The Landscape Contractor MAR.24 DIGITAL EDITION

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CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM: P: 847-742-1790 MGSALES@MIDWESTGROUNDCOVERS.COM WWW.MIDWESTGROUNDCOVERS.COM We’ll Be There For You For the Plants You Can’t Find Sign Up for Alerts and Place Your Orders at Today! Get alerts when the plants you need are available to be booked.
CONTENTS 36 62 March 2024 10 18 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 On the cover... Mariani Landscape won a 2023 Gold Award for this project titled Classic Estate. Excellence In Landscape Awards Project 8 FOCUS: ILCA Excellence in Landscape Awards iLandscape Hosts Mardi Gras 10 Attendees let the good times roll Excellence in Landscape Awards 18 ILCA honors the best of the best InVigorateU Educates the Industry 36 Professionals enjoy an event in Bloomington ILCA Welcomes New Members 44 Inspiration Alley 48 Splurge on Spurge Midwest Plant Talk 50 New varieties scream color Member Profile 54 Open Air Living LLC Before You Go 62 Splurge on Spurge 3

Photo Credits


ILCA Staff

Executive Director

Scott Grams (630) 472-2851

Statewide Director of Development Kellie Schmidt

Education Manager AnneMarie Drufke

Events Manager Terre Houte

Office Manager Alycia Nagy

Membership & Marketing Manager Marissa Stubler v


2625 Butterfield Road Ste. 104S Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 472-2851 • Fax (630) 472-3150

Magazine Staff

Rick Reuland

Publisher/Advertising Sales (630) 637-8632

Debbie Rauen

Advertising Sales (817-501-2403) debbie.landscapecontractor@ v

Meta Levin

Feature Writer

Nina Koziol

Feature Writer

Heather Prince

Feature Writer



March 5 & 6, 2024

Foremanship & Crew Leader Workshop NIU Naperville Naperville, IL

March 7, 2024

Soilless Mixes Workshop: Current Status of the Growing Media Industry DeKalb County Farm Bureau Sycamore, IL

March 20-21, 2024

Field Staff Skills Training NIU Naperville Naperville, IL

Reuland 10-17, 13, 20-21, 42 Nina Koziol 18, 48 Heather Prince 40 Open Air Living 5 4-55 Mark Dwyer 6 2 CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS ILCA Calendar 4 From Where I Stand 5 President’s Message 7 Classified Ads 58 Advertisers Index 61 PRODUCT DISCLAIMER: The Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, its Board of Directors, the Magazine Committee, ILCA Staff, The Landscape Contractor and its staff, neither endorse any products nor attest to the validity of any statements made about products
Awards Committee 1, 8-9, 22-35, 20-21 Rick
Peltier Feature Writer
Davis EditorialAssistant @ILCAlandscape MAPLE PARK 45W121 Beith Road Maple Park, IL 60151 HUNTLEY 14029 Church Road Huntley, IL 60142 Let us make your landscape shopping easier and installations more successful! our offerings SHADE TREES • ORNAMENTALS EVERGREENS • SHRUBS P 630 365 9063 The official publication of the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA), The Landscape Contractor is dedicated to educating, advising and informing members of this industry and furthering the goals of the Association. The Landscape Contractor carries news and features relating to landscape contracting, maintenance, design and allied interests. Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited material and reserves the right to edit any article or advertisement submitted for publication. Publication reserves right to refuse advertising not in keeping with goals of Association. Volume 65, Number 3. The Landscape Contractor (ISSN # 0194-7257, USPS # 476-490) is published monthly for $75.00 per year by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste. 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. Periodicals postage paid at Oak Brook, IL and additional mailing offices. Printed in USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Landscape Contractor, 2625 Butterfield Road, Ste 104S, Oak Brook, IL 60523. DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES: Association Publishing Partners, Inc., Ph. (630) 637-8632 Fax (630) 637-8629 email: CLASSIFIED ADS, CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIPTION: ILCA (630) 472-2851 Fax (630) 472-3150 PUBLISHER/EDITORIAL OFFICE: Rick Reuland,, Naperville, IL 60540 Ph. (630) 637-8632 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 4 Follow— MARCH

From Where I Stand —

Every year, after the iLandscape tradeshow comes to a close, Event Manager Terre Houte and I observe a sacred tradition. After we pack up the show and say our goodbyes, we head to the hotel bar for some drinks, appetizers, peace and quiet.

In those early years, it was beer and chicken wings. The Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center puts on a good tradeshow, but their real gift to humanity were their chicken wings. Sadly, the new restaurant menu does not include chicken wings so I have had to pivot. If anything causes the show to leave the Renaissance, it won’t be parking or lack of space, it will be my endless pursuit for the perfect chicken wing.

At these annual meet-ups, there have been years we are all smiles. There have been years where we shake our heads at Mother Nature or the pandemic. There have been years we laugh until there are tears in our eyes. And some years, those tears in our eyes are just tears. It is just a wonderful way to decompress after a week where Terre and I will walk 65,000 steps, shake hundreds of hands, and try to make a show appear to be seamless when it never is.

nized an event of this size. Yet, the alternative were quick exits for Terre and Alycia as the ILCA withered from within. I had no other choice, we had to go down swinging.

Like with most parables, success favors those who use their perceived weakness as strengths. Terre’s lack of experience with tradeshows was exactly what we needed to build it. We never played it safe. Our Education and Experience Committees were never forced to play by any rules. We weren’t slaves to history, outdated budgets, and traditions. We didn’t even have a home.

The Happy Hour of Theseus

Over the years, a few things have changed. First, our energy levels have increased a bit. You would think it would be the opposite as we age, but the stress load of the show has reduced each year with experience and by surrounding ourselves with an incredible team. The first year of iLandscape, I almost collapsed walking up my driveway and slept for three days. Now, my family can have dinner together before I collapse on the couch.

Second, Terre’s husband John has been able to join us. He barely knows what we are talking about half the time. It is like we are speaking in a strange language. Yet, he appreciates our energy and seeing his amazing wife once again achieve the impossible.

Finally, we have upgraded to Old Fashioneds. There are few better drinks for soulful reflection than glasses of caramelcolored bourbon with fancy cherries.

This year’s happy hour hit different. The show was a resounding success and we once again broke our attendance record. However, this would be the last iLandscape with Terre at the helm. In fact, there has never been an iLandscape without Terre as the Event Manager. She has been there from the very moment we gathered in the old ILCA conference room and discussed the news MidAm was over. One by one, knowing what was on the line — including our jobs — the staff agreed to give this tradeshow thing a try. There are very few moments in ILCA history that were as consequential as that one.

When MidAm collapsed, we had a choice to make. ILCA would need to shrink dramatically as our other programs would not be enough to sustain us. The other path was to quickly mobilize, whip up a name, logo, and some bumper stickers and sell a tradeshow to a market questioning the entire relevance of trade shows. I had just found a team that the ILCA could build itself around. I knew the workload, stress load, and learning curves would be intense. I had an unproven team who had never orga-

Terre is incapable of being dishonest so she never oversold the show or told exhibitors iLandscape would make their wildest dreams come true. She would gleefully admit she was learning on the job. That honesty created a human connection with our exhibitors, attendees, the staff of the Schaumburg Convention Center, our show decorator, and so many more of the personalities that made iLandscape a success. That human connection built trust and that trust is what allows tradeshows to prosper and survive direct hits brought on by weather, polar vortexes, and pandemics.

To understand Terre you just need to look at her car. She has been driving a BMW Z-series convertible for as long as I have known her. It is a gorgeous car. It is sleek and silver and the type of car you notice in a crowded parking lot surrounded by the boredom of today’s modern auto designs. The car is also a complete maintenance nightmare. Outside of her immediate family, Terre may talk to her auto mechanic the most. Her car has a new engine, new transmission, new brakes, new alternators, tires, and rotors. Not a month goes by where Terre doesn’t have to fix something on that car, but she keeps loving it.

In philosophy, there is a story of the Ship of Theseus. A version of the story talks about the famed ship of the Greek king Theseus being placed in a museum. The ship develops a rot that slowly takes over the ancient wood. One by one, to avoid the rot, the ship’s planks are replaced. Over the next few decades, the entire ship had been replaced plank by plank. Is what remains the Ship of Theseus or something entirely new? That is the paradox.

Terre’s own BMW of Theseus has had almost every part and component replaced over the years, so was it still her BMW? Yet, every time she sat in that seat, put the top down, and drag raced some slack-jawed teenager at a red light, it sure felt familiar.

The paradox of the Ship of Theseus is designed to test how we define our identity. If ships, cars, objects, tradeshows, and yes, even people are always evolving, are they still the same? Does identity have greater meaning than the sum of our parts? Is it possible to change something so dramatically over the years that we appreciate its newness while never losing our original nostalgia?

iLandscape is committed to never rest on its laurels. That is great for attendees, but extremely challenging to the committees and staff who work on the event. To avoid complacency, boredom, and rot, Terre has accepted that the show must evolve even if it makes her life harder. Each year, we remove plank after plank and replace it with fresh ideas, volunteers, themes, designs, energy, and enthusiasm. iLandscape is the Ship of Theseus. It has

The Landscape Contractor March 2024 5

GFrom Where I Stand —

accepted that a commitment to change under a continued identity is a better path than allowing rot to take over. Not every idea works. Not every tweak is a good one. But the alternative is a crumbling mess of rotted wood that once resembled something great.

In the 12 years I was blessed to work with Terre, she also became the Ship of Theseus. She had no experience in non-profit event management. She had a high level management position in Market Day before joining the team at Hursthouse. She was hired at ILCA because of her skill set and potential, not a safe resume filled with safe experience. We took a chance on her, and she took a chance on us.

Over the last 12 years, I have watched her remove and replace every plank with new experience, skills, and confidence. She helped us create and grow the Midwest’s most dynamic tradeshow. She hates golf, but has worked to create a sold out Golf Outing. She has morphed Summer Field Day into Fire & Ice and helps create memorable tradeshows in spaces and places that were never designed for tradeshows. She has embraced technology and apps. She has welcomed dozens of new committee volunteers and seen so many friends end their volunteer journeys at ILCA. She has spent countless hours in our meeting room leveling up her programs and countless nights staring up at the ceiling wondering what small detail she may have missed. She was always a smart, capable, professional she has just worked on becoming the smart capable professional that the ILCA desperately needed.

Each year on the last day of iLandscape, in that bar, with our Old Fashioneds and appetizers, is when we start building for the future. Sure, there will be formal surveys and feedback sessions. Yet, that is the raw uncut, unvarnished feedback from the past five days and 11 months of planning. We are our own worst critics so we look for any signs of rot and get to work. Almost every sentence starts with, “For next year...” and we start improving the little details, most of them imperceptible to the average attendee. That is how the meeting starts.

The meeting ends with Terre and me just enjoying one another. I love her stories and her humor. I like hearing about her family or how she soothed another exhibitor about to blow his stack. She’d update me on the personal details of Renaissance staff members who I only know by first name. She would tell me some behind the scenes fire she put out that would’ve certainly ruined my day if I had known about it. She tells me the total steps she walked (she always beats me!). She blows me away with her intelligence, heart, empathy, kindness, all while managing an unimaginable load of stress and exhaustion.

Terre was always great. She has also rebuilt herself, plank by plank into something great. I was so grateful our ships got to sail side by side for 12 years. Now, our courses will diverge.

I always walk past the tradeshow hall on my way out to my car. I peek my head in for one last look. It is my own little tradition. A few exhibitors and decorators are left to scurry about and get the hall ready for the next big thing. I know the show will be different next year. It will still be iLandscape, but new faces and ideas bring new opportunities. Beer and chicken wings became Old Fashioneds and flatbreads. Terre’s chair has been filled with AnneMarie. New staff and volunteers will be welcomed. The show must go on - rebuilt plank by plank.

Anchors away. Full sail.


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The Landscape Contractor March 2024 6
arden Prairie, IL


Ashley Marrin

Bret-Mar Landscape Management Group, Inc. (708) 301-2225


Jim Cirrincione

Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. (630) 323-1411

jcirrincione@hinsdalenurseries .com


Kim Hartmann Rosborough Partners 847-404-7669

Immediate Past President

Jeff Kramer

Kramer Tree Specialists, Inc, (630) 293-5444


Adam Bellas

Bellas Landscaping (309) 827-5263

Ryan Heitman

The Fisher Burton Company (847) 566-9200

Tom Klitzkie

Nature’s Perspective Landscaping (847) 475-7917

Michael Massat

The Growing Place Nursery & Flower Farm, Inc. (630) 355-4000

Nikki Melin

Midwest Groundcovers (847) 742-1790

Kevin McGowen

Kaknes/SiteOne (630) 416-999

Becky Thomas Spring Grove Nursery, Inc. (815) 448-2097

Mark Utendorf

Emerald Lawn Care, Inc. (847) 392-7097

President’s Message —

Nearly6,500 people attended last month’s iLandscape conference—the 11th annual show held since Mid-Am ended. The energy at the show was so inspiring. It’s just what we all needed to kick off our spring season. The show continues to grow and I want to extend my gratitude to all of the volunteers and ILCA staff that put endless hours and energy into creating, planning, and running the show. Each and every detail is thoughtfully analyzed. Everything from the education sessions to the display gardens, the show floor layout, and the evening entertainment is just extraordinary. We have the best people!

iLandscape opportunities are non-stop with classes, the exhibit floors, pop up plant demonstrations—like container wars—the Mardi Gras-themed gardens, ipix photo gallery, posters of the landscape award winners’ projects, and evenings filled with raffles, games, appetizers and drinks, lots of laughs, and last but not least—the booths with free beer! If you haven’t attended before, put it on your calendar right now for next year—February 26-28.

iLandscape is where competitors, allies, business partners, vendors, customers, students, owners, and employees come together for many reasons. Each attendee plays a part in making the landscape industry just a bit better than the day before. The friendship and support for one another in ILCA is evident throughout the event. Many other state landscape associations do not enjoy the same experience. I hear this especially from vendors who market their products elsewhere or who are from out of state. They participate in iLandscape and other ILCA events and call it home.

ILCA’s Young Professionals and Women’s Networking groups gathered for coffee and walkabouts, to unite attendees and members alike and to connect with their peers. I am so proud to be a part of an industry with such camaraderie—we are very fortunate to experience this within our statewide association—here’s to another fantastic show next year!



de 6,500 personas asistieron a la conferencia de iLandscape el mes pasado—la 11.a feria anual celebrada desde que finalizó Mid-Am. La energía en la feria fue sumamente inspiradora. Era precisamente lo que todos necesitábamos para iniciar nuestra temporada de primavera. La feria continúa creciendo y quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todos los voluntarios y miembros del personal de ILCA que dedicaron horas y energías interminables a la creación, planificación y realización de la feria. Todos y cada uno de los detalles son concienzudamente analizados. Todo, desde las sesiones educativas hasta los jardines de exhibición, el diseño del piso de exposiciones y el entretenimiento nocturno, es extraordinario. ¡Contamos con la mejor gente!

Las oportunidades de iLandscape son continuas, con clases, pisos de exposición, demostraciones de plantas emergentes—como guerras de contenedores—, los jardines con temas de Mardi Gras, galería de fotografías ipix, pósteres de los proyectos ganadores de premios de paisajismo y noches repletas de rifas, juegos, aperitivos y bebidas, mucha risa y, por último, pero no por eso menos importante—¡los puestos de exhibición con cerveza gratis! Si no ha asistido antes, marque su calendario ahora mismo para el año que viene—26-28 de febrero.

iLandscape es donde los competidores, los aliados, los socios comerciales, los vendedores, los clientes, los estudiantes, los dueños y los empleados se reúnen por diferentes motivos. Cada asistente desempeña un papel en hacer la industria paisajista un poco mejor que el día anterior. La amistad y el apoyo mutuo en ILCA es evidente durante todo el evento. Muchas otras asociaciones paisajistas en el estado no disfrutan de la misma experiencia. Oigo esto especialmente de vendedores que comercializan sus productos en otras partes o provienen de otros estados. Participan en iLandscape y otros eventos de ILCA y los llaman su casa.

El grupo de Contactos de Jóvenes Profesionales y Mujeres de ILCA se reunió para tomar café y hacer recorridos para unir a los asistentes y miembros y conectarlos con sus colegas. Me enorgullezco de ser parte de una industria con tanta camaradería—somos muy afortunados de experimentar esto en nuestra asociación a nivel estatal—¡Brindemos por otra feria fantástica el año próximo!

Atentamente, Ashley Marrin

7 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Ashley Marrin
Award 2024
Specialty Element

An irresistible oasis greets this northwest suburban couple when they open the door on their 3.29-acre property. Retired and a master gardener, our client asked for an irresistible space to tend her favorite perennials, shrubs and water plants, as well as a natural environment to enjoy with her husband and three dogs. Her retirement plan was to relax, watch birds, observe aquatic life, swim and entertain year-round. To accomplish this, we renovated an existing 5,000-square-foot pond, which retained water

runoff, and designed and built a custom water feature including a 3-foot waterfall, separate water lily and lotus beds, an aspen inlet, perimeter path and sand beach. Our design included a Chicago Botanic Garden-inspired zig-zag bridge and deck, fourseason gazebo and cottage-style barn for the pond’s mechanicals, including a new 2,500 square foot filter. Enter the pond by the beach on one side and by limestone slab steps on the other.

The Landscape Contractor March 2024 9
Reflections Water, Light, Stone, Inc. • West Dundee Retirement Plan

Let the Good Times Roll!


roll they did as iLandscape rocked the house with a great

event and record crowds

Fat Tuesday came early this year at the 11th annual iLandscape Show in Schaumburg, attracting attendees from 23 states and two countries. The Mardi Gras-themed conference did not disappoint. More than 60 education sessions drew big crowds wanting to learn more about design, hardscape, equipment and materials, plants and insects, as well as the latest in business management techniques and software. Meet-ups, gumbo games on the exhibit floors, psychic readings, ice sculptures, and great raffle prizes thrilled attendees.

“iLandscape was the largest show we have ever done,” said ILCA’s executive director Scott Grams. “It surpassed 6500 attendees and we have no intentions of looking back. Sure, we were blessed with good weather, but we were also blessed with a great theme, great energy, and the little touches that make iLandscape great.”

Plantsman extraordinaire, Adrian Bloom of Blooms of Bressingham in England, wowed attendees at two sessions on design that focused on his home garden, Foggy Bottom. “I love all of his plants,” said landscape architect Deirdre Toner of D.T. Design in Old Mill Creek, Ill. “It was the beauty of the photos—of his walks in the garden before going to work that were so inspiring.”

For Arun Aggarwal, president and owner of Rent A Gardener, Inc. in Aurora, iLandscape is a great resource. “I come for both the education sessions and the exhibits.” And there were plenty of networking opportunities. A job board with current postings drew young attendees and students interested in seeing what’s available.

Account manager Emily O’Reilly at Landscape Concepts in Chicago attended with a team of co-workers. “My whole office came and we split up taking different classes. It’s an opportunity to learn on our own and take things back to our group.”

New Faces

Maybe it was the mild weather or the Mardi Gras atmosphere, but this year’s show had a different energy with many young landscape pros on the scene. “There were a lot of new faces,” said landscape architect Sharon Dickson of Dickson Design Studio in Lake in the Hills. “It’s refreshing to have a different perspective and the subject matter varies in the

(continued on page 12)

10 iLandscape 2024 —
The Landscape Contractor March 2024
The Landscape Contractor 11 March 2024

iLandscape 2024 —

(continued from page 10) programs. It’s also very costeffective for CEU’s for me because it’s close to home.”

One thing Scott Grams noticed is that iLandscape is taking on a life of its own. “I feel less like the show has to be the main character. It is becoming the space for people to meet up—employees, students, Young Professionals, our Women’s Networking Group, members of the LGBTQ+ community, software user groups, and even regional groups from other states. All those groups feel drawn to iLandscape and it has a sense of belonging to them. This is the first year where I have seen so many different types of groups use the show as a meeting place. To me, that is very encouraging.”

Exhibit Halls

Attendees also packed the show floors, with more than 270 exhibitors. ILCA board member Ryan Heitman, president of The Fisher Burton Co., was present for the exhibit hall set up—from stones, pavers and containers to plants and heavy machinery. “It blew me away and was amazing to watch them put everything together.” He’s attended the industry shows for years going

Show Time

back to the Mid-Am days. “The CEU’s are super valuable.”

The Crawdad Stage was the main center of music, money and other raffle prizes that did not disappoint. Prizes included a John Deere Gator, airline gift cards, Kohler Spa gift cards, cash and more.

Hats off to several ILCA committees—Experience, Education, Membership, FLIP, Awards, and the Latino Relations Committee, which work on the show. “All of us are committed to solving problems,” Grams explained. “Parking was amazing this year with the addition of 400 spots. Food lines were never more than a few minutes long. The facility was fully staffed and ready to host big crowds again. It was just a joy to be part of a high-functioning team. We were like one big Mardi Gras Krewe!”

The Mardi Gras vibe drew plenty of attendees into both exhibit halls where sales reps pitched plants, pots, potting mix, plows and much more. “This is probably one of the best winter shows we’ve ever done,” said a beaming Jason Fritz, principal, ecology, nursery business development manager at Stantec in Walkerton, Indiana. “This show pulls in new people.” And, if you’re wondering what some of the native perennials are in high demand,

(continued on page 14)

12 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Fine Dry Cast Limestone Planters LONGSHADOW ® .COM Hand Crafted in Southern Illinois by The Artisans at Classic Garden Ornaments, Ltd.® Design: Parker Design Associates, Greenwich, Connecticut Glencoe 34 & Round Base LS 9310 For inquiries call 618 893 4831

iLandscape 2024 —

(continued from page 12)

Fritz says, “It’s big bluestem, swamp milkweed, blue flag iris and purple coneflower.”

While ordering supplies online or by phone is convenient, nothing beats connecting a name with a face in person. “This has been a great show for us,” said Homer Trecartin, manager of sales and production at Twixwood Nursery in Berrien Springs, Michigan. “The show floor has been very busy with lots of attendees stopping by.”

Landon Kirby, owner of Knob Hill Landscape in Springfield, Ill., attended the Awards Dinner where one of his (continued on page 17)


14 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Ring toss for adults?
Three Gators in one day!
The Landscape Contractor March 2024
In the category of “Best Promotional Sales Video” the creative gang at Midwest Groundcovers took home the Best in Show award for their spoof of “Friends.”
16 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 Little Rock Farm 2353 Creek Road · Plano, IL 60545 630-552-8314 Main Office & Sales Yard 7200 S. Madison · Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-323-1411 An Incred I ble Select I on With Infinite Po S s I b I l I t I e S . Revel in an infinite selection of over 15,000 trees, 35,000 shrubs, 100,000 perennials, and 500 varieties at our 650-acre farm. Over 11 acres of holding yard in two convenient locations. For sale updates and availabilities, sign up for our email newsletter.
HN_007_ILCA_7.375x4.8125.indd 1 11/14/22 10:31 AM iLandscape 2024 — & FUN!!
Ornamentals, Evergreens, Shrubs, Perennials, Vines, and

(continued from page 14) projects received acclaim. “We had a wonderful time at the awards and everything the entire week was great.”

ILCA’s AnneMarie Drufke credits the ILCA Education Committee for putting together the extensive education program. “These individuals meet almost every month throughout the year to curate more than 50 educational sessions, two workshops, two Education Unplugged sessions and three Container Wars events that take place over the course of three days,” Drufke said. And, the Experience Committee worked throughout the year to create an incredible theme for the entire show.

ILCA Staff Changes

This iLandscape ushered in a new era at the ILCA’s office. “I am sad to say goodbye to Event Manager Terre Houte,” Grams said. “The show would not have been possible without her passion and dedication. She has worked more of that show than anyone and has spent more hours solving problems than anyone. ILCA and iLandscape owe her a massive debt of gratitude. AnneMarie Drufke will fill her position for 2025. We wish Terre so much health and happiness in her retirement.”

Mark your calendar

Plans for the 12th annual iLandscape show are already underway. We’ll return to Schaumburg from February 26-27-28, 2025.

See what other ILCA events are coming your way: (see education/events)

Spring is right around the corner! IS YOUR GARDEN CENTER READY? 711 S Material Road Romeoville, IL 815-836-0086 18715 Route 84 N Cordova, IL 309-654-2261 mix and match program! Call your sales rep today! Bagged or bulk— 17 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Awards Night 2024 —

The Landscape Contractor March 2024 18
ILCA President Ashley Marrin ILCA Executive Director Scott Grams Person of the Year James Martin Frank Russo and ILCA Past President Barb Rosborough Straight off the runway, JillyAn MacMorris, Alycia Nagy, Ashley Marrin, and Kim Hartmann Strike a pose.
Stay Connected Powering Nature’s Professionals Since 1970 POWER YOUR FLEET! Let’s Connect at the Next Event Save the Date for: • Open House • Auctions • In-Store Seminars • CEU Classes
20 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Scholarship Winners Judges’ Award Professionals’ Choice Award The Barn Group, Inc. Nature’s Perspective Landscaping Excellence In Landscape Awards Elegant Oasis: Maximizing Entertaining Space Evanston Lakefront Estate
Student Design

Person of the Year

James Martin

First Two-Time $10,000 Scholarship Winner

Distinguished Supplier Award

Home Nursery

Special Recognition Award

Debbie McGuire

21 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Christian Schloegel Boiler Up!

Excellence In2024Landscape

Since its inception, the ILCA awards program has honored members with specific awards for a variety of submitted projects. Over the years, the categories were expanded to include the size of the project. The next expansion was to include new categories such as Multifamily; Interior Landscape Installation; Specialty Category; and Public Works projects.

Over the years, these categories were condensed to the ones we recognize today: Residential Design and Maintenance; Commercial Design and Maintenance and an encompassing category for Specialty Elements, Events, and Ecological Planting.

A fascinating aspect of the Awards program that many people don’t realize, it is not a competition. Each project is judged independently on its own merit, not versus others in the category.

Platinum Awards are given for the projects that gather the highest point total in each category (providing there are a minimum of five entries).

Category winners this year were:

For Specialty Element: Reflections Water Gardens Retirement Plan

For Commercial Landscape Maintenance: Balanced Environments, Inc. Rosalind Franklin University

For Residential Landscape Maintenance: Mariani Landscape

Ready for Action

For Residential Landscape Construction: The Barn Group, Inc.

Elegant Oasis: Maximizing Entertainment Space

The Artistry and Craftsmanship award was focused on Color & Texture Plant Combinations. Overall, there were three entries. Points were awarded across a variety of factors, in the end three firms tied for first place. The winning projects are shown below.

Be inspired by your review of these award-winning projects.

For 2024 the Artistry and Craftsmanship category was Color & Texture Plant Combinations. The winners were:

22 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Bruss Landscaping Poolside Garden in the Woods Chalet Fantastic Fall Premier Landscape Contractors Artfully Arranged
23 Balanced Environments, Inc. Commercial Maintenance Rosalind Franklin University Reflections Water Gardens Specialty Element Retirement Plan Mariani Landscape Residential Maintenance Ready for Action The Barn Group, Inc. Residential Construction Elegant Oasis: Maximizing Entertainment Space Awards 2024 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Excellence In Landscape

Bertog Landscape Co. Residential Landscape Maintenance French Inspired JMR Landscaping LLC Residential Landscape Construction Simple Elegance JMR Landscaping LLC Residential Landscape Construction Luxury Living on Lange Bertog Landscape Co. Residential Landscape Construction Garden of Delights Balanced Environments, Inc. Commercial Landscape Maintenance Rosalind Franklin University KD Landscape
Awards 2024
Residential Landscape Construction Apple River Bluestone

Gold Awards 2024

for Action

Residential Landscape

Where Art Kisses

Nature’s Perspective Landscaping

Residential Landscape Maintenance

Evanston Lakefront Estate

Night Light Landscape Illumination, Inc.

Specialty Element

Conway Hilltop Haven

Night Light Landscape Illumination, Inc.

Specialty Element

Honoring Shagbark

Mariani Landscape Maintenance the Sky Mariani Landscape Residential Landscape Maintenance Ready Mariani Landscape Residential Landscape Construction
Modern American Gothic

Excellence In Landscape

Premier Landscape Contractors, Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Hinsdale Hideaway Rosborough Partners Residential Landscape Construction Cape on the Lake Reflections Water Gardens Specialty Element Retiement Plan Reflections Water Gardens Specialty Element Natural Connections Scott Byron & Co., Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Madison Greenhouse Night Light Landscape Illumination, Inc. Specialty Element The Ultimate Entertainers
2024 26 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Gold Awards 2024

The Barn Group Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Elegant Oasis: Maximizing Entertaining Space Western DuPage Landscaping, Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Our Home Base Topiarius Residential Landscape Construction Every Last Detail Topiarius Residential Landscape Construction Enchanted Parterre Western DuPage Landscaping, Inc. Residential Landscape Construction East Coast Inspired Sue Davis Designs Residential Landscape Construction Wilmette Forever Home
Awards 2024 27 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
28 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 Western DuPage Landscaping, Inc. Residential Landscape Maintenance Elegant Oasis Excellence In Landscape
Trimming boxwoods by hand.
We have 40,000 trees & shrubs in the ground. We make our own deliveries. Welcome to our Farm & Nursery. 2814 Todd’s Point Road | Simpsonville, KY 40067 502.722.5516
Pruning trees by hand.
The Landscape Contractor March 2024 29 CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM: P: 630-365-1990 Securing transportation and scheduling deliveries is just one example of the solutions we provide so you can focus on your business. THE TEAM TRUSTED BY LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS

Excellence In Landscape

Bertog Landscape Company Residential Landscape Construction English Cottage Garden Stroll Chalet Residential Landscape Maintenance Wilmette Charm A.M. Woodland Outdoor Design Special Event Polo Perfection Chalet Residential Landscape Maintenance Wilmette Estate BrightView Landscape Services Commercial Landscape Construction Woodfield Patio Installation Clarence Davids and Company
The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Commercial Landscape Maintenance Tribune Tower Residences

Silver Awards 2024

James Martin Associates Commercial Landscape Maintenance Lincolnshire Corporate Headquarters James Martin Associates Residential Landscape Construction Glen-View Garden Project JMR Landscaping LLC Residential Landscape Construction Shagbark King’s Landscape Design Residential Landscape Construction Residence Reimagined
Special Event Cascading Beauty The Landscape Contractor March 2024
King’s Landscape Design Residential Landscape Construction Spa Day
LandWorks, LLC

Excellence In Landscape

LandWorks, LLC

Special Event

Woodland’s Edge

Lightscape Inc.

Specialty Element

Gold Star Equine and K9 Memorial

Residential Landscape Maintenance

Total Tranquility

Reflections Water Gardens

Specialty Element

Welcome Home

Premier Landscape Contractors, Inc. Nature’s Perspective Landscaping Residential Landscape Construction
Lakeside Prairie
Rosborough Partners
The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Residential Landscape
Storybook Gardens
Scott Byron & Co., Inc. Residential Landscape Maintenance Converging Gardens Western DuPage Landscaping, Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Mid-Century Juxtaposition Premier Sponsor THANKS TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS Photo Backdrop Coffee & Dessert Table Platinum Sponsor Residential Maintenance Platinum Sponsor Specialty Element Platinum Sponsor Commercial Maintenance Artistry & Craftsmanship Event The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Awards 2024

Excellence In Landscape

34 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
BrightView Landscape Services Commercial Landscape Maintenance Zurich Summer Flowers Knob Hill Landscape Company Specialty Element Downtown Educational Ecosystem Cypress Lawns Inc. Residential Landscape Construction Hester BrightView Landscape Services Commercial Landscape Construction Oakbrook Center Exterior Landscape Renovation Beverly Companies Residential Landscape Construction Oak Brook Revamp Associa Chicagoland/Perricone Bros. Landscaping Commercial Landscape Construction Courts of Northbrook Townhome Association

Merit Awards 2024

Landscape Concepts Management Commercial Landscape Maintenance Stanley Residence Lightscape Inc. Specialty Element Yaqoob Residence Nature’s Perspective Landscaping Residential Landscape Construction The Ever-Changing Garden Reflections Water Gardens Specialty Element Backyard Streams The Riedell Group Special Event Deer Park Town Center Seasonal Flowers Nature’s Perspective Landscaping Residential Landscape Construction Leading to Lounging

Braving subzero temperatures, a lively group of more than 350 industry professionals and students spent two days learning about plants, training in irrigation, and making new connections. Tuesday, January 16 and Wednesday January 17 featured side-by-side tracks of plant and irrigation education as well as a mini trade show, dinner and trivia at Little Beaver Brewery, and vigorous roundtable discussions.

Tuesday opened with a keynote presentation on Gardens for Our Changing Climate by Jeff Epping, former Director of Horticulture for Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI. Epping, now in private practice as a landscape designer and consultant, discussed a myriad of techniques to maximize garden displays with minimal inputs. One strategy is gravel gardening, a garden style Epping is renowned for, where a six-inch layer of gravel serves as a weed barrier and natural mulch. Epping also stressed the appropriate use of turf and

how many landscapes could thrive with less. “I worked in the turfgrass lab at the University of Minnesota, and a lot of what we were working on is getting rid of non-functional turf and getting people to water the lawn that they do have in a responsible way,” commented Ileana Campagna, student. “It was wonderful to see turf talked about in a non-demonizing way. Epping mentioned there’s a time and a place for lawns, and in a lot of places, they don’t belong. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t belong anywhere.”

Chad Rigsby of Bartlett Tree Experts next presented on Planning and Planting for the Future, featuring tree species to consider as climate change continues to challenge us. Scott Beuerlein of the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden gave an opinionated talk on Bad Ass Trees for Piss Poor Places, giving attendees lots to laugh about and think on for their tree selections. After lunch, registrants were able to drop by 15

(continued on page 38)

InVigorateU 2024 — 36 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Stantec Native Plant Nursery 574-586-2412 email: Specializing in plants & seed mixes for • Solar panel arrays • Pollinator habitat • Wetland mitigations • DOT & roadside corridors Your source for Midwest native seed mixes and live plants • Pipeline & transmission corridors • Stormwater BMPs & rain gardens • Habitat & ecosystem restoration
Thuja occidentalis ‘Lilshreckthu’ PP 33,785 Emerald Squeeze ™ Thuja Compact Habit Evergreen EMERALD SQUEEZE THUJA Thuja occidentalis ‘Lilshreckthu’ PP 33,785 VERSATILE PLANT. FAVORS A SINGLE LEADER HABIT Compact, upright SIZE 8½’ h x 4’ w at 20 years of age ZONES 4–8 Scan to find a wholesale grower Everything you love about Thuja ‘Emerald Green’ in a smaller package. Mature at eight feet with a dense and tidy habit, Emerald Squeeze™ is an ideal selection for smaller gardens and hedges. To find a wholesale grower near you: 1-800-457-1859 www. StarRoses and Plants .com

(continued from page 36)

different industry roundtable chats with topics ranging from utilizing internship programs to working with re-wholesalers, to strategizing designs.

“I like how intimate this event is,” commented Cristin Adams of The Growing Place. “This is a nice way to connect with a large enough, yet not too big of a group. It’s a really good way in the middle of winter to get out of your bubble, to be able to get your brain recharged, because you’re in dormancy a little bit, like a plant. It’s an opportunity to start thinking about fresh ideas that you can realistically implement in the coming season.”

The plants track wrapped up the day with Acknowledging Your Roots: The Idiosyncrasies of the Midwest by Ed Lyon, Director of Reiman Gardens, Ames, IA. Lyon opened attendees’ eyes to the challenges and benefits of our unique part of the world and its landscape opportunities. He was followed by a panel on Cultivating Native Plants: Understanding the Need for Improved Characteristics, featuring plant breeders from public and private organizations. Registrants learned about some of the trickier parts of breeding and selecting trees, shrubs, and perennials for performance and durability. The irrigation track spent the day diving into irrigation design fundamentals and how to utilize Wi-Fi in irrigation, from its benefits to its pitfalls.

In between sessions, attendees visited 34 exhibitors including pavers and hardscape, wholesale nurseries, business services, and horticultural supplies. Tables were busy, with new connections being made and old friends reunited. “We enjoy being able to reacquaint with colleagues and hopefully pick up a customer or two,” commented Carsten Hoffmeyer of Hoffie Nursery, Inc. “Even in the seminars, I hope to pick up something new and valuable. You haven’t seen

(continued on page 40)

InVigorateU 2024 — The Landscape Contractor March 2024 The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company Call 877-227-8358 or visit PRUNING | FERTILIZATION | CABLING & BRACING INSECT & DISEASE MANAGEMENT | TREE INVENTORIES STORM DAMAGE | LIGHTNING PROTECTION | REMOVALS EXPERT TREE CARE FOR 115 YEARS — AND GROWING. For 115 years, our family-owned company has brought a rare mix of groundbreaking science, award-winning safety practices, and global resources to every tree and shrub care task at hand. And at the heart of our success are our people — experts who know and champion every tree, no matter the species. Discover how our passion is inspiring one beautiful property after another. WE’RE FOR EVERY TREE. WE’RE FOR EVERY TREE. Northbrook - Bolingbrook - Lake Barrington - Chicago

InVigorateU 2024 —

(continued from page 38)

your customers in quite some time. It’s a nice way to get going in the new year. What I really like about our industry is that we’re really honest and true to each other.”

Tuesday finished with a ticketed dinner at Little Beaver Brewery featuring a good-natured cut-throat game of plantthemed trivia. The Darren’s Pub team took the prize and Darren Graves of the City of Peoria proudly took home the gnome trophy until next year. Darren’s team vows a rematch!

Wednesday’s opening keynote was Underused Trees & Shrubs for More Interesting Landscapes presented by Scott Beuerlein. He gave attendees lots to think about as he explored intriguing plant selections hardy to Illinois and the Midwest. The rest of the day for the plants track was divided into four breakout sessions where attendees could choose from 11 different one-hour presentations. Topics ranged from trees and shrubs for pollinators to edible landscaping to designing for curb appeal and much more. Meanwhile, the irrigation track learned about low voltage electrical trouble-

shooting and two wire irrigation systems.

“It’s fabulous!” enthused Heidi Sibert, senior VP, James Martin Associates. “From being here the first year to seeing how it has grown and flourished has been wonderful. That it brings some of the people from Central and Southern Illinois who may not be able to make it to iLandscape, to me, is a tremendous benefit. I’m bumping into people and recognizing folks. We’re so fortunate with the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association.”

The collegial atmosphere and easy networking made InVigorateU warm and welcoming, despite the frigid temperatures. “My show experience has been phenomenal,” commented Ryan Heitman co-owner & president, Fisher Burton Company. “It’s my fourth year down here and as a landscape architect, I originally came down from the Chicagoland area as a quick and easy way to pick up my CEUS. And after coming for a year or two I realized how much I loved it! I’m originally from Iowa and so I always say this event just feels more homey to me. It’s smaller and more intimate. I love this place.”

The Landscape Contractor March 2024 40

Pendiente de las ediciones de abril y mayo de la revista

42 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Landscape Contractor—

Double Play Doozie® is a groundbreaking non-invasive spirea. Trialed, tested and proven to rebloom, this seedless beauty puts all its energy into creating wave after wave of red-pink flowers all season, with no need to trim or deadhead.

Available from Proven Winner s ® ColorChoice® growers

The Landscape Contractor 43 March 2024
2-3’ tall + wide
Colorful Foliage | Compact | Reblooming
Spring USDA 3-8

New Members —


Arbeen Landscaping

Tyler Arbeen

6610 Ridge Road

West Chicago, IL 60185


Phone: 630-280-4239

Artisan Outdoor Living

Juan Ayala

26104 N Hickory Ave

Mundelein, IL 60060


Phone: 847-878-7484

Bergman Nurseries

Trevor Friye

3715 N. 12th St. Quincy, IL 62305


Phone: 217-430-1436

Brehob Nurseries LLC.

Erick Brehob

4316 Bluff Rd Indianapolis, IN 46217


Phone: 317-339-1058

Chip & Dip Pool And Spa Services, Llc.

Phil Janowiak

2975 ELLSWORTH DR Yorkville, IL 60560


Phone: 630-688-1477

Craiger Custom Design

Eric Hagen

2510 IL Route 176 Unit D

Crystal Lake, IL 60014


Phone: 815-479-9660

Dobson Landscaping Inc

Jon Dobson


Orland Park, IL 60467


Phone: 708-308-5495

Electronic Entry Systems, Inc.

John Dini

1056 Gage Street

Winnetka, IL 60093


Phone: 847-456-1565

Evanston Landscaping LLC

Courtlin Boyce

1114 Judson Ave

Evanston, IL 60202


Phone: 847-641-0595

Golden Willow Landscaping

Indalecio Proa


Batavia, IL 60510


Phone: 630-364-6247

Good To Grow Landscaping

Kim Hiemenz

3044 W Offner Rd

Monee, IL 60449


Phone: 708-534-7070

Green Arbor Landscape

Contractors, Inc.

Jason Flutman

Frankfort, IL 60423


Phone: 312-656-7304

Green Light Landscaping

Dan Owens

15105 Short Rd

Danville, IL 61834


Phone: 217-474-5632

HND Farm

Curt Adams

65 Spring Greek Rd

Barrington, IL 60010


Phone: 630-417-2626

Keeping it green

Megan macklin

7400 Rory Ct

Oreana, IL 62554


Phone: 217-433-2088

Kings Court Landscape

Clay Carrasco

2408 Moutray Lane

North Aurora, IL 60542


Phone: 630-857-6565

Landscape Additions Inc

Matt Pearson


Tinley Park, IL 60181


MAEK Landscapes LLC

Zack Abear

Lake Villa, IL 60046


Phone: 224-302-2124

Marrufo’s Landscaping

Alejandro Marrufo


Chicago, IL 60629


MTZ Landscaping & Design

Refugio Martinez

4713 11th Ave B

Moline, IL 61265


Phone: 309-850-9514

Paluga Landscaping Llc

Matthew Paluga

205 2nd St

Libertyville, IL 60048


Prairie Path Group

Dylan Anderson


La Grange, IL 60525


Phone: 708-354-2182

Premier Lighting And Outdoors Inc

Daniel Fernandez

165 Prairie Lake Rd Suite M

East Dundee, IL 60118


Phone: 847-551-1500

Prime Cuts Lawn Care LLC

Miguel Aguilar

Valparaiso, IN 46383

Email: primecutslawncare!

Phone: 219-405-2064

Rainmakers Irrigation & Maintenance

Edward Mason

1338 Enterprise Dr.

Romeoville, IL 60446


Phone: 630-878-0990

The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Resilient Design, LLC

Chris Baran

5535 North McVicker Avenue

Chicago, IL 60630


Phone: 773-209-2082 resilientdesignchicago

Revive Your LLc

Gabriel Guerrero

4828 lawndale ave

McCook, IL 60525


Phone: 630-320-9716

Riley Lawn & Snow

Aaron Riley

115 Prairie Street

Aurora, IL 60506


Phone: 630-859-3345

Ropp’s Flowers Factory Inc.

Roger Cramer

218 S Melvin st

Gibson City, IL 60936


Phone: 217-249-5437

Stoneleaf Landscape

Jeff Johnson

1355 Warren Ave

Downers Grove, IL 60515


Phone: 630-601-0795

Sweetgrass Gardens, LLC

Amanda Nugent

500 Lake Ave

Wilmette, IL 60091


Phone: 312-282-9566

The Patio Kitchen Co

Scott Worley

PO 1142

O’Fallon, IL 62269


Phone: 618-510-9060

Wave Outdoors

Brian Dreher

600 S Emerson St

Mt. Prospect, IL 60056


Phone: 312-772-2300

Whelan’s Landscape Co

Thomas Whelan

117 S. COOK ST. #337 Barrington, IL 60010


Phone: 847-875-9906

Freelance Landscape Designers

Ancient Prairie Habitat

Donna Sturm

112 N 2nd St

Chillicothe, IL 61523


Phone: 309-303-3631

City of Peoria

Darren Graves

2901 N. Sheridan Rd.

Peoria, IL 61604


Phone: 309-648-1102

eisenhart ecoscapes

Tom Eisenhart

7214 Ticonderoga Place

Downers Grove, IL 60516


Phone: 312-925-6949

Kathryn Rockett

Kathy Rockett

21255 W Sylvan S Mundelein, IL 60060


Phone: 708-609-9494

Melinda Quigley Landscape Design LLC

Melinda Quigley

200 Kyle Lane

Kirkland, IL 60146


Phone: 815-762-4877

Government or Not-for-profit Members

Buffalo Grove Park District

Dani Hoefle

530 Barnard Dr

Buffalo Grove, IL 60089


Phone: 847-850-2166

City Of St Charles

Victor Pierce

2 East Main St St Charles, Il 60174


Phone: 630-377-4405

Oakton College

John Dattolo

1600 E. Golf Road

Des Plaines, IL 60016


Phone: 847-635-2617

Village of Romeoville Parks Department

Robert Constantine

900 W Romeo Rd

Romeoville, IL 60446


Phone: 815-886-6075

Out of State Contractor Members

New Frontiers Outdoor Living, LLC

Joshua Meert


Mishawaka, IN 46544


Phone: 574-255-4855

The Green Thumbers

Ben Kay

3030 Brady St

Davenport, IA 52803


Phone: 563-323-0055

Student Members

Distinct Outdoor Living LLC

Noah Balice

Elmhurst, IL 60126


Phone: 630-520-5007

Mia Olson

Mia olson

1314 E Hull Dr

Wheaton, IL 60189


Phone: 630-386-3804

Ryan’s Lawn & Leaf

Ryan Arnold

1145 Martin St

Sycamore, IL 60178


Phone: 815-217-4226

The Landscape Contractor 45 March 2024

New Members —

Supplier Members

Act Global

Alex Quick

4201 West Parmer Lane Suite B 175

Austin, TX 78727


Phone: 512-827-6443

DBK Salt Supply

Zully Arroyo


Pevely, MO 63070


Phone: 636-224-2412

Elegance by NT Trading

Ezra Bicioglu

220 Goffle Road

Hawthorne, NJ 07506


Phone: 917-963-7370

J & L Morris Trucking

Sean Wait

2808 Wayne Dr

Oakwood, IL 61858


Phone: 217-497-8099

MS International Inc.

Timothy William Triggs

1441 Jarvis Ave

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007


Phone: 847-212-9344

Nord Outdoor Power Corp

Douglas Nord

1716 E Hamilton Rd

Bloomington, IL 61704


Phone: 309-663-5151

Omni Ecosystems

Chris Foley

4131 S. State Street

Chicago, IL 60609


Phone: 312-656-2731

Organic Solutions


27881 W Sullivan Lake Rd

Ingleside, IL 60041


Phone: 847-913-9069

Scott’s Power Equipment

Julie Fisher

11200 Saint Charles Rock Road

Bridgeton, MO 63044


Phone: 314-429-3600


Matthew Olson

PO Box 491

Delavan, WI 53115


Phone: 262-725-4500

Ted’s Greenhouse Inc

Daniel Biernacki

16930 84 TH AVENUE

Tinley Park, IL 60487


Phone: 708-552-6669

Trinity Stone

Brad Leman

227 N Eureka St

Goodfield, IL 61742


Phone: 309-965-2688

US Equipment Sales & Rentals

Simon Bradley

13011 Grant Road

Lemont, IL 60439


Phone: 630-296-1999

Visual Comfort & Co.

Jennifer Poremba

7400 Linder Avenue

Skokie, IL 60077


Phone: 847-410-4428

Whole Earth Compost, LLC

Denise Macias

2000 East 122nd Street Chicago, IL 60633


Phone: 312-288-9842

Zimber Marketing Group

Beau Chalene

7411 East Sixth Ave Ste 206 Scottsdale, AZ 85251


Phone: 480-819-2411

The Landscape Contractor March 2024 46
• Outcroppings and Boulders • Concrete & Clay Pavers • Retaining Walls • Ponds and Low Voltage Lighting • Seeds & Fertilizers • Mulch & Decorative Stone • Limestone Sills & Counter Tops • Bluestone - Nominal & Dimensional • Building Stone • Masonry Products 1300 Route 31 • South Elgin, IL 60177 (Corner of Route 31 & McLean Blvd.) 847-888-6133 • So the World Builds Better • Since 1934 DELIVERY AVAILABLE Supplying All Your Landscape Needs

Inspiration Alley

Editor’s Note: Over time, we run across a mountain of fun, innovative, and generally creative ideas. They don’t always fit with the magazine content, but we do collect them for some future use. This brings us to Inspiration Alley, a place where we display pure creativity. It’s up to you to judge the merit of each offering. So use it, lose it or be inspired to try something different.

Trialed and True

The Chicago Botanic Garden’s Plant Evaluation Program began in 1982 and thousands of plants have been trialed at the Garden. Here are four great performers, but you can find countless others at .

48 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Calamagrostis ‘Cheju-Do.’ Full sun to partial shade Symphyotrichum ‘Billowing Pink.’ Full Sun Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana.’.Full sun to partial shade Origanum ‘Drops of Jupiter.’ Full sun
49 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 GET A LOW-MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE CONSTANT reblooming color COMPACT mass planting TO LEARN more and place your order: 1-800-457-1859 Petite Knock Out® ‘Meibenbino’ PP 30,811 U.S. Pat. No. 11,252,928 CPB R 6,553 www.KnockO ut Roses. com CREDIBLE 2023 AGRS™ Winner & 2023 A.R.T.S. Winner

Midwest Plant Talk —

Exciting and Reliable New Plants for Your Landscape Designs

As we enter into a new landscaping season, there is one question that is commonly asked: what’s new? We are constantly looking for that next new, exciting plant. Maybe it is a plant that solves a particular landscape issue. Maybe it brings an exciting new flower or foliage color. Or maybe it has an interesting texture that brings a landscape to the next level. But new can also lead to some uncertainty. Will it live up to the hype? Will it perform as promised? As much as new plants excite us, it can feel risky adding them to our landscape designs.

At Midwest Groundcovers, we try to be diligent about adding new plants to our product line. As much as we are a group of self-professed plant enthusiasts, we are also very concerned with survivability and performance in the landscape. We approach new genetics with a level of optimistic skepticism. We are excited about the promises these new plants make us, but we must see it perform before we can truly recommend it. There are a few plants that really stood out to us for 2024 that we feel are worth an add to your next design. Some are functional, and some are just visually exciting!

foliage that almost resembles a juniper! And then in the fall, the entire plant is covered in small white flowers. It is really quite stunning. It does spreads by runners, but is relatively well behaved. It can tolerate drought conditions and clay soils. Try ‘Snow Flurry’ on a border or use as a ground cover in a sunny location! Functional, and beautiful!

Pycnanthemum muticum – sometimes we get asked “what’s new in native plants”, and finding NEW native plants suited for the landscape can be tricky. Blunt Mountain Mint has certainly wowed us. It gets a bit taller, at 3’ in an ideal location (full sun, medium soils). Try pairing it with native grasses like Schizachyrium or Bouteloua. Its silvery white bold foliage will stand out well among the delicate grass foliage. It is also a magnet for pollinators of all kind – bees, wasps and butterflies.

Symphyotrichum ericoides ‘Snow Flurry’ – We watched this plant for 3 years before adding it. We were unsure about it when we first were introduced to it. A low-growing, groundcover-like Heath Aster - it was unlike anything we have seen. During the spring and summer, it forms a carpet of spikey

Heuchera ‘Ball Gown’: We have been on the eternal search to find the perfect chartreuse Heuchera. One that can handle a bit of sun or shade, and doesn’t melt in the summer heat. It has been a tough ask. But finally, we have found one that performed incredibly well in our trial gardens. We had it planted under a crab apple tree– dappled shade, but some sun exposure. Most underwhelmed us, but ‘Ball Gown’ kept its bright, chartreuse color, and had minimal browning in the hottest parts of the summer. It is also a robust plant, growing 24”-36” wide. If you are looking for a pop of color in a part shade garden, this could do the trick!

Phlox Luminary Series – ‘Opalescence’, ‘Backlight’, ‘Sunset Coral’, and ‘Ultraviolet’: It was hard to convince us that our tried-and-true Phlox like ‘Laura’, ‘Nicki’, and ‘David’ really needed a refresh – they had performed well for us for a long time. We were shown the Luminary Series a few times. But seeing them last summer at Walters Gardens really changed our minds. All varieties were covered in flow ers – way more flower power than we had seen with other Garden Phlox. The plants themselves were well bodied, sturdy and the foliage was dark green and clean – no powdery mildew in sight. And the flower color on ‘Sunset Coral’ and ‘Ultraviolet’ was show stopping. We feel they are more disease resistant and will make a bigger color impact in the landscape.

50 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Midwest Plant Talk —

(continued from page 50)

Hydrangea Invincibelle Sublime™ - A new Hydrangea arborescens, a classic landscape shrub. I fell in love with this plant almost instantly when I saw it for the first time at Spring Meadow Nursery. I love the color purple, and I was wowed to see that the beautiful lime green flowers of Sublime had little tufts of purple inflorescence floating above the flower petals. From afar, it looks like a nice, sturdy, lime – green Smooth Hydrangea. But up close, the flowers offer so much more interest. Try this one as a swap for ‘Annabelle’!

Hydrangea macrophylla Eclipse® - I know, another Hydrangea! But this one is so different! Its stunning dark purple foliage is unlike anything on the market. And the foliage paired with its raspberry red flowers makes it an absolute stunner. It will have the best foliage color performance in full sun. This is not only a landscape plant, it is also an amazing container plant. The large, bold dark foliage can be paired with your favorite annuals or perennials!

Spring is in the air, and planning is in full swing. Embrace the new year with trying one of these new plants! All offer something different – bold colors, functionality, and overall improved performance. Take a risk, get outside of your landscape comfort zone, and try one of these new varieties this season!

52 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 (847) 537-2177 North Chicago 635 Margate Drive Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Milwaukee 13125 Washington Drive Germantown, WI 53022 South Chicago 9710 W. 194th St Mokena, IL 60448 We specialize in working with LCO’s to maximize your profitability while helping provide your clientele with excellent turf conditions /// Work with our team of experts to develop treatment options for healthy trees /// Your one stop shop for the most diverse selection of landscape and lawn care specific products ///
& Ice Melter
Rock Salt
where and when you need it. You can count on us from the first snowfall to the last of the season

Growers & Distributors of Quality Nursery Stock

We are the premier shade tree grower in the Chicagoland area with of 400 acres of quality field-grown nursery stock . Cedar Path Nurseries has two conveniently located sales yards, Lockport and Barrington, to better serve our clients.

Cedar Path Nurseries carries a full line of B&B trees and shrubs, container shrubs, perennials and groundcovers. Not only are we your onestop-shop, but we are sourcing experts. We look forward to assisting on your next project.

The Landscape Contractor 53 March 2024
15235 W. Bruce Road, Lockport, IL 60491 Office 815.838- 4900 |Fax 815.838.4999 Barrington, Illinois 190 W. Penny Road, Barrington, IL 60010 Office 847.551.3700 | Fax 847.551.3707 SALES@CEDARPATH.NET | WWW.CEDARPATH.NET

Member Profile Snapshot

Open Air Living LLC

1120 Oak Street

DeKalb, IL 60115

(630) 388-8372

It all started with a tour. Sean Kelley already had a degree in landscape architecture and a company that built landscapes and rooftop gardens. Seeking to expand his offerings, he and his wife toured an Italian manufacturer of custom pergolas.

“I turned to my wife and said, this is amazing,” he says. That morphed into a second company, “Open Air Living LLC,” focusing exclusively on outdoor kitchens, pergolas, outdoor saunas and cold plunges. He continues to run his original landscape contracting firm, Reveal Design LLC.

Launched at iLandscape 2023, Open Air Living not only sources the pergolas from the Italian manufacturer, but also has a partnership with an Indiana company that makes custom outdoor aluminum cabinetry. “Once I saw the quality of his work, I said we need to offer this cabinetry to our customers,” Kelley says.

Open Air Living’s products and services have grown to the pergolas, cabinetry, saunas, cold plunge, installation and training. “This year outdoor saunas have become a big thing,” he says. “I feel we have become experts.”

Kelley offered the products both to his own customers, but also wholesale to other landscape contractors. Initially, he was not sure whether the latter wanted to install them by themselves or have Open Air Living do it for them, so Kelley trained and used employees from Reveal. When it became clear that most wanted him to provide the entire service, he finally hired a new employee and now has an installation crew, as well as office staff. “I’ve found more people want us to do the installation,” he says.

Communication is important to Kelley. “It is a firm first,” he says. “If we have a timeline, we stick to it. Lead time, price point, we stick to it.” This comes from experience with other vendors. “I understand there always are last minute projects or changes, but it’s important to make sure everybody knows what is going on.”

His ILCA membership has become key to Kelley. When he started Open Air Living, he did it from a booth at iLandscape. This year, he again showed at iLandscape, but in a larger booth. “I usually find one or two new companies or products at iLandscape,” he says.

54 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Just as important, he annually sends employees to the educational offerings.

Like many landscape contractors, Kelley started out mowing lawns in high school, eventually matriculating at the University of Illinois, where he earned a degree in landscape architecture. Armed with the degree, he aimed his sights on residential work.

He credits his ability to talk with homeowners to being the second oldest of 15 children. “It was a multi-cultural family,” he says. He is proud that, “the youngest nine were adopted.” His siblings now live all over the country, doing a variety of jobs.

At home Kelley lives in Batavia with his wife, Stacey, and their four children, ages three to nine years old. His wife helps with the invoicing part time and their three-year-old is in love with his father’s tractors and trucks.

Kelley is delighted with the two companies he started. “My goal is to keep on expanding,” he says.

55 Order your tree, shrub, and perennial plant material for 2024. We’re here for you, season after season. 5 day dig window may be required. 8920 Howe Road Wonder Lake, IL (815) 653-9293 Growing for your success. Now Digging for Spring! The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Classified Ads


Account Manager

Dutch Valley, Inc is a legacy landscaping company. Family-owned and focused rooted in the south suburbs of Chicago, IL. We’re seeking kind, motivated people to help extend our reach in Chicagoland, Indiana, and beyond. Are you passionate about building, growing, and maintaining landscapes that enrich our communities? Keep reading…..

Account Manager Responsibilities:

• Customer Service: Provide high-quality customer service—including site walk-throughs, formal meetings, and issue resolution—that lead to 90% of account renewals.

• Sales: Grow existing accounts and earn new work to meet branch goals. This will involve proactively identifying areas of opportunity with your customers, developing accurate estimates and take-offs, supporting business development, selling and maintaining acceptable gross margins for contracts and enhancements.

• Production Communication: Meet (and exceed!) the needs and expectations of your customers by developing strong, collaborative partnerships with clients and staff.

• Administrative: Yep, some paperwork is required. You’ll be responsible for preparing sales reports, estimates, contracts, enhancements, and accounts receivable if necessary. We are a tech-forward company, you can expect to utilize tablets, smartphones, computers, a multitude of Apps, and software.

Working Conditions:

You’ll primarily work outdoors with exposure to varying temperatures, weather conditions, humidity, and noise levels. Some desk work will be required with time sitting in an office setting.


• Crystal clear communication

• Positive and professional attitude

• Sense of humor—make us laugh or laugh along with us!

• Passion for serving our clients.

• Problem-solving skills

• Proficiency in current technology and computer applications (e.g., smartphone, tablet, Microsoft Office)

• Minimum 5 years of sales experience

• Minimum 5 years of experience in a horticulturalrelated field

• 2 or 4-year degree in a business-related field

• Valid driver’s license and a safe driving record Account Manager Benefits & Perks:

• 6 Paid Holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year)

• 5 PTO Days Per Calander Year

• Tenure Recognition

• New Client Bonus

• Enhancement Bonus

• 401(k)

• Company-paid laptop, iPhone, iPad, and Vehicle for professional use

• 40-60 Hr. Work Week

• Base Salary $70,000-$80,000 (Depending on Experience)

Dutch Valley, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We celebrate differences and embrace diversity. We do not discriminate based on age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, military or veteran status, marital status, or any other protected characteristics. We respect and acknowledge diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences within our team.

How to apply: Send Resume via email to Info@ DutchValleyInc.Net

Landscape Account Sales Manager (Sr and Jr level positions available)

Winters Landscape, Inc. is looking for Senior and Junior Level Sales Account Managers to join our growing team. If you have 2-5 years of Landscape Maintenance Account Management experience, and would consider yourself a self-motivator with an energetic, positive character, we want to speak with you!

A Landscape Account Sales Manager at Winters Landscape will create opportunities for new sales and business development utilizing our network of current and past clients in the Chicago Metropolitan and surrounding areas.

Winters Landscape, Inc. offers a competitive sal-


ary and incentive-based sales commission earning structure, matching 401K, health care, paid vacation, and company vehicle.

How to apply: Apply via email to Jonathan Winters at

Landscape Construction Manager

Winters Landscape, Inc. is looking for a Construction Project Manager to join our growing team. If you have a minimum of 3 years of Project Manager experience working with commercial landscape projects, we want to speak with you!

A successful candidate will have excellent communication, organization, leadership, and time management skills. Our Project Managers work directly with the client ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget, by successfully managing on-site construction crews and focusing on quality, profitability, and job completeness. Winters Landscape offers a competitive salary and incentive-based earning structure, matching 401K, health care, paid vacation, and company vehicle/ cell phone.

How to apply: Apply by emailing Jonathan Winters at

Turf Care Technician

The primary responsibility of this position is to assist with the physical work related to the Profession Turf Care Program. The individual selected for this role will be applying granular fertilizer, liquid herbicide, operating stand on sprayers, seeders, tractors, and aeration equipment. This person will be working along side and assisting the Turf Care Manager to coordinate logistics and planning for all PTC work as requested. This may include assisting with purchasing, inventory and other administrative responsibilities.


• Hourly compensation based on experience $20-$30/hr

• Fulltime Position – OT Available

• Group Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits

• Five Paid Sick/Personal days after 60 days- Paid Holidays

Send resume to:

56 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 OPEN POSITIONS: Account Manager Bookkeeper | (847) 634-1660 | (303) 440-7833

Classified Ads


Construction Manager, Project Foreman, Project Installers


CB Conlin Landscapes Inc. is seeking an experienced Construction Manager who can effectively schedule, organize, coordinate, and oversee our inhouse residential hardscape and landscape installation crews as well as subcontractors. The position would be responsible for daily communication with our design team, purchaser, and installation crews to ensure the work is completed properly and efficiently. The ability to read and understand site plans and construction details as well as a thorough knowledge of hardscape/softscape materials and proper installation methods is required. Microsoft Office and Excel knowledge is a plus. We offer excellent salary, health, and retirement benefits. Please forward resumes to slucchetti@cbconlin. com or call (630) 416-8998 for more information.


CB Conlin Landscapes Inc. is seeking an experienced Project Foreman who can effectively lead a team of 3-4 hardscape installers. The ability to understand site plans and construction details as well as knowledge of hardscape materials such as pavers, clay brick, and natural stone is a must. Must have a valid Driver’s License, CDL is a plus. We offer very competitive hourly pay along with health and retirement benefits. Please email resumes to or call (630) 416-8998 for more information.


CB Conlin Landscapes Inc. is seeking experienced hardscape and softscape installers. Valid Driver’s License and CDL are a plus. We offer very competitive hourly pay, health and retirement benefits, and opportunities for advancement. Please email resumes to or call (630) 416-8998 for more information.

Park Specialist I -Riverwalk Horticulturist

The Naperville Park District is looking for a qualified candidate to join our park maintenance department as a Park Specialist I. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced professional in the area of horticulture, general landscape maintenance, and annual flower design to utilize their skills in a team environment to make a positive impact on Naperville’s Riverwalk.

Schedule: Monday -Friday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm, some weekend work

Salary: $21.50/hr + DOQ

How to apply:

Landscape Designer

Are you a skilled landscape designer passionate about creating outdoor spaces that captivate and inspire? Join Poul’s Landscaping and Nursery, Inc., based in Long Grove, IL, and become a vital part of our thriving team as we gear up for the upcoming season. At Poul’s, we recognize that our strength lies in the individuals who make up our team. We prioritize the well-being of our employees by fostering a healthy work/life balance, ensuring that you not only excel in your role but also have ample time to spend with your loved ones. As an experienced landscape designer, your


talent will contribute to our continued growth and success. Poul’s is committed to providing competitive compensation packages, comprehensive health insurance, a 401(k) plan, and various other benefits to support your professional and personal development.

For specific position requirements and a detailed overview of our benefits, please visit our website at

Ready to take the next steps? Send your resume to

Turf, Tree, & Shrub TechnicianFull-Time

Join Poul’s Landscaping in Long Grove, IL!

Now hiring a Full-Time Turf, Tree, and Shrub Technician for our Plant Health Care Division. Responsibilities include lawn, tree, and shrub care applications, pest and disease identification, and client communication. Training provided. Required: Valid driver’s license and Pesticide Operator’s License. Earn $20-25/hour, plus benefits like paid holidays, personal time off, bonuses, and educational opportunities. Take your career to new heights – apply today!

Learn more at

How to apply: Email your resume to

Professional Plant People Wanted: Landscape Designer + Construction Project Manager

Let’s start a conversation!

Wave Outdoors Landscape + Design is hiring multiple landscape professional positions. You may be a good fit for our team if: you are respectful and honest, embrace technology, like to work smart first and hard second, and desire to enjoy who you work with, what you’re paid, and the resources you’re given. Our systems in place reduce the barriers to actually completing your work, which is why we are unique and creative. Learning is our passion, as well as creating beautiful landscapes and delighting our clients.

Salary: $60k-$100k for either position dependent on skill and ability.

How to apply: Please email your resume to


We are looking to add a talented landscape design and sales professional to our team as we continue to expand. We are seeking creative candidates who thrive in a collaborative studio setting with the ability to lead projects through all phases including client contact, design, cost estimating, sales and project management.

Minimum requirements:

A 4-year degree in Landscape Architecture or 3-5 years of Landscape Design experience in the field. A minimum of 3 years (preferred) professional work experience with a proven sales history. Strong plant and construction knowledge. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite. Proficiency in UVision or other 3D design programs. Will train UVision program if needed. Working knowledge of construction detailing and implementation.

Ideal candidates should be detail-oriented, logical thinking, conscientious, professional, and maintain


a high level of honesty and integrity.

How to apply: email resume and portfolio to


The Growing Place in Naperville is looking for a strong, fast, and organized individual to lead the retail staff, help with customer interactions, stocking, and care of plants. Applicants should have experience leading people and be excited about plants. Collaboration with other teams and leaders will be frequent and encouraged. This is a fulltime position with possibilities to be year-round or seasonal.

How to apply: Visit https://thegrowingplace.

Assistant Superintendent of Golf Course Maintenance

Position Summary: This person will work under the direction of the Superintendent of Golf Course Maintenance. Under basic supervision assists with supervising staff, maintenance, and repair projects at the Tam Golf Course. $50,000-$60,000 with generous benefits package

Essential Functions:

Assists with managing the maintenance and repair of course facilities and equipment.

Supervises work crews, monitors operations, and verifies the efficient and timely accomplishment of assigned duties.

Inspects, adjusts, and performs minor repairs and maintenance of all turf grass and golf course equipment. Inspects turf areas daily for fungus, insects, and undesirable vegetation.

How to apply: E-mail resume to

Landscape Construction Project Manager

This position is responsible for supervising landscape construction projects to accommodate client needs and expectations. Job duties include managing high-end residential landscaping projects, coordinating with sales and production teams, and overseeing construction crews.

Responsibilities include planning and coordinating all aspects of landscape construction, ultimately ensuring customer satisfaction by delivering projects according to the design plan and within budgeted man hours.

How to apply: join-doering-landscape-team/

Landscape Designer/Architect/Sales

Doering Landscape Company is seeking a highly motivated, career-oriented person with a passion for innovative design.

This position has the responsibility to develop, organize and execute landscape design solutions for presentations and sales to clients. This process involves meeting with clients, identifying plant materials, creating estimates and proposals, which lead to the purchase of landscape construction services.

The position also is responsible for coordinating and supervising construction services and subcontractors.

How to apply: join-doering-landscape-team/

58 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
59 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 HELP WANTED “HELP WANTED” AD SALES ARE LIMITED TO ILCA MEMBER COMPANIES Submit your ads online at or (630) 472-2851 ext. 1 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED JOIN NOW for 2023! Visit for membership information. Our people are the bottom line SEE OUR CURRENT OPENINGS

Classified Ads

Landscape Account Manager

Tired of working for the BIG company where you are just a small fish in a BIG pond? Tired of promises not kept. Or, are you with a small company going nowhere?

My name is Geno Neri the owner of Neri Landscape! You see I love landscaping, We have been in business for over 25 years!

My problem, because we continue to grow, I need another great account manager for my company. I’m looking for a mature person who is working as an account manager now. I’m looking for a “people person” to add to our, can do it, positive culture. Someone with a great attitude, I can trust with my clients.

What are the benefits of this position? It’s full-time with an annual salary. Don’t worry, I’m going to pay you better than my competition so you’re happy, so you can make our clients happy so I can be happy. And there’s more. You get, medical insurance, major holidays paid, a mobile phone, a laptop computer, vacation, and most importantly, respect.

So, if you want to work in a small pond and be a BIG fish send me your resume, and then let’s talk. You can help solve my problem and perhaps I can help you solve yours. For more information about my company go to the Neri Landscape website or email/call my cell phone at Geno@nerilandscape. com / (630)338-3557

Job Type: Full-time, Salary: $65,000.00$95,000.00 per year

Benefits: 401(k) matching, Health insurance, Paid time off

Bonus opportunities, Commission pay, Work Location: Batavia IL

How to apply: Please email your resume to Geno@

Sales and Project Manager

A Garden Guy Landscaping works predominantly in the north and northwest suburbs of Chicago.

We are looking to hire a Sales and Project manager. Responsibilities would include: managing maintenance crews, meeting prospective clients, putting together job proposals, and managing projects. Compensation includes salary plus sales incentives. Some experience in landscaping, hardscaping, design, and maintenance is preferred.

How to apply: email Matthew

King’s Landscape Design is Hiring : Design Sales and Maintenance Account Management

King’s has been a staple in the western suburbs for over 50 years.

We are in need of a Sales / Design individual and a Maintenance Account Manager. Both positions are salaried and will be commiserate with experience and education. We offer 401K and health insurance. The ideal candidates will be energetic, gregarious, and self-driven.

Design / architectural experience or education would be a plus for the sales position. A horticulture background, or degree, would be ideal for the maintenance account manager.

We appreciate all inquiries.

How to apply: Please direct questions and resumes to

Turn-Key Landscape Facility For LeaseHampshire, IL

Furnished Office, Shop, and 3 Acres of Lighted Yard Area For Lease.

Suitable for Landscape Contractors with all the Amenities at this Turn-Key Facility.

Contact Adam Neisendorf for detailed information. Email: or Phone: (847) 428-1000 ext. 228

Landscape Designer

The Green Thumbers is looking for an experienced and knowledgeable Landscape Designer, who works well in a fast paced environment with excellent time management skills, to join our team.

Responsibilities & Job Qualifications: -Design and sell landscape projects. -Meet with potential customers at their homes or business locations. -Generate proposals and work through the bid process with customers. -Manage, resolve and implement any client issues. -Supervise work crews.

-Experience in Landscape Design. -Experience in Landscape Design Software - LMN preferred.

-Horticulture knowledge of plants and landscape/ hardscape material. -Superior sales and customer service experience. -Excellent time management and prioritizing skills. -Leadership, communication and organizational skills. -High level of motivation and professionalism. -Skills to develop and create an excellent customer relationship.

How to apply: Email Ben

Landscape Project


Buhrman Design Group, Inc is seeking a Landscape Project Coordinator to join our landscape construction team.

Landscape Project Coordinator Role

Daily and Field Responsibilities:

• Be part of the team to manage landscape construction projects on projected budget.

• Help schedule construction projects and assign construction crews.

• Manage crews to ensure efficiency and projected completion date.

• Review design plans with crew staff and assist in project layout.

• Conduct weekly safety meetings for construction crews. Reinforce safety protocols and introduce new safety regulations.

What Buhrman Design Group Offers:

• Excellent pay.

• Heath Care

• Matching 401K program.

• Paid vacation time, sick days, and holiday pay.

• Continuing education support.

• Company vehicle, phone, and laptop. Email your resume to: rod@buhrmandesigngroup. com 847-417-2270

Class A CDL Driver

Hanson Landscape is hiring for a Class A with combination and air brakes CDL driver. Driver must have at least 2 years or more of experience with hauling construction and landscaping equipment, and material. Driver must have a DOT medical card and be willing to travel for up to a week or less. Driver must also be willing to perform snow removal during the Winter months and be able to lift up to 60 lbs.

Skills & Qualification:

-Class A CDL with combination and air brakes

-2 years experience as a CDL driver

-DOT Medical Card

-Must keep log book

-Must follow all DOT safety rules and regulations

How to apply: Email -

Account Manager Wanted

Seeking an Account Manager to oversee landscape maintenance clients, ensuring satisfaction and fostering strong relationships.

Responsibilities include managing budgets, coordinating with teams, and proposing enhancements. Communication is key, bridging clients and operations, discussing budgets, and resolving issues promptly. The ideal candidate possesses 3-5 years of landscape or related experience, excels in communication, and juggles multiple priorities effectively. Proficiency in Microsoft Office and project management software is essential, along with a clean driver’s license.

We offer a fast-growing environment fostering long-term careers, emphasizing employee development, and providing competitive benefits such as incentive programs, funded education, medical and dental insurance, a 401(k) with company match, and ample paid time off.

How to apply: E-Mail Brian Dolwick - bdolwick@

Irrigation Technician

Hanson Landscape is searching for an Irrigation Technician to join our team. Must have 2+ years of irrigation experience, and be able to work on commercial, and residential sites. Installation experience is a must, and willingness to travel out of state for irrigation projects. Able to read irrigation design plans, and make changes when and if necessary. Good organizational skills. Proper completion of timesheets, service orders, and other record-keeping. Able to do any and all repairs, but not limited to pipe, wire, valves, heads, clocks, etc. Must have a valid Illinois driver’s license and be able to be insured on our Auto Insurance. IDPH license is a plus, but not necessary.

How to apply: Please contact Tom Reedy at or call (630) 360) 4510 for more details or to set up an interview. Hourly rate based on experience and capability.

Account Manager

As a Landscape Account Manager, you will be responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with clients in the landscaping industry. Your primary goal will be to ensure client satisfaction and loyalty while managing and growing a portfolio of landscape accounts.

You will act as the main point of contact for clients, providing them with exceptional customer service, addressing their needs, and coordinating with internal teams to deliver high-quality landscaping solutions. Your expertise in landscape management, sales, and client relationship management will contribute to the success and growth of our company.

Qualifications: Minimum 2 years account management experience, English and Spanish (preferred), and Driver’s License.

For more information please reach out to Andrew Mott at

60 The Landscape Contractor March 2024

Landscape Design Associate

Annette Held Landscape Design, Ltd.

Chicago, Illinois

Annette Held Landscape Design, Ltd., is a design/ build/maintenance firm that works primarily in Chicago. We provide a variety of landscape services to residential and commercial properties throughout the city.

Landscape Design Associate

• Provide landscape design services, and oversee landscape maintenance and installation of landscape projects.

Skills Required:

• Able to execute landscape site assessments

• Able to create base maps

• Able to create landscape designs

• Familiar with landscape trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals

• Familiar with landscape tools and uses

• Familiar with CAD, Excel, Sketch-up, and other computer design tools

• Associate or Bachelors degree a plus but not required; demonstration of skills most important

• Able to get along well with others

• Willingness to do whatever is necessary to get the job done

• Able to take direction and contribute ideas to make the team as effective and efficient as possible

• Able to lift 25 pounds

• Valid Driver’s License and good driving record

• Able to speak Spanish a plus but not required

Job Specifics:

• Available year-round with some nights and weekends depending on client needs; competitive salary commensurate with experience and education; health insurance; generous paid time-off; paid continuing education; generous bonus at end of the season;

If interested please reply via email to


Designer with degree: no experience necessary, will train

Meet with clients, present quotes, and set up jobs with crew.

A drivers license is a must

Pay negotiable

How to apply:

Allied Nursery Opportunities

• Nursery Yard Manager -Full-time

Allied Nursery and Garden Center in Joliet IL is looking for a nursery yard manager.

Must have a strong background in ornamental landscape plant production and management, cultural and pest management practices for in-ground and containerized plants.

Able to oversee loading and unloading of plant material for our jobs and maintaining stock until needed

Loading customers and our trucks with hardscapes and plant material from our yard.

Irrigation maintenance for our retail sales and commercial and growing holding yard.

Multitasker who is an independent problem solver, while being personable and professional

Being a strong team player is a must Salary is based on experience and qualifications.

• Crew Leader - Full time

Allied Nursery is looking for a crew leader to per-

form residential landscape work.

Must be knowledgeable in landscape installation and able to read landscape plans

Must have a valid driver’s license

Salary is based on experience and qualifications

• Illinois Licensed Chemical Operator - Full-Time

Allied Nursery is looking for a Illinois licensed chemical operator to work under the direction of our Illinois-licensed chemical applicator for commercial landscapes

Must have a valid driver’s license

Salary is based on experience and qualifications.

How to apply: Send resumes to Ronald Plunk at

Allied Landscaping Opportunities

• Landscape Estimator

Allied is seeking a Landscape Estimator to be part of a great teamwork environment


Review invitations to bid, read plans and specifications to determine the scope of work, attend pre-bid meetings, and many other duties required on bidding and proposal preparation.

Prepare timely estimates and meet bid deadlines. Perform accurate material, equipment, and labor take-offs. Solicit sub & supplier pricing and estimate volume of work.

Review contract documents upon award.

Communications with clients, project architects, subcontractors, etc. Project billing and cost evaluation Qualifications

Experience in estimating commercial landscape work

Excellent communication skills verbal and written, computer and math skills

Independent problem solver. Multitasker who is comfortable interacting with clients and vendors

A strong team player with integrity and a strong desire to win bids

•Purchaser Full/Part-time

A commercial landscaping business in Joliet is hiring a purchaser.

You must have a general knowledge of landscape plants, hardgoods, and landscaping materials needed on job sites. Generate purchase orders and sourcing vendors.

Independent problem solver. Obtain quotes, analyze pricing, place orders, and schedule material pickups and drop-offs from multiple vendors. Manage and maintain quality inventories and continually look for best practices for such storage.

Check the accuracy of orders and deliveries and match all paperwork before turning into accounting. Evaluate and select plants that meet our high company standards.

Multitasker who is comfortable interacting with clients and vendors.

A strong team player is a must.

Salary based on experience and qualifications

• Experienced Landscape Superintendent

Must have a strong work ethic and be self-motivated

Must have valid driver’s license

Salary based on experience and qualifications

Full time

How to apply: Please email your resume to Ronald Plunk at or call 815-722-3924 ext 16

Arthur Clesen ............................................................52 Bartlett Tree Experts .................................................38 Bowling Nursery .......................................................28 Cedar Path Nurseries .................................................53 Deerpath Nurseries ..................................................14 Doty Nurseries LLC ..................................................4 Goodmark Nurseries ................................................55 Green Glen Nursery ..................................................63 Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc. ..........................................16 Holcim Fox River Stone ........................................47 Homer Industries .......................................................51 James Martin Associates ..........................................56 JKS Ventures ............................................................48 Longshadow Planters .............................................13 Mariani Plants .............................................................6 Mariani Plants ............................................................45 McGinty Bros. ...........................................................48 Midwest Groundcovers ................................................2 Midwest Trading ........................................................29 Premier ....................................................................59 Rocks Etc. ................................................................17 Russo Power ............................................................19 Spring Meadow Nursery ............................................43 Stantec Native Nursery ................................................36 Star Roses ...........................................................37, 49 Straughn Farm ........................................................57 The Mulch Center ....................................................39 Unilock, Inc. ...........................................................64 Vermeer Midwest ..................................................41 Xylem Ltd ................................................................17 61 The Landscape Contractor March 2024 Advertisers
Classified Ads

Before You Go — Splurge on Spurge

When I am designing any sort of perennial or mixed border, I’m always providing space for intentioned “ethereal wispiness”. While that’s an odd term, it refers to lighter, airy plants that offer a soft texture and help unify the composition. These plants certainly function as “fillers” but offer a substantive textural contribution as well. It’s common and valid for us to consider a progression of bloom, colorful foliage components, plant form, seasonal interest and all those other attributes and nuances that contribute to the design. However, that airy wispiness is essential and isn’t always addressed or can be challenging to achieve. While we do lean on some of the perennial grasses for that effect, I have a new top favorite for wispiness, though. Consider the value of the native, flowering spurge…also known as “prairie baby’s breath”.

Flowering spurge (Euphorbia corollata) has a wide native range in central and eastern North America and is commonly found in full sun locations in prairies, grasslands, woodland edges, sandy roadsides and disturbed locations. Adapting to a wide range of conditions, flowering spurge actually prefers average to dry soils as long as they are well-drained. Excellent drought tolerance is provided by a deep taproot that becomes woody in time. This fine-textured plant blooms for many months from summer until fall and features a profusion of small, delicate white blossoms that are around ¼” across and are held in wide, flat-headed panicles. The blossoms feature five white, petal-like bracts with the tiny true flowers (yellow) forming the center. Bees, wasps, butterflies and other pollina-

tors will be intrigued and appreciate this long blooming perennial while many bird species also consume the seeds.

The whorled, bluish-green foliage becomes noteworthy in fall with hints of orange and red that encompass the stems as well. It’s important to mention that like many spurges, bruising or injuring this toxic plant reveals a milky white sap (latex) that may cause irritation to the skin and eyes. This sap also makes this plant disinteresting to both deer and rabbits. In time, flowering spurge forms a slowly expanding clump and is a moderate re-seeder in ideal areas. Due to the taproot, moving mature specimens is challenging. While the plant fans out larger towards the top when flowering, it is fairly narrow at the base so consider groupings planted about 18” apart.

I use flowering spurge as an excellent mid-height (36” tall) filler that can weave between adjacent plantings. I typically mass a couple specimens together and they combine so well with a wide range of plantings. While the plant can get top heavy and “nod” a bit while in bloom, having “supportive neighbors” nearby or incorporating the plant throughout a matrix planting allows for adequate support of this “cloud-effect” contributor. The best examples of successful use of flowering spurge can be seen at Lurie Garden in Millennium Park. Chicago Botanic Garden also uses this plant to great effect and it’s a prominent component in the gravel gardens at Olbrich Botanical Garden (Madison, WI). More than just an effective filler, prairie baby’s breath will provide that essential component of “ethereal wispiness”! Splurge on this native spurge.

62 The Landscape Contractor March 2024
Euphorbia corollata Euphorbia mixed in a landscape


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