Travel Africa

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travel africa

Inaugural Maasai Cultural Festival page56

20 TSAJust Made It Easier for More Families to Use PreCheck

20 ‘Reserve’is a Free Way to GetThrough Airport Security Faster

22 Apple’s NewTSA-Approved ID Has Launched—and is Coming to anAirport Near You

24 This Option Could HelpYou Bypass Long Waits for Passport Renewals

28 Looking for aTrip Way off the Beaten Path? HereAre Five Extremely Remote & Wild Places to Visit. TAHighlights Ethiopia

32 Some of the Safest Cities inAfrica for Travelers to Visit

35 Google Intros NewAI-poweredTravel

2 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 4 From the Publisher… Industry News 8 The $2 Billion RwandanAirport that Could HelpAfricanAviationTake Off 10 Good News forAirports andAirlines in SouthAfrica 11 U.S.Airlines Face Major Pilot Shortage. What Does This Mean for Passengers? 12 How Does (South)Africa Stack up when it comes to BusinessTravel? 14 Flying Back to SouthAfrica: 14 MajorAirlines Including Cathay & Ethiopian to Increase Service 16 Visa WaitTimes RemainTop Concern at U.S.Travel Conference 18 Emirates Establishes €180 MillionAviation Sustainability Fund
Feature Stories
30 The ‘Work FromAnywhere’Duty of Care Challenge
and Product Search Features
page 56
In This Issue…


Travel Africa

36 All the Details on HGTV’s New Series ‘Renovation Wild’ 38 An UnforgettableTravel Experience Throughout Botswana 40 Association of Professional Chefs Nigeria Set to Host Waffest 2023August 9 42 What People Who UseThe 54321 Packing Rule CanTeachYouAboutTraveling Light 44 10 Best Places to Visit inAfrica in Summer 2023 46 Mistakes People Make When Booking Hotels 49 White Rhinos Reintroduced to DR Congo National Park 50 Chikunto SafariLodge’s NEW 6-meter-high Stargazing and Sleep-out Platform 53 Asleep at 35,000 Feet? 53 Here areTN’s BestTips for 53 Counting Sheep on a Plane 3 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
55 Black WomanTakes Initiative, Creates Sunscreen made Exclusively for Melanated Babies
Inaugural Maasai Cultural Festival
Maa EducationTrust Project
Women on How to Make Reusable Sanitary Pads
- Trains
64 Cruise -African Dream Review 68 World Heritage - Mbanza Kongo, Vestiges of the Capital of the Former Kingdom of Kongo,Angola 70 TravelAfrica 76 SkiAfrica 78 GolfAfrica 83 African Cuisine! 83 Zambian Cuisine is a ClickAway 88 BeforeYou Go… AddisAbaba page 34

DearAfricanAmericanCommunityandDiaspora Africans,

As Africa Business Associa on’s and Travel Africa Publishers, we are delighted to extend anenthusias cinvita ontoyoutoexplorethe magnificentcon nentofAfricaandunlocktheendless opportuni es it holds for cultural exchange, business connec ons,andunforge ableexperiences.

Africa, a con nent of extraordinary beauty and diverse landscapes, is brimming with untapped poten al and vibrant energy. It is home to bustling ci es, pris ne wilderness, ancient historical sites, and a rich tapestry of cultures that are wai ng to be discovered and celebrated. We believe that a visit to Africa can not only provide you with a chance to reconnect with your roots but also serve as a catalyst for economic empowerment and sustainable development.

Africa’s allure lies not only in its natural wonders but alsoin itsrapidly growingeconomiesandthriving business landscape. As African Americans and diaspora Africans, your exper se, entrepreneurial spirit, and global perspec ve can play a crucial

role in forging connec ons and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships. By exploring Africa’s business opportuni es, you have the chance to invest in the con nent’s future and contribute to its economic growth.

Imagine a ending vibrant trade fairs in Lagos, Nigeria,orJohannesburg,SouthAfrica,whereyoucan networkwithlocalentrepreneursandindustryleaders. Picture yourself engaging in impac ul discussions at business conferences focused on sectors such as technology, renewable energy, agriculture, and healthcare. Visualize the poten al for collabora on and innova on as you meet like-minded individuals and witness firsthand Africa’s entrepreneurial spiritin ac on.

ButAfricaisnotjustaboutbusiness;itisacon nent that nourishes the soul. From the sun-drenched beachesofZanzibartotheawe-inspiringlandscapesof theMaasaiMarainKenya,Africaoffersatreasuretrove of natural wonders and unforge able adventures. Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and sounds of Africanmarkets,samplethetantalizingflavorsoflocal cuisines,andexperiencethewarmthandhospitalityof itspeople.

For those eager to explore their ancestral heritage, Africa provides a unique opportunity to connect with the lands of their forefathers. Through genealogical research, cultural exchanges, and ancestral homeland visits, you can trace your roots and deepen your understanding of your heritage. Engage with local communi es, par cipate in tradi onal ceremonies, and gain a profound apprecia on for the shared historiesthatbindusalltogether.

We understand that planning a trip to Africa may seemdaun ng,butrestassured,thereisawidearray of resources available to assist you. From specialized travel agencies catering to African American and diaspora travelers to local tour operators who understand your specific interests and needs, there are experts ready to guide you through every step of your journey. These professionals are dedicated to providing safe, immersive, and authen c experiences thatwillleaveyouwithlifelongmemories.

Moreover, African governments and organiza ons

to page 5

From the Publisher…
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About the Africa Business Association

The Africa Business Association is an independent international business development organization. We offer access to the latest resources, information, and best practices in advocacy and communications for the African Diaspora and the African entrepreneursinAfrica.

We work to help you have access to news and events as starting points for constructive conversationsandcallstoaction.We seekto cutthroughthefrothofthepoliticalspincycle tounderlyingtruthsandvalues.Wewanttobe so focused on progress that together we can provideacredibleandconstructivegeneration of Africans that take seriously our previous generationsandactuponalltheirwishes,our hopesandaspirationstomakelastingchange forallfuturegenerations

Africa Business Association

"Travel Africa"


Ricky Katsuya


Earl 'Skip' Cooper, II, CEO, Black Business Association

H.E. Sheila Siwela, Ambassador

H.E. Kone L. Tanou, Ambassador


Ricky Katsuya


Lion Communications


6564 LOISDALE COURT, SUITE 600 SpringÞeld, VA 22150 USA


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From the Publisher from page 4

are ac vely inves ng in ini a ves that promote tourism and foster connec ons with the diaspora. Through programs such as heritage tours, cultural exchanges,andinvestmentforums,theyaimtocreate a welcoming environment for African Americans and diaspora Africans, paving the way for meaningful engagementandcollabora on.

So,weurgeyoutoseizethisremarkableopportunity to discover the wonders of Africa. Unleash your entrepreneurialspirit,embraceyourculturalheritage,

and become part of a transforma ve movement that will benefit you personally and strengthen the bonds betweenAfricaanditsdiaspora.

Africa is ready to welcome you with open arms. Let this be the beginning of a lifelong rela onship, one thatfostersprosperity,understanding,andunity.




5 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris Invites You to Explore Trade Opportuni es with the Republic of Zambia

The USA and the Republic of Zambia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote and support interna onal trade opportuni es between the two na ons.

ABA DAWN has curated a report on the recent tour to Africa by Vice President Harris and a separate report detailing the substance of the five-year MOU.

Find the digital publica ons on the Africa Business Associa on website.

6 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris H.E. Hakainde Hichilema President of Zambia

Executive-Led Trade Mission to Africa

August 6-15, 2023 | South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria

The U.S. Commercial Service is pleased to announce that U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves will lead the Global Diversity ExportInitiative (GDEI) trade mission to South Africa,Ghana, and Nigeria. The Nigeriastop is optional.

If you area GDEI company in the automotive, consumer goods, ICT, or safety/ security industries, join us to gain market insights, make industry contacts, solidify business strategies, and advance your specific projects in Africa.

Participating in a trade mission led by a high-level federal government officialcan enhance a company's ability to secure meetings and gaingreater exposure in international markets.

Apply today! Space is limited & applications are being reviewed on a rolling basis.

Learn More & Apply for the Mission - Click Here

Not Sure Which African Market is Best for You??

Register for our 8-market webinar series “Access Africa Now.”

Every Second Wednesday, February to September 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. ET | Virtual

Learn More/Register for the Access Africa Webinar Series - Click Here

Sponsorships Are Available.Learn More

7 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

Some 40 kilometers south of the Rwandan capital of Kigali in the Bugesera District, construction vehicles and high-visibility vests swarm across an arid expanse of land.

Here, two strips of tarmac are the cornerstone of a $2 billion airport, whose developers want it to be the jewel in the crown of Africa’s aviation industry.

Slatedforcompletionin2026,thenewfacilitywill boast a 130,000-square-meter main terminal building capable of accommodating 8 million passengers a year, a figure expected to rise to over 14 million in the following decades.Adjacent will be a dedicated cargo terminal, capable of accommodating 150,000 tons of cargo a year.

It’s a significant upgrade on the existing Kigali International Airport, which is set to remain operational for special arrivals, some chartered flights, and a pilot training school.

Pre-pandemic, the airport was shuttling close to 1 million passengers annually, but its geographic limitations – perched on top of a small hill and surrounded by human settlements – meant a move was necessary to allow expansion.

“I’m amazed, it’s like a dream come true to see the impact and magnitude of this project to the population,” said Jules Ndenga, CEO of Aviation Travel and Logistics Holding, the Rwandan government-owned company that is overseeing construction.

“We are really impassioned to see the efforts completed and starting operations.”

QatarAirways will have a 60% ownership of the new airport. The Middle Eastern airline will also acquire49%ofsharesintheAfricancountry’sflag carrier airline, Rwandair, offering access to over 65 locations around the world.

It is a partnership that intended to help Rwanda – landlocked in the center of Africa – achieve its

aim of becoming the continent’s centerpiece for air travel. “The main objective of this effort is basically to make sure that Rwanda becomes an African hub where everyone will be transiting either for tourism, but also for business and different industries,” Ndenga added.

“The impact will be in terms of providing a platform for all the economic life of the country to develop sustainability. We see that as not only an impact on the economy but in the neighborhood … we know that this area will become a satellite city of the city center.”

Communication Complications

Yet benefits could spread far beyond Rwanda’s borders. The arrival of the new airport will help chip away at the critical problem of a fragmented network of routes that means passengers often havetotravelviaEuropeortheMiddleEastwhen flying betweenAfrican countries.

A lack of connections across the continent is grounding Africa’s untapped potential in the aviation business. Despite boasting 16.75% of the world’s population with 1.4 billion people, the continent has less than 4% of the global air market, according to a 2018 report by the Single AfricanAir Transport Market – an initiative set up by theAfrican Union.

For RwandAir CEO Yvonne Manzi Makolo, the problem of connectivity presents the “biggest challenge” to theAfrican aviation industry.

“The continent is huge, it’s vast, but it’s difficult and unpredictable traveling within it … and it’s

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Industry News

extremely expensive,” Makolo said.

“What what’s making it more challenging is the conditions of operating within the African continent. The cost of operations is so much more, whether it’s airport fees, whether it’s ground handling, parking, overflight (flying from one country’s airspace to another’s) – everything is much more expensive. Sometimes up to 50% more than in the Middle East and Europe, which makestheticketpricesevenmoreexpensiveand makes (some) routes unviable.”


But solutions are touching down, starting with the SingleAfricanAirTransport Market (SAATM)

Firstproposedin2018,ifimplementedthepolicy would create a single market forAfrican aviation, facilitating the free movement of people, goods, and services. The continent currently operates under bilateral air service agreements, a highly restrictive policy that makes it difficult to open new routes.

So far, just 35 of the 55 African states have signed up for SAATM. Secretary General of the AfricanAirlinesAssociationAbderahmaneBerthe, heavily involved in the policy’s implementation, believes more willfollow.

“Since 2018 all the stakeholders of the industry are working to make it happen,” Berthe said.

“Liberalization is not an easy subject – even

in other regions, it took a lot of time. So, we are workingonit.Whatismissingisthewillingnessof states to really implement it.”

A new single market would dovetail with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Coming into force in 2021, AfCFTA eliminates tariffs and other non-tariff barriers to allow easier movement of trade and people between the continent’s countries.

It is set to increase intra-African trade to an estimated 52%, according to Kenya Airways CEOAllan Kilavuka, whoplans to work with other African airlines – suchas SouthAfricanAirways –to unite a “fragmented” industry.

“Wehavesomanyairlinesinthecontinent.Most ofthemarenotviable,truthbetold,”Kilavukasaid.

“We need to consolidate, so that you create bigger entities which are more economical from a scale perspective, and they can respond to high costs. They can together talk to suppliers and get more bargains when it comes to purchases, bringingdowntheunit costof operation.Because of scale, they can then open up the African continent a lot more.

“The fragmented state which we are in is not going to make it.” index.html

Image credit: Rambol,

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SouthAfrica’saircapacityhasrisenfollowing a bleak period for airports and airliners in the country.

During her speech on the latest tourism data from the Department of Tourism, Minister Patricia De Lille said that capacity has risen since last year, with a 56% increase in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the previous year.

“In 2023, we reached 1.8 million seats, and South Africa welcomed around 23 new routes,” said the minister.

The latest data from the department showed a promisingoutlookfortheindustry,withfirst-quarter data reflecting a total of 2.1 million visitors, with many coming from abroad through air channels.

According to De Lille, new flights include Cape Town to New York and Washington by United Airlines, and Air China’s resumed direct flight to SouthAfrica.

The upcoming LATAM flight from Brazil to OR Tambo International Airport has also increased the country’s flight capacity.

De Lille added that South African Airways’ expansion into various African markets has further boosted the country’s attractiveness.

“In terms of aviation supply, seats from the Americas doubled in Q1 2023, surpassing 2019 levels,” said De Lille.

“TheMiddleEasthasfullyrecoveredinoutbound travel,andEuropehasintroducedfivenewairlines and routes to SouthAfrica.”

Good News for Airports and Airlines in South Africa

The new transport minister Sindiswe Chikunga has reaffirmed the air transport industry’s commitment to improving through partnerships with private enterprises and investment opportunities.

The industry is fundamentally different to how it was five years ago; these are realities that policy needs to be adjusted to account for, she said. South Africa’s air travel industry is looking to focus on emerging technologies as well as changes in consumer behaviour.

Air travel in South Africa has been under scrutiny over recent years due to its high cost, even domestic travel.

Compounding issues, including a 40% drop in air capacity in 2022 after leading airline Comair liquidated, aviation fuel costs skyrocketing by 80% and increased demand following travel restrictions being lifted, have all contributed to increased ticket prices.

ArecentstudybyDiscoveryBankinpartnership with Visa found that South African ticket prices increased by 30% to55% for local flights in 2022, compared to 2019.

The study further showed that when looking at travel transactions across international and domestic flights, South Africans now spend 14% moreonleisureand24%moreonbusinesstravel per trip.

It added that travel spending on flight tickets for domestic flights increased six times more than that on international flights. good-news-for-airports-and-airlines-in-southafrica/

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The US airline industry is about to face a “tsunami of pilot retirements.” This situation will further the nation’s pilot shortage, limitingflightavailabilityforpassengersandputting upwardpressureonfares.Morethanhalfofpilots working today hit the mandatory retirement age of 65 in the next 15 years. In addition, younger pilots are not making up for those aging out. This is what a group from the aviation industry said at a hearing in Congress onApril 19.

According to Faye Malarkey Black, president and CEO of the Regional Airline Association, 42 states have less airline service now than before the pandemic, 136 airports have lost at least a quarter of their service. Also, more than 500 planes belonging to regional airlines are sitting idle without enough pilots to fly them.

The “severe and ongoing pilot shortage” is nationwide, Black told CNN.

Mostairlineshaveyettofullyrestoretheservice cuts they made during the pandemic, even in the face of record bookings at some carriers.

The Regional Airline Association warned of a significant pilot shortage. RAA chief Black argued that the airlines are under-staffed due to inadequate pay and quality of life conditions.

The group represents the regional carriers whichprovidefeederserviceforthelargerairlines suchasAmerican,UnitedandDelta.Thosemajor airlines are also facing shortages of pilots, but they’ve been hiring pilots away from the regional carriers. It causes an even worse problem for passengers and cities which depend on them, Black commented.

USAirlines Pilot Training Programs

The large airlines hired more than 13,000 pilots in 2022, according to Black. Nearly all are from the smaller carriers that the RAA represents. More pilots earned licenses last year than ever before. However, those 9,500 new entrants were not enough to keep pace with demand.

Black said the cost of training for a new pilot

canbe$80,000, with total costs reaching $200,000 when combined with the cost of a bachelor’s degree. She said federal financial aid is insufficient to give poorer students a chance become pilots.

“Unlikeothercareerpathsthatrequireadditional professional credentialing, such as doctors and lawyers, accredited pilot training programs can’t access additional lending available through graduate aid programs to cover the higher costs,” she said.

Black, the head of the RAA, says that both business and charter airlines are also hiring. But Jason Ambrosi, President of the Air Line Pilots Association, told the House Transportation subcommittee that airlines are short-staffed because pilots aren’t paid enough. For him, they work in bad conditions and because managers made bad decisions during the pandemic.

He said that raising the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 67 would make it hard for airlines to make long-term plans. By law, pilots over the age of 65 can’t fly on international routes.

The hearing also discussed a lack of diversity among pilots. This is because pilots tend to be mostly male and mostly white. Changing that could also help address any pilot shortages.

“There was a widely acknowledged shortage of pilotsevenbeforethepandemic,butmanyairlines offered buyouts and early retirement packages to trim costs during the pandemic,”Ambrosi said.

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Industry News - Opportunity?

How Does (South) Africa Stack up when it comes to Business Travel?

In the dynamic world ofbusiness travel, South Africa is wrestling with economic pressures, rising inflation, an evolving aviation industry, andemergingtrendsthataredrasticallyreshaping the landscape.

BonnieSmith,GMofFCM,sharessomeinsights on how South Africa is stacking up against the rest of the world, based on data provided by the FCM Consulting quarterly report.

Inflation: a balancing act

The weight of inflation has been felt globally, with rates anticipated to drop from 8,8% in 2022 to 6,6% in 2023 and further to 4,3% in 2024.

Despite this global trend, South Africa held its groundforalongtime.In2022,SouthAfricastood out, alongside China,Indonesia, and Vietnam,as one of the few nations where inflation remained aligned with official targets.

At that time, despite near-record grain and oil prices,SouthAfrica’sinflationratedidn’tbreached the6%uppertargetlimit,primarilyowingtothefuel levy reprieve. In comparison, the US, eurozone, and the UK all saw inflation rates exceed 8%.

Smith explains that South Africa has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of global economic pressures, and the country’s ability to keep inflation in check amidst global uncertainty has been commendable. However, today, South Africa’s economic equilibrium is precarious.

Smithsays:“Thecountrygrappleswithcurrency depreciation and energy crises. The rand hit historic lows against the US dollar, reflecting the global sentiment of increasing risk aversion, while the severe power crisis continues to pose significant risks to the nation’s inflation outlook andeconomicgrowth.Thishasadirectimpacton the business travel landscape.”

Navigating the skies

The aviation industry in South Africa, like many African nations, is yet to fully embrace the New Distribution Capability (NDC). NDC, to clarify, is a communication standard developed by IATA to facilitate the direct transfer of data between airlinesandtravel agencies.This protocol aims to bringtransparency, personalisation,and speed to the airline booking process. It intends to replace the traditional Global Distribution Systems (GDS) which act as intermediaries between airlines and travel agencies. However, the transition is proving to be a challenge. While airlines like American Airlines are leading this charge, the absence of African carriers, notably South African Airways, is conspicuous in this transition.

• Seatavailability:anuphillbattle–SouthAfrica continues to display robust corporate travel demand in Q1-2023 despite mixed economic signals.However,SouthAfricanAirways, which recently underwent business rescue, has only managed to provide 18% of the seats it offered in 2019, a stark contrast to LATAM Airlines Group and United Airlines’ forecast to surpass their

• Airfares: a mixed bag – Airfare trends paint an intriguing picture of South Africa’s business travel landscape. During the first two months of 2023, Africa saw a 24% increase in business class fares and an 18% increase in economy class fares. Yet, the Cape TownDubai route has witnessed a 2% decrease in economy class fare, an anomaly in the African and Middle Eastern region. Fares on other significant business routes such as FrankfurtJohannesburgandJohannesburg-Londonhave increased by 17% and 15% for economy and 14%forbothbusinessclassflightsrespectively. This oscillation in airfares hints at the complex dynamics affecting ticket prices in the region,

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which could significantly influence business travel decisions.

Hotel occupancy: a ray of hope

In terms of accommodation, South Africa, particularly Cape Town, offers a beacon of hope. Witha99%occupancyrecoveryratecomparedto 2019, Cape Town ranks among the cities with the highest recovery globally.

Simultaneously, Cape Town has seen their average corporate rates increase by 86%, one of the highest increases worldwide. Meanwhile, Johannesburg is more on par with global trends with corporate rate increases of just 8% in Q12023.

One of the most successful traveler offerings in Q1istheemergenceofthelifestylehotel,focused on travelers who want to experience something unique. Ingredients of a lifestyle hotel include lobbies that encourage interaction, offering green initiatives, having slick technology, and offering well-being choices.

Newer hotels such as Lyf Collingwood, Melbourne, or The Hoxton, New York are challenging legacy hotels. South Africa is also seeing the emergence of lifestyle hotels, which are becoming popular among business travelers seeking a blend of work and leisure.

Smith comments: “The lifestyle hotels trend reflects the evolving preferences of today’s travelers. In SouthAfrica, we’re seeing a surge in

interestinhotelsthatoffer not justaplace tostay, but an immersive experience that aligns with the values and lifestyles of the guests.”

Car rentals and micro mobility: a distant


Therentalcarmarketisflourishing,withaverage daily rates increasing by 23% from Q1-2022 to $51.ThistrendisexacerbatedinSouthAfricadue to limited fleet availability resulting from supply chainconstraints.Ontheotherhand,thepotential of micro mobility, encompassing short-distance travel using bikes, e-scooters, and e-mopeds, seems far off. Factors such as high crime rates, lengthytraveldistances,andpoorroadconditions render this trend impractical in SouthAfrica.

South Africa’s business travel sector is facing numerous challenges but also exhibits resilience and remarkable potential for growth.

Smith concludes: “South Africa has a diverse business travel sector that is adapting to the challenges of our reality. The nation’s approach to managing inflation, embracing digitalisation in aviation, and adapting to emerging trends such as lifestyle hotels, will be critical in shaping its future in the business travel landscape.”

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Flying Back to South Africa: Major Airlines Including Cathay & Ethiopian to Increase Service

Three major airlines want to increase their frequencies between their hubs and South Africa’s major airports. According to the notices published in the Government Gazette, Cathay Pacific, TAAG Angola Airlines, and Ethiopian Airlines could boost the number of weekly flights to and from Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban.

South African aviation has seen tremendous post-pandemic recovery, with several airlines reinstating their daily flights. However, regarding increased frequencies and according to News24 Business, aviation experts believe it is still early, and not all airlines may be granted rights to fly on all requested routes.

Cathay Pacific

Cathay Pacific is set to reinstate its service to SouthAfricaafterdiscontinuingflightsattheheight oftheCOVID-19pandemic.FromAugust2,2023, the airline will resume its service between Hong Kong International (HKG) and Johannesburg OR Tambo (JNB), with three non-stop weekly flights. The carrier will deploy its Airbus A350-900 on the route, offering customers a superior flight experience. The service will provide travelers

from Southern Africa with direct access to Hong Kong and options for further connections on the airline’s Asian network, including destinations in the Chinese mainland, Indonesia, and Thailand, to mention a few.

The airline has applied to increase its service between Hong Kong and South Africa to 11 weekly flights, with a daily service to JNB. In addition to the JNB service, it is looking to launch three weekly flights to Cape Town on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and one weekly flight to Durban on Saturdays.

Although the gazetting process is primarily for public engagement before awarding the licenses, Cathay Pacific told News24 Business that they hadreceivedpermissiontooperateflightstoCape Town and Durban, as stated in the Government Gazette.

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TAAG is looking to enhance its service between Angola and South Africa to 23 flights per week. It currently operates daily flights from Luanda Quatro de Fevereiro (LAD) to Johannesburg and CapeTown.

Inadditiontothisservice,TAAGiseyeingatleast three weekly flights between Luanda and Durban King Shaka International (DUR). This would see thecarrierconnectSouthAfrica’sGoldenTriangle and become the only airline operating flights betweenAngola and these three destinations.

With major route and fleet development plans, TAAG is eyeing significant growth in the next five years. As part of the company’s growth plan, it formalized the order for nine aircraft during the 2023editionoftheParisAirShow.TAAGnowhas an order of 15Airbus A220 aircraft through lease agreements with various international partners.


Africa’s leading carrier is also eyeing increased flights between Ethiopia and South Africa. This

includesupto 35 weeklyflightsfromAddisAbaba Bole International (ADD), with 14 operating directly to CapeTown.

The carrier currently operates Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights between ADD and JNB up to 21 times a week. It offers passengers three daily flights, with morning, afternoon, and late-night options.

Several airlines flying into South Africa operate flights to Johannesburg. However, Cape Town is seeing an increase in demand because of the Cape Town Air Access project by Wesgro. Since 2015, the city has welcomed six new African airlines and continues expanding its network. If these airlines receive permission to increase their frequency, CPT will see more enhanced passenger activity. Image credit:Thiago BTrevisan/Shutterstock, IanC66 | Shutterstock, Markus Mainka I Shutterstock.

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Visa Wait Times Remain Top Concern at U.S. Travel Conference

It’s been a year since the U.S. Travel Association first identified the soaring visa wait times as a major impediment to inbound travel recovery.

Progress in getting those waits down has beenslowsincethen,andtheproblemseemed no less vexing to destination representatives hereatU.S.Travel’sannualIPWconference. But a meeting between destination leaders and officials from the U.S. State Department at the eventisgivingtravelleadershopethatthebacklog will soon be addressed.

U.S. Travel CEO Geoff Freeman said that the waits for first-time visas, which as of May 23 averaged more than 500 days in the top 10 visarequiring markets worldwide, “are hurting the American economy.”

“The situation is untenable,” he told attendees. “We have challenged the State Department to get wait times down to under 30 days at every U.S. consulate around the world. That is what we believe is acceptable, and we will continue to remain focused on achieving that goal.”

Quiteafewdestinationrepresentativeslamented lack of progress in reducing the wait times. But in an interview, Freeman indicated optimism.

After the meeting with State Department leadership,Freemansaid,“theirtonehadchanged for the better.”

“Here’s what’s changed over a year: They now acknowledge there’s a problem.And that really is thefirststeptoactuallydoingsomethingaboutit,” he said.

Freeman said there are three main reasons for the backlog: staffing shortages at embassies, an absence of creative approaches to solve the delays and a lack of desire to do something about it.

“Comingoutofthepandemicwedidn’tnecessarily sense the desire to address the situation,” he said. “Allof thosethingsarebeginning tochange. Staffing is turning around, albeit slowly, and they are doing things that are creative -- they spoke of SWAT teams and the ability to move people

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around. Something has broken the logjam where there is degree of seriousness now.”

Still, wait times of 500 to 700 days “aren’t going to be down to 30 overnight,” he said. “There is a backlog that is going to take them six to 12 months to work through. I don’t think we’re having this conversation a year from now, but it’s not going to happen overnight.”

Eager for international visitors

For destinations waiting for the lucrative international inbound travelers to return, the visa backlog is a tough pill to swallow.

International travelers are a critical market in places like New York, where they typically represent 20% of volume but 50% of spending. Fred Dixon, CEO of New York City Tourism + Conventions,saidthecity’s11millioninternational visitors in 2022 represented 81% of its prepandemic numbers.

Elliott Ferguson, CEO of Destination DC, said the international market makes up 7% of Washington’s tourists but contributes 27% of visitor spend.

Visit Florida CEO DanaYoung said it is a “huge

issue”forthestate,whereinternationalvisitorsare stilldown23%from2019.Sixofitstop10markets are LatinAmericacountriesthatarenotmembers of the Visa Waiver Program, including Brazil and Mexico, she said, which are both affected by the visa delays.

Those first-time visitors are hugely important in driving future demand,Young added.

“They promised that a year from now we would notstillbetalkingaboutthisissue,”shesaidofthe meeting with State Department officials. “So that gives me hope.”

There is still frustration with the process. Young said that wait times in Argentina are down to 78 days, but when she asked officials how they achieved that, they said they didn’t know. “Well can you find out?Because it’s working,” she said.

Chris Thompson, CEO of Brand USA, doesn’t think State Department officials “get enough credit.”

“Right now they’re processing more visas than ever in their entire history,” he said. “Coming out of COVID they were understaffed and they shut downandthey hadtorestaffandgear backup.In that regard they’re doing an exceptional job, and they’redoing more than they’veever done.There is so much more demand.”

Still, he said that officials at the meeting acknowledged “it’s not good enough. They think they’re gonna be out from under the major backlogs in six months. So we’re hopeful.” Image credit:

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Emirates Establishes €180 Million Aviation Sustainability Fund

Shortly before releasing the group’s annual report, revealing its most profitable year ever and new record profits, Emirates announced it has committed US$ 200 million (€183 million) to fund research and development (R&D) projects focussed on reducing the impact of fossil fuels in commercial aviation.

This is the biggest single commitment by any airlineonsustainability,withfundstobedisbursed over 3 years. Emirates, the world’s largest international airline, will identify partnerships with leading organisations working on solutions in advanced fuel and energy technologies.

“Until viable solutions can be found, Emirates will continue to implement environmentally responsible practices throughout our business, including uplifting SAF where feasible, ensuring efficient fleet operations and inducting modern aircraft into our fleet”, said Sir Tim Clark, President Emirates Airline. “Our US$ 200 million fund is earmarked for R&D, and not for operating costs like the purchase of SAF or carbon offsets to tick regulatory boxes – activities we consider business-as-usual.”

The airline’s long-standing environmental policy and strategy focusses its activities on 3 areas: emissions reduction, responsible consumption and the conservation of wildlife and habitats.

In January, Emirates successfully completed the first 100% SAF-powered demonstration flight in partnership with Boeing and GE. Since its first flight powered by SAF in 2017, the airline continuestoparticipateactivelyintheSAFmarket and seek opportunities in its network to use SAF where feasible.

However, bio-based SAF, currently the only type of commercially available SAF, is extremely limited in supply. IATA estimates that the entire

world’s annual supply of SAF meets less than 0.1% of airlines’needs.

Emirates participates in a range of industry working groups and stakeholder engagements on sustainable aviation fuel. In recent months, togetherwiththeUAEGCAA,theairlinecontributed to the development of the UAE’s power-to-liquid (PtL) fuels roadmap, launched in July 2022, and prepared jointly by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure andthe World Economic Forum; as well as the UAE’s National Sustainable Aviation Fuel Roadmap launched in January 2023 by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.

Emirates’ investment in flying a young and modern aircraft fleet remains its biggest commitmentto reducingitsemissions.Theairline currently has 200 of the latestAirbus and Boeing wide-body aircraft on order, including A350s and 777Xs.

The airline has a comprehensive fuel efficiency programme that actively investigates and implements ways to reduce unnecessary fuel burn and emissions, wherever it is operationally feasible. Some of the program’s most significant initiatives include:

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The operation of “flex tracks” or flexible routings where it partners with air navigation serviceproviderstocreatethemostefficientflight plan for each flight, taking advantage of natural tailwinds,whileavoidingheadwindsandweather systems. These efforts have been ongoing since 2003, and Emirates has also been working with IATA to extend this routing system across the world as a standard operating procedure where possible.

Introducing fuel efficient practices while the aircraftisontheground,suchas:theuseofground power units insteadof the aircraftAuxiliary Power Unit (APU) and switching one or two engines off while taxiing in after landing

Emirates also invests in renewable energy initiatives including the installation of solar panels to power some of its operational buildings in Dubai, and the use of electric vehicles both airside and landside. Image credit: articledetail/id/409769

19 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Promoting Africa-focused Tourism Since 2011 Travel Africa travel africa

TSAJust Made It Easier for More Families toUse PreCheck

Just ahead of the busy Memorial Day holiday weekend, during which daily U.S. air passenger numbers are expected to reach as high as 2.6 million, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that a greater number of families can now get through airport security checkpoints with ease.

The agency stated this week that teenagers age 13 through 17 can now accompany their TSA PreCheck–enrolled parents or guardians through security when traveling on the same

‘Reserve’ is a Free Way to Get Through Airport Security Faster

Therearesomegoodoptionsforpeoplewho want to avoid the long lines of TSA at the airport, including TSA PreCheck, Global Entry,andClear.Butthere’sanotherlesser-known way to ensure you get a smoother transition through TSA, and it’s free: Reserve by Clear Not everyone can afford the time and money it takes to set up and get a PreCheck or Clear subscription, with their fees and time-consuming interview process. A free option is helpful for those on a budget or traveling with large groups or family.

How does Reserve by Clear work?

Reserve is a free program powered by the same subscription, Clear, which uses biometric technology to skip the security lines for $189 per year. All you do is pick a time to go to the airport and use a fast pass to get through TSA. Unfortunately, it’s not available in all airports yet, but they are expanding. Here is where you’ll be able to use this program:

◊ NewYork: John F. Kennedy International Airport,Terminal 4.

◊ California: LosAngeles International Airport,Terminals 7 and 8 (called LAX Fast Lane).

◊ Florida: Orlando InternationalAirport, East and West Checkpoints.

◊ New Jersey: Newark Liberty International Airport,TerminalsAand B (called EWR Virtual Line).

◊ Washington: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Checkpoint 3 and 5 (called SEASpot Saver).

◊ Arizona: Phoenix Sky-Harbor International Airport,Terminals 3 and 4.

◊ Canada: Calgary InternationalAirport, Security D and E (calledYYC Express).

◊ Canada: Edmonton InternationalAirport (calledYEG Express).

◊ Canada: Montréal-Pierre ElliottTrudeau InternationalAirport (called YULExpress).

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Industry News

reservation. Previously, only children age 12 and under were included in their parent’s TSA PreCheckprivileges(andtheystillare,ofcourse).

“For the low-risk traveler who is traveling with their teenaged child, this changebenefits families in an obvious way—but it also benefits the transportation security officers in the checkpoint. WhenTSAhasmorelow-riskpassengersentering theTSAPreChecklanes,officersareabletofocus greater attention on the higher-risk passengers in standard screening lanes,” a TSA spokesperson toldAFAR.

TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program designed to get travelers through airport security lines as quickly as possible—users can keep their shoes or light jackets on, can leave electronics and appropriately sized liquids in their bags, and are able to use a dedicated line. The program initially costs $78 (though many travel credit cards will reimburse users for the fee) for a five-year membership and $70 to renew.

According to the TSA, as long as an adult on the reservation books their ticket using

their TSA PreCheck Known Traveler Number, the system will automatically recognize the children on the booking and a TSA PreCheck badge will be printed on their boarding pass as well. If, for some reason, it’s not, travelers will need to ask an airline agent for assistance.

The changes come as the TSA continues to modernize its checkpoints. The agency also recently deployed new Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) scanners that allow agents to screen travelers without scanningorlookingattheirboardingpasses.Fliers at select airports inArizona, Maryland, Colorado, andGeorgiacanalsonowuploadtheirIDtotheir Apple Wallet, which can be used to get through TSA. More airports are slated to roll out Wallet ID capabilities soon, including Connecticut, Hawai‘i, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, and Utah. Image credit:,

◊ Canada:Toronto Pearson International Airport (calledYYZ Express).

◊ Canada: Vancouver InternationalAirport (calledYVR Express).

◊ Germany: Berlin BrandenburgAirport (called BER runway).

◊ Germany: FrankfurtAirpot (called FRA SmartWay).

◊ Germany: HannoverAirport.

◊ Italy: RomeAirport FCO, (Called QPass Security).

◊ Iceland: ReykjavikAirport.

◊ Netherlands:AmsterdamAirport Schiphol.

How to use Reserve by Clear

These programs are all about efficiency. You won’t need to register with Clear or create any

kind of profile. Just go to this link and select the eligibleairportyou’reflyingfrom.Enteryourflight information,number ofpassengers,andpickthe time you would like to go through security.

You should receive a confirmation email with a QR code that TSA will need to scan along with yourID.Whenyouarrivetotheairport,lookfor the special reserve lane for Reserve or Clear and have your QR code ready.

If you’re flying domestically, you can reserve a reservation of up to a maximum of 60 minutes before your flight. If you’re flying internationally, it’s a maximum of 75 minutes before your flight, with a grace period of 15 to 20 minutes in case you arrive late to your reservation.

Youcanfindmoreinformationabouttheprogram from their FAQ here.

Image credit:

21 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

Apple’s New TSA-Approved ID Has Launched—and is Coming to an Airport Near You

The newer tech went live on March 23, 2022, at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona. Since then, the capabilities have rolled out in Maryland (as of May 25, 2022), Colorado (as of November 9, 2022), and Georgia (as of May18, 2023).Andmoreairportsareonthe way. Here’s what you need to know about flying with Apple’s Wallet ID. InwhichstatescanyougetApple’sWalletID?

The TSA security checkpoints at five airports currently acceptApple’s Digital ID, including:

» Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood MarshallAirport (BWI)

» Denver InternationalAirport (DEN)

» Hartsfield-JacksonAtlanta International Airport (ATL)

» Phoenix Sky Harbor InternationalAirport (PHX)

» Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)

According to Apple, the Wallet ID capabilities will roll out soon in:

When you’re heading through airport security, it’s always a bit stressful when you can’t quickly find your ID to present to the TSA agent. Luckily, those days may soon be behind us—as long as you’re an iPhone user, at least.

Apple recently unveiled new technology that allows fliers to add their driver’s license or state ID to their Apple Wallet app and use their device to get through security. That means travelers can simply swipe their iPhone orApple Watch instead of showing a physical copy of their ID to security agents. The hope is to make airport security a little more efficient and secure.

» Connecticut

» Hawai‘i

» Iowa

» Kentucky

» Mississippi

» Ohio

» Oklahoma

» Puerto Rico

» Utah

As of yet, the tech company hasn’t shared which airports in those states will use the new technology. Additional states have plans to join the program down the line.

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How doesApple’s Wallet ID work?

Setting up the new technology is fairly simple. Eligible fliers can scan their driver’s license or state ID into the Apple Wallet app (there are on-screen instructions to follow), then take and uploadaselfie.“Asanadditionalfraudprevention step, users will also be prompted to complete a series of facial and head movements during the setup process,”Apple states.

The selfie and scanned license are then sent to the issuing state for verification and approval.

Once approved, users can present their Apple Walletidentificationatairportsecuritycheckpoints by tapping their device at the Credential Authentication Technology reader. Fliers will be shownwhichinformationisrequestedbytheTSA, and theycanconsent toprovideitwith FaceIDor Touch ID—in other words, you don’t even have to unlock your phone.

The information is transmitted digitally to the TSA and encrypted by the Apple Wallet app. The technology is available on iPhone 8 or later running iOS 15.4, and Apple Watch Series 4 or later running watchOS 8.4 or later.

Can I leave my physical ID at home once I haveApple’s Wallet ID?

Notquite.AccordingtotheTSA,“Allpassengers ...mustcontinuetocarryandhavereadilyavailable theirphysicaldriver’slicenseoridentificationcard, orother acceptableIDlistedontheTSAwebsite.”

For now, gate agents may need to see your physical ID to complete the verification process. And do we even need to mention the potentially disastrousramificationsofadeadiPhonebattery?.

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Information & Booking Here

23 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

This Option Could Help You Bypass Long Waits for Passport Renewals

Earlier this year, I hit a milestone: For the first time, I filled up an entire passport with stamps. It felt like an accomplishment until Irealizedthat,despitehavingthreeyearsleftuntil the document expired, I had to renew it at a time when people were complaining of monthslong waits.

I have at least one trip per month scheduled through October. I didn’t see how I was going to be able to send my passport in for renewal and receive the new one before I left for my next assignment. It’s also nearly impossible to get throughtoapassportagencyoverthephoneright now — believe me, I tried — so scheduling an appointment for a same-day passport wasn’t an option.

“Whydon’tyoujustapplyforasecondpassport?” my boss asked when I gave him a heads-up that I’d likely have to cancel my next couple of work trips. Stunned, I told him I didn’t know that was even a thing. But he was right — it’s possible for Americans who meet certain conditions to be granted a secondary passport book.

Withjustamonthandafewdaysbeforemynext scheduled trip, I applied. It might have saved me sometimeversusapplyingforastandardrenewal of my original passport. Here’s how I navigated the process and why it might help you, too, if you qualify.

The criteria

To beapproved for asecondU.S.passport, you have to meet at least one of three conditions:

• You have stamps in your passport that could result in denied entry to another country (i.e., an Israeli stamp in some countries).

• You have more than one international trip coming up, and you need to get visas, meaning your current passport will be out of your possession for some time.

• You can prove your job requires you to travel

frequently. Flight attendants, pilots and journalists covering foreign news, for example, likely qualify for a second passport.

Because I’m a travel journalist, I qualified under thelastoneandsettoworkonfiguringouthowto procure my backup passport.

The particulars

There are two ways you can apply, depending on your situation. I couldn’t part with my passport inordertosenditin,whichwasthewholereasonI couldn’tdothestandardrenewalinthefirstplace.

So, I skipped the DS-82 form, which is used for standardrenewalsandsecondpassportrequests, where applicants send in their primary passports. Instead, I filled out the DS-11 form — the same form usedwhenapplyingforyourfirstpassportor for a new passport if you’ve been without one for 15 years or more.

While filling out the DS-11, I learned that I’d have to submit my application in person at an acceptance facility — in most cases, including mine, a post office — since I’d have to use my original birth certificate instead of my passport as proof of citizenship.

I also learned I could choose to have my secondary passport fitted with a larger number of pages for free, as is possible when you obtain a primary passport. My primary passport had a smaller number of pages. Having learned my lesson, I opted for the more sizable book.

Finally, I found out that a secondary passport comeswithfour-yearvalidity.Thatdiffersfromthe 10-yearshelflifeofastandardpassport.Asecond U.S. passport is also ineligible for renewal.

The application

To submit your application in person at a designed acceptance facility, you have to make an appointment. I started by using the U.S. Department of State’s acceptance facility finder, whichallows you to findthefacilityclosesttoyou. After that, I made an appointment directly on the United States Postal Service’s website.

On the day of myApril appointment, I gathered my printed application form, two passport photos thatIhadtakenatCVSafewdaysprior,mydriver’s license for identity verification, my checkbook for the application fee ($130, plus $60 for expedited

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processing and an additional $19.53 for one-totwo-day shipping) and my credit card for the post office’s $35 acceptance fee.

Additionally, I wrote a letter stating why I was applying and outlining all of my upcoming trips, along with proof of booking and a letter from my employer. I also took my current passport, just in case, but itwasn’t needed.

I arrived on time for my appointment, and the woman at the counter checked my application to make sure it was properly filled out. You’re supposedtoleavethesignatureareablank,which Idid.Shehadmesignitinfrontofhertocompare againstthe signature onmy ID, of whichshe then made a photocopy. She took my birth certificate and my check for the application fee, packaged them all up, and sent them off for me.

I paid the $35 acceptance fee to the post office, and I was on my way — but not before I was informed that even expedited processing was takingseventonineweeks.Fromthere,allIcould do was hold my breath, even though the odds didn’t look good.

The wait

Fast forward to May, and the day of my next assignment — a trip to Greece for the launch of a new cruise ship — was nigh. I decided to go ahead as scheduled and hope that the customs and border protection officers in Athens would be OK with stamping my passport on one of the “notes” pages. (I already had a couple of stamps there, thanks to other agents who previously hadn’t paid attention to where they were putting thevisas.)Ifiguredthat,worstcase,theywouldn’t let me in, they’d put me on the next flight back home, and I’d have a story either way.

As luck would have it, neither of those scenarios materialized.Instead, somethingtotally unexpected happened. Five minutes after I left to drive to the airport, my mom called.

“You’renotgoing tobelieve this,” she said. “The mailjustcame,andIthinkyougotyourpassport.”

I turned around, drove back home and grabbed it, marveling at the timing. From there, the trip went off without a hitch.

Bottom line


theapplicationprocessforasecondpassport,but it was worth it. I received it exactly a month and two days after submitting myapplication. My birth certificate even arrived in the same envelope. (Often, proof of citizenship is returned separately via untracked postage — a concept that always makes me nervous.)

There’s no telling whether using this process instead of a standard renewal is what helped me toreceivethenew passportfaster.Acoupleofmy TPG colleagues applied for renewals around the same time, and the results varied. One received hers within three weeks, while another waited three months and narrowly missed having to cancel a vacation to Paris.

ObtainingasecondU.S.passportisn’tanoption for everyone, but in my case, it provided me with a usable passport in enough time that I was able toseamlesslyembark on my scheduledtravels. It just might work for you, too, if you meet at least one of the criteria. Image credit:

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27 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | Juy 2023 | (202) 550-7060

Looking for a Trip Way off the Beaten Path? Here Are Five Extremely Remote & Wild Places to Visit. TA Highlights Ethiopia

From Moss and Fog

World class destinations abound on our beautiful planet. But are you tired of the same old beach resorts and crowded tourist hotspots? Looking for a travel experience that’s truly out of the ordinary? You came to the right spot. We’ll be taking you on a journey to some of the most exotic travel destinations on earth, and giving you the lowdown on why they’re worth the effort to visit.

1. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

At over 10,000 square kilometers, the Salar de Uyuni is the world’s largest salt flat. Located in southwestern Bolivia, this otherworldly landscape is made up of a blindingly white expanse of salt crust that stretches as far as the eye can see. During the rainy season, the flat floods and becomes a giant reflective mirror, creating a stunning optical illusion of the sky and the ground

merging into one.

You’ll have so much more to explore as well, with Bolivia’s rich history and culture, exploring this part of SouthAmerica.

2. Socotra Island,Yemen

TuckedawayintheArabianSea,SocotraIsland isabiodiversityhotspotunlikeanyother.Hometo over 700 species of plants and animals that are foundnowhereelseonearth,thisremoteislandis often referred to as the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean”. From the dragon’s blood tree to the desert rose, the flora and fauna of Socotra Island are truly unique. Aside from that, Socotra has mind blowing beaches, which are usually entirely empty of visitors.

3. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

The inspiration for the floating Hallelujah MountainsinthemovieAvatar,ZhangjiajieNational

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Forest Park is a natural wonder that will leave you in awe. The park is known for its towering sandstone pillars, some of which rise over 1,000 meters above the ground. Visitors can take a cable car ride to the top of Tianmen Mountain and walk along the breathtaking glass skywalk that extends out over the valley below.

4. Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

LocatedinthenortheastofEthiopia,the Danakil Depression is one of the hottest and most inhospitable places on earth. It’s also one of the most visually stunning. The depression is home to a kaleidoscope of colorful mineral formations, including sulfur fields, salt pans, and acid lakes. The area is also home to the Afar people, who have adapted to the harsh environment and are known for their unique culture and way of life.


The ultimate travel destination for adventureseekers, Antarctica is the world’s southernmost

continent and the coldest, driest, and windiest place on earth. Despite its extreme conditions, Antarctica is home to an abundance of wildlife, includingpenguins,seals,andwhales.Visitorscan take part in activities like kayaking, camping, and even swimming in the icy waters. It challenging andexpensivetogetthere,butAntarcticaisaforsure bucket list trip.

So there you have it, some of the most exotic travel destinations on earth. From the world’s largest salt flat to the coldest continent, these places are truly out of this world.

Whether you’re a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or just looking for a change of scenery, thesedestinationsaresuretoleaveahugelasting impression.

View the whole article here:

29 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Extremely
▲ Photo by Torsten Martens ◄ Photo by Eric Lafforgue /Art inAll of Us / Corbis via Getty

The ‘Work From Anywhere’ Duty of Care Challenge

or many companies, the pandemic has irrevocably changed the way in which employees live, work and travel, with some organisations introducing formal – or informal – ‘work from anywhere’policies.

These new working patterns are undoubtedly here to stay but it’s important to consider what therisksandchallengesofsucharrangements are. For example, are digital nomads particularly vulnerable to certain hazards? What kind of responsibility do organisations that offer these policies have regarding remote

Fworkers?Andwhat arethecontractual, taxand insurance implications?

Questions like these are vital when it comes to understandinghoworganisationswillmaintain their duty of care responsibilities, as this field hasexperiencedashiftinthinkinginrecentyears. Since the pandemic the lines between work and sociallifehaveoftenbecomeblurredasthehome now has a function in both of these worlds.

The ‘traditional’ boundaries of organisational duty of care responsibilities have also expanded withthisshift.Thismakesitallthemorenecessary for businesses to put protections in place to ensureremoteworkersareproperlysupported when away from traditional organisational infrastructure.

Working in Barbados for a UK-based company may sound idyllic on paper but there are risks involved. Engaging third-party experts can often be a useful shortcut for understanding the risk

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Get Ready to Live & Work in Africa

environment of the locations remote workers are operating within. For instance, every country has a specific security and medical risk, often with regional variation.

Some organisations may not have access to data on the regional specificities of the countries in which their employees are now located –informationthatcanbeessentialwhenitcomesto successfullyimplementinga‘workfromanywhere’ policy.

Mental health support is also an important part of the story. We are now seeing more business leaders take this issue seriously – another trend triggered, in part, by the pandemic. This means that decision-makers within organisations should beencouragedtocarefullyconsiderhowremotely located employees are supported from a mental health perspective.

Data from the most recent International SOS RiskOutlookreporthighlightsthat49%ofexperts predictthatremote/hybridworkingishavingsome impact on the ability of businesses to provide mental health support.

As employees gain greater autonomy over their workingarrangements,theydoalsobearsomeof the responsibility for their own safety

This doesn’t necessarily mean remote workers are more likely to experience mental health issues, but organisations certainly should be aware that they need to implement a tailored programme for employees working away from the traditional workplace. For example, this might involve access to more sophisticated evidencebaseddigitalmentalhealthsupporttools,suchas the KOAFoundations app.

In addition to this, and at a practical level, organisations may want to implement a tiered approval process when considering the locations they’re allowing employees to travel to and work in.Thiscanensurethatemployeesacrossmultiple functions are involved in the approval process for remote working.

In addition to the often complex legal and establishment risks, security managers may need to consider the safety risks of relocating to certain locations. The health advisor (or equivalent executive) can consider if the local

medical infrastructure meets an acceptable level, especially if families might be relocating, or if ongoing complex medical needs might be a consideration. Risk managers may need to assess if the location is particularly vulnerable to climate or cyber risk. And HR staff may request to perform a workstation assessment to ensure employees are safe in their new temporaryhome.Thiskindofinterorganisational collaborationwillmeanathoroughriskassessment is conducted, ensuring that both flexibility and safety are prioritised at the same time.

This links to another important point: duty of loyalty. The safety of remote employees and digital nomads is a two-way interaction. As employees gain greater autonomy over their working arrangements, they do also bear some of the responsibility for their own safety.

Organisations could look to develop a robust code of conduct to help with this, including agreed upon guidelines for remote working. All of this should be developed with the consent of relevant employees to make sure they aren’t putting themselves in potentially risky situations.

This strategy can help organisations implement aflexiblesystem whichis alsorealisticintermsof the risk appetite of both employees and the wider organisation.

Keepingremoteworkerssafeiscrucialintoday’s ever-evolving work environment. Employers and employees alike should understand that remote work is not just a perk, but an evolving responsibility that requires adequate support and protection.

Providing ergonomic support, mental health resources, and clear communication channels can help remote workers feel more connected and engaged, boosting productivity and overall wellbeing. Ultimately, a safe and healthy remote workforceisawin-winsituationforbothemployers and employees, as it leads to improved morale, reducedturnover rates, and increased success in achieving business goals

Image credits:, Forbes

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Some of the Safest Cities in Africa for Travelers to Visit

Africa is known for its incredible nature preserves, where wild animals rule. But the continent’scitiesarejustasexcitingasthey are underrated.

Like anywhere else, you can expect noise and traffic but also that unique urban energy that pulsates with life and possibility — plus, many of them are near national parks or preserves, offering the best of both worlds.

Wondering where to go? Start with some of the safest cities in Africa. Besides low crime rates, these compelling cities offer millenary history, great music, excellent food and must-see landmarks.

Rankings are based on Statista’s “Africa: Cities With the Highest Safety Index 2022” report.

Algiers, Algeria

Population: 2.9 million - Safety index: 45.18

While Algeria has been victim to attacks by religious extremists, these are rare (probably just asrareastheyareintheU.S.orpopularEuropean destinations).LikeinEurope,pickpocketsfrequent crowdedplacesliketheKashbah,andsolofemale travelers need to take extra precautions. But it’s quite safe to wander the streets since muggings are uncommon.

Visitors will want to enjoy Algeria’s wonderful capital by visiting Djamaa el Djazaïr, or the Great Mosque of Algiers, and the Catholic Basilica of Notre-Dame d’Afrique, built during the time of French colonialism. Plus, you’ll want to visit the city’s cultural institutions, like the National Museum ofAntiquities and IslamicArt.

Gaborone, Botswana

Population: 289,221 - Safety index: 45.68

Despite its diverse nature and political stability, BotswanaisstillanoverlookedAfricandestination — perhaps because people make the wrong assumptionsaboutit.Butthosewhopayattention tothefactsfindan amazingcountrywhereviolent

crime rates are relatively low. As in most cities around the world, you should avoid dark, isolated places while visiting Gaborone, the capital. But if youapplycommonsenseandgeneralprecautions, you won’t have safety issues.

Visitors can enjoy the National Museum andArt Galleryand buy traditional craftsat local markets. However,mostpeoplecomeforthenearbynature preserves, which include the Mokolodi Nature Reserve and Gaborone Game Reserve. Here, you’ll have the chance to see species like rhinos, giraffes, impalas, zebras and more.

Cairo, Egypt

Population:22.2million (forthemetropolitanarea)

- Safety index: 50.22

We don’t need to introduce Cairo, nor convince

Cities Tour 32 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Algiers Gaborone traveltourxp.comNational Geographic Kids

anyone to visit. Yes, it is chaotic and overly touristy. And yes, you will get harassed by street vendors. But these are minor inconveniences and don’t actually pose a threat to your safety. In return, you’ll get to seeoneof the most incredible places on Earth.

ThemainreasontovisittheEgyptiancapitalare, ofcourse,thePyramidsofGiza.Onceyou’vedone that, escape the heat at the Egyptian Museum, wander the 12th-century Citadel of Salah El-Din and shop at the gigantic Khan el-Khalili market.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Population: 5.5 million - Safety index: 51.59

Another capital city on this list, Addis Ababa quickly breaks erroneous ideas people may have of Ethiopia. The city is modern, clean and

safe. Yes, the country has suffered from extreme poverty,butthat’snot everything thereistoit.Get cultured at the National Museum of Ethiopia, the Ethnological Museum and the Ethiopian National Theatre.

You should also hike up Mount Entoto for sweeping views over the capital and try a cup of Ethiopian coffee at Tomoca Coffee. This is, after all, the birthplace of the plant and one of the best coffee destinations in the world.

Casablanca, Morocco

Population: 3.9 million - Safety index:44.41

While many people know this city because of the iconic movie starring Humphrey Bogart and IngridBergman,thecityisevenmoreexcitingthan

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Cairo AddisAbaba

African Cities - from page 33

the movie. You can see the remnants of French colonial rule in the city’s Mauresque architecture, which blends art deco and Moorish elements, or youcangetlostinthelabyrinthsoftheoldmedina. Other exciting things include going on a coastal strollalongtheCorniche,visitingtheRoyalPalace and touring the Hassan II Mosque — the largest mosque in Morocco.

And you can do all this without worrying about your safety. While people might try to haggle or overcharge you, violent crime is rare. That said, solo female travelers should be careful, as street harassment is a huge problem. safest-cities-in-africa-for-travelers-to-visit/ar-AA1 b0OZX?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=W069&cvid=649a3 99fbd6b45af9cc6dd5b18f3f19b&ei=116

34 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Cities Tour
Giants of Africa Festival Find Info & Tickets Here

Google’s new AI-powered search experience, released in May, might have gotten a mixed reception. But the search giant isn’t letting that slow its feature roadmap.

Google today announced new capabilities, some of which it previously previewed at its I/O conference, heading to Search Generative Experience (SGE) — the moniker for its experimental search experience — focused on travel and shopping.

Now, when a user asks questions about a place or destination in Google Search (e.g. “Is this restaurant good for large groups?”), they’ll see a snapshot that brings together information from across the web as well as reviews, photos and business profile details submitted by business owners. And when they’re shopping for a product — Bluetooth speakers, say — SGE will show factors to consider along with product descriptions, reviews, ratings, prices, images and recommendations.

TheexperiencesevokeAI-poweredsearchrivals like and PerplexityAI. But Rany Ng, VP of Search, argues that they uniquely benefit from Google’s proprietary data, including details on

Google Intros New AI-powered Travel and Product Search Features

more than 200 million places in the world and 35 billion product listings.

“With this improved experience in SGE, you’ll get useful insights to guide you along the way, so you can spend less time planning and more time enjoying the plans you’ve made,” Ng wrote in a blog post this morning. “And if you need to buy something that requires extensive research ahead of your summer travels, generative AI in Search can be particularly useful.”

In a related announcement, Google’s soon launchinganewAddtoSheetsexperimentthat’ll allow users to insert a search result directly into a spreadsheet and share it with friends, family or anyone else they might be collaborating with.

To take advantage of any of the new features, you’ll have to be enrolled in Search Labs, Google’s proving ground for new search-related technologies. It’s currently only available in English in the U.S.

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Improved Travel Search

All the Details on HGTV’s New Series

‘Renovation Wild’

About “Renovation Wild”

Follow Grant and Lynsey Cumings as they renovate their family-run safari camps inAfrica.LocateddeepintheZambianbush,they face intense weather, wild animals and transport nightmares as they aim to complete their projects before opening day.

Two Zambian safari resorts get the HGTV treatment in Renovation Wild, which premiered Monday, May 15th at 9|8c. Set amongst the extraordinary surroundings of the majestic Lower Zambezi National Park, the eight-episode series will chronicle the incredible journey of resort owners, Grant and Lynsey Cumings, and their children as they work arm-in-arm with their righthand man and project manager, Ngoli, and resortmanager,Juliet,totakeonthechallenges

of renovating in a remote locale. Throughout the season, they’ll face an array of logistical nightmares including monsoon season, extreme supply chain issues and countless exotic wildlife encounters that threaten to halt their plans to upgrade their resort in the middle of the African bush.

“There’snothingmorechallengingthancreating beauty when Mother Nature seems to be out to get you with every move you make,” says Grant. “I was born here in Zambia, our safari lodges are here and we’re raising our family here, so everything is on the line. And it’s survival of the fittest out there.”

Inthefirst episode, the Cumings family will start renovating their mostdilapidatedvillas firstat Old Mondoro, just as the rainy season storms begin.

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(l-r)Resort Manager Juliet, Grant and Lynsey Cumings, Project Manager, Ngoli HGTV
Safari Back Story

Togetherthey’lllayoutthedesignplanstoupdate the reed villas, refinish the en-suite bathrooms and install a one-of-a-kind al fresco washroom. Later, Grant and Lynsey will head over to their sister property, Chiawa, to make a game plan for its luxe renovation.

Follow Renovation Wild across HGTV’s digital platforms at and via @HGTV and #RenovationWildonFacebook,Twitter,Instagram andTikTok.FollowGrantandLynseyonInstagram @chiawasafaris.


Image credit:

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Old Mondoro Buffet Old Mondoro Camp Chiawa Camp Chiawa Camp staff Chiawa Camp

Tour Botswana

An Unforgettable Travel Experience Throughout From

Moss And Fog

Botswana, located in southern Africa, is a hidden gem for travelers seeking a unique and unforgettable safari experience. With vast, unspoiled wilderness areas and abundant wildlife, Botswana is a perfect destination for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. Here isaday-by-dayitineraryofsomeamazingthings to do and places to stay in Botswana.

Day 1: Maun

Fly into Maun, the gateway to the Okavango Delta. Spend the day exploring this charming town, known for its bustling markets and laidback atmosphere. Stay at the Maun Lodge, a comfortable and affordable hotel with beautiful gardensandapool.There’sapalpableexcitement in the town, as you and othersarepreparing for a safari or natureexploration.

Day 2-4: Okavango Delta

Take a scenic flight over the Okavango Delta and marvel at the breathtaking landscape of winding waterways, lagoons, and islands. Stay at the Moremi Crossing, a luxury camp located on an island in the heart of the delta. Explore the area on a mokoro (traditional dugout canoe) ride and go on guided game drives to spot elephants, lions, leopards, and more.

Day 5-6: Chobe National Park

DrivetoChobeNationalPark,knownfor itsvast

herds of elephants and other big game. Stay at theChobeSafariLodge,acomfortableandstylish lodge overlooking the Chobe River. Take a boat safari to see hippos and crocodiles, and go on a game drive to spot lions, giraffes, and other wildlife.

Day 7-8: Makgadikgadi Pans

HeadtotheMakgadikgadiPans,avastexpanse of salt flats and grasslands. Stay at the Jack’s

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Maun Okavango Delta Photo by Wynand Uys Makgadikgadi Pans Photo via Getty Uys

Camp,aluxurious tented camp with stunning views of the desert landscape.Takea guided walk with theSanBushmen to learn about their traditional way of life, and go on a quad bike tour to explore the pans.

Day 9-10: Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Drive to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, a remote wilderness area known for its stunning scenery and desert-adapted wildlife. Stay at the Deception Valley Lodge, a beautiful lodge

with spacious tents and panoramic views of the reserve.Take agamedrivetospotcheetahs,wild dogs,andotherpredators,andexploretheunique desert landscape on foot.

Day 11: Departure

Transfer back to Maun for your departure flight. Botswana offers an unforgettable safari experience, with diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and luxurious accommodations. This itinerary provides a taste of the incredible experiencesthatawaitinthisbeautifulcountry.

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Chobe National Park Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager Central Kalahari Game Reserve Photo via Getty

Association of ProfessionalChefs Nigeria Set to HostWaffest 2023 August 9

Five (5) man cooking squad include ChefsAlexYamah, Alieu Bangura, B. Darius Lewis, Daniel Debach and RichardT. Collins all of Liberia Professional Chefs Association (LIPA) at WAFFEST 2019

Nigerian chefs under the auspices of theAssociation (APCN) claimed four medals in different categories Festival (WAFFEST2022) in Ghana.

Professional chefs across Africa looks to take over the global gastronomy space as Association of Professional Chefs Nigeria (APCN) looks to play host to West Africa Food Festival (Nigeria 2023) (WAFFEST) in

Lagos. Billed to hold between August 9 and 14, the event, which would see the rich and vast culinary flavours of West Africa andAfricancountries,will behostedinpartnershipwiththe Nigerian Tourism Development Authority (NTDA) and a host

of corporate bodies including the Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN). Speaking on the annual food celebration, which is hosted on rotational basis by chef organizations in West Africa, the President of Association

40 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 if You are in Town, Don’t Miss It!

of Professional Chefs Nigeria, ChefPauliusOkon,APCNisset tohostoneofthemostcolourful and eventful gatherings in the annals of WAFFEST.

According to him, it is devoted to, ‘‘celebrating the flavours, sounds and sights of West Africa,’ with the Theme, Preserving West African flavours: The chefs role in sustainable food tourism. This, he said is in line with the UNWTO’schargetocountriesto seek amoresustainablemeans of exploring and conserving tourism products and offerings, foods in- conclusive.


days gathering, he said include indigeneous recipes and food displays,exhibition , city tour, master classes, competitions and cultural performances by the participating countries, noting that the rivalry between Nigeria and Ghana as well as Senegal of late that has joined by the battle fray over which country cooks the best Jollof Rice, would hopefully be rekindled but not settled.

Hefurtherdisclosedthatchefs and other operators in the food chain value from over 10 West African countries, 16 African countries, over 500 participants and 12 corporate partners

would attend the event, where overeightcompetitionsandfour master classes, as well as food and wine testing would be on showpiece. association-of-professionalchefs-nigeria-set-to-hostwaffest-2023-august-9/

Image credit: https://, https://, nigerian-chefs-win-laurelsat-west-africa-chefs-foodfestival-2022//

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Association of Professional Chefs Nigeria categories during the WestAfrica Chefs Food

What People Who Use The 54321 Packing Rule Can Teach You About Traveling Light

For many people, travel of any type is an exciting prospect. What’s far less exciting is knowing you have some serious packing aheadofyoutoprepareforthejourney.Identifying asanover-packerisn’tsomethingnew.Infact,it’s fartooeasytoassumeyou’renevergoingtohave everything you need along the way.

The problem is, overpacking comes with consequences. It leads to travelers bringing an arsenalofluggagealongforwhatcouldotherwise beaverysimpletrip.Hoursofagonizingoverhow many pairs of shoes you might need can result in lugging oversized suitcases through airport terminals and paying the excess baggage fees to match.

Here’sthesecret...savvytravelerswithnothing but a carry-on in hand know best.They also have a lot of wisdom to impart to those of us who still believe 20 pairs of pants and just as many shirts are required for a two-day stay. Those who know how to travel light, compact, and burden-free recognize the value of holding the 54321 rule close to their heart.

This packing rule is refreshingly simple and easy to remember. Even more importantly, it’s a concept that streamlines the packing process fromstarttofinishandreducesoverallstressasa result.The method states that when packing, you only need to bring five tops, four bottoms, three dresses, three pairs of shoes, two swimsuits, two bags, and one set of a few fun accessories Keep it simple, but enjoy mixing up your style

This simple approach to packing is a lesson in lightening your load. Those who use the 54321 rule often skip checking luggage and embrace a carry-on experience instead. There’s relief in knowing your luggage won’t be one of the more than 2 million bags lost or mishandled that the Bureau of Transportation reports annually.

Packing just five tops doesn’t mean you’re limited to a boring wardrobe. Versatile and adaptable options are essential so you can mix and match outfits along the way according to your itinerary. It’s advisable to pack five tops for varying weather. An example would be one t-shirt, one long-sleeved shirt, one dress shirt, a tank top, and a warm sweater or jacket for the plane and colder days.

Apply the same approach to the four bottoms you pack. This ensures you’ll be ready for whatever yourtravel adventuresmightthrow your way. A comprehensive combination for this step would be a pair of shorts, a skirt, and two pairs of jeans that can be swapped out with any of the shirts you’ve packed.

When it comes to picking three dresses and three pairs of shoes, focus on varying styles. Consider packing a going-out dress as well as a day dress and one long dress that can be used for events or touring. When it comes to shoes, onepairofheelsshoulddothetrickwhileflatswill serve you well for the rest of your journey.

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54321 - Pack

Find fun options in transitional pieces

Those who use the 54321 rule know that simple doesn’t mean standard. There arefun options when you pick strategic, transitional pieces. Consider how this applies to the two bags you’ll pack.

One bag is your designated travel pack. Pick a large, but stylish option so you have space and feelgreatabouthowitlooks.Thesecondbagcan be smaller for evenings and has a fun hue for an accent piece that pops with everything.

Packing two swimsuits is based on logistics. When one suit is drying, the other is ready to go. Let your imagination run free on style so that you can mix and match options according to your poolside preferences.

54321 rule followers know a single hat, watch, and pair of sunglasses can cover almost every

travel scenario imaginable. This frees up space in a suitcase and also reduces the risk of losing multiple pairs along the way.The one setof a few favoriteaccessoriesiswhereyoucangetcreative. This could be a set of earrings, cute socks, or bracelets that go perfectly with your dresses and tops.

Thenexttime youtravel,takeanotefrom those who use the 54321 rule diligently and relish the freedom you find. A light suitcase filled with fun essentials that can be mixed and matched can makeallthedifference.Giveitatryandyou’llfindit’s easiertofocusonthefuninsteadofpackingstress. Image credit:

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Where to Go, Where to Go 10 Best Places to Visit in Africa in Summer 2023









8VictoriaFalls/ MusioTunya Zambia/ Zimbabwe

9MasaiMaraNational Reserve Kenya

10CapeTownSouthAfrica ▲Zanzibar, Tanzania

Visiting Africa is an exceptional idea for numerous reasons. First, Africa is a continent rich in cultural diversity, with over 50 countries, each showcasing its unique traditions, languages, and customs. From the vibrant markets of Marrakech to the ancient pyramidsofEgypttothebustlingstreetsofLagos, Africaoffersanimmersiveculturalexperiencelike no other.

Secondly, Africa boasts incredible natural wonders that will leave visitors in awe. The continent is home to iconic sights such as the majestic Victoria Falls, the vast Serengeti plains teeming with wildlife, and the breathtaking landscapesoftheSaharaDesert.Theopportunity toexperiencedifferentecosystemsandencounter impressive animals such as elephants, lions and gorillas is a captivating experience.

Moreover, Africa’s rich history and cultural heritage offer travelers the opportunity to explore ancientcivilizations and archeological sites. From exploring the Egyptian pyramids to visiting the

rock-hewn churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, Africa

offers a glimpse into the past and the opportunity to appreciate its deep historical significance.

Inaddition,thewarmhospitalityandfriendliness of theAfrican people contribute to the continent’s overall appeal. Whether interacting with Maasai tribes in Kenya, meeting hospitable locals in Senegal, or immersing yourself in the vibrant music and dance culture of West Africa, visitors

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will be delighted by the warmth and hospitality ofAfrican communities.

Finally,Africa’s natural beauty is unparalleled. With its breathtaking landscapes,pristinebeachesanddiversefloraand fauna, the continent offers endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you embark on a safari adventure, hike to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, or relax on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar, Africa offers unforgettable natural experiences.

In summary, Africa, with its cultural diversity, natural wonders, historical significance, warm hospitality and breathtaking landscapes, is a truly worthy destination for any traveler seeking an enriching and transformative experience.

A list of top destinations for those seeking relaxation and pleasure during the 2023 summer was compiled by the American travel Magazine, ‘TheTravel’

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▲Lake Malawi, Malawi Kruger National Park Blue Nile Falls

Mistakes People Make When Booking Hotels

Staying at a hotel is such a common part of the travel experience that you’d think the process is foolproof. Still, plenty of people make mistakes ― and sometimes end up paying handsomely ― when it comes to booking their travel accommodations.

That’s why HuffPost asked some experts to sharethecommonmistakestravelersmakewhen it comes to booking a hotel.

Here are 12 hotel booking errors ― and some advice for avoiding them in your future travels.

ChoosingAHotel Solely Based On Price

“While it may be tempting, do not just book the cheapest hotel,” said Phil Dengler, co-founder of The Vacationer. “Before picking a hotel, you need to read reviews from a variety of different sources.”

Remember there might be a good reason why the option is so cheap, whether it’s poorly reviewed or inconveniently located.

“YouneedtocheckitslocationonGoogleMaps anddecideifitisagoodspotforyourhomebase,” Dengler noted.

Konrad Waliszewski, the CEO of the booking deals resource @hotel, believes that travelers often underestimate the importance of optimizing for location.

“Saving a few bucks by staying further away from your preferred neighborhoods and activities may seem tempting at first, but it can result in frustration and increased time and money spent on transportation during your trip,” he said. “Prioritize convenience and proximity to your desired destinations when choosing your hotel.”

Forgetting To Take Resort Fees IntoAccount

“Unfortunately, hotel websites as well as thirdparty bookingsites often hide resort fees untilthe very lastsecond,” Dengler said. “By the time they show, many people have already filled out their personal and payment information.”

He recommended searching for resort fee information before you start the actual booking process. That way you get a better sense of how

much you’ll actually be paying per night.

“On third-party booking sites, you can often find them listed toward the bottom of the listing,” Dengler explained. “If you do not see them, just click through to the final booking page. Some hotelscharge$40ormorepernightinresortfees. That can add up for a multinight stay, and many timesyoudonotgetmuchforpayingtherequired fee.”

Assuming Parking Is Included

Evenwhenyou’repayingexpensiveresortfees, parking is not necessarily included in that extra cost.

“If you have a car, always check the hotel’s parkingsituation,” Dengleradvised.“Somehotels donothaveaparkinglot,andyouwillbeforcedto find and potentially pay expensive public parking fees. Other hotels do not have self-parking and instead charge hefty valet parking fees. I’ve seen upwards of $60 per day before tip.”

Selecting The Wrong Cancellation Policy

“One of the biggest mistakes that someone can make when booking a hotel is not checking the cancellation policy,” said Collette Stohler, a travel agentwithEliteTravelArrangements anddirector of marketing at Roamaroo. “While nonrefundable rates may save you a few dollars, the hotel will not refund your money under any circumstance if you need to cancel.”

As unexpected changes and delays seem to have become more common than ever, it makes sense to opt for flexible rates just in case. Make sureyoucorrectlyunderstandthetiming,however.

“Travelers typically don’t realize that the cancellationpolicydeadlineofhotelsisalwaysset in the local time zone of the hotel,” Waliszewski said. “If you need to cancel or modify your trip, makesureyoudoitbeforethedeadlinelocaltime. Set a reminder for your cancellation deadline in your calendartoavoidanylast-minutesurprises.”

Booking WithADebit Card

“Besides earning points, credit cards offer purchase protection that cash and debit cards

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Travel Tips

do not,” Dengler said. “I recommend always booking your hotel stays with a credit card. Even no-annual-fee cards like the Chase Freedom Unlimited earn 1.5% cash back for every dollar spentaswellas5%cashbackperdollarspentfor hotels purchased through Chase.”

“Additionally, it offers trip cancellation/ interruption insurance, which is great peace of mind when booking hotels,” he added. “Other travel credit cards with annual fees offer even more benefits when booking hotels, but there are manyno-annual-feecardsavailablethataremore than enough for most people.”

IfyoubookdirectlythroughtheMarriottorHilton website for instance, you can directly contact Marriott or Hilton when something goes wrong and get immediate help.

“If you use a booking engine such as Expedia and there is a problem, often the hotel chain cannot help you and you need to use Expedia as a middleman in order to work out the problem with the hotel, instead of going direct,” Yore said. “As long as you know this upfront when making thischoice,youarefar moreprepared thanmany others who may be blindsided in the event of an emergency or cancellation.”

Dengler also prefers booking directly with the hotel to cut out the middleman when he hastochangeorcancel a reservation. He recommended booking directly to guarantee you’ll receive credit toward the hotel’s rewards program and the opportunity to access benefits if you already have status as well.

In addition to airline miles, room upgrades and cash-backbonuses,creditcardbenefitslikefraud protection and immediate refunds for incorrect charges offer a lot of comfort when planning a vacation. With a debit card, you may also have to worry about having insufficient funds for any temporary holds the hotel might require upon check-in, which can add up and take time to be refunded.

UsingAThird-Party Platform Incorrectly

“Oneofthebiggestmistakespeoplemakewhen booking hotels is not booking directly with the hotel itself and instead using booking engines,” said Victoria Yore, the travel blogger behind Follow MeAway.

“Many hotels guarantee the cheapest price when booking directly throughthem,”Dengler added. “Unless you have a special promo code at a third-party booking site, I recommend just booking directly with the hotel for special rates and better service.”

Booking The Wrong Location...

“I worked in reception of hotels for eight years, andsomethingwhichhappenedsurprisinglyoften was a traveler showing up with a reservation for the night, in a hotel of the same name, but in a different country!” said Meg Jerrard, co-founder of Solo Female Travelers. “So I recommend you alwaysdouble-checkthatyou’rebookingtheright location,asmanycountries,andevencities,have hotels by similar or the same names.”

to page 48

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Travel Tips

Booking Hotel Stays - from page 47

Because 24-hour cancellation policies are the norm for hotels, discovering that you’ve booked the wrong place upon arrival means you’ll be out the money you spent on that incorrect hotel and also have little choice over the room type that’s left at the one where you actually want to stay. Makesureyoualwaysconfirmtheaddressbefore embarking on your trip.

“It’s quite an easy mistake if you’re searching for hotels on booking platforms, but then going directly to the hotel site to make a booking,” Jerrardsaid.“Youcan overlook the locationwhen you simply Google a hotel name and click on the first option.”

...Or The Wrong Dates

“The surprisingly most common mistake by far is booking the wrong dates,” Waliszewski said. “Alwaysdouble-checkyourdatesbeforefinalizing your reservation. It may sound obvious, but it happens more often than you think.”

Aswith your hotel’s address,justtakethat extra moment to review your selected dates and make sure they align with your travel plans. Things can get confusing with long-haul overnight flights and major time zone changes.

Overvaluing Loyalty Programs

Waliszewski believes that many travelers overvalue hotel loyalty programs.

“It’s essential to know the actual value of your points and status, and be cautious not to spend more money solely to book a room with a specific brand unless it genuinely adds value to your stay,” hesaid. “Takeastep backandevaluate the benefits you’ll receive against the additional cost you might incur.”

Failing To PlanAhead

“A major issue is not devoting enough time to properplanningandnotstartingtheprocessearly enough before the trip,” said Gordon Gurnik, the chief operating officer at Hilton Grand Vacations. “Planningaheadiscritical,becausetryingtomake last-minute accommodations will likely mean sacrificing the perfect trip or more expensive choices”

There are a number of theories around the perfecttimetobookahotelforthebestrate,which can depend on the location and time of year. But

Gurnik’s bottom line: Do your research and give yourself as much time as possible to make a decision that ensures your vacation meets your expectations.Youcanevenadopta“reservenow, cancel later” attitude and give yourself flexible options,whichisespeciallyhelpfulifyounoticethe rates going down as your travel dates approach.


“To make sure you get the most of your stay, I recommend researching where you want to stay and what kind of amenities are important to you,” Gurnik said “For example, do youwant your hotel to have a pool, a gym or airport pickup?Are your datesflexible?Howmanybedsandroomsdoyou need to be comfortable?”

Taking stock of your needs and having answers tothesequestionsmakesforasmoothandstressfree vacation. If certain hotel amenities require reservations,trytosnagthoseinadvanceaswell.

“Withtravelatanall-timehigh,makesuretobook any added experiences such as spas, tours and restaurantsaheadoftime,especiallyinproperties that offer these services to guests outside the property,”saidJessicavanDopDeJesus,founder and editor atThe DiningTraveler.

NotAsking ForARoom Upgrade

“Most travelers overlook the simple step of calling the hotel a day before check-in to confirm their room and inquire about any complimentary upgrades, Waliszewski said. “While upgrades aren’t always available, it’s worth the effort as it can really enhance your stay. A quick call allows you to establish a personal connection with the hotel staff and might lead to a pleasant surprise.”

Evenifanupgradefeelslikealongshot,itnever hurts to just ask.

“I call the hotel the night before and ask for an upgrade,” Dengler echoed. “If I am denied, I ask again when checking in. In most cases, you will only be upgraded to the next level room. So do notexpecttogetthepenthousewhenyoubooked the cheapest room.”

Still, the mere idea of getting some sort of special perk can offer a nice mental boost that makes your vacation even more enjoyable.

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Image credit:

White Rhinos Reintroduced to DR Congo National Park

Northern white rhinos, like this female shown in Kenya in 2018, have been decimated by poaching © TONY KARUMBA

Sixteen southern white rhinoceroses have been released into DR Congo’s Garamba national park, officials said on Saturday, reintroducing an endangered species that was decimated by poaching.

The last northern white rhino in the park, which lies in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s northeast, was poached in2006.

Accordingtoajointstatementfromtheparkand conservation groups, 16 southern white rhinos have been transported from a private reserve in SouthAfrica to Garamba.

“The return of white rhinos to the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a testament to our country’scommitmenttobiodiversityconservation,” Yves Milan Ngangay, the director general of the CongoleseInstitutefortheConservationofNature (ICCN), said in a statement.

TheoperationwasledbytheICCN,conservation NGO African Parks, and Canadian mining firm

Barrick Gold, which sponsored the rhino move. Established in 1938, Garamba national park is one of Africa’s oldest. But conflict, poaching and chronicinsecurityinvolatileCongohasdecimated its wildlife over the years.

African Parks CEO Peter Fearnhead was also quoted in the statement as saying that efforts to save the northern white rhinos in the park had been “too little, too late”.

“This reintroduction is the start of a process whereby southern white rhino as the closest geneticalternativecanfulfiltheroleofthenorthern white rhino in the landscape,” he said.

Moresouthernwhite rhinoceroses areexpected tobesenttoGarambaNationalParkinthefuture.

at-eml/yad ar-AA1cnArx

Preserving Africa 49 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

ChikuntoSafariLodge’sNEW 6-meter-high

Stargazingand Sleep-outPlatform

Guests looking for unique ways to visit the SouthLuangwaNationalParkcannowopt for Chikunto Safari Lodge‘s new 6-meterhigh sleep-out and stargazing platform!

An Elevated Experience for Safari Sleepouts

Providing elevated views over the Luangwa River and up to theAfrican sky, the new 6-meterhigh platform was recently added to one of Chikunto’s Deluxe Tented Suites. The stargazing andsleep-outfacilitycomescompletewithitsown private telescope and is ideal for honeymooners orthosewantingtotreatthemselvestosomething different during their stay.

“Imagine your private sundowner or dinner on that raised platform/deck, connecting with nature and each other, while listening to the sounds of hippos in the nearby Luangwa River and the noises of theAfrican bush as the sun slowly sets over the meandering river directly in front of you,” says Chikunto’s Director of Sales & Marketing, Gareth Jones. “Subtle lighting all around you.

Private telescope to one side. Drink in the hand.” Gareth is alsoone of the first totry out Chikunto’s Lodge’s new star-gazing and sleep-out facility and had this to say while sharing his experience with Zambia Tourism shortly after; “It was a truly

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amazingandhumblingexperience.Wokenby the soundsoflionssome400yardsawayat5.00a.m. this morning!”

Building Chikunto’s Sleep-out Deck

Illustrating all the hard work and excitement that went into constructing Chikunto’s sleep-out deck, Gareth supplied Zambia Tourism with the following images:

Guests are invited to sleep under the stars

of Chikunto’s Stargazing and Sleepout facility by booking its Deluxe Tented Suite (subject to availability).

For more information about Chikunto Safari Lodge click here


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Let’s face it, traveling by land, sea, or air can be stressful. Even if you’re the kind of person who plans everything down to the tiniest detail, something unexpected can occur. As for sleeping on airplanes? That can be a mixed experience. Some conk out as soon as they sit down. Others require a stiff drink or a sleeping pill. And then, there are those who are too uncomfortable or anxious to sleep.

Does this sound like you? Here are some tips for getting decent sleep at 35,000 feet.

Spend a Lil’Mo’for First or Business Class

If finances permit, why not spend some extra cash for first or business class or even premium economy?Inallthreecases,you’llgetextraroom to stretch out your legs.

Most who have experienced flying first or businessclasswilltellyouit’sworthdoingatleast once.The perks kick in even before you’re on the

Asleep at 35,000

Here are TN’s Counting Sheep

plane, like fast check-in and early boarding.

Not to mention, you can recline your seat all the way back without anyone grumbling behind you. Some carriers, such as Emirates, go above and beyond to deliver the best sleep experience possible.According toTravel + Leisure, Emirates’ first class passengers “fly in a fully enclosed suite with a full bed, an onboard shower, and a firstclass bar and lounge.”

Speaking of bars, feel free to partake in all the beer, wine and spirits you want (within reason, of course). Sometimes, that’s all you need to calm your nerves and help you drift off to sleep.

Be Mindful of Seat Selection

Many people are particular about seating, and for good reason.

With an aisle seat, you are less likely to be disturbed by other passengers who may need to get up or move around. On the other hand, a window seat allows you to rest your head on

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Sleep Tight

35,000 Feet?

TN’s Best Tips for Sheep on a Plane

the cabin wall and look out at the sky, which might help you relax. As for the middle seat, getting any real sleep there could be more challenging, but still possible. Ultimately, the best seat for sleepingonaplanedependsonyour personal preferences, so choose the one you feel offers you the greatest chance of slumber.

Develop a Relaxation Routine in Advance

Itcanbeusefultohavearelaxationroutineprior totravel.Ifmeditationorlisteningtorelaxingmusic before bed works for you at home, why not try it on the plane? Take a deep breath, slowly exhale, and prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist, toldABC News it can also be useful to count backward from 300 by three. Why? “It’s mathematically so complicated you can’t do anything else. And it’s so doggone boring, you are out like a light,” he said.

Additionally, be particular about the music you choose. Sure, some people can fall asleep to metal or techno. But white noise, lo-fi and nature sounds—like falling rain and chirping birds—are more conducive to rest.

Also, try to put your cell phone down if you can. It’sincrediblyeasytogetcaughtinacycleof“doom scrolling”throughFacebookandInstagramfeeds.

Not to mention, “studies have shown that the bluelightthatscreensgiveoffcanblockmelatonin,

and throw off your circadian rhythm. For proper sleep, you’ll want to shut down those electronics at least an hour before attempting to rest,” She BuysTravel notes.

Make Use of Earplugs, Eye Masks and Noise Cancelling Headphones

Some airline carriers offer eye masks and/or earplugs. However, sometimes they aren’t the best quality unless you’rein a higher class, which is why planning ahead is so critical. Bringing your own earplugs can ensure you’re never without a way to block out any unwanted noise on your flight.

There are three main types of disposable earplugs: flange, foam, and those that can be molded. Verify in advance which ones are more effective for your sleep needs. While you’re at it, consider researching the different eye masks on themarketandaddonetocartforgoodmeasure.

Last but not least, it’s a smart idea to invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones for your next flight. Some go over your head, and others sitinyourearcanal.Becausethesetendtocosta pretty penny, you’ll want to compare and contrast carefully before choosing which headphones to buy.Butdon’tlettheirpricepointscareyou.Many travelerswillagreethattheirbenefitsfaroutweigh the cost, and they can be a must-have item you’ll never want to travel without again..

Image credit: SDI Productions,

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We are still celebrating our 20th anniversary (and will be all year long). We’d love for you to celebrate with person!Ifyouhaven’tjoined usononeofourWorldTourstops yet, here’s what we have coming up. Please note: all dates/ locations are subject to change.

54 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 We Are Family

Black Woman Takes Initiative, Creates Sunscreen made Exclusively for Melanated Babies

DalaiseHickey couldn’t find a sunscreen that properlyblended in on her darkskinned children so she created her own.

Hickey is the creator of BabyDonna, a sheer, reef-safe, mineral sunscreen sticks for Black and Brown babies, toddlers, and children. The mother of two couldn’t hold back on what was important for her children’ssafetysohercompanywaslaunchedin 2022 in Shelton, Connecticut.

Hickey said it’s hard enough to find good sunscreen products for children, but for children with rich-melanated skin, that’s a different challenge.

“We’re on a mission to simplify this process for parents of color by offering an option with broad spectrum sun protection, that’s both pediatrician and dermatologist approved, but that doesn’t leave a thick white residue,” Hickey told the Shelton Herald.

BabyDonna sunscreen is made in stick form as an easy applicator for babies, toddlers and kids. Her formula doesn’t leave that sticky white residue, and is a vegan, non-toxic product that isn’t greasy.

The sunscreen application is good for 80 minutes of water resistance and protection from UV rays. The former social worker said she spent years searching for the perfect sunscreen, with

chemicals in sprays and lotions being a major red flag.

It wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic hit that she found the time to focus on her passion project. “I began to see the value of my time…and I began questioning what I was doing,” Hickey said. “I realized I wanted to do something I’m passionate about… It’s exciting…a dream coming true.”

As a purpose- driven company, BabyDonna sunscreen donates 5% of its profits to nonprofits committedtoworkingwithvulnerablechildrenand youth, according to the website

As her business grows, Hickey hopes to work directly with different communities to develop programming and events to provide aid for these children. With her social work background, her goal is to provide internships to at-risk youth to give them employment opportunities.

“This is my passion. It’s a great way for me to not only create a product for Black children but alsocreateaplatformtohelpvulnerablechildren,” Hickey said.

55 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Travel Health Tip

Inaugural Maasai Cultural Festival

Kenya is planning the first-ever international Maasai festival in the country this year. Theeventaccordingtotheorganiserswill be held at the Maasai Mara in August and will coincide with the annual wildebeest migration.

Apart from the Maasai cultural activities and fashion spectacles being showcased during the weeklongfest,sponsorswillalsogetopportunities to display their services and products.

Tourism cabinet secretary Penina Malonza who spoke in Nairobi during the launch of an initiative that will see the organisers lobby funds to stage the event saidculturewasone of the greatest tools used by nations as a source of power for international diplomacy.

Cultural diplomacy, she noted,isakeyplayer in international relationsasitmakes it easier for nations to understand each other through their cultures.

“The Maasai culture is one of

the most unique cultures which serves our nation internationally and plays a huge role in our tourism sector...very few Africa cultures can claim the fame and universal appeal that the Maa has earned both locally to page 58

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Maasai Festival from page 56

and internationally,” she stated.

The upcoming festival which she disclosed will alsohappenaftera Royaltour guidebyPresident WilliamRutowillprovideanopportunityforprivate and public partnerships to promote cultural entrepreneurship.

“It will also provide an opportunity for conservationists around the World to meet and discuss the conservation of the Maasai game reserve,” she added.

Present during the event were Foreign affairs principal secretary Korir Sing’oei, EAC secretary general Peter Mathuki and Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku among envoys from various countries.

Sing’oei voiced similar sentiment underscoring the value of culture as an asset that facilitates interaction across nations.

“There are frontiers where ordinary diplomacy cannot cross but which cultural diplomacy and Maasai culture is today one of those assets that we have as a nation that unites us and brings us together,” he said.

PS Sing’oei also stated that the government

will be working closely with other communities so as to position the country better.

He reckoned that Kenya is a great country with incredible sportspersons, amazing artists, civilizations and history beyond politics.

Maa Education Trust chairperson Andrew Sunkuli said they intend to hold the festival yearly.

He also appealed for support from well-wishers to support the event. news/2023-04-08-kenyato-hold-first-internationalmaasai-festival/

Imagecredit:©ProvidedbyDailyMaverick Video&story:

Maa Education Trust ProjectTrains Women on How to Make Reusable Sanitary Pads

For a long time, the topics and discussion on menstruation and its management have been shut down by the cultural belief and misunderstanding. This has caused women and girls to experience shame, neglect, stigma, and even lacking a sense of belonging to the community. The psychological effects of failure to understand menstruation have long side effects onthegirls’education.Thisincludesabsenteeism in school that leads to poor performance, neglect by friends and peers from the opposite gender leading to stigmatization. Eventually, it has also led to incomplete education due to early school

58 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
ForeignAffairs principal secretary Korir Sing’oei (left), Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku and Maa Education Trust chairAndrew Sunkuli during an event in Nairobi onApril 8, 2023.
New Tourist Event

dropout, as a result, the education of the girl child has been therefore compromised.

Girls and women in most of the pastoralcommunitieshavebeenusing a variety of materials to catch the menstrual blood. In the past, women havebeenusingoldragsandmattress pieces which posed a risk to them due to the cleanliness of the material. The materials used could not sustain the blood and therefore women could still suffer in public. Nowadays, there are varieties of materials that can be used by women during their menstrual cycle. This includes disposable pads, reusable pads, tampons, and menstrual cups.

Since 86% of the Maasai Mara population does nothaveaccesstotoilets,disposablepadscreate a lot of waste that goes to the landfill much of it is non-biodegradable. They also create pollution of the land and water when thrown along the rivers where people fetch water. Besides environmental pollution, the disposable pads when thrown into toilets contributes to a high rate of toilets being filled up, this becomes too expensive for them to empty the latrines.

To avoid environmental pollution and extracost, there is a need to switch to reusable pads and eco-friendly menstrual cups. This will help to

reduce the implications for human health, land, air, water, and groundwater pollution.

Olare Orok women with reusable sanitary pads. (before Covid-19 outbreak)

The Maa Trust has been researching to find out how they can support girls and women in Maasai Mara during their menstruation period while conserving the environment. Fifteen girls from Talek Secondary and fifteen women from Olare Orok village have been used to test the convenienceandcomfort of the reusable sanitary pads. Both girls and women were sampled randomly without considering age and form. The main aim of the piloting was to compare the

to page 60

Profile - Maa Education Trust Project
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disposable pads that they have been using and the reusable pads to which was the first time for 99% of the girls and women to see.

Reusable Pads pilot survey at Talek Girls

Secondary School (before Covid-19)

According to the results that were collected two months after the time of issuing, all the girls reported having used the pads at least once either during the school holiday or when they are in the session.All the girls & women reported the reusable pads are comfortable, economical, and convenient to use.

From this survey, The Maa Trust suggests that to avoid environmental pollution and extra cost, there is a need to switch to reusable pads and eco-friendly menstrual cups.

Olare Orok women with reusable sanitary pads. (before Covid-19 outbreak)

Reusable Pads pilot survey atTalek Girls Secondary School (before Covid-19)

To make reusable pads more affordable and sustainable, The Maa Trust on October 2020 conducted training on how to make reusable sanitary pads with three women from the beadwork groups. The ladies already own sewing machines. After the training, they were given some materials to make samples of the pads. Once they are done, the sampleswillbecollectedandinspectedthereafter. If confirmed correctly done, the ladies will be issued with raw materials to begin the process of making the pads in large quantities. This process willhelpaddressthechallengesfacedbygirlsand women in accessing sanitary pads. Also, it will help to reduce waste and environmental pollution since waste disposal remains a challenge at the grassroots level.

60 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Profile - Maa Education
Trust Project
For information send an inquiry to: Sweet Home Kigali Relax and Live in Home-like surroundings while experiencing Rwanda 2 bedrooms 1 Bathroom Kitchen Office Dining Living room Text reservation requests to: +1(972)908-9312 Kigali
62 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Join us in Tanzania & Zanzibar for a Safari and Island Excursion Learn More & Book Here
Save The Dates For information on the National Council of Black Meeting Planners and NCBMPEvents contact NCBMPHeadquarters: Phone: 1-571-366-1779 Email: Website: 63 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

African Dream Review

The 16-passenger African Dream is run by CroisiAfrica, the southern African arm of the French-based company CroisiEurope which is the largest European-based river cruise operator.

Launched in 2018 and branded as one of the CroisiEurope’s “premium” ships, African Dream marked the line’s first venture in Africa. An identical sister ship, Zimbabwean Dream, joined the vessel in spring 2020.

It is a very comfortable vessel with a bright, airy and contemporary African-themed decor enriched with colorful locally made artifacts. All cabins on the three-deck ship face outside and are located on the lower Main Deck. They are all the same size – 183 square feet -- and there are no suites; the only difference is that two have small balconies.

The ship has one restaurant and one lounge bar, and amenities include a sun deck and a very smallpool.Althoughthemainonboardlanguages are French and English, all menus and printed information are available in English only. An English-speaking guide stays on the ship for the entire cruise, accompanies passengers on shore excursions and is always available to help and answer any questions.

From February through December, African Dream sails on three-night itineraries on Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. These voyages are part of a fully escorted eight-night cruise–safari itinerary, whichincludesthreenightsatCroisiEurope’slodge near Chobe National Park, the second largest gameparkinBotswana,andaone-nightpre-and post-trip stay in a hotel. An optional helicopter flight over Victoria Falls can be prebooked and pre-cruiseextensionsinCapeTownareavailable.

The sailing element is very different from traditional river cruises, where ships move

daily to different towns and destinations. The African Dream experience is geared towardprovidingpassengers with the best water- and land-based sightseeing and wildlife experiences on and around the world’s largest artificial lake. At 136 miles longand25mileswide,Lake Kariba defines a portion of the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe and is dotted with more than 100 islands. It is also a very relaxing experience, as it is a “silent” vessel with no onboard announcements.

Dining on Board

Breakfast is a self-serve buffet, with eggs available to order, and lunch and dinner are waiter-served. Memorably, lunchtimes and dinnertimes are heralded by crew members beating African drums.

Despite the fixed menu set up, anydietaryrequirements,suchasvegetarian, gluten-free and other food intolerances, can be catered for. However, passengers should advise of any restrictions at the time of booking rather than when on the ship. Due to the nature of the destination and cruise, African Dream stocks up with supplies at the beginning of the sailing and cannot pick up anything additional once the voyage is underway. Passengers can expect a tasty range of regional and international dishes, often with a French influence. Sometimes the

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Cruise Africa

vegetarian option comprises the dish served to other passengers with the meat or fish element missing!

The team of wait staff were always smiling, cheerful and helpful. One day we asked if we could break with the norm and eat lunch at one of the alfresco tables beside the dining room and they were happy to oblige and moved the table settings outside.

There is no self-serve tea and coffee station; however,passengerscanorderbeveragesatany

time during the day. Although the bar opens before breakfast for tea, coffee and juices, any crew members who are upandaboutwillhappilygetpassengers a drink before this time.

Restaurant (Upper Deck): African Dream’s one restaurant is located aft on the Upper Deck. Depending on the number of passengers, the dining room is configured with two tables to seat the maximum capacity of 16 or one long communal table, if the ship is not completely full. It is a very light venue, with large panoramic windows on three sides so you don’t miss any passing views -- or wildlife -during mealtimes. There is one buffet station for breakfast and the table -- or tables -- are laid out with crisp linen and sparkling glassware.

Breakfasttimesvarydependingontheexcursion schedule and will typically last from 45 minutes to one hour. The earliest breakfast begins at 6 a.m.and the latest 7 a.m.It includes pastriesand

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African Dream

Cruise Africa

African Dream from page 65

breads -- all freshly cooked onboard -- along with fresh fruit, juices, yogurt, cereals, cheeses and coldcuts.Sometimesthereareadditionalspecialty items, such as African-style beef sausages. Anystyle eggs are made to order and tea and coffee is served to the table.

Lunch is usually around 12:30 p.m., again with times varying slightly to accommodate the tour program. Reflecting the line’s French heritage, this is often the largest meal of the day with four courses, including a cheese plate, and is a leisurely affair with passengers lingering to chat overcoffeeandtea,servedtothetableafterward.

Lunchmightbeanappetizerofvegetablequiche with yogurt sauce, an entree of tilapia fish served with a salsa sauce, rice with chopped vegetables and ratatouille, followed by cheese and then chocolate mousse.

Dinner usuallybeginsat7:30p.m.,andatypical three-course menu is Greek salad, beef filet with masala butter, sweet potatoes and green beans, with date and caramel cake served with custard for dessert, followed by coffee and tea. The meal onthefinaleveningincludesanadditionalcheese course.

Themenuswereimaginativeandwellpresented, and accompanied by a choice of quality South Africanwines(red,whiteandrose),withadifferent redwine --merlot,cabernetsauvignonand shiraz -- featured at each dinner.

Room Service: There is no room service.


AfricanDreamisallaboutprovidingpassengers withanauthenticandin-depthexperienceofLake Kariba, and its surrounding nature, wildlife and local culture. I certainly achieves this with up to two daily excursions, which are all included in the fare. Tours are accompanied by the onboard English-speaking guide.

After the ship docks at different islands and bays on the lake, passengers are taken out on the excursion tender to sail in different areas, passing through an ethereal waterscape of petrified trees -- submerged when the dam was constructed between 1955 and 1959 -- and stopping whenever wildlife, such as hippos, crocodilesandelephants,arespotted.Thetender

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is well shaded and has comfortable seats, and complimentarywater,sodas,beerandsnacksare always available.Thereisalso atoilet.On sunset

cruises, passengers have the option to fish (on a catch-and-release basis) and theguideservescocktails,wineandother beverages as the sun starts to dip over the horizon.

There is one early morning land-based excursion to Matusadona National Park, borderingthelake,wherepassengersare drivenaroundinjeepsonagamedriveby regional guides, along with the onboard guide. Minimal walking is involved, and drinks and snacks are served at the halfway point.

Everytimepassengersleavethevessel, they hand in their keys to a crew member at the tender embarkation point. Upon return their toAfrican Dream, passengers are given cold towels and a refreshing juice.

Daytime and Evening Entertainment

Onboard entertainment is virtually nonexistent, as the star of the show is Lake Kariba and the natural environment.

A small library of novels in different languages can be found in the lounge, along with board games and puzzles. There are three floor-

mounted telescopes which offer close-up views of the lake and its wildlife, and there isalsoaflat-screenTVmountedonthewall, which is mainly used to publicize the next day’s program.

Relaxed and tired after the day’s excursions, most passengers tend to head to bed straight after dinner, with a few stayingupforaquietnightcapinthelounge.

On one day the crew set up a craft market on the open deck selling colorful and inexpensive locally made crafts and jewelry, which make great souvenirs and presents. They also stage an enthusiastic performance of drumming, song and dance on the last evening.

African Dream Services

The doors to the vessel lead to the Main Deck, and stairs lead to the Upper Deck and reception desk, which is manned during throughout the day and evening. If passengers have an emergency or need to helpoutsidethesehours,theycan goto the wheelhouse on the Main Deck at any time and summon the captain, whose living quarters are situatedthere.ThereisaTVinthereceptionwhich showsthelunchanddinnermenusapproximately onehourbeforemealtimes(althoughonourcruise thepurserpreferredtoannouncethedinnermenu as a surprise during his evening briefing).

The ship does not have an elevator and all decks are reached via flights of wooden stairs -12 steps in each case from the Main Deck to the Upper Deck and then on to the Sun Deck.

Iceisfreelyavailablefromthebarduringopening times. Smoking is only allowed in designated outside areas on the Upper Deck and Sun Deck where ashtrays are provided.

The ship does not have a laundry and there is no Wi-Fi available for passengers, satellite TV, nor -- for most of the time -- any phone signal while on Lake Kariba. The ship carries a first-aid kit,whichistakenoutonallexcursions.However, passengers with medical conditions and mobility issues need to consider the remote and active nature of elements of the trip.

Image credit: CroisiEurope, www.croisieurope. travel/en/boat/african-dream

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Mbanza Kongo, Vestiges of Former Kingdom of Kongo,

The town of Mbanza Kongo, located on a plateau at an altitude of 570 m, was the political and spiritual capital ofthe Kingdom of Kongo,one ofthe largestconstituted states in SouthernAfrica from the 14th to 19th centuries.The historicalareagrewaroundtheroyalresidence,thecustomary court and the holy tree, as well as the royal funeral places. When the Portuguese arrived in the 15th century they added stone buildings constructed in accordance with European methods to the existing urban conurbation built in local materials. Mbanza Kongo illustrates, more than anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa, the profound changes caused by the introduction of Christianity and the arrival of the Portuguese into CentralAfrica.

The town of Mbanza Kongo was the political and spiritual capitaloftheKingdomofKongo,oneofthelargestconstituted states of Southern Africa, which was active from the 14th to the 19th century. Located on a plateau at an altitude of 570 metres,itwasprosperouswhenthePortuguesearrivedinthe 15th century.To the large existing urban conurbation built in local materials, the Portuguese added and substitutedstonebuildingsconstructedinaccordance with European construction methods, including several churches. The town then experienced the expansion of Christianity with the Westernisation of the local elites, without however renouncing its culture. In its built structure and archaeological vestiges,thetownretainsthetracesofitscustomary, colonial and religious past, of which it is an eminent place of remembrance. The Kingdom of Kongo was at the centre of the most important route for the trade inenslaved persons,whoweredeported tothe Americas and the Caribbean. No material vestige attestingtotheslavetradehasbeenfounduptonow.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA

IGO 3.0

Africa’s World Heritage Sites
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Mbanza Kongo

the Capital of the Kongo,Angola

Portrait of the prince Dom Nicolau de Água Rosada (Museum of the Kings of Kongo)

Image credit: documents/158858, © INPC

Author: Joost De Raeymaeker, https://

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Mbanza Kongo

Travel Africa

Where To Go, What To Do


Tamanrasset Camel Trekking

Sahara Dune Skiing

The Turquoise Coast



Fort Sao Miguel Slave Depot

Calandula Waterfalls

Palmeirinhas Beach



Lake Village of Ganvie

Nakoue Lagoon

Pendjari National Park

CAPITAL: Porto-Novo


Okavango Delta

Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Transfrontier Park (Kgalafadi National Park)

CAPITAL: Gaborone

Burkina Faso

International Arts and Crafts Fair, Oct-Nov

Ranch de Nazinga game reserve

Mare aux Hippopotames

CAPITAL: Ouagadougou


Chutes de la Kagera Waterfall

Lake Tanganyika

Craftwares Village at Giheta

CAPITAL: Bujumbura


Mandera Mountains (hiking, climbing)

Bouba Ndjidah National Park

Festival National des Arts et de la Culture (FENAC) in December


Cape Verde

Baia das Gatas Festival

Scuba Diving and Snorkelling at Boa Vista

UNESCO world heritage old fort site at Cidade Velha


Ministry ofTourism, Praia, Santiago: +238 615 697

Central African Republic

Boali Waterfalls

Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park

Lobaye Region



Camel racing in the Tibesti Mountains

Galawa Beach on Grande Comore

Lake Chad

CAPITAL: N’Djamena

Office du Tourisme,Tel: 01 45 53 36 75

The Comoros

Climb Mount Karthala (active volcano)

Nzwani Island

Hot Sulphur Springs at Lac Salé


Comoros NationalTourist Board Office, Tel: 269 73 3044

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Frère Gillet Botanic Gardens world-famous rare orchids (Kisantu)

Ruwenzori Range

Virunga National Park

CAPITAL: Kinshasa

Ministère desAffaires Foncières, Environment et


70 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 travel Africa
Cathedral of St. Michael, Libreville

Tourisme,Tel: (+243) 8802093.

Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, Yamoussoukro

Mount Tonkoui (mountain climb)

Comoë National Park



Gulf of Tadjoura (snorkling/diving)

Lake Abbé

Lake Assal (windsurf on wheels)

CAPITAL: Djibouti

Egypt (Kemet)

Nile River Cruise, Aswan

Temple of Ranses II, Abu Simbel



Equatorial Guinea

Arena Blanca

Pico Malabo Volcano (mountain climbing)

Cascades of Moca



Dahlak Archipelago

Tour of Eritrea (bicycle race)




Mkhaya Game Reserve

Phophomyane Nature Reserve

Usutu River (white-water rafting)

CAPITAL: Mbabane


Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela (New Jerusalem)

Home of the Queen of Sheba, Axum

African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa

TOTAL Great Ethiopian Race



Cathedral of St Michael in Libreville

Lopé-Okanda Reserve National Park (gorilla)

M’Bigou (gold mines/crafts)

CAPITAL: Libreville

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Ranch de Nazinga game reserve Libreville

The Gambia

Deep Sea Fishing, Atlantic Ocean

Exhibition of the slave trade at Albreda and Jufureh

Makasutu Culture Forest



Cape Coast Castle Slave Fortress

Mount Afadjato and Togbo Falls (Volta Region)

Kakum Nature Reserve (tree-top walkway and stay in a tree house)



Kindia (cloth market)

Kinkon Falls

Îles de Los CAPITAL: Conakry


Bijagos Archipelago

Cantanhez Natural Park

Museum of African Artefacts



Mount Kenya National Park

Tsavo West National Park

Watamu-Malindi Marine Park

CAPITAL: Nairobi


Bushmen Rock Paintings

Ski Lesotho Highlands (

Sehlabathebe National Park



Sapo National Park

Kendeja National Cultural Center

Firestone Rubber Plantation

CAPITAL: Monrovia


Akakus Mountains (prehistoric rock art)

Ubari Lakes (dune surfing)

Leptis Magna (tribute to African Roman

Emperor Septimus Severus)



Fianarantsoa (Capital of Wine)

Montagne d’Arbre National Park

Queen’s Palace


www.madagascar-tourisme. com


Lake Malawi Marine Park

Nyika National Park

Liwonde National Park

CAPITAL: Lilongwe


Festival in the Desert


La Boucle de Baoule

Travel Africa - from page 71 72 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 travel Africa
Sehlabathebe National Park Lesotho

National Park



Parc National du Banc d’Arguin

Chinguetti, a holy city of Islam


CAPITAL: Nouakchott


Black River Gorges National Park

Ile aux Aigrettes Nature Reserve

Rodrigues Island

CAPITAL: Port Louis


Todra and Dades Gorges

Talassemtane National Park




Maputo Elephant Park

Gorongosa National Park

Bazaruto Archipelago



Mahongo Game Reserve

Etosha National Park

Skeleton Coast

CAPITAL: Windhoek



‘W’ National Park




Cross River National Park

Emir’s Palace, Kano

Benin City


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‘W’National Park, Niger Pinterest

Republic of the Congo

Loufoulakari Falls

Loango (main embarkation port for slaves)

Congo Rapids

CAPITAL: Brazzaville

Direction Generale duTourisme et des Loisirs, Tel: 830 953


Piton des Neiges

Plaine d’Affouches

Le Voile de la Mariée (The Bride’s Veil)

CAPITAL: Saint-Denis


Cards From Africa, Kigali

Parc National des Volcans Gorilla Trek

Nyungwe Forest Canopy Walk


São Tomé & Principe

Bom Bom Island Deep Sea Fishing

Humpback Whale Watching

Agua Izé Plantation



African Renaissance Monument

Retba (Pink) Lake

Maison des Enclaves (House of Slaves), Goree Island



Marlin Fishing in Denis

St Anne Marine National Park


CAPITAL: Victoria

Sierra Leone

Outamba-Kilimi National Park

Freetown Peninsula

Bunce Island, Slave Trading Station

CAPITAL: Freetown


Hargeisa National Park

Neolithic Paintings Las Geel

Indian Ocean Coastal Beaches

CAPITAL: Mogadishu


Hargeisa National Park

Neolithic Paintings Las Geel

Indian Ocean Coastal Beaches

CAPITAL: Hargiesa (Ministry ofTourism & Culture 252-225-7917)

South Africa

Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory & Dialogue, Johannesburg

Great White Shark Festival, Cape Town/ Gansbaai

Travel Africa - from page 73 74 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 travel Africa
Dakhkam WesternSahara Pinterest

The Elephant Coast, Zulu


CAPITAL: Johannesburg

South Sudan

Boma National Park

Nimule National Park

Nile River



Port Sudan, The Red Sea

Gemmeiza Tourist Village

Pyramids of Meroe

CAPITAL: Khartoum english/index.php


Bagamoyo Slave Trail

Katavi Plains National Park

Ngorongoro Crater

Stone Town, Zanzibar


http://tanzaniatouristboard. com/


Koutammakou (World Heritage Site)

Whale Watching, Gulf of Benin

Fosse aux Lions (Lions’ Den) National Park



Desert Trekking from Douz

Matmata (Star Wars film site)

Sidi Bou Saïd



Mountains of the Moon (Mount Rwenzori National Park)

Bwindi National Park (view gorilla)

Source of the Nile,Owen Falls Dam, Jinja

CAPITAL: Kampala

Western Sahara

City of El-Aaiún

Dakhla (surfing)



Walking Safari, South Luangwa National Park

Musi oa Tunya (Victoria Falls), Livingstone

Zambezi White Water Rafting



Great Zimbabwe

Lake Kariba

Chizarira National Park


Sources: html

75 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Independence Monument Somalia

Ski Africa

Overview: Skiing in Africa

There are currently 10 indoor and outdoor ski resorts set in the nations of Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Egypt, Republic of Algeria, Kingdom of Lesotho, Republic of Namibia, and the Republic of SouthAfrica. There are 4 unconfirmed ski resorts. Thefollowingfactsprovide an overview of the ski regions of Africa:



ElevationDifference max.658minoneski resort


21km(max.10kminone skiresort)





Oukaimeden oukaimeden

The ski resort Oukaïmeden is located in the Marrakesh-TensiftEl Haouz Region (Morocco). For skiingandsnowboarding,thereare 10 km of slopes available. 7 lifts transport the guests. The winter sportsareaissituatedbetweenthe elevationsof2,610and3,268m.

Chréa chrea/ TheskiresortChréaislocatedin the Province of Blida (Algeria) Forskiingandsnowboarding,there are 0.5 km of slopes available. 3 liftstransporttheguests.Thewinter sportsareaissituatedbetweenthe elevationsof1,460and1,550m.

Afriski Mountain Resort afriski-mountain-resort

The ski resort Afriski Mountain Resort is located in the ButhaButhe District (Lesotho). For skiingandsnowboarding,thereare 1.8 km of slopes available. 2 lifts transport the guests. The winter sportsareaissituatedbetweenthe elevationsof3,030and3,222m.

AfriSki, the only skiing resort in theKingdomofLesotho,islocated 3222 m above sea-level in the

Maluti Mountains. It offers a main Ski slope, a beginners slope and operatesduringthewintermonths.

Tiffindell tiffindell

TheskiresortTiffindellislocated in the Province of Eastern Cape (South Africa). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 2.4 km of slopes available. 5 lifts transport the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of2,700and2,930m.

Tiffindell is the highest resort in South Africa. It is nestling snugly on the slope of Ben McDhui (3001m), the highest pass in South Africa and the highest peak in the Cape. Within 15 acres of terrain, there are pistes suitable for all abilities. In an average season,Tiffindell is openfor skiing and snowboarding in June, July and August. It has slope-side accommodation available for 150 guestsandmanymoredayvisitors

76 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Ski Africa

inthesurroundingvalleys.Thereis arestaurant,coffeelounge,2bars, ski clothing shop and ski school. Non aspiring skiers join in toenjoy a unique experience, making snowmen, throwing snow balls or tobogganing, making it the perfect familyholidayforyoungandold.

Matroosberg matroosberg/

The ski resort Matroosberg is locatedintheProvinceofWestern Cape (South Africa). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 2 km ofslopesavailable.2liftstransport the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of1,794and2,132m.

Michlifen michlifen

The ski resort Michlifen is located in the Meknès-Tafilalet Region(Morocco).Forskiingand snowboarding, there are 1 km of

slopes available. 1 lift transports the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of1,880and2,060m.

Ski Egypt ski-egypt/

The indoor ski resort Ski Egypt islocatedinthe MallofEgypt,6th October City, Cairo (Egypt). For skiing and snowboarding, there are0.6kmofslopesavailable.1lift transports the guests. The winter sportsareaissituatedbetweenthe elevationsof150and180m.

With over 7,000 tons of snow, Ski Egypt is launching the first ski resort in Africa with the world’s largest indoor snow park, offering everything from skiing, slope snowboarding, sledging and a Polar Express Train to a jolly kids area and a professional Ski School, all in a one stop, breathtaking experience for family andfriends.

Jbel Hebri jbel-hebri

The ski resort Jbel Hebri is located in the Meknès-Tafilalet Region(Morocco).Forskiingand snowboarding, there are 1 km of slopes available. 1 lift transports the guests. The winter sports area is situated between the elevations of1,950and2,090m.

Azrou azrou

TheskiresortAzrou islocatedin the Ifrane Province of the FèsMeknès region (Morocco). For skiing and snowboarding, there are 1 km of slopes available. 1 lift transports the guests. The winter sportsareaissituatedbetweenthe elevationsof1,800and2,000m.

Ski Namibia ski-namibia

Options for Dune Skiing in the Namib Desert, Namibia (high dunes, breathtaking landscapes, long dune belt) are manifold. Not only the fast ski runs on the dunes bring the kick, but also the landscape and nature aspect are simply one-of-a-kind amidst the world’s oldest desert. For information and arrangements:, henrik@, P.O. Box 8140, Swakopmund,Namibia.

Unconfirmed Ski Resorts

Cape Town, SouthAfrica (In development, possibly) snowfun-cape-town-planned Kingdom of Morocco (mountain climbing resorts that may include skiing opportunities) djebel-bou-iblane hoher-atlas rif-gebirge africa

77 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

Golf Africa,17.05078125,3


Luanda Golf Club

Mangais Golf Resort

Kifangondo Golf Resort


Gaborone Golf Club at the Gaborone Sun Hotel

Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort


Alexandria Sporting Club, Alexandria

Cascades at Soma Bay Golf and Country Club

Dreamland Golf & Tennis Resort, Cairo

Golf City, Cairo

Katemeya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort, Cairo

Madinat Makadi Golf Course, Madinat Makadi

Mena House Oberoi Golf Course, Cairo asp

Mirage City Golf Club, Cairo

Steigenberger Al Dau Beach Hotel, Hurghada


Karen Country Club, Nairobi

Kiambu Golf Club, Kiambu

Leisure Lodge Beach & Golf Resort, Mombasa

Muthaiga Golf Club, Nairobi

Nyali Golf & Country Club, Mombasa

Railway Golf Club, Nairobi

Royal Nairobi Golf Club, Nairobi

The Golf Park at the Jockey Club of Kenya, Nairobi

Windsor Golf Hotel & Country Club, Nairobi


78 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
International PairsAngola
Golf Africa

Ile aux Cherfs, Trou d’Eau Douce

Le Paradis Hotel & Golf Club, Le Morne Peninsula

Legend Golf Course, Poste de Flacq

Links Golf Course, Poste de Flacq

One&Only Le Saint Géran Golf Course, Poste de Flacq

Shandrani Golf Club, Blue Bay

Troux aux Biches Golf Club, Troux aux Biches


Anfa Royal Golf Club, Casablanca

Cabo Negro Royal Golf Club, Tetouan

Royal Golf of Dar es Salam, Rabat

Club Med les Dunes, Agadir

El Jadida Royal Golf Club, El Jadida

Fes Royal Golf Club, Fes

Marrakech Royal Golf Club, Marrakech

Meknes Royal Golf Club, Meknes

Mohammedia Royal Golf Club, Mohammedia

Settat University Royal Golf Club, Settat

Tangier Royal Golf Club, Tangier


Keetmanshoop Golf Course, Keetmanshoop

Okahandja Golf Club, Okahandja

Orandjemund Golf Club, Oranjemund

Rossmund Golf Course, Swakopmund

Tsumeb Golf Club, Tsumeb

Walvis Bay Golf Course, Walvis Bay

Windhoek Country Club Resort, Windhoek


IBB Golf Course, Abuja

IITA Golf Club, Ibadan

Ikeja Golf Club, Lagos


Golf du Bassin Blue, St Gilles les Hauts

Golf Club de Bourbon, Etang Sale les Bains

Club du Colorado, La Montagne


Golf de Saly, Mbour

Golf International du Technopôle, Dakar

Le Méridien President Resort & Golf Club, Dakar

79 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
see Golf Africa on page 80 Mangais Golf Resort Luanda,Angola overview/index.html

Pointe desAlmadies Dakar regles-du-golf

Sierra Leone

Freetown Golf Club, Freetown

South Africa

Akasia Golf Clue, Pretoria

Atlantic Beach Golf Club, Cape Town index.asp

Bellville Golf Club, Cape Town

Benoni Country Club, Johannesburg

Blair Atholl, Fourways

Blue Valley Golf & Country Estate, Olifantsfontein

Bryanston Country Club, Bryanston

Centurion Country Club, Centurion

Champagne Sports Resort, Winterton

Clovelly Country Club, Cape Town

Crown Mines Golf Club, Johannesburg

Darling Golf Club, Darling htm#golfclub

De Zalze Winelands Golf Estate, Stellenbosch

Devonvale Golf & Wine Estate, Stellenbosch

Durban Country Club, Durban

Durbanville Golf Club, Durbanville

East London Golf Course, East London

Emfuleni Golf Estate, Vanderbijlpark

Fancourt Hotel & Country Club Estate, George

Gary Player Country Club Golf Course, Sun City Golf/Pages/Golf.aspx

Golf Africa page 79 80 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
TigerWoods Golf Africa

George Golf Club, George

Germiston Golf Club, Germiston

Glendower Golf Course, Johannesburg

Hermanus Golf Club, Hermanus

Houghton Golf Club, Houghton

Humewood Golf Club, Port Elizabeth

The Country Club Johannesburg, Rivonia

Killarney Country Club, Johannesburg

Kingswood Golf Estate, George

Kleinmond Golf Club, Kleinmond

Kloof Country Club, Kloof

Knysna Golf Club, Knysna

Koro Creek Bushveld Golf Estate, Nylstroom

Langebaan County Estate Golf & Leisure, Langebaan

Leopard Creek Country Club, Malelane

Lost City, Sun City Destinations/Resorts/Golf/Pages/ Golf.aspx

Malmesbury Golf Club, Malmesbury

Metropolitan Golf Course, Cape Town

Milnerton Golf Club, Cape Town

Modderfontein Golf Club, Modderfontein

Monks Cowl Coutry Club & Lodge, Winterton

Mossel Bay Golf Club, Mossel Bay

Mowbray Golf Club, Cape Town

Paarl Golf Course, Paarl

Pearl Valley Signature Golf Estate and Spa, Cape Winelands

Pecanwood Golf & Country Club, Hartbeesportt

Plettenberg Bay Country Club, Plettenberg Bay

Pretoria Country Club, Pretoria

Randpark Golf Club, Randburg

Reading Country Club, Alberton

River Club Golf & Conference Center, Cape Town

Riviera on Vaal Country Club, Vereenigning

Royal Cape Golf Club, Cape Town

Royal Durban Golf Club, Durban

San Lameer Country Club, Margate

Scottburgh Golf Club, Scottburgh

81 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
see Golf Africa on page 82 ManuelPedro,the‘FatherofAngolanGolf’

Golf Africa

Golf Africa page 81

Selbourne Golf Estate, Pennington

Silver Lakes Golf & Country Club, Pretoria

Somerset West Golf Club, Somerset West

St Francis Bay Golf Club, St Francis Bay

St Francis Links, St Francis Bay

Steenberg Golf Club, Cape Town


Stellenbosch Golf Club, Stellenbosch


Umdoni Golf Course, Pennington

Umhlali Country Club, Umhlali

Westlake Golf Club, Cape Town

Wingate Park Country Club, Pretoria www.wingateparkcountryclub.


Royal Swazi Spa Country Club www.suninternational. com/Destinations/Resorts/ RoyalSwaziSpaValley/ FacilitiesActivities/Pages/Golf.aspx

The Gambia

Fajara Club, Fajara


Djerba Golf Club, Midoun

El Kantaoui Golf Course, Port El Kantaoui

Flamingo Golf Course, Monastir flamingo.htm

Golf Citrus, Hammamet

Palm Links Golf Course, Monastir htm

Tabarka Golf Course, Tabarka

Yasmine Golf Course, Mannamet

Imagecredit: ivory-coasts-penniless-children-try-golf-game-of-therich-1.1934581

82 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

African Cuisine! Zambian Cuisine is a Click Away

Clara Kapelembe

Bwali Ignites

Conversations about Zambian Cuisine

Locatedinthesouthernhemisphereof Africa,Zambia,withitsover70tribes and70languages,isawelcoming countrythatsitsonaplateauandisknownfor manythings,includingVictoriaFalls,oneof theworld’slargestwaterfalls,theirselection ofmuseumsandnationalparks.

Now,thankstothetalentandexpertise ofClaraKapelembeBwali,amajorfood influencerandtheownerof Black Garlic, afoodinfluencingfirm,theworldisableto learnmoreaboutZambiancuisine.

BornandraisedinKitwe,thecountry’s secondmostpopulouscity.Initially,thisinfluencer hadnointerestincookingatall.Itwasnotuntilshe grewtiredofhermother’spleasthatshedecidedto giveitatryandfellinloveafterseeingcookingas auniqueartform.

Bwalishares,“Growingupmeandmymom wouldbumpheadsallthetime.Shetriedtoteach mehowtocook,buthonestly,Iwasnotintoit.Iwas neverinterested,andthentherecameatimewhen Idecidedtotryanddowhatshewantedmetodo. ThenInoticedthatIstartedtoenjoyhowtocook.”

SinceherfatherisfromtheKaondetribeand hermotherisLunda,Bwali’scookingstylemimics moreofhermother’scultureandcanbedescribed asZambiansoulfood.“Ibelievemostofthetime, apersonismoreinclinedtowardstheirmother’s

culture.Imeanyourmotherteachesyouhowto cook,andyouspendmostofthetimewithyour mom.So,intermsofcooking,I’mmoreawareof mymother’ssideofdoingthingsthanIwouldever beonmyfather’sside.”

FromComputerSciencetoZambian Influencer

In2011,BwaliheadedtoSouthAfricatoattend MonashSouthAfricaUniversity.Whileearningher

see page 84

83 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
African Cuisine!
Clara Kapelembe Bwali

African Cuisine!

Black Garlic page 83

degreeincomputerandinformationscience,she metafellowZambianandgotmarried.Thisiswhen opportunitycameknocking.

Bwaliexplains,“ItallstartedwhenIgotmarriedin 2016.Sobeinganewwife,Iwasobviouslytryingto impress,tryingsomenewrecipeshereandthere. AndwheneverIwouldcooknewstuff,thefeedback wasamazing.Myhusbandwouldloveit,and friendswouldcomeoverandsay,‘Thisisreally, reallygood.’Somewouldsay,‘Youshouldactually startsellingyourfood.’Otherswouldsay,‘You shouldshareyourrecipesonline.Startawebsite. Startablog.’Eventually,ninemonthsdowntheline, IdecidedtoopenaFacebookpagewhereIshared myrecipeshereandthereandIalsostartedtosell someofthefood.”

Therefore,sincetheysettledinSouthAfricanear theuniversityareaaftergraduating,itonlymade sensetocapitalizeonallthebusycollegestudents fromGhana,Nigeria,Zambia,Zimbabwe,and elsewherewhocouldusemealpreparationand foodservices.

ThisisexactlyhowBwaligotstarted.Shebegan tosellweeklymealstostudents.“SocomeMonday IwouldpreparemealsforMondaythroughFriday anddelivereveryMonday.”

Entrepreneurshipwasgoingwellforafewyears. However,likewithmostbusinesses,unexpected challengesoccurred,causingBwaliandherfamily

tomovebackhometoZambia.Thismeantstarting alloverwithnoclients.Butitalsomeantgiving Bawliachancetothinkdifferently,tothinkmore creatively,andtothinkbigger.

“IhadbeenawayfromZambiaforagoodeight, nineyears.Anditwasmenowtappingintoanew market,finding newclientsand allofthat.”She continues,“The firstthingthat Idecidedto dowastostart baking.Istarted sellingcakes. Thatwasgood.I gotcustomers.I startedcatering forweddings. Thatalsowent well,butitjust gottoapoint whereitfelt likeeveryfifth personthatyou

84 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Bread Crumbed Chicken Orange Mint Juice

knowisabaker,andeveryfifthpersonthatyou knowisacaterer.

“IstartedfeelinglikeIwasn’tdoingmybest.Ijust feltlikeIwasdrowning,soIhadtogobacktothe drawingboardandsaywhatisitthatIcandointhe foodspacethat’sgoingtosetmeapartfromevery fifthpersonthat’sbakingoreveryfifthpersonthat’s acaterer.”

Intime,arevelationcametomind.SinceZambia isaninlandcountry,manyservicesareoutsourced, andnotmanylocalsintheareaatthattimewere consistentlyaddingtothefood-influencingspace. Bwalishares,“Isaid,thisisitforme!Idecided torebrandandbeafoodphotographer,food blogger,andinthelongrun,afoodinfluencer.Just everythingfoodrelated.Andthatishowmyjourney startedinFebruary2020.”

Bwaliwentinfullforce.Shebegantofearlessly network,makecalls,andmeetdifferentpeople,and thisdiscoverednichehelpedherconquerthefood spaceallowingothernationstobemoreawareof Zambianfoodandculture.

TheFaceofZambianSpiceandOther ThingsNice

Overtheyears,Bwalihasbecomeawell-known faceinZambia.Shehascollaboratedwithmany

localandinternationalfoodbusinessesand organizationsandisabrandambassadorforone ofthebiggestmillingcompaniesinthearea.

AnothercollaborationwaswithWoodKitchen. Thisledheronanextensivefoodjourneywhereher picturewastakenforShokazSpice,anditallowed hertobefeaturedonseveralcookingshowsin SouthAfrica.

AnotherprivilegeTheWoodKitchenprovided wastheopportunitytoteachstudentshowtomake variousZambianfoodsatCapsicumCulinaryStudio inCapeTown.Thisopportunitywasahugestep fortheZambianfoodsceneandBwali,awarding herthechancetotravelandteachstudentsfrom anothercountryaboutZambianfoodandheritage.

Lastyear,thisinfluencerwasapartoftheEvery PlateCountsChallengewiththeUnitedNations EnvironmentalProgram,WorldWideFundand otherorganizationstobringawarenesstofood loss.HerrecipeforImpwaOkraFriedRiceand expertisecontributedtothiscause.

Despitethehighsandlowsofbeingan entrepreneur,thedoorofopportunityhasflung open,andmanymorebeautifulmomentsaresurely

see page 86

85 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
Chi Big Fat Peri Mayo Fish ▲Clara as an Influencer

Black garlic page 85

headedBwali’sway. Stayabreastofherlatestworkingsonherwebsite BlackGarlicandsocialmediaviaInstagramand Facebook.


Image credit:, https://www.


Image credit:

86 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023
African Cuisine!
Bread Crumbed Chicken
Black Travel Summit October 20-22, 2023 Miami, Florida USAor Virtual - October 28-29, 2023 Learn More Here! Register Here NOW!
Red Velvet Cake

"OpeningAll Doors to ExploreAfrica"

The Africa BusinessAssociation (ABA) is pleased to invite you to be an integral part of our publication Travel Africa,a portal through which we share tourist destination information, business and investment opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry inAfrica, and travel industry news. Gain access to the billion dollar Africa tourism market viaABA Travel Africa’s outreach and advertising opportunities.

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Our readers are DiasporaAfricans,African small business owners,AfricanAmerican Chambers of Commerce members, business owners, corporate buyers, prime contractor’s, importers-exporters, community organization members, elected officials and civic/social leaders inAfrica and the United States. Don’t be leftout.Advertise in this door opening publication.

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Before You Go…

Abijan, Ivory Coast (Côted’Ivoire)

Abuja, Nigeria

Accra, Ghana

AddisAbaba, Ethiopia


Antananarivo, Madagascar

Asmara, Eritrea

Bamako, Mali

Bangui, CentralAfrican Republic

Banjul, Gambia

Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

Cairo, Egypt

Conakry, Guinea

Dakar, Senegal

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Gaborone, Botswana

Gitega, Burundi

Harare, Zimbabwe

Hargeisa, Somaliland

Johannesburg, SouthAfrica

Juba, South Sudan

Kampala, Uganda

Khartoum, Sudan

Kigali, Rwanda

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Libreville, Gabon

Lilongwe, Malawe

Lomé, Togo


Lusaka, Zambia

Malabo, Equitorial Guinea

88 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023 Resources

Maputo, Mozambique

Maseru, Lesotho

Mbabane, Eswatini

Mogadishu, Somalia

Monrovia, Liberia

Moroni, Comoros (Comoros)

Nairobi, Kenya

N’Djamena, Chad

Niamey, Niger

Nouakchott, Mauritania

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Port-Louis, Mauritius

Porto-Novo, Benin

Praia, Cape Verde

Rabat, Morocco

Saint-Denis, Reunion


São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipeão_Tomé

Tifariti, Western Sahara o=Go&search=tifariti&ns0=1

Tripoli, Libya

Tunis, Tunisia

Victoria, Saychelles (Seychelles)

Windhoek, Namibia

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Imagecredit: PRI

89 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2023

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Articles inside

"OpeningAll Doors to ExploreAfrica"

page 87

Ski Africa

pages 76-77

Mbanza Kongo, Vestiges of Former Kingdom of Kongo,

page 68

African Dream Review

pages 64-67

Inaugural Maasai Cultural Festival

pages 56, 58-62

Black Woman Takes Initiative, Creates Sunscreen made Exclusively for Melanated Babies

page 55

TN’s Best Tips for Sheep on a Plane

pages 53-54

Asleep at 35,000 Here are TN’s Counting Sheep

pages 52-53

ChikuntoSafariLodge’sNEW 6-meter-high

pages 50-52

White Rhinos Reintroduced to DR Congo National Park

page 49

Mistakes People Make When Booking Hotels

pages 46-48

Where to Go, Where to Go 10 Best Places to Visit in Africa in Summer 2023

pages 44-45

What People Who Use The 54321 Packing Rule Can Teach You About Traveling Light

pages 42-43

Association of ProfessionalChefs Nigeria Set to HostWaffest 2023 August 9

pages 40-41

An Unforgettable Travel Experience Throughout From

pages 38-39

All the Details on HGTV’s New Series

pages 36-38

Google Intros New AI-powered Travel and Product Search Features

page 35

Some of the Safest Cities in Africa for Travelers to Visit

pages 32-35

The ‘Work From Anywhere’ Duty of Care Challenge

pages 30-31

This Option Could Help You Bypass Long Waits for Passport Renewals

pages 24-26, 28-29

Apple’s New TSA-Approved ID Has Launched—and is Coming to an Airport Near You

pages 22-23

‘Reserve’ is a Free Way to Get Through Airport Security Faster

pages 20-21

Emirates Establishes €180 Million Aviation Sustainability Fund

pages 18-19

Visa Wait Times Remain Top Concern at U.S. Travel Conference

pages 16-17

How Does (South) Africa Stack up when it comes to Business Travel?

pages 12-15

Good News for Airports and Airlines in South Africa

pages 10-11

Executive-Led Trade Mission to Africa

pages 7-10

Africa Business Association "Travel Africa"

pages 5-6

travel africa

pages 1-4
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