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Launch of the “Decade of African Roots and Diasporas
Source: Ambassade du Togo à Londres
nature of the Lomé Framework aimed at grouping
and federating initiatives with a view to strengthening the role and contributions of people of African roots and diasporas to the economic development of the continent. After the communication of Minister Robert DUSSEY at the Summit of the African Union, a large majority of countries adhered to the Togolese initiative and the Presidency Pr Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Aႇ airs, African Integration and Togolese of the African Union wished to Abroad reaႈ rm the importance of the
Within the framework of the 33rd Summit of African. A consensus emerged on the establishment of the African Union, the Minister of Foreign a High Level Committee to prepare the content and the Aႇ airs, African Integration and Togolese conditions for the implementation of this pan-African Abroad, Pr Robert DUSSEY, representing HE Mr. platform. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, President of the A call for project proposals open to all African countries Togolese Republic, presented the February 10, a is planned for the identifi cation, study and selection of communication on behalf of Togo on the launching of projects that can be included in the continental agenda the “Decade of African Roots and Diasporas”. of the Decade of African Roots and Diasporas.
This Togolese initiative, “Lomé Framework”, aims to Through this innovative framework for cooperation set up a platform for the preparation and promotion of between African countries, the aim is to better involve projects, initiatives and events relating to African roots Africans from outside and to strengthen the links and diasporas and aims mainly to: between Afro-descendants, communities with African • propose a periodic program presenting events by roots, diasporas and their continent, “mother earth. country and fl agship operations; “, Africa. The objective is to make African diasporas • oႇ er an international showcase for projects carried strategic actors in the development of Africa. out by diႇ erent countries; As such, Togo is preparing the fi rst “African Diaspora • ensure the coordination and consistency of the Economic Forum”, making Lomé the capital of African actions proposed; roots and diasporas. • mobilize participants for events oႇ ered by diႇ erent www.africa-newsroom.com/press/launch-of-the-decadecountries. of-african-roots-and-diasporas#:~:text=Launch%20of%20 the%20%E2%80%9CDecade%20of%20African%20Roots%20
Minister Robert DUSSEY underlined, at the Summit and,and%20events%20relating%20to%20African%20roots%20 of Heads of State and Government, the inclusive and%20diasporas question of roots and diasporas