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November 2023 Special Needs Living Magazine



You may remember a remarkable young man named Aaron Williams from a feature we did on him in October of 2022! Recently we met back up with Aaron and his mom Lisa to update you on some incredible things Aaron has been up to. In 2021, Aaron embarked on a heartwarming journey to make a difference in the lives of children facing critical illnesses. Armed with a unique fundraising idea, Aaron’s determination and compassion have left an indelible mark on his community.

Aaron’s journey began in 2021 when he decided to support the organization “Wishes Can Happen” through an unconventional method: selling coleslaw. Yes, coleslaw! With a dash of creativity and a whole lot of dedication, Aaron ventured into the world of culinary entrepreneurship to raise funds for this noble cause. The delicious coleslaw he prepared quickly gained popularity in his local community, and he managed to collect a significant sum.

However, Aaron’s philanthropic efforts didn’t stop there. In 2023, he took his fundraising game to a whole new level by launching a line of homemade dog treats. These treats were not just any ordinary canine snacks; they were 100% preservative free, reflecting Aaron’s commitment to providing the best for our four-legged friends.

The decision to make dog treats was strategic, as Aaron recognized the growing trend of pet owners seeking healthier, natural options for their furry companions. The combination of his culinary skills and dedication to quality ensured that the dog treats became a hit among pet lovers.

The pinnacle of Aaron’s charitable journey came at the “Wishes Can Happen Wish-A-Thon” fundraiser this year. Aaron, with his generous heart and unwavering dedication, donated a staggering $4,795 from the proceeds of his homemade dog treats. This substantial contribution served as a testament to the impact one person can make when they commit to a cause they truly believe in.

What makes Aaron’s contribution even more extraordinary is the fact that it didn’t stop at the initial donation. His mother, Lisa, works for AultCare, an employer with a strong commitment to community involvement. AultCare matched Aaron’s donation dollar for dollar, effectively doubling the impact of his efforts. In total Aaron raised enough during his campaign to fulfill a full wish for a deserving child! This heartwarming example of corporate philanthropy highlights the power of community collaboration and the ripple effect of one young individual’s determination.

Aaron’s journey is a shining example of how a single person, regardless of age, can make a profound difference in their community. His commitment to raising funds for

“Wishes Can Happen” showcases the potential within all of us to contribute to a better world. Moreover, his creativity in choosing coleslaw and later preservative-free dog treats as fundraising tools illustrates the importance of thinking outside the box when it comes to philanthropy.

The impact of Aaron’s efforts extends beyond the impressive monetary contribution. His story serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating that even the most unconventional ideas can lead to positive change. Aaron’s dedication reminds us that kindness knows no bounds and that a compassionate heart can touch countless lives.

Aaron Williams is not just a young philanthropist; he is a beacon of hope and inspiration. His journey from selling coleslaw to crafting preservative-free dog treats, and ultimately making a substantial donation to “Wishes Can Happen,” underscores the immense potential for positive change that resides within each of us. Aaron’s story reminds us that with passion, creativity, and a generous spirit, we can all make the world a better place.

If you are interested in ordering treats for your favorite furry friend, you can email Aaron and Lisa at Lucysluckydogsnaxllc@gmail.com

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