5 minute read
November 2022 Special Needs Living Akron/Canton
Disability Advocate and Social Media Influencer

Has your skin been feeling dry or flaky lately? Maybe you just need to pamper yourself with a lash installation or facial massage… Luckily for you, 23-year-old Calista Fouts is an esthetician (skin care specialist), excited to land a career in the beauty industry! Calista’s venture into the beauty industry hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows…
It’s come with an ENORMOUS set of challenges.
CHALLENGES ENTERING THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY Calista graduated from the Esthetics program at the Alliance location of Raphael’s School of Beauty Culture Inc. in 2020. On top of the challenges she experienced with having Cerebral Palsy while going through the program, she also experienced difficulty after graduation. The COVID-19 shutdown threw off the state licensing process for a little bit, but she was finally able to put those skills to the test and become licensed in the State of Ohio!
It’s been difficult for Calista to land a job in the beauty industry, though…
“When it comes to landing a job, most employers aren’t aware of how to accommodate someone with Cerebral Palsy,” Calista says. “Most people are aware of disabilities like Autism and Down Syndrome, but when it comes to Cerebral Palsy, they don’t really know how to accommodate those needs! It’s tough, especially within the beauty industry, because they think, “What would happen if she were to fall or drop something?” and see me as a liability.
It sucks because I’ve obtained my license in esthetics and have the skills, but can’t land a job in the field, even as a receptionist, to get my foot in the door. And in order to be able to do the things I want to do (simple facial massages, makeup applications, false lashes, etc.), I have to gain work experience. In order to gain work experience, someone has to hire me.

“It’s getting better, though, as I’m working with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) where someone will be present with me during the interviewing process to reassure potential employers that having me won’t be a liability and that help is available for them to accommodate my needs.”
Calista dreams of finally entering into the beauty industry to put her skills to work, opening the doors on her long-term goal of owning her own barn-studio business on her own land with the love of her life.
ADD DISABILITY ADVOCATE AND SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER TO HER RESUME On top of working at a coffee shop and being a licensed esthetician, Calista’s also an active disability advocate and social media influencer, spreading awareness of her condition, Cerebral Palsy.
With a TikTok following of over 400,000 people and more than 4 million likes, her additional goal of becoming a motivational speaker won’t be hard to achieve! You can follow her on TikTok or Instagram (@calistabrookeee).

CALISTA’S SUPPORT SYSTEM Calista has an incredible support system behind her in all her endeavors: her family, friends and boyfriend, Zachary. Her family pushed her to be the person she is today, strong in her belief:
“Just because you have a disability does not mean you’re not able to do anything. You’re able to do anything! You’re only limited if you limit yourself. You are able-disabled as I like to say!”
She loves spending time with her family and friends, whether it includes eating anything made out of potatoes, watching Ohio State or Steelers games, or listening to the latest country music! However, her favorite thing to do is travel with her partner, Zachary. Soon, they’ll be hitting the road out of state to pick up his son and bring him back home! When they’re not traveling, they enjoy each other’s company at home and out on the town.
Zachary has been a part of Calista’s life for a while, and they’ve shared the last year together as a couple! They look forward to building their lives together and care for one another.
EXTRACURRICULARS INCLUDE WORLD CHANGE When she was younger, Calista was a competitive cheerleader and Challengers baseball player. Today, her extracurriculars include inspiring the world via online platforms to bring about positive change!

On TikTok, she shares videos that help to inspire and educate others about what life is like for someone with Mild/Moderate Cerebral Palsy and others with disabilities. Her videos include:
• A Day in the Life
• Her Physical Therapy Routine
• Positivity Posts (When You Need A Little Sunshine)
• Make-up and Skin Care Posts (Calista’s Make-up Tips and Tricks)

Show your support for Calista by following her on TikTok or Instagram (@calistabrookeee) to share the love. Reach out to her with any beauty tips or tricks you’d like to know!