Freemen Issue 29 December 2021

Page 10

Lord Mayor, Cllr Habib Rahman with Chairman David Wilson



ince January 2020, the pandemic prevented swearing in ceremonies, so we were delighted to be able to arrange two sessions to take place at the Guildhall on 1st November 2021, one at 11.30 am and a second at 2pm. Members of the Stewards Committee arrived early to find that, unfortunately, due to a serious incident on the quayside the previous night, the quayside was cordoned off preventing access to the Guildhall. On speaking to the police, we were informed that the ceremonies would not be able to take place, so to prevent disappointment for those invited to be


Freemen Magazine

sworn in – some of whom had travelled some distance - we contacted Brenda Joyce at the Lord Mayors office to try and recover the situation. The City Council did not disappoint and thanks to Brenda, her colleague Ian Humphries and the Lord Mayor Councillor Habib Rahman, both ceremonies were re-arranged to take place at 2pm in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre. We then set about contacting all of those attending to inform of the new arrangements, we also explained to the police on duty at the Guildhall of our problem and of the new arrangements, and we are very grateful that they took it upon themselves to

inform those arriving at the Guildhall of the situation and they re-directed them to the Civic Centre for 1.30pm. It was very pleasing to see all the prospective new Freemen and their families arrive at the Civic Centre and enter the Council Chamber to be sworn in by the Lord Mayor Councillor Habib Rahman, although his first swearing in of new Freemen of Newcastle he took to the task with his usual enthusiasm. The newly sworn -in Freemen of the City of Newcastle are: Sarah Mitchell daughter of Nigel Ward Butchers: Callum son of Janet Day Cordwainers: Jacqueline Elaine Elliott daughter of John Charlton, House Carpenters: Janette Latimer daughter of John Charlton House Carpenter: Emma Imison daughter of Carol Whetstone, House Carpenters: John James son of Carol Whetstone House Carpenters: Kate Watkins daughter of Peter Aylmore

Scriveners: Leigh Lawrenson daughter of June Hetherington Joiners: Lynn Hawdon daughter of June Hetherington Joiners: Lynn Sheriff daughter of Sheila Mary Chandler Joiners: Mark son of Sheila Mary Chandler Joiners: Claire Sheila daughter of Sheila Mary Chandler Joiners: Lauren Georgia daughter of Julie Margaret Dorward Shipwrights: Elizabeth Mary daughter of Roy Lishman Shipwrights: Andrew James son of Christine Anne Harmieson Smiths:

“We have a centuries old tradition of working with the Freemen of Newcastle. I’m happy to say we have an excellent working relationship with the current Stewards Committee and look forward to our continued successful collaborations” Brenda Joyce, Lord Mayor’s Office

Freemen Magazine


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