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Africa Business Association "Travel Africa"
Ricky Katsuya
Advisory Board
Earl 'Skip' Cooper, II, CEO, Black Business Association
H.E. Sheila Siwela, Ambassador
H.E. Kone L. Tanou, Ambassador
Contributing Writers
Ricky Katsuya
Lion Communications
6564 LOISDALE COURT, SUITE 600 SpringÞeld, VA 22150 USA
1-240-467-6811 aba@africabisinessassociation.org dawn@africabusinessassociation.org www.africabusinessassociation.org
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Image credits: Cover/Pub Msg- ©ProvidedbyDaily Maverick
From the Publisher from page 4 are ac vely inves ng in ini a ves that promote tourism and foster connec ons with the diaspora. Through programs such as heritage tours, cultural exchanges,andinvestmentforums,theyaimtocreate a welcoming environment for African Americans and diaspora Africans, paving the way for meaningful engagementandcollabora on.
So,weurgeyoutoseizethisremarkableopportunity to discover the wonders of Africa. Unleash your entrepreneurialspirit,embraceyourculturalheritage, and become part of a transforma ve movement that will benefit you personally and strengthen the bonds betweenAfricaanditsdiaspora.
Africa is ready to welcome you with open arms. Let this be the beginning of a lifelong rela onship, one thatfostersprosperity,understanding,andunity.
travelafrica@africabusinessassocia on.org www.africabusinessassocia on.org
Vice President Kamala Harris Invites You to Explore Trade Opportuni es with the Republic of Zambia
The USA and the Republic of Zambia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote and support interna onal trade opportuni es between the two na ons.
ABA DAWN has curated a report on the recent tour to Africa by Vice President Harris and a separate report detailing the substance of the five-year MOU.
Find the digital publica ons on the Africa Business Associa on website.