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Anyone with information on this collision is asked to contact Const. Jenkins at 604-278-1212.

" Pedestrian, 69, suffers ‘life-threatening’ injuries after collision near London Landing. Photo by Alan Campbell.

COMMUNITY: Educator preaching common sense parenting 5

Airlines claw back legal fees GRAEMEWOOD

VAPOR could pay for pipeline court challenge


VAPOR recently instructed its lawyer to raised about $55,000 for the challenge and apply to Madame Justice Dillon, who heard ended up using it all. Of that total, Carswell the judicial review, for an said VAPOR was fortuorder that each party pay nate enough to receive its own legal costs. Dillon is $20,000 from West expected to make a deciCoast Environmental It kind of feels like they’re sion on Friday. Law’s environmental VAPOR director Scott trying to send us a message, dispute resolution Carswell said the group fund. but I could only guess. didn’t raise enough money Carswell said VAFFC to cover legal fees in the could afford to drop its – S C event of a loss. request for fees. “We were hoping we “It kind of feels like would win, and it was a bit they’re trying to send of a calculated risk on our us a message, but I part based on the advice we had. Because could only guess,” said Carswell. it was in the public interest and not a When the Richmond News called VAFFC malicious action, we thought that the court about the matter, its contracted public would tell everyone to pay their own fees,” relations firm released an email statement said Carswell. attributed to the consortium’s project direcIn total, VAFFC is seeking upwards of tor, Adrian Pollard. $20,000, said Carswell. VAPOR had only See Process page 3

Staff Reporter


consortium of major airlines — including Air Canada and WestJet — is seeking legal fees from VAPOR, a group of local citizens that took the companies to court last year. VAPOR had unsuccessfully challenged the consortium’s planned jet fuel delivery system on the south arm of the Fraser River, arguing that the provincial government and the consortium — known as the Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC) — did not provide for adequate public consultation leading up to the December 2013 granting of an environmental certificate. Since losing the judicial review in B.C. Supreme Court in early 2015, the province has subsequently dropped its request to claw back legal fees from VAPOR. However, VAFFC is seeking compensation.

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COMMUNITY: McNair secondary opens its doors to the public


SPORTS k sink i k SPORTS: Sh Sharks their teeth into Carkner Classic title 19




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