fall events highlights SONRUN FESTIVAL On Saturday, September 29, families and friends of CHA joined together to enjoy the 5th Annual SonRun. We had one mission that day and that was for God's love and goodness to shine! Though we did not see a single ray of sunshine, the SON shone brightly! Through His light, people were connecting and enjoying one another. Families were meeting and greeting new friends while savoring wonderful food such as barbeque chicken pizza! This year's SonRun was filled with moments of God's blessing over our community, family, and faith. Thanks to all who enjoyed this special time together!
GRANDPARENTS DAY Traditionally, the first Friday of October, CHA celebrates Grandparents Day where students invite grandparents to join them at school for a special program and classroom experience. This treasured day provides students the opportunity to honor their grandparents and share ways in which grandparents are heroes. This year’s program included a variety of musical numbers. From the sweet singing of the little Jr. Kindergartners, to the talented elementary grades and Middle School choirs, students delighted grandparents with their God-honoring selections. Eighth grade emcees, Anna Jaeger and Seth Luther, underscored the important role that grandparents play in their lives and shared many stories of students describing their grandparents. Ainsley Phillips (8th grade) and Anna Nykanen, (7th grade) shared personal stories about their grandparents as heroes. Topping off the day, grandparents visited their grandchild’s classroom and enjoyed learning activities together. Students were thrilled to demonstrate their growing reading skills, STEM projects, special songs, and art work. Chapel Hill Academy is blessed with tremendous support from our grandparents, and it continues to be a privilege to honor them and thank them for their heroic examples in the lives of our students. 6 | CHA Magazine