chaplain’s corner
ecently, in a 7th & 8th grade Bible class we spent time studying some of the qualities that Jesus asked of his disciples. It didn’t take long for us to notice the strong directives that Jesus set forth for those who would choose to follow him. Themes such as “do not be afraid” leapt off the pages of God’s word (Luke 8:50, Luke 12:32, Matthew 14:27, John 14:27). Deny ourselves and take up our cross daily (Luke 9:23). Be willing to leave behind everything for the cause of Christ, even to the point of losing family and self for the sake of full surrender to Jesus and his work (Matthew 19:29, Luke 14:26). It is easy to get lost in the extremeness of the message that calls us to sacrifice our most prized possessions for the mission of Jesus and miss the true message that is in the midst of these strong words. It is really quite simple. Jesus is better. Jesus is better than any relationship we have. Jesus is better than any possession we own. Jesus is better than any status we achieve. Jesus is better than any dream fulfilled. Jesus is better than anything that this world has to offer. When we fully grasp that Jesus is better - it no longer feels like sacrifice but more like an infinite investment in joy and perfect love. I am regularly burdened by the fear that our students’ faith is often more defined by tradition, familiarity, morality, family or behavior than it is by a genuine deep-rooted love for the person of Jesus, who is infinitely better than any want or desire we could muster up in our sinfulness. What does it take to establish faith that is not only willing to endure persecution, but as Paul states, to actually rejoice in our sufferings (Romans 5), while having the knowledge that the cost of being a disciple is worth it? These are not easy questions, but these are questions that every Christian family and institution must ask themselves. The purpose of faith is not to produce comfort but commitment.
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