The Landscape Contractor magazine FEB.21 DIGITAL EDITION

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Not the Average Contractor

The Pros at Home





e c n e i r e exp ething som more

MIDWEST SOLUTIONS PRO SERIES FEBRUARY 12 The Design and Intent of the Midwest Natives Gardens Join Jens Jensen from Jensen Ecology and Austin Eischeid from Austin Eischeid Garden Design as they share how they developed compositions with local ecotype plant species for projects of different scales; from residential garden to corporate campus.

FEBRUARY 19 Why Old Can Be New Again Join renowned plantsman Roy Diblik to learn why old can be new again, revisiting the thought and concept of ‘What’s New’ and using old plants in new ways.

FEBRUARY 26 Perennial Drama - New Stars Take the Stage with WellKnown Thespians and Supporting Actors Join Karla Patterson-Lynch as she explains how directing the siting and combination of your “actors” boils down to three key elements: your design intent, the specific site givens and the design characteristics that you will combine to create your drama.

These free webinars are for Midwest Groundcovers customers only. They will be held via Zoom and limited to 100 participants. Details and event registration is available on our website! Place Your Order At Today! ContaCt


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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

February 2021


Excellence In Landscape Awards Project


FOCUS: iLandscape365 Event Guide ILCA Firm Stands Tall When Fires Break Out 12 TGF Enterprises/TGF Forestry and Fire The Pros at Home 18 TLC visits the gardens of industry members

Tips for Attending a Virtual Event A different approach to an old friend


iLandscape365 Event Guide 39 A helpful document to keep you on the right path Shedd Aquarium: A Sustainable Showcase 66 A detailed report about a special landscape

Matching Your Sales Aproach to Your Prospect Sales is not a one size fits all proposition


Consejos para asistir a un evento virtual

Tips for Attending a Virtual Event

Hidden Landscape Gems The Wanda Franklin Entry Garden




Member Profile 90 Unique Lighting Systems



On the cover... Chicago Specialty Gardens won a Gold Award in 2020 for this project titled Skyline Vista. The Landscape Contractor February 2021


98 5


DEPARTMENTS ILCA Calendar From Where I Stand President’s Message Classified Ads Advertisers Index Photo Credits

ILCA Awards Committee Tom Flader Karen & Dan Biernacki Shedd Aqaurium Unique Lighting Systems Fernwood Botanic Garden

A Note about COVID-19

6 7 9 92 96

Readers of this magazine should not think we are trying to avoid dicussion of the COVID-19 pandemic. That information has been extraordinarily presented with the COVID-19 daily email from Scott Grams and the dedicated COVID-19 ILCA Facebook page. The Landscape Contractor magazine will continue to focus on its normal landscape design/construction/maintenance/ and general business content. We hope this approach provides a brief respite from the stresses of the day.


1, 8-9 12-16 18-26 66 -78 90 98


The official publication of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA), The Landscape Contractor is dedicated to educating, advising and informing members of this industry and furthering the goals of the Association. The Landscape Contractor carries news and features relating to landscape contracting, maintenance, design and allied interests. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited material and reserves the right to edit any article or advertisement submitted for publication. Publication reserves right to refuse advertising not in keeping with goals of Association. Volume 62, Number 2. The Landscape Contractor (ISSN # 0194-7257, USPS # 476-490) is published monthly for $75.00 per year by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste. 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Periodicals postage paid at Oak Brook, IL and additional mailing offices. Printed in USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Landscape Contractor, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES: Association Publishing Partners, Inc., Ph. (630) 637-8632 Fax (630) 637-8629 email: CLASSIFIED ADS, CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIPTION: ILCA (630) 472-2851 Fax (630) 472-3150 PUBLISHER/EDITORIAL OFFICE: Rick Reuland,, Naperville, IL 60540 Ph. (630) 637-8632 PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, its Board of Directors, the Magazine Committee, ILCA Staff, The Landscape Contractor and its staff, neither endorse any products nor attest to the validity of any statements made about products

ILCA Staff

Magazine Staff

Executive Director Scott Grams (630) 472-2851

Rick Reuland Publisher/Advertising Sales (630) 637-8632

Education Manager AnneMarie Drufke

Debbie Rauen Advertising Sales (817-501-2403) debbie.landscapecontractor@

Events Manager Terre Houte Office Manager Alycia Nagy Membership & Marketing Manager Marissa Stubler


See the Event Guide beginning on page 39.


sign up

Meta Levin

at dotynu m to recei ve our

Feature Writer Nina Koziol

Feature Writer


Heather Prince


2625 Butterfield Road Ste. 104S Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 472-2851 • Fax (630) 472-3150

Patrice Peltier

Feature Writer

Feature Writer

email ne wsle t ter

Shade TreeS • OrnamenTalS • evergreenS • ShrubS Ryan Doty Follow—

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

P 630 365 9063 F 630 365 9081

45W121 Beith Road Maple Park, IL 60151

From Where I Stand — After seven years of planning in-person iLandscape shows, I

felt like we were just starting to figure these things out. Outside of a few backbreaking weather events, the show had continued to grow each and every year. What began as a 4,000 person event had ballooned to a 6,500 person event. iLandscape routinely found itself on Trade Show Magazine’s Fastest 50 lists for attendance and exhibitor growth. We had bled over to a second hall. We had solved some of our larger issue such as a parking and concessions as best as we could. We had the perfect balance of education and networking. We never forgot our mantra of innovate, inspire, and imagine. For iLandscape365, we had 90 days. We had 90 days to plan and execute a virtual show from the moment we realized it was our only option. And in order for us to roar back in 2022 with the greatest party the green industry has ever seen, we needed 2021 to be a success to hold the line, provide CEUs, promote product and vendor awareness, and keep the industry’s chins up as it attempts to reboot after one of the most challenging and draining years in the history of the landscape industry. I can’t wait for you to discover what we’ve planned. Once again, our unbelievable committees, dedicated and fearless staff, wise Board of Directors, and loyal suppliers and sponsors came together to create iLandscape365. In-person vs. virtual is not simply a question of apples and oranges. It is apples and some strange new object that landed on earth that you need to first make sense of it before telling thousands of people that it’s pretty juicy and delicious. Whether iLandscape365 is an orange a kiwi a kumquat a starfruit or some other unnamed foodstuff, we are pretty darn proud of it. On the education front, we have over 60 speakers sharing their knowledge. Some of these sessions are live and some are on-demand. They are not only participating across states, but across countries and continents. We leaned into the very reason ILCA has been relevant since 1959 when a computer took up an entire room: we provide some of the best landscape education in the entire country. We do this because we listen to our members and judge success when we have too many solutions to too few problems. iLandscape365 begins each day with a keynote. 2021 is the year of the woman with two incredibly talented female landscape pros. Angela Treadwell Palmer sets the tone on Wednesday. She is the Founder of Plants Nouveau, a new plant introduction and marketing company. She is speaking to her wheelhouse of “New Plants; What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge?” We then roar out of the gate again on Thursday with Jan Bills. Jan is the Owner of Two Women and a Hoe Landscape Company out of Royal Oaks, Michigan. Her session entitled “Comfort, Ease and Simplicity” are three words that every landscape professional dreams about yet are always elusive. Our emcees, Experience Committee Chairperson Chris Walsh and ILCA President Donna Vignocchi-Zych, will guide us through two jam-packed days on the platform. Their quirky, funny banter will be what everyone needs and craves this time of year. From your morning cup of coffee to your afternoon cocktail, iLandscape365 overflows with opportunities to engage and connect. We have Master Classes with industry luminaries, free education speakers from the heaviest hitters on the national circuit, Lunch Bunch discussions, vendor showcases of new products, a gnome hunt for cash, trivia, award winners and so much more.

3...2...1... Ignition



Scott Grams — January 18, 2021

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


President’s Message — I have been inundated

with people saying “Thank God 2020 is behind us.” It is a very true sentiment, but one that should be made with caution. I don’t think any of us could imagine that in January of 2021 there would still be masks, a general worry for our own well being and that of those around us, and a lack of paper towels. To be transparent, it irritates me when people say it. It is not behind us and I fear for those folks that think that it is. There is also a concern that people may be complacent and so ready to move on that we are not prepared for something that may actually BE worse. Take this contemplative time during our off-season to not only plan but think about things beyond your control...what happens if this pandemic or future situations restrict delivery methods for goods beyond toilet paper. What if we cannot get fuel or salt or basic provisions for our companies? How can we better advertise our services when we cannot network or knock-on doors? I have heard more than once that from great adversity comes great opportunities. Let’s seek those out. Create your new normal by utilizing creativity of thought. Seek those advisors that are vendors, other industries, and ILCA’s resources to inspire you to be innovative and decisive about new initiatives. We are an industry that frequently can be slow to evolve, especially when you lack the resources of companies with deep pockets. But we all can do it in our own way. We just need to dig deep and make 2021 a great year. Not wait for success to show up at our doorstep. With that being said, I think that those of us pining to connect with our contacts in the industry, vendors, associates, past employees and those that have become dear friends. iLandscape is alive and well. It is a brave example of making opportunity out of adversity. A testament to planning and perseverance. I personally am very much looking forward to participating in something that 5 years ago I would have never thought possible. The many committees that work in concert that continue to challenge the process should get a hearty thank you. You deserve it. I look forward to an exciting new virtual experience. Subsequentially, I look forward to a time when we can all be together and share a hearty handshake. Sincerely, Donna Vignocchi Zych President, Illinois Landscape Contractors Association

Me han inundado las personas que dicen “gracias a Dios, el 2020 ha quedado atrás”. Es un sentimiento muy verdadero, pero uno que debe tomarse con precaución. No creo que ninguno de nosotros pudiera imaginar que en enero de 2021 todavía habría máscaras, una preocupación general por nuestro propio bienestar y el de los que nos rodean, y la falta de toallas de papel. Para ser transparente, me irrita cuando la gente lo dice. No está detrás de nosotros y temo por esa gente que piensa que sí. También existe la preocupación de que la gente pueda ser complaciente y estar tan dispuesta a seguir adelante que no estemos preparados para algo que en realidad puede SER peor. Tómese este tiempo contemplativo durante nuestra temporada baja no solo para planificar, sino también para pensar en cosas que escapan a su control ... qué sucede si esta pandemia o situaciones futuras restringen los métodos de entrega de productos más allá del papel higiénico. ¿Y si no podemos conseguir combustible, sal o provisiones básicas para nuestras empresas? ¿Cómo podemos anunciar mejor nuestros servicios cuando no podemos establecer contactos o tocar puertas? He escuchado más de una vez que de una gran adversidad surgen grandes oportunidades. Busquemos esos. Crea tu nueva normalidad utilizando la creatividad del pensamiento. Busque los asesores que son proveedores, otras industrias y los recursos de ILCA para inspirarlo a ser innovador y decisivo sobre nuevas iniciativas. Somos una industria que con frecuencia puede tardar en evolucionar, especialmente cuando carecen de los recursos de empresas con mucho dinero. Pero todos podemos hacerlo a nuestra manera. Solo tenemos que profundizar y hacer de 2021 un gran año. No espere a que el éxito llegue a nuestra puerta. Dicho esto, creo que aquellos de nosotros anhelamos conectarnos con nuestros contactos en la industria, proveedores, asociados, empleados anteriores y aquellos que se han convertido en amigos queridos. Ilandscape está vivo y coleando. Es un ejemplo valiente de cómo aprovechar la adversidad. Un testimonio de planificación y perseverancia. Personalmente, tengo muchas ganas de participar en algo que hace 5 años nunca hubiera creído posible. Los numerosos comités que trabajan en conjunto y que continúan desafiando el proceso deberían recibir un sincero agradecimiento. Te lo mereces. Espero una nueva y emocionante experiencia virtual. Posteriormente, espero con ansias el momento en que todos podamos estar juntos y compartir un cordial apretón de manos. Donna Vignocchi Zych


The Landscape Contractor February 2021


Donna Vignocchi Zych ILT Vignocchi, Inc. (847) 487-5200


Scott McAdam, Jr. McAdam Landscaping, Inc. (708) 771-2299


Jeff Kramer Kramer Tree Specialists, Inc, (630) 293-5444

Immediate Past President

Jose Garcia Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc. (815) 724-0991


Eric Adams Russo Power Equipment (847) 233-7811 Jim Cirrincione Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. (630) 323-1411 jcirrincione@hinsdalenurseries .com Jennifer Fick Wilson Nurseries and Landscape Supply (847) 683-3700 Tom Klitzkie Nature’s Perspective Landscaping (847) 475-7917

Dean MacMorris Night Light, Inc. (630) 627-1111 Kevin Manning K & D Enterprise Landscape Management, Inc. (815) 725-0758 Ashley Marrin Bret-Mar Landscape Management Group, Inc. (708) 301-8160 Mark Utendorf Emerald Lawn Care, Inc. (847) 392-7097

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021



The Landscape Contractor February 2021

This residence sits

Scott Byron & Co. • Lake Bluff Lake View Residence

on a 3-acre estate on the shore of Lake Michigan. Although substantial in scale, the style of the house is elegant, and the landscape reflects that classic gracefulness. Additional structures on the estate include the guest house, boat house, pool, garages with auto court, and tennis court. Landscape elements include formal gardens for entertaining, informal spaces for private family gatherings, shade gardens, perennial gardens, annual color containers, an allee of ‘Regal Prince’ Oaks, a natural stone walk that descends 20’ to the lake, expansive lawns, arborvitae screens, and numerous deciduous and evergreen trees. Crews must be proficient at myriad landscape techniques to properly care for the variety of gardens and plant material on the site. Boxwoods are a unifying element throughout the landscape. All shrubs are hand-pruned, and no mechanical shears are used. Formal hedges are pruned using string lines and levels to achieve a perfect flat top and sharp, angled sides. Perennial beds and the rose garden are wrapped in formal hedges. Green Velvet Boxwood ‘clouds’ are pruned in a looser, sculptural manner to provide textural interest without adding color. Boxwoods are not pruned until the new growth hardens off in early July to minimize the risk of contracting fungal infections. It takes 8 crew members a full day to complete the boxwood pruning. Nothing obstructs the lake view or impedes the refreshing

breezes off the lake. The huge expanse of turf on the lake side is virtually level. A series of underdrains ensures proper drainage. Lawns are mowed with 21” push mowers to create the preferred narrow rows without turn lines. Turf is fertilized 5 times per season and receives 3 weed treatments. The entire site is irrigated with a combination of drip lines, spray heads and rotors in 44 zones. During the summer, turf is watered three days per week and beds are watered two days. Moisture is monitored and watering is adjusted based on weather. Crews are onsite two times per week. A 4-person crew spends one day weeding, pruning and cultivating beds. The second day is spent cutting turf. Once a month beds are raked and fluffed to keep beds looking fresh. A full tree care program includes fall root feeding, iron treatment, IPM, and pruning for the spruce, arborvitae, maples, yellow magnolia, massive 50-foot-tall beech, birch, stalk hydrangea, and oak trees. Summer annuals highlight four 4’ by 4’ containers in the front driveway and six 2’ by 2’ containers by the pool. The Client prefers a totally new look each year. This landscape was installed four years ago when the new home was constructed. The management team and crews adhere closely to the original design intent, so as the landscape grows, the site is unified throughout.

The Landscape Contractor 11 February 2021

Focus — A Story of Note

ILCA Firm Stands Tall When Fires Break Out

by Meta L. Levin

Your average landscape

contractor almost never can be found fighting wildland fires in northern California, but that’s exactly what Tom Flader of Libertyville based TGF Enterprises/TGF Forestry and Fire was doing in August and September 2020. It all started about 10 years ago, when Flader recognized the need for prescribed burns, especially in nearby prairie areas. “We do a lot of prescribed burns within 100 miles of our office,” he says. A firefighter/paramedic since the age of 17, he decided that if he was going to provide prescribed burns, his employees needed specialized training, so he sent them to school in northern Wisconsin. “If we were going to light fires, I thought, let’s have the basic training in how to put them out,” Flader says. “It’s totally different than fighting house fires.” In Wisconsin, they also learned about the excitement of fighting wildfires in places like Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, Colorado and California. That led to a new division of his company, called TGF Forestry and Fire, as well as regular


stints in the heat, smoke and dust of wildland fires. Since that first training, Flader has sent his crews for more all over the United States. “I send them to the best classes,” he says. Some of his staff now teaches basic classes for the University of Illinois firefighting program. TGF became a federal contractor for the US Forest Service more than 15 years ago. It’s crews typically respond to two to four fires per season, spending anywhere from 14 to 60 days fighting them. Don’t misunderstand, Flader still runs a landscape contracting business that provides landscape design/build, irrigation, landscape lighting, snow removal and other services that you normally would find from a landscape company. He also serves on the ILCA Irrigation Committee. But his company’s other arm takes things beyond what you generally would find in the landscape industry. “We contract out to fight wildland fires all over the nation,” says Flader. (continued on page 14)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021




Hand Crafted in Southern Illinois by Classic Garden Ornaments, Ltd.® Fine planters, figures and garden ornaments for legendary gardens.

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Focus — A Story of Note (continued from page 12) Even his fleet is somewhat unusual for a landscape contractor. In addition to the usual trucks, it includes two Type 6 Wildland Engines and several specially equipped all terrain vehicles for remote area firefighting, as well as several dedicated pieces of heavy equipment designed to manage landscape and forestry areas and other equipment meant for brush clearing, making firebreaks and moving materials. The pandemic complicated this year’s wildland firefighting. “This past summer we left August 23 and we were in California until September 21,” says Flader. For several weeks they were in a remote area north of San Francisco. To make matters more challeng-

ing, in northern California high winds resulted in fast moving fires. Typically, the firefighters work for 16 hours, resting for eight, during any one 24-hour period. The windy conditions meant that they did not know where they would be able to pitch their tents every evening. Each morning they took down the tents and packed them into trucks. Following their 16-hour shifts, they pitched them in a new, designated and safe spot. Under normal circumstances, they can stay in a hotel or a tent that they can leave in one place. In the Northwest part of the United States, they usually stay in tents. Instead of unwinding and relaxing in a tent dining hall (continued on page 14)



The Landscape Contractor February 2021

A Story of Note (continued from page 14) with wildland firefighters from other parts of the United States, they adhered to strict COVID related protocols: hand washing/ sanitizing, masks and staying apart. Meals were individually packaged and delivered to the tents. It eliminated some of the camaraderie, but everyone stayed safe, says Flader, who was one of those out there fighting the fires. This summer, “amenities were limited,” he says. Food and water all were flown in by helicopter. “The crews can’t run to the store for a replacement part or snacks.” Even getting fuel daily could be difficult. Access meant that they drove two hours at about five miles per hour, up mountains on gravel roads. They got showers maybe once a week and bathroom facilities were few and far between. In an attempt to run his landscape business, Flader rotated in and out of the fire area. “I

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have a wonderful group,” he says. The men on his crew are trained to do many things besides fighting wildland fires. They must maintain the trucks and equipment, including changing tires, which take a beating on the unpaved mountain roads, as well as provide medical help to those who are injured or ill – other firefighters and civilians. “They are very resourceful,” he says. “Everyone is willing to help each other.” They have had to rescue people whose cars or trucks have rolled down mountains – both civilians and other firefighters. Once a firefighter was stung by multiple bees. He was allergic and needed immediate medical attention. Another was stabbed by a thorn and the wound became infected. It is, says Flader, “an extremely dirty job. The dust is unbelievable, because it is so dry.” The scenery, however, can be breathtaking. Often, they are fighting fires in national forests and parks in areas not typically traveled by the public. The hours, however, are long. Flader follows The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), which provides, among other things, a national set of training and equipment standards for those fighting the fires with partners from and on federal, state, local, tribal and territorial lands. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association) also is involved in firefighting, providing training, education and professional development. Between them, the agencies prescribe such things as the right pumps, tanks and other equipment needed for emergency wildland firefighting.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Dream Come True



Hydrangea arborescens

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hydrangeas are a dream come true. Not

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only do they have super-large, blooms on

Elsner’s Midwest Ornamentals Macomb, IL • 309-333-1981

beefy stems, but they thrive where other hydrangeas fall short. If you’re tired of

Foundation Nursery Momence, IL • 815-954-6455

explaining to customers why their hydrangea

Green Glen Nursery Will Co., IL • 815-723-1140

doesn’t bloom, sell them success with Incrediball® hydrangeas.


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INCREDIBALL® and INCREDIBALL® Blush Hydrangea arborescens USDA Zone 3-8, full to part sun 4-5' tall and wide

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021


Focus — The Pros at Home

ILCA Visits Industry Members at Home

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles that feature the home landscapes of green industry professionals—landscape contractors, plant breeders, nursery owners, public garden staff and educators. After all, who wouldn’t like a little peak at what peers are doing around their own homes?

Nina A. Koziol

During their busy season—spring through

summer—Karen and Dan Biernacki often work 75 to 100 hours a week. In spite of those long days, they’ve been known to take their work home. “The neighbors used to call us the ‘midnight gardeners’ because we’d come home and turn the spotlights on and work in the garden,” Karen said. It’s no surprise because they manage the renowned Ted’s Greenhouse in Tinley Park. And they love plants. The couple’s stunning home garden in Tinley Park is an incredible collection of tropical plants, succulents, exotic annuals, perennials, ornamental shrubs, specimen trees, a pond and a very productive vegetable garden. But it wasn’t always that way. “It’s changed so much,” Dan said. “The house had wooden awnings and overgrown junipers.” There was no garden to speak of when they purchased the property in 1992. “The yard was a blank canvas,” Dan added. They saw the potential while house-hunting, however. “Before we were even out of the driveway, we knew we were home,” Karen said.


The house was in Grover Elmore’s 1929 subdivision, which he dubbed the “Poultry Farm Colony. ” Each house was placed on a double-length lot (90’ x 270’) with a huge chicken coop, and homeowners were given 100 chickens. There are about 20 Elmore homes in the area but only three chicken coops remain, including the one Dan renovated behind their home. “The previous owner worked near a scrap yard and I think he brought something home from work every day for 40 years,” Dan said with a groan. “The Coop was completely full and one of the standout memories was the fact that there were over 200 ball peen hammers, and two full pallets of scratch pads, which we still haven’t used up after 28 years. A Garden Transformation Tackling the garden began in stages. “I cut out some beds and started putting in perennials,” Dan said. He installed five semi-truck loads of pavers to expand the driveway and removed several evergreens that had seen better days. (continued on page 20)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Focus — The Pros at Home (continued from page 18) About 15 years ago, Dan dug the foundation and poured concrete for a large greenhouse that covers their pool and hot tub. When the used greenhouse arrived, pieces were missing and he had to make replacement parts. He excavated soil for the pool and installed bricks over a heated floor so that the space can be used in winter. “I was the maintenance guy at work, maintaining the boiler and other things,” Dan said. “I’m a perfectionist. I only want to do things once. I don’t like just ‘good enough.’” Karen agrees. “He’s always 10 steps ahead. He’s done everything—the tile, electrical, plumbing—he takes the extra time to set everything up and he works fantastic under pressure. And, I got really good at being a laborer.” A pond and patio are among the newest “hardscape” elements, and lighting added last year created the perfect place for entertaining into the night. Tropical Paradise “We had a wedding here for a friend six years ago. It was gorgeous,” Karen said. And it’s no wonder because the plant combinations positively sizzle in this garden. Along the driveway, the iridescent purple leaves of Persian Shield

(Strobilanthes dyerianus), mingle with several varieties of coleus, gold-leaved elderberry (Sambucus ‘Morden Golden Glow’), begonias, ‘Bobo’ hydrangea, liatris, coneflowers and many other plants. It’s an eye-popping combination from late spring into autumn. (continued on page 22)

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Focus — The Pros at Home (continued from page 20) “I like color and I like it bright,” Karen said. The big beefy foliage of banana plants and elephant ears is an artful contrast to the finer-leaved duranta, elderberry and trailing vines. Sun-loving ‘Hot Coral’ SunPatiens®, caladium, crossandra, shell ginger and bamboo make the garden feel like a vacation destination. “Karen wants the whole front of the pool house to look tropical,” Dan said. In shadier spots under the trees, they’ve planted drifts of New Guinea impatiens, hostas, brunnera, heuchera, ferns and sedges. “We try to encourage people to use foliage instead of relying on flowers alone,” Dan said. Japanese maples, redbud, Magnolia ‘Ricki,’ Annabelle hydrangeas, Cornus ‘Golden Showers,’ and sweet gum are some of the smaller ornamental trees and shrubs (continued on page 24)

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Focus — The Pros at Home (continued from page 22) that create winter interest. In the past two years, they’ve added a black fence around the yard with a decorative electronic gate across the drive. “We’ve removed the hedges and replaced them with 40 arborvitaes to create more maintenance-free privacy,” Karen said. Even couples who work in horticulture and garden together must make compromises. “Dan built the retaining wall and I like moss on it, but Dan doesn’t,” Karen said. “All of my bricks had beautiful green moss but he power-washed it off. I think moss is cool and gives it more of that cottage feel, but I have to pick my battles.” Like every garden, things come and go. Pachysandra formed a green blanket under their dwarf fragrant Twisty Baby® black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Lace Lady’). “It looked beautiful, but got scale,” Dan said. “Don’t plant only one thing.” The Suburban Farmers Straggly elm trees along the property line blocked sunlight from the vegetable garden, so Dan removed them. (continued on page 26)

Simply growing the best! Excellent quality, Illinois grown shrubs, perennials, trees & evergreens plus a full line of hardgoods.



The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Focus — The Pros at Home (continued from page 24) Seed-sowing in the vegetable garden gets a late start on purpose. “I don’t plant it early,” Dan said. “ In 2017, I planted on August first.” Planting late avoids destructive insects that are present in large numbers earlier in summer. Cucumber vines scramble over the U-shaped trellis, which shades lettuce growing below. Irrigation tape is buried one foot down to eliminate watering with a hose. “The plants get watered, but the top of the soil doesn’t get wet,” Dan said. The edibles get off to a great start. “The soil here is phenomenal. It’s our handmade soil from the greenhouse,” Karen said. She makes cucumber salad from the harvest as well as dehydrating peaches from one of several fruit trees. Dan has been a member of the Cook County Farm Bureau board of directors since 2008.

BRICK IS DURABLE Rumbled Full Range pavers. Design: Roots & Rocks Landscape Artisans.

A “forever home” needs a forever paver The owners call this 1933 Concord, Massachusetts classic their “forever home.” So, Dan Gladu of Roots & Rocks Landscape Artisans designed the outdoor living space with our Rumbled Full Range brick pavers to stand the test of time and complement the home. They never fade and never need costly sealants. When a homeowner asks for a patio, give them authentic clay brick pavers from Pine Hall Brick. Learn more at


All in the Family Dan was four years old when he started helping his father, Ted, in the commercial greenhouse. When their daughters, Jessica and Becca were toddlers, the Biernacki’s brought them to work. Jessica is an agriculture teacher at Momence High School. “I miss having her at the greenhouse,” Karen said. When she was at home, she loved being outdoors. “I really enjoy working in the garden,” she said. “I get to share my gardening knowledge with my friends.” Becca lives in Orlando, Florida, where she’s a house manager for three Ronald McDonald houses. “She’s the lucky one who gets to keep her tropicals all year unlike us in the midwest,” Karen says. Sometimes the couple just needs to take a break, but they can’t seem to sit still. Seven years ago, they spent 10 days working as volunteers for the O’Brien School for the Maasai, in Tanzania, Africa. ( “Dan and I stayed in the convent. It was one of the best personal experiences we’ve ever had.” Visit Ted’s Greenhouse, 16930 S. 84th Ave., Tinley Park. (See the rest of the story on page 28)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


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Focus — The Pros at Home (continued from page 26)

Insights from the Pros What’s hot right now?

“Succulents, cacti and tropical plants are popular,” Dan said. “It’s the 1970’s recycled. Look at Pinterest—macrame hangers are back!”

Tell us about one of your big mistakes.

“We had a humungous arborvitae by the front of the house that was overgrown,” Dan said. It was replaced with a ginkgo tree called Jade Butterfly. “Karen wanted the gingko moved just a bit. I was moving it and the trunk snapped right off a few inches from the bottom.” For Karen, the problem was roses. “I’ve had Nearly Wild roses, but the last one was dug out in 2018. Each year they produced fewer flowers.”

Do you have a favorite gardening book?

“The best one is Chuck Voigt’s ‘Vegetable Gardening in the Midwest,’” Dan said. “It’s geared for us.” (The book, written by C. E. Voigt and J. S. Vandemark is out of print but available on


Is there an American public garden that everyone should see if they can? “Dan and I both agree our favorite is Longwood Gardens in Pennsvylvania.”

How has your gardening/design style evolved through the years?

“We never took days off and we worked seven days a week,” Karen said. That changed when they bought a pontoon boat about four years ago. “Depending on the time of year, I ‘guilt’ him into leaving work and taking a mini-vacation.” The couple now use a landscaping service for the lawn and the planting beds. “I don’t want to come home and work outside,” Dan said. “I want to enjoy it.”

If you could invite one famous gardener (living or dead) to dinner, whom would you choose? “I would invite Martha Stewart,” Karen said. “I’d invite Pierre du Pont,” Dan said. (Pierre Samuel du Pont was an (continued from page 28)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


SOLID GROUND When homeowners see the badge, they know they’re building with the best. That’s what we call paving the way. For more information

Focus — The Pros at Home American entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist who owned Longwood Gardens.) “When I was at Longwood, I was picturing what it would have been like to be there as a guest in its heyday.”

If you were to write a gardening book, what would be your topic?

“I’d write a book where plants relate to a person’s life,” Dan said. “For example, people tell me they water their plants every day, but don’t fertilize them. Try living on water for three months with no food. I’d write a book to help people relate their life experiences to plant care.”

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Real Tips for Virtual Attendees

Tips for Attending a Virtual Event by Meta L. Levin

This has been the year

of living virtually and iLandscape365 is no different. In the days before the conference, which is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, February 3 and 4, 2021, registered attendees will receive an email containing a link to the conference website. That, says Experience Co-chair Chris Walsh and Education Chair Kim Hartmann, is when the fun starts. Here are some tips for getting the most out of the event:

11. 2 33.

Block out the time on your calendar now. Let everyone know that you will be attending iLandscape365, just as if you would if it was an in person event.

2. Find a comfortable place to watch/participate.


Familiarize yourself with the conference platform once you receive the link. It will, says Marissa Stubler, ILCA membership and marketing manager, who oversees putting together the website, have different tabs that will help you navigate through the event. The tabs include: My Event, All Sessions, My Schedule, Exhibitor Marketplace, Sponsors. The sessions to which you will have access will depend on the type of pass you purchased: Education or Marketplace.


Allow time to ensure that your camera and computer audio is working and, especially, that you have the most updated version of Zoom.


Have a laptop or a notebook and a working pen, with a spare, to take notes, just as you would if you were attending in person.


6. Pay attention to the “hosts.” That would be Walsh and ILCA President Donna Vignocchi Zych, who will pop in and out throughout both days, providing information and guiding people.


Plan. Plan. Plan. Your Education pass gives you access to everything – a whole year to “attend” educational offerings and the Marketplace, as well as all live events and reruns of those live events that will be recorded. Your Marketplace pass allows entry to the Marketplace, keynote speakers and live events. “I encourage attendees to take two days and be a part of the experience,” says Walsh.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

(continued on page 34)

Real Tips for Virtual Attendees (continued from page 32)


8. Marketplace Only Pass – This provides year-long access to the exhibitor Marketplace. The rest requires some pre-planning. With this pass you can see and hear the keynote speakers in real time, including a live question and answer period: 8:15-9:15 am, Wednesday, February 3, Angela Tredwell Palmer, “New Plants; What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge?” and 8:15-9:15 am, Thursday, February 4, Jan Bills, “Comfort, Ease and Simplicity.” On both days those are immediately followed by an overview of the Marketplace Scavenger Hunt and Master Class Preview. The pass also gives holders access to six live education sessions, the Master Class series, networking events, raffles, product showcases, an irrigation workshop, Spanish language education sessions, the awards program and other live events. Every two hours there will be a product showcase, followed by a raffle. 9.



10. Education Pass – This allows holders access to everything, live and pre-recorded, including the six live hour-long education sessions and the Master Classes, which Hartmann describes as “chance to hang out with the experts.” In addition, any of the live sessions that will be recorded and the 34 pre-recorded education sessions will be available all year long. She recommends scheduling around the live sessions on February 3 and 4, then listening/watching the recorded classes afterwards. “They will be available for 365 days.”

11. Lunch. Grab your sandwich and get ready. In person, 10 attendees might fall into conversation with others

at their lunch tables, exchanging information and learning something as well. “The Lunch Bunch” provides the opportunity to do that in a virtual, but no less informative way. From 11:30 am to 12:30 pm attendees can log in, choose a topic and participate in a guided conversation. “It’s an open dialogue,” says Walsh. (continued on page 36)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Growers & Distributors of Quality Nursery Stock

We are the premier shade tree grower in the Chicagoland area with of 400 acres of quality field-grown nursery stock. Cedar Path Nurseries has two conveniently located sales yards, Lockport and Barrington, to better serve our clients. Cedar Path Nurseries carries a full line of B&B trees and shrubs, container shrubs, perennials and groundcovers. Not only are we your onestop-shop, but we are sourcing experts. We look forward to assisting on your next project.

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Real Tips for Virtual Attendees (continued from page 34)

Not an ILCA Member? JOIN NOW for 2021! Call Marissa at 630-472-2851 for membership information.

12. Minimize distractions. Just as you 11 would if you were attending a live presentation, mute your phone.

to your body. Get up and 1213. Listen walk around here and there, then return refreshed to see and hear what is important to you.

13 Enjoy.


Set yourself up for the great recovery ahead.

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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37 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Created Virtually With You in Mind February 3-4, 2021

Join thousands of landscape professionals for two days of inspiration, education and experience all that is new in the landscape industry. This printed Event Guide is your tangible link to what’s going on at iLandscape365 over two jam-packed days. When February 3rd arrives, fire up your choice of electronic device and enjoy the show. God willing we’ll see you all in person for iLandscape 2022!

Special Events and Features Worth Notice

Thursday, February 4, 2021 Don’t miss the ILCA’s annual showcase featuring the best landscapes in Illinois. Awards Night will be the crown jewel of iLandscape networking opportunities, as well as a great venue to see the industry’s best projects. Come join the celebration of these coveted awards.

Time for FUN!

4:15pm – 5:15pm • Excellence in Landscape Award Winners • In addition, the winner of a prestigious industry award will be announced that night:

Important News About CEUs

The entire iLandscape365 program has been submitted for Landscape Architect and Certified Arborist CEU’s. Join us for an evening of honorLandscape Architects will ing & celebrating: need to complete a 10 quesIncluded in the Marketplace Only Pass and Education Pass. tion learning assessment and score 75% or higher in order to be granted CEU’s for each course. 40

• Judges’ Platinum Award — The best project among all entries as chosen by the judges.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

iLandscape at-a-glance wednesday Feb 3 thursday Feb 4 8:00am-8:15am Morning Java: Welcome & Kickoff – What to Expect on Day 1

8:00am-8:15am Morning Java: Welcome & Kickoff – What to Expect on Day 2

8:15am-9:15am Angela Tredwell Palmer: Keynote-Live Q & A


8:15am-9:15am Jan Bills: Keynote-Live Q & A


9:15am-9:30am Overview of the Marketplace Scavenger Hunt and Master Class Preview

9:15am-9:30am Overview of the Marketplace Scavenger Hunt and Master Class Preview

9:30am-10:00am Vendor Product Showcase #1 and Raffle Drawing #1

9:30am-10:00am Vendor Product Showcase #3 and Raffle Drawing #1

10:00am-10:30am Master Class #1 – Frank Mariani – Growing a Company versus Growing Profit

10:00am-10:30am Master Class #4 – Scott McAdam and Scott McAdam, Jr. – Three Keys to a Better Bottom Line

10:30am-11:30am “Layered Plantings for an Extended Season” – Fergus Garrett


11:30am-12:30pm Lunch Bunch + Raffle Drawing #2

11:30am-12:30pm Lunch Bunch + Raffle Drawing #2

12:30pm-1:00pm Vendor Showcase #2 + Raffle Drawing #3

12:30pm-1:00pm Vendor Product Showcase #4 + Raffle Drawing #3

1:00pm-1:30pm Master Class #2 – Carolyn Mullet – Tips for Garden Professionals for Getting More Followers on Social Media 1:30pm-2:30pm “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently” – Jeff Joutras


2:30pm-3:00pm Master Class #3 – Tony LoBello, John Algozzini, Bob Hursthouse – Questions from a Jar, in a Bar, No Matter How Bizarre 3:00pm-4:00pm “The Drunken Botanist” – Amy Stewart 4:00pm-5:30pm iPix + Trivia Night 5:30pm-5:45pm Happy Hour + Cocktail Recipe 5:45pm-6:00pm Closing and Preview for Day 2

10:30am-11:30am “Lessons from the Garden: How the Garden LIVE! Continues to Teach and Inspire” – Paul Zammit

1:00pm-1:30pm Master Class #5 – ILCA Person of the Year Rick Reuland and Writer Nina Koziol – From Publishing to Photographs: The Best and Brightest Ways to Promote Your Business 1:30pm-2:30pm “Building Your Landscape Team for Success – Becoming the Employer of Choice in Your Market” – Judson Griggs


2:30pm-3:00pm Master Class #6 – Professor William “Bill” Sullivan – Nature AND Nurture: Creating Healthier, More Sustainable Communities 3:00pm-4:00pm “Sensational Shrubs” – Mark Dwyer 4:00pm-5:00pm Trivia + Raffle Drawing #4 4:15pm-5:15pm Awards Program 5:15pm Closing

41 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Master Classes What are Master Classes? Short, 30-minute sessions taught by industry luminaries. These “secret sauce” presentations are all killer, no filler. Q&A is available with the Masters after each class. These classes are not CEU eligible.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 10:00am-10:30am Frank Mariani Growing a Company versus Growing Profit 1:00pm-1:30pm Carolyn Mullet Tips for Garden Professionals for Getting More Followers on Social Media 2:30pm-3:00pm Tony LoBello, John Algozzini, Bob Hursthouse - Questions from a Jar, in a Bar, No Matter How Bizarre

Thursday, February 4, 2021 10:00am-10:30am Scott McAdam and Scott McAdam, Jr. Three Keys to a Better Bottom Line 1:00pm-1:30pm ILCA Person of the Year Rick Reuland and Writer Nina Koziol - From Publishing to Photographs: The Best and Brightest Ways to Promote Your Business 2:30pm-3:00pm Professor William “Bill” Sullivan Nature AND Nurture: Creating Healthier, More Sustainable Communities


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Sponsors Premier Sponsor

Prime Time Keynote Sponsors

Live Education Sponsors

On Demand Education Sponsors

Raffle Sponsors

Master Class Sponsors

Trivia Sponsor

Awards Sponsor

iPix Sponsor

43 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Wednesday Keynote Speaker Wednesday, February 3, 2021 8:15am – 9:15am New Plants— What’s Trending and Who’s in Charge? Angela Treadwell Palmer

Founder, Plants Nouveau, a new plant introduction and marketing company Plant producer’s needs often dictate which new plants are selected and introduced. Compact, easy to grow and disease resistant plants have been on trend for years, but is that what gardeners and designers want? What will gardens look like in 10 years? How did we get here?


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Thursday Keynote Speaker Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:15am – 9:15am Comfort, East and Simplicity Jan Bills

Owner, Two Women and a Hoe Landscape Company, Royal Oaks, MI In an ever-changing working environment, flexibility and precision could not be more critical than it is in 2021. Discover how sustainable growth includes a variety of practices that respond to business challenges and successes. These practices are used in every stage of planning in the field and in the office. Together we will develop a shift in perspective as we explore how to operate your business with comfort, ease and simplicity.

45 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Wednesday Live Speakers Wednesday, February 3, 2021 10:30am – 11:30am Layered Plantings for an Extended Season

Fergus Garrett

Great Dixter House and Gardens

Join us for a rare opportunity to hear Fergus Garrett, head gardener at Great Dixter in Northiam, England and holder of the Royal Horticulture Society Victoria Medal of Honour, discuss how to combine plants, considering sense of place, color, shape, texture, and repetition. Learn how to contrast plants, how to add punctuation in a border, and how to create intimacy, movement, and balance.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 1:30pm – 2:30pm Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently

Jeff Joutras

Step Forward Into Growth Leadership

We spend a large portion of our days “communicating” and yet communication challenges persist in our companies. We’re not listening as well as we could and we’re not connecting with others like we should. Much of our communication focuses on being efficient vs being effective and we miss out on huge opportunities with each other. How well do you really know your fellow employees and why should you even care? Does your communication style resonate with your teams? Connecting has so many benefits in everyday life including increasing employee engagement which impacts productivity, employee retention and improved morale. Learn the principles of connecting and the practical ways you can get better in this session.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 3:00pm – 4:00pm The Drunken Botanist

Amy Stewart Author

Join Amy for an exploration of the dizzying array of plants that humans have, through ingenuity, inspiration, and sheer desperation, contrived to transform into alcohol. From the sugar cane that gives us Caribbean rum, to the juniper berries that flavor gin, to the odd and obscure fruits that flavor Italian liqueurs, Amy Stewart takes a most intoxicating perspective on the leaves, bark, seeds, roots, flowers, and fruit imbibed around the world. It’s the compelling mixture of history, science, literature and humor that Stewart is known for. 46

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Thursday Live Speakers Thursday, February 4, 2021 10:30am – 11:30am Lessons from the Garden: How the Garden Continues to Teach and Inspire

Paul Zammit

Niagara College – Environment Division

Each garden season brings a renewed sense of excitement, hope and opportunity, not to mention, often a unique set of challenges as well. Have you ever noticed how one garden season is never like the last? How about how a garden and a gardener change over time? Join Paul as he shares his passion and years of experience caring for gardens to discuss how this translates into an amazing opportunity to never stop learning and growing. Paul believes, gardens of all sizes, have the incredible potential to teach us and inspire us, and he looks forward to sharing some of the lessons the garden has taught him.

Thursday, February 4, 2021 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Building Your Landscape Team for Success – Becoming the Employer of Choice in Your Market

Judson Griggs

Harvest Landscape Consulting Group

Finding enough qualified employees in this time of record unemployment is a huge challenge. Keeping your key employees makes it that much harder to manage and grow your business. In this interactive presentation, we will review the “Top 10 Ways to Find the Employees you Need”. Some of these unique ideas may be the way to fill your team’s personnel needs for 2021 and beyond.

Thursday, February 4, 2021 3:00pm – 4:00pm Sensational Shrubs

Mark Dwyer

Landscape Prescriptions by MD

Shrubs offer color, texture and form throughout our landscapes. There are such a wide and diverse array of selections for the landscape with new and improved varieties coming out every year. We’ll examine a wide range of durable and beautiful shrubs for both sun and shade that will liven up the landscape. We’ll discuss some of the best new varieties and established favorites that have wide applicability and use in our variable garden settings.

47 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions — ­Plants & Horticulture Plant Health Care: The Present, The Future, The Resources

Stephanie Adams The Morton Arboretum

This presentation will cover the current status of important plant diseases and insects like bur oak blight, Ralstonia on geraniums, oak decline, and root rots. It will also include information on pests “on the horizon” to be aware of such as polyphagous shot hole borer, spotted lanternfly, thousand cankers of black walnut, and laurel wilt.

New Generation (White) Oaks to Know and Grow

Kris Bachtell

The Morton Arboretum

There is a myriad of new hybrid white oak group selections coming our way. Following a general review of this group, we will dive into a review of the “building block species”. We then will review some to the most promising selections and cover their specific traits to aid in the best landscape placement and use.

Coming Attraction! What it Takes to Create the Ball Seed 2021 Trial Grounds

Jeff Gibson and Rachel Prescott

Ball Horticultural Company

60 acres, 200,000 plants, 22 employees, 3 managers, 6 greenhouses and miles of hoses and irrigation! Walk through what it takes to create the Gardens at Ball. Along the way they will highlight some of the history, stories that helped to make the gardens you see each summer and preview the coming attractions for annuals and perennials for spring 2021/22.


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

New Plant Varieties: A Grower’s Perspective

Jane Beggs-Joles Spring Meadow Nursery Mary Beth Eckard Walters Gardens Mike Mennenoh Mariani Plants Josh Roggenbuck Walters Gardens

Hundreds of new plant varieties are introduced each year. Architects, designers, and buyers know people want exciting new varieties, but they also know that customers want reliable performance. How do you balance the two? Learn about the criteria plant breeders use when making a selection, and why some really great plants don’t make the cut. The next step is the nursery growers who produce the finished plants you use for landscaping and retail sales. Why do growers opt to grow some and not others? What do growers think of some newer varieties, and what do they recommend for both landscape and retail customers? Get some insider knowledge on what will perform well in Illinois and Wisconsin.

Oak Decline: Fact or Fiction?

Tricia Bethke

The Morton Arboretum

In Northern Illinois, our oaks (and other trees) have had a tough couple of years! Learn how to identify early signs of decline, potential management options, and learn how to identify potential forest pest threats and ways you can strengthen and enrich your community through plant monitoring and reporting.

Save Urban Trees – A Panel Discussion on Urban Tree Growth and Longevity

Michelle Catania

The Morton Arboretum

We all have a role to play in getting trees to maturity – the size where they provide the most benefits for cleaner air and water, mitigate the impacts from flooding, and reduce urban temperatures during heat waves all while improving public health and well-being. However, growing the regional canopy means we have to stop planting annual trees. This panel presents a variety of perspectives that can help contractors and designers get trees in the ground correctly and provide proper care after planting. We will discuss a trees’ journey from the nursery to its final planting site, and the absolute vital role the landscape industry plays in our mission to promote a healthy, long-lived forest canopy for the Chicagoland region.

49 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions — ­Plants & Horticulture Difficult Tree Removal Techniques

Mark Chisholm

Aspen Tree Expert Co./STIHL Inc.

Learn how to remove trees in difficult spots from a 3-time world champion tree climber as he shares tips to make life easier. Mark will cover scientifically sound rigging techniques, the latest gear and tools used by arborists and how to be efficient while following the most current safety standards.

Awesome Annuals

Mark Dwyer

Landscape Prescriptions by MD

Seasonal plantings in the landscape can offer a significant amount of color from both flower and foliage. Utilizing annuals in our landscape borders, compositions and containers offers lengthy interest and perhaps includes additional features such as scent, pollinator value and food! We’ll examine a diverse assortment of seasonal plantings, including new selections, that are worthy of consideration for their beautiful impact in our landscapes. Selections for both sun and shade will be discussed as will annuals that have immense flower power and/or colorful foliage.

How Landscape Trees are Propagated and Why This is Important to You

Kris Bachtell

The Morton Arboretum

Various methods are used to produce landscape trees. Each method is important to understand so you know what you are dealing with when maintaining a specific tree. Learn how to recognize how a tree was started and how this can help you to provide the best care possible.


Jan Johnsen

Johnsen Landscapes & Pools

This inspiring session offers design ideas and showcases beautiful flower varieties that will have you seeing the potential for colorful flowers in all kinds of outdoor spaces, large or small. Garden designer and flower lover, Jan Johnsen, shares her experience and contagious passion for flower garden design in a beautiful and informative presentation. Learn planting tips as well as container combos, drought tolerant flowers and much more!


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Aquatic Plant and Algae Control Options in Man Made Ponds

Keith Gray

Integrated Lakes Management, Inc.

Most ponds are collection points for sediment and nutrients leading to conditions that increasingly support nuisance aquatic plant and/or algae growth. Decomposing yard waste, fertilizers, erosion, and animal waste accelerate the degradation of water bodies. There are hundreds of species of algae and new aquatic invaders to be aware of. We will review the proactive and reactive approaches to control these invasives, the causes of unwanted vegetative growth as well as the pros and cons of logical options to prevent or control it’s growth will be reviewed in non-scientific terms.

New Shrubs That Will Change the Way You Landscape

Tim Wood

Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.

It used to be that shrubs were the bones and background of the garden. They were big plants, that bloomed for two weeks or less, then they faded into oblivion. All that has changed. Plant breeders the world over have reinvented the flowering shrub and with that, the way we used them in our gardens and landscapes. Join Tim as he highlights some of the most interesting breakthroughs in plant breeding and how designers can use these new shrubs to make better gardens and landscapes.

A Season of Inspiration: The Year at Chanticleer

Chris Fehlhaber Chanticleer Garden

Chanticleer is a pleasure garden but it is also a collection of personalities be they the plants’ or the gardeners’. Learn how they all come together to create “America’s Most Inspiring Garden.”

Great Magnolias in the Landscape

Andrew Bunting

Pennsylvania Horticultural Society

Check the iLandscape website for this session description.

51 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions —

­Landscape Architecture and Design

The What, Why, & How of Creating High-Performance Urban Trees

Shane Carpani GreenBlue Urban

What is a “high-performance” urban tree and what benefits do such trees offer our cities? This thought-provoking session will address the key things that designers, property owners and residents want to see from urban trees. Shane will analyze and define the factors that contribute to high-performance trees, and the key to realizing their benefits through design. We will review the best practices and design techniques that successfully integrate trees into urban infrastructure, and provides examples of how high-performance trees have been established in regional and international case studies.

Serenity by Design

Jan Johnsen

Johnsen Landscapes & Pools

Why do some gardens make us feel so wonderful, relaxed and refreshed? Landscape designer, Jan Johnsen, shares her passion for creating serene, contemplative gardens and offers advice that will open your eyes to a new way of making outdoor havens. Explore ideas such as why a gate facing East is considered auspicious, why a golden rectangle is the preferred terrace layout and which trees can impart a special atmosphere.

On Demand Sessions — Soils - Pest - Diseases Herbicide Programs for the Landscape – Turf and Plants

Jim Crockett Nufarm

You’ve encountered this before: new customers want to see results, which may be challenging depending on the status of the property and time of year. And existing customers allow you to program proper timing for herbicide application using the entire calendar. In this session, you’ll learn to develop a herbicide program for landscape management based on pre and post emergent products for existing and new customers, no matter what season it is.


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Nature: A Practical Guide to Ecosystem Restoration

Jack Pizzo

The Pizzo Group

Nature is all around us. Most of what we see in our daily lives is highly manipulated and lacking diversity. What is mixed in though is a patch work of remnant patches of the once unbroken ecosystems that carpeted the area. Learn to identify them and what it takes to bring them back to health. The end result is rewarding for you and your clients.

Virtual Sketching for Real!

Craig Stoffel

Hord Coplan Macht

The sketch event will cover some fundamentals to creating a realistic scene including the horizon line and vanishing point(s). Participants will learn tips and tricks to quickly draw site entourage like people and plant materials. The course will explore using small thumbnail sketches to study overall compositions before diving into detailed sketches, and we’ll put this all to use by drawing from an international destination image/scene with step-by-step instruction, following along with the instructor’s overhead camera to sketch in real time together.

Incorporating Organic Amendments into Landscaping to Improve Soil and Plant Health

Theresa Johnston

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

For over 30 years, EQ biosolids have been used for both large- and small-scale projects in the Chicago area, most notably Maggie Daley Park in the city of Chicago has been one example with great success largely due to fast plant establishment and cost saving. The increase in soil organic matter through the use of EQ biosolids also improves soil structure, allowing better root penetration and establishment. This presentation will discuss the benefits of EQ biosolids as organic amendments for landscaping projects and describe how to incorporate these organic amendments into your projects from quick establishment of plants at construction sites to upkeep of healthy vegetation in gardens and other landscaping. 53 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions — Soils - Pest - Diseases Integrated Pest Management of Arthropods and Diseases in the Urban Landscape

Chad Rigsby

The Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories and The Morton Arboretum

In this presentation we will discuss proper integrated pest management (IPM) approaches to pest management in the urban landscape. We will cover what tools are in the IPM tool belt, how and when to deploy each of those tools, and in what situations which tools need to be deployed.

Soils Simplified: Profitability and Efficiency through Product Selecting and Practices

Kevin Donnelly Midwest Trading

We all want the landscape vision we present to clients to succeed. Getting there is a balancing act between the ideals of horticulture and the realities of budget and time. Often a one size fits all approach is utilized for materials and practices. While there are some clear advantages to keeping it simple, there are some opportunities that can improve the landscape, increase both efficiency and profit by being more strategic in material choices and horticultural practices. In this talk, we will discuss product options for soils, amendments, and mulches, look at relative costs, review some labor savings and practice strategies that can be applied to different situations that will improve landscape performance, boost profitability, and optimize your labor force.

Networking — Lunch Bunch Time for a break. Grab your sack lunch, head to the kitchen to make a sandwich, or order lunch for the entire crew. Then pop into our attendee cafe for a luncheon discussion with other green industry pros. Each Zoom table is moderated and topic-based so feel free to network with colleagues while you gear up for the afternoon.


On Demand Sessions —

Business - Sales - Marketing - Operations

The Landscaper’s Guide to Modern Sales and Marketing

Jack Jostes

Ramblin Jackson, Inc.

Relying on referrals is great — if you like constantly wondering where your next project comes from. Learn how to fill your pipeline with Qualified Leads who are warmed up and ready to buy high dollar landscaping projects — so you can confidently say NO to the projects you don’t want.

Structuring Your Design/Build Team for Success

Judson Griggs The Harvest Group

Let’s explore a number of options of how to structure your design/build team. We will also review the pros and cons of each option. Additionally, we will look at how your operations team and design team can best work together to increase sales and profits and avoid the typical sales vs. production battles.

Will COVID Spur Plant Sales Again in 2021?

Charlie Hall

Texas A&M University

In this session, Charlie will discuss how last year went for firms in the green industry supply chain, the current economic conditions, the status of the lingering effects of COVID-19, and the outlook for spring 2021 and beyond. He will also incorporate a discussion of the structural changes already brought about by C-19 and the business responses (key success factors) that will influence success in the future green industry marketplace. Are you trying to determine your best strategic path forward? Then you do not want to miss this session!

55 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions — Business - Sales - Marketing You Have A Title, So What? Now What?

Jeff Joutras

Step Forward Into Growth Leadership

A title doesn’t make you a leader or guarantee you will keep growing and developing in your career. Learn the laws of growth to live your potential for yourself and for others around you. Many leaders get promoted, get a new title and stop developing, which limits them but also limits their team! Worse even, you may have had the same role or title for a long time but haven’t kept learning and growing, so you’re stuck in a cycle of repeating the same experiences over and over again-which limits your organization’s performance. Keep growing yourself to grow your team, don’t be a lid on your team’s potential. Become the leader you were destined to be, not by chance, but by tapping into your passion, your strengths, and the laws of growth. This presentation is designed for those who supervise or lead others at any level of an organization, regardless of tenure in their role. Learn from a former industry executive with nearly 30 years of landscape experience who has held many different “titles” during his career.

Managing Your Company’s Cash Flow and Bankability

Terry Lammers

Innovative Business Advisors, LLC

Do you know the bankability of your company? No matter how much financial statements make you cringe, Terry wants to make sure you understand that it’s not about sales and net income. It’s all about gross profit and cash flow. Terry will teach you 10 key financial ratios in a down to earth way that anyone can understand. Learn how to create a debt schedule and what your debt service coverage ratio is. Using real life stories, Terry ties it all together to help business owners easily understand how to improve and measure the financial health of your company.

Workers’ Compensation Cost Containment Strategies

Griff MacDonald

Connor & Gallagher OneSource (CGO)

This presentation provides business owners/office managers with a comprehensive strategy to effectively reduce the frequency of Workers Compensation Claims and control the costs of claims that may arise. It provides a deep dive into various strategies associated with claim mitigation, providing specific ideas/examples of programs that can be immediately implemented to help reduce workplace injuries.


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

- Operations Lead Generating Websites……WYNTK

Chris Darnell

The Harvest Group

If you are creating a new or possibly redoing your current website, you have seen a gamut of options and price ranges. You know someone, who knows someone who can build you one for $1,000, so why would this other web development company charge you $40,000? Join Harvester Chris Darnell as he walks you through what all goes into a true lead generating website and how you can use it to grow your business!

Down to Earth Social Media for Business

Matthew Olson Signalfire

Imagine creating and managing effective and engaging social media campaigns without the burdensome time commitment during the season. In this discussion we’ll identify which social media platforms are right for your business and review the basics of social media advertising. Then we will learn how to create successful and engaging social media content that delivers increased engagement and fantastic returns on your investment!

en Español Please check the iLandscape website for information on Spanish Language Education sessions.

Need a little fun? Wednesday 4:00-5:30


Photo Contest Award Winners Revealed

57 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

On Demand Sessions — Hardscape Hardscape Business Tour

Frank Bourque Greenmark

Growing your landscape business can mean big dividends if done the right way. In this high-impact session, you will learn how to implement proven systems to grow your landscape business, differentiate yourself from the competition, and gain the maximum return on investment and profits by investing your time (and money) in the right places. In this session, we will tour a landscape business and show you a very well managed office/shop, truck and hardscape trailer setup.

Adjustable Pedestal Roof Deck Systems

Daniel Wood

Lurvey Landscape Supply

Rooftop decks create valuable living and recreational space for building owners, residents, and clients. Accommodating restaurants, hotels, healthcare facilities, and everything from residential to government buildings, rooftop deck systems offer the design flexibility to create versatile, unique outdoor spaces over any structural surface. This course explores the features, surface materials, and design options for rooftop deck systems and provides an overview of recommended planning and installation guidelines.

Tools & Equipment For Efficiency and Profits

Frank Bourque Greenmark

In this session, we will take a look at some of the most efficient tools available to help you increase productivity and profits while reducing physical labor and the need for more employees to perform jobs.


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

The Language of Stone

Daniel Wood

Lurvey Landscape Supply

There are many things to consider when working with natural stone. In this session, Daniel will introduce you to the language of stone, starting from the concept through the design process to project completion and follow up. He will discuss how to assess the site and determine the best stone materials, what information is needed for estimating and pricing, the logistics and installation requirements.

Overcoming the Hardscape Business Pitfalls

Frank Bourque Greenmark

Managing a hardscape business can have its ups and downs. However, when you can learn from other people’s mistakes, you can prevent many of the common pitfalls that often make it challenging to manage and excel in the business. In addition, when you know how to manage and deal with the common pitfalls you can prevent profit loss and ease the challenges at work.

High Profit Hardscape Opportunities/Features: Fire-Water-Lighting-Sound and Automation

Frank Bourque Greenmark

In this session, we look at what counts for successful hardscape installations around fire, water, lighting, sound features and system automation. We will show many profitable yard enhancement options. Learn how to grow your business, expand the range of the services and installations you offer, and how you can reach different markets for better margins and profits.

59 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Exhibitor Marketplace 1st Choice Equipment Jeff Patterson 1555 Atlantic Drive West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.510.6050 Email:


A. Block Marketing Inc. Ron Jesselson 855 East Golf Road Arlington Hts, IL, 60005 Phone: 847.437.7088 Email: Acorn Farms John DeHaven 7679 Worthington Road Galena, OH, 43021 Phone: 614.891.9348 Email: Alert Distributing Jim Schroeder 16873 Fish Point Road SE Prior Lake, MN, 55372 Phone: 952.224.4070 Email: Alliance Designer Products Juan Padilla 225 Bellerose Blvd. West LaVal, QUE, H7L 6A1 CAN Phone: 866.212.1611 Email: Alta Equipment Company Jennifer Keyes 18405 115th Avenue Orland Park, IL, 60467 Phone: 312.244.9167 Email: Alta Falls & Pond Supplies Ben Geffre 2165 Daniels Street, Suite 1 Long Lake, MN 55356 952.476.2582 Altorfer Cat Taylor Hanneman 2600 SW 6th Street Cedar Rapids, IA, 52404 Phone: 309.259.0012 Email: Applied Ecological Services Corrine Daniels 17921 W. Smith Road Brodhead, WI, 53520 Phone: 608.897.8641 Arborjet/Ecologel Janice Robichaud 99 Blueberry Hill Road Woburn, MA, 01801 Phone: 781.935.9070


Ariens & Gravely Carol Dilger 655 W. Ryan Street Brillion, WI, 54110 Phone: 847.420.1855 Email:

Better Bilt Products, Inc. Betsy Mostowski 900 S. Kay Avenue Addison, IL, 60101 Phone: 630.543.6767 Email:

Arlington Power Equipment Carlos Nava Flores 20175 N. Rand Road Palatine, IL, 60074 Phone: 847.241.1530 Email:

Blu Petroleum Cindy Hart 21402 W. IL Route 60 Mundelein, IL, 60060 Phone: 847.566.5536 Email:

Aspire Software Eric Mann 390 S. Woods Mill Road, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63017 314.720.5864 Atlas Bobcat Matt Sobacki 1160 McCabe Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007 Phone: 847.529.5685 Email:


Bailey Nurseries Inc. Lisa Allen 1325 Bailey Road St. Paul, MN, 55119 Phone: 651.768.3394 Ball Seed Company Therese LaTelle 622 Town Road West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.588.3232 Email: Bartlett Tree Experts Jill Bondi 1901 N. Roselle Road, Suite 800 Schaumburg, IL, 60195 Phone: 847.592.7088 Email: BCA Products Rob Beres 24399 225th Avenue Sleepy Eye, MN, 56085 Phone: 262.313.7691 Email: Belden Brick Company, The Jim Piteo 700 W. Tuscarawas Street Canton, OH, 44701 Phone: 330.324.4348 Belgard Steve Jones One Hunt Court Mundelein, IL, 60060 Phone: 224.229.7347

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Blue Grass Farms of Indiana Kevin McCart 1915 W. 53rd Street Anderson, IN, 46013 Phone: 765.649.1012 Email: Bobbex, Inc. Brian McCall 523 Pepper Street Monroe, CT, 06468 Phone: 800.792.4449 Email: Braun Nursery Paull Hopping 16 Pettitt Drive Guelph, ONT, N1E 7G7 CAN Phone: 905.961.1228 Email:


Capital Stoneworks Jim Larsen 180 Shepard Avenue Wheeling, IL, 60090 Phone: 847.873.0298 Email: Cardno Native Plant Nursery Jason Fritz 128 Sunset Drive Walkerton, IN, 46574 Phone: 574.586.2412 Email: Casey Equipment Co., Inc. Jim Cox 1603 E. Algonquin Road Arlington Hts, IL, 60005 Phone: 847.437.8686 Email: Cassidy Tire Caitlin Cruz 200 S. Church Street Addison, IL, 60101 Phone: 630.620.2300 Cedar Path Nurseries Tom Kadolph 15235 W. Bruce Road

Lockport, IL, 60491 Phone: 815.838.4900 Central Sod Farms, Inc. Harrison Warpinski 25605 W. 111th Street Plainfield, IL, 60585 Phone: 630.904.1017 Email: Central Turf & Irrigation Supply Andrew Harris 960 North Ridge Avenue Lombard, IL, 60148 Phone: 630.715.5005 Email: Chi Turf Jimmy Bastow 4042 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL, 60653 Phone: 630.805.3800 Email: Chicago Gas Lines Zac Selleck 1118 W. Marion Road Arlington Hts, IL, 60004 Phone: 847.414.7876 Email: Chicago Region Trees Initiative Melissa Custic 4100 Illinois Route 53 Lisle, IL, 60532 Phone: 630.725.2498 Email: Chicagoland Grows Inc. James Ault 1000 Lake Cook Road Glencoe, IL, 60022 Phone: 847.835.8244 Email: Christiansen Farms Saul Gallardo 12151 W. Wilmington Road Peotone, IL, 60468 Phone: 708.259.7355 Email: www.christiansenfarms.corg Classic Groundcovers, Inc. Wally Pressey 405 Belmont Road Athens, GA, 30605 Phone: 800.248.8424 Email: Clesen Wholesale Tim Clesen 316 Florence Avenue Evanston, IL, 60202 Phone: 847.869.2257 Email: COLORBLENDS Wholesale Flowerbulbs Hanneke Hollander 747 Barnum Avenue Bridgeport, CT, 06608 Phone: 888.847.8637 Email: Compeer Financial Mark Ringhous 1350 Prairie Drive Sycamore, IL, 60178 Phone: 815.354.2775 Email: Connor & Gallagher Insurance Services, Inc. Brian MacDonald 750 Warrenville Road, #400 Lisle, IL, 60532 Phone: 312.513.7334 Email: Conserv FS Cary Featherstone 1510 McConnell Road Woodstock, IL, 60098 Phone: 815.533.4592 Email: Crum Halsted Insurance Jim Bilinski 2350 Bethany Road Sycamore, IL, 60178 Phone: 815.756.2906 Email:


Dayton Bag & Burlap John Hendle 6604 S. Union, P.O. Box 436 Union , IL, 60180 Phone: 815.923.1234 Email: Decker’s Nursery Adam Brown 6239 Rager Road Groveport, OH, 43125 Phone: 614.836.2130 Email: DeVroomen Garden Products Roland van den Bergh 3850 Clearview Court Gurnee, IL, 60031 Phone: 847.395.9911 Email: DeWitt Company Rik LaPlant 905 S. Kings Highway Sikeston, MO, 63801 Phone: 573.258.9486 Email:

Ditch Witch Midwest Jeff Patterson 1555 Atlantic Drive West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.665.5600 Email: Doty Nurseries Ryan Doty 45w121 Beith Road Maple Park, IL, 60151 Phone: 630.365.9063 Email: DPM/Dutchmen Industries Aaron Oltman 306 E. 12th Street Davenport, NE, 68335 Phone: 402.364.2186 Email: DynaScape Software Sarah Ogurlu 104-2660 Sherwood Heights Drive Oakville, ONT, L6J 7Y8 CAN Phone: 289.806.0833


EasyPro Pond Products Christy Norman 4385 East 110th Street Grant, MI, 49327 Phone: 231.834.7720 Email: ECHO Incorporated Betty Nava 400 Oakwood Road Lake Zurich, IL, 60047 Phone: 847.540.8400 Ecoturf Midwest Inc. Tom Miller 950 N. Oaklawn Avenue Elmhurst, IL, 60126 Phone: 630.350.9500 Email: Eden Valders Stone Angelina Triscari-Piwoni W4520 Lime Road Eden, WI, 53019 Phone: 920.477.2521 Email: Encore Landscape Lighting Ken Rutkowski 2277 Elliott Drive Troy, MI, 48083 Phone: 248.299.1919 Email: Evergreen Nursery Co., Inc. Vickey Vanderhoof 5027 County Road TT Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235 Phone: 920.743.4464

61 The Landscape Contractor February 2021



Fabriscape, Inc. Jim Manola 6410 W. 74th Street, Unit D Bedford Park, IL, 60638 Phone: 708.728.7180 Email: Feece Oil Company Craig Olsby 517 Twin Rail Drive Minooka, IL, 60447 Phone: 815.557.7337 Email:

Feed Earth Now dba Terreplenish Cathy Scratch 7520 N. Skokie Boulevard Skokie, IL, 60077 Phone: 312.952.1903 Fiore Nursery & Landscape Supply Sarah Bottner 16606 West Highway 22 Prairie View, IL, 60069 Phone: 847.913.1414 Email: Forrest Keeling Nursery Mary Gibler 88 Forrest Keeling Lane Elsberry, MO, 63343 Phone: 573.898.5571 Email: Four Star Greenhouse Debbie Pearson 1015 Indian Trail Road Carleton, MI, 48117 Phone: 734.654.6480 Fox Ridge Nursery Kevin Backus 23513 Streit Road Harvard, IL, 60033 Phone: 815.943.1111 Email:


Green Soils Management, LLC Kila Harwick 1100 Brandt Drive Hoffman Estates, IL, 60192 Phone: 847.636.7508 Email:


Halloran Mowerworks Jill Halloran 2159 Rand Road Palatine, IL, 60074 Phone: 847.807.2686 Email: Halquist Stone Jeff Brown N51 W23563 Lisbon Road Sussex, WI, 53089 Phone: 262.246.9000 Email:

Hunter/ FX Kevin Battistoni 1940 Diamond Street San Marcos, CA, 92078 Phone: 630.418.5515 Email: Husqvarna Brian Spencer 6418 Putnam Road Madison, WI, 53711 Phone: 704.517.0295 Email:


Harrell’s Michael D. Hall 711 Sherwood Drive Madison, OH, 44057 Phone: 740.644.9020 Email:

Illinois Brick Company Mike Hoffman 8995 W. 95th Street Palos Hills, IL, 60465 Phone: 708.237.9055 Email:

Herman Losely & Son, Inc. Jay Daley 3410 Shepard Road Perry, OH, 44081 Phone: 440.413.4183 Email:

Intrinsic Perennial Gardens, Inc. Brent Horvath 10702 Seaman Road Hebron, IL, 60034 Phone: 815.648.2788 Email:

High Format Christian Kirkby 5481 US 31 South Charlevoix, MI, 49720 Phone: 231.622.2091 Hinsdale Nurseries Inc. Jr. Tecza 7200 S. Madison Street Willowbrook, IL, 60527 Phone: 630.774.6654 Email:

Goodmark Nurseries Paul Ayers 8920 Howe Road Wonder Lake, IL, 60097 Phone: 815.653.9293 Email:

Home Nursery, Inc. Hilliary Metzger 5800 Nursery Road Albers, IL, 62215 Phone: 618.365.1209 Email:

Great Lakes Landscape Supply Jon Bull 15200 Cedar Springs Avenue Cedar Springs, MI, 49319 Phone: 616.696.5665 Email:

Homer Industries, LLC Josh Doherty 13920 South Archer Avenue Lockport, IL, 60441 Phone: 815.838.0863 Email:

Green Glen Nursery Amanda Ooykaas 24900 S. Cherry Hill Road Elwood, IL, 60421 Phone: 815.723.1140 Email:

Hortech, Inc. Caleb Smith 14109 Cleveland Street Nunica, MI, 49448 Phone: 616.935.1963 Email:


Hortica, a brand of the Sentry Insurance Group Laurie Coffey 1 Horticultural Lane, P.O. Box 428 Edwardsville, IL, 62025 Phone: 800.851.7740 Email:

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. Jeff Lafrenz P.O. Box 189 Boring, OR, 97009 Phone: 503.663.4128 Email: John Deere Jacob Vanhorn 10789 S. Ridgeview Road Olathe, KS, 66061 Phone: 515.553.9518 Johnson’s Nursery, Inc. Rob Lucas W180 N6275 Marcy Road Menomonee Falls, WI, 53051 Phone: 262.252.4980 Email: JULIE, Inc. Barbara Owen 3275 Executive Drive Joliet, IL, 60431 Phone: 815.741.5936 Email:


Kaknes Landscape Supply Kevin McGowan 31w545 Diehl Road Naperville, IL, 60563 Phone: 630.416.9999

Email: Kaneville Tree Farms Paul Guzzetta P.O. Box 167 Kaneville, IL, 60144 Phone: 630.557.2793 Email: Kankakee Nursery Co. Pete Worth 4481 S 3250 E Road (PO Box 288) Saint Anne, IL, 60964 Phone: 800.344.7697 Email: Keystone Hatcheries LLC Mike Robinson 11409 Keystone Road Richmond, IL, 60071 Phone: 815.678.2537 Email: King Nursery Claudia McReynolds 6128 E. Sandwich Road Big Rock , IL, 60511 Phone: 630.554.1171 Email: Klyn Nurseries, Inc. Micheal Scott 3322 South Ridge Perry, OH, 44081 Phone: 800.860.8104 Email: Knapheide Manufacturing Company Darla Heberlein 1848 Westphalia Strasse Quincy, IL, 62305 Phone: 217.592.5237 Email: KO Supply Company, Inc. Tim Kehoe 1500 Foundry Street, Unit 1 Saint Charles, IL, 60174 Phone: 630.768.2014 Email: Kramer Tree Specialists Alan Seal 300 Charles Court West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.293.5444 Email: Kuenzi Turf & Nursery Rick Metzger 6475 State Street Salem, OR, 97317 Phone: 503.585.8337 Email:


Lafarge Fox River Stone Jim Slattery 1300 State Route 31 South Elgin, IL, 60177 Phone: 224.213.4287 Email: Landscape Material & Firewood Sales, Inc. Dave Cooper 27w250 Saint Charles Road West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.774.7410 Email: LandscapeHub Lindsay Raleigh 2045 W. Grand Avenue, Suite B Chicago, IL, 60612 Phone: 630.995.6935 Email: Lincoln Nurseries Amanda deWit 0-142 Lincoln Street Grand Rapids, MI, 49534 Phone: 616.453.2351 Lite the Nite Robert Quinn 650 East Algonquin Road, Ste 206 Schaumburg, IL, 60173 Phone: 847.496.5276 Email: Loma Vista Nursery, Inc Kurt Everett 1107 E. 23rd Street Ottawa, KS, 66067 Phone: 785.229.7200 Email: Lurvey Landscape Supply Jason Castaneda 2550 E. Dempster Street Des Plaines, IL, 60016 Phone: 847.391.0980 Email:


Mariani Plants Mike Mennenoh 13715 Horton Road Kenosha, WI, 53142 Phone: 847.774.6829 Email: McGinty Bros., Inc. Sarah Van Nevel 3744 Cuba Road Long Grove, IL, 60047 Phone: 847.438.5161 Email: McKay Nursery Company Dave Warning 750 S. Monroe Street Waterloo, WI, 53594

Phone: 800.236.4242 Michigan West Shore Nursery LLC Richard Van Dorp 201 West Washington Avenue, Ste 270 Zeeland, MI, 49464 Phone: 616.772.2126 Email: Midwest Arborist Supplies Brian Barnard 1730 Olson NE Suite A Grand Rapids, MI, 49503 Phone: 616.456.8040 Email: Midwest Compost LLC Pat Murphy 1320 Spaulding Road Elgin, IL, 60120 Phone: 630.669.8657 Email: www.midwestcompostllc.comm Midwest Groundcovers Maggie Balistreri 6N800 IL Route 25 St. Charles, IL, 60174 Phone: 847.742.1790 Midwest Material Management Louis Iacovelli 275 Sola Drive Gilberts, IL, 60136 Phone: 847.426.6354 Email: Midwest Trading Maggie Balistreri 48W805 IL Route 64 Maple Park, IL, 60151 Phone: 630.365.1990 Modeco Systems LLC Lynn Olson 1468 American Eagle Drive Slinger, WI, 53086 Phone: 262.677.8184 Email: Monroe Truck Equipment Rosie Katzenberger 1051 W. 7th Street Monroe, WI, 53566 Phone: 608.329.8107 Montale Wholesale Nursery Melisa Bell 25865 W. Ivanhoe Road Wauconda, IL, 60084 Phone: 847.487.8435 Email: Morris Trailer Sales, Inc. Suzanne Meredith 1805 Ashley Road, Bldg. B Morris, IL, 60450

63 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Phone: 815.941.2800 Email: MTI James Stange 4830 Azelia Avenue North Suite 100 Brooklyn Center, MN, 55429 Phone: 763.592.5640 Email:


Natural Repellents, LLC Debbie DiGiovanna P.O. Box 251 Denville, NJ, 07834 Phone: 201.410.0773 Email: Northern Family Farms Danny Stetzer W10757 Jeffery Road Merrillan, WI, 54754 Phone: 800.826.7094 Email: Northland Farms LLC Alan Garter 11161 120th Avenue West Olive, MI, 49460 Phone: 800.253.1812 Email: Nursery Supplies, Inc. Jeff Pissocra 1415 Orchard Drive Chambersburg, PA, 17201 Phone: 614.286.5391 NYP-Corp Jim Ratliff 805 East Grand Street Elizabeth, NJ, 07201 Phone: 908.351.6550 Email:


Oldcastle APG Kris Landgrebe 2245 275th Street Oskaloosa, IA 52577 641.215.2268 Oly-Ola Edgings, Inc. Aymie Clayton 124 E. Saint Charles Road Villa Park, IL, 60181 Phone: 800.334.4647 Email: Oregon Pride Nurseries Jackie Wisenburger 5380 SE. Booth Bend Road McMinnville, OR, 97128 Phone: 503.472.9147 Email:


Paradise Robotics Kathy Moseler 28080 W. Commercial Avenue, Unit 7


Lake Barrington, IL, 60010 Phone: 847.960.8520 Email: Pave Tool Innovators Kerri Heffernan 190 Tunnel Road Vernon, CT, 06066 Phone: 860.870.8665 Email: PBI-Gordon Jim Canning 223 Burr Oak Circle Elgin, IL, 60124 Phone: 312.446.5924 Email: Peerless Fence Sheryl Weddle 33w401 Roosevelt Road West Chicago, IL, 60185 Phone: 630.397.4223 Email: Perfect Turf, LLC Janet Trujillo 5540 Meadowbrook Court Rolling Meadows, IL, 60008 Phone: 888.796.8873 Email: Permaloc Corporation Joshua Barnes 13505 Barry Street Holland, MI, 49424 Phone: 616.399.9600 Email: Phoenix Irrigation Supply Tom Kazmer 1261 Howard Street Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007 Phone: 847.290.0698 Email: Pine Hall Brick Company Ed Brewer 2701 Shorefair Drive Winston-Salem, NC, 27105 Phone: 804.678.9088 Email: Pizzo Native Plant Nursery Jack Pizzo Jr. 10729 Pine Road Leland, IL, 60531 Phone: 815.826.0425 Email: PlantRight Beth Kornegay 30050 W. 135th Street Olathe, KS, 66061 Phone: 913.522.9681 Email: ProLine Equipment Division Milan Blaho

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

991 N. Barfield Drive, Unit 304 Marco Island, FL, 34145 Phone: 317.902.9657 Email:


Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements Lee Fredericks 11571 K-Tel Drive Minnetonka, MN, 55343 Phone: 312.485.9260 Email: Reading Rock, Inc. Carolyn Nutter 4600 Devitt Drive Cincinnati, OH, 45246 Phone: 513.874.2345 Email: Red Flint Rock & Stone Tom Ayres 1 American Blvd. Eau Claire, WI, 54701 Phone: 715.855.7600 Email: Reinders, Inc. Jackson Orin W227 N6225 Sussex Road Sussex, WI, 53089 Phone: 262.372.5892 Email: RentalMax Anthony Attiah 124 N. Schmale Road Carol Stream, IL, 60188 Phone: 630.359.1653 Richey Nursery Company, Inc. Mark Richey 6184 Quarterline Road Spring Lake, MI, 49456 Phone: 231.798.4079 Email: Ridge Manor & Willowbend Nurseries Brett Ritter 7925 North Ridge Road Madison, OH, 44057 Phone: 440.361.7925 Email: Riverfarm Nursery Ben Cecil 2901 N. Buckeye Lane Goshen, KY, 40026 Phone: 502.228.5408 Email: Riverside Plastics Zack Schwartz 307 Industrial Drive Flemingsburg, KY, 41041 Phone: 800.493.4945 Email: Rochester Concrete Products Crystal Kjellesvik

7200 Broadway Avenue N Rochester, MN, 55906 Phone: 630.400.4988 Email: Russo Power Equipment Jay Glaviano 9525 W. Irving Park Road Schiller Park, IL, 60176 Phone: 847.233.7848 RWC Insurance Group Mark Duncan 7239 West Laraway Road Frankfort, IL, 60423 Phone: 815.469.6585 Email:


SavATree Jen Mulhern 550 Bedford Road Bedford Hills, NY, 10507 Phone: 914.864.3177 Email: SEK-Surebond Lynn Walsh 3925 Stern Avenue St. Charles, IL, 60174 Phone: 800.932.3343 Email: Sester Farms Bethany Sester 33205 SE Oxbow Drive Gresham, OR, 97080 Phone: 503.663.4844 Email: Sheridan Nurseries Lyndsey Bishop 12302 Tenth Line Georgetown, ONT, L7G 4S7 CAN Phone: 437.242.4219 Email: SiteOne Landscape Supply Cathy Jarvis 4n755 Foxdale Drive Addison, IL, 60101 Phone: 630.291.0036 Email: SiteRecon Utkarsh Sharma 131 Sitara Lane St. Johns, FL, 32259 Phone: 731.214.0613

Grand Haven, MI, 49416 Phone: 616.443.0222 Email: St. Aubin Nursery Todd Sullivan 35445 Irene Road Kirkland, IL, 60146 Phone: 815.522.3535 Email: Straughn Farm, Inc. SFI Topsoil Alex Straughn 11571 N 4000E Road Peotone, IL, 60468 Phone: 815.412.0792 Stuifbergen Flower Bulb Export Jack Haasnoot 1645 SE Decker Lee’s Summit, MO, 64081 Phone: 816.609.3910 Email: Surefoot Hardscape Products, Inc. Ed Berg 180 Steeles Avenue W, Suite 206 Toronto, ONT, L4J 2L1 CAN Phone: 416.561.0949 Email:


The Davey Tree Expert Company Mandy McCauley 1375 E. Woodfield Drive, Suite 204 Schaumburg, IL, 60173 Phone: 630.422.1870 Email: The Mulch Center Laura Boisvert 21457 Milwaukee Avenue Deerfield, IL, 60015 Phone: 847.459.7200 Email:

Email: Turtle Creek Nursery LLC Rachelle Lurvey Eifert N5480 Johnson Road Delavan, WI, 53115 Phone: 262.214.2058 Email: Twixwood Nursery Robbie Shannahan 2759 E. Shawnee Road Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 Phone: 269.471.7408 Email:


U.S. Arbor Products, Inc. Danny Kallas 5600 N. River Road, Suite 800 Rosemont, IL, 60018 Phone: 857.993.3060 Email: Unilock Midwest Brad Gesbocker 301 E. Sullivan Road Aurora, IL, 60505 Phone: 630.892.9191 United Greenhouse Systems, Inc. Justin Bilhorn P.O. Box 249 Edgerton, WI, 53534 Phone: 800.433.6834 Email: United Label & SATO Neil Kurz 12900 Berea Road Cleveland, OH, 44111 Phone: 800.726.5153 Email:


The Tree Connection Jim Matusik 4168 Oak Tree Circle Rochester, MI, 48306 Phone: 248.6670.2063 Email:

Vectorworks, Inc. Tyler French 7150 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD, 21046 Phone: 443.542.0443 Email:

Tillmann Wholesale Growers Jeff Tillmann 4010 Champeau Road New Franken, WI, 54229 Phone: 920.609.3936

Vermeer Midwest Kelsey Kool 2801 Beverly Drive Aurora, IL, 60502 Phone: 309.696.3418 Email:

Triple Crown Products Laurie Quernemoen Spring Grove Nursery, Inc. 102 W. Boxhorn Drive Becky Thomas Mukwonago, WI, 53149 100 E. Spring Road Phone: 262.492.1873 Mazon, IL, 60444 Email: Phone: 815.448.2097 Email: TurfMaker Corporation Judy Allen 4931 Grisham Drive Spring Meadow Nursery Rowlett, TX, 75088 Tony Thom Phone: 972.463.2575 12601 120th Avenue

Walters Gardens Barb Balgoyen P.O. Box 137 / 1992 96th Avenue Zeeland, MI, 49464 Phone: 800.925.8377x1202 Email: Warming Trends Caitlin McNeil 1050 West Hampden Ave, Suite 200 Englewood, CO, 80110 Phone: 303.346.2224 Email: Willoway Nurseries, Inc. Danny Gouge 4534 Center Road Avon, OH, 44011 Phone: 866.934.4435 x2229 Email: Wilson Nurseries & Landscape Supply Jennifer Fick 1555 N. US Highway 12 Volo, IL, 60041 Phone: 847.683.3700 Email:


Xylem Ltd/Rocks Etc. Katrina House 18715 Route 84 N Cordova, IL, 61242 Phone: 309.654.2261 Email:

Marketplace Roaming Gnome Scavenger Hunt Photos of four gnomes will be hidden within four vendor profiles each day in the Marketplace. $100 is yours if you follow the clues and are the first to find one. Find the Golden Gnome and you win $300! Clues will be updated each day.


W. & E. Radtke, Inc. Liesl Thomas W168N12276 Century Lane Germantown, WI, 53022 Phone: 262.253.1412 Email:

65 The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Special Feature

Showcasing Sustainable Landscaping:

Shedd Aquarium

by Heather Prince

Our public garden spaces are evolving as

our gardening and landscaping philosophies adapt to changing tastes, but more importantly increased awareness of their importance. In the reality of climate change and the new evidence of the significance of pollinators, public gardens are opportunities to showcase best practices and create natural areas for people and wildlife. The Shedd Aquarium has been putting increased emphasis on sustainable landscaping as a conservation organization with a goal to preserve and protect waterways and aquatic environments. We spoke with Charlotte Blome, Manager of Horticulture Programs to find out how the Shedd has grown and sustained their horticulture endeavors. Originally built on rubble from the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, Blome said, “through the 1990s the plantings around the Shedd Aquarium seemed limited and fairly structured and traditional in accordance with the symmetrical classical architecture of the building.” It was the construction of the Oceanarium in the early 90s that created outdoor opportunities for education and programming as the sleek addition connected to the waters of Lake Michigan. “The Oceanarium ushered in thematic gardens including native plant and a butterfly garden along with a growing emphasis on sustainability including water conservation,” reported Blome. It also allowed staff to depart from chemicals and synthetic fertilizers. “The pace and focus on sustainability accelerated in the


2000s and a much looser and more naturalistic planting style favoring native plants and habitat creation began to characterize the gardens. A rain garden with educational signage was installed to demonstrate and explain a responsible and ecologically beneficial way to mitigate storm water runoff. Today all the gardens are knitted together with the overarching theme of sustainability reflective of Shedd’s commitment to reducing the aquarium’s footprint for water, energy and waste.” Blome came on board about a year ago to take up the horticulture programs at Shedd. “I have been interested in nature and art since I can remember, so it was only natural that I ended up making gardens - that unique intersection between art and the natural world. I have been a professional gardener for 30 years, mostly in the Midwest. But it was my time as garden manager at the Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek CA, where some 300 days a year on average are sunny, that it really hit home just how important it is to treat our natural resources, especially water and soil, with care and reverence,” commented Blome. A turning point for her was Doug Tallamy’s writings regarding insects, specifically butterflies and moths, and how important native plants are to their life cycles. For Blome, “The age-old garden paradigm of walling nature out to create an oasis for humans was flipped on its head and instead I learned about how to intentionally invite nature in to create an oasis for birds and insects as well as (continued on page 68)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Special Feature (continued from page 66) humans. The way I see it now, every garden is an opportunity to support biodiversity and the local ecosystem and that’s exciting. What a beautiful idea. I hope it continues to catch on!” Over the years several designers have played a role in developing the gardens around the Shedd, however,

“the design professional with the most lasting impact in my opinion has been Roy Diblik who designed, among other gardens here, our Migratory Bird Garden,” commented Blome. The garden spaces have an “overarching theme of sustainability. Under that umbrella, we have a rain garden, edible gardens,

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

a meadow garden, our Migratory Bird Garden and gardens inspired by Great Lakes region dunes and wetlands.” The Shedd also works with other Chicago institutions towards sustainability goals. “There is a partnership between Shedd, the Field Museum, the Adler Planetarium, and the Chicago Park District that aims to reduce the amount of turf and increase the amount of naturalized landscaping with native grasses and flowers,” reported Blome. “We all have our own take on planting schemes, but the goal is to work together to increase the square footage of naturalistic plantings and develop cohesive interpretive signage. Shedd is a window into nature for millions of people each year, and this extends beyond our walls. The gardens help to exemplify that even more terrestrial animals and insects are innately connected to the health and wellbeing of our waterways.” Beyond naturalistic plantings and native plants, Shedd also cultivates extensive edible gardens as a means to provide enrichment for their animals. “Nickel, a rescued green sea turtle at Shedd, is a big fan of kale “sushi” from our garden to give one example,” said Blome. Honeybee hives are buzzing and provide not only an avenue to discuss the importance of bees, but also food security in the community. (continued on page 70)

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Special Feature (continued from page 68) Overall, there are a wide range of sustainable practices and techniques utilized to create and manage the plantings to create not only important habitat, but beautiful spaces filled with flowers, shrubs, and trees. “The gardens and lawn are maintained without the use of chemicals or synthetic fertilizers. This means we are not contributing to toxic runoff that harms our watershed. We work to grow healthy plants through building healthy soil, wherever possible leaving plant matter to decompose in place. We establish healthy communities of plants that work together to support each other ultimately reducing, even eliminating in the best cases, the need for weeding,” reported Blome. This is not without its challenges. “We have experienced our fair share of pest problems over the years, from rabbits and voles to various insect

pests and invasive plant species, and it has been frustrating at times. As gardeners we know how to be resourceful and have so far been able to manage all these challenges mainly through plant choices, timely weed management, and patience. At the most extreme, for insect pest problems we might apply insecticidal soap or a solution of neem oil, but in 2020, we had no need to use anything.” In addition, zero to minimal waste is a top goal. The horticulture team prioritizes repurposing everything from plant stakes to pots. (continued on page 72)


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Special Feature (continued from page 70) With large areas of lawn also to manage, the Shedd actively seeks out alternative practices. “As for lawn fertilizer, we apply NatureSafe 9-0-9 in spring and fall, we mulch all leaves and grass clippings throughout the season. Lawn and leaf debris are never hauled off-site. We want to keep it here for the soil building benefits it provides and we do get some extra fertilizer help from the resident flock of Canada geese,” observed Blome. “Our organic lawn is watered on an as-needed basis and we have our lawn cut at 3.5 inches at the lowest and often will skip cutting if it has not grown enough to warrant it. It is also thickly interplanted with white clover. It has made our lawn very resilient to summer heat and the bees are attracted to the blossoms.” Since one of the top priorities is water conservation. The largest plant-

ing of the meadow garden in the bus turnaround has no irrigation, although systems are in place in other planting areas. “We may use a few slow-release watering bags for certain trees during summer drought periods, but it requires no supplemental water,” commented Blome. “In about one half of Shedd’s gardens the irrigation is deployed only in the driest period of the summer and this is mainly to extend the bloom period for the pollinators. The plants, put in a decade ago, for the most part don’t need it. Our raised beds, vegetable gardens and container plantings are all watered by hand to conserve water. It takes more time, but while we are hand watering, we are also monitoring for pests, so it works for us.” (continued on page 76)

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Special Feature

Shedd Education Walkway


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Special Feature (continued from page 72) The plants provide immediate connection to the place. Rich tapestry plantings evoke the Midwest and link the Shedd to our Great Lakes landscape. Although there are plenty of nonnative plants in the landscapes, native plants have taken center stage. “We prioritize diversity in our plantings with a deliberate emphasis on native species,” said Blome. “Why native plants? To begin with, we are committed to supporting our local birds and insects that co-evolved with these plants and depend on them for survival. When you think in this way, choosing to use native plants is easy. Native plants suited to our Great Lakes region require little supplemental water, maintenance resources, and time. Plus, they are beautiful!” New natives are introduced into the gardens every year and evaluated for success. The gardens are everchanging and bring new experiences at every turn. “One pleasant surprise for me this year was a beautiful group of the endangered prairie forb Silene regia dot-

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

ting a swath of Sporobolus heterolepis in our Migratory Bird Garden with its spiky crimson flowers. For six weeks it was absolutely electrifying!” Of course, every planting area requires management to achieve the requirements of a public space. “One of the biggest challenges our gardens face are perennial weeds and ‘volunteer’ native plants that are too aggressive,” reported Blome. “The key is to make sure noxious weeds are conquered before planting, then weed early and aggressively, especially in the first three years until plants are well established. Smart plant planning is important too. For example, intermixing cool and warm season plants to mimic the seasonal succession of plants in nature will help eliminate the need for mulch for weed suppression.” Physical labor is employed to keep some tough weeds under control. “In areas where creeping thistle has gained a toehold, we manually remove the roots as best we can then sheet mulch with layers of cardboard (continued on page 78)

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Special Feature —

(continued from page 76) and hardwood mulch. We do everything we can short of using pesticides to frustrate it until it is reined in or eliminated. In a pinch, we at least remove seed heads of undesirable plants before they spread until we have time to remove the plants we do not want by the roots.” What are the benefits to these sustainable practices? The astounding array of insects, birds, animals, and more that visit the gardens and keep visitors returning. Of particular excitement in 2020 was spotting and reporting the threatened American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) that had not been sighted in the area before. In September, you may have seen the news reports of clouds of migrating monarch butterflies roosting at the Shedd before continuing their southern migration. Migratory birds also make the gardens a stop to stock up on insects for their long seasonal flights. The landscape has become an integrated part of the lakefront ecosystem and gives food and shelter to wildlife while being a beautiful design. “While the foremost purpose of Shedd’s horticulture program is to engage and inspire our guests with gorgeous, interesting gardens that 78

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

— connect them with the natural world, it is critical as a conservation-focused organization that we do this in the most sustainable way we possibly can,” said Blome. “We must go beyond conserving resources and ‘doing no harm’ to actually making this a better place ecologically speaking. That’s why creating a hospitable, rich, safe environment for the birds, pollinators, and other beneficial insects that live and pass through here is such a big deal to us.”

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Winter Business Review —

Matching Your Sales Approach to Your Prospect’s Readiness to Buy By Jill J. Johnson, MBA

Your sales and promotional messages must link to where your customers are in their decision-making process. There are five stages of buying behavior that a consumer will go through: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and finally the adoption stage. Each stage requires a different decision by your prospect. By matching your sales and promotional strategies to their decision focus at each stage in the buying process, you can more effectively shift them closer to their final decision. Awareness Stage: In this stage, your prospect perceives they have a problem or need to be addressed. They often have limited insight about their options for dealing with their issue. The objective is to provide your prospect with basic information. Consider the information you need to tee up to establish the framework for their thinking. Don’t overwhelm them at this stage by giving them every single bit of information you have available. Think about what they need to understand by providing your prospects with high-level information about your products


and services. Shape how you want them to think about getting their needs met. Help them gain confidence in their basic understanding. Your call to action should be engaging your prospect in a next step such as signing up for your mailing list, calling you directly or setting up a meeting with you for lunch, coffee or Zoom meeting. If they’re at a point where they are aware of you, they are ready for you to establish the basis of their understanding of the information and why they should look at you further. Interest Stage: By now, your prospect is curious about what you can offer to meet their needs. They have a basic level of understanding about their overall options for addressing their issue. Provide them with more details on the specific options or choices you offer. Your prospects will be evaluating how your products and services will meet their needs. Consider the objections they might have at this state which prevent you from closing (continued on page 82)

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021


Winter Business Review — (continued from page 80) the sale. Shape your messaging to frame their thinking about these key objections. Help them gain confidence in understanding your pricing, quality, value and other benefits or features. Match the value of your offerings to showcase where you fit relative to your competitive alternatives. Your call to action is to build trust with your prospect so they will provide you with more detail about their specific situation to enable you to address their unique concerns. Make sure your promotional messages at this stage give them confidence to continue considering you as an option. If they are interested, you have a prime opportunity to establish the framework for how your prospect should evaluate the information they receive from your competitors. Evaluation Stage: In this stage, your prospect has more insight about their options for addressing their issue. Provide them with detailed

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information on your features and benefits. Be specific in establishing your uniqueness in meeting your prospect’s need in their top decision factors. Your prospect is seriously considering your products and services. They have likely narrowed it down to two or three options and are going back and forth from you to your competition. Help them gain confidence in their choice by matching their decision criteria to your options. Your call to action is to get your prospect to move forward and engage in a deeper sales dynamic. Now you can focus on making a major ask – such as giving a presentation to their decision team or asking to submit a customized proposal to respond to their specific concerns. If they are at a point where they are evaluating you, they are very close to making a decision. Clearly establish how you can meet their need within their budget in their time frame. If they are evaluating you, your prospect has narrowed their options and is looking for ways to eliminate other


vendors from consideration. Trial Stage: Your prospect now has narrowed down their options and is testing to see if you are actually able to meet their need. Your objective should be to provide them with the final insight they need to have the confidence to select you. By now your prospect has eliminated most or all of the competitive alternatives and they are nearly ready to buy. Address any unique questions holding them back from approving the sale. You must now prove that what you said in your promotional materials matches the experience they will have with you. Your call to action is to ask for the final sales confirmation or the signed contract. You have fully engaged with your prospect and they are now confirming that you are their best choice. In the Trial Stage, you are at the make or break point. Help them confirm that you are (continued on page 84)

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The Landscape Contractor February 2021















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Business Review (continued from page 82) their best choice by ensuring you manage their customer experience. Make sure your team is ready to produce service delivery and the prospect experience matches the expectations you established. Showcasing your ability to deliver what they need or want is essential to closing the sale. Adoption Stage: Now your customer finally has chosen you and you should be ready to fully deliver on all of your promises and successfully integrate your prospect into your satisfied customer base. Your prospect is now a paying customer. Identify any additional issues they have that you may be able to address going forward. Your call to action is to ensure you and your team provide a high level of satisfaction with the sale. Build deeper ties with your customers and make sure you consistently deliver a superior experience. Manage the customer on-boarding process by delivering what you promised so they become your advocates. Final Thoughts: By using the five stages of buying behavior, as a sales framework you can maximize your opportunity to provide your prospect with exactly the type of information they need and minimize any wasted sales effort on your part. This focused approach will allow you to customize your sales and promotional strategies to offer your prospect exactly what they need so they become long-term customers. About the Author: Jill J. Johnson, MBA, is the President and Founder of Johnson Consulting Services, a highly accomplished speaker, an award-winning management consultant, and author of the bestselling book Compounding Your Confidence. Jill helps her clients make critical business decisions and develop market-based strategic plans for turnarounds or growth. Her consulting work has impacted more than $4 billion worth of decisions. She has a proven track record of dealing with complex business issues and getting results. For more information on Jill J. Johnson, please visit


The Landscape Contractor February 2021

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Consejos para asistir a un evento virtual Por Meta L. Levin

Este ha sido el año de vivir virtualmente y la iLandscape 365 no es la excepción. En los días anteriores a la conferencia, programada para los días miércoles y jueves, 3 y 4 de febrero de 2021, los asistentes registrados recibirán un correo electrónico con un enlace al sitio web de la conferencia. Ahí, aseguran Chris Walsh, Co-Presidente de Experiencia, y Kim Hartmann, Presidente de Educación, es cuando comienza la diversión. Estos son algunos consejos para sacar el mayor provecho del evento:

4 5

Tenga una laptop o notebook y una pluma con suficiente tinta, con una de repuesto, para tomar notas, como lo habría si asistiera en persona.


Preste atención a los “anfitriones”. Esta será la Presidente de Walsh e ILCA, Donna Vignocchi Zych, quien intervendrá ocasionalmente durante los dos días del evento, para proporcionar información y orientación a las personas.

1 2 Encuentre un lugar cómodo para ver/participar. Familiarícese con la plataforma de la conferencia una vez que haya 7 el enlace. Tendrá, informa Marissa Stubler, gerente de 3 recibido membresía y mercadotecnia de ILCA, quien supervisará la configuReserve tiempo en su calendario ahora mismo. Informe a todos que asistirá a iLandscape 365, como si lo hiciera en persona.

ración del sitio web, tres pestañas principales: Todas las sesiones, Mercado de expositores y Patrocinadores. El número de sesiones a las que tendrá acceso dependerá del tipo de pase que compre: Educación o Mercado.


Dedique tiempo a asegurarse de que su cámara y el audio de su computadora estén funcionando y, especialmente, que usted tenga la versión más actualizada de Zoom.

Planifique. Planifique. Planifique. Su pase de Educación le da acceso a todo – un año para “asistir” a ofertas educativas y el Mercado, así como a todos los evento en vivo y las retransmisiones de los eventos en vivo que serán grabados. Su pase de Mercado le permite acceso al Mercado, los conferencistas de apertura y los eventos en vivo. “Animo a los asistentes a dedicar dos días al evento y ser parte de la experiencia”, dice Walsh.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


solo de Mercado – Proporciona 8 Pase acceso durante todo un año al Mercado

de expositores. El resto requiere de alguna pre-planificación. Con este pase usted puede ver y escuchar a los conferencistas de apertura en tiempo real, incluyendo un período de preguntas y respuestas en vivo: 8:15-9:15 a.m., miércoles, 3 de febrero, Angela Tredwell Palmer, “Nuevas plantas; ¿Qué está de moda y quién está a cargo?” y 8:15-9:15 a.m., jueves, 4 de febrero, Jan Bills, “Comodidad, facilidad y sencillez”. Inmediatamente después de ambas conferencias habrá una visión de conjunto del Juego de búsqueda de Mercado y un adelanto de la Clase Maestra. El pase también da a los portadores acceso a seis sesiones educativas en vivo, la serie de Clases Maestras, eventos para establecer contactos, sorteos, exhibiciones de productos, un taller de irrigación, sesiones educativas en español, el programa de

premios y otros eventos en vivo. Cada dos horas habrá una exhibición de productos, seguida de un sorteo. acceso a todo, sesiones en vivo y 9 dores pre-grabadas, incluyendo las seis sesio-

Pase de educación – Permite a los portanes educativas en vivo de una hora y las Clases Maestras, que Hartmann describe como una “oportunidad de pasar un rato con los expertos”. Además, cualquiera de las sesiones en vivo que serán grabadas y las 34 sesiones educativas pre-grabadas estarán disponibles durante todo el año. Recomienda programar en función de las sesiones en vivo el 3 y el 4 de febrero y luego escuchar/ver las clases grabadas. “Estarán disponibles durante 365 días”.


Almuerzo. Tome su sándwich y planifique. En persona, los asistentes pueden conversar con otras personas durante el almuerzo, intercambiando información y aprendiendo algo al mismo tiempo.

Mejores Plantas, Mejor Servicio Y Mejor Selección. Mariani Plants se enorgullese en su attencion al cliente. Tenemos expertos ajentes de ventas de habla hispana en nuestras dos localidades, Kenosha Wisconsin y Garden Prairie Illinois. Mariani Plants esta aquí para proveerle mejores plantas, mejor servicio y mejor selección.

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“El Grupo de Almuerzo” ofrece la oportunidad de hacer eso de forma virtual, aunque no menos informativa. De 11:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m., los asistentes pueden iniciar sesión, seleccionar un tema y participar en una conversación guiada. “Es un diálogo abierto”, asegura Walsh.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021


Minimice las distracciones. Como lo haría si estuviera en una presentación en vivo, silencie su teléfono.


Reúnase. Comunique a sus empleados/ compañeros de trabajo si hay una presentación en vivo que usted desea ver con ellos. Programe con suficiente antelación. Escuche a su cuerpo. Levántese y camine por aquí y por allá. Luego regrese renovado para ver y escuchar lo que sea importante para usted.

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New Member Profile Snapshot

Unique Lighting Systems® 9 West Ellington Court South Elgin, IL 60177 Keith Radatz (224) 242-2443

by Meta Levin

Unique Lighting Systems owes its life to

innovation. About 25 years ago the then owner created and patented the lighting industry’s first HUB system, designed to reduce the number of wire connections and providing flexibility in installing low voltage lighting systems, says Keith Radatz, Unique Lighting’s district sales manager. Originally a stand-alone transformer company, it expanded into external lighting with the invention of the HUB system. It has been known for that since then. The HUB system provides an “ability to fuse loads and find issues faster,” says Radatz. “You don’t need a voltmeter to find a problem and track it down. It is an engineered system.” Raditz points to the connection as the number one problem with exterior lighting. The HUB, he says, “reduces the number of connections and keeps them out of the soil.” It also acts as a junction box. Using a brown ABS housing, which easily can be hidden above ground in the landscaping, it is easy to access. The housing is made to be impact resistant and has a snapin lid, making it easily accessible. It is small enough to be put in planters. A little more than eight years ago, Toro® bought the company and its patented system. About three years ago, Radatz, who has a background as a general contractor, joined the company. Radatz loves the interaction with landscape and lighting contractors. “It allows me to help contractors build their businesses,” he says. “I enjoy helping the guys grow.” Radatz’s territory includes Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and parts of Iowa. A master carpenter, who, prior to working for Unique Lighting specialized in cabinetry and trim work, Radatz developed a good eye for design, which has helped him in his work at Unique Lighting. “I worked with good designers and enjoyed the design work,” he says. “Lighting is really design.”


He points to one Hispanic contractor, who spoke little English. Radatz worked with him to plan and execute a lighting system for a client, then helped him sell the job, which was a success. “His wife called me to tell me how well it turned out and how happy the client is,” he says. It is this kind of work that makes Radatz happy. Adding lighting to their offerings has helped many of his customers, he says, “I had one call me, saying that because of the lighting, he was able to make enough money to help pay for his son’s college education. With this job, I get to make people’s lives better.” Radatz was attracted to ILCA primarily for its networking opportunities. “Good, strong contractors get together; they network and the ideas flow,” he says. “That’s what ILCA is good at – bringing different businesses together.” It is one of the reasons he likes iLandscape, which he attended last year. During the event he talked with contractors and learned what types of projects they had going. “Lighting,” he says. “is one of the fastest growing markets in landscaping.” The job also has helped Radatz’s own family. Recently, one son had to travel to another high school to take the ACT exam. The school building was old and not nearly as nice as the one he attends in St. Charles. He told his father that the experience made him appreciate what his father is working so hard to provide for the family. Radatz is married and has two sons, one in middle school and one in high school. His wife is a dental hygienist. “I am,” he says. “extremely happy with my life.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

Classified Ads HELP WANTED Landscape Architect/Designer + Sales Bruss Landscaping of Wheaton is looking to add another talented landscape professional to our team as we continue to grow. We are an award winning firm that has been providing high quality design/ build services to DuPage and eastern Kane counties since 1952. If you are skilled in residential design and sales, have a proven sales record, are self-motivated and focused on exceptional customer service and quality we would like to meet you. Requirements: - A 4-year degree in Landscape Design and/or Architecture - A minimum of 3 years professional work experience with proven sales history - Strong plant and construction knowledge - Driver’s license and good driving record - Professional appearance and demeanor - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite - Proficiency in Dynascape Ideal candidates will be detail orientated, logical thinking, conscientious, professional and most importantly, maintain a high level of honesty and integrity. Bruss is a relaxed work environment, although seasonally hectic, with competitive salary and commission plus a strong benefit package including vehicle, insurance, 401k, generous vacation allowance and reduced winter hours. Contact Eric Bruss,, (630) 665-1600. Landscape Designer King’s Landscape Design is looking to add another talented Landscape Architect to our team as we continue to grow. We are an award winning firm that has been providing high quality design/build services since 1959, located in the south western suburbs. If you are skilled in residential design and are self-motivated, and focused on exceptional customer service and quality, we would like to meet you. Requirements: - A 4-year degree in Landscape Design and/or Landscape Architecture - A minimum of 3 years professional work experience preferred - Strong plant and construction knowledge - Driver’s license and good driving record - Professional appearance and demeanor - Proficiency in Dynascape Ideal candidates will be detail orientated, logical thinking, conscientious, professional and most importantly, maintain a high level of honesty and integrity. King’s is a relaxed work environment, although seasonally hectic, with competitive salary and benefits package including vehicle during work, insurance, 401k, generous vacation allowance and reduced winter hours. Interested parties please contact: Mark King


HELP WANTED 630-417-5191 Landscape Construction Project Manager Green Grass Landscape Architecture & Construction, an ever growing and expanding design/build firm serving the Western suburbs since 1997, seeks to fill one position. Green Grass, Inc. focuses on providing a full spectrum of landscape services while specializing in high-end residential design and construction. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER Applicant is to be well-versed in all landscape construction methods and possess the ability to interpret and implement site engineering, hardscape and landscape plans. Applicant must also have a working knowledge of plants, basic understanding of landscape design, excellent on-site client communication skills and experience with project management including but not limited to material procurement, sub-contractor sequencing, code compliance/inspections and time tracking. Role includes working with the design/sales team from project kickoff to project completion, with the goal of exceeding client expectations. Ability to multitask, maintain a high level of organization while working in a fast-paced environment and problem solving are keys to this position. Proficiency in Spanish is a plus. Preferred applicant is to have a BLA or related horticulture degree but experience in the landscape industry is paramount. All experience levels are to be considered. Please email resume, portfolio and salary requirements to All inquiries are kept confidential. Landscape Architect/Designer Green Grass Landscape Architecture & Construction, an ever growing and expanding design/build firm serving the Western suburbs since 1997, seeks to fill one position. Green Grass, Inc. focuses on providing a full spectrum of landscape services while specializing in high-end residential design, construction and maintenance. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT/DESIGNER Applicant is to have extensive knowledge of site analysis, plant and hardscape design, construction methods, grading, estimating, sales, client/project management and preparation of permit documents with construction details. Ability to work and perform in a fast-paced, detail oriented environment. Proficiency in CAD and SketchUp is required. Previous experience with Dynascape Design/ Manage is a plus, but willing to train. Applicant is to have a BLA or related degree with 3 years minimum experience. Please email resume, portfolio and salary requirements to All inquiries are kept confidential.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

HELP WANTED Horticulturist/Customer Service Associate Fiore Nursery and Landscape Supply, a wholesale nursery distributor, supplying plants and landscape materials to the industry for over 100 years. We seek a Horticulturist, who is highly organized, motivated, energetic, hard-working, and an excellent communicator to provide exceptional customer service. Position available in Chicago and Prairie View. RESPONSIBILITIES ● Uses plant expertise, to assist customers in selecting plant material and landscape materials ● Process quotes and customer orders with sense of urgency ● Maintain relationships with existing customers and build new relationships QUALIFICATIONS ● 5+ years of horticultural experience preferred ● Product knowledge or ability to acquire knowledge of nursery stock such as trees, shrubs, ornamentals and flowers ● Above average computer skills ● Sense of humor We offer competitive wages & benefits. Positive culture with focus on self-improvement. Please send resume to Business Development Representative Business Development Sales Representative/ IL WI & IN Territory Our people are key to our success! Our core objective is to provide them with a supportive and entrepreneurial work environment that fosters collaboration. This allows our employees to take responsibility and make optimal use of their skills. Together, we want to shape the future of the landscaping industry. We are a dynamic fast-growing landscape maintenance/snow removal company is looking for a results-driven Business Development Sales Rep who is passionate about taking an already thriving mega business to new levels of aggressive growth. Your leadership, sales, business and financial acumen are critical for success. The major objective of the Business Development Sales Representative position is to establish relationships and create bid opportunities in order to sell new contracted maintenance and snow removal work at levels consistent with annual individual goals and the Company’s strategic growth intentions. Practical applications will include locating, meeting, and building relationships with new customers, closing sales, and working to provide a positive customer “hand-off” to an Acres account representative. Since 1983, Acres Group has been providing premium quality commercial landscape maintenance, landscape installation, custom design build projects, and snow removal in the Chicagoland area.



We have an IMMEDIATE need for an experienced individual with similar core values to ours to join our team and grow professionally and personally.

small team setting. The right candidate must have an eye for detail and enjoy working in a collaborative environment. 2-5 years of field construction experience is preferred, but all applicants interested in the position will be considered. Experience in a design-build environment is a plus. Experience with plants and hardscaping is a plus. Training will be provided.

Please contact Julie Ellinger 847-487-3257 to apply. Assistant to the General Manager Montale has been a wholesale container nursery located in Wauconda for over twenty years. We are currently seeking to add a horticulturist or grower on the hunt for a roll up your sleeves and get it done opportunity. This position is a perfect fit for anyone who loves to be challenged, learn new things, and is seeking a permanent career with a growing, enthusiastic and fun family business. Qualified candidates will possess an aptitude for technology, customer service, problem solving, teamwork and can do attitude. Salaried year-round opportunity with benefits and potential for growth. Submit resume to Rooftopia - Construction Supervisor Rooftopia is looking for a full time Construction Supervisor with hands-on experience in residential or commercial construction. Applicants must have exceptional comprehension and knowledge of construction plans, building materials, and tools, city of Chicago regulations, carpentry, fabrication and landscaping techniques. Qualified candidates must be able to observe and enforce meticulous quality control, navigate between multiple job-sites through the installation process, problem solve, manage safety protocols, site progress and work flow efficiency. Applicants must be extremely detail oriented and organized, excel at multitasking and communication with clients and staff in a

HELP WANTED - Experience with natural gas piping a plus - Experience with irrigation a plus - Experience with repair/maintenance of BBQ grills a plus - Working knowledge of natural gas and propane combustion - Good customer service skills - Self-starter (ability to work with minimal direction) - Ability to work overtime a plus (we start early/ work late) - Ability to work weekends - Year-round work - Good driving record/ valid drivers license - Background Test

Valid Driver’s license is required. Please email resume & salary requirements to Greenhaven Landscapes, Zion, IL While we are in the business of cultivating highend residential landscapes, we are also in the business of cultivating people. In order to grow our company while maintaining award winning service, we welcome the interest of professional, organized, well qualified, team oriented applicants looking to advance their careers. The following are positions that we are currently looking to grow.

Email to apply McGinty Bros: Now Hiring! Looking to join the exciting field of lawn care, tree care, and ecological restoration? Come to McGinty Bros., Inc. and join our team! We are hiring for the following positions:

Seasonal Color/ Production Coordinator • 2 year degree or experience required • Manage seasonal color rotations • Pesticide license or ability to obtain • Spot spraying as needed • Assist Maintenance Manager as needed

• Natural Areas Maintenance Technician • Tree Crew - Climber • Lawn Care Technician • Plant Health Care Technician • Class A or B CDL Driver

Office Manager • 5 years office experience required • HR experience required • Quickbooks experience required • Landscape industry experience a plus • Manage all aspects of the office

For job descriptions and more information, please visit our company’s website at Please email all resumes to Beth McGinty at Be sure to reference what position you are apply for in the subject line of the email.

Please go to our website https://mygreenhaven. com/employment for more details on the job postings and how to apply.

Email Resumes to

Plumber/Service Technician

WE’RE HIRING OPEN POSITIONS: Residential Maintenance Account Manager Commercial Maintenance Account Manager

Call Maria for more information at (847) 876-8042 Or visit | (847) 634-1660

Classified Ads HELP WANTED Construction Project Manager The position of Construction Project Manager is responsible for the supervision, management, and training of operations related to commercial and residential landscape construction management. The Construction Project Manager will work directly with the Construction Department Manager and Landscape Designers/Sales Staff in the procurement and scheduling of resources, including labor, equipment, and materials to ensure maximum use and completion of work within budget, safety guidelines, and quality standards. Knowledge of hardscaping and masonry is critical as most of our projects involve hardscaping aspects. Qualifications: - Valid driver’s license and clean driving record. - Minimum 5 years experience as project manager emphasizing hardscapes or 10 years experience as hardscape foreman/crew leader. - Ability to lift 50 lbs. and exhibit a physical fitness level to be effective daily. - Possess an understanding of power equipment and its operation and safety guidelines. - Knowledge of a variety of tasks in the landscape industry including, but not limited to, standard hardscape techniques and installation, low voltage landscape lighting systems, plant material and identification, standard planting techniques, drainage, grading, and turf installation. - Ability to read, follow, and conduct a landscape project from a written proposal, landscape designs, grading plans, material lists, and guidelines. - Candidate should be able to be organized to oversee and handle multiple projects, crews, and administrative duties. - Bilingual in Spanish is preferred Email resume to Landscape Construction - Project Manager Midwest Arbor is a leading design-build landscape firm serving Chicago’s north shore suburbs for nearly 30 years. We specialize in high end, residential landscapes and outdoor environments. Midwest Arbor Corporation strives to find individuals who are driven, have purpose, integrity, and are interested in pursuing a long-term career in the residential landscape industry. We are currently seeking a Project Manager to work within our Construction Department. This individual will be responsible for the management of 3-4 crews and job sites daily to ensure that the highest quality product is delivered on schedule for each of our clients. This position requires the ability to make intelligent decisions and find solutions to day-to-day issues as they arise, ensuring our customer’s complete satisfaction. Our Project Managers are responsible for daily scheduling of assigned crews, delivery of materials, daily productivity reports, and on-site layout with project foremen. This individual must have experience in the residential construction field, and


HELP WANTED the ability to read and interpret engineering and landscape plans. Working knowledge of village codes, permitting, hardscapes, masonry, grading, planting, irrigation, lighting, and fencing is preferred. In addition, being bilingual in English and Spanish is preferred, and having a valid driver’s license with a good driving record is required. Please email resume to careers@midwestarborcorp. com. For more company information, please visit our website at

HELP WANTED • Strong plant and construction knowledge. • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. • Proficiency in UVision or other 3D design programs. Will train UVision program if needed. • Working knowledge of construction detailing and implementation. • Ideal candidates should be detail oriented, logical thinking, conscientious, professional and maintain a high level of honesty and integrity. Email: to apply.

Inside Inbound and Outbound Sales Champions Needed

Landscape Architect/Estimator/Project Manager

Lawn Doctor of Antioch is one of the fastest growing lawn care companies in the industry with a 35 percent growth rate the last two years and we are looking for sales warriors to grow even bigger in 2021! Position Overview: Our Inside Sales Representatives sell residential lawn care services tailored to meet the needs of new and existing customers by phone. We’ll provide a great environment, great wage, an easy system to use and Oh yeah, all the training you’ll need to rock your first week on the phones!

Landworks Ltd., a landscape architecture/construction firm since 1991, is in search of a landscape architect/estimator/project manager.

Inside Sales Representatives receive Inbound inquiries for lawn, mosquito, and other landscape services we provide, which historically turn into sales around 50% of the time. I’ll show you the stats. Compensation is a guaranteed base plus a NO-LIMIT commission plan. (historically commissions are $25,000+).

Desired skills are: Proficient computer skills including AutoCad; Excellent communication and math skills; Ability to independently problem solve and interact with clients; Benefits include health, dental, vision, Simple IRA; Previous experience in commercial landscape construction industry is preferred; Salary commensurate with experience.

Visit https://lawn-doctor-antioch-gurnee-lake-villa. to apply.

Email to apply.

Landscape Designer / Project Manager

JMR Landscaping is located in Libertyville, growing quickly, and in search of a Landscape Architect.

A Touch of Green, Inc. of Homer Glen is looking to add a talented landscape design and sales professional to our team as we continue to expand. We are seeking creative candidates who thrive in a collaborative studio setting with the ability to lead projects through all phases including client contact, design, cost estimating, sales and project management. We are an award-winning landscape design and construction firm that has been providing high end design/build services throughout the southwest suburbs of Will, DuPage and Cook Counties since 1983. Candidates should possess a proven record of residential design and sales, be self-motivated and be focused on exceptional customer service and quality. A Touch of Green offers a competitive salary and sales commission plus a strong benefit package including health, dental and eye insurance, generous vacation allowance and reduced winter hours. Minimum Requirements: • A 4-year degree in Landscape Architecture or 3-5 years of Landscape Design experience in the field. • A minimum of 3 years (preferred) professional work experience with a proven sales history.

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

The responsibilities are: Review bid documents – drawings, scope, specifications, etc.; Prepare estimates utilizing estimating software; Submit bid proposals accurately and on time; Follows up on bid status; Review contract documents; Oversee/ Project Management; Project billing/Cost evaluation; landscapes and hardscapes Design; Other duties as required.


Job Responsibilities include: • Perform site survey and analysis to include assessment of current plants, soil conditions, lighting, views, and architecture style of the house. • Attend client meetings as needed with Project Manager. • Develop designs that meets the clients’ needs by using computer-generated design support and some hand/color rendering. • Develop master plans including planting schedule and materials list. • Assist with researching city/village codes and attaining permits. • Communicate and meet with subcontractors and clients as needed. Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture with a focus on design required, plus at least 3 years of related experience or training. • Proficiency in AutoCAD required; experience with Sketch Up, Photoshop, and InDesign helpful. • Familiar with all aspects of site implementation

Classified Ads HELP WANTED


including hardscape flat work and masonry, site grading, storm sewer, irrigation, exterior lighting and underground utilities. • Ability to communicate well with clients and subcontractors. • Valid driver’s license and good driving record.

and quality control of accounts. Construction Production Managers: manage all aspects of landscape construction. Crew supervision, client expectations.

Visit us at


Please send email including resume and portfolio to Rooftopia - Landscape Architect / Designer Rooftopia is looking for a full time, Landscape Architect or Designer with experience in construction or a design-build environment. Qualified candidates must be extremely detail oriented, enthusiastic, self-motivated, creative, and interested in residential and customized design for luxury outdoor living environments. Applicants must have a BS or MLA degree and 3 - 5 years of relevant experience. The right candidate must enjoy an open and collaborative work environment where innovation is encouraged. Strong written and verbal communication skills, proficiency in Sketchup and CAD, experience with construction materials, plants and landscaping techniques are essential. Drivers License required. Please email cover letter, resume and salary requirements to Rooftopia - Carpenter And Installation Crew Members Rooftopia is looking for a full time Carpenter with experience in construction, knowledge of tools and equipment, exterior rated lumber and hardware, advanced carpentry techniques and building materials. Qualified candidates must be extremely detail oriented, enthusiastic, self-motivated, creative, and interested in a career at a small firm building one of a kind luxury pergolas, kitchens, cabinets and outdoor furnishings. Applicants must have 3+ years of relevant experience. The right candidate must enjoy a collaborative team environment where innovation is encouraged. Strong written and verbal communication skills, proficiency with construction plans, work site and tool safety as well as the ability to lift heavy items, problem solve and deliver a high level of quality in finished projects. Drivers License required. Please email cover letter, resume and salary requirements to We are also hiring installation team members, all applicants will be considered. Email to apply. Now Hiring!! Alan Horticulture is seeking to grow our team! Apply today for the following positions: Account Managers: handle your own book of business. Top pay. Great benefits. Profit sharing Account supervisors: manage 4-6 maintenance crews. All the day to day

Send all resumes to:

Great Oaks Landscaping has a culture of integrity with a team focus and is seeking a driven leader who wants to be part of a growing business. Candidates would be responsible for running all construction and planting crews and coordinating subs where necessary. The ideal candidate will posses a strong knowledge of industry construction standards with 5 years experience. As a Snow Manager, the candidate has 5 years of commercial snow removal and be able to coordinate, run crews and work all snow events. Send resume to Landscape Architect/Designer Greenwise is an Evanston‐based sustainable landscaping company seeking an experienced landscape architect/designer. We are seeking an individual that is passionate about the environment with the ability to incorporate sustainable elements into their landscape designs. Our ideal candidate is licensed or has a degree in landscape architecture or design and 5+ years’ experience in the design‐build field. Required technical experience includes designing, estimating, sales, and project management. Exceptional customer service and presentation skills also required. Proficiency in AutoCAD and Sketchup are ideal. In this position, the individual will be responsible for the ntire design and sales processes as well as overseeing project installations. This position is year‐round, full‐time, and salaried with commission and bonus. Greenwise offers medical insurance, an employer 401K match, nine paid holidays and a generous paid‐time off package. Interested candidates should reach out to Heather Lough, Design Team Coordinator ( or our recruiting team ( Candidates can also contact our office at (847) 866‐1930. ABOUT GREENWISE Greenwise is Chicago’s leading sustainable landscaping company. We are a fast‐growing, innovative company with a need for motivated, passionate individuals interested in spending time outdoors, working closely with our loyal clients, and improving the world around us through sustainable landscaping practices. Email resume to

The Landscape Contractor February 2021

HELP WANTED Project Surveyor - Permit Coordinator Midwest Arbor is a leading design-build landscape firm serving Chicago’s north shore suburbs for nearly 30 years. We specialize in high end, residential landscapes and outdoor environments. We strive to find individuals who are driven, have purpose, integrity, and are interested in pursuing a longterm career in the residential landscape industry. We are currently seeking a Project Surveyor/Permit Coordinator who will be responsible for completing detailed site surveys for the design process, as well as post-sale permit documentation, submission and follow up with local villages. Site surveys are executed with Leica Survey equipment, as well as drone, video and photographic documentation to identify all existing plant material, bedlines, hardscapes, utilities, drainage, downspouts and fencing. This individual will review site data to gather zoning information, lot coverage, setbacks, etc., and work in CAD to produce a completed basemap and detail drawings to be utilized by our design team. Bachelor’s Degree or 2-5 experience in Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Civil Engineering and Horticulture preferred, as well as working knowledge of AutoCAD. Please email cover letter and resume to careers@ For more company information, please visit our website at Business Development Manager & Turf Technician Greenwise is Chicagoland’s leading organic lawn care and landscape company that puts customers first without sacrificing the environment. We offer an exciting opportunity for someone to develop and grow our business and brand in Chicago’s western suburbs, including Naperville, Burr Ridge, Hinsdale, Western Springs, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn and other surrounding areas. To fulfill these goals, we are seeking a self-starting, independent, organized and personable Business Development Manager who excels at both customer care and sales. Your responsibilities will include sales, marketing and performing turf services for the western territory. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and are looking for a long-term business development role with a company that offers a competitive starting salary of $45,000 and full benefits package, including a matching 401(k), and an opportunity to earn bonuses and commissions, please email your resume and a brief cover letter to Our headquarters are located in Evanston, but you can work independently out of your home or home office.Your responsibilities for this position will begin February 1. We can hire you for seasonal work prior to Feb 1 for training, turf care and snow removal.


Classified Ads HELP WANTED RESPONSIBILITIES • Cultivating new client relationships • Attending consultations with new or prospective clients • Generating maintenance and design proposals • Enhancement sales • Marketing to the western territory (with support from marketing staff) • Account management and client communications during snow events • Proactive client care action, follow-up and site visits • Daily communication with Operations for scheduling updates and service timelines • Ensuring clients are aware of scheduling updates and service dates • Act as turf technician applying fertilization, seeding, aerating and spray applications PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS • Prior experience in the landscaping services industry • Ability to leverage and adapt to new technologies

• Driver’s license, personal vehicle and auto insurance HELP WANTED • Excellent time management skills • Drive and motivation to go above and beyond for clients • Skills in Microsoft Excel and Word

FOR SALE Business For Sale Located in the South Suburbs for over 35 years, multi-million dollar landscape maintenance & construction company is for sale. Instant satellite office that could be added to your brand. Fully staffed with long-time field employees, office staff, mechanics and managers. Located near source of labor, with room to expand. 75% maintenance, 15% install, 10% snow/salt. Email with with inquiries.

CLASSIFIED ADS CLOSING DATES & RATES March 2021 issue ads: February 15, 2021 April 2021 issue ads: March 15, 2021 PLEASE NOTE: “HELP WANTED” AD SALES ARE LIMITED TO ILCA MEMBER COMPANIES Magazine Cost is $5 per line Minimum charge $50 Website Cost is $12 per line Minimum charge $120 (About 6 words/line) Submit your ads online at or Call Alycia Nagy (630) 472-2851

Advertisers 1st Choice Equipment.......................................80

Fox Ridge Nursery .............................................79

Northern Family Farms ........................................68

A Block Marketing..............................................97



North Shore Truck & Equipment..........................83

Alta Equipment .................................................23

Great Lakes Landscape Supply ..........................82

Pine Hall Brick .....................................................23

Arlington Power Equipment ................................31

Green Glen Nursery .............................................99

Pizzo Native Plant Nursery ..................................27

Arthur Clesen, Inc. ..............................................22

Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. .......................................72

Polycor .................................................................14

Badger Evergreen Nursery ..................................78

Homer Industries, Inc. ...........................................25

W&E Radtke, Inc. ...............................................76

Bartlett Tree Experts ......................................79

Husqvarna ........................................................... 69

Reflections water, light, stone ..............................38



Ivanhoe Nursery ...................................................33

Rentalmax ............................................................85

Blu Petroleum .......................................................37

JKS Ventures.........................................................76

Rocks Etc.

Breezy Hill Nursery .........................................84

James Martin Associates.......................................93

Russo Power Equipment ......................................89

Bronze Memorial Foundry ..................................70

Kaneville Tree Farms ............................................19

RWC Insurance Group .........................................78

Capital Stoneworks ..............................................34

Kuenzi Turf & Nursery ........................................30

Spring Meadow Nursery.......................................17

Cardno ................................................................68

Lafarge Fox River Stone ......................................91

The Mulch Center ................................................87

Cedar Path Nurseries ...........................................35

Longshadow Planters ...........................................13

The Tree Connection ............................................31

Central Sod Farms ...............................................28

Lurvey Landscape Supply ..................................2-3

Turtle Creek Nursery ...........................................15

Chi Turf ................................................................77

Mariani Plants ........................................................7

Unilock ...............................................................100

Conserv FS ...........................................................36

Mariani Plants En Espanol....................................88

Vermeer Midwest .................................................71

Dayton Bag & Burlap .......................................72

McGinty Bros. ....................................................84

Wheaton Mulch ....................................................70

DeVroomen Garden Products .............................74

Midwest Groundcovers ..........................................4

Wilson Nurseries ..................................................24



Midwest Trading ....................................................9

Xylem Ltd. ..........................................................16

Doty Nurseries LLC ..............................................6

Monroe Truck Equipment ....................................67

Fairview Evergreen Nurseries..............................20

Nels Johnson Tree Exerts ....................................81



The Landscape Contractor February 2021


Hidden Gems Worth Visiting

The Wanda Franklin Entry Garden

Fernwood Botanical Garden 13988 Range Line Road, Niles, MI

by Heather Prince

Tucked along the St. Joseph River in

‘Carodonna’ and Achillea ‘Moonshine’ and later in the season Solidago facelata ‘Golden Fleece’ and Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘October Skies.’ Sesleria autumnalis and various sedge species fill in the blanks while random Fritillaria in orange and yellow poke their heads up early in the season,” said Bornell. Since the new plantings were installed in a previously landscaped area, few challenges were encountered. The biggest hurdle was keeping the plants weed-free while they established and maintaining the balance of species and cultivars. Bornell finds “The garden is actually fairly low maintenance now that it’s established. Aggressive sedges such as Carex glauca and the Sesleria autumnalis can overrun adjacent perennials and have to be occasionally thinned. Roy returns annually to monitor the plantings with the horticulture staff recommending what to edit out and what to introduce if needed.” In addition, Carol Line, Executive Director, was delighted to report “Fernwood was honored to be one of 21 gardens showcased as part of an exhibit in 2019, Celebrating New American Gardens, on the Mall at the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington D.C. A panel featuring Fernwood’s Wanda Franklin Entry Garden was part of the exhibit. Visit www.USBG. gov/NewAmericanGardens. New gardens or existing gardens with a new feature were among those considered and selected.” When you visit, make sure to pause and enjoy the evershifting textures and flowers that welcome you to this extraordinary gem in southwest Michigan.

Niles Michigan, Fernwood Botanical Garden is a sanctuary of 105 acres of gardens and natural areas. Welcoming visitors to the many garden spaces, forests, streams, prairie restoration, as well as indoor art galleries, fern conservatory, and education center is The Wanda Franklin Entry Garden. Fernwood began as the country home of Kay and Walter Boydston and became a public entity in 1964. The Visitor Center was opened in 1989. In 2013, it was time to revisit the plantings and revitalize the space and 2014 saw the installation of the new design. The Fernwood team chose to work with Roy Diblik to refresh the space and create plantings in the New American style to showcase a Midwestern aesthetic that was also sustainable and low maintenance. “The entrance was in need of replanting. We added 10 more Whitespire birch while most other existing shrubs and perennials were removed,” reported Steve Bornell, Manager of Facilities and Grounds. “An existing gravel path and stone slab steps were reconfigured. Master plantsman, Roy Diblik of Northwind Perennials Farm came and staged groupings of native and non-native perennials in a meadow matrix pattern for which he is known. Volunteers assisted the Fernwood horticulture staff with planting.” The grove of Whitespire birch provides light shade, links the plantings together, and creates dynamic verticality with their elegant white trunks. Nestled among the trees is a kinetic sculpture by Fritz Olsen. “Diblik’s stylized meadow design features groupings of perennials that seasonally play off of each other like Salvia nemerosa 98

The Landscape Contractor February 2021



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