Discover King William 2008

Page 1

2008 County Guide Book

Published by Richmond Suburban Newspapers

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May 2008

Discover King William County

Page 3

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(All area codes are 804)

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

Welcome to King William County ...............4–5

Animal Control:..................................................769-4963 Health Dept.:......................................................769-4988 County Services Main Number: ..................... 769-3011 Dominion Virginia Power:................... 1-888-667-3000 Domestic Violence Hotline, Project Hope: .........................................1-877-966-4357 Bay Transit: .............................................1-877-869-6046 Sheriff, non-emergency: ................................. 769-0999 Parks and Recreation:.......................................769-4225 Public Information OfďŹ ce: ............................ 769-4985 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative:.......................................... 1-800-552-3904 Registrar:.............................................................769-4952 Treasurer: ............................................................769-4931 Clerk of Circuit Court: ......................................769-4938 Commissioner of Revenue: .............................769-4942 Commonwealth’s Attorney: ............................ 769-4211 Verizon: ............................................................... 954-6222

Just moved to King William County? .........6–7 County government .....................................8–9 King William County Board of Supervisore ... 8 Voting Districts ................................................. 9 Public schools and adult education .............. 10 Parks and Recreation ..................................... 11 King William’s economic landscape ............. 12

Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK Historic Sites ............................................. 16–17 H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH´ Community Calendar..................................... 18 County history ................................................ 14

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

The Discover King William 2008 County Guide Book Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q is published by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i 6400 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, VA 23111 kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 (804) 746-1235 Fax (804) 730-0476 ON THE COVER: One of King William County’s most notable landmarks, the circa 1725 historic King William courthouse is the oldest courthouse in continuous use in the country. The historic structure faces state Route 30. Photo by Gene Campbell.

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Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y

Content provided by Angela Woodford. Š 2008 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. 5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.

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Page 4

Discover King William County

May 2008

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Welcome to King William County

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰ From C. Thomas Redd III,

Chairman, King William County Board of Supervisors

key Neck portion of King & Queen County.

among the nation’s oldest.

Visitors to the reservations can Named for English King Wil- learn about American Indian hisliam III, the county is surrounded tory and culture as well as expeon three sides by water, including rience how tribes continue their On behalf of King two of Virginia’s most pristine riv- culture and traditions today. Each William County and its ers: the Mattaponi and the Pamun- year, thousands of visitors come to citizens, I am delighted key, which form the historic York experience ďŹ rst-hand the celebrato take this special op- River at the Town of West Point. tion of American Indian heritage at portunity to welcome Several famous people were born the annual Pow Wows. The Upper newcomers and visitors or resided here including Ope- Mattaponi Tribe holds a Pow Wow to our beautiful county. chancanough, paramount Chief of on Memorial Day weekend at their As always, we appreci- the Powhatan Confederacy; Carter tribal grounds near Central Garage. ate our current residents Braxton III, a signer of the Declara- The Mattaponi Tribe’s Pow Wow and businesses and their tion of Independence; and Lt. Gen. is held the third Saturday of June many contributions to the better- Lewis B. “Chestyâ€? Puller, the most on its reservation on the Mattaponi ment of our community. decorated Marine in U.S. Marine River. Corps history. King William has a multitude of There are many historic buildZj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q attributes to offer residents, busiThe county is the proud home to ings to visit, many of which date Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i nesses and visitors. But before I three of Virginia’s eight state-rec- from the colonial period. In 1716, talk about the more modern attri- ognized Indian tribes – the Matta- Lieutenant Governor Alexander kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 butes of our county, I would like to poni, Pamunkey and Upper Matta- Spotswood and the Knights of the tell you more about our fascinating poni – and its only two reservations, Golden Horseshoe embarked on history. King William County was the Mattaponi and Pamunkey. The their expedition to the Blue Ridge formed in 1702 from the Pamun- reservations date to 1658 and are Mountains and Shenandoah Valley


Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y

RIVERLAND Zji{j‰if˜ INSURERS %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ WE%O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y WRITE ALL LINES


QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ • Auto • Life • Health • Homeowners • Fire %O¸| fy {}}{ • Commercial • Motorcycle • Mobile Home • Farm • Boat • ATV • SR-22 • Bonds • Crop 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… AD 100786792-01

y}…j q{k}…yfŠq}{ “Servicing the Area Since 1900� Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ 4917 Richmond ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi Tappahannock Hwy. 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf Aylett, VA ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ (804) 769-0512 cell: (804) 366-6091



Hours: Monday - Friday 8-5 &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Saturday 8-1 DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH 485 Sharon Road \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH King William, VA 23086


May 2008

Discover King William County

Page 5

M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰ the Mattaponi River. liam County, consider our many

from Chelsea plantation. The Colonial Courthouse, circa 1725, is purportedly the oldest courthouse in continuous use in the United States. You can learn more about King William’s unique and diverse history by visiting the new county museum on the historic court green.

King William annually celebrates its founding each April during Spring Fest. This familyoriented festival has live music, antique cars, hot air balloon rides, children’s play area, food and ďŹ reworks. The Town of West Point, established in 1870, offers an historic area, a local cultural events program and the annual Crab Carnival in October, which draws thousands of people from the region.

qualities such as an accredited public school system, expanding infrastructure, diversiďŹ ed recreational opportunities, available work force and proximity to several national universities and markets in the Richmond, Hampton Roads and Washington, D.C., metropolitan areas. King William has become an appealing mix of suburban and rural living, while being the home of facilities of major corporations such as Nestle Purina Pet Care and Smurfit-Stone Container.

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

As part of the growing Richmond metropolitan area, King William is the gateway to the Middle Peninsula, Northern Neck and the Chesapeake Bay and its numerous tributaries. As such, a variety of recreational opportunities, suitable for families and people of all ages, await our residents and guests.

Along with its many local histor³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK ical and recreational opportunities, the county is conveniently located H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH near several regional ´ and national

attractions. Within short driving Outdoor activities include golf- distances are Colonial Williamsing, hiking, salt and freshwater burg, Jamestown Settlement, YorďŹ shing, hunting, bird watching, ktown BattleďŹ eld, Busch Gardens, canoeing and other water-based Kings Dominion, Virginia Beach, Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q To learn more about our attracsports. The county’s parks and rec- Richmond Civil War battleďŹ elds as tive community, please visit the Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i reation department provides a wide well as museums, symphonies and county Web site at www.kingassortment of organized outdoor sporting events. So regardless of kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0, or contact the and indoor programs for children, one’s interests, there is something county public information ofďŹ ce at young adults and adults. Zoar State for everyone. (804) 769-4985. We look forward Forest has nature trials, picnic arIf you are thinking of relocating to your visit! eas and canoe and ďŹ shing access to your business or home to King Wil-

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y

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‡ 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI B.W. hite Funeral Home

Zji{j‰if˜ KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU %O|| fy ˆO¸| y IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ E S TA B L I S H E D 1 8 9 3 \RX QHHG" %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH As one of King William County’s oldest businesses, Ă€ QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR B. W. White Funeral Home has been in continuous service for 115 years. QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ The chapels are located in King William C.H. and Aylett. DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH"

%O¸| fy {}}{ ‡ $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ B. W. White, Jr. directs the business, which has offered 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… trustworthy, dependable and quality service for three generations. EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH Noty}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ only are families in King William and surrounding areas served at their KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" moment of grief, but pre-need funeral planning is also offered. This helpful, convenient service spares family members the stress of decision-making during a time of sorrow. Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ

ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 20408 King William Rd. 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf King William, Virginia 23086 804-769-3130 ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ

,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX 7837 Richmond-Tappahannock Hwy. Aylett, Virginia 23009 DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH 804-769-3130 \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH

Pre-planning - Funerals - Cremations

Page 6

Discover King William County

May 2008

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Just moved to Eq{l Zqwwqfy King William County?

6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰ Animal Regulations

In King William County, dogs and cats four months and older must receive a rabies vaccine. Plus, dogs six months and older must be annually licensed by Feb 1. Licenses are $5, and available at the county treasurer’s ofďŹ ce, Aylett Animal Hospital and King William Veterinary Clinic.

³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK ´ year-round in H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH Dogs must be on a leash

mation on government ofďŹ ces, including hours of operation, locations and phone numbers. Also, the county public infaormation ofďŹ ce issues a quarterly newsletter that is mailed to residents and posted online. Residents may sign up for a weekly e-newsletter by e-mailing Cable TV, Phone and Internet

Cable television is not available in 16 of the county’s residential neighbor- certain parts of King William. However, hoods. Throughout the county, dogs may Comcast provides cable service to part not run at-large from April 1 through of northern King William; 1-877-517May 31. Residents who have lost dogs 2659. Cox Communications provides should call Animal Control at 769-4963. cable to the Town of West Point; 843Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q Dogs with identiďŹ cation are held for 12 3112. Telephone service in King WilZj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i days; dogs without collars are held for liam is available through Verizon; 954six. 6222. kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰


This wooden fire tower stands near the county’s Administration, Courts and Public Safety, and L.T. McAllister Human Services buildings, all located off state Route 30.

County Publications

Electricity and Water

The King William Web site at www.

Central and southern portions – in-

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ provides infor- cluding Central Garage and West Point 5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y l Alignment Se

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Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y

QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ Exper t Chassis Repair %O¸| fy {}}{ 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… Advanced computerized alignment equipment $ 00 y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ Front end alignment 65 most vehicles


$ 95 Four wheel alignment most vehicles Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ Includes inspection of steering components*

ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi

Advanced Frame Works 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf

956 Richmond-Tappahannock Hwy. ¹F}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{¥ Monday-Saturday


*price does not include replacing worn or damaged parts





,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ On Route 360 • Vinyl and Dura-Temp T1-11 7147 Richmond- • Delivery and Setup Included &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Tappahannock Hwy. • Largest Stock In Area DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH Aylett, VA 23009 • PA Amish Built \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH

OFFICE: 804-769-1112 HOME: 804-769-0359

Open 7 Days A Week

May 2008

Discover King William County

M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰ Many residents also receive nearby

– of King William County are served by Dominion Virginia Power; 1-888667-3000. Rappahannock Electric Cooperative serves the northern end of the county; 1-800-552-3904.

metropolitan daily newspapers such as The Richmond Times-Dispatch, which focuses on the Richmond metropolitan area, and the Daily Press, which focuses on Newport News and Hampton Roads.

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

King William offers a county water service for Central Garage, Central Crossing Shopping Center and some new subdivisions. For more information, call the county ďŹ nance department at 769-4919. Medical Services

Post Offices

King William County is served by six post ofďŹ ces: Aylett, 769-3306; Hanover, 537-5385; Manquin, 769-3238; King William, 769-4160; Walkerton, 7692635; and West Point, 843-3181.

According to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, nine physicians and two dentists have practices located in the county. Hospitals in Williamsburg, Gloucester, Tappahannock, and Richmond also serve county residents.

Shopping ³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK The only chain grocery store in the county is the Food Lion ´ in Central GaH[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH rage near the intersection of state Route


30 and U.S. Route 360. Most additional retail stores and restaurants are located in Central Garage, on the 360 corridor, and in the Town of West Point.

Page 7

Trash and Recycling Solid waste management in King William is managed by the Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority through its ďŹ ve county convenience centers. The centers accept the following recyclables: newsprint, mixed paper, glass, metal, and plastics No. 1 and No. 2. Vehicle Registration Local vehicle license fees are due each year by February 15. Vehicle owners must pay personal property taxes before they can purchase decals, which are $25 for cars and trucks and $20 for motorcycles. Decals are available at the county treasurer’s ofďŹ ce, KJ’s Exxon in Aylett, and Modr’s Texaco in West Point.

Voter Registration Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰ Voter registration applications are

available locally at the county regisThe Tidewater Review is a weekly Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q paper that covers the counties of King West Point has a farmers’ market, trar’s ofďŹ ce and at the Department of Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i William, New Kent, and King and open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon, Motor Vehicles ofďŹ ce in the Town of Queen and the Townkfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 of West Point. The May through October. For more in- West Point. Voters may register any Country Courier is a biweekly paper formation, call 843-3330. The county time, but must be registered 29 days in that covers King William (excluding is also home to several local produce advance to vote in general and primary West Point) and King and Queen coun- stands, such as Tommy’s produce on elections, and 13 days in advance to vote in special elections. ties. Route 360.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ 5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y THE PAMUNKEY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION “We Work Better Togetherâ€? ‡ 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI Rev. Dr. Leo C.KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU Wagner, Moderator

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y An historic afďŹ liation of 14IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH Baptist churches in King William County working in harmony to lift up the name of Jesus. Recently RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ we received Historic Landmark\RX QHHG" status from both the State and Federal %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y governments. Located ‡ on Route 30, just before the courthouse. $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH

"WE WORK BETTER TOGETHER" The Pamunkey Baptist Association

Baptist Liberty QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ Bethany %O¸| fy {}}{ Ephesus 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… Gethsemane Mt. Nebo y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ Mt. Olive Mt. Sinai Oak Grove Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ Providence ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi Rock Spring 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf St. Paul Third Union ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ Trinity Union Hope


of Youth & Young Adult ‡ Division $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ King William Ministers Conference EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH (formerly Division of Clergy) KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" CALENDAR One,IDay Session (3rd Saturday March) VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ Good Friday Service &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX May Day (3rd Saturday May) DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH Annual Session (4th week July \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH Thanksgiving Service (Tuesday before Thanksgiving)

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Discover King William County

May 2008

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County government

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

Newcomers to King William County may have a host of questions about how local government works, ranging from where to obtain various permits to who represents them on the county board of supervisors. The good news is that most county government ofďŹ ces are located in one of three buildings, all within walking distance of one another.

The County Administration Building, 180 Horse Landing Road, is behind the historic courthouse just off state Route 30. This building houses ofďŹ ces for the county administration as well as the commissioner of the revenue, treasurer and voter registrar. The nearby L.T. McAllister Human Services Building, 172 Courthouse Lane, is home to the county’s social services and health departments and the Community Services Board.

who serves as the county’s chief administrative ofďŹ cer. The county’s 2007-2008 operating budget was $21 million. Other local elected ofďŹ cials include the commissioner of the revenue and the treasurer. The commissioner administers real-estate assessments for businesses and individuals, business license fees, and a host of other consumer, property and business taxes. The commissioner also compiles real-estate sales information, which is available to the public. The county’s chief ďŹ nancial ofďŹ cer is the treasurer, who oversees the collection of permit and court fees and taxes. The 2008 real-estate tax in King William was 99 cents per $100 of assessed value. The personal property tax was $3.65 per $100.


The Courts and Public Safety Building, located less than half a mile away at 351 Courthouse Lane, houses courtrooms and ofďŹ ces for most court and public safety ofďŹ cials.

Courts King William County is in Virginia’s Ninth Circuit Court

District, which is presided over by the Hon. Thomas B. Hoover. Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰ Circuit court judges are appointed by the General Assembly for

Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q eight-year terms. The circuit court hears civil cases involving amounts of monZj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i King William County’s local government is overseen by a ey over $15,000 and cases involving divorce, wills and property ďŹ ve-member board of supervisors, elected by district for four- disputes. Regarding criminal cases, the circuit court hears all kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0

Local Elected Officials

year terms. In addition, the incorporated Town of West Point has a seven-member town council and a mayor.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y

The chairman of the county board of supervisors is selected on a rotating basis by fellow board members. Regular board meetings, which are open to the public, are held the fourth Monday of each month (with exceptions for holidays) at 7 p.m. in the County Administration Building. The board of supervisors appoints the county administrator,

felonies, and all cases involving jury trials. Most circuit court cases are heard in the Courts and Public Safety Building, though court is occasionally held in the historic courthouse.

5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ The clerk of the circuit court is a constitutional ofďŹ cial elected}k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m to an eight-year term by King William voters. The clerk is

the administrative ofďŹ cer for the court and custodian of court records. The clerk has the authority to probate wills, grant administration of estates, and appoint guardians. The clerk is also


Zji{j‰if˜ KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU King %O|| fy ˆO¸| y William County Board of Supervisors IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ \RX QHHG" %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH Ă€ QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR

QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ Second District: Third District: Fourth District: Fifth District: DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" Daniel L. Wright – Cecil L. Schools – Thomas G. Smiley – Otto O. Williams, Vice %O¸| fy {}}{ 769-3838 769-0681 769-3480 Chairman – 994-2163 ‡ $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH Local Constitutional OfďŹ cers State OfďŹ cials Federal OfďŹ cials y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" First District: C. Thomas Redd III, Chairman – 769-3011

Clerk of the Circuit Court Patricia: M. Norman: 769-4938 Commissioner of the Revenue: Sally W. Pearson: 769-4942

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine: 786-2211

Lt. Gov. William T. “Bill� Bolling: 786-2078

Robert J. Wittman, 1st Congressional District: 761-5014,

Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ Attorney General Robert F. “Bobâ€? McDonnell: 786-2071 Senator James H. Webb Jr.: Commonwealth’s Attorney: ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 771-2221; &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Stephen A. Palmer: 769-4211 Ryan T. McDougle, 4th Virginia Senatorial District: 730-1026 Senator John W. Warner: 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH Sheriff: 739-0247; Jeffery S. Walton: 769-0999 Christopher K. Peace, 97th House of Delegates District: 730-3737 \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ Treasurer:

Harry L. Whitt: 769-4931

Harvey B. Morgan, 98th House of Delegates District: 693-4750

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responsible for recording all deeds, deeds of trust, assignments and plats. Marriage licenses are issued by the clerk of circuit court. The clerk’s ofďŹ ce is located in the Courts and Public Safety Building.

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰ Voting 5

King William’s General District Court decides civil suits involving amounts of money up to $15,000, trafďŹ c cases, and misdemeanor criminal cases. General district court is held in the Courts and Public Safety Building.

The third court in King William is Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, which hears all cases involving minors, child abuse and neglect, and family matters such as abuse, child custody and criminal acts where both the accused and alleged victim are family or household members. The Hon. George C. Fairbanks IV presides over this court, which is held in the Courts and Public Safety Building.

3 4



Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK King William County’s Commonwealth’s Attorney is elected ´ H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH by voters for a four-year term. The commonwealth’s attorney advises and represents all county government departments in enforcing criminal law, and prosecutes warrants, felonies and some misdemeanors.


First District

Third District

West Point Precinct Vote at the West Point Armory 110 Thompson Ave. West Point, VA 23181

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰ Second District

Sweet Hall Precinct Vote at the VFW Post #8356 1658 VFW Road West Point, VA

Aylett Precinct Vote at King William Vol. Fire & Rescue 7691 Richmond-Tappahannock Hwy. Aylett, VA 23009

Fourth District

Manquin Precinct Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q EMS and Police Vote at King William High School 80 Cavalier Drive King William is served by volunteer ďŹ re departments and Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i Aylett, VA 23009 Second District rescue squads with a combined membership of over 100. They Courthouse Precinct kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 Fifth District Vote at the King William are the King William Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue

Squad, Mangohick Volunteer Fire Department, Mattaponi Volunteer Rescue Squad, Walkerton Community Fire Association, and West Point Volunteer Fire and Rescue.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ There are no hospitals located in King William County. The G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ county’s rescue squads provide service to the Riverside Hospitals in Gloucester and Tappahannock; Bon Secours Regional Medical Center%O|| fy %O|| y in Hanover; and the Medical College of Virginia Hospital.

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y

The sheriff’s ofďŹ ce, under the direction of Sheriff J.S. “Jeffâ€? Walton, includes 20 law-enforcement deputies. Sheriffs are elected by county voters for four-year terms. Mattaponi Crime Solvers operates a hotline at (804) 769-3000. Callers remain anonymous, do not have to appear in court, and can receive up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest or recovery of stolen property. The sheriff’s ofďŹ ce is located in the Courts and Public Safety Building. The non-emergency number for King William County is (804) 769-0999.

QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ %O¸| fy {}}{ Libraries 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… King William is served by the Pamunkey Regional Library system, which y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ also covers the counties of Goochland, Hanover, and King and Queen. Two library branches are located in King William, both offering children’s story times and the use of copy and fax machines.

Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ The Upper King William Branch is at 694-J Sharon Road, ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi near the intersection of state Route 30 and U.S. Route 360; (804) 769-3731. This branch has a 100-seat meeting room for 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf public use and offers wireless Internet access, plus six computÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ ers for library-card holders. The West Point branch is at 721 Main Street in the Town of West Point; (804) 843-3244. This branch has a computer lab for public use.

Courthouse 180 Horse Landing Road King William, VA 23086

Mangohick Precinct Vote at Mangohick Vol. Fire Department 3493 King William Road Aylett, VA 23009



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Public schools and adult education

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

King William County Public Schools has more than 2,000 students between its four public schools. The Town of West Point is incorporated, and is served by three separate public schools and a separate school board. Each of King William’s four schools is accredited by the Virginia Dept. of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership reports that of 77 percent of King William’s recent high-school graduates went on to higher education or enlisted in the military.

Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK Cool Spring Primary School serves kindergarten ´ H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH through second grade. Built in 2003, Cool Spring is the county’s newest school with 510 students. Cool Spring also supports three state preschool programs for children ages 2-5 who meet eligibility guidelines.

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰


King William High School, located on state Route 30, underwent a massive renovation and received an addition in 2004.

Acquinton Elementary serves grades three through ďŹ ve.Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q Acquinton was recently modernized and has about 500 students. Acquinton’s staff actively encourages Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i parent involvement through PTA, skate nights, OdysKing William County Schools kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 sey of the Mind, special events and ďŹ eld days. Individual school Web sites are linked to the King William Hamilton Holmes Middle School serves grades Public School’s main Web site at six through eight. Renovated in 1998, Hamilton Holmes has about 490 students. Hamilton Holmes ďŹ rst Cool Spring Primary Hamilton Holmes Middle achieved state accreditation eight years before the Dept. School School of Education deadline, and remains committed to high Principal: David Rorick Principal: Stanley achievement on the state Standards of Learning. 7301 Acquinton Church Waskiewicz Road 18444 King William Road King William High School serves about 650 students King William, VA 23086 King William, VA 23086 in grades nine through twelve. A massive renovation ‡ 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI (804) 769-7644 (804) 769-3316 and addition was completed in 2004; one half of the

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ High-school%O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y and middle-school students in King

school is new construction. King William High School has an active JROTC Air Force unit and a strong athletics program that has produced state championship winners. William who have difďŹ culty in a public school environment may attend the Middle Peninsula Regional Alternative School Program. This after-school program offers specialized instruction with the goal of helping students return to a standard classroom setting.

5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m

KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU Acquinton IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH Elementary King William High School School Tinya Ryland \RX QHHG" Principal: Principal: Beverly Young 80 Cavalier Drive 18550 ‡ King$UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH William Road King William, VA 23086 King William, VA 23086 (804) 769-2708 À QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR (804) 769-3739

QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" %O¸| fy {}}{ ‡ $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… School Board Members King William also offers several adult-education EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH opportunities y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ through the Middle Peninsula Regional Chairman/Aylett (3rd District): Steve M. Tupponce, KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" Adult Continuing Education program. Programs include academic skills, GED preparation, and National External Diploma Program and ESOL classes.


Vice Chairman/Mangohick (5th District): Donald B.

Longest, 310-5191 Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ The King William school system is overseen by a ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ Sweet Hall and Courthouse (2nd District): Kathy H. ďŹ ve-member school board, elected by county voters ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Morrison, 769-4052 for four-year terms. Four school board members are 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf elected by district, and a ďŹ fth is elected at-large. DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH At-large: Veda A. Frazier, 769-0572 The King William school board meets on the third \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ Manquin (4th District): Terry S. Stone, 769-9347 Tuesdays of each month at Hamilton Holmes Middle School at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public.

School Superintendent: Mark R. Jones (804) 769-3434

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Parks and Recreation

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

Whether you like the quiet solitude of paddling on the river or the raucous cheering of an evening softball game, you can ďŹ nd it all here in King William County.

The focal point of county-sponsored events is the King William County Recreational Park, located at 11615 King William Road. This facility provides two lighted basketball courts, one 200-foot softball/baseball ďŹ eld, one multipurpose ďŹ eld, two 300-foot softball/baseball ďŹ elds and three T-ball ďŹ elds. Also, there is a playground and a community center with concession facilities and restrooms.


Organized activities at the recreational park include the Challenger British Soccer Camp, adult and youth soccer leagues, and adult volleyball leagues. King William Parks and Recreation also offers golf instruction and a youth summer camp at other locations in the county. For more information, call 769-4981 or visit


King William Parks and Recreation offers a popular youth sports program with programs for nearly every age group. Games are held at King William Recreational Park.

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

Outdoors enthusiasts can choose from several options, inZj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q cluding canoeing, kayaking, ďŹ shing, golďŹ ng, hunting, hiking and hang gliding. Hiking Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i King William features two state forests, Zoar and Sandy Boating and Fishing kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 Point.

Two scenic rivers, the Mattaponi and the Pamunkey, meander through the county and provide several options for boaters and anglers alike. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries operates three public boat ramps within King William: two on the Mattaponi River and one on the Pamunkey River.

Zoar State Forest, off Route 600 north of Aylett, contains 378 acres and two hiking trails. Trail brochures are available at the beginning of the main forest trail or by visiting www. and linking to Zoar State Forest. These trails are for foot travel and bicycles only. Hunting is prohibited.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ 5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y On the Mattaponi, the most upstream public boat access is a

primitive canoe launch on Herring Creek at Zoar State Forest, just off state Route 600. Four river miles downstream is the Aylett ramp, located off Route 600 just south of U.S. Route 360. This winding section of the river features black crappie, catďŹ sh, largemouth bass, redbreast sunďŹ sh and striped bass.

Sandy Point State Forest, located about 13 miles southeast‡ of Central Garage off state Route 30 at the end of state 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI Route 641, features 11.5 miles of forest roads and three miles of KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU trails on 2,043 acres. Horseback riding and hunting are permitted. For more info, visit\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH forest and link to Sandy Point State Forest.

mouth bass and catďŹ sh. The West Point boat ramp is located on Glass Island Road, just north of the state Route 33 bridge over the river.

Ă€ QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR of practice at QueenďŹ eld Plantation golf course, located at

ramp, which is at the end of state Route 672 near the Pamunkey Indian Reservation. You may also access the upper Pamunkey from a VDGIF-maintained canoe/small boat launch at U.S. Route 301 in Hanover County.

For those who yearn to leave their terrestrial existence behind, King William is home to the Blue Sky Flight Park. The park is located next to QueenďŹ eld Plantation golf course ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ on Dabney’s Mill Road.

The lower river section features largemouth bass and catďŹ sh. or call (804) 241-4324.

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ \RX QHHG" From Aylett downstream to West Point, the river widens and becomes more tidal, with marshes forming along its bor- Golf %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH ders. Fish here include river herring, shad, striped bass, largeGolfers in King William can play a round or get in an hour QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ 1896 Dabney’s Mill Road. This 18-hole layout is designed DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" for all skill levels and is open to the public. QueenďŹ eld also %O¸| fy {}}{ driving range and practice green. Call (804) 769Both the Aylett and West Point ramps also have ďŹ shing offers ‡ a $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ 8838 or visit www.queenďŹ piers. 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH Public boating access to the tidal portion of the Pamunkey y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ Hang Gliding KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" River in King William is limited to the Lester Manor boat

Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Blue Sky provides lessons for beginners through adAnglers can ďŹ sh on the upper Pamunkey for black crappie, vanced hang glider pilots as well as multiple means of 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH channel catďŹ sh, redbreast sunďŹ sh, striped bass, three species getting aloft. Owner and operator Steve Wendt is USHGA of black bass (largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass), \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ certiďŹ ed and has over 30 years experience. Learn more at yellow perch, and spring runs of American and hickory shad.

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Economic landscape

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

King William County’s local economy remains anchored by industries that revolve around natural resources, but the economic landscape is gradually changing as workers from nearby metropolitan areas relocate to homes nestled among the county’s picturesque farmland. The county’s residential population ďŹ rst spiked in the 1980s, and the U.S. Census Bureau has projected double-digit percentage growth through its 2010 estimate of 16,000 residents.


This inux of residents has spurred retail and industrial growth in King William, particularly on the U.S. Route 360 corridor. To accommodate this growth, the county now offers water and sewer service at Central Garage – the area at the intersection of 360 and state Route 30.


King William is home to over 100 farms that grow crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat and barley, and produce dairy products. Shown here is locally operated Old Town Farm, located near the Pamunkey Indian Reservation.

Another key factor driving development is county economic ofďŹ cials’ focus on maintaining a business-friendly environment and encouraging the establishment of nonZj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q polluting, light industry. At the same time, ofďŹ cials say, the county wants to balance growth in ways that support resiZj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i dents, yet preserve the county’s rural character.

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ f…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0

County economic ofďŹ cials point out that industry may be attracted to King William because of its proximity to metropolitan areas and international shipping outlets. The county lies 30 miles from Richmond, 80 miles from Washington, D.C., and 60 miles from the Port of Hampton. These metropolitan areas may also be tapped for workforce.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ According to the Virginia Economic Development Partner%O|| fy %O|| y

ship, only 23 percent of King William’s residents work at county-based businesses. Most residents commute to jobs in Richmond, Williamsburg, Newport News/Hampton, and Henrico and Hanover counties.

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y Local Industry RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ King William’s commercial natural resources play an integral role in the local economy, and include loblolly pine %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y

and mixed hardwoods, sand, gravel and clay. As of 2002, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture recorded 135 farms in King William. Principal crops include corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, cotton and dairy.

5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m ‡ 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH \RX QHHG"


Caption: Smufit-Stone’s containerboard manufacturing facility, located in the Town of West Point, is King William County’s largest single employer.

Lion, Augusta Lumber hardwood mill, Citizens & Farmers ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH Bank, and King William Dawn Community Doctors.


QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" Local Retail %O¸| fy {}}{ According to the 2000 Census, the county’s largest em- Most‡ retail $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ development in the county lies along the Route 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… ployment category is manufacturing with 949 employees; 360 corridor, home to several new strip malls. The county EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH followed by wholesale and retail at 687; services at 628; has an estimated 100 retailers, including about 20 food-serKHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" government aty}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ 600; construction at 262; and agriculture, vice establishments. The Town of West Point is also a retail forestry and ďŹ shing at 86.

destination, containing a variety of stores and services.

SmurďŹ t-Stone’s containerboard manufacturing facility, located in the town of West Point, is the largest single employer in King William County. West Point has been home to various paper and pulp manufacturers since 1918. The other major manufacturer in the county is Nestle Purina Cat Care’s cat litter manufacturing facility, which uses local clay. Also located in the county is West Point Veneer, which manufactures soft wood veneer.

King William County is served by two business associations. The West Point/Tri-Rivers Chamber of Commerce ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ is located in West Point; 843-4620 or www.westpointva&RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX The King William Business Association serves the unincorporated portion of the county; 769-3435 DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH or New industries inter\RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH ested in King William should call County Administrator Frank A. Pleva at 769-4927; fpleva@kingwilliamcounty. us.

Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ

Additional major employers in King William are Food

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Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH´ Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰ Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0

good people

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ 5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y Serving King William since 1931 ‡ health 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI Our physicians provide compassionate, quality care for the entire family. Call us today to schedule yourKHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU appointment.

Zji{j‰if˜ %O|| fy ˆO¸| y IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ Our Physicians\RX QHHG" Mark Rosenberg, MD Augustine (Gus) Lewis, III, MD %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH Ă€ QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR

Our Services QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ Back-to-school & sports physicals Children’s immunizations DFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" Annual physicals Adult and pediatric primary care %O¸| fy {}}{ ‡ $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… Same-day appointments available. We participate with all major insurances. EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" Aylett Medical Center 7864 Richmond Tappahannock Highway, P.O. Box 124 Aylett, Virginia 23009-0124 ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ Phone: 769-3096 and 746-1677 Fax: 769-3170

Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ Good help. Good health.


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County history

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

Established in 1702, King William County has deep historical roots that reach back before English colonists arrived on our country’s shores. The National Register of Historic Places has declared part of the Pamunkey Indian Reservation a site of historical signiďŹ cance dating to 3000 BC. When colonists ďŹ rst arrived, the area that is now King William was under the domain of the Powhatan Indian Confederacy, which encompassed 6,000 square-miles of eastern Virginia and included approximately 30 Algonquian tribes in 200 villages. The confederacy was overseen by paramount chief Wahunsonacock, or Powhatan as the English called him.

1644, Gov. Sir William Berkeley imposed a 1646 peace treaty on the Powhatan Indians restricting habitation and hunting to the north side of the York River and ceding to the English all peninsular lands up to present-day Richmond. In 1658, the Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation creating the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Indian reservations. King William County was originally part of York County; one of eight shires established in 1634. In 1654, New Kent County was created from York County, encompassing land that included Pamunkey Neck. Then, in 1691, King and Queen County was created from New Kent County, again including Pamunkey Neck.

Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH The Mattaponi and Pamunkey tribes – both of which still ´ In 1701, the General Assembly and the governor agreed

have reservations within the geographic boundaries of King William – were part of this confederacy, as was The Upper Mattaponi tribe, which currently holds tribal land in King William.

to create King William County, which was ďŹ rst governed by 12 justices of the peace. The act became effective April 11, and King William became the 24th county in existence at that time. The royal namesake King William III died 34 days beZj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q In 1607, Captain John Smith was captured and taken fore the county’s creation after he was thrown by a horse.

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

In 1721, Spotsylvania County was carved from parts through several Powhatan Indian villages in present-day Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i King William en route to his famous encounter with Pow- of King William, King and Queen, and Essex counties. In hatan. In the 1650s,kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 colonists began to settle in the area then- 1728, Caroline County was formed from King William, known as the Pamunkey Neck – land between the Mattaponi King and Queen and Essex Counties. In 1870, the presentday incorporated Town of West Point was established by the and Pamunkey Rivers. Following the defeat of a Powhatan Indian uprising in state legislature.

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May 2008

Discover King William County

Page 15

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Notable People

History-makers who were born in the county include Opechancanough, Powhatan’s youngest brother and paramount chief of the Powhatan Confederacy who led uprisings against English settlers in 1622 and 1644. Carter Braxton III, who served in the Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence, was also from King William.

Tappahannock Hwy. Aylett, VA ³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK Ph.: (804) 769-3885 ´ H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH Black history-makers from the county include Fields

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. “Chesty� Puller, who remains the most decorated U.S. Marine in history, was born in West Point in 1898, son of a wholesale grocer who died when he was 10. He attended Virginia Military Institute and enlisted in the Marines, where he served 37 years.

Fax: (804) 769-4413

Cook, who was born into slavery in King William and beMon.-Thurs. 9 am-8 pm came a prominent black leader in Richmond after the Civil War. His personal narrative, part of which is preserved at Fri. 9 am-7 pm Sat. 9 am-2 pm the Library of Congress, is one of the longest known manuZj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q scripts composed by an enslaved Virginian.

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i After securing freedom for himself and his family, Cook joined black leaderskfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 in Richmond in ďŹ ghting against regulations on freed people. He held leadership posts in state and national organizations, argued for the black vote, worked for the Republican Party, and ran as an independent candidate for Congress in 1869.

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ERA Woody Hogg & Associates can provide allZji{j‰if˜ the real estate services %O|| fy ˆO¸| y needed to expertly take you step-by-step through the entire residential real estate RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ procedure %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y here in your QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ hometown and %O¸| fy {}}{ surrounding 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… areas.

y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ King William OfďŹ ce Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ 12134 King William Road, Suite 106 King William, VA 23086 ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 804-769-2284 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf Fax: 804-769-4535

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Page 16

Discover King William County

May 2008

M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰

Historic Sites

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

For a ďŹ rst-hand look at King William County’s rich history, check out a few of the county’s Colonial-era historic structures and visit its three museums. The National Register of Historic Places recognizes 15 sites in the county.

Many of the historic homes and churches in King William are not open to the public. The following sites, except the King William Training School, are open for public tours.

The historic brick courthouse replaced a simple frame structure that served as a courthouse for the county’s ďŹ rst 20 years. In 1840, a brick wall was built to enclose the court green and keep livestock and poultry away from the building. The adjacent jail, which is not open for tours, was constructed in 1890. The monument in front of the courthouse commemorating Confederate Civil War soldiers was dedicated in 1904.

³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK Historical Museum Adjacent to the historic ´ courthouse is H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH around 1725, this one-room the King William Historical Museum,

Historic Courthouse

a weekday tour.

Chelsea Plantation Chelsea Plantation, located in the Town of West Point, is one of the ďŹ nest examples of early 18th Century Georgian architecture in the United States. During the Revolutionary War, General LaFayette’s army was encamped on Chelsea Plantation, using the mansion house as headquarters. In 1764, Thomas Jefferson attended a wedding in the gardens of Chelsea.

Built Chelsea is open from 10 a.m. until courthouse off state Route 30 remains 4:30 p.m., Thursday through Sunday. Adone of the best-preserved of Virginia’s 11 which opened in 2005. This three-room mission is $12.50 for adults. Call (804) Colonial-era court buildings. The struc- museum chronicles 400 years of the ar- 843-2386 for more information. ture is also the oldest building in public ea’s American Indian, Colonial and black use Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q in Virginia, and the oldest courthouse history. Highlights include artifacts, a St. John’s Church of English foundation in continuous use 400-year timeline illustrating county hisHistoric St. John’s Church, located tory, and a hand-painted mural showing in theZj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i United States. off Route 30 at 1783 Walkerton Road, is county landmarks. thought to have been completed in 1734. kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 King William Circuit Court sat in The museum is open Saturday from 10 Except for the addition of one wing and this historic courthouse until the nearby a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 the raising of the oor of the nave, the Courts and Public Safety building was completed in 2004. Court is still held one p.m. Admission is free, and donations are church’s structure remains as it was built. day per month in the historic courthouse. accepted. Call (804) 769-9619 to arrange Originally Anglican, St. John’s went

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

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&RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX Aylett, VA 23009 DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH OfďŹ ce (804) 769-1561 \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH Mobile ( 804) 386-5267

May 2008

Discover King William County

M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰ along the Pamunkey River, remains home

on to serve Episcopalians, Baptists and Methodists.

to 31 families. On the reservation’s 1,200 acres, tribal members continue traditions of pottery making, ďŹ shing, hunting and trapping. A shad ďŹ sh hatchery, started in 1918, is located on the reservation.

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

The church has been meticulously restored, though the original furnishings did not survive Union Cavalry raids. The church is now furnished with period replications. Historians believe St. John’s was visited by Colonial leaders since it lies on Washington’s Burgess Route to Williamsburg. Regular services are no longer held at St. John’s, but the church is available for special events. Visitors will ďŹ nd a kiosk outside the church with details on St. John’s and the history of the Anglican Church. The interior is not open for tours. For more information, call (804) 769-4560.

The Pamunkey Indian Museum was built in 1979, resembling a traditional tribal longhouse. Inside, visitors will ďŹ nd exhibits explaining Pamunkey Indian history and culture from the Ice Ages to today. Pamunkey tradition accords that Powhatan, the great chief of the Powhatan Confederacy, was buried on the reservation after his death in 1618.

³7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK The Pamunkey Indian museum is open ´ 10 a.m. to 4 H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH Tuesday through Saturday,

Page 17

tribal building that was once the reservation school. Each year, on the third Saturday of June, the public is invited to the Mattaponi Pow Wow for a day of dancing, drumming, food and crafts. This year’ pow wow will be held June 21 on the reservation. For details, see the community calendar on page 18. The Mattaponi reservation also offers a museum, which is open Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Admission is $2. For more information, call (804) 7692229.

The area’s third tribe, whose village of Passaunkack was documented on a 1612 map by Captain John Smith, is the Upper p.m. Admission is $2.50. For more infor- Mattaponi. Each year, the Upper Mattamation, call (804) 843-4792. Beside the poni invites the public to an annual pow American Indian museum stands the former Pamunkey wow held over Memorial Day weekend. Reservations and Museums school, which is not open for tours. The Now in its 19th year, this event draws Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q King William County is home to three reservation is also home to Pamunkey In- thousands of visitors to the Upper Mattaof Virginia’s eight state-recognized Amer- dian Baptist Church, built in 1866. poni Tribal Grounds near the intersection Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i ican Indian tribes: Mattaponi, Pamunkey The Mattaponi Reservation, encom- of state Route 30 and U.S. Route 360. kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 and Upper Mattaponi. The Pamunkey and passing 150 acres, is located on the Mat- For details, see the community calendar Mattaponi tribes have the only two reser- taponi River. About 60 people currently on page 18. vations in the state. The Upper Mattaponi live on the reservation, which also houses The Upper Mattaponi tribe is also has federally recognized tribal land. a church, a museum, a ďŹ sh hatchery and Continued on page 18 The Pamunkey Reservation, located marine science center, and a community

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

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Page 18

Discover King William County

M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰ closing in 1965. Returned to the tribe

Continued from page 17

in 1987, the building now serves as the Tribal Center.

Eq{l Zqwwqfy 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ 6}hŠ}…‰

renovating the Sharon Indian School, originally built in 1919 and now on the National Register of Historic Buildings as the only public Indian school building still standing. The 1919 school building served the tribe until 1952, when an adjacent brick structure was completed and the original school became a cafeteria. The school provided education for Upper Mattaponi and some Rappahannock Indians before

Training School

The King William Training School, located off state Route 30, is a wellpreserved example of a segregation-era designed according to Julius Rosenwald Fund guidelines for black students. Built in 1922-23, the school, a home economics building, shop building and girl’s privy remain standing.

May 2008

The school’s origins date to 1902 when the Rev. Samuel B. Holmes appealed to the Pamunkey Baptist Association to support black education in the county. The association built a two-room school on Holmes’ property in 1903, later moving the school to the current site of the King William Training School. In 1962, the school closed. Since that time, the building has served as the Pamunkey Baptist Recreation Center.

Âł7UDQVIRUPLQJ OLYHV WKURXJK ´ H[FHSWLRQDO KHDOWKFDUH Community Calendar King William County is home to various special events throughout the year, from American Indian pow wows to community festivals. Below are some of the county’s main events from June 2008 to May 2009. For additional details, check the calendar at under the link “History & Tourism.â€?

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰

TBA Spring Fest, featuring June August December Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q

live music, children’s activi20 Every Friday through Au- TBA King William Ruritan 7 West Point Chamber of Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i ties, antique cars, hot air balgust 10, County Parks and Club’s golf tournament. Info: Commerce’s Christmas on the loon rides, ďŹ reworks, food, Recreation’s Cruise kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 Ins, fea- (804) 769-2063 Town featuring home tours, crafts, and community venturing food, live music, clas- 2 The Walkerton Community children’s parade, pony rides, dors; 5-9 p.m. at the Historic sic autos and door prizes; Fire Association’s Walker- visits with Santa, carriage King William Courthouse. 6-8:30 p.m. at King William ton Day featuring carnival rides, bazaar, and chili cookThe King William HistoriHigh School. Opening night rides, food, games, parade, off; 1-6 p.m. in the Town of cal Museum will be open for music by The Janitors. Info: and crowning of the Walker- West Point. Illumination is at tours and the LifeEvac III he(804) 769-4981 ton Fire Department Queen; 6:30 p.m. at Beach Park, 1st licopter will y in (schedule and Main streets. Info: (804) 21 Mattaponi Indian Tribe’s begins at noon at the station. permitting). Info: (804) 769843-4620 14th annual Pow Wow, fea- Parade at 5:30. Info: (804) 4985 or klloyd@kingwilliamturing Native American food, 769-4017 ‡ 'RHV WKH KLJK FRVW RI April dancing and drumming; 10-5 KHDOWKFDUH NHHS \RX RU \RXU 4 King William Parks and TBA Walkerton Volunteer p.m. on the Mattaponi reser- October 11th annual Community Fire Associavation. Grand entry at noon. 3–4 West Point Chamber Recreation’s IDPLO\ IURP JHWWLQJ WKH FDUH tion’s 17th annual CatďŹ sh Admission $5; free for chil- of Commerce’s 26th annual Easter Egg Hunt/Children’s Tournament at the Walkerton \RX QHHG" dren under 6. Rain date June West Point Crab Carnival fea- Festival featuring candy hunt, play area, horse Boat Ramp on the Mattaponi 20, 1-6 p.m. Info: (804) 769- turing parade, food and craft children’s ‡ $UH \RX KDYLQJ WURXEOH and wagon rides, community River (rain or shine). Entry fee 4508 or 769-8783 vendors, ďŹ reworks and live booths, food vendors and a applies; cash prizes awarded Ă€ QGLQJ D SK\VLFLDQ ZKR 21 Mangohick Volunteer Fire music; 5-7 p.m. in the Town visit from the World Famous in adult and children’s categoDFFHSWV \RXU LQVXUDQFH" Department’s second yearly of West Point. Info: (804) Easter Bunny; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. ries. Info: (804) 769-2060 BBQ & Brew featuring live 843-4620 at Hamilton-Holmes Middle ‡ Free $UH \RX EHLQJ WXUQHG DZD\ May music by The Menzies, 1-7 11 King William Ruritan School. for ages 2-8. p.m. at the ďŹ rehouse. Tickets Club’s shrimp feast at the new Info: (804)EHFDXVH \RX GR QRW KDYH 22–24 The Upper Mattaponi 769-4981 $20. Info: (804) 994-9800 or club building on Rt. 30. Info: Indian Tribe’s 19th annual 14 KingKHDOWK LQVXUDQFH" William Ruritan (804) 769-2063 Pow Wow, featuring dancClub’s annual ďŹ sh fry at the 28 King William Volunteer TBA Mangohick Volunteer new club building on Rt. 30; ing, drumming, storytelling, Fire and Rescue’s KW Jam Fire Department’s commu- includes hors d’oeuvres, ďŹ sh arts and crafts, and Native American Food; on the tribal Fest featuring live music nity day parade featuring and ďŹ xin’s, ,I VR .LQJ :LOOLDP 'DZQ and beverages. grounds. Admission is $5 for headliner Random Play, 5- vendors, children’s activities, Info: (804) 769-2063 &RPPXQLW\ 'RFWRUV FDQ KHOS \RX adults, $3 for ages 6-12. Fri9 p.m., at the station. Food and crowing of Mr. and Miss West Point Chamber of day is devoted to educational served from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Mangohick; starts at 10 a.m. TBA DFFHVV WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ KHDOWKFDUH Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the station. Info: (804) 994- Commerce’s Springs A Pop- activities for children. Info: \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ GHVHUYH pin plant sale and festival at (804) 769-3854 at the gate. Event is limited to 9800 West Point Square Shopping 21 and older. No coolers. Info: Center. Info: (804) 843-4620 (804) 241-5842

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ %O|| fy %O|| y

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M…qyf…˜ Gjiqhfw 5f…j k}… fww 2lj‰ Primary Medical Care for all Ages

Eq{l Zqwwqfy King William 6f”{ 5}yy�{qŠ˜ Dawn Community 6}hŠ}…‰ Doctors (804) 769-3022

“ Transforming lives through exceptional healthcare�

Zjwh}yq{l Jj” MfŠqj{Š‰ Welcoming New Patients Zj fhhj Š fww q{‰Â?Â…f{hj‰ q{hwÂ?iq{lO GjiqhfÂ…j´ Gjiqhfqid:2G@Q We accept all insurances including: Medicare, Medicaid/FAMIS Zj }kkjÂ… f ‰wqiq{l ‰hfwj kjj Âąiq‰h}Â?{Š¥ gf‰ji }{ q{h}yj f{i We offer a sliding scale fee (discount) based on income and kfyqw˜ ‰q™j0 2ww fŠqj{Š‰ fÂ…j jwqlqgwj Š} f w˜0 family size. All patients are eligible to apply.

LkĂ? hj =}Â?…‰ OfďŹ ce Hours G}{if˜ RÂ?j‰if˜ Monday & Tuesday %O|| fy %O|| y 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Zji{j‰if˜ Wednesday %O|| fy ˆO¸| y 8:00 am – 2:30 pm RnÂ?…‰if˜ f{i :Â…qif˜ Thursday and Friday %O¸| fy Ă˜O¸| y 8:30 am – 4:30 pm QfŠÂ?Â…if˜ Saturday %O¸| fy {}}{ 8:30 am – noon 5fww k}Â… f }q{Šyj{Š‰ }Â… Call for appointments or y}Â…j q{k}Â…yfŠq}{ more information Âą%|Ă˜ÂĄ Û˺ž¸|ˆˆ (804) 769-3022 ĂƒĂƒ%ĂƒĂ˜ Eq{l Zqwwqfy P}fi 11814 King William Road 2˜wjŠŠ´ WqÂ…lq{qf Aylett, Virginia ÂąF}hfŠji gjnq{i :}}i Fq}{ÂĄ (Located behind Food Lion)

5f{ ˜}Â? f{‰”jÂ… ˜j‰ Š} f{˜ Can you answer yes to any }k Šnj k}ww}”q{l  Â?j‰Šq}{‰m of the following questions? • Does the high cost of healthcare keep you or your family from ! getting the care ! "# you need? • $ % ! & Are you having trouble ' !" ! ! ( Ă€ nding a physician who ! ! # accepts your insurance? • $ & ! ! " ( Are you being turned away & " ! % because you do not have ! ! # health insurance? ) * + ! , If so, King William (! Dawn - ! ! Community Doctors can help you . access the high quality healthcare !" " % / you and your family deserve.

Discover the Bank of Essex

Difference Susan Bayne, Branch Officer King William Office 769-2265

Local, Personal, Independent.

Mark Ware, Branch Officer West Point Office 843-4347

Working for YOU!


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