4 minute read

February 2024 Special Needs Living

A Tale of Love, Resilience, & Bubbles in Canton! Meet the Ly family!

In the heart of Canton, where cultural vibrancy meets the warm embrace of community, unfolds the inspiring journey of Bodhi Ly, a spirited four-year-old, and his parents, Cassie and Tony Ly. Nestled within the colorful corridors of Canton City Schools, Bodhi’s story is a symphony of love, resilience, and the creation of “Bodhi Bubbles,” a private label prosecco that mirrors the effervescence he brings into their lives.


Bodhi, a nonverbal dynamo, was diagnosed with autism in June 2022. For parents, Cassie and Tony Ly, owners of Basil Asian Bistro and Lucca in downtown Canton, the diagnosis process was a labyrinth of emotions. Beginning their journey when Bodhi was just 15 months old, they navigated a landscape filled with uncertainties and a daunting 15-month waiting period. The Ly family sought guidance from Help Me Grow, a beacon that illuminated their path through red tape and uncertainties, providing insights into the intricate world of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). As Bodhi found his footing in environments tailored to his needs, the Ly family discovered strength in vulnerability, turning the challenges into stepping stones of growth.

“Bodhi is enrolled in special needs preschool, speech therapy, and ABA therapy,” says Cassie and Tony Ly. “People don’t realize how difficult receiving a diagnosis can be! We were told when we started the process that the wait was fifteen months. Most therapies we have inquired on have a waitlist to start. The process can feel so overwhelming. It’s important not to give up.”

“Bodhi is enrolled in special needs preschool, speech therapy, and ABA therapy,”


Bodhi, a jigsaw puzzle maestro with an infectious love for music, from Disney tunes to Taylor Swift, sparked a revelation in his parents, Cassie and Tony. Inspired by his spirit and the desire to contribute to autism-related programming, they launched “Bodhi Bubbles,” a private-label prosecco, in November 2022. A portion of the proceeds are dedicated to supporting autism-related initiatives, with Pegasus Farm being the recipient of their first donation in April 2023. The creation of “Bodhi Bubbles” became more than a venture; it became a celebration of Bodhi’s uniqueness and a commitment to raising awareness about autism within their community.

Bodhi Bubbles is a private-label Prosecco sold at Lucca Italian Restaurant (228 4th St NW) & Basil Asian Bistro (585 Market Ave N) in Downtown Canton. A portion of the proceeds are dedicated to supporting autismrelated initiatives, with Pegasus Farm being the recipient of their first donation in April 2023!


In Bodhi’s preschool journey, Cassie and Tony found unwavering support from teachers, aids, and the community at large. Janice and Michelle from Help Me Grow played pivotal roles as guiding stars, making the IEP process less intimidating. The Ly family realized the true meaning of “It Takes a Village” as they were surrounded by a network of love and understanding. Co-workers, friends, and business partners embraced their journey, allowing both Cassie and Tony to continue working full-time while ensuring Bodhi receives the necessary counseling and therapy.

“We feel like awareness in general is so important,” says Cassie Ly. “We have learned so much in the past few years about Autism, services in our community, gaps in service… Having a special needs child can feel very lonely. We have the privilege to be in front of many people daily and meet many other individuals who have a child or close relative that has a diagnosis and it’s become so much more normalized in our lives just by being open about our journey. You are not alone!”

Bodhi Ly’s story is a symphony echoing the resilience, love, and creativity of a family in Canton. Through the challenges of autism diagnosis, the creation of “Bodhi Bubbles,” and the unwavering support from their community, Cassie and Tony Ly showcase the transformative power of embracing Bodhi’s uniqueness. His journey becomes an anthem of hope, a melody of acceptance, and a celebration of the colorful tapestry that unfolds when love, community, and a sparkling spirit like “Bodhi Bubbles” come together in harmony.

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