9 12 A Visit to the
4 800th Anniversary
14 Superintendent’s
8 Michaelmas Guild
9 Christmas Guild
16 Newcastle Guilds
10 Upholding Our
18 Annual Church
11 Shipwrights’ Day Out
18 Ropemaker Learns
Traditional Craft
19 Fact or Fiction 22 Diary Dates
& Notice Board
The Coat of Arms of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne
Front cover photograph & Guild swearing in photographs taken by Steve Brock. Official Photographer, Steve Brock Photography. Copies available from Tel 01912863430
Foreword We are proud to have a pivotal role in underpinning the historical values that serve to sustain in a traditional, albeit progressive manner, in such a great City. Whilst our prime and overriding responsibility is to ensure the Town Moors are forever held secure as a most unique environmental asset, we are most understandably mindful of the prevailing social and political dynamics hence can give an assurance as to
exercising in all that we do, an evidence based and pro-active approach in our role as guardians of such an invaluable set of assets. We can celebrate too, the 800th Anniversary Year of the Mayoralty and which from the perspective of Freelage of the City, we hold in high esteem. Feedback is welcomed so do not hesitate to get in touch.
Sir Leonard Fenwick CBE
Chairman of the Stewards Committee
Editorial Welcome to issue 19 of our magazine, the first issue in this, the year of the 800th Anniversary of the awarding by King John in 1216, of a Charter to the Burgesses (Freemen) to form Guilds and to elect a Mayor for the City. We have included a range of topics, including articles on topical events and activities as well as some interesting historical information. Thanks go to our editorial team, who as well as developing the presentation and structure of the magazine, have written much of the content – we hope you enjoy it.
Edited by Freemen of Newcastle Upon Tyne Editorial Team The Newcastle Upon Tyne Freemen Magazine, Moor Bank Lodge, Claremont Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4NL
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800th Anniversary In 1216 King John granted Newcastle upon Tyne its first Mayor and the City is celebrating the 800th anniversary this year. Why did this happen, what was Newcastle like in 1216 and what did the change mean for Newcastle? There has been a settlement on the site of Newcastle since Roman times when a bridge over the Tyne was built as part of Hadrian’s Wall project. This was followed by a fort to protect the bridge and a settlement grew around this. Not a lot is known about Newcastle in the Dark Ages but after the invasion of the Angles and the establishment of the Kingdom of Northumbria, it was possibly the site of one of the royal villas used by the King. The Viking invasions of the 9th and 10th centuries ended the Kingdom of Northumbria but Monkchester, as Newcastle was then known, continued to grow as a trading centre and port. After the Norman invasion in 1066, the town (Newcastle only became a city in 1882) grew in importance as it was the most easterly crossing point of the Tyne. The crossing gave access to the northernmost parts of the Kingdom and was important in defending the country against the Scots. As part of the process of bringing the north under his control, William had the first castle built in around 1080. At this time England was a feudal society. Most of the country was managed by the nobility or barons; most of the rural population were serfs working for them in exchange for the use of land. There were also freemen, essentially a middle class who were permitted or obliged to bear arms: the nobility were obliged to raise armies for the sovereign. In boroughs freemen were also known as burgesses. The Normans designated many towns and cities, including Newcastle, as Royal Boroughs and governed them as part of their Royal 4 FreemenMagazine
Estate or Demesne thus ensuring loyalty and an income stream. The King generally used sheriffs and bailiffs to manage the towns and cities in his estate. They were responsible for administering justice and collecting taxes on his behalf. However towards the end of the Norman period, Newcastle was allowed to pay its taxes through a fee farm. A fee farm was nothing to do with agriculture but meant that the King farmed out tax collection to a contractor rather than using his own officials to collect it. The fee farmer paid a lump sum to the king then raised the taxes from the inhabitants. The contract to be fee farmer was generally put out to tender as it was a lucrative job; the farmer kept any surplus he collected over the sum demanded by the king. In Newcastle however, the fee farm was put in the hands of the burgesses and their representatives. This gave the burgesses considerable autonomy and a satisfactory income. The king no doubt expected to secure the loyalty of this strategically important town. The Norman dynasty ended in 1154 when Stephen was succeeded by his nephew Henry II the first of the Plantagenets. Henry was Duke of Anjou and his wife was Eleanor of Aquitaine. With his own lands, those of his wife and the Norman lands he inherited, Henry controlled most of western France as well as being King of England. He was an energetic reforming king but unsurprisingly much of his time and energy was consumed by his French lands. However he did find time to reform the English legal system and restore the royal finances. As the majority of his income came from Royal Demesnes it was important that they were administered well. His effect on Newcastle was significant. The old castle was replaced by a stone castle at considerable expense making the defence of the town more effective. He also reformed the borough’s administration. The burgesses in Newcastle found the Norman system restrictive as over the years they had developed many customs derived from Anglo-Saxon and Danish law. Henry granted the burgesses further rights and powers and exempted them from some taxes. Henry died in 1189 and was succeeded by
his son Richard I. Richard wasn’t particularly interested in the administration of England but spent much of his reign fighting the French king over his French lands or on Crusade to the Holy Land. His mother Eleanor effectively governed in his absence but the wars and crusades were expensive, especially when Richard was captured by the French king while on his way home and a huge ransom had to be paid for his release. When he died in 1199 the Treasury was empty. Richard was succeeded by John, the youngest of Henry II’s five sons. As the youngest, John was never expected to become king. Henry II didn’t initially grant him any lands and he acquired the nickname Lackland. However as his elder brothers rebelled and squabbled in the course of their father’s long reign, he came into favour and was granted various titles and estates. Three of his brothers predeceased their father and Richard had no children so John became King. Our view of John tends to be informed by tales of Robin Hood. He didn’t have the military skills of his father and brother and by the end of his reign virtually all his French possessions had been lost. He is said by historians to have been petty, spiteful and cruel and he certainly had major disagreements with the Pope and with the barons, the latter leading to Magna Carta in 1215. On the plus side he is considered to have been a good administrator and continued his father’s reforms of the legal system. Income from royal demesnes had decreased, especially as Richard had sold many royal possessions. John looked for new ways of raising money. He imposed taxes on land owners but also raised substantial sums from the sale of appointments and of charters. Despite his bad press, John was a friend to Newcastle. He completed the defences and had a large hall built to be a royal residence and court used by the Sheriff of Northumberland. This was on the site of the Moot Hall. More importantly he granted (or sold) the burgesses a number of charters defining their rights and responsibilities and giving them further freedom to run the town. FreemenMagazine 5
A charter was and still is the means by which a monarch grants rights and authority. In the Middle Ages charters were sold for planned new towns such as Liverpool and to allow towns to set up markets. They were used extensively by medieval monarchs who governed as they moved around the country no doubt listening to special pleading and weighing up their options. Parliament was an advisory body of barons, generally ignored by John. In 1216, John signed the charter which we are now celebrating. It gave Newcastle a mayor who replaced the King’s officers in administering justice and managing the town. John also allowed the burgesses to form twelve guilds and gave those guilds the power to appoint the mayor. This was an important increase in independence as the chief official in the town was now elected by the burgesses (or at least some of them) rather than by the King. It was in effect the beginning of the end of feudalism in Newcastle. Guilds, as we know, controlled trade and markets but looked after their members. King John approved twelve guilds or Mysteries and they were responsible for the election of the mayor. These original guilds were all of merchants. Little is known of the first mayor, Daniel son of Nicholas. We have to assume that Newcastle was given these freedoms because it was an important strategic town with its location on the Tyne and proximity to the Scottish border. By granting these freedoms no doubt John hoped to secure its loyalty to the Crown. It certainly worked for a while; in the fourteenth century mayors led troops into battle alongside the King when he was fighting the Scots. And of course John would also have raised some money by granting the charter. John died later in 1216, still fighting his barons Inevitably there were problems in Newcastle. The freemen of the craft guilds became unhappy with the power of the merchant guilds which elected the Mayor. Things came to a head in 1341 when John of Denton was elected for the fourth time. The craft guilds accused him of corruption and elected their 6 FreemenMagazine
The Freemen of Newcastle have joined in partnership with Newcastle City council to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the mayoralty of Newcastle. Newcastle’s Lord Mayor supported by the Freemen of the City and other civic dignitaries attended a Service of Thanksgiving to mark the start of the 800th anniversary celebrations of the mayoralty of Newcastle at St Nicholas Cathedral on Tuesday 2nd February. During the service there were addresses by Nick Forbes, Leader of the City Council, and a reading by Sir Leonard Fenwick, Chairman of the Freemen of Newcastle. own candidate. This led to riots and the murder of John of Denton. King Edward III had to resume control of the town for a while, and then granted another charter giving the craft guilds a say in the running of the town. This gave rise to a complicated election process whereby the guilds elected the Mayor and twenty four councillors. The election was held annually and accompanied by great feasting. The burgesses continued to elect the Mayor and run the Corporation until the 1830s when the Reform Acts introduced the beginnings of local democracy as we know it. Newcastle’s Mayor became a Lord Mayor from 1905. The Lord Mayor is now chosen by the City Council and as well as representing and promoting the city, he or she chairs City Council meetings, signs legal documents and of course swears in freemen.
The service also marked the 800th anniversary of the creation of the Burgesses, known today as the Freemen, who historically collected tolls and charges from strangers. There were three distinct classes of freemen. 1st, those having fellowship with the Twelve Mysteries or the Fifteen Bye-trades: those belonging to the former enjoyed the ancient right of sending two of each Mystery to the election of mayors, and those belonging to the latter trades the privilege of sending one from each society. Those in fellowship with the other Companies of the town, who are without this privilege; but they are qualified to sit upon juries, to enfranchise their apprentices, to perambulate the boundaries. Those in fellowship with the whole body, called the Freedom of the Town, and which may be enjoyed without any connexion with the Company: it entitles a burgess to vote for a representative in parliament, to an exemption from tolls, quay-dues, to two stints on the common pasture, and to transfer the franchise to his sons.
regional capital. Even in 1216 it had an important strategic role which is partly why King John bestowed the charter to the Burgesses, who then went on to elect the first mayor of Newcastle. We have grown into a City known all over the world for strength and the resilience of our communities, and I hope that Geordies everywhere will join with us in celebrating what promises to be an exciting year.
This year’s celebrations also include:
A calendar of public events including a picnic on Exhibition Park A major education programme for schoolchildren An exhibition at the City Library
The long unbroken chains of office of the Mayor and the Freemen is credited with giving Newcastle stability, social cohesion, justice, law and administration which has enabled it to grow into a major trading and commercial centre with a strong identity and sense of community. Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Cllr Ian Graham, said: “The Office of Mayor is one of the oldest surviving civic institutions in the city. It’s an honour and a privilege to be Lord Mayor - especially in this landmark year. David Wilson, Vice Chairman of the Freemen of Newcastle said, Newcastle is a strong city; proud of its long history and rich heritage. Apart from a few incursions, it has managed to evolve over hundreds of years because of the Freemen and Mayoralty who have skilfully governed it through good and bad times. The charter for a mayor and burgesses initiated governance for the city from which democracy and legislation flowed so it was quite a thing. It will give us the chance to celebrate some achievements of the last 800 years which makes Newcastle the FreemenMagazine 7
Michaelmas Guild 12th October 2015 The Close Guild started at 10am with prayers, then following the company roll call the election of the Stewards Committee took place, the Chairman informed Guild that W. (Bill) Frizzle and Ian. F. Miller were stepping down from the Stewards Committee, he thanked Bill for his incredible 40 years’ service on Committee, in addition to his committee service Bill was our representative on the Exhibition Park trust. Ian for his 32 years on committee and his tireless contribution to the TMMC as a Trustee and visitor, work which he intended to continue, both were presented with a gift of wine.
There were 11 applicants for committee consequently a ballot was not required. F.H. Alder: H. Alder: P. Anderson: C.G. Atkinson: N.B. Atkinson: A.R. Bainbridge: Sir L.R. Fenwick: K. Hall: J. Johnson: D.M. Loraine (Resigned 3rd February 2016): H.D.Wilson: were duly elected. Sir Leonard Fenwick was re-elected as Chairman: David Wilson as Vice Chairman, both unanimously. The Close Guild finished at 11.45am, Open Guild commenced. At the end of the proceedings the calling of the names by the Lord Mayor’s Principle Secretary Brenda Joyce, of those claiming their right to be sworn in, the Guild was closed and the Lord Mayor presided over the swearing in of 26 new Freemen.
Barber Surgeons Ricky Stephenson, Lee Stephenson, Joe Stephenson Bricklayers Dominic George Lunn Cordwainers Amanda Kirkup Goldsmiths Simon Richard Clark, Helen Lucy Clark, Adam John Bainbridge House Carpenters Carole Mary Brown Manchester, Denise Davison, Juliet Tate, Justine Helen Tate, Karen Louise MacCabe Joiners Stephen Joures, Joanne Frances Christie Master Mariners Sarah Hall Saddlers Craig Cable Shipwrights Carly Blackburn Slaters and Tylers Harry Thomas Adair, Timothy Blackett, Christopher Paul Brown, Martin John Brown, Luke Alexander Adair Tanners Carol Thoburn, Ian David Sparham Taylors Christopher James Wright
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Christmas Guild Jake Shepherd, Tanners Julie Ann Ridden, House Carpenters Charlotte F.B. Manchester, House Carpenters Francesca Lilley, Ropemakers Victoria Lister, Claudia Atkinson-Baxter, Ropemakers Benjamin S.M. Patterson, Taylors Carmen Alder, Dominique Alder, Butchers Corrina Collington, Coopers.
How can I help now I am a Freeman? This is one of the questions I am frequently asked by new Freemen who have just been sworn in. In fact there are many things that any Freeman can do to ‘help’.
Help protect our environment, keep your own local area looking good and tidy, join one of the local parks groups (e.g. Friends of Exhibition Park, Friends of Leazes Park, Friends of Jesmond Dene etc.).
Let us start with the oath; when you are sworn in as a Freeman you undertake to defend the City and “…. observe and keep to the best of your Power, all lawful Ordinances made by Common Consent, on High Court days; and all other things you shall do that belong to a FREEMAN of the said City.”
Help with voluntary groups or charities. Defend the Town Moors against encroachment – there will always be those who are desirous of ‘developing’ on the green space. Fight against any such proposals – be vocal, make your voice heard.
‘Defending’ the City in the past mainly related to physically protecting the City from attack, today the ‘Defending’ can take on a much wider meaning extending to the well being of the City – its environment, its status, its development, its economy. So how can we help with these things? The list is as wide as your imagination, it could include: Be proud of your City and your heritage Respect our City and encourage others to do so. Promote our City to others. Talk about the City in a positive light, defend the City if others criticise it. Help develop our community – participate in community events, help with the organisation if you are able. Play a role in the community (as a volunteer e.g. school helper, school governor, residents association member/officer, neighbourhood watch).
Support the Freemen – help publicise the good work of the Freemen in protecting our environment, enabling a wide range of events etc. Support Freemen events – e.g. the annual parade and Church Service (this is not about religion – it is your heritage). Support your Company of Freemen – Attend the Head meeting. Ensure the continuity of your Company of Freemen by encouraging your eligible family members to take up their Freelage. Keep your Senior Steward (and our Administration Office) aware of any address changes – it is so easy to lose touch with Freemen due to not having their current contact details. Most importantly enjoy being a Freeman, enjoy your City, enjoy your Town Moors and the air and exercise you can have on them. Thank you for being a Freeman and ‘Defending’ our City! FreemenMagazine 9
Strength in upholding our principles The Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne are custodians of 1200 acres of Town Moors secured by an act of Parliament and continue today as the strongest freelage in the UK, all thanks to the Freemen Guilds of today holding firm on the principles, values and the rules and orders put in place by our ancestors. This is the very bedrock of our strength and very existence.
Each year the Company Stewards come together at the three Guilds to actively ensure that the Stewards Committee carry out their duties in fulfilling our statutory obligations and the directions of the Stewards of the various Guilds by upholding our rules and orders and traditional values. There have been many times we have been called upon to defend all that we hold dear, not least in 1972 when the Local Government Act threatened the 1774 Act and our very existence but the Freemen of Newcastle stepped up to the plate and worked with City legal officers to construct the Town Moor Act 1988; in particular protecting the Town Moors from those who cast an envious eye over this prized land asset of incalculable value. The 26 active Guilds along with the Town Moor Act 1988 ensure our right to graze the cattle, the public’s right of air and exercise is assured and not an inch of Town Moor will be lost. More recently in 2010 we were instrumental in lobbying Parliament to affect the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill which gave the right for the admission of daughters. We exercise the same diligence in defending our rules and orders. Our rule on hereditary admission is simply that any child born in wedlock may on reaching the age of 20 apply to be sworn in and become
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a Freemen of City of Newcastle. Recently there had been a proposal for Guild to seek the removal of the ‘born in wedlock’ rule, this was twice overwhelmingly rejected by Guild, in doing so Guild sent a clear message that we will defend the principles which the Freemen of Newcastle believe in and have protected over the centuries. The Newcastle Freemen numbers continue to rise with over 1800 all sworn in by complying with our rules. As with many choices in life being married before the birth of a child is a matter of choice for the parents. We should all ensure our children understand the rules of admission, in doing so they can then make the choice whether they comply with our rules to ensure their children are given the same opportunity as their parents gave them to become Freemen of Newcastle, because the alternative is to disenfranchise the child and that family line from the freelage forever. We should never lose sight of the fact that the Freemen of Newcastle have a proud heritage based in a Country with a strong Christian heritage which is reflected in our rules, rules which are worth defending.
Shipwrights’ Day Out On 24 October a party of Shipwrights visited the Victoria Tunnel in Newcastle. The tunnel was completed in 1842 and was used to transport coal from Spital Tongues Colliery to staiths at the mouth of the Ouseburn. This wasn’t the shortest route to the river but it was the cheapest. If the coal had been taken directly to the river at Elswick it would have been necessary to pay keelmen to transport it under the low Georgian Tyne Bridge to the ships which would take it to London. The colliery owners originally suggested a waggon way over the Town Moor but the Freemen said no and the tunnel was constructed. Although the tunnel was a financial success, the colliery wasn’t and both the colliery and tunnel closed in 1860. Both ends of the tunnel were blocked off but it gained a new purpose during the Second World War when it was used as an air-raid shelter. New access points were made in the City Centre and at Ouse Street; the current entrance. The Tunnel was recently repaired with funding from the Heritage Lottery and tours are run by
the Ouseburn Trust (full details are available on their website). The tour lasted 2 hours though their leaflet said one hour, and we were provided with hard hats and torches. The guides are all volunteers. Our guide Claire was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable and gave us a comprehensive history of the tunnel with plenty of stories to keep our attention. It is an appropriate place for a Shipwrights’ visit as it links the area where they plied their trade with the Town Moor. Some of our party had relatives who had used the tunnel as an air raid shelter in WWII when living in Byker. And if you need refreshment after the tour, there are some good pubs in the area. It is our intention to have a tour of the old Holy Jesus Hospital on City Road sometime in the spring.
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A visit to the Archives. Like many of the Incorporated Companies, the Coopers Company does not have a Constitution or a set of rules. Instead, it relies on the basic principles of good governance and common sense, and when these are not sufficient, for instance where matters of discipline are concerned, we fall back upon our ancient Rule Book and Ordinary, which are held in trust at the City’s Archives.
The City’s Archives are presently located at Blandford House, Newcastle, which also houses The Discovery Museum. The main thoroughfare takes you past Charles Parsons’ record breaking Turbinia, which dominates the entrance foyer. The archive itself is on the ground floor towards the rear of the building and is accessed via an imposing oak-panelled corridor replete with Art Deco stained glass, which betrays the building’s original purpose. Built in 1899, Blandford House was the headquarters of the Co-operative Wholesale Society and the distribution centre for over 100 Co-op stores across the region. Upon entering the archive, the custodians explain the rules and regulations governing access to the various artefacts, and the charges levied when taking photographs. For instance, you cannot use any writing implement which might leave a permanent mark so only pencils are allowed. Scrap paper is available but a small donation is required if you find yourself with nothing to scribble on. To the best of my knowledge, only Company Stewards can view original documents. Company Keepers must use one of the Microfiche viewers, which can be booked in advance.
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A loose-leaf folder details the documents held in trust by the Archive. The earliest documents available were our Rules Book, dated 1510, and a copy of the Company’s Ordinary from 1536. The Ordinary is an extremely fragile parchment sheet, about fifteen inches by ten inches. Hard to imagine that this document was created when Elizabeth the First was on the throne. Sadly, most of the text was illegible to my untrained eye but the collection of signatures, each in a different hand, was mostly legible. Presumably these signatures belong to the founding members of the Company. The Company Rules Books were more informative. The earliest entry was from 1510 although there were several older entries without a date. The handwriting was extremely variable, reflecting the change in Secretary from year to year. In some cases, the script is clearly legible. In others, it is an indecipherable scrawl. Many of the entries allude to the working practices of the Company. There are descriptions of apprentices starting work, contributing to the business, and thereafter being admitted to the Company. Company Keepers would pay the Company to make ‘introductions’ on their
behalf or to do business with other craft guilds. At a meeting held on the thirty-first day of January 1666, Gawen Reed and Nicholas Brown both paid the Company the sum of one shilling for taking an apprentice, or Journeyman, into their workshops. However, a significant proportion relate to fines imposed for breaking Company ‘rules’. A fine of three pence would commonly be imposed for speaking out of turn. On 11th July 1666, John Todd was fined one shilling for proclaiming “God! But it’s hot!” and at the same meeting, Thomas Robson was fined three pence for smoking without leave. Missing a meeting carried a heavier penalty. On 30th June 1664, Daniel Stanger and Bartholmew Hall were fined sixpence for being absent without permission. On 4th February 1670 Thomas Richardson, Richard Smith and Thomas Pearson were each fined for attending a funeral when they should have been at the Company Meeting, which seems a bit harsh when viewed from our perspective. Heavier fines were imposed for ‘dodgy’ practices, such as reusing butter caskets and thereby tainting the beer. On 1st October 1666, Humphrey Davison was fined three pence for selling an unmarked Firkin and, at the same meeting, Bartholmew Burrell was fined six shillings and eight pence for calling away men from Robert Jackson’s shop. The behavior within the Meeting House was sometimes less than gentlemanly. On 27th January 1669, William Leach and Nicholas Brown were fined six shillings for calling each other “a rogue”. On 17th April 1660, Anthony Walker and
Nicholas Brown were fined one shilling for openly brawling within the Meeting House. A few names do appear more than others. For instance, at a meeting held on the 18th May 1665, Thomas Betson was fined for saying ‘unbrotherly words’ and that he cared ‘not a fart for the Company’. On 23rd June 1656, a complaint was made against Betson by Company Keeper Gawen Reed for pulling Reed by the hair. Neither were our ancestors beyond a childish joke. On 7th May 1666, Thomas Robson was fined for coming to the Meeting House without a cloak. Curiously, on the line below, we find two entries stating that John Cramlington and William Lumsden were each fined one shilling for hiding Thomas Robson’s cloak. Bad behaviour away from the Meeting House was strongly discouraged. On 29th November 1668, William Leach was fined six shillings for beating Thomas Pearson. On the line below, we find that George Lumsden was similarly fined for beating William Leach, it would appear, at the same funeral. As might be expected, Coopers were required to uphold and maintain the good name of the Company and a heavy fine was levied against any Company Keeper who broke that rule. Respect for the Company Stewards was deemed
essential. An entry dated 19th June 1656 details a fine of six shillings and eight pence levied against Barnard Simpson, Andrew White and several others for “abusing of the Stewards, contrary to order.” In today’s money this is over fifty pounds each and would be clearly intended to encourage respect for the those in charge of the Company. I came away with a better understanding of our ancestors, of their practices and habits, and their crimes and misdemeanors. Perhaps more so, I came away thankful that our Head Meetings are far more orderly than in former times. Mostly. David Hughes Senior Steward. Coopers Company. FreemenMagazine 13
Superintendent’s Report Carrying on from our last edition and my Superintendent’s report I can now give you an update on our environmental Programme. Our Elizabethan fencing project on Little Moor in Gosforth has now been completed and I am pleased to report that Scott Fencing working in conjunction with the Town Moor Staff have done another excellent job, not only has it improved the vista around this parcel of Town Moor land it has also created a safer environment for the residents that use it. Following on in our events calendar, my last report brought you up to date to the end of July. During the last week in August we had the annual visit from the Circus, this was sited in its usual place on the main Town Moor in the Blue House corner, the circus was with us for 2 weeks and the attendances were reported as being good and in comparison as with previous years proving that it is a popular event with the residents in our region. August Bank holiday weekend hosted the Mela on the newly created event site at the Exhibition park end of the Town Moor, although it only operated on the Sunday and Monday organisers reported a healthy turn out. Moving into September the Town Moor once again hosted the Morrison’s Great North Run, with some 47000+ people turning out to participate in this fabulous event all raising millions for their chosen charities.
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We then moved into November which saw local running club Heaton Harriers host their annual Memorial Race followed 2 weeks later by their 5 and 10k race events, this date was shared with the Movember run which raises awareness and funds for testicular cancer. Last but not least All Terrain Events held their usual New Year’s Day Resolution cross country run which raises funds for both Water Aid and Saint Oswald’s Hospice. Our grazing season came to a close on the 31st of October; Our staff were busy throughout the month assisting the graziers with the removal of their cattle. Feedback from our graziers was that of another successful grazing season and all are looking forward to being invited back for our 2016 season. Our winter works programme got under way with the on-going maintenance in Moor Bank gardens. Billy Harland again using his vast knowledge of arboriculture removed several large species of trees from within the site that were diseased, dying or simply planted in the wrong location and were suffering from light degradation. In our back paddock Billy continued to remove all lower limbs from the trees which will allow our staff better access with agricultural plant and machinery. Due to the number of hurricanes that breached our shores this winter several conifer trees had uprooted or snapped clean in half, these were tended to and along with all the other brash were burned on site. The gardens are now starting to look much healthier and much tidier in appearance.
On the 11th of January 2016 demolition / reclamation works started on Intake 3 which used to be home to Nuns Moor Brighton Grove Allotments. This is a 12.5 acres site which used to have some 120 plots available for cultivation, unfortunately a high percentage of plots were not taken up for this purpose and other parts of the site fell into a bad state of repair resulting in the association handing back the site to the Stewards Committee of the Freemen. W.L.Straughans were awarded the contract and their proposed timescale is 10 weeks to complete the site clearance and have it ploughed over in readiness for us to take forward into the next phase. Our staff are currently preparing the moors for the return of the cattle, as our grazing gets under way on the 31st of March. We will also be continuing with our fertiliser programme this year it’s the main Town Moor which will be receiving a dressing, Town Moor staff member Dave Holland will be carrying out the harrowing of some 330 acres in readiness for the fertiliser to be applied once delivered to our premises, hopefully this will be applied before the cattle return. Kevin Batey Town Moor Superintendent.
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Newcastle Guilds Ancient abstract taken from (BHO) British History Online
Taylors The oldest record of this fraternity is dated October 8, 1536, and enjoined, that every brother, at his setting up shop, should pay a pot of oil to the fellowship; as also thirteen-pence a year to the stewards for “our Lady-light;” and that each apprentice, or person hired by the week, should pay fourpence per annum, and each hireling three-pence a year to their play when it should be performed: also, that any person born a subject of the king, and free of Newcastle, might set up shop on payment of £40, with a pound of wax and a pot of oil, on his admittance; as also thirteen-pence to our Lady-light, and eight-pence to the play, which exhibited “The Descent into Hell.” That no Taylor should work on Saturdays after eight o’clock in the evening, and should keep holy the Sundays, vigils, and festival days, on pain of six pounds of wax for every default. That the society should pass their accounts on St. John’s day, in every May, and having chosen twelve electors, the said twelve should choose the four stewards, the searchers, and auditors. It further ordered, that every brother should be at the procession on Corpus Christi Day, before it passed the New-gate, on pain of forfeiting a pound of wax; and that each brother should attend in his livery. And that the common light of the fraternity should go before the corpse of every brother when it was carried to church for interment, and continue there lighted during mass time, and till 16 FreemenMagazine
the body was interred; but if there be a dirge, then the light to be extinguished during the dirge. There is another ordinary of this society, dated August 12, 1624, confirmed, March 2, 1679; also September 15, 1707, January 17, 1731, and October 17, 1737. This society, in 1773, in commemoration of a rule of court having been obtained August 10, that year, against the magistrates of this town, confirming the resident freemen, and widows of freemen, in their right to the Castle Leazes, Town, and Nun’s Moor, for ever, together with £300 costs of suit, presented each of the members of the committee, who conducted the cause of the burgesses, with a gold ring, in the signet of each of which, under a crystal, was represented, Liberty stepping out of her temple, with a label proceeding from her mouth, inscribed— ”Town Moor saved, August 10th, 1773.” On the inside—”Concordia parvæ res crescunt:” By concord small things increase. Round the inner verge— ”Taylors’ Company to...........” (naming each member); and round the outer verge—”Vox Populi Vox Dei:” The voice of the people is the voice of God. This company at present consists of 46
members. Their hall is on the west side of the Black Friars. They possess much valuable property, and their rental exceeds £600 per annum. Besides relieving their sick and indigent brethren, £8 are paid on the death of a brother or brother’s wife, and widows receive 2s. 6d. per week. William Patterson, and Job Jameson, jun. are the present stewards. The ancient ordinary of the Skinners’ Company is dated January 20, 1437. The names of Richard Hall, mayor, Thomas Wardell, sheriff, Roger Thornton, Robert Whelpington, Laurence Acton, Simon Weldon, and William Ellerby, aldermen, occur in it. The society were to meet on the Tuesday after Michaelmas every year, unless that festival should fall on a Monday, and then on the Tuesday seven-night following, to choose their stewards, and pass their accounts. The different orders it contained, together with others of a subsequent date, were transcribed into their present order book, 1735. One of these forbade the use of tobacco at their meetings, under a penalty of 3d. for every offence.
Skinners and Glovers
seven years, on pain of forfeiting 6s. 8d. “to the light of the said craft;” that no Scotsman born should be taken apprentice, nor allowed to work in the town, under a penalty of 40s. The society of Skinners and Glovers at present consists of 12 members, of whom nine belong to the Angus family. They possess a parcel of ground called the Dispensary Square, which is let on lease, and yields 16 guineas per annum. The Glovers still choose three stewards annually, and the Skinners two, who keep their accounts separately.
The Glovers, one of the bye-trades, occur in 1648 as renting part of the Skinners’ meeting-house, at the annual rent of five shillings. They appear to have been incorporated with the Skinners about the year 1703. In 1712, their meeting-house, on the west side of the Black Friars, was repaired at their joint expense. The ordinary of the Glovers’ society, dated January 20, 1436, enjoined them to go together in procession at the feast of Corpus Christi, in a livery, and play their play at their own charge; to choose annually three stewards; that apprentices should serve FreemenMagazine 17
Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Annual Church Parade. Sunday 8th May 2016 The 2016 Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Annual Church Parade will be a high profile event and will be promoted as part of the 800th Mayoral Celebrations with the Lord Mayor and Sheriff leading the parade, as with all occasions attended by the Lord Mayor in the 800th year the City will be recording the event. As in previous years we invite Newcastle Freemen to attend, see information in the dates for the diary page. With regard to Freemen wishing to attend and assist with logistics it would be of assistance if those wishing to attend let us know via email,
18 FreemenMagazine
Ropemaker learns traditional craft Today Grand Cayman is famous as one of the World’s financial capitals, however years ago one of the pillars of its economy was rope making. Rope was required for the many ships (including pirate ships) sailing to and from the Caribbean and rope was a major export of the Island. In earlier years, straw rope made from the thatch palm was highly prized in Cuba and Jamaica for use in shipping, fishing and sugar industries. Exporting rope was Cayman’s largest source of revenue. When visiting Grand Cayman recently the Senior Steward of the Incorporated Company of Ropemakers, David Wilson, took time out to be trained in the traditional craft of rope making. He was instructed by Mr. Deal Ebanks, an artisan whose family has been in Cayman for many generations. He learned how the Cayman rope is made from the leaves of the Silver Thatch Palm Tree, with the leaves being torn into fine strips before being twisted tightly together to form the lengths of rope. The resulting rope is very strong and is famously resistant to the effects of sea water. The photographs show David being trained in the use of a traditional rope twisting machine and a resulting length of rope which he helped to make.
Interesting ‘historical’ facts or ‘fiction’, you decide. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then the sons and men, and then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies, by then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it .. Hence the saying ‘Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.’ Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good in June. However since they were starting to smell Brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour. Hence the custom of today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families would all pee in a pot and the once a day it was taken and sold to the tannery…..if you had to do this to survive you were ‘piss poor’. But worse than that were the really poor who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot…. They ‘didn’t have a pot to piss in’.
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or ‘the upper crust’.
England is old and small and local folks started running out of places to bury people, so they would dig up coffins, take the bones to a bone-house and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 in 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and realised they had been burying people alive… So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, ‘saved by the bell’ or considered a ‘dead ringer’.
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The Floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying ‘dirt poor’. The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance Hence; a ‘thresh hold’.
Houses had thatched roofs-thick strawpiled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice & bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof….Hence the saying ‘its raining cats and dogs’. There was nothing to stop things into the house, this posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other dropping could drop onto the bed. Hence a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. that’s how canopy beds came into existence. Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey, the combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial… They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake. 20 FreemenMagazine
In those days, they cooked in the scullery with a big kettle that always hung over the fire.. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and not much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving the leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been there for days. Hence the rhyme; ‘Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old’. Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made then feel quite special. When visitor’s came they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could ‘bring home the bacon’. They would cup off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and ‘chew the fat’.
The Freemen of Newcastle shop is open
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened mostly with tomatoes, so for a next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.
Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne pin badges are available now. The 16mm badge depicts the armorial bearings of the City circled by the inscription “Freemen of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne”. The ever popular multi crested silk ties are back in stock. And new for the ladies - 25mm Charm, Necklaces are also available complete on a 60mm chain, both depict the armorial bearings of the City circled by the inscription “Freemen of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne”. Orders to Kevin Batey Town Moor Superintendent at Moozr Bank Lodge, payment with order by cheque payable to ‘Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne’ - the address can be found at the rear of the magazine. Ties - £27.00 Pin Badge - £3.00 Stick Pin Badge - £4.00 Charm - £6.00 Necklace - £7.00
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Diary Dates
Hoppings Fair Friday 17th – 25th June, Official opening Saturday 1.30pm 18th June 2016.
Easter Guild Monday 4th April 2016
Michaelmas Guild Monday 10th October 2016
Held upstairs in Newcastle Guildhall (on Quayside, bottom of Dean Street) Close Court of Guild (for Company Stewards only) begins at 10.30 am. Open Court of Guild (for all Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne) commences at 12 noon prompt. You must be seated by 12 noon for the Open Guild in readiness to receive the Lord Mayor. The meeting concludes with new Freemen being called, and if present being sworn in by the Lord Mayor. Following the proceedings a buffet lunch is served in the Merchant Adventurers Court.
Held upstairs in Newcastle Guildhall (on Quayside, bottom of Dean Street) Close Court of Guild (for Company Stewards only) begins at 10.00 am. At this particular meeting the Stewards Committee is democratically elected via ballot for the ensuing year. Open Court of Guild (for all Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne) commences at 12 noon prompt. You must be seated by 12 noon for the Open Guild in readiness to receive the Lord Mayor. The meeting concludes with new Freemen being called, and if present being sworn in by the Lord Mayor. Following the proceedings a buffet lunch is served in the Merchant Adventurers Court.
Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Annual Church Parade Sunday 8th May 2016 Held in the Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas. Robing in the Cathedral Refectory at 9.30a.m. for commencement of parade into the Cathedral at 9.45 a.m. with the Lord Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne. All Newcastle upon Tyne Freemen are welcome. Should you need to borrow a robe there will be a small quantity available on the day. To assist on the day, parking will be available at Moor Bank Lodge and transport at 9:00am to and from the Cathedral will be provided.
Christmas Guild Monday 16th January 2017
Held upstairs in Newcastle Guildhall (on Quayside, bottom of Dean Street) Close Court of Guild (for Company Stewards only) begins at 10.00 am. Open Court of Guild (for all Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne) commences at 12 noon prompt. You must be seated by 12 noon for the Open Guild in readiness to receive the Lord Mayor. The meeting concludes with new Freemen being called, and if present being sworn in by the Lord Mayor. Following the proceedings a buffet lunch is served in the Merchant Adventurers Court.
Annual Guild Days Christmas Guild - the first Monday after 13th January Easter Guild - the first Monday after Easter Monday Michaelmas Guild - the first Monday after Michaelmas Monday
22 FreemenMagazine
Notice Board Bereavements
Company Notices
Ronald Stephenson Barber Surgeons
The Head Meeting of the Shipwrights Company will be held in the Lord Mayor’s Parlour of the Guildhall on Monday 6th June 2016 at 7.30pm and all members are invited to attend. Ian Miller. 0191 252 1531
David Johnson Taylors Company Hugh Annan Tanners Company Kathleen Kennedy Ralph Maughan Coopers Company Ian Charlton House Carpenters Company W.E. Proctor Plumbers Company Olga Weatherstone Shipwrights Company Tom Hogarth Barber Surgeons Company
The Head Meeting of the Tanners Guild will be held at the Freemen’s Hall, Blackfriars, Friars Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Monday 4th July, commencing at 6.45pm. Members are requested to inform the secretary of their attendance via email: or Tel: 07988 533 855 by 27th June 2016.
Stewards Committee David Loraine
New Stewards John Charlton Tom Charlton Colliers Company Colin Angus Skinners & Glovers Company Claire Cleveland Barber Surgeon Company
Cordwainers Company Resigned from Stewards Committee. 3rd February 2016 Phil Powell Masons Company Has been co-opted as a member of the Stewards Committee. With his financial expertise Phil will interface with Committee and our Treasurer in respect of management of finances of the Town Moor and T.M.M. Charities.
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Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Superintendent and Office Mr Kevin Batey, Moor Bank Lodge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4NL Tel: 0191 2615970 Email: Website: freemenofnewcastle
COPYRIGHT: Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne. PUBLISHER: Riney Publishing Limited, Sue Riney-Smith Tel: 01325 304360 Email: