Purity screenplay publication

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PURITY a screenplay by Rick Baber _________________

TigerEye Publications P.O. Box 6382 Springdale, AR 72766 www.TigerEyePubs.com

PURITY Copyright © 2012 by Rick Baber This is a work of fiction, adapted from the fictional novel, Purity. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this screenplay may be produced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author or the author’s duly authorized representative. For information contact the author: Rick Baber P.O. Box 6382 Springdale, AR 72766 Phone: 479-751-2392 E: cybermouth@hotmail.com

WGA West Registration # 1592100 Printed in USA

Purity Screenplay by Rick Baber

Based on the novel "Purity" by Rick Baber

FADE IN: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DUSK Remodeled bedroom, resembling a storage area. The kind of mancave the wife would rather take a match to, but settles for a lock on the door to keep innocent guests from wandering in. The main desk is against the front window, heavily cluttered with only a small workspace available. An overflowing ashtray sits amidst the clutter. Cigarette ashes are scattered over the papers on the desk, and a half-full white Russian sits on a closed file folder. A dust-covered, acrylic framed "Rockers" poster by Bob Gruen is on the wall above the desk, with John Lennon, arms crossed, staring down, judgmentally, at the occupant at the desk. beside that, on a high corner shelf, is an old 13" TV, continuously showing CNN. The image on the screen is clouded by thick build-up of dust. Jeff Davis, scraggly middle-aged man with a 3-day growth of beard, dressed in pajama bottoms and a Delbert McClinton tee shirt, leans back in his dilapidated office chair with his bare feet on one of two desks, answering the telephone. JEFF Jeff Davis. MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) Mr. Davis? This is Ernest Biggers. We spoke earlier and lost the signal...? JEFF Yes, Mr. Biggers! (Jeff fumbles through the stacks of paper on the desk for his notes.) Jeff (continues) I tried to call you back several times and it went straight to voice mail, so I assumed your signal was lost. What I was trying to explain to you is that Mr. Graves' auto policy on his pickup that was stolen doesn't cover your riding lawnmower that was in the back. The comprehensive policy only covers Mr. Graves' vehicle. MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) (angrily) Well, look here! That's a bunch of crap! The mower was in the back of the pickup! JEFF Yes, sir, I know. I suppose we wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't. (MORE)


2. CONTINUED: JEFF (CONT'D) But you had borrowed the truck to move your mower, and it was stolen overnight where you parked it. There's no negligence on the part of Mr. Graves...

MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) So, you're telling me if somebody steals my car and it's got, let's say, a bunch of guns of yours in it, that my insurance ain't gonna pay you for the loss of those guns? JEFF Yes sir. That's exactly what I'm telling you. I'd have to turn those guns in under my homeowners policy. MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) But the lawnmower was in the back of the truck. That makes the truck owner liable! JEFF No sir. He's not liable for somebody else stealing his truck. Did he do anything to cause it? The only loss we have to contend with here is the theft claim on the vehicle. MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) (screaming) And we got a theft claim on my lawnmower, too! You know anything about the Bible, mister? Do unto others as you'd have 'em do unto you. That's what it says. I'm a Christian, and the way you're treatin' me, well, it just ain't Christian! I'm not makin' this up. My mower was in the back of that truck when it was stolen. So the insurance on the truck oughtta pay for it! JEFF (laughing) No, again... MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) Are you laughing at me, you son-of-a-bitch? I tell you what. Just forget the goddamn claim. Why don't you just tell me where you are, and I'll drive over there and get eighteen hundred dollars out of your ass! JEFF (rolling his eyes) You got a pencil?



MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) What? JEFF A pencil. I don't want you calling me back in the middle of the night because you're running around lost in Springdale. I'm gonna give you directions on how to get here. It's a little tricky. MALE VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) No, goddammit! You just be expecting a call from my lawyer! Jeff hangs up the phone, turns off the computer and picks up the White Russian from his desk. CUT TO: EXT: FRONT PORCH - EVENING Jeff sits down on the porch glider and lights a cheap cigar. His wife, Debbie, follows him through the door and sits beside him. DEBBIE DAVIS is an attractive 50-something blonde who could be described as a "casual professional" - a hospital software analyst - still dressed in her work clothes, having just gotten home from a long day at her job a few minutes earlier. DEBBIE (almost sarcastically) Another rough day? JEFF (rolling cigar, trying to light it) Dumb son-of-a-bitch. You just can't make 'em understand. DEBBIE (laughing) Well, it's not like he's the first dumb one you've had to deal with. JEFF (leans back, blows smoke into the air, and takes a sip of his drink) Once, I had a Homeowners claim where a water heater ruptured and caused the floor to buckle... (MORE) (CONTINUED)

4. CONTINUED: JEFF (CONT'D) (Debbie leans back on the glider, looking as if she's expecting it to be a long story)

JEFF (CONT’D) This woman expected me to pay for her water heater, too. I told her there was no coverage for the water heater unless it was damaged by some covered loss - you know, like if it exploded, and that's what caused the thing to leak. She had already had the thing hauled off before I got to the house, but she immediately said "Oh, yeah, it exploded!" I asked her if she had any evidence of that, because I couldn't just take her word for it. She walked me over to the place in the kitchen, on the opposite side of where it was sitting, and showed me some debris on the wall. I said "Are you telling me the water heater literally exploded and part of it hit this wall?" and she said "No. My son was sitting here in his high chair, eating peanuts. When that thing blew, it scared him so bad he spit the peanuts all over the wall. So I just left 'em here for you to see." Jeff takes another toke off his cigar, staring up into the night sky. DEBBIE (after pausing for more of the story) So, you didn't pay her? JEFF (smiling) No! I paid her. That was just fucking creative. DEBBIE (standing up to go back inside) Well, I've gotta go see what bills I can pay before I go to bed. JEFF (still gazing at the stars) Good luck with that. CUT TO: EXT: CONSTRUCTION BESIDE HIGHWAY - NIGHT



UNDER BRIGHT NOISY GENERATOR LIGHTS, IN A SHALLOW DITCH BESIDE A TWO LANE HIGHWAY, A SINGLE WORKER STRUGGLES TO HANG ON TO A BOUNCING DIRT COMPACTOR. A white pickup pulls off the road near the ditch and another man with a hardhat - the foreman - steps out of the truck, signaling for the worker to shut off his machine. FOREMAN David says you gotta get this up to grade tonight. They're gonna start layin' pipe first thing in the morning. LABORER (angrily throws his hardhat to the ground) How the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't even have a loader operator. I gotta do everything myself! FOREMAN (leans into laborer's face, speaking sternly) That's 'cause you're the only swingin' dick getting any overtime, Marty! Would you rather I paid one of the other guys to do this? 'Cause I don't give a flyin' fuck who does it long as it gets done! Without speaking, the laborer picks up his hard hat, puts it on, cranks the dirt compactor. The foreman gets back in his truck and drives away. The white truck disappears down the dark, deserted highway. The laborer tosses his hardhat again, and flips the switch to turn off the compactor. Fishing his shirt pocket for a cigarette, he's surprised to pull out a joint. He walks to the tailgate of his own pickup, lights it up, and sits there, toking on the joint. When finished, he walks back to the still-standing dirt compactor, kicks it over, walks back to his truck, gets in and starts it, and drives up onto the highway. As the truck bounces out of the shallow ditch, a corner of the rear bumper hits the pedestal for one of the bright generator lights. The pedestal rocks for a few seconds, then stops, leaning. Through the laborer's windshield as he speeds down the dark highway, raindrops begin to appear on the glass.



FADE OUT FADE IN EXT: TRUCK CAB - NIGHT, RAINING HEAVILY The truck driver is straining to see through the heavy rain. The wipers are running full speed. As the driver encounters the bright light, thinking it is an oncoming vehicle, he flashes his lights in an effort to get the approaching vehicle to dim its lights. CUT TO: EXT: CONSTRUCTION BESIDE HIGHWAY - NIGHT - RAINING HEAVILY When the truck rounds a slight curve, now facing directly into the generator light, an approaching Lincoln Town Car tops a slight hill. Blinded, the truck driver locks up his brakes and the vehicle slides out of control. The cab of the truck strikes a tree and the rear of the trailer swings around into the highway. The Lincoln driver tries to steer around the trailer, but as it slides, the left rear of the car slams against the rear wheel of the trailer and the car spins into the compacted dirt in the ditch where the laborer had been working. CUT TO: EXT: WRECK SCENE - NIGHT - RAINING HEAVILY ON ONE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY IS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, WITH THE LINCOLN SITTING SQUARELY ON TOP OF THE SLICK COMPACTED RED CLAY. THE NOISY GENERATOR IS STILL RUNNING. ONE LIGHT SHINES DOWN ON THE WORK SITE AND ANOTHER LIES ACROSS THE DIRT PILE, SHINING DOWN THE HIGHWAY. ACROSS THE ROAD, THE JACKKNIFED TRACTOR TRAILER, NOSED INTO A LARGE TREE, AS STEAM RISES AROUND IT. THE LINCOLN SPINS ITS WHEELS IN AN ATTEMPT TO PULL OUT OF THE DITCH, BUT ONLY SLIDES ON THE COMPACTED MUD. The driver bangs his shoulder against the door, trying to get out. He manages to open the door and tries to run toward the wrecked truck, slipping and falling several times in the process. GAYLON CRITES, the Lincoln Driver, is a thin man in his mid to late 30, wearing jeans and a sport jacket. He makes his way to the truck and climbs up onto the driver side running board. He opens the door to find the driver, motionless, staring straight forward. The truck radio is blasting Alabama's "Roll on 18 Wheeler."



Behind him, Crites hears the honking of a car horn. He turns. A small car is stopped in the road. a woman, holding a magazine over her head to shield herself from the rain, yells at him through her open window. WOMAN IN CAR Do you have a cell signal? We don't! GAYLON CRITES (still on running board) No! No signal here! WOMAN IN CAR We'll go to Centerton and call the police. Is everybody OK? GAYLON CRITES (a beat) No. They're in bad shape! WOMAN IN CAR (looks briefly at her driver, then back to Crites) Oh my God! Will you be OK here? GAYLON CRITES (waving the motorists on) Yeah! Go get help! I'll stay here. The tail lights of the car disappear down the rainy highway. FADE OUT: BLACK - DISTANT RINGING OF A TELEPHONE CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BEDROOM - DAYTIME Jeff Davis is face-down in his bed with both arms hugging his pillow. The phone is ringing in another room. Jeff looks first at the clock on the headboard shelf - 9:30. He slings his legs off the bed and walks quickly to his office across the hall. He is wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. CUT TO:


INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff looks at the caller ID, picks up a cigarette and lighter from the mess on his desk, pushes the button to turn on the computer, and answers the phone. JEFF Jeff Davis. KEVIN (V.O.) (irritated, feigning a friendly tone) Where the hell ya been, man? I've been callin' your cell all morning! JEFF Oh, dude! My house charger went out, so I plugged it in my car. Whassup? KEVIN (V.O.) Got a call from A&P Mutual. Two fatalities last night up there in your territory, by Centerton. That's by you, ain't it? JEFF (slowly, begrudgingly) Yep. That's mine...I guess. What happened? KEVIN (V.O.) It's a GL on a construction company. Truck v car. Looks like the car won this time. Check your new assignments and get the contacts made today. The agent's all over it 'cause one of the drivers is a state senator's son. JEFF You got it, dude. I'll get right on it...Who's the... KEVIN (V.O.) (interrupting) Gotta go! Got another call! (hangs up) Jeff, unable to find a clean sheet of paper, pulls an old "Natural State Claims Service" check stub from under the pile of papers on his desk and scribbles "Tuesday - Centerton GL" and then "Fuk U Kevin!" in fancy scroll letters.



He logs on to the company system on his computer, then walks out of the room. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' KITCHEN - DAYTIME Jeff walks into the room, now wearing a tee shirt, still pulling up his plaid pajama bottoms. He opens a cabinet door under the counter and pulls out a fresh pack of Pall Mall cigarettes. He turns the pack upside-down and beats it on the counter top as he opens the door beside him to let the black & white cat in. He pours himself a Coke, sticks in a straw, and walks back out of the room CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff plops back down into the broken office chair, nearly falling over, as the message alarm on his cell phone sounds. He picks it up and plays the messages. While listening, he minimizes his work screen and looks over his email and then pulls up some news sites. As the voice message ends, he pulls up a news site: the computer screen shows the pictures of four young girls, ages 12 to 15. COMPUTER SCREEN (TEXT) POLICE: NO PROGRESS IN ARKANSAS SERIAL KIDNAPPINGS Jeff listens as he minimizes that screen and pulls up his work assignment, finding the wreck that occurred the night before. JESSE DAVIS (V.O.) Hey, Dad. Just wanted to remind you that we're coming over for dinner tonight. Mo's got the late shift at the pharmacy, so we won't get there 'til about nine. So...you might wanna...you know...put on some clothes before then (laughs). K? We'll see you later. COMPUTER SCREEN (TEXT) Insured: Osborne Construction Co, Fayetteville, AR. Contact David Osborne, 479555-6888....



Jeff is not happy with more work. He shakes is head and makes a few entries onto his on-screen time sheet, then prints off the Loss Notice and staples it into a Manila file folder. He begins to toss the folder into the pile on is desk, then reconsiders, picks it back up and starts dialing the phone. SECRETARY ON PHONE (V.O.) Good morning, Osborne Construction. JEFF Hey! Is there a ... David ... David ... David somebody there? (fumbles through the file looking for the name) SECRETARY ON PHONE (V.O.) David Osborne? One moment. On hold, Jeff gets to listen to a few seconds of The Rolling Stones' "Get Off of My Cloud." Through the window at the back of his desk, he watches a couple of humming birds flying around the feeder just outside. He sees his neighbor, Steve, across the street, mowing his yard. He picks up a Sonic cup from is cluttered desk and takes a sip - flinching when he realizes it's an old drink. DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) This is David. JEFF David, hey! This is Jeff Davis with Natural State Claims, calling you about... DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) (interrupting) Yeah. When can you get out to that site? I've got my equipment tied up there waiting for you to see everything. JEFF Well, that's what I was gonna ask you about. I think I can be there by...2 o'clock. I've already got an interview set up with a lawyer at eleven. I can't get out of that one because his client's coming in from Boston just for the meeting. DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) I'll have my foreman meet you there at two then. You know how to get there?


11. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF Yeah. It says it's on 102 between Decatur and Centerton? DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) Closer to Centerton. You can't miss it. Tom Creek will meet you there and show you everything you need to see. JEFF Yeah. What about employees that were working there when the accident occurred? Will they be there? I need to interview them. (underlines "statements from employees" on his Loss Notice) DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) Well, there might be a little problem there...I only had one, and he quit last night. You can ask Tom about that. JEFF (CONT’D) (rubbing eyes) OK. If I email you, can you reply with all the contact information on that guy? Maybe a copy of his application? And anything else you have on him...any... DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) D dot Osborne, with an "e" at osborneccco.com. Just tell me what you need. JEFF Very good then. (scribbles down the email address) I'll get that out to you shortly. DAVID OSBORNE (V.O.) CLICK (hangs up without any "goodbye." JEFF (under breath, Doc Holiday style) I'm sho' of it. I hate him. He stands up and gathers the tools he'll need for his next action: stuffs office phone into one pajama pocket, the cell into another; grabs his coke, cigarettes and lighter. The phone rings again while he's in the process and he lets the answering machine get it. It's a recorded message:


12. CONTINUED: (3)

COLLECTOR ON PHONE (V.O.) This is JoAnn from Greenfield Home Finance. Please call... Jeff shifts his load long enough to lift and hang up the receiver on the desk phone to terminate the message. As he walks out of the room, he hears the announcement on the TV behind him. FEMALE TV REPORTER (O.C.) Next, some startling news on the rash of bizarre child kidnappings in Arkansas... CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BATHROOM - DAYTIME The bathroom, being Debbie's turf, rather than Jeff's, is clean and organized. On the wall above the door, another TV a small flat-screen. Jeff sits on the edge of the tub and places his phones on the rug beside him. He turns the hot water on full-blast. He looks through some bottles of bath salts and pours some "aches & pains" into the stream from the faucet. As he sinks into the tub, his cell phone rings. The caller ID shows "Mom," so he answers. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Hey! Taking a bath? JEFF Yeah. Gotta go out and look at a claim in a little while. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Do you have your TV on in there? JEFF (looks up to the blank TV, then to the sink counter on the far side of the room, where the remote control lay) No. It's not on. Whassup? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) They think they might have found the kidnapper! He was killed in a wreck last night, along with his fifth victim.



JEFF (trying to sound as if he cares) Wow! PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) And, get this. You know that senator, Thaddeus Pinkley? The one that's trying to make it illegal for unmarried people to have sex? JEFF (wincing a little, hearing his mother use the word) Yeah? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) His stepson was driving the other car. The senator's on CNN now, talking about it like he's some kind of hero because he's connected to catching this guy, but he wasn't even there! And... JEFF (still half asleep, starting to connect the dots) Wait, wait, wait. Where'd this happen? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) It was just down the road from us...over by Centerton. JEFF Shit! I just got that claim! (removes stopper and the tub starts draining) I'm goin' to look at the scene at two. You wanna go? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) (excitedly) Really? JEFF (hurrying from the tub to reach the remote and turn on the TV) You know where Ruby Tuesday's is in Bentonville? Meet me there in the parking lot at 1:30. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Are you sure you won't get in trouble?


14. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF Whatta they gonna do, Mom, put me in adjuster jail? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) OK. I'll be there at 1:30. Call me if anything comes up! Jeff grabs a towel and starts to dry off as he watches and listens to Senator Pinkley on TV. SENATOR THADDEUS PINKLEY is a large stereotypical smug suit Republican, in his mid-to-late 60s. THADDEUS PINKLEY (ON TV) Yes, I do believe this was something more than mere happenstance. Gaylon was called by God to this particular place at this precise moment in time. It just goes to show you that, if you are a true believer, you have a better chance of hearing your call. The lights go out in the bathroom as we see the door close from the inside, TV still on. CUT TO: EXT: RESTAURANT PARKING LOT - DAYTIME JEFF'S RAGGED BROWN OLDSMOBILE PULLS INTO THE LOT AND PARKS BESIDE PEGGY'S LATE MODEL WHITE LINCOLN. An excited Peggy gets out of her car before Jeff even comes to a stop. PEGGY DAVIS is a rather small, well-dressed, white-headed 77 year-old who looks twenty years younger. She opens the passenger door and takes a seat in Jeff's car. CUT TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME - MOVING JEFF Wanna get something to drink before we go? PEGGY DAVIS (smiling, excited) No, I've got bottled water right here in my purse. Jeff backs the car out and proceeds west on Hwy. 102.



PEGGY DAVIS (CONT’D) That Thaddeus Pinkley drives me nuts! They're gonna end up turning us into another Iran, and I'm glad I won't live long enough to see it. JEFF (cracking his window so he can light a cigarette) I dunno. Looks like it's happening pretty quick. You'll prob'ly get to see it. PEGGY DAVIS Well, you might not if you don't quit those things. Do you still have that cough? JEFF It's getting better. PEGGY DAVIS Well, I know your dad smokes like a freight train...and he's a hundred and fifty. But he's just been lucky, you know. JEFF Speaking of lucky, did you do any good at Seneca this weekend? PEGGY DAVIS I won two hundred on my penny machine, but I gave Dad a hundred and he lost it. We cashed out with eighty dollars more than we took. JEFF Good deal! If the righteous Senator Pinkley is over here, you can introduce yourself as a gambling grandma. I'm sure y'all will hit it off. PEGGY DAVIS I'd hit him! But he won't be there because I just saw him talking to Anderson Cooper a little while ago and I think he was in Little Rock...What do you think about the truck driver being the kidnapper? Do you have the police report? JEFF (pointing out the window on Peggy's side as they drive past the sheriff's department) It'll be right there. (MORE)


16. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) But with fatalities, it'll prob'ly take a couple of weeks just to get the accident report. There prob'ly won't be much on there about the kidnapping.

Peggy leans over toward Jeff, as if she doesn't want anybody else to hear what she is about to say. PEGGY DAVIS (almost whispering) I'm not so sure this is the guy. It might not even be connected with those kidnappings. They just think this truck driver is the one because nobody knows why that little girl was in the truck with him. She was going to a friend's house to spend the night and she never showed up. JEFF You found all this out from the news? PEGGY DAVIS That's all they've been talking about all day! JEFF Damn. I gotta start getting up earlier. PEGGY DAVIS Well, I know that's hard to do when you stay up all night working. Peggy fumbles through her purse; then pulls down the visor mirror to apply some lipstick. JEFF Did they say where this girl's friend lived? PEGGY DAVIS (removing a bottle of water from her purse to take a drink) She lives in Bentonville, somewhere. They're searching that truck driver's farm in Decatur today. I hope I'm wrong and they find those other girls there, alive. JEFF What makes you think he's not the guy? PEGGY DAVIS I don't know. They showed his picture on TV, and he just doesn't look the type.


17. CONTINUED: (3)

JEFF (smiling at his would-be sleuth mother's cuteness) Well, if they've got the wrong guy, we'll figure it out and set 'em straight. Jeff tosses his cigarette butt out the window. CUT TO: EXT: TYLER FARM - DAYTIME A MODEST FARMHOUSE SITS ABOUT 30 YARDS OFF THE HIGHWAY. BEHIND IT ARE SEVERAL CHICKEN HOUSES. THE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY RUNNING FROM THE ROAD TO THE CARPORT IS COVERED WITH POLICE CARS AND AMBULANCES AND NEWS VEHICLES; AS IS THE FRONT YARD. THE PROPERTY IS RIDDLED WITH ARMED MEN, SEARCHING THROUGH EVERY BUILDING. A GATHERING OF NEWS PEOPLE, WITH CAMERAS AND MICROPHONES STAND OUTSIDE THE DOOR TO THE HOUSE. A shy and distraught woman in her early 30s, holding the hands of two young boys, tries to answer questions from the mob of reporters - all yelling questions at the same time. REPORTER #1 Mrs. Tyler, do you believe your husband was involved in the child abductions? REPORTER #2 Mrs. Tyler, do you have any idea what Amber Clark was doing in your husband's truck? Did anyone in your family know her? REPORTER #3 Why was your husband driving an empty dump truck at 10 o'clock at night? MRS. TYLER (confused by the deluge of questions) No..no, I don't...He was going to Bentonville to get a starter for the pickup. She nods toward a detached open shed, next to the house. An older model pickup sits there with the hood up. MRS. TYLER (CONT’D) That's the only other transportation we have...He was going to...Auto Zone, so he could fix it before he had to haul gravel in the mornin'.



REPORTER #2 Mrs. Tyler... MRS. TYLER We...have to go to the funeral home now. Our ride is here. Please. Could we get by? A white Suburban, unable to pull onto the property for all the other vehicles and people, is stopped on the highway. The woman lowers her head and pulls the two boys with her as she fights her way toward the vehicle. The front passenger door to the Suburban opens and out steps a big, balding, middle-aged man wearing blue jeans and a white shirt with a tie. The man holds his hands up as if to hold back the horde of reporters. MAN FROM SUBURBAN Can y'all just let her go see her husband? There'll be plenty of time for this circus later. The man helps the woman and children into the Suburban, and it speeds away with camera men still chasing. FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT: WRECK SCENE - DAYTIME THE VEHICLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE SCENE. YELLOW BARRICADE TAPE IS STRUNG ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE HIGHWAY. POLICE CARS BLOCK THE TRAFFIC ENTERING THE SCENE FROM EACH END, AND SEVERAL SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES ARE DIRECTING TRAFFIC. INSIDE THE TAPE, PARKED ON THE STILL-WET GRASS, ARE SEVERAL OTHER POLICE VEHICLES. A FEW OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ARE STANDING IN SMALL CLUSTERS, DISCUSSING THEIR INVESTIGATIONS. Jeff pulls slowly up behind other westbound traffic and stops as a deputy walks up to his door. The deputy bends down to talk to Jeff. DEPUTY AT SCENE Sorry sir, this is a possible crime scene. I'm gonna ask you to please proceed through at five miles an hour and watch for other deputies directing traffic.



JEFF Yeah. I'm Jeff Davis with Natural State Claims Service...working for Osborne Construction's insurance carrier. Is there someplace I can park? Jeff pulls a business card from his sun visor and hands it to the deputy. The deputy leans further down, looking suspiciously at Peggy, now digging through her purse for a pen to take notes. He looks at the notebook, cameras and measuring wheel in the back seat. He stands back up momentarily, mumbling something into the radio transmitter strapped to his shoulder; then back down to Jeff's window. DEPUTY AT SCENE Drive up about a hundred yards, slowly, and a deputy will show you where to park. Jeff pulls slowly forward until another officer - a detective, wearing a coat & tie - leans down to the window to address him. DETECTIVE FARROW Mr. Davis? Right over here in this field (pointing behind him)...it's a little soft, but I think you'll be OK if you take it slow. We're moving one of our cars to make you a spot. I'm Detective Farrow (shakes Jeff's hand through the window). JEFF (cutting his eyes to a location behind the detective) There? Where he's pulling out? DETECTIVE FARROW Yes sir. (stands up and backs out of the way) Jeff pulls away toward the parking spot CUT TO: JEF'S CAR - DAYTIME - MOVING SLOWLY PEGGY DAVIS Wow! We're getting the V.I.P. treatment!



JEFF Just one of the perks of being a world-famous international playboy insurance adjuster.(laughs) CUT TO: EXT: WRECK SCENE - DAYTIME JEFF'S CAR NOW OCCUPIES ONE OF THE SPOTS WHERE A POLICE CAR HAD BEEN. DETECTIVE FARROW AND A UNIFORMED DEPUTY STAND BESIDE THE CAR AS JEFF AND PEGGY GET OUT. DETECTIVE FARROW Mr. Davis, this is Deputy Rice. He was the first responder to the scene, and he'll be making the accident report. Jeff shakes the deputy's hand. Both policemen look beyond Jeff at Peggy, drinking from her plastic water bottle. JEFF Oh! This is Peggy. She's a trainee. First day on the job! The policemen acknowledge Peggy's presence. Deputy Rice starts leading the group closer to the scene. Peggy walks farther behind the group. They raise a barricade tape and step up onto the highway. Yellow paint is sprayed on the asphalt, marking tire locations, etc. The downed light pedestal is still in place, lying across the mount of dirt. JEFF (CONT’D) Has anybody seen Osborne's foreman? He was supposed to meet me here. DETECTIVE FARROW No sir. He hasn't been here since he left for lunch at noon. DEPUTY RICE Right here sir, (pointing)is where the cab of the tractor-trailer came to rest, pointed in this direction. That's the tree that stopped its progress. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

21. CONTINUED: DEPUTY RICE (CONT'D) The trailer was angled across the road...like this (using hands to indicate the direction), extending about two and a half feet into the westbound lane.

JEFF So the truck was going east? What kind of rig was it? DEPUTY RICE Yes sir, going east. It was an older model Volvo, pulling one of those short aluminum dump-bed gravel trailers...And the westbound Lincoln swerved, there, to avoid a collision; and the left rear slammed into this tire ...here (pointing to a specific paint mark)...on the left rear of the trailer, then proceeded over there across the road, where the markers are, and got stuck in the mud. The truck driver wasn't wearing a seat belt and fractured his skull on the windshield, and also broke four ribs on the steering wheel. The passenger was ejected through the door, on impact, and hit the back of her head on this rock. Both were dead when I arrived at the scene. JEFF What about the other driver? DEPUTY RICE He was shook up, but not hurt bad. He was standing over here in the highway, in the rain, waiving his hands for me. I damn near ran over him in that rain. JEFF So, no ambulance for him then? DEPUTY RICE Two ambulances responded, but he refused treatment or transportation. JEFF (looking around the scene) From what you got here, it doesn't look like either one of them hit the generator...the light. DEPUTY RICE No sir. Something hit it, but it wasn't neither one of them. If you'll foller me over there, I'll show you what we found.


22. CONTINUED: (2)

Jeff and the deputy walk across the road while Peggy and Detective Farrow stand near the truck's resting point. DETECTIVE FARROW So, what made you want to become an insurance adjuster? PEGGY DAVIS (pausing to compose an answer) Oh, I just thought it would be a good starting point to become a Private Investigator. You know, so I can help find these missing kids...Do you think this truck driver was the one who abducted all those girls? DETECTIVE FARROW (smiling) I'm sorry ma'am. That's an open investigation and I'm not allowed to comment on it at this time. PEGGY DAVIS (smiling back) You can tell me...I'm not gonna say anything to anybody. DETECTIVE FARROW Well, ma'am, she was in the truck. The detective steps back into the road to stop and give directions to a passing motorist. Peggy walks back toward the rock that the passenger had hit her head on. The car passes. Jeff and Deputy Rice walk back to speak with Farrow. DETECTIVE FARROW (CONT’D) (to Jeff) We're wrapping up here. Is there anything else you need before we take the tape up and release the scene? JEFF What about a diagram? (He spins around to shoot a few photos while waiting for the answer) Will there be a detailed one with the accident report? DEPUTY RICE Yes sir. I did a diagram myself. It's fairly comprehensive.


23. CONTINUED: (3)

JEFF You know where the vehicles were towed? The and the his

DEPUTY RICE truck and trailer were picked up by Abe's taken to his yard in Gravette. Mr. Crites, operator of the Lincoln, had it towed to house...I'm not sure where he lives.

JEFF I'm good then. I guess I'll have to find Osborne's foreman somewhere else. (looks over to Peggy, walking up behind Farrow) You got anything? Peggy gives him a strange look and just shakes her head. DETECTIVE FARROW (to Rice) OK then. Let's clean this up. CUT TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME - MOVING As he drives, Jeff is smoking and thinking about what he had seen at the wreck site. Peggy is uncharacteristically silent, but, lost in thought, Jeff doesn't notice. He turns on the radio to hear the end of the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil. The DJ, Anastasia, begins to talk as the music fades out. ANASTASIA (V.O.) Soooo. I guess you know by now, I have no sympathy for the real devil, Thaddeus Pinkley, who recently called me a whore for Satan because I play this satanic rock 'n roll... (Jeff turns down the radio and the DJ continues her anti-Pinkley rant in the background as Peggy speaks) PEGGY DAVIS (batting her eyes) Man! She just doesn't care, does she? (She reaches into her purse and pulls out a clear plastic medicine bottle, filled with dirt.)

ANASTASIA (V.O.) Oh, and Thaddeus, if you're listening, it would be a freakin' cold-ass day in hell before I'd be your whore! What a conservative, backwardthinking jerk weed!



JEFF Whatcha got there? PEGGY DAVIS It's some bloody dirt around that rock where the girl hit her head. (she grins, smugly) JEFF It's what? You took evidence from a crime scene? What the hell? Peggy holds the bottle up close the windshield for better light. PEGGY DAVIS Well, they're not gonna need it. You heard him say they were releasing the scene! This might come in handy if we need to run a DNA test on it. JEFF (lays his head back on the headrest) Mom, I think you've been watching too many crime shows on TV. I don't think anybody doubts that the blood came from that girl...so, now, you're a fucking blood thief? You need your own HBO series - Vampire Granny! PEGGY DAVIS (puts the bottle back into her purse and looks angrily at Jeff) What if that truck driver didn't kidnap those other girls? This might come in handy...somehow...in figuring out who did! Do you know somebody who can test it for us, or not? JEFF (shaking his head) Yeah. I know a guy. But I don't see how in the hell the blood of an identified dead girl is gonna tell us anything we don't already know. How 'bout you just tighten that Tylenol lid real tight and hang onto it in case we need to run the test? I bet they're pretty expensive. PEGGY DAVIS Where should I keep it?


25. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF Hell, I dunno! Put it in the refrigerator or something...Just make sure dad doesn't sprinkle it on his ice cream. PEGGY DAVIS Hey! Speaking of ice cream, why don't you pull into this McDonalds up here and let's get some? I'm buying. I've got my Seneca money! FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME The answering machine on the side desk is flashing "19" as Jeff walks in, loudly slurping the last remnants of a giant McDonalds shake. He stands at his primary desk, writing with his right hand as he reaches over to click through the messages with his left. Most of the messages, he deletes as they play. ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O. 1) Please call Mazda American Cre.. (beep) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O. 1) (CONT’D) Please call Mazda Am... (beep) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O.2) (CONT’D) Yeah, this is Mike Whittle...I'z s'posta come look at that 41 acres this afternoon but I got somethin' I gotta do. I'll give youin's a call in the ... (beep) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O.3) (CONT’D) Hello! Please call Household Bank at ... (beep) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O.4) (CONT’D) This is Discover Ca... (beep) GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Mr. Davis, my name is Gaylon Crites. I was involved in an accident last night, and I understand you will be the adjuster handling the claim on my Lincoln Town Car. It is located on my property near Mayesville. (MORE)


26. CONTINUED: GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) (CONT'D) If you will give me a call back at your earliest convenience, we can make arrangements for you to inspect my car. I also need a rental because it's not drivable. Please give me a call as soon as possible.

(BEEP) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O. 1) Please call Mazda American Credit... Jeff lets the rest of the messages play off as he walks out of the office, across the hall to the bathroom. He can hear the continued collection messages as he takes a whizz. When he walks back into the office, zipping up his pants, the call indicator is down to "3." GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Mr. Davis. This is Gaylon Crites. I called earlier. I just found out that you are not my adjuster, but you have some involvement with this claim, and you are the one I need to speak with about a rental car. I've been waiting at home all day for your call, and I'd appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible. It's 3:15 now, and I'll be here for another half hour, so please call me back as soon as you get this message so we can discuss this rental car situation. Thank you. (BEEP) ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O.2) Yeah, this is Mike Whittle again... ANSWERING MACHINE (V.O. 1) (CONT’D) Please call Mazda Am... After deleting the last message, Jeff unplugs the desk phone cord from the receiver and lays it on the desk. He leans back, carefully, in the broken chair, puts his feet up on the side desk, and fades off to sleep. FADE OUT FADE IN The slamming of the front door wakes Jeff. He sees 6:15 pm on the bottom of his computer monitor; slings his feet off the desk and sits up in his chair. Debbie appears in the doorway behind him.



DEBBIE Hey! I tried to call. Is your phone off the hook? He looks at the red phone on the desk, separated from the receiver, than back at her. DEBBIE (CONT’D) Well, I see that one is. But I was trying to call your cell. Jeff fishes his pocket and retrieves his cell phone. Nothing on the screen. JEFF Yep. It's off. DEBBIE (sighing) Well I was all ready to go at about a quarter 'til five and two idiot users called with problems just as I was walking out the door! I swear, you'd think if they're gonna work there, they should at least know how to turn on a computer...Did you remember the kids are coming at nine? JEFF ...Uhhh...Oh! Yeah. Now why are they coming at nine o'clock? He listens as Debbie goes about her "just-in" activities in other rooms - and hears the clinking of glass as she pours herself a drink. DEBBIE (V.O.) I don't know. That's very unusual for them to be out that late during the week. I guess Monica had to work late. JEFF Yeah. I...guess so. He scrolls through the caller ID list to find Crites' number. Debbie passes across the doorway on her way to the bedroom, looking in on her way by. DEBBIE I'm going to get a bath! Jeff is already dialing the number. A mousy-sounding woman answers.


28. CONTINUED: (2)

ALMA CRITES (V.O.) Hello? JEFF (snapping to attention) Hi! This is Jeff Davis, with Natural State Claims...I'm returning a call to Gaylon Crites. Is he around? ALMA CRITES (V.O.) No. I'm sorry. He waited for your call all day, but he had to leave for a meeting at 4:30. Can I have him call you back? JEFF Well, yes ma'am, that would be fine. Could you ask him to call me tomorrow? ALMA CRITES (V.O.) OK...he'll be in and out tomorrow, but I'll tell him you called. JEFF Well, hey, just in case I miss him...could you give me directions to your house? I understand the car is there, and I do need to see it get pictures and all that. ALMA CRITES (V.O.) It's here, at the house, but I'd rather you discuss it with Gaylon. I don't know anything about it. JEFF Yeah. I'm going to be in your area tomorrow and was hoping I might be able to drop by and get the pictures and ID. It won't take more than ten minutes or so, and, for my benefit, it's not necessary that anybody be there when I do it. I can get back with Mr. Crites by phone and get his recorded interview... ALMA CRITES (V.O.) No. You're going to have to talk to Gaylon about that. He doesn't like anybody coming onto the property when he's not around. JEFF (sighs) Well, let's do this, then. Could I give you my cell number and maybe he could call me when he's around? I'll be close to Mayesville...you do live in Mayesville, don't you?


29. CONTINUED: (3)

ALMA CRITES (V.O.) Just out in the country a little ways. I'm terrible at giving directions anyway. You'd probably get lost. JEFF (laughing condescendingly) I understand, ma'am. I'm not that good with directions either... So do you have a pen? CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BATHROOM - DAYTIME Debbie sinks into a steaming bubble bath, watching the everpresent CNN on the bathroom TV. The TV screen is again showing the photographs of the four young kidnapping victims, still missing. One photo in each corner, showing the names underneath: Ashley Conner (12); Devon McGee (12); Candice Cooper (13); and Bethany Simpson (12). These pictures surround the center photo, captioned Amber Clark (13). a banner scrolls across the bottom of the screen: "police search home of B.J. Tyler, suspected arkansas kidnapper. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DUSK Jeff has the same program on the office TV. He has folded out a map and, as he studies it, he picks up the red phone and dials a number JEFF Hey! PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Are you watching CNN? JEFF Well, it's on...I've got a little project for you. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Uh huh? JEFF You're Facebook friends with Claire, aren't you? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Claire Davis?



JEFF (sarcastically) Yeah. You know, the youngest daughter of your youngest son...the doctor/lawyer? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) OK, mister smartass. There are lots of Claires in the world. JEFF (ignoring her scolding) Do this...Go to her friends list and look through them to see if you can find any of those girls. They're all about the same age. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) My God, Jeff, she's got like a thousand friends! JEFF Yeah, I know. So, I bet if you searched through them, and then searched each of their friends, you could eventually find one of those girls that was kidnapped. Then you can search that one and see if she's, in any way, connected to the others. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Ooohhhh! You know that just might work! Dad and I are watching Golden Girls right now - we just love Golden Girls - but when it's over I'll go downstairs and start that. You know, you might be on to something! JEFF Well, I know it's a lot of work, but it might be a better use of your time than digging up little bottles of dirt. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) You might want to withhold your sarcasm until you know whether or not that's going to be helpful. JEFF No, I've been looking at this, and you might be right. According to the news, Amber was the only one of those girls from the immediate area. That dude wasn't a long-haul trucker, he hauled gravel, locally. Why would he take a chance like that, picking up a girl so close to home? (MORE)


31. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) And what would he be doing off in those other parts of state where the other girls were taken from? Hell, it ain't like people can't get gravel anywhere in Arkansas. They wouldn't have to have it trucked in from his place. And, he was eastbound, with her in the truck? That put him going toward her house and away from his. Does that make any sense?

PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) No, it doesn't...I'll get right on that after the Golden Girls. Bye bye! After a short while further studying the map, Jeff hears the cabinet doors slamming back in the bathroom. He shuts everything down and walks out of the room. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' KITCHEN - NIGHT Debbie has most of the meal prepared, on the kitchen bar. She is pulling a pan of enchiladas out of the oven as the doorbell rings. DEBBIE (yelling to Jeff) Can you get that, babe? I've got my hands full! Monica walks into the kitchen/dining area first, smiling, carrying a small gift bag; followed by Jesse, and then Jeff. MONICA DAVIS is a beautiful 27 year-old blonde who resembles a cross between Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson strikingly dressed. JESSE DAVIS is a handsome, muscular 6'2" Captain Americalooking ex-college football player, also well-dressed, though casual. Monica walks straight up to Debbie, still smiling, and hands her the gift bag. Debbie, looking confused, reaches into the bag and pulls out a little hard-cover book. She opens it. Her eyes grow wide, and she and Monica simultaneously scream with joy as they jump up and down and embrace each other.



When they finally release each other, Monica turns to look at the confused Jeff, and he reads the pink writing on the front of her little white shirt: PREGNANT IS THE NEW SKINNY. Jeff looks at Jesse with his eyebrows raised. JEFF No shit? JESSE DAVIS No shit! They embrace Debbie carries the pan to the table, still giggling, tears rolling down her cheeks. DEBBIE I hope there's enough! I thought I was only cooking for four. FADE OUT BLACKNESS. THE LOUD RINGING OF A PHONE FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' BEDROOM - DAYTIME Jeff's eyes pop open, surprised. The alarm clock on the headboard shelf shows 7:04. He hears Debbie's hair dryer running in the bathroom. He stares blankly at the ceiling through two or three more rings, then answers, mumbling something that his foggy brain tells him is "hello." JEFF (inaudible jibberish) GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Good morning, Mr. Davis. This is Gaylon Crites. I'm supposed to call you for a recorded statement about the accident near Centerton. Jeff pulls the phone away for a second and rubs his face, trying to wake up enough to communicate. JEFF (CONT’D) Yes sir, Mr. Crites. Thank you for calling. I really do need to get that interview, but I'm not set up to do it on my cell. Can I call you right back from my land line?



GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Will you be doing that right away? I have an appointment, and I have to leave here very soon. JEFF Yes sir. I have a lady holding on the other line. I just have to finish up with her and I'll call you as soon as I do that. GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Fine then. I'll be waiting for your call. (hangs up) JEFF (throwing off the covers) Son of a bitch!...Fucking morning guy! Jeff gets out of bed and walks to the smaller bathroom. CUT TO: INT: JEFF'S SMALL BATHROOM - DAY Jeff turns on the hot water to the tub, then proceeds to stand over the toilet, hacking and coughing. The room fills with steam from the tub and hazes over the mirror. In the hazy mirror we see Debbie open the door, walk in, and kiss jeff on the back of the neck. DEBBIE Gotta go, babe. Jeff is unable to speak as he catches his breath, and anticipates coughing again. DEBBIE (CONT’D) We gotta quit smoking, now that we're gonna be grandparents! Again, Jeff just nods his head; and Debbie disappears down the hall. As Jeff stands, hovering over the toilet, we hear Debbie yell at him from elsewhere in the house. DEBBIE (V.O.) I'll leave you a twenty on the bar! He hears the front door slam.



FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff lumbers in with his morning Coke in-hand; takes a seat in the broken chair, nearly falling over backwards again. He opens the desk drawer and checks his recorder, then picks up the phone and dials Crites' number. JEFF Hey, Mr. Crites. You ready to do this thing? (a beat) OK. Just so you'll know how this works, I have a digital recorder hooked up to the phone. When I begin, I'll give a little spiel about who you are, and who I am. Then the first part of the interview will be to positively identify you, so I'll be asking you some semi-personal questions: like where you live, what you do, who you're married to...your driver's license number...then we'll just discuss the accident. If you don't mind, remember this is spooling through this recorder, and please speak a little louder and slower than you ordinarily would, because I have to play this back and summarize or transcribe it when we're finished. Do you have any questions before we get started? (a beat) OK then, here we go. As he asks the questions, Jeff hastily scribbles comments in his notebook. JEFF (CONT’D) Today's date is Wednesday, August 15, 2012. This is Jeff Davis, and I'm on the phone speaking with Gaylon Crites... Continuing with the introductory questions, we follow Jeff's gaze through the front window across his desk, and Jeff's voice fades the closer we get to steve. Neighbor Steve has just raised the door to his garage. He lights his morning cigar as he takes a seat in the Adirondack chair just inside and picks up a book. It's a beautiful clear summer day. EXT: STEVE DOUGLAS' HOUSE - DAYTIME STEVE DOUGLAS is a distinguished looking middle aged man, a little on the chunky side, thinning gray hair and a perfectly manicured goatee. He is dressed in khaki cargo pants, hiking boots, and an olive gray tee shirt with one word printed boldly across the chest: INFIDEL.



JEFF (V.O.) ...OK, Gaylon, I guess I should have asked you this earlier on, but are you currently represented by an attorney? About the time Steve gets the expensive cigar lit, a black Ford sedan, resembling an unmarked police car, pulls up along the curb in front of his house and stops. Steve only casually glances over the top of the book as a young man in a dark suit and sunglasses exits the car and walks up to speak with him. GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) No, I am not. JEFF Gaylon, what we're going to be talking about here is a motor vehicle accident that occurred near Centerton, Arkansas on August 13th of this year. My understanding is you were the operator of one of the vehicles involved. Is this correct? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Yes. CUT TO: JEFF OK. Could you describe the vehicle for me? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) My vehicle? It's a 2007 Lincoln Town Car, Signature series. JEFF And, you are the titled owner? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Yes. JEFF Is it titled to just you, or you and your wife? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) (disgusted) It's just in my name. JEFF And, do you own the car outright, or is there a lien on it?


36. CONTINUED: (2)

GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) Well, I don't know why that makes any difference, but the car is paid for, and I have the title. JEFF O...K...Mr. Crites, I'm gonna ask you to tell me what you know about what happened, beginning with where you were; which direction you were going, and so-forth. I may have to interrupt you as you go forward to clear up questions, but ... GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) OK. It was about 10:30 pm. I was driving west on 102, going home from doing some late shopping at Wal-Mart in Bentonville... FADE OUT: FADE IN: EXT: CRITES' CAR - MOVING - NIGHT - RAINING HEAVILY GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) ...approaching a hard left curve, about four miles or so west of Centerton... As he drives and the bright lights illuminate his face, Crites squints and tries to shield his eyes. He looks horrified as he attempts to steer back and forth to avoid a collision. There is a crash that sends his vehicle spinning around as he tries to control it. CUT TO: EXT: CONSTRUCTION BESIDE HIGHWAY - NIGHT - RAINING HEAVILY THE LINCOLN SITS PARALLEL TO THE HIGHWAY WITH THE LEFT REAR QUARTER PANEL SMASHED AND THE TRUNK LID UP. Crites bumps the door with his shoulder, gets out and runs toward the crashed tractor-trailer on the other side of the road. JEFF (VO) Did you have any injuries? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) I slammed my head into the window pretty hard when I hit the truck and bounced off, and my wrists are both sore from gripping the steering wheel so hard. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

37. CONTINUED: GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) (CONT'D) But I didn't take the ambulance they offered. I think I'm going to be fine.

In the pouring rain, Crites climbs up on the truck's running board and jerks the door open. He starts shaking the driver. He sees the passenger door on the truck standing open. Hearing the car behind him, he turns to look. The lady in the car is yelling to Crites. JEFF (VO) And your car? It was towed from the scene? Do you know where to? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) I just had them take it to my property. It's there now. I figured there was no need to put it someplace where they'd charge storage to keep it. JEFF How bad is it damaged? The passers-by drive down the dark highway as Crites crosses it to go back to his car. He pushes his trunk lid back down and gets inside the car. GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) It's totaled. The frame is bent and the whole rear end is cocked over about five degrees, from the rear doors back. The trunk lid had popped open, and wouldn't close, and the whole back of the car filled up with rainwater. The back windshield busted out. My insurance company has already told me they're sending a check for a total loss. JEFF (VO) So, their adjuster has already seen the car then? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) No. I took pictures and gave them to my agent. Then the company called me and worked out a settlement. Crites gets out of his car and flags down the approaching police car, blue lights on. FADE OUT: CUT TO:


EXT: STEVE DOUGLAS' HOUSE - DAYTIME Steve is still in the garage, unlocking and opening a heavy metal cabinet on the inside wall. Inside is a well organized arsenal of high-tech small arms. He glances outside to make sure nobody is watching, then plucks out a Desert Eagle, stuffs it into a small bag, zips it up and walks toward his car. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME THROUGH HIS WINDOW, JEFF SEES STEVE WALK TO HIS CAR, CARRYING THE BAG, AS THE GARAGE DOOR CLOSES BEHIND HIM. GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) What time will you be here? I've got a lot of things to do today, and I insist on being there when you look at the car. JEFF I'm not sure how long it'll take me to do the other stuff...can I call you when I get headed that way? GAYLON CRITES (V.O.) (obviously disgusted) Yes. If you have to do it to authorize my rental car. Call me, and I'll meet you there if I can. If not, we'll have to do it another time. JEFF Fair enough. I'll call you sometime around noon. Jeff scribbles the word "JERK" on the inside of his file jacket. He ponders the conversation for a few seconds, then yawns and takes the red phone off the hook. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BEDROOM - DAYTIME Jeff lays his cell phone on the headboard shelf, stacks up his pillows to suit him, then lies down, staring at the slowly turning ceiling fan. In a moment, the cell rings. The called ID says "MOM," and he answers.



JEFF Hey. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Jeff? I that you? (cautiously) JEFF Yeah. It's me. What's up? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) I worked until three this morning on that Facebook thing, and guess what! JEFF You found a connection? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Yes! Listen to this. Claire isn't friends with any of them, but I checked each of her friends. One of them, well, at least one of them, is friends with Bethany Simpson, the girl from North Little Rock. So I checked her friends, and she is friends with Ashley Conner, the girl from Russellville. I think she was the first one taken. It's liable to take me a week to go through all of them because I'm just too old to be staying up that late, but I think we're gonna find a connection between all of these girls! JEFF Did you find any connection to the one in the wreck...Amber? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Not yet, but I bet you it's there. JEFF So then, there's a good chance that our kidnapper used Facebook to hook up with these girls. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Yep. I bet you that's how he did it. Should I call the police, or one of those hotlines, and tell them about it. JEFF (pausing, still staring at the fan) You know what...keep looking. (MORE)


40. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) See if you can find any more of them before you do anything like that. Chances are they're doing the same thing anyway.

PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) OK. I'll call you tonight. What have you got to do today? JEFF I'm gonna look at the car and the truck. Maybe some other stuff, depending on what's come in. This is interesting. Call me tonight. After a few more seconds lying on the bed, unable to sleep, he gets up to take a bath. CUT TO: INT: JEFF'S SMALL BATHROOM - DAY Jeff sinks into a steaming tub, watching the bathroom TV. After a few other news stories an update regarding the kidnappings come on. AS THE HOT WATER KEEPS FLOWING INTO THE TUB, JEFF'S EYES GET HEAVIER AND HE FINALLY CLOSES THEM. WE WATCH THE WATER SLOWLY RISE UP AROUND HIS FACE AS WE LISTEN TO THE TV NEWSCASTER. TV NEWSCASTER(V.O.) ...After searching the property owned by B.J. Tyler, finding nothing, investigators don't appear to be convinced that Tyler is, in fact, the Arkansas kidnapper. The mother of the latest victim, Amber Clark, told CNN earlier that Amber was walking to a friend's house to spend the night, but never arrived. Amber's younger sister said that Amber had promised to take her swimming the next afternoon... Just before Jeff's nose is engulfed in the bath water, he pushes the knob with his foot to shut it off. CUT TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME



SOME CLOUDS ARE ROLLING IN AND THE WIND HAS PICKED UP CONSIDERABLY. JEFF STARTS THE CAR AND THE DIGITAL CLOCK SHOWS 10:30. WE CONTINUE TO HEAR THE TV ANNOUNCER... TV NEWSCASTER(V.O. CONTINUED) The only clothing Amber took with her when she left home was one change of clothes in a blue gym bag - so there is no indication that she was running away from home. In fact, Amber was scheduled to be the starting pitcher in a softball tournament this Saturday and, by all accounts, was quite excited about that. Police have picked up the family computer, and have had no luck tracking the cell phone she reportedly had with her when she left. Jeff backs the car out of the driveway and starts forward, looking closely at Steve's house as he passes slowly by and turns on the radio. ANASTASIA (V.O.) ...but if he can make comments like that, aimed directly at me, a lowly little DJ, then I feel like I've got a right to respond...don't you? (giggles) So maybe I'll be here this time next week, and maybe I won't. But this li'l female isn't gonna be shut up by that Neanderthal...Here's another one for you, Senator Pinkley... The music to The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" blasts as we see Jeff's car disappear down his street. CUT TO: EXT: WRECK SCENE - DAYTIME ALL THE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT IS GONE. THE DITCH IS FILLED UP, ALMOST LEVEL WITH THE HIGHWAY. BY THE TREE WHERE THE TRUCK CRASHED ARE TWO WHITE WOODEN CROSSES, ADORNED WITH A FEW FLOWERS. A PIECE OF NOTEBOOK PAPER HANGS ON ONE, SHOWING A CRUDE WATERCOLOR LANDSCAPE AND THE WORDS "WE MISS YOU AMBER" IN YELLOW PAINT OVER THAT. Jeff parks on the grass and gets out of the car. He walks around for a few minutes looking for clues, with his camera strapped around his neck. He sees a vacant spot in the dirt where the rock that Amber hit her head on had been. As he steps back onto the road, still looking around, a car speeds by, honking.



Jeff jumps back and screams a few selective obscenities at the driver. Then he looks both ways and continues across the highway. CUT TO: EXT: ABE'S WRECKER SERVICE - DAYTIME TYPICAL WRECKER YARD: A SMALL OFFICE BUILDING WITH A FENCED YARD BEHIND IT, FILLED WITH WRECKED CARS AND TRUCKS. Jeff hangs his camera around his neck, gets out of his car and is met by Abe, a scraggly middle-aged man with few teeth, wearing greasy overalls, rubbing his hands with a shop rag. ABE Howdy! Let me guess...you wanna look at that gravel truck from the wreck. JEFF (shaking the man's greasy hand) Am I that obvious? ABE Well, it's the only one I've brought in here in the last few weeks. Bid'nis is slow. But I gotta get a look at your driver's license and adjuster ID before I let you in. JEFF Are you fucking kidding me? I've been here a dozen times this year! You know who I am. ABE Just what the cops told me to do. I don't need no trouble with my rotation. Jeff sighs heavily as he flips open his wallet to show his driver's license, then climbs back into his car. JEFF I MIGHT have a copy of my fucking ID card in here somewhere... He opens the too-full glove box, spilling even more papers on to the passenger side floorboard; finds the ID card in that stack, and shows it to Abe. Then he proceeds through the gate and climbs up on the trucks running board. Abe follows. JEFF (CONT’D) So, I guess this is a big deal, huh?



ABE Yep. (spits tobacco) They say the driver of thissun was the Arkansas kidnapper. JEFF No shit! Looks like he was pretty messed up, from all the blood in here. ABE He was dead at the scene. Don't look like that bad of a wreck...had one of them little girls in there, too. Abe pauses to bend over and spit again, then wipes the tobacco from his mouth with the back of his hand. Jeff gets out and walks around the front of the truck to the passenger door, shooting pictures of the truck along the way. He opens and closes the door several times, and shoots some more pictures. JEFF They say she fell out. But check this door, dude. Nothing wrong with it. And no blood on this side. ABE Cop said maybe she was OK in the wreck and opened it to get away, then just fell out and hit her head. (shakes his head) It's a damn shame, ain't it? JEFF Damn shame. Hey! Didn't that girl live in Bentonville? ABE Cop said maybe he picked her up walkin' and was takin' her home. JEFF And this truck was goin' that way less than three hours after she went missin'. Sounds like the cops don't know what to think. Jeff pulls a rag from his back pocket and wipes his hands. ABE No. I reckon they don't know too much about it. But I can tell you this...I knew that feller. His name was Bob Tyler, and there ain't no way in hell he was some kind of child molester. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

44. CONTINUED: (2) ABE (CONT'D) He was a church-goin' man with a purty wife and two boys of his own. Hell, all he ever did was work, just to pay his bills. He didn't have no time to be runnin' all over the country pickin' up little girls...I bought a tractor off him once...

Abe holds out a plug of chewing tobacco, offering it to Jeff. Jeff declines and opts for a cigarette from his own pocket. ABE (CONT’D) You know, that shit'll kill you! (laughs) JEFF Somethin' will. (lights smoke) Why do you think that girl was in the truck? ABE (shaking head, spits again) Don't know. But Bob Tyler weren't no kidnapper. JEFF (pulls pen from pocket) Hey, do you know what your wrecker & storage charges are? ABE Two fifty for the wrecker. Forty a day for storage. You gonna pay it now? JEFF No. No. I gotta send everything to the insurance company and see what they wanna do. You don't know anything about the other driver, do you? I hear he lives over by Mayesville. ABE Sorry piece of shit, from what I hear. Rich boy. Hey! (slaps Jeff on the shoulder) You know what this is? Clippity-clop, clippityclop, clippity-clop, bang bang, clippity-clop, clippity-clop, clippity-clop? Jeff looks at him and squints. ABE (CONT’D) Amish drive-by shootin'! He slaps his knee and laughs like he really cracks himself up.


45. CONTINUED: (3)

JEFF (shaking head) That's it! Enough bullshit for me. I'm outta here! Jeff extends his hand to shake Abe's. ABE Just let me know whatcha wanna do with that truck 'n trailer. Wouldn't bother me none to keep 'em for the storage charges. Jeff gets back into the car and starts slowly pulling away, with the window down. He sees Abe, laughing at himself again, and hears him as he puts the chain around the gate. ABE (CONT’D) Clippity-clop, clippity-clop, clippity-clop! DISSOLVE TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME - CHURCH PARKING LOT The car is stopped. Jeff enters Gaylon Crites' address into his Garmin, then picks up his cell phone to call him. He waits for an answer, but there isn't one. He starts the Garmin directions and pulls back onto the highway. CUT TO EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME NO OTHER TRAFFIC ON THE ROAD. JEFF DRIVES BY SLOWLY, LEANING DOWN TO LOOK AT THE ADDRESS ON THE MAILBOX. ON THE SIDE IS PAINTED A RED WHITE & BLUE ELEPHANT WITH "CRITES" BELOW THAT. A THIRTY FOOT GRAVEL DRIVEWAY LEADS TO THE NEAR END OF AN ELONGATED TWO-CAR GARAGE. A MODERN BRICK HOUSE IS SEVERAL YARDS TO THE LEFT OF THAT. THERE ARE NO OTHER HOUSES NEARBY ON EITHER SIDE. Jeff turns and rolls slowly down the driveway, until he is up near the closed garage door. As he starts to open the car door, an unfriendly Doberman, on a long chain, runs out of the shadows beside the garage. The dog is barking loudly. He waits, watching the house for somebody to come out, but nobody does.



WHILE THE DOG STANDS GUARD, BARKING, JEFF TRIES AGAIN TO CALL CRITES ON HIS CELL. NO ANSWER. FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE, JEFF CAN SEE A NICE PATIO AREA, WITH A POOL, BEHIND THE HOUSE. IN THE REFLECTION OF THE SIDE GLASS DOOR ON THE HOUSE, HE SEES THAT THERE IS A WALK-IN DOOR ON THE HOUSE SIDE OF THE GARAGE. Jeff looks down at the snarling dog, just beside his door, and rolls up his window enough to keep it from jumping through. He reaches down into the trash on the passenger floorboard, and digs through it until he finds a crumpled McDonalds sack; and pulls out a piece of a discarded sandwich. He tosses a piece of the sandwich out the window. The dog quiets down long enough to eat it. When the dog starts barking again, Jeff repeats the process, with the same result. Jeff sticks his arm out the window, holding another small piece of the sandwich, and fakes throwing it up toward the front of the car, and dog, with enough chain, runs up there to look for it. It comes back and barks again when it realizes there is no food there. Jeff tosses the morsel up over the hood, to the right front of the car, and the dog runs around to retrieve it. The chain is now taught under his right front tire. He drops the car into gear and hangs out the window, looking, as he drives onto the chain, trapping the dog. He puts the car into park and waits. When the dog comes back around, it can only come within a couple of feet of the driver's door, being restricted by the chain. Jeff can now hear the dog whining as it barks and growls. He gets out of the car, hanging his camera around his neck and stuffing a folded Manila file into his back pocket. He throws the remainder of the sandwich to the dog. JEFF Good boy! (then grumbles under his breath) Motherfucker. Being careful to not get too close to the dog, slips around between the house and the garage to the side garage door. He puts his face up against the glass to look inside and sees the Lincoln Town Car, backed up on the near side. He pulls up his camera to shoot a picture through the class, then, reconsiders and tries the knob. The door opens. CUT TO:


INT: GAYLON CRITES' GARAGE - DAYTIME Jeff looks both directions up and down the highway, no traffic, and then enters the garage. He quickly starts shooting pictures of the car, starting with the big dent in the right quarter panel. He walks around the other side, shooting pictures, and nearly trips over a 5 gallon bucket full of soapy water. The left quarter panel is badly dented also. The car is backed up beside a workbench with not much room for him to get by. He slides past the corner of the bench, then along the wall behind the car, trying to get rear photos and his back snags on a padlocked latch to a metal door. He flinches from the pain, then turns to look at what stuck him. ON THE DOOR, UNDER THE BENT METAL LATCH, IS A BUMPER STICKER THAT SAYS "GENESIS 3:22." The trunk of the car is wired shut, and the roll of wire and a pair of pliers are lying on the bench beside him. He grabs the pliers and untwists the wire holding the trunk down, and raises it up to shoot pictures of the interior damage. In the relative darkness, the trunk appears to be very shallow. The carpet is buckled. Jeff lifts the wet carpet and discovers a full, empty well underneath. He looks over to the corner of the garage and sees a tire and wheel, matching those on the car, leaning against the wall. Using his cellphone for light, Jeff looks inside the well, and sees what looks like blood on the jagged metal. He lays the phone on the trunk floor and shoots a few flash pictures; then reaches into his pocket for his knife. The light on the phone times out. Jeff re-starts it. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes, tears off the aluminum paper inside the box and fashions a small cup; then scrapes some of the blood into it with his knife. The dog is barking again. Jeff hurriedly stuffs everything back into his pockets, and pulls the deck lid down, without re-fastening the wire. He goes back outside and closes the door. CUT TO: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME Jeff gets in the car and backs it off the dog's chain; and the dog viciously runs to the car door.



He backs around and drives forward out the driveway, looking in the mirror at the dog, stretching his chain trying to give chase. As he speeds out, his tires throw gravel at the dog, causing it to retreat back to the shadows. When he looks back ahead, his exit is blocked by a green Denali. The front tag says "1 Kings 3:9." Jeff stops and waves, seeing two figures in the vehicle, neither waving back. He steps out of the car as both doors on the Denali open. A woman gets out of each side. The driver, MRS. PINKLEY, is a big stern woman who looks like "Maude." The passenger, ALMA CRITES, is a small, mousey type, resembling a young Sissy Spacek, "Carrie" era. The older woman shields her eyes from the sun as she stands near her open door and speaks. MRS. PINKLEY Can we help you? Jeff walks up to the driver, trying to smile, extending his hand. JEFF Hey! Yeah, I'm Jeff Davis, with Natural State Claims. I was supposed to meet Mr. Crites here to look at a car...? You must be Mrs. Crites? (attempting flattery) MRS. PINKLEY No. I'm Mrs. Pinkley. This is Mrs. Crites. JEFF (to Mrs. Crites, extending hand) Hi! Jeff Davis. I was supposed to call Mr. Crites before coming, but my cell phone went dead. Since I was here in the area, I thought I'd just swing by and see if he was home. ALMA CRITES He's not here. (softly, shyly) JEFF Yes ma'am. I rang the doorbell and nobody answered. MRS. PINKLEY They don't have a doorbell. JEFF Yeah! I mean, I knocked.


49. CONTINUED: (2)

MRS. PINKLEY How'd you get past the dog? (looking over at the dog, standing in the shade) JEFF Oh. I had to park back in the driveway and walk way around there to get to the front door. ALMA CRITES We don't use the front door much. Gaylon got tied up and he won't be able to make it today. He called and said if you called to tell you he needed to reschedule to Friday. JEFF OK. I don't suppose you could let me look at it? Is it here? ALMA CRITES No, I'm sorry. He put it in the garage and he's the only one that's got a door opener for it. I don't drive, so I don't have any reason to go in there. MRS. PINKLEY What did you say your name was? JEFF Jeff. Jeff Davis. Jeff's sweating bullets. He reaches into his shirt pocket to get her a business card, but when he pulls it out, the little aluminum paper bundle falls out onto the driveway. He hands her the card, then bends down and picks it up, without explanation. ALMA CRITES Can I ask Gaylon to call you? JEFF Yes ma'am. If you don't mind. It's really no big deal. I was in the neighborhood anyway. I had to look at the truck in Gravette. MRS. PINKLEY (holding up Jeff's card) Is this your cell number? JEFF No. No. That's my office number. I just got this stupid cell phone. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

50. CONTINUED: (3) JEFF (CONT'D) I think I'm gonna have to get another one. It doesn't get a signal half the time. (smiles, nervously)

MRS. PINKLEY (suspiciously) I thought you said the battery went dead. JEFF Yeah! That's another problem. (holding up the phone) It's got this big screen, and it uses a lot of juice, I guess. He quickly stuffs the phone back into his pocket. Both women just stand there staring at him. JEFF (CONT’D) Well...If I could... He cuts his eyes to the Denali, in effect asking for passage. MRS. PINKLEY I'll back out. She gets into the Denali and Alma steps over into the grass. JEFF Thank you! (then to Alma) And thank you ma'am. Just have him give me a call! He gets in the car and waves as he pulls out onto the highway. JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME - MOVING As he speeds down the highway, Jeff lights a cigarette and tries to call Peggy. He gets the voice mail and hangs up. He runs off the side of the road, nearly losing control of his car as he fiddles with the phone. Then he calls Debbie. JEFF Hey! Whassup? DEBBIE (V.O.) What's the matter? You sound out of breath. JEFF Uh...I'm not sure. I think I might have stumbled onto something.



DEBBIE (V.O.) (cautiously) Jeff, what have you done now? JEFF I'll tell you about it tonight. Right now, I need you to do something. You got some time? DEBBIE (V.O.) Well, of course not, but tell me what you need. Are you OK? JEFF Yeah...whoa! (runs off the road again, looking at the mirror) Yeah. Can you get on Facebook and send Beardy a message? DEBBIE (V.O.) Beardy? Jess's friend? Why do you need to send Beardy a message? JEFF (irritated by her questioning) My phone's about dead and I need to get this out. I'll tell you about it later, OK? DEBBIE (V.O.) OK, OK! You don't have to bite my fucking head off when you're looking for a favor! JEFF (calmly) OK. I'm sorry. I need you to ask him if he had samples of blood in dirt, and blood mixed with metal scrapings, could he get DNA results...and how quick could he get them to me. DEBBIE (V.O.) Blood in dirt and blood in metal scrapings...DNA results...how long. Does Beardy know about stuff like that. JEFF Yeah. He works in the state crime lab. Can you do that now? DEBBIE (V.O.) I'll do it right now. Will you call me when you get home?


52. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF I'll call you when I get home. Maybe an hour and a half. It's pretty cool. DEBBIE (V.O.) (sighs) I'm sure it is. You be careful. You're scaring me! Blood! Really? JEFF (faking a laugh) Hey, it ain't my blood. Cell's dying. I'll call you. DEBBIE (V.O.) OK. Be careful! Jeff drives for a few more seconds, looking in the mirror, then pulls off into the parking lot of a convenience store and gets out of the car. CUT TO: EXT: CONVENIENCE STORE PARKING LOT - DAYTIME Jeff paces back and forth outside his car and cigarette off his old one. In a moment a late Ford, with no hubcaps, pulls into the lot and his car. Detective Farrow gets out of the car him.

lights a new model black parks beside and approaches

DETECTIVE FARROW Mr. Davis? Are you having some problems here. (extends hand) JEFF Oh, hey! Detective...Barrow? DETECTIVE FARROW Farrow. JEFF Yeah, Farrow. I'm sorry, man, I'm terrible with names. DETECTIVE I saw your car here with you were walking around. were having some kind of

FARROW the door open, and Thought maybe you trouble.

JEFF (pausing to consider telling him the truth) (MORE) (CONTINUED)

53. CONTINUED: JEFF (CONT'D) No, no, man. I just get these cramps in my left leg when I sit for a long time.

He rubs the back of his leg. DETECTIVE FARROW Maybe a calcium deficiency. You oughtta check into that...So, you been driving a lot today? Working on the crash at Centerton. JEFF Yeah. I..uh...went and looked at the truck at Gravette. Then I tried to look at the car over at Mayesville, but that guy wasn't home. DETECTIVE FARROW Mr. Crites? JEFF Yeah, Mr. Crites. He was supposed to meet me to look at it today, but he wasn't home. DETECTIVE FARROW Well, I know him. I'll see him at church Sunday. Want me to ask him to give you a call? JEFF (surprised) Oh! You know him? No. No. That's OK. I did speak to his wife and, I think maybe his mother. The detective's smile melts into a more serious look. DETECTIVE FARROW Mrs. Pinkley? She was there? Nice lady. She goes to my church too. JEFF Uh, yeah. Well, she pulled up when I was pulling out. I mean, both of them pulled up. The detective adjusts his dark glasses. DETECTIVE FARROW You didn't get out in the yard with OJ there, did you? JEFF (trying to re-light his cigarette) OJ?...Oh! The dog? No, dude, that fella's not too hospitable, is he? (MORE) (CONTINUED)

54. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) (pause) No, I pulled up and nobody came out, even with all the noise that dog was making, so I realized nobody was home.

DETECTIVE FARROW Yeah...it's always a good idea to call Gaylon before going to his house. That way he can put the dog up. JEFF Yeah. I tried. You know, these cell phones... DETECTIVE FARROW So, you didn't get to see the car then? JEFF No. Mrs. Crites said it was in the garage, but she didn't have a key. It's no big deal. I can come back some other time. DETECTIVE FARROW (slowly nodding his head) It's just that they've had some problems with prowlers out there. I'd be sure to call and make sure Gaylon is home before going back. Even if Alma's there, she's not going to be much help to you. She's a bit of an introvert. JEFF Sure! I could do that. DETECTIVE FARROW Well, you be careful on the road. I hope your leg gets better. JEFF (mistakenly rubbing the back of his right leg) Oh, it's much better already. Thanks. Farrow starts walking back to his car, then stops and turns around again. DETECTIVE FARROW I noticed your window sticker, "I Miss Bill" what's that, Bill Clinton? JEFF (faking a laugh) Yeah. That's my wife. She thinks she's a Democrat.


55. CONTINUED: (3)

DETECTIVE FARROW Obama, too? JEFF Oh, no! She's was big on Hillary. You know, women's rights and all that? (he stops short, realizing that's not what he should say) DETECTIVE FARROW One of those women's libbers? You have to fight over the pants in the family? (he's not smiling at all now) JEFF (laughing) Hell no! I know better than that! As Farrow walks toward his car, he points to the sticker on Jeff's back glass. DETECTIVE FARROW You might wanna get that off there, too. Farrow gets into his car and pulls out of the lot, talking on his radio. JEFF (whispering) Fuck me! FADE OUT FADE IN JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME -MOVING Continuously looking into the mirror, Jeff turns off the highway onto a small county road, through the woods, and punches "HOME" on his Garmin screen. Not following the directions given, the thing is continually "Recalculating." He comes to another paved highway and turns left. In a few seconds he sees the blue lights in his mirror, and pulls off in a gravel lot in front of some old abandoned buildings. Remaining in the car as he pulls out his license and registration, he watches he officer through his side mirror, putting on the big Smokey Bear hat. He sees the officer's belt buckle approaching his window. A female officer bends down, looking eye-to-eye with Jeff.



OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN (sternly) I was never here. You understand? Jeff tries to hand her his driver's license, and she waves it off. JEFF Got it! OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN (looking both ways up he road) Do you know who Thaddeus Pinkley is? JEFF Yeah, sure. Bigshot senator. OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN Very big. And he's prob'ly gonna run for governor in the next election. And he'll prob'ly win. Jeff doesn't believe that. He waits for her to continue. OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN (CONT’D) Pinkley is Gaylon Crites' stepdaddy. That means both of them have a lot of high-level friends in the department. Follow me? JEFF I'm...not sure. OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN (quietly) What I'm trying to tell you is if you're gonna be messing around Crites' property, you're gonna have to be way more careful - or you're gonna wake up some morning at the bottom of Beaver Lake. There's been a lot of promises made, and Pinkley carries a lot of weight around here...Now, get out of this county. The officer stands up and walks away. Jeff leans out the window calling to her. JEFF Hey! She walks back to the car and leans back down close to him. JEFF (CONT’D) Did that truck driver kidnap that girl?


57. CONTINUED: (2)

She stands up again, hands on her gun belt, and looks again up and down the highway. She turns to walk back to her car. OFFICER ANGELA FREEMAN No. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff walks in quickly and nearly falls over, again, as he sits in the broken chair and pulls up his computer screen. He reads a few emails and responds audibly. JEFF Yes! He picks up the red phone and places a call. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Hey, Jeff. JEFF Hey! You coming down to grandbebbie sit tomorrow? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Yeah. Dad's not coming, he's gonna spend the day killing his damn ants. I swear, if it wasn't for ants and crossword puzzles and cigarettes, I think he'd go out of his everlovin' mind! JEFF Do you think you could bring that sample by my house on the way to Rachel's? A friend of Jesse's can run the DNA tests and Peterman's up here visiting them. He can take it back with him to Little Rock tomorrow. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Peterman? Who's Peterman? JEFF You know, Jesse's friend. You palled around with him at the 4th of July party...the one with the camera? Was in Jesse & Monica's wedding? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Oh! Yes. He's a really sweet boy. And so cute! What's he doing here?



JEFF He's just in town on business...staying with the kids, but he's going back tomorrow and I figured this'll be the best chance to get the sample to Beardy. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Beardy? Oh! That great big boy? He's very sweet, too, but how can he drink like that without dying? Did you see him drink that stuff out of that watermelon? But he's so sweet! JEFF (dismissively) Yeah, they're all sweet...So, you think you can do that? PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) Sure! I can be down there at about 8:30. Will you be home? Will you be awake? JEFF Yeah, I'll be here. Just ring the bell. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) OK, honey. Hey, I haven't gotten much more done on the Facebook thing, but I did find a connection between Devon McGee and Bethany Simpson. I'm sure there's gonna be more to this. I'm gonna do some more from Rachel's computer tomorrow when the kids take their naps. JEFF Yeah. Very good. I think we're gonna connect 'em all. Oh, there's my other phone (lying)...I'll see you in the morning. Jeff hangs up, then calls his son from his cell. He walks to the Living Room bar while he waits for an answer. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - DAYTIME JESSE DAVIS (V.O.) Hey! What's up? Jeff quickly slams down two shots of Bourbon to calm his still-rattled nerves.



JEFF Checkin' in, man. Where are you? JESSE DAVIS (V.O.) About 10 steps from your door. Jeff quickly re-corks the bottle and slides it over with the rest of the bottles. He fans his mouth, trying to get rid of the odor, as he leans over and looks through the front glass door. JESSE DAVIS (walking in, wearing a black suit and tie) Hey, grampa! Havin' a little nip in the middle of the afternoon? JEFF Yeah, man. Just got off the road. Helluva day. I've been drivin' all over Benton County. JESSE DAVIS You shouldda stopped by, dude. I'da bought your lunch...Everything OK? Jeff turns quickly and walks toward the kitchen to hide his lying face. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' KITCHEN - DAYTIME JEFF Yeah, man. All good now. Just wired from driving. You want something to drink? Jesse follows him in. Jeff pours a Coke. JESSE DAVIS Naw, I'm good. Just had to run over to Fayetteville to look at some displays at Sam's. Did you need something? JEFF Huh? JESSE DAVIS You called me, dude. Did you need something? JEFF Oh! Yeah! Is Peterman still here, stayin' with y'all tonight?



JESSE DAVIS (looking confused) Yeah. I mean, he's supposed to be at the house. I haven't talked to him today..Why? JEFF Oh, I've got a couple of blood samples from a claim I'm workin', and I was gonna see if he could take 'em down to Beardy to do some DNA work. Jeff takes a drink. Jesse looks at him suspiciously. JESSE DAVIS Blood? You don't usually deal with blood samples, do you? JEFF (concocting a story) No. It's for Nana. She went out on a claim with me... JESSE DAVIS Oh! You had that claim on the kidnapper! Mom told me about that. How'd that go? JEFF Yeah, you know how she is about the kidnapping stuff...amateur detective...She actually yanked a blood sample from the dirt there at the scene, and she wants to test it and keep it for all her future child-abduction studies...Hell, I dunno. I told her I'd get Beardy to do it. It gives her something to do, you know. JESSE DAVIS Well...can he do that? I mean, will he get in trouble? JEFF He's not s'posed to, but he said to send it on down. And, you know, it gives Nana something to do. JESSE DAVIS (laughing) That's pure, man! Nana's a private eye! JEFF Well, she's still got it. She's gonna drop it off here at about in the morning. (MORE)


61. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) Will he leave before that? Maybe he could swing by here and pick it up on his way...

JESSE DAVIS No, we're gonna meet Mo for lunch on his way out of town tomorrow, before we go to New York, so it'll prob'ly be one or two before he gets here. I'll ask him. JEFF (swigging Coke) Cool deal. That'll tickle the shit out of her. JESSE DAVIS So, hey, man, how's that case workin' out? JEFF Oh, not much to it. on the construction whether or not that accident...or if it

I've just got the GL claim company. Gotta decide light caused the was just a coincidence.

JESSE DAVIS Well, what about that kidnapping thing? You think it was that truck driver? JEFF I dunno, man. That's Nana's department. He was driving back toward Bentonville where she lived... (Jesse's cell phone rings.) JESSE DAVIS Sorry man, I gotta take this. He walks back out to the front door. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff sits back in his chair, seeing Jesse out the window, on the phone, standing by his black Chrysler 300. He plays off his voice mails (more collectors) while he checks his email. In a minute, he hears the front door close, minimizes his screen, and spins the chair (nearly falling) to face the door as Jesse appears. JESSE DAVIS (standing in doorway) Hey man, I gotta run. Client's leaving town and I gotta meet with him first.



JEFF Well, come back when you can't stay so long. Jeff gets up. They shake hands and shoulder bump. Through the window on the door, Jeff watches him drive away. As the car passes, he sees Steve, sitting in the garage, reading. CUT TO: EXT: STEVE DOUGLAS' HOUSE - DAYTIME Steve looks over his book as Jeff walks over, smiling. STEVE DOUGLAS Hey brudder! JEFF Dude! What's goin' on? Steve lays down his book, picks up a couple of cigars and hands one to Jeff. STEVE DOUGLAS Just restin' up from Aikido, man. I think I may be getting a little old for that. What's up with you? JEFF Man. I think I may be in a bit of a bind. STEVE DOUGLAS What's the problem buddy? JEFF Well, man. I haven't talked to anybody else about this - not even Debbie - but, you know that wreck the other day where the girl got killed? The one they thought was mixed up with all the kidnapping stuff? STEVE DOUGLAS Yeah, sure. Now they think, maybe not? JEFF Yeah...well, I'm involved with working a claim on the accident, and...I think there's some shit going on. Maybe something with the cops? Steve stares at him, waiting for more. JEFF (CONT’D) You think...that's possible?



STEVE DOUGLAS (laughing) Hell, anything's possible. I've seen a lot of crooked cops in my time. Tell me your story, brother. JEFF Here it is. I've got this general liability claim on the construction company that owned the light - which may have contributed to the accident. Looking at the claim, it's evident that the truck driver was going east, toward Bentonville where the girl lived. STEVE DOUGLAS Yep. I heard that on the news. So they think he might have been giving her a ride home. JEFF Yeah. But I'm not sure she was ever in the truck. I looked at it in the wrecker yard. No blood...OK? Then, I looked at the car and there was a fake bottom in the trunk, and there was what looked like blood in there, on the trunk wall...I'm thinking maybe she was in there. STEVE DOUGLAS Did you get a sample? JEFF Yeah, I got one. I tried to do it without anybody knowing, but I think I'm busted. The trunk was wired shut. I opened it, and didn't get it wired back before I had to split. I'm pretty sure they know I did it. STEVE DOUGLAS Who are they? The guy that owned the car? Wasn't he some senator's nephew or something? JEFF Thaddeus Pinkley's stepson. STEVE DOUGLAS (smiling with the cigar between his teeth) Sweet! I hate that self-righteous son-of-abitch! JEFF Yeah, well, it appears that he's got a lot of church buddies in the Benton County S.O. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

64. CONTINUED: (2) JEFF (CONT'D) I think they may be covering something up for him. Man, I could be full of shit, but I think that girl they found may have been in that guy's trunk. He had the car moved directly to his house the night of the wreck, and he's had it locked in his garage ever since. There's buckets and shit in there, like he's planning on washing it.

STEVE DOUGLAS Washing a wrecked car, huh?...What's the deal with the cops? JEFF I'm not sure. The detective I met at the scene just happened to catch me at a gas station today and seemed to be putting some pressure on me to leave the stepson alone. Said he was friends with the guy and Pinkley. Then another deputy pulled me over and kind of warned me to back off, for my own good. I think Pinkley's pulling the strings, man. STEVE DOUGLAS (long pause while he puffs his cigar) Well, let's load up and go pay this stepson a visit! (jumps to his feet) JEFF No, no! I can't do that yet. I'm prob'ly gonna get fired as it is. I got a blood sample from the scene, too. Sending both of them to a friend in the state crime lab tomorrow to see if he can match them up. Hell, I'm not sure this guy didn't have a deer in his trunk or something. Like I said, I could be full of shit. It could be fucking paint. Or ketchup... STEVE DOUGLAS Well, you just let me know, brudder. If there's bad cops involved you can't trust anybody. How long 'til you get the DNA results? JEFF Maybe the first of next week? STEVE DOUGLAS If you want, I can make a call to the Bureau. Kidnapping is a federal offense, you know. I've still got a lot of friends there...


65. CONTINUED: (3)

JEFF I might, man. I might need you to do that, a little later. I just wanted to know what you thought about it. STEVE DOUGLAS Well, it all sounds a little too coincidental to me...You need to borrow a gun in the meantime? Steve writes his name and cell number on the back of a card and hands it to Jeff. JEFF No, I'm good, man. I've got my magnum. Could you keep an eye out, in case there's anybody suspicious around the neighborhood? STEVE DOUGLAS (grinning) Always do. Debbie's white car comes speeding down the street, and squeals into Jeff's driveway. JEFF Thanks, man. I'll talk to you tomorrow. The guy's name is Gaylon Crites. Can you see what you can find out about him? Jeff starts to run back across the street to his house. STEVE DOUGLAS You be careful! Get back to me! CUT TO: EXT: JEFF DAVIS' DRIVEWAY - DAYTIME Debbie gets out of the car and starts screaming at Jeff DEBBIE What in the hell have you gotten into? CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - DAYTIME Jeff follows Debbie in as she goes straight to the bar. JEFF Whattaya mean?



You I'm car the You I'm

DEBBIE call me about blood samples. Then, when leaving the hospital, there's a big black with tinted windows that follows me all way to the corner up there! Every turn! better tell me what's going on, because not liking this very much!

JEFF OK! OK. I'll tell you all about it. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Jeff is in the office with the lights out, doing some claims work on the computer. The curtain is parted, as always, and he sees Steve's garage door open. An email pops up: "If Debbie's asleep, come see me at midnight." Jeff's clock shows 11:42. CUT TO: EXT: STEVE DOUGLAS' HOUSE - NIGHT The garage light is out. Steve sits in his chair, smoking a cigar, reading, with a red headlight on. Jeff walks up the driveway in the dark. The red headlight looks somewhat like a rifle site from Jeff's perspective. STEVE DOUGLAS (quietly) Midnight salutations, my brudder. JEFF (quietly) Man, you scared the shit outta me with that light! Jeff takes a seat beside him STEVE DOUGLAS Yeah, this is pretty cool. Keeps me from drawing too much attention when I'm out here at night. JEFF Yeah, I never asked you this, but why do you sit out here to read? It's gotta be much cooler in the house.



STEVE DOUGLAS (Holds up cigar) They stink up the house. Besides, it's pretty nice out here tonight. He offers Jeff a cigar. JEFF No, thanks, man. I think I need a little direct hit right now. So, whassup? (lights a cigarette) STEVE DOUGLAS I made a few calls tonight. Seems like we have a mutual acquaintance. JEFF Yeah? STEVE DOUGLAS The deputy who stopped you today was a friend of mine from the dojo. We take Aikido together. Good thing you didn't try to fight her. She's pretty good...She'd kick your ass! JEFF (shocked) You're fucking kidding me, man! Do you know everybody? Is she a good guy? STEVE DOUGLAS (shushing Jeff first) Her name is Angela Freeman. She's straight as an arrow. And I don't know everybody, but she filled me in on Crites and Detective Farrow. (a beat) Crites was about four years old, an only child, when his mother married Pinkley. She was his legal assistant when he was a lawyer. Never married. Some people suspect that the old man may actually be his father. His first wife was killed in a car wreck, just three months before they got married, quietly, by a JP in Eureka Springs. After that, they both got religion and became active in their non-demoninational church. They've been there a long time now, and he's a deacon. She would be, too, but they don't allow women to hold any kind of title. The kid got a pretty straight upbringing. From the time he was six, until he turned eighteen, he was in a religious boarding school in Missouri. When he came back, he started doing some intern work for Pinkley. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

68. CONTINUED: (2) STEVE DOUGLAS (CONT'D) About a year into that, they had some kind of falling out and Crites quit working for him. But step-dad set him up with a trust fund, so he really doesn't have to work anyway.

JEFF So, this Ebay stuff is just a hobby for him...Has he ever been in trouble? Got any kind of record? STEVE DOUGLAS Nothing that stuck, other than a speeding ticket in White County, where Pinkley doesn't have much influence. He had to pay that one. His last year in the school in Missouri, he came close to getting tossed out due to some inappropriate communications with a young girl, but Pinkley stepped in with a bunch of lawyer mumbo-jumbo and got him out of it. Then, about two years ago, he was actually arrested in Bentonville for harassment of another young girl. Your boy, Farrow, was the investigator on that case - his first assignment after getting his gold shield - and made the recommendation to the prosecutor that there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him. The case was dropped. A week after that, the girl's family packed up and moved to Georgia. JEFF Well, that's pretty fucking interesting. STEVE DOUGLAS It gets better. This Detective Farrow has been involved with several of Pinkley's law cases, all of which turned out in his favor. Pinkley thinks he'll be elected governor in the next election and he's promised Farrow the director's job at the state police. Farrow's got several other guys in the S.O. that he'll bring with him. Their job now is to make sure that ol' Thad gets elected. That means keeping him clear of any scandals involving his family. JEFF I always understood that Pinkley was gonna run for U.S. Senate.


69. CONTINUED: (3)

STEVE DOUGLAS He is. He wants to get in a term as governor first to build up his credentials and his power base. A guy can make a lot of friends from that chair in Little Rock JEFF So, what does your friend, Angela, think about Crites and Pinkley's involvement with this girl that got killed? STEVE DOUGLAS The official version is now that the girl wasn't kidnapped. The truck driver picked her up, hitching her way back home after she ran away. JEFF Does she buy that? STEVE DOUGLAS No. She wasn't invited to the crime scene. It was all controlled by Farrow and his handpicked deputies. She thinks it's more than a coincidence that Crites turned out to be the other driver, but she doesn't have any evidence to show anything. If she starts snooping around too much Farrow will get her busted out of the department. He doesn't seem to like her much as it is...Doesn't think a woman should be a sheriff's deputy. Jeff gets up and walks down the driveway a bit, and back. JEFF What should I do with this, man? STEVE DOUGLAS (re-lighting cigar) That's the last time I order these fucking things online...How long 'til you get your DNA samples back? JEFF Maybe Sunday? STEVE DOUGLAS Then Sunday, you get me the results. If there's a match between those two samples I'll get the Bureau involved and you're all done. You can get back to your day job and quit fuckin' around with shit that might get you killed.


70. CONTINUED: (4)

Jeff leans against the garage door opening and stares at his feet. STEVE DOUGLAS (CONT’D) You're not gonna do that, are you?..What's your hurry? The girl's dead. There's nothing you can do that's gonna change that. An approaching car's headlights are visible. Steve his red headlamp. Jeff sits back in his chair, and A black ford drives by, around the cul-de-sac, and front of Jeff's house, where it practically stops. speeds away.

flips off they wait. back in Then it

Jeff and Steve continue to sit, motionless, realizing the car meant something. JEFF Let me sleep on it. Steve pops the headlamp back on and slides a metal briefcase across the small table to Jeff. He opens it, exposing a bunch of gadgets, perfectly organized. He picks out what looks like a cell phone. STEVE DOUGLAS I want you to keep this for a few days, because I've got a sneaking suspicion that you're too fucking stupid to do the right thing...This is a fake cell phone. This button turns on a flashlight. This one activates a Taser that will bring down a mule. You've gotta flip this thing over to access the Taser button. And make sure you're not pointing it at yourself. It'll knock your dick in the dirt. (hands it to Jeff) JEFF Thanks man. You're like that dude on the Bond movies? What else you got? STEVE DOUGLAS Nothing you need to know about right now. This is just in case. You just get me those DNA results and get outta this thing. Jeff looks across the street and sees light coming through the curtains in his office. He gets up to run across the street.


71. CONTINUED: (5)

JEFF I'll get back to you. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - NIGHT As Jeff walks in, Debbie is standing in the doorway, facing him. DEBBIE (sleepily) Where you been? JEFF Hmm? I was just makin' sure my car doors were locked. DEBBIE Scared me. Are you coming to bed? JEFF Yeah. In a minute. I'm finishing up a report. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Using only the light from the computer screen, Jeff plucks a Bible from a nearby bookshelf. He looks up to the dark ceiling, trying to recall what he had seen earlier. THE IMAGE FADES IN FROM THE DARK CEILING: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME JEFF'S VIEW THOUGH THE WINDSHIELD AS HE PULLS OUT OF CRITES' DRIVEWAY. THE DENALI IS COMING TOWARD HIM. HE ZOOMS IN ON THE LICENSE PLATE: 1 KINGS 3:9. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Jeff thumbs through the pages, lays it open on his desk, and begins to read. FADE OUT SLOWLY



JEFF (quietly) Kings 9. And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of the house of the LORD, and the king's house, and all Solomon's desire, which he was pleased to do. That the LORD appeared to Solomon the second time, as he had appeared to him at Gibeon. And the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and thy supplication, that thou....... BLACKNESS. WE HEAR THE LOW MOANING GROWL OF A CAT, FOLLOWED BY FULL-BLOWN SCREECHING. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BEDROOM - DAYTIME Jeff is in bed, on his back. Startled by the racket, his eyes pop open. He sees his black & white cat, on a chair by the window, fighting with another one outside. He throws a pillow to break it up. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff walks in wearing a tee shirt and his pajama bottoms, sleepy-eyed. He looks out the window to see Steve's garage door down and his car gone. A gray Lincoln crosses his line of sight and parks against the curb in front of Jeff's house. CUT TO: EXT: JEFF DAVIS' DRIVEWAY - DAYTIME Peggy Davis waits in the car, rolls the passenger side window down, and Jeff walks up to the car. His hair's a mess. JEFF Hey! PEGGY DAVIS Hi, Honey! Did you just wake up? JEFF (looks up the street and back to her) How can you tell?



PEGGY DAVIS Well, I'm goin' over to Rachel's to stay with the kids, and I brought you this sample. Have you found out anything else? JEFF No, no. Not really. I figure we'll just wait and see what Beardy says about the sample. Maybe today or tomorrow I can talk the sheriff's office out of preliminary report. But you keep checking that Facebook thing when you get a chance. PEGGY DAVIS (handing him the bottle) Yeah. Rachel has to take her laptop with her, but she's got a desktop I can use when the kids take their naps. It won't be very long, but I think I can get a little more done. Isn't it interesting that three of those girls are connected on there? JEFF (looking back up the street) Yeah. Could just be six degrees of separation. PEGGY DAVIS Huh? Oh! You mean like that Kevin Bacon thing? I should look and see how many of them are friends with Kevin Bacon! JEFF (obviously mentally distracted) Yeah, sure. Check that out...Hey, I gotta get back in there, I'm s'posta get a call from a lawyer on a claim. PEGGY DAVIS OK honey. I know you're busy. Call me when you find something out, and I'll do the same. He watches her turn around in the cul-de-sac and drive back up the street. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' BATHROOM - DAYTIME Jeff is almost asleep in the tub when he hears more from the TV about the kidnapping case. His white cat is lying on the side of tub next to him.



The screen, again, shows the photographs of the four missing girls, with their names under the pictures. FEMALE TV REPORTER Disappointing news from investigators in the Arkansas kidnapping case. Thirteen year-old Amber Clark, who was killed in a bizarre accident Monday night, was thought to be the fifth kidnapping victim, providing authorities with their first meaningful leads into the disappearances of four other young girls. Investigators are now saying it appears Amber's case was an isolated incident, and that she was, in fact, being driven home, after running away, by the man who was suspected of abducting her. B.J. Tyler was originally a person of interest in the kidnapping case. Both Clark and Tyler were killed when the truck collided with a car and struck a tree...Still missing are 12 year-old Ashley Conner, of Russellville, Arkansas since February 23rd; 12 year-old Devon McGee, of Fort Smith, Arkansas - since April 9th; 13 year-old Candace Cooper, of Searcy, Arkansas, who went missing on May and 12 year-old Bethany Simpson, of North Little Rock, who has been missing since July 8th. Jeff focuses in on the picture of Candace Cooper. Her name and "Searcy" appear under the picture. He jumps out of the tub, scaring off the white cat, and walks out of the bathroom, still wet and naked. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME He pulls up his email account and sends a note to Steve: "On what date was Crites' ticket in White County?" FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - DAYTIME Jeff, dressed and semi-presentable, sets Peggy's sample bottle and another small bottle on the buffet by the front door as he walks out of the house, carrying a stack of mail. CUT TO:


EXT: STEVE DOUGLAS' HOUSE - DAYTIME STEVE'S CAR IS STILL GONE. GARAGE DOOR SHUT. WE SEE JEFF'S CAR DRIVE DOWN THE STREET BETWEEN THE HOUSES. CUT TO: EXT: POST OFFICE PARKING LOT - DAYTIME As Jeff walks back to his car, carrying a big stack of mail, he sees a black Ford, backed into a parking spot not far away. When he pulls out, the Ford gets in traffic behind him. CUT TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME Trying to appear casual, Jeff watches in the mirror as he makes turn after turn, always seeing the Ford a few cars behind him. When he makes the turn down his own street, the Ford goes straight. Jeff appears to relax. CUT TO: EXT: JEFF DAVIS' DRIVEWAY - DAYTIME Jeff gets out of his car, carrying his mail, and the white cat runs under his feet, nearly tripping him. He shuffles his mail to pick up the cat, and walks to the door, looking concerned. He starts to put the key into the lock, then pulls it back and turns the knob. The door opens, and he goes inside. He puts down the cat and closes the door behind him. He walks cautiously toward his office. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME The door to the office is closed, and there is no evidence of disturbance outside the office. Jeff walks in to find the room ransacked. Papers and files are all over the floor even more than usual. His broken office chair is turned over on the floor, and the keyboard is hanging by the cord off the edge of the desk. Jeff sets the chair back up and re-sets the keyboard. He picks up his digital camera from the floor to find the card door open and film card missing.



He looks at the closet door, behind his guitar, and there hangs the small Kodak camera he had used to shoot the photos of Crites' car. He grabs that camera to find the card still in it. He looks up, as if he has a revelation, and runs out of the office. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - DAYTIME Jeff rounds the corner already looking for the two bottles he sat on the buffet. They are there. He visibly relaxes. CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' HOME OFFICE - DAYTIME Jeff pulls up his email and finds a reply from Steve: "May 10. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T." He picks up a small dog food box from the trash in the floor and starts filling it with items: camera, cell phone, the taser he got from Steve. He walks out of the room for a moment, then returns and puts a holstered .357 in the box. He looks angry. He puts on his black photographer vest, picks up the box and walks out of the office, speaking under his breath. He locks the office door from the inside as he pulls it shut. JEFF Motherfucker! Break into my house? CUT TO: EXT: JEFF DAVIS' DRIVEWAY - DAYTIME Jeff opens the car door and tosses in the box. Looking over the car he sees Peterman driving toward him. He holds up 1 finger - indicating he'll be right back. He runs into the house and comes back carrying the 2 sample bottles, walks up to Peterman's car. JOHN DAVID PETERMAN is a handsome dark-haired, dark-eyed young business professional - late 20s. He remains in the car.



JEFF Hey, man, I appreciate you doing this. I've gotta bug out for an appointment I forgot about. You good? PETERMAN Yeah, doin' great! So, you just want me to give these to Beardy? He'll know what to do? JEFF Yeah. He should. Just have him give me a call if he has any questions...Sorry I gotta run, man. I'd like to catch up! PETERMAN Hey, I know how it is with work. You and Debbie come down next trip and we'll go get drunk. They shake hands. Peterman rounds the cul-de-sac and drives away. Jeff gets in his car and drives a little way up the street, meeting Debbie coming home. They stop side-by-side. DEBBIE Where ya headed? JEFF (lying) Meeting with a deputy in Bentonville on that fatality...What are you doing home? DEBBIE Larry called. He's in town to see his accountant and he's gotta come back Tuesday. I figured I'd just take off and ride back to Batesville with him until then. I haven't seen Aunt Ida in forever...Is that OK with you? JEFF Sure! When's he coming to get you? DEBBIE Half an hour. I've gotta get some shit packed. Will you be OK if I'm gone that long? (looks concerned) JEFF Yeah...yeah, that's great! He gets out of the car to give her a kiss.


78. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF (CONT’D) Got your phone? She shows it to him. JEFF (CONT’D) Then give me a call when you get there. Prob'ly around six? DEBBIE It might be a little later. He's got to pick up something for his motor home in Harrison. I'll leave money for you on the bar...and I'll call you. JEFF (getting back into his car) Hey! You don't need your laptop, do you? I accidentally locked my office door. I can go back and break in if you need it... DEBBIE No. We don't have time for that. You be careful! I'd like for all that mess to be over by the time I get back! JEFF (relieved) I've got a feeling it will be. Call me! Jeff's cell starts ringing as he drives away. CUT TO: JEFF'S CAR - DAYTIME - MOVING JEFF LOOKS IN THE MIRROR, WATCHING DEBBIE TURN INTO THE DRIVEWAY AS HE ANSWERS THE CELL PHONE. TONYA COOPER (V.O.) Mr. Davis? JEFF Yes. TONYA COOPER (V.O.) I got your number from your Little Rock office. I hope you don't mind. JEFF No. Not at all. How can I help you?



TONYA COOPER (V.O.) You don't know me, Mr. Davis. My name is Tonya Cooper. My daughter, Candy, was ..kidnapped... we think...back in May. JEFF (rolling up window to hear better) Yes ma'am? TONYA COOPER (V.O.) I know you're involved with the Amber Clark case, or at least, that's what I've been told. JEFF Yes ma'am. I'm handling part of the insurance claim...Do you mind if I ask who told you that? TONYA COOPER (V.O.) I'm at Amber Clark's house now, in Bentonville. Is there a way I could meet with you for just a few minutes? He drags the file out of the box and flips it open, looking for the address. JEFF Sure. Yes ma'am. I'm actually driving that way now. Will that be all right? TONYA COOPER (V.O.) Do you know the address? We can meet somewhere else if you like. JEFF No. No, I have the address. That'll be fine. It'll be about half an hour? TONYA COOPER (V.O.) That's good. Thank you, Mr. Davis. Jeff hangs up and drives on, looking worried and confused. CUT TO: EXT: STEPHANIE CLARK'S HOUSE - DAYTIME



LARGE, OLDER STONE & BRICK HOUSE. BLACK SUV IN THE DRIVEWAY WITH A "SEARCY LIONS" BACK WINDOW STICKER. TWO WOMEN ARE STANDING INSIDE, LOOKING OUT THE PICTURE WINDOW, AS JEFF DRIVES UP. HE WALKS UP THE STEPS TO THE FRONT DOOR. HANGING THERE IS A SIGN: "AS FOR ME & MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD." THE DOOR OPENS. STEPHANIE CLARK Thank you for coming, Mr. Davis. I'm Stephanie Clark. Please come in. CUT TO: INT: STEPHANIE CLARK'S HOUSE - DAYTIME Jeff walks in and is greeted by a tail-wagging dog. The house is dark and somber. Several pictures of Amber Clark hang on the wall - in one, she holds a puppy version of the dog. STEPHANIE CLARK (to the dog) Sophie! Get down!...I'm so sorry. She's really not herself right now...This is Tonya Cooper, she called you. JEFF Mrs. Cooper. Stephanie takes the dog to another room. TONYA COOPER I really appreciate you taking time to talk with me. Please, sit down. He sits, uncomfortably, on the edge of the couch, and she pulls a small chair up, facing him, and sits. JEFF How can I help y... TONYA COOPER As I told you on the phone, my daughter, Candy...Candace...was kidnapped in May. We believe there is some connection to her case and the case of Amber Clark. (pause) I know you're acting as an insurance adjuster on this case, but I understand you have had some experience as a private investigator. Is that correct? Stephanie walks back into the room and hands Jeff a glass of lemonade. He nods to her.



JEFF I have. Yes ma'am. But never anything as important as a kidnapping case. STEPHANIE CLARK Or murder? Jeff looks back to her and she turns away. TONYA COOPER (taking Jeff's free hand) I called Stephanie because I believe there are too many similarities to our daughters, and the three other girls, for this to be a coincidence, like they say on the news. She agrees with me, Mr. Davis. We think whoever took Amber may be the same person who took Candy and the other girls. JEFF (looking at the floor) What is it you want me to do Mrs. Cooper? TONYA COOPER Tonya, please. JEFF Tonya, as I said, I don't have any experience with cases like this. Have you spoken with the police about it? Stephanie pulls another chair beside Tonya and answers Jeff's question. There don't don't knows about

STEPHANIE CLARK are people in the sheriff's office who seem to want us to look into this. We know who we can talk to. But my brother a deputy who suggested we speak with you what you know. JEFF

Angela Freeman? STEPHANIE CLARK I hope you understand...I know it doesn't seem right, but it's too dangerous for us to tell you who the deputy is. Her look conveys to Jeff that he has the right name. Jeff looks back at the pictures on the wall.


82. CONTINUED: (2)

JEFF What are the similarities between the girls? Tonya is anxious to tell him. She picks up a stack of photo albums from the coffee table. TONYA COOPER There are so many! To begin with, they look alike... FADE OUT ALL IS BLACK AND QUIET. WE HEAR THE JINGLING OF KEYS, THEN THE CLICKING OF A LOCK. A DOOR OPENS, ALLOWING A FAINT LIGHT FROM BEYOND TO EXPOSE A CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATE. FOOTSTEPS APPROACH. IN THE DARK BACKGROUND, BEHIND THE FENCE, WE CAN MAKE OUT THE IMAGE OF A YOUNG BLONDE GIRL, DRESSED IN A SIMPLE WHITE GOWN, SITTING IN A CORNER WITH HER ARMS WRAPPED AROUND HER KNEES. WE SEE A PLASTIC DINNER TRAY BEING SLID UNDER THE GATE. THE GIRL DOESN'T MOVE. FOOTSTEPS. THE DOOR CLOSING, BACK TO BLACK. CUT TO: INT: STEPHANIE CLARK'S HOUSE - DAYTIME JEFF Why is that? TONYA COOPER I'm sorry? JEFF Why is it that the police don't have any doubt about Candy being kidnapped? TONYA COOPER She just vanished, from softball practice. She had a...a female problem...and excused herself to go to the restroom, and she just vanished. JEFF Was she embarrassed about that? TONYA COOPER (almost giggling) No! It was an all-girl team, from church. They all joked with each other about stuff like that. She didn't have any hang-ups about it. JEFF (gathers his will to make the statement) (MORE) (CONTINUED)

83. CONTINUED: JEFF (CONT'D) I don't think Amber was in the truck. I think she was in the other car...the one going away from Bentonville.

Stephanie gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. JEFF (CONT’D) I think the driver of the car placed her where she was found after she was killed in the accident Stephanie bursts into tears and is comforted by Tonya. Jeff wipes away some of his own tears. JEFF (CONT’D) I think she was killed instantly, and the man driving the car had to make it look like she was in he truck, because his car was stuck and he couldn't drive away from the scene. STEPHANIE CLARK That man is Senator Pinkley's son! That's why the sheriff's office is trying to close the case? TONYA COOPER So...he could be the one who took Candy? And he's being protected by the sheriff's office? What kind of people are these? Who can we call? He could still have her! We have to go there! Tonya picks up her purse and walks for the door. JEFF Mrs. Cooper. I was on my way there when you called. You need to stay here and wait for word from me. TONYA COOPER What are you going to do? JEFF I don't know. I don't think the entire sheriff's department is in on anything with him. I think it's a...a...religious thing. Like a cult, or something. I don't think, at this point, we need to trust any law enforcement agencies. I'm gonna try to see what I can do myself first. Stephanie sits on the couch. Tonya continues to pace.


84. CONTINUED: (2)

TONYA COOPER If it's a cult, then it's possible that my daughter is still alive! JEFF Yes ma'am. It's possible. TONYA COOPER (in Jeff's face) Then, please! You've got to find her! She pulls a flyer from her purse and hands it to Jeff. TONYA COOPER (CONT’D) We have a foundation, Mr. Davis, and there is a fifty thousand dollar reward for her safe return. There are also rewards for the return of the other three girls. This will be worth your while, I promise you! JEFF (shaking head dismissively) I'll try. I need you both to wait here, and don't speak to anybody about this. Can you do that? (looks at Stephanie) Can you do that? Stephanie nods. JEFF (CONT’D) (to Tonya) I have your number. If you haven't heard from me by morning, call this guy(hands her a card). Tell him everything you know. CUT TO: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME Jeff drives by slowly, then turns left, away from the house, onto a dirt road; crosses up over a railroad track and drives on down the road. FADE OUT FADE IN EXT: UTILITY BOX BY RAILROAD TRACK - DAYTIME



JEFF POPS UP BESIDE THE GREEN METAL BOX BY THE TRACKS AND SITS HIS COKE ON THE SLAB. HE LOOKS THROUGH HIS BINOCULARS TOWARD CRITES' HOUSE, ABOUT 150 YARDS AWAY. THE GARAGE DOOR IS CLOSED. NO VEHICLES OUTSIDE. THE DOG IS LYING IN THE SHADE. IT'S A HOT DAY. Jeff lights a cigarette, then pulls a bag from his vest pocket and dumps out several wrapped pieces of beef jerky. He begins to open the packages and tear the jerky into small pieces. The cell rings. Ringtone is "Born to Run." Caller ID shows "Debbie." He rolls back behind the box to answer. JEFF Hey! You there already? DEBBIE (V.O.) Yeah! Larry's guy in Harrison was gone, so he's gonna go back by there Tuesday when he brings me home. What ya doin'? Jeff feels a vibration; looks up the tracks to see a train approaching. JEFF Just...driving home from my meeting. DEBBIE (V.O.) How'd that go? JEFF Not bad. Not bad. I think they'll be able to get me a report next week. THE TRAIN IS COMING CLOSER. DEBBIE (V.O.) Oh, you should see these nieces of ours! They're so precious! Both of them are dressed up like cheerleaders and they have little footballs painted on their cheeks. I think they want to talk to you. TRAIN, CLOSER. JEFF Hey! Tell 'em hi for me. My phone's beeping and it's gonna die any second! Left my charger at home. DEBBIE (V.O.) OK. Maybe they can talk to you before they go to bed tonight?


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CLOSER. JEFF (cupping hands around phone) Yeah! That'll be great! DEBBIE (V.O.) K. Love you! JEFF You too. HE CLICKS OFF THE PHONE AND DUCKS BEHIND THE UTILITY BOX AS THE TRAIN ROARS BY. UNDER THE TRAIN, BETWEEN THE PASSING WHEELS, CREATING A STROBE-LIKE EFFECT, WE SEE THE GARAGE DOOR OPEN. GAYLON AND ALMA CRITES, DRESSED NICELY, WALKING FROM THE HOUSE. THE LINCOLN IS GONE. IN ITS PLACE IS A LATE MODEL BRIGHT RED CAR. THEY GET IN AND DRIVE AWAY. THE GARAGE DOOR CLOSES. THE TRAIN CONTINUES TO PASS FOR A WHILE. WHEN THE CABOOSE PASSES, JEFF IS ON HIS FEET, AND STARTS WALKING TOWARD THE HOUSE. CUT TO: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME Jeff walks to the far side of the garage from the Doberman. The dog stretches his chain, barking and snarling. He starts to toss it small pieces of the jerky to quiet it down. He sees a small window on the side of the building, boarded up on the inside. He looks around for something to bust the window with. He sees a car coming down the highway and dives behind a tree. The car pulls into the driveway, and he sees that it's Farrow. Jeff scurries under a barbwire fence deeper into the woods. Peeking out from behind a big tree, Jeff sees Farrow, walking around the garage building, as if on patrol. As he watches, he discovers he's on top of an ant mound, and big red ants are crawling up his pant legs. He remains still and quiet. Farrow walks back around the front corner of the building and out of sight. A door slams. The car starts. Jeff watches it pull out of the driveway and disappear down the highway. Jeff crawls back under the fence, picks up a brick, and breaks out the window glass, knocking down the paneling behind it.



He tries to crawl through the window but his vest is too bulky. He gets back down, takes off the vest, and throws it through the window. Then he crawls through. CUT TO: INT: GAYLON CRITES GARAGE - DAYTIME Once inside the dark garage, Jeff looks at the door on the other side, seeing the Doberman, standing on its hind legs, barking and snarling through the door glass. He puts his vest back on. He grabs a shop broom from a corner and sweeps the broken glass to a corner. He places the knocked-out piece of plywood back into the window opening, making it darker. He goes quickly toward the locked door beside the workbench; tugs on the closed padlock. He looks through the workbench for something to open it with, no luck. He sees an attic crawl space above the bench; uses a plastic bucket to step up onto the bench and push out the plywood over the opening. He unscrews the light bulb on the garage ceiling and pulls himself up into the hole. CUT TO: INT: GARAGE ATTIC - DARK Inside the attic, Jeff replaces the cover to the opening, leaving himself in near-total darkness. In a moment, he flips on the fake cellphone/flashlight Steve had given him. Sweat is already dripping off his face. He begins to crawl forward, keeping his hands and knees on the ceiling joists. After going a few feet, he lifts up a batt of insulation and, using a knife from his pocket, pulls up a piece of the acoustic ceiling tile. Below Jeff is an office, with another back door about ten feet away. That door is padlocked from the office side. He takes a deep breath of the cooler air, then closes the hole and starts crawling again. Then he repeats the process. BELOW NOW IS A LARGER ROOM THAT APPEARS TO BE FOR STORAGE. SHELVES WITH EBAY PRODUCTS. A HEAVY WOODEN TABLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM, DIRECTLY BELOW HIM. A DESK LAMP ON THE TABLE IS THE ONLY LIGHT. NO WINDOWS. ONLY THE ONE DOOR, LEADING TO THE OFFICE. About to run out of breath, Jeff sticks his head down into the room, through the crawl space, and breathes heavily.



He hangs there like a bat in the cooler air, as sweat from his face drips down forming a small pool on the table. Then, he hears the humming of the overhead garage door opening behind him. JEFF Fuck me! He pulls himself back up into the attic and replaces the ceiling panel. He turns out the light - again in total darkness. He hears one car door close, then the humming of the overhead door closing; jingling of keys. PINHOLE LIGHTS APPEAR BEHIND HIM, AS THE OFFICE LIGHTS ARE TURNED ON. HE HEARS A MUFFLED VOICE. Keys jingling again. He hears Crites, on the phone, enter the big room below him. GAYLON CRITES (O.C.) That's correct. I'll email you the shipping information as soon as the method has been determined. The storage room lights come on, and more pinhole beams appear in the attic. GAYLON CRITES (O.C.) (CONT’D) You're more than welcome sir. You too, sir. Have a blessed weekend! It is quiet for several seconds, followed by the loud sound of the table being scooted across the storage room floor. Then some clanking. Then quiet again. Jeff carefully pulls up below. He takes a short see more. When the tile back through, and takes

a corner of the ceiling tile to look look, then continues to lift it to is all the way up, he sticks his head another deep breath. CUT TO:

INT: CRITES STORAGE ROOM The door back to the office is now dummy-locked from the inside. Crites is not in the room. The table is moved over to one side, exposing an open trap door in the floor. Jeff drops quietly to the floor and immediately pulls up his shirt tail to wipe his face. He's panting like a dog.



He pulls his cell phone from the vest pocket, searches some numbers, and attempts a call, but the phone doesn't work. He looks at the hole in the floor, then back to the door to the office. JEFF (whispering) Man up. He trades the phone for his .357; points it toward the hole as he approaches it, cautiously. Looks down into the dungeon, then starts his descent down the creaking stairs. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' DUNGEON - DARK AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WOODEN STAIRS IS A LONG NARROW CORRIDOR, LINED ON EACH SIDE WITH SHELVES, BOXES AND BARRELS COMMERCIAL FOODS. ON THE FAR END IS A METAL DOOR - LIKE A DOOR TO THE KITCHEN AT A RESTAURANT. Hands shaking, holding the gun in front of him, Jeff takes several steps toward the door. Thump! CUT TO BLACK FADE IN EXT: LAKE - DAYTIME JEFF IS FLOATING ON HIS BACK ON AN AIR MATTRESS, NEARLY ASLEEP, AS THE WAVES GENTLY LAP UP AROUND HIM. HE IS A YOUNG MAN, MAYBE 19. A FEW FEET AWAY, YOUNG DEBBIE - TANNED, STACKED-UP BIKINI BLONDE - IS SUNNING ON ANOTHER RAFT. THE SUN IS BURNING HIS FACE. HE SCOOPS UP SOME LAKE WATER AND SPLASHES IT ONTO HIS RED FACE. HE OPENS HIS EYES AND IS LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO A BLINDING SUN. CUT TO: INT: CRITES BATHROOM - BRIGHT THE BRIGHT SUN SLOWLY MORPHS INTO THE BATHROOM CEILING LIGHT. JUST BESIDE THAT, THE FACE OF ALMA CRITES COMES INTO FOCUS. JEFF IS NAKED IN THE PORCELAIN TUB, AND ALMA IS SPONGING HIS FACE. ALMA CRITES (cheerfully) My goodness! We were wondering if you were ever going to wake up!



She sponges his chest and then slides it down across his belly. Jeff grabs her wrist. JEFF Whoa! It ain't that kind of party! ALMA CRITES (backing up a little) Well, now you're awake. You can just do it yourself! But you have to get clean. You smelled like a skunk! Alma stands up and Jeff sees Gaylon Crites behind her, leaning in the doorway, holding Jeff's gun. GAYLON CRITES is mid-30s, proper, neat. A young John Malkovich-type. GAYLON This is a nice pistol. My stepfather used to have an old Arminius like this...but I think his had a wooden grip...I was wondering why you used .38 special shells. JEFF (moaning) Cheaper. What the fuck's going on here? GAYLON You were caught trespassing. Don't you know that's against the law? Jeff holds the big sponge over his manhood. JEFF You're right. Call the cops. I've gotta pay my debt to society. He tries to pull himself out of the tub, but doesn't have the strength. GAYLON CRITES (pointing the gun in Jeff's face, smiling) It must've been pretty hot in that attic. You probably dripped a quart of water onto my table up there. JEFF Water?


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GAYLON CRITES Oh! Sure! He lowers the pistol and hands Jeff a bottle of water. He takes a long drink. GAYLON CRITES (CONT’D) (leaning over the tub, low tone) We've got a bit of a problem here, Mr. Davis. What do you think I should do with you? JEFF I dunno. But a guy like you surely wouldn't wanna do it while I'm naked. Why don't you give me my clothes? GAYLON CRITES (sits back up, playing with the gun) Your clothes smell horrible, and they're soaking wet with perspiration. Here's something you can wear. He hands Jeff some white pajamas and a towel. GAYLON CRITES (CONT’D) Can you dress yourself? JEFF (trying again to get up) I'll manage. Crites, still playing with the pistol, stands up and walks toward the door. GAYLON CRITES This will be locked. Just knock when you're ready to come out. He spins quickly, pointing the gun at Jeff, like a cowboy, grinning. Jeff doesn't flinch. JEFF Yeah. I'll do that. Thanks. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: CRITES' GREATROOM - BRIGHT



THE ROOM IS RATHER ELABORATE FOR AN UNDERGROUND BUNKER, RESEMBLING A LARGE LIVING ROOM, NICELY DECORATED. NO WINDOWS. BRIGHT FLOURESCENT LIGHTS. AN EMPTY WHEELCHAIR. CRITES IS WEARING WHITE PAJAMAS AND ALMA IS WEARING A SIMPLE WHITE GOWN. There's three knocks on the door. Crites opens it and steps back, gun in hand. GAYLON CRITES (motioning to the wheelchair) Please, have a seat. Jeff sits, keeping eye contact. Alma Crites walks in holding a pair of handcuffs. ALMA CRITES Here they are! Jeff allows her to cuff him to the chair. JEFF You know, several people know I'm here. GAYLON CRITES (sipping ice tea) Several people know you're where? Want some? (holds up the tea) JEFF Where are the girls? GAYLON CRITES Now, you see, I knew you weren't a common burglar. That's how I knew you'd follow me down here instead of running away...You'd have been better off if you had...run away. JEFF Fuck that! Tell me where the girls are. What am I gonna do now? GAYLON CRITES Please! Language like that only gives the impression that you are an uneducated man, Mr. Davis. You're not an uneducated man, are you? JEFF You know what? I could give two shits about impressions...cocksucker!


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Alma Crites walks quickly up to Jeff and presses Steve's taser against his neck. He convulses wildly, then falls limp. He opens his eyes and Crites is standing beside Alma. GAYLON CRITES Language? (raises his eyebrows) ALMA CRITES Mr. Davis, we don't want this to be any more unpleasant than it has to be. We're not animals. We're good, religious people. Please don't make me have to do that again. JEFF No, no! My bad! I didn't realize there was a lady in the room. She smiles, walks away and lays the taser on the table with Jeff's clothes. Jeff looks over to Crites, who is chuckling. JEFF (CONT’D) You know I'm gonna kill you. GAYLON CRITES Heavenly Father has another plan for me, Mr. Davis. And, for you, I'm afraid you're the one who won't be here much longer...But, since you've gone to all the trouble, I guess this is the least I can do for you. He gets behind the wheelchair and pushes Jeff through a doorway into another room. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' DUNGEON JAIL DARK ROOM; ROCK WALLS. SEVERAL COMPARTMENTALIZED CHAIN LINK CAGES, RESEMBLING A KENNEL. ONE BLONDE GIRL IN EACH 10X10 CAGE, BAREFOOT, WEARING ONLY SIMPLE WHITE GOWNS, LIKE THE ONE ALMA IS WEARING. ONCE INSIDE, CRITES CLOSES THE DOOR AND FLIPS ON THE LIGHT. Instantly, Jeff begins to struggle and tug on the handcuffs. JEFF (screaming) You fucking bastard! (MORE)


94. CONTINUED: JEFF (CONT'D) I'm gonna fucking kill you! You hear me? You're fucking dea.... the sound of the taser.

CUT TO BLACK FADE IN INT: CRITES' SOLITARY CLOSET TINY ROCK ROOM WITH ONLY ONE DOOR. Jeff awakes in the wheelchair. Crites is sitting on a milk crate before him. GAYLON CRITES You were warned about your language. That was quite inappropriate behavior, in front of those young ladies. JEFF (just grunts) GAYLON CRITES (CONT'D.) Do you believe in destiny, Mr. Davis? JEFF (CONT’D) (slumping, slurring) No. Not really. Crites stands and paces the small room. GAYLON CRITES Destiny is very real. Would you like for me to explain to you why that is? JEFF Why not? I got nothin' else to do. GAYLON CRITES (smiles) This is very exciting for me! JEFF Why?...Because you're gonna save my soul before you kill me? (smirks) GAYLON CRITES See? You've got a lot of education ahead of you...Your soul was lost a long time ago, Mr. Davis, in the context of everything you think you know about religion. There's no redemption for you. Your destiny is to be exactly where you are now. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

95. CONTINUED: GAYLON CRITES (CONT'D) Mine, I suppose, because I'm telling you, and because I'm simply anxious to gloat about this to an outsider, is to impart a little wisdom to you before you begin your journey to the next place...Are you still with me?

JEFF (tries to lift his head) Yeah, yeah. GAYLON CRITES You see, destiny is real, simply because everything that has ever happened...everything that is happening now...and everything that will come to pass is really going on all at the same time. Because time, itself, isn't real. In the words of Einstein, 'The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.' Have you ever studied Einstein, Mr. Davis? JEFF (struggling to remain conscious) No, man. I'm just an... uh...insurance adjuster. He cuts his eyes to the bottle of water on the floor. Crites picks it up and gives him a drink. GAYLON CRITES What about Edgar Cayce? Have you ever studied his writings? JEFF What...he was a...navy guy? An admiral? GAYLON CRITES (laughing) No, no, no! Cayce was a so-called psychic who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century. He was able to go into a trance and actually see into the future, and he was instrumental in providing information to those tycoons back then who brought about the industrial revolution. He said 'When you view it from the highest dimension, there is no time and no space, nor any future or past,' and that it is all happening in one fascinating expression, and that time is an illusion that has purpose. (a beat) Do you know what I'm trying to tell you? (MORE)


96. CONTINUED: (2) GAYLON CRITES (CONT'D) Jeff is watching a black spider crawling across the white suspended ceiling tiles.

JEFF Um. No. I don't understand. GAYLON CRITES That means that psychics - even the so-called real ones - don't actually see the future. They just have the ability to get glimpses of things as they really are, in real time, because everything is happening at once. JEFF (tries to laugh) Eighty five bucks! GAYLON CRITES I'm sorry? JEFF Wasted on my last watch...What...does all this have to do with you kidnapping five little girls...and murdering one of them? GAYLON CRITES (angrily) I didn't murder anybody! I sent that girl to a better place before she was poisoned by this one! And these...these I am rescuing from this dying world. They'll thank me for it. If not for that accident, that one would be thanking me too. But her spirit is still going to be better off than those of you who are left here when the end comes. JEFF (groggy) Dude! You lost me, man. Crites jumps up and starts pacing again. GAYLON CRITES I'm sorry! It's just so...frustrating, trying to explain this stuff to the ignorant. I know you're not a student of the Bible, or anything, apparently, but do you at least have some rudimentary knowledge of the story of Noah's flood?


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JEFF Sure! Big flood. Two ducks, two chickens, two monkeys, two cows...(laughs) Hey! What's this? clippity-clop, clippity-clop, clippity-clop... GAYLON CRITES You're not taking me seriously! JEFF No! Dude! Go on. Go on. I need to know this. Crites sits back down on the milk crate. GAYLON CRITES This world was destroyed by the one you know as God, like knocking over a house of cards, because it wasn't turning out as planned ...save a few people whose only purpose was to start it over again, to try to get it right. But that was only the last of many times. This world has been destroyed and re-built many times. And it is going to happen again, soon. These girls have been chosen to survive the cataclysm and return to repopulate the planet with better people. JEFF Chosen? By who? By you? GAYLON CRITES No. Of course not. I'm not a god. I'm just doing His work. I'm not a bad man, Mr. Davis. If Elohim wants to destroy the earth, there is nothing I can do to stop it. But I can select some candidates to be among the few who survive, and thereby have an effect on what becomes of the next earth. You select the best seeds to get the healthiest crop. JEFF So...you're building an ark? GAYLON CRITES In fact, it wasn't a boat at all. It was what you would call a spaceship. And it rescued many people - not just Noah's family and some animals - and the DNA of every surviving animal from all over the world.(A beat) That sounds fantastic to you, doesn't it?


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JEFF No more than any religion, I guess. So ...God... is the spaceman who caused the flood and rescued some of the people? (smirk) GAYLON CRITES Wouldn't you consider somebody that did that a god? JEFF Where'd he come from? GAYLON CRITES From a planet called Kolob. JEFF An actual man, then? Not some mystical invisible spirit? GAYLON CRITES (excitedly) Yes! An actual man, many times more advanced than any man we have ever known. You do realize, I assume, that even man now has the capability of creating more men, from cloning. JEFF ...But he's gotta have a man to get the DNA from. GAYLON CRITES No! Not anymore. Science can now synthetically make DNA, and grow whatever they want from that. Poof! Out of the blue. First there is no man, and then there is a man! Godlike, you think? Not at all. It's just advanced science, and all mankind is getting closer to becoming God every day. JEFF OK. So how does Buck Rogers, advanced as he may be, cause an entire planet to be covered in water? Riddle me that, Batman. GAYLON CRITES Well, it gets a little complicated there. (gives Jeff another drink) Do you want me to tell you? JEFF It may be the last thing I ever hear, man. Keep it interesting.


99. CONTINUED: (5)

GAYLON CRITES Good. You'll love this. You know the story of Atlantis? JEFF Yeah, but could I have a smoke? GAYLON CRITES (pause) I guess so. I'll be right back. Crites walks out of the room and Jeff struggles, unsuccessfully, to get out of the handcuffs. GAYLON CRITES (CONT’D) I'm going to release your left hand, so I don't have to help you with this nasty thing. (unlocking one cuff) Don't tell my wife. Crites lights the cigarette and takes a long puff before handing it to Jeff. JEFF It'll be our secret. I'll take it to my grave. GAYLON CRITES Now. Where were we? JEFF Making it flood. FADE OUT: FADE IN: INT: CRITES' SOLITARY CLOSET JEFF Atlantis? The continent of Atlantis was a spaceship? He drops the cigarette butt onto the concrete floor. JEFF (CONT’D) It sunk. What? This genius couldn't build a spaceship that would float? GAYLON CRITES Once Elohim was satisfied that he had the people spread out to the best places from which to re-establish civilization, he took it back to Kolob. It didn't sink. (MORE)


100. CONTINUED: GAYLON CRITES (CONT'D) When it lifted, the waters further receded and left the land masses we know today.

JEFF OK, OK. Spacegod sees that this human ant farm is in trouble...he flies down and plucks up a hundred and forty four thousand of them and puts them on the space station. Then he lands it in the Atlantic and floods everybody else on the planet out of their misery...Good so far? GAYLON CRITES Succinct...Other than your obvious sarcasm, I might have better put it that way myself. JEFF OK then, because he wants to continue the experiment, because, I guess, he's pretty bored and doesn't have much else to do, he floats around the ocean for a while then redeals the cards, and places these people back into various places around the globe so they can start again...and they got six thousand years to get it right? GAYLON CRITES Yes! Save a few of those...who he'll take back to Kolob with him to live forever. I think you're getting it! JEFF So, what happens if in the next six thousand they do get it right? GAYLON CRITES Then he takes everyone on the ship back to Kolob. Jeff puts two fingers up to his lips, signalling that he'd like another cigarette, as he speaks. Crites walks out of the room again. Jeff looks around and picks up the cigarette butt with his toes - lifts it up to his free hand. He stuffs the butt into the latch on the open handcuff. Crites walks back into the room, holding a new lit cigarette. GAYLON CRITES (CONT’D) Do you have any questions on the subject?


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JEFF Yeah, man. How is it that with all the people in the world your little church here in northwest Arkansas has the only people who know about this? What are you, like God's chosen people, or something? GAYLON CRITES Well, somebody has to know. Besides, we're not the only ones. It's just that if every sheep in every religion knew the truth, the whole purpose of harvesting the best of mankind for the rebirth would be lost, when the time comes. JEFF When's that? GAYLON CRITES Soon. Nobody knows the exact date. Jeff blows a puff of smoke and watches it engulf the black spider on the white ceiling. JEFF If this is destined to happen...if it has already happened...I can't stop it. Why do you have to kill me? GAYLON CRITES (solemnly) No. You can't stop it. But, for now, I'm going to have to put your bracelet back on. As Crites takes a step toward Jeff, the cell phone in Crites' robe pocket rings - Born to Run. He pulls it out and looks at the screen, then hands the phone to Jeff. GAYLON CRITES (CONT’D) (whispering) It's your wife. One suspicious word and I will kill you here and now. JEFF Hey! Everything good? Oh, they're asleep? Well, I can talk to them tomorrow. No...just working on some reports...Yeah, yeah. Will you call before you head home?...Sure...No, I picked up a burger...Yeah, in a little while...OK. You too. Nite.


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He hands the phone back to Crites. Crites closes the bracelet and leaves the light on as he walks from the room and closes the door. Jeff hears it lock. He instantly starts tugging on the cuffs, and hears the door unlocking again. Crites sticks his head in. GAYLON CRITES (smiling) We eat late around here. It's burger night. I've got you a double with cheese coming. Mustard? I've got you figured for a mustard guy. Jeff nods and Crites starts to back out. Jeff yells at him. JEFF Hey, Gaylon! GAYLON CRITES Yes? JEFF What about Pinkley? Does he have a seat on your star cruiser? GAYLON CRITES Yes. He'll have a seat. He's a very important man. JEFF Just wonderin'. If he's gonna be blasting off with all y'all chosen people, why's he so deadset on moving up politically? GAYLON CRITES Well, Jeff, it's like this. We have to amass whatever power and influence in this world that we can, so we can be ready for Him. I mean, somebody stuck in Cleveland without gas money to get where he needs to be at the time...he's not going to be in a very good position, is he? There are only a few pick-up places in the world, and as you probably guessed, Arkansas isn't one of them. We've got to be prepared to go to the right place at the right time. JEFF What's his involvement with these girls? GAYLON CRITES He doesn't know about the girls. This is my enterprise.


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JEFF Whattaya mean, man? I still don't understand why you had to take them. You've got plenty of women in your church? Why do you need these little girls? There's plenty of women you could take for wives...or breeding stock. GAYLON CRITES Heavenly Father will only accept virgins. These girls are pure. This gift to him could gain me incredible favor. JEFF And what if he doesn't come for you next week, or next year, or thirty years after that? You're gonna keep theim in those fuc...in those cages? GAYLON CRITES If He doesn't come, they'll become part of our family here, until he does. Once their minds are right, they'll be out of the cages. Some are coming around all ready. JEFF What if you're wrong? What if your whole religion is nothing more than a fairy tale? You're not the first bunch who were sure the end was coming. Kool Aid drinkers and bridge jumpers aren't really anything new. And you gotta admit, from an outsider's perspective, the thing does sound pretty crazy. GAYLON CRITES (storms back into the small room, enraged) Crazy? Does it really sound crazy? Every discovery in the last hundred and fifty years in geology...in archeology...in astronomy, have done nothing but lend credence to our beliefs. But, still, the bulk of people in this world will dismiss it as crazy, on their way to worshiping an invisible god they were introduced to by men...nothing more than men.. . Jeff tries to calm him. He raises both hands as far as the cuffs will allow. JEFF Cool, man. Be cool. I didn't say that shit wasn't crazy, too. (MORE)


104. CONTINUED: (5) JEFF (CONT'D) I'm not too big on anybody's religion. OK?

GAYLON CRITES (does calm down a little) I can tell you this...Someday, very soon, just before we take our leave, they're going to discover ancient electric cars, buried somewhere beneath the Gobi Desert. Edgar Cayce saw that himself. When that happens, everybody is going to reexamine their beliefs. That discovery is going to mark the end of this cycle of the earth. You won't think we're crazy then. JEFF Me? (laughs) Hell, I'll already know, dude! You're gonna whack me! I'll be in the spirit world, seeing everything happen all at once! GAYLON CRITES (fed up) Your dinner will be here soon. He kicks the milk crate and storms out, slams the door shut and locks it. Jeff starts tugging on the handcuffs and manages to loosen the one holding the cigarette butt - only not enough to free his hand. After struggling a while, he gives up, lays his head back, looking for the spider, and goes to sleep. FADE TO BLACK CUT TO RED; BLACK; RED; BLACK; RED: JEFF OPENS HIS EYES TO SEE ALMA CRITES, FLIPPING THE LIGHT SWITCH BY THE DOOR ON & OFF. ALMA IS MADE-UP NOW, WEARING LIPSTICK AND LOOKING MUCH DIFFERENT THAN BEFORE. ATTRACTIVE. SHE'S HOLDING SOME WHITE SACKS CONTAINING HIS DINNER. ALMA CRITES (smiling, cheerfully) Wake up, sleepy head! You don't want to go to sleep on an empty stomach! She walks in and places the sacks on Jeff's lap. She pulls out a styrofoam drink cup and inserts a straw, then looks around for someplace to set it. There isn't one.


105. CONTINUED: (6)

ALMA CRITES (CONT’D) Oh! It looks like we might have a little problem here. Hold your hands up. He raises his hands as high as he can for the cuffs, keeping the left one a little lower. He touches his lip with his right fingers. ALMA CRITES (CONT’D) Well, that can't be too comfortable, but it'll work, I guess. Hang on a minute! She goes back out the door, and returns in a couple of seconds with a small wooden end table, and places it beside the wheelchair. She sets the drink on the table. ALMA CRITES (CONT’D) Here you go! Now you're all set! She removes some of the contents from the bag in Jeff's lap, including napkins and a toothpick, and places them on the table. ALMA CRITES (CONT’D) Do you want catsup? JEFF No. No thanks. Is there any salt? Alma reaches into the sack on Jeff's lap again, stopping when she realizes she has scooped up a handful of his manhood. Jeff's eyebrows raise. She stops, hand still in the bag; then she leans down and kisses him. She backs off and locks eyes with Jeff, then bends back down for a long, passionate kiss. She stands up and places the bag on the table, then starts to slowly unbutton her long white gown, turning briefly to lock the door from the inside. She pulls out her arms and the gown drops to the concrete floor. Then she straddles Jeff. JEFF (CONT’D) Alma...I'm not gonna be able to do you much good chained to this chair. ALMA CRITES (quietly, breathing heavily) It'll be fine. She reaches down and unsnaps his fly, and thrusts her hand inside. A girl starts screaming from beyond the door.


106. CONTINUED: (7)

GIRL'S VOICE (O.C.) Alma! She lays her head on his chest and sighs. ALMA CRITES (whispering) I'm so sorry. She stands up and hurriedly puts her gown back on. She turns to walk out the door. JEFF Hey! Will you be back? Head bowed, she begins to pull the door shut behind her. ALMA CRITES The lights down here all go out in about ten minutes, and they're not back on until 6 am. Eat while you can see. Enjoy your dinner, Mr. Davis. She closes and locks the door. Jeff grabs the toothpick and starts trying to unlock the handcuffs. FADE OUT IN THE BLACKNESS, WE HEAR THE KEYS JINGLING AND THE DOOR BEING UNLOCKED. AS IT OPENS WE FADE IN Detective Farrow steps inside, looks surprised, and is instantly hit in the face by a wooden table leg. He falls unconscious to the floor. Jeff rolls him over and removes the 9mm pistol from his gunbelt. He rolls the wheelchair over and cuff's one of Farrow's wrists to the chain still attached to the arm rest. He exits the room. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' DUNGEON JAIL Jeff bursts into the room, still barefoot, holding the gun in front of him. The girl in the first cage has just finished pulling up her gown. She lets out a short scream. Jeff holds both hands up.



JEFF It's OK! It's OK. I'm taking you home. The girl quietly backs up against the curtain at the back of her cage as Jeff rushes to open the gate. It is padlocked. He looks frantically around for the key. The girl in the farthest cage calls out to Jeff. ASHLEY CONNOR (calmly) The keys aren't in here. Gaylon and Alma have them. JEFF Well, there's gotta be a way...Please, stay quiet. I'll be right back. He disappears from the room for a few seconds as all the girls come up to the gates to their respective cages. The girl in the second cage is weeping. Jeff runs back into the room. JEFF (CONT’D) Listen, I'm going up to the garage to see if I can find some wire cutters. Get dressed...I mean...put on whatever you have. I'll be back in a minute. The crying girl sits down and wraps her arms around her knees. Ashley Conner, exceptionally calm, speaks again. ASHLEY CONNOR You're not gonna have much time. She points up to a corner baby monitor. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' DUNGEON - DARK Jeff makes is way along the narrow hallway where he had been mugged by Crites, gun pointed ahead. He starts slowly up the stairs. CUT TO: INT: CRITES STORAGE ROOM He comes to the top of the stairs, and toward the only door. CUT TO:


INT: CRITES' OFFICE THE SCREEN SAVER IS ON THE COMPUTER. LIGHT IS OFF. HE COMES THROUGH TOWARD THE DOOR TO THE GARAGE; PAUSES, TAKES A DEEP BREATH, AND KICKS IT OPEN. CUT TO: INT: GAYLON CRITES GARAGE - DAYTIME THERE ARE NO CARS IN THE GARAGE. As the door slams back against the workbench, the dog outside starts barking. Jeff looks through the window on the door and sees Alma, in normal clothes, walking from the street to the house, carrying the newspaper. She yells at the dog to be quiet. Jeff finds a pair of pliers on the pegboard above the workbench. He quickly runs back through the door to the office. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' GREATROOM - BRIGHT Jeff starts toward the dungeon jail, then stops to go back and check first on Farrow. When he runs toward the small room, around a corner, Farrow, still chained, slings the wheelchair over, tripping him. They fight. Finally, Jeff picks up the pliers and hits Farrow several times in the face, and he is out again. Jeff picks Farrow up, places him back into the wheelchair, and rolls it back into the closet, and locks the door from the outside. Jeff is bloody and bruised. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' DUNGEON JAIL JEFF COMES QUICKLY BACK INTO THE ROOM. 3 GIRLS ARE STANDING, READY, BY THEIR GATES. A FOURTH SITS ON HER BED, ARMS FOLDED. He jumps up at the baby monitor camera and, using the big pliers, knocks it off its pedestal. The girl on the bed speaks. ASHLEY CONNOR Oh, that's smart! Now the alarm's gonna go off on the monitor!



Jeff goes to her cage first, cutting the chain link wire beside the gate. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: CRITES' DUNGEON - DARK Jeff, gun pointed, leads the girls, single-file, through the dark hallway toward the stairs. Ashley Conner is the last in line. He stops there to address them. JEFF Wait here a second. I'm gonna take a look. He starts up the steps, slowly. Near the top, the Doberman jumps him and they tumble back into the dungeon. The gun goes flying along the floor. Jeff and the dog fight. Jeff is losing. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The dog falls dead. The trap door slams shut, and there is the sound of the table being scooted back on top of it. Jeff looks back to see Ashley Connor holding the smoking gun. She rips off the hem of her gown and hands it to Jeff. ASHLEY CONNOR I never liked that dog. You better wrap this arm or you're gonna bleed to death, Mr. Rescuer. JEFF Thanks, kid. Where'd you learn to shoot a gun like that? ASHLEY CONNOR (pointing to where she had been standing) Right over there. How hard could it be if stupid rednecks do it every day? Jeff looks up at the closed trap door. JEFF Keep them here for a minute. I'll be back. He runs back through the hallway toward the greatroom. The girls huddle near the bottom of the stairs. Jeff returns carrying another clip for the pistol.



He takes the gun from Ashley and inserts the new clip, sticking the other one in his PJs pocket. JEFF (CONT’D) Everybody back! And cover up! The girls duck and cover their ears as Jeff shoots a circular pattern through the plywood trap door, until he runs out of ammo. He re-inserts the first clip and fires another six shots. He climbs the stairs and shoulder butts the pattern until he knocks a large hole through it; and he climbs through. He reaches down to extend a hand to the girls. CUT TO: INT: CRITES STORAGE ROOM As Ashley, the last girl, crawls out from under the big table, Jeff fires another two shots at the door lock. He kicks the door open to the office. CUT TO: INT: CRITES' OFFICE They walk through the office to the door to the garage. Jeff pushes on it, finding it also locked from the outside. He turns to Ashley. JEFF What's your name, anyway? ASHLEY CONNOR Ashley Connor. Do you mind telling me yours, or should we just call you Mister Hero? JEFF Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ashley. My name is Jeff Davis. Can you take the girls over into that corner? I'm gonna climb up through the attic and unlock the door. He pulls over Crites' chair and pushes up a ceiling tile. ASHLEY CONNOR OK. But be careful. I won't be there to cover your butt this time. CUT TO:


INT: GAYLON CRITES' GARAGE - DAYTIME VIEW FROM A CRACK ABOVE. THE RED CAR IS IN THE GARAGE. THE ENGINE IS STILL CRACKLING. NOBODY VISIBLE. Jeff's legs drop into the garage, his feet searching for something to land on. Gaylon Crites wraps his arms around Jeff's legs and pulls him down. Jeff's face falls across the hood of the car. Crites is on his back, pushing down on Jeff's neck, holding him down. He has leverage. Crites reaches into his own pocket. GAYLON CRITES You're just itching for some more voltage, aren't you? JEFF (struggling to get out the words) That's it, motherfucker. No rental car for you! Jeff slings he legs apart, knocking Crites' feet out from under him. Crites falls and Jeff tries to shoot him, but the clip is empty. JEFF (CONT’D) Shit! Crites gets up with the Taser in hand. Jeff bails over the car to get away from him, and disappears in the corner on the other side of the car. Crites climbs over the car and jumps on Jeff. There is a grunt. Crites is on top of Jeff. Jeff pushes him off. When he rolls over there is a large shard of broken glass in his gut - the other end in Jeff's cut and bloody hand. Jeff limps back around the car to open the door. Ashley is in front of the other girls. ASHLEY CONNOR (smiling) Such language! JEFF So I've been told. Jeff looks through the window of Crites' car for the keys.



JEFF (CONT’D) Sh..shhh...shoot! Can y'all walk on gravel, barefoot? DEVON MCGEE Sure we can. We're kids! CUT TO: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME As Jeff walks first around the front corner of the garage, near the driveway, he hears a shotgun being pumped. He turns to look in front of the garage door and Alma Crites is holding the gun, pointed at his face. ALMA CRITES (softly) Did you kill him? The girls huddle against the wall around the corner. Jeff holds up his hands, exhausted, bloody. He doesn't speak. ALMA CRITES (CONT’D) (a tear rolls down her cheek) He really wasn't a bad man, you know? He just did what he was called to do. Jeff silently nods. JEFF Alma... ALMA CRITES No! You don't understand. It all sounds crazy to you, but I can promise you the day is coming! If you'd seen what I've seen, you'd understand. JEFF (softly) Give me the gun, Alma. Everything's gonna be OK. ALMA CRITES (crying) I'm sorry, Mr. Davis. I really am! But I can't be sitting in jail somewhere when Elohim comes for us...I just can't do that!



She slowly raises the shotgun back up toward his face. As he closes his eyes, he sees a tiny green dot appear on her forehead. FADE TO RED THUMP! FOLLOWED BY THE SOUND OF A DISTANT GUNSHOT. CUT TO: EXT: GAYLON CRITES' HOUSE - DAYTIME Jeff opens his eyes to see Alma's lifeless body slide down the garage door; with a huge blood splatter behind her. He looks behind him, toward the railroad track. CUT TO: EXT: UTILITY BOX BY RAILROAD TRACK - DAYTIME Steve Douglas stands up beside the utility box, puffing a cigar, waving. As Jeff checks on the girls, pointing to a shade tree between the house and the garage, Steve walks up, rifle over his shoulder. Jeff falls onto the grass on his back. STEVE DOUGLAS You look like shit, buddy. JEFF Careful, man. Language cops all around me. STEVE DOUGLAS (to the girls) Ladies, my sincere apologies. Are you all OK? ALL Yes sir. STEVE DOUGLAS It's already getting hot out here. Would you like to go up and sit on the porch, or in the house where it's air conditioned? Somebody will be here to take you home shortly. ASHLEY CONNOR If it's OK with you, mister, we'll just sit here. It's been a long time since we've seen the sun.



STEVE DOUGLAS Whatever you want, sweetheart. (then to Jeff) There's an ambulance coming too. JEFF (mumbles something inaudible) STEVE DOUGLAS All clear in there? JEFF All clear. Steve goes into the garage and comes back with a small tarp, which he throws over Alma's body. A convoy of black SUVs pulls into the driveway. Armed men and women in dark suits and shades get out and start attending to the girls. The man Jeff had seen at Steve's house walks up to Steve. AGENT No situation? STEVE DOUGLAS Should be clear. Use caution. The agent walks toward the garage door, and Jeff calls out to him. JEFF Hey! See if you can find my clothes and my phone will ya?...And, hey man! A blue steel Arminius .357 revolver...and a cell phone taser! STEVE DOUGLAS Is that my taser? JEFF Yup. STEVE DOUGLAS You let 'em take it away from you, didn't you? JEFF Yup. STEVE DOUGLAS (reaching down to help him up) Come on, Alice. You gonna lay there all day? He grabs Jeff's hand and helps him to his feet. An ambulance pulls into the driveway.


115. CONTINUED: (2)

STEVE DOUGLAS (CONT’D) Here comes your ride. JEFF No, man. I can't afford an ambulance. If your guys will just bring my stuff, my car is... STEVE DOUGLAS Under that bridge up there? Right next to mine? JEFF You found it, huh?...I guess that lady called you this morning? Three of the girls ran up to Jeff and wrapped their arms around him. Ashley stood back a few feet, smiling. ASHLEY CONNOR They say we gotta go now. JEFF Yeah. You did good, kiddo. ASHLEY CONNOR Not so bad yourself, Hero. I guess I'll see you again? JEFF Count on it. The girls are led away. Steve takes Jeff by the arm and walks him to the ambulance. He sits down on the threshold of the back door. STEVE DOUGLAS Good thing they're leaving. It was getting embarrassing watching you lay there with your balls hanging out! JEFF (glances down to his fly) Fuck! STEVE DOUGLAS And, about affording an ambulance...you're gonna be a fairly rich man when you collect all that reward money. Your name and face in all the papers...on TV. You'll get all the private eye jobs you can handle.


116. CONTINUED: (3)

JEFF You mean our reward...our names. I'd be in the obituaries if you hadn't showed up. An EMT starts tending to Jeff's arm. STEVE DOUGLAS Not me, brudder. It would be...inconvenient if my name showed up anywhere in this story. JEFF But... STEVE DOUGLAS No. You take that money and start up your own business. Get outta that shit job you have. Then you can afford to pay me for consulting, instead of being such a goddamn freeloader. My retirement money is...lacking. The agent comes back out of the garage. He addresses Jeff as he hands him his clothes and vest. AGENT So, we've got man, wife, and dog in body bags. You made a helluva mess in there! JEFF Yeah, sorry, I...the other guy's alive? AGENT What other guy? JEFF Farrow. Benton County detective. He's in that closet off the big room, chained to a wheelchair. AGENT We found the wheelchair, but there was nobody else down there. JEFF Shit, man! (jumping up) He starts walking quickly toward the garage - his new bandage unraveling as he does. AGENT (taking him by the other arm) Hold on! We'll keep looking. If he's down there we'll find him. (He looks to Steve) You need to get him outta here, Cap'n...


117. CONTINUED: (4)

The agent walks back toward the garage, barking orders at others. Steve takes Jeff by the arm. STEVE DOUGLAS Wanna take his car to get ours? JEFF You know what? I can make it. Why don't we walk. STEVE DOUGLAS You sure? JEFF No. But if I fall down, you can carry me. CUT TO: EXT: DIRT ROAD - DAYTIME Walking silently - Steve puffing on a cigar; Jeff on a crumpled cigarette. Jeff breaks the uncomfortable silence. JEFF You a religious man, Steve STEVE DOUGLAS Not particularly. JEFF No. Me either...are you an atheist? STEVE DOUGLAS Not particularly. JEFF I guess I'm not either....Lemme ask you this. What would guys like us do if one day we realized that everything we thought we knew...everything...I mean every fucking thing...was just wrong? STEVE DOUGLAS Well...I guess we'd have to pretend it wasn't. FADE OUT FADE IN INT: JEFF DAVIS' NEW OFFICE - DAYTIME



PEGGY DAVIS IS ORGANIZING HER NEW DESK. HER DAUGHTER, RACHEL CARRIES IN A BOX OF GADGETS AND DECORATIONS. PEGGY DAVIS Careful honey! Peggy reaches into the box and pulls out a framed newspaper article. The headline is: SLEUTH GRANDMA SOLVES MURDER. She carries it over to a wall where several other newspaper clippings are framed: PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR SHOOTS WAY OUT WITH GIRLS IN TOW; RELIGIOUS CULT INVOLVED IN ARKANSAS FOUR KIDNAPPINGS; PINKLEY RESIGNS AMID CULT KIDNAPPING SCANDAL; ARKANSAS FOUR HERO TO OPEN SPRINGDALE OFFICE. RACHEL Ha! I guess next time he won't be so quick to jump your ass for taking evidence from a crime scene!...What's this one? She picks up a newspaper laying across the back of a chair, and reads aloud. RACHEL (CONT’D) Farrow still at large. Benton County detective Jason Farrow, a suspect in the Arkansas Four abduction case...remains at large...hmmm. PEGGY DAVIS No, honey. We only put it up here when it becomes good news. But there should be some headlines about that poor truck driver's family, and the girl's family collecting the insurance money from the construction company. Your brother may act like an asshole, but he made sure that happened! CUT TO: INT: JEFF'S NEW BACK OFFICE - DAYTIME NICELY DECORATED. NEW CHAIR. SAME JOHN LENNON PRINT ON THE WALL. AN ONGOING CONVERSATION. STEVE DOUGLAS Well, you're right about one thing. Three and a half months is too damn long. But if we get directly involved, they're gonna nail your ass to a wall. JEFF They got nothin' to say about what happens outof-country.



STEVE DOUGLAS Not officially. Besides, you don't know for sure that Farrow had anything to do with all this spaceman shit. JEFF I'm just banking on the idea that a guy in his position would have to have a better reason for involving himself in all this than a job as head of the ASP. He was dedicated. The only thing I know of that can produce dedication like that is religion. I'm tellin' you, man, he's got himself a one-way ticket to Kolob, and seventy-two virgins, or some such shit, waiting when he gets there. STEVE DOUGLAS (scoffing) He's not a Muslim. JEFF (leans back in chair) Semantics. STEVE DOUGLAS What makes you so sure he's in Jerusalem? JEFF Call it research. He pats a King James Bible laying on his desk. Beside it is a Quran. STEVE DOUGLAS Well...I haven't been to Israel in ten years. I'd like to get some more shots of the architecture. Just know this. If I do find him, I won't be bringing him back with me to stand trial. JEFF Just make sure what you leave is positively identified. This case ain't closed 'til the press says it's closed. STEVE DOUGLAS Roger that. You know this one's gonna cost you big bucks. JEFF (laughs) By a strange coincidence, I just happen to have big bucks.


120. CONTINUED: (2)

He leans down to the intercom and pushes the button. JEFF (CONT’D) Hey, Nanner Nanner. Can you check with XNA on a round-trip ticket for Mr. Douglas to Tel Aviv? That's in Israel. PEGGY DAVIS (V.O.) I know where it is, smartass. I'm not your damn secretary. JEFF I'd do it myself, but my internet's still screwed up in here (winks at Steve). CUT TO: INT: JEFF DAVIS' LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Jeff sets his Coke down on the turtle-shaped ottoman and reclines on the couch, channel changer in-hand. He points it toward the TV, CNN, but sees a banner at the bottom of the screen: DISCOVERY IN GOBI DESERT. He turns up the sound. As the newscaster speaks, we come slowly closer to Jeff's face, transfixed. The background spirals, as if he is falling into a black hole. MALE NEWSMAN #2 (ON TV) Archeologists in China announced today that they have made, quote: the most historically significant discovery ever; end quote, in the Gobi Desert near the Mongolian border. CNN has learned that representatives of the Vatican were dispatched, almost immediately after the announcement, but they were refused permission to land in China. That flight, we're told, was diverted to Astana International Airport in Kazakhstan, and as of now, Wolf, remains there. We're told that a private jet flight plan has been filed in Salt Lake City with its destination being Astana Airport; and another plane - an unscheduled flight from Tel Aviv has already landed there as well. So, whatever is going on in the desert is apparently something of huge religious significance. The Chinese government is playing down the event, saying the archeologists made their very vague and sensational announcement before they had all the facts; but they refuse to comment any further. Communication with the scientists by pretty much everyone outside of China has apparently been blocked. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

121. CONTINUED: MALE NEWSMAN #2 (ON TV) (CONT'D) We're following the story, and will report as details are developed...Wolf.


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