CHA Magazine - Spring 2014 Edition

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CHAMagazine Coming Fall 2014

Coming Fall 2014

Official Magazine of Chapel Hill Academy

THE LORD IS FAITHFUL CHA dedicates new Owens Commons

Meet the Board of Directors

Spring 2014


Meet some of the people who make Chapel Hill Academy an amazing community

Education of a movement. Published for Families and Friends of Chapel Hill Academy

FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Friends, We are in the midst of a great movement—one that began nearly 45 years ago and continues today as God leads us to reach more families and touch more children with the love of Christ. The ministry of Chapel Hill Academy started with a vision of “Hearts to Know and Minds to Grow” as the pathway to a Christian life. Now, we move into a new era where momentum is building and the power of the Holy Spirit is upon us to develop and inspire future Christian leaders. We are educating a movement of leaders to be the light bearers of Christ in an ever-changing world. The cover of this publication honors the early leadership of Chapel Hill Academy. Todd Owens, son of founder, Art Owens, and Dick Case, beloved 24-year Head of School (1976-2000) are shown surrounded by children and staff members. The image represents a great legacy of Christian education that emphasizes a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We honor the vision and direction God placed upon Owens, Case, and many others; their legacy has affected thousands of individuals who have been touched by the ministry of Chapel Hill. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul teaches the secret to an enduring legacy when he shares “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of my witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Paul’s words make it clear that having a successful school is not enough; we are educating a movement of believers to boldly stand for Christ and be a light to others. Indeed, at CHA hearts are knowing and minds are growing, yet we remain focused on our Heavenly Father’s commission to increase His Kingdom—this is our enduring legacy.

Photo by Rick Narvaez

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the first publication of CHA Magazine. As God continues to move us in His direction, it is my hope that these pages may be a tangible reminder of the power, love, and mercy God has on the ministry of Chapel Hill Academy. Kassie Grosz, Ed. S. The fifth Head of School of Chapel Hill Academy 952-949-9014 2 | CHA Magazine

CHAMagazine Spring 2014

The Lord is Faithful


A look at the new Owens Commons and the stories

behind it.

CHA: It’s the People


Meet the Board members and some of the faculty and staff.

Fine Arts Events


Snapshots from winter and spring events.

Support the Movement


Furthering the mission of Christian education.

Chapel & Missions


God always wins.

Coming This Fall


New Middle School and STEM Program.

Worship Team


Ushering in the Holy Spirit.

Cougar Athletics


An exciting winter season.

ON THE COVER: Todd Owens, son of founder Art Owens Dick Case, former principal Photo by Rick Narvaez

education of a movement. Since 1970

Spring | 3


We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done.


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by Debbie Hansen

Recognizing God’s marvelous hand of blessing and protection, the Chapel Hill Academy community gathered for a time of praise, prayer, and dedication, Friday, March 21. This time of celebration focused on a few key events that God has used to display His sovereign care and mighty power. The school year began with an electrical fire in the basement of the administration wing that could have been much worse. The extensive soot damage from smoldering plastic bins required much restoration which lead to the relocation of various offices and equipment. What initially looked like a terrible loss and tragedy, God has turned into blessing. Once again, the CHA community rallied to support and supply resources to assist with the restoration. Among the many awesome outcomes includes the creation of a Commons area where students and families are able to gather for fellowship. The centerpiece of the Commons contains a beautiful electric fireplace that reminds the CHA community of how God stayed the fire and kept it contained

to a small area. He truly has brought beauty out of ashes. Reflecting on the blessings of God’s hand of protection and continued provision for Chapel Hill Academy, parents and staff were reminded of the sacrificial work by so many families from years past. The current families are reaping the benefits and blessings of the pioneer work that was begun over 44 years ago. Therefore, with grateful hearts, the CHA community desired to honor and dedicate the beautiful Commons to founder and board member, Arthur W. Owens, who went home to be with His Lord and Savior, October, 2013. Former

Principal, Dick Case, offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the work and legacy of Mr. Owens. This was followed by current Principal, Ken Norman, presenting a plaque to be displayed in the Commons to Todd Owens, son of Art Owens. Every good and perfect gift comes from The Father above - Thank you, LORD! Photos by Rick Narvaez

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Board of Directors John Anfinrud has been serving

Bruce Johnson, his wife Angie, and

for three years with the privilege

their three children have been part

of being the Board Chair the last

of the CHA community for 13 years.

two years. He has found the

Bruce has a strong calling to serve

experience to be far more

wherever he is needed. He has been

rewarding than he could have

serving on the CHA Board for seven

imagined. He and his wife, Jodi,

years. Bruce appreciates the impact

have three children and have

CHA has on families. It is a place

been part of the CHA community

where the whole family can learn

for 10 years. John works at US Bank where he

and grow in their relationships with Christ.

oversees the estate lending division. In addition to his duties at CHA, John volunteers and resides on the

Board of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. John and

Abby Du Moulin and her husband,

Jodi believe strongly in the CHA ministry. They feel

Larry, have four children and have

that the mission of training their children to help

been part of the CHA community

develop their hearts for Christ is priceless...and

for nine years. Abby enjoys


volunteering at CHA; her favorite activity is photographing CHA events and sports. Abby has served Aaron Wilson recently joined the

as a room-mom, co-coordinator of

CHA Board. He and his wife, Ann,

the CHA Auction, and manager for

have three children currently

the boys soccer team. This is Abby’s second term on

attending CHA. Aaron works as a

the CHA Board. She considers it a blessing to have

sales consultant in the cardiac

been called by the Lord to serve Him on the CHA

surgery business at Medtronic. He

Board of Directors.

is very active as a volunteer serving at his church as a co-leader of a men’s study and a basketball coach at CHA. An interesting fact about Aaron is that he enjoys participating in triathlons. Aaron and his wife are passionate about sustaining

the CHA ministry and expanding the impact it can have on the greater community.

Chad Pearson and his wife, Michelle, have three children currently attending CHA. Their family has been part of the CHA community for eight years. Chad

had been a teacher for 20 years and now owns his own landscaping company. He is serving his fourth year on the CHA Board. One aspect Chad and Michelle love about CHA is the spiritual and educational framework that is consistent with how they

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raise their children.

Lindsay Hoyer and his wife, Colleen,

Sharla Stafford and her

have been part of the CHA

husband, Eric, are realtors. They

community for eight years. They

have three children at CHA. Sharla

have a daughter who is in seventh

joined the CHA Board this past

grade at CHA. Lindsay enjoys being

winter. She and her husband enjoy

active with volunteer work. He has

volunteering with Treehouse, Feed

been serving on the CHA Board for

My Starving Children and at their

two years. Lindsay has been blessed

church. Sharla truly enjoys the

by the CHA teachers. He appreciates

CHA community - a Family of Families.

their dedication to building a foundation of education, faith, and life for the students.

Gayl Manion has been serving on the CHA Board for two years. She and her husband, David, have two children and have been part of the CHA community for four years. Gayl’s profession is Insurance and Risk Management. During their free time she and her family enjoy partnering with agencies and missionaries who are focused on serving in the Middle East. Gayl has expressed that at CHA, she knows her son is growing in his knowledge of the world; he is doing so through the biblical lens of Scripture.


Jon Nykanen has been serving on the CHA Board for four years. He is also the Chair of the Finance Committee and serves on the Strategy Committee. Jon and his

wife, Deb, have three children currently at CHA. Jon started his career in engineering and transitioned to his own business analytic software consulting company. He is active at his church serving

To glorify God and assist families by providing a Christ-centered education which inspires and enables students to pursue spiritual maturity and academic excellence.

and teaching the adult Sunday school class. Jon values the godly teachers and biblical instruction at CHA.

Spring | 7

CHA: IT’S THE PEOPLE Carmel Willett teaches second grade at CHA. She has been part of our


community for over 14 years.

Faculty & Staff

Mrs. Willett and her husband, Gary, have two adult children. In her free

time she enjoys serving at

Mary Stude teaches junior

her church by playing hand

high science and has been teaching at CHA for 21 years. She and her husband, David, have two children who graduated from CHA. In her free time, Mrs. Stude enjoys

bells and singing in the choir. A fun fact about Mrs. Willett is that she loves Star Trek and Star Wars. She is a self-proclaimed “Trekkie.” She loves the CHA community of people which she thinks of as part of her own family.

volunteering on projects to

Jeanne Savitt is in her first

help raise money for the

year at CHA as the Director

poor. She also enjoys

of Finance and Human

volleyball, sewing, reading and running. Mrs. Stude’s

Resources. She and her

passion is to show the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ to

husband, Scott, have four

our junior high students and help them form a firm

children. Jeanne is excited

foundation in their faith. She hopes to encourage them

to help make a difference

to actively engage in their learning process, using their

through her background in

gifts to honor and glorify the Lord.

corporate financial reporting and commitment

Tom Becker is finishing up

to fiscal responsibility. She and her husband are active in

his second year as CHA’s

marriage ministry, Prayer Ventures and the Blessing

physical education teacher.

House in Victoria. Jeanne’s passion is to help make CHA

Mr. Becker and his wife, Kelly,

financially available to families who are seeking Christian

have a young son who will


attend CHA in the future. In

Linda Houston teaches fifth

his free time, Mr. Becker’s

grade at CHA. She and her

favorite hobby is fishing. He

husband, Tom, have three

also enjoys serving at his

adult children and welcomed

church as a 5th grade Sunday school teacher,

their first grandchild this year.

conducting summer camps, and being a youth group

She has been at CHA for over

mentor. Mr. Becker truly enjoys the CHA chapel

16 years. In her free time she

services. He hopes to help students grow in their walk

enjoys serving at her church,

with Christ and provide them with a positive and

gardening, reading,

meaningful physical education experience.

scrapbooking, hiking, enjoying nature, and spending time with her family. Mrs. Houston’s passion is to help her students grow spiritually

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closer to the Lord and grow academically in all subject areas.


Photos by Scott Savitt and Rick Narvaez

CHA FINE ARTS EVENTS See more photo highlights online at

Spring | 9


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LADIES LUNCHEON Monday, September 15, 2014 Bearpath Golf & Country Club, Eden Prairie

Chapel Hill Academy fundraisers are an important function for the school operations. Most years we have three major projects that generate revenue in order to support our budgetary needs. This winter, the Live and Silent Auction was an incredible success. CHA is blessed by the many volunteers who planned, organized, and coordinated the event. This is a huge undertaking for these individuals; their tireless efforts proved to be fruitful when the goal surpassed previous years. Because of this, our students will benefit with new science and technology programming. What a great blessing! The 2014 Live and Silent Auction can serve as a great springboard for future fundraising efforts. These events require involvement, and involvement requires interest. What could be more interesting than furthering the mission of Christian education? With more involvement from our community, our alumni, and our corporate friends, our school can make an even greater impact on children and families. Next year, we will continue our fundraising efforts and hopefully expand our reach to draw in those who share this passion and vision. The Annual Golf Challenge/Ladies’ Luncheon is scheduled for September 15, 2014.


CHA LEADERSHIP GOLF CHALLENGE Monday, September 15, 2014 Bearpath Golf & Country Club, Eden Prairie

Spring | 11


“God always wins.” by Carly Watchorn, 8th grade student Chapel Hill Academy principal, Ken Norman stated this simple fact of faith while discussing the school’s missions focus. Chapel Hill raises and donates money each year to numerous Christian organizations including Feed My Starving Children, Love Inc, and missionary families. In previous years, Chapel Hill has supported various groups, but the organization the school partners most closely with each year is Feed My Starving Children. Feed My Starving Children packages food and sends it out to nearly seventy countries around the world, and Chapel Hill supports their efforts through fundraising, individual grades and classes serving, and families volunteering year-round. This year’s classes raised over two-thousand dollars for food. Plus, the sixth grade works at Culver’s to earn missions money, and the junior high leads its own leadership fundraisers. During Spirit Week, the 8th grade sold hairstyles, snacks, and face-paint to raise around eight

hundred dollars to distribute to various groups. The main goal that Chapel Hill tries to achieve through missions is to make students aware of the needs of others. Students need to know about the needs that people have worldwide, needs both spiritual and physical. Groups like FMSC address both types of needs, feeding the hungry and teaching the Gospel to children and parents. Principal Ken Norman says that another main goal is to teach children the importance of Jesus being known all over the world. Being a missionary himself in Ecuador and Austria, he knows as well as anyone the need that people have for Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 tells Christians to go and make disciples of all nations. By raising and donating money to Christian organizations, Chapel Hill Academy is enabling people to do just that. Chapel Hill is helping the Kingdom of God expand by giving people the means to go and share. God is victorious when it comes to missions, so if He plans for someone to give, they will give. God always wins. 12 | CHA Magazine

See more photos online at the official CHA Photo Gallery Spring | 13

C O M I N G T O C H A T H I S FA L L . . .

CHAPEL HILL ACADEMY MIDDLE SCHOOL From junior high to middle school, Chapel Hill Academy is restructuring the upper grades to more effectively meet the needs of students. Fall of 2014 will look very different for incoming sixth graders. CHA has traditionally offered sixth grade as a self-contained classroom much like the lower grades. Cause for the change to a middle school model stems from the need to address the varying abilities and interests of young adolescents, particularly in math and science. To accommodate a change, sixth grade teachers will teach content area sections; sixth grade students will move throughout the day similar to seventh and eighth grade. Added offerings in sixth grade will include regular Spanish instruction, study skills, health topics, and STEM science class. Additionally, the traditional American history focus will shift to Minnesota Studies which aligns with the Minnesota Standards for K-12 Social Studies. Students in grades six through eight will work on an A/B alternating day schedule for specials that will include grade-level choir rehearsal opposite art and physical education. These changes are exciting and have infused a great deal of energy and excitement in our school!

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The world is changing rapidly, and Chapel Hill Academy is committed to preparing the next generation of Christian leaders. In order to fulfill our mission, we must offer academic programs that lay the foundation for advanced learning which will pave the path for Christian leadership in the workforce. This initiative has been embraced by the CHA community, and those who attended

the February Live and Silent Auction had a front-row seat to the energy and excitement behind the vision of this new program. Within minutes, the Fund-a-Need segment of the auction raised nearly $60,000 to launch STEM this coming fall. Since that evening, the STEM Steering Committee has met regularly for the planning and development of a quality, progressive program for our students. STEM will be integrated into all grades Kindergarten through eighth grade with a heightened concentration in the middle school science curriculum. What a great blessing to offer STEM from a biblical perspective in the classroom. This initiative will equip our students to follow God’s plan for their futures!


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WORSHIP TEAM Worship Team by Erin Olson, 8


grade student

Every Wednesday morning, hundreds of students, along with countless staff, teachers, and parents, file into the auditorium for a morning spent in Christ's teachings. However, to be open to the lesson ahead, it is crucial to have the congregation centered on Christ. This daunting task is Mr. Zink’s, Chapel Hill's music teacher and choir director. In preparation for each chapel, Mr. Zink and a group of students

with a passion for music devote their time to perfecting songs of worship in hopes that the lyrics speak to their audience. Mr. Zink also decides which songs the band will lead each week. This process can only be described as spirit-led, as numerous songs are eliminated by a trust that God will reveal a song with a message that the school needs to hear. Mr. Zink discovered that the most challenging part of leading a school in worship is to make sure his own heart is in check first. "I have to go out there and ask people to trust that God is going to say

something to their heart through music, and if my own heart isn't even in check, then I'm leading a lie," he explained. Though being in worship band has its challenges, all the participants agree it has only enriched their spiritual life. Whether playing an instrument or singing, students cite that helping with worship on Wednesday mornings has made them more responsive to what God reveals to them and that they now have a deeper understanding for what it means to truly worship the Lord. Eighth grader Molly Johnson, who plays acoustic guitar in worship band, recounted, "It was a light bulb moment when I was playing on stage and saw the kindergarteners dancing." She continued, "It made me realize one day I might want to be a kindergarten teacher."

The result of worship band is students finding which ways they worship best, whether it's dancing, singing, or playing an instrument. In a world where Jesus is so desperately needed, Chapel Hill students have been gifted with the knowledge to show others who they truly praise. 16 | CHA Magazine

Photos by Rick Narvaez

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Chapel Hill Academy has a high expectation for our players, coaches and parents to represent our school in a way that is honoring to God. Basketball has been a great teaching tool for our athletes. The athletes learn many life lessons as they play throughout the year. This past season, each coach honored one player from their team to receive the Cougar Award. This honor is awarded to a player showing great character, respect, and effort throughout the season. The following players received the Cougar Award this year: Stephen Phillips, James Erickson, Hannah Anfinrud, Dylan Du Moulin, Will Hensel, Jamie Meier, Luke Schwen and Karis Barthelemy. Basketball at Chapel Hill Academy wrapped up after another exciting season. We had eight basketball

teams this year for boys and girls in grades four through eight. Our teams competed in the South Side Youth Organization which is made up of about 20 private schools in the metro area. Our year has been filled with exciting events. We kicked off Spirit Week with our annual Parent/Teacher games vs. the Jr. High Basketball players. All students gathered in the gym for the big game cheering along with Max the

Cougar! We also had many fans show their school spirit at our Pack the Gym Nights. These events featured announcers, halftime contests and other activities for our CHA families. To conclude the season, our sixth grade boys took first place in the SSYO tournament. It was a great way to end the winter

season! We had our second year of “Hoopsters� for our younger students. This was an in-house basketball skills program for boys and girls in second and third grade. We had five weeks of skill development, and we ended with a small tournament with another SSYO school. One of the third grade boys teams took first place in the tournament. It was a great opportunity for all the players in the Hoopsters program this year. This spring our CHA track team is in their fourth year of competition. We have a great group of students in grades four through eight training hard and learning about everything that track and field has to offer. We are thankful for the leadership of coaches Cheri Dobbs and Robert Jones.

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306 West 78th Street • Chanhassen, MN • 55317

F O L L O W T H E PAT H T O S U C C E S S OUR MISSION is to glorify God and assist families by providing a Christcentered education which inspires and enables students to pursue spiritual maturity and academic excellence. We work to accomplish this mission by nurturing Christ-like attitudes in students, equipping them to articulate and defend a Biblical worldview, providing excellent programming which upholds the highest of academic standards, and promoting a distinctively Christ-centered environment.








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