The Newcastle Upon Tyne Freemen Magazine

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The Coat of Arms of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne


In the second decade of the 2lst Century, the Freemen of the City have a most pivotal role and inherent responsibilities, greater in scope and challenge than when in l774, the transition was fully realised by the Trade and Merchant Guilds to grasp the nettle of ensuring the Town Moors remained as an environmental asset with the traditional rights of ‘air and exercise’ for the public at large secured in perpetuity via Act of Parliament. The vision and commitments since those times has not only been sustained but more clearly defined in respect of duty of care and effective partnership working with Newcastle City Council. We continue to blend traditional values with a progressive engagement, in all that we do. Whilst we may not please everyone all of the time the confidence installed as a consequence of our overriding objectives provides the very bedrock of all that we do, some of which is reflected upon via this Edition of the Magazine. We champion and are proud of what is being achieved for not only our City but the North East of England in all that we do.

Front cover photograph: Moor Bank Lodge Garden. Guild swearing in photographs taken by Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Official Photographer , Steve Brock Photography. Copies available from Tel 01912863430

Sir Leonard Fenwick CBE Chairman, Stewards Committee

Contents 4 Exhibition Park 5 Nunsmoor Allotments 6 Michaelmas &

Christmas Guild

8 Lord Mayor’s Coach 9 Summer Social Event 10 Moor Bank Lodge

Shipwrights Annual Outing

11 North Eastern Cross

Country Championships

12 Stewards Committee


13 Stints 14 Trade Guilds History 16 Superintendent’s Report 18 Diary Dates Edited by Freemen of Newcastle Upon Tyne Editorial Team The Newcastle Upon Tyne Freemen Magazine, Moor Bank Lodge, Claremont Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4NL

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Nunsmoor Allotments

Welcome to 2015 and Issue 17 of our Magazine which kicks

Nunsmoor Allotments is one of the Freemen’s large portfolio of Allotments sites with the Freemen being the largest provider of Allotment sites in the City other than the City Council. The Nuns Moor site occupies a large 12.58 acre expanse situated at the junction of Barrack Road and Brighton Grove (diagonally opposite the BBC Newcastle studios).

off a busy year for the Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne. It is heartening to hear that so many readers look forward to reading our magazine and hearing about the work and activities of the Freemen of the City. 2014 was an eventful year with ever increasing requests for use of the Town Moors, an asset which we continue to cherish and protect with values and tradition which the Freemen hold dear. We do hope you enjoy the content of this issue which includes the first of some abstracts of the history of the various Guilds of Newcastle and an insight into our stewardship of the Town Moors. Thanks go to Nick Atkinson who kindly edited the previous issue, Due to work commitments Nick has decided to step down as Editor although he will continue to serve on the Stewards Committee. As always we do rely on Company Stewards and Freemen alike to keep us informed of any address or changes or in circumstance, please let us know via email to or to the address at the back of this publication.

Exhibition Park The £3 Million renovation of Exhibition Park is now completed. During the major elements of renovation, annual events were in danger of cancellation until the Freemen answered the call for help by making the former Tyneside Summer Exhibition site available for two important local events. The first being the Northern Pride event which was held on Saturday 19th July & Sunday 20th July 2014 commencing on the Saturday the Northern Frontrunners 5K run plus some main stage entertainment, and with a Parade from the Civic Centre at 12noon arriving at the Town Moor then continuing till 6pm, the event continued on the Sunday.

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The second being the Mela, a free event based around Pakistani, Bengali, Indian and other South Asian cultures which is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Asian cultures and be entertained with a chance to meet new people as well as enjoy different music, art and food in Newcastle, the event was held on 24th and 25th August. The organisers went out of their way to thank the Freemen of Newcastle for their support.

These allotments are ‘War Time Allotments’; they were set up as a TEMPORARY facility during the War years to enable people to grow their own food. It would appear that this was overlooked over the years and the site was not returned to grazing following the end of the War – an important lesson for the Freemen (in particular the Stewards Committee) to always be vigilant and proactively manage the leases on sites on the Town Moor. As an Allotments site this area of the Town Moor is not available for grazing and is closed to the general public for the right of air and exercise, this is always something that today’s Steward Committee are very conscious of when reviewing and considering the appropriateness of leases. Over a period of years the condition of the Nuns Moor site became more and more dilapidated with a good number of the allotments failing to comply with the terms of the lease especially in respect of structures and fences plus a range of materials that should not be on site. Despite many warnings to the Association there was no improvement in the situation. Eventually because of manifest dilapidation the Stewards Committee reduced the term of the lease on the site from

seven years to one year with the warning that if things did not improve the lease would not be renewed – this was several years ago! The Stewards Committee continued to monitor the situation and conducted regular inspections of the site; despite pressing the Association Committee to improve the site and ensure compliance with the lease there has been no significant improvement. A new Association Committee was put in place and they tried over several years to rectify the situation – in fact things got worse with many instances of vandalism and criminal damage. As part of the attempted improvements the association £16,000 was spent on the installation of a new water supply system for the site – within a short period of time the entire new system was vandalised and rendered unusable. Eventually in 2013, with no improvement the Stewards Committee, with due regard to their duty of care for all areas of the Town Moor, decided that they could not renew the lease for this site. Since then the Allotments Association Committee have applied their best endeavours to rectify the issues, however this has not worked out. Discussions were held with Newcastle City Officers, Councillors and the

Allotments Association with the outcome being that a fresh start is required for the site. The two primary options for the new start were: •

Return the area to grazing and make the land available to the public for rights of air and exercise. This would also significantly enhance the vista on one of the main routes in and out of the City.

Clear the site and create a remodelled set of allotments which reflects current allotments needs and best practice and which is in compliance with the lease.

Further to discussion at Guild it has been determined that the site will be cleared and a reduced size site will be set up as allotments with the remainder of the site being opened up to public access and returned to grazing. This is a major undertaking which will be managed and underwritten by the Freemen. FreemenMagazine 5

Michaelmas Guild 13th October 2014 Michaelmas Guild was held on 13th October 2014 in the Guildhall Newcastle upon Tyne.

The Close Guild started at 10am with prayers taken by Canon Kevin Hunt, then following the company roll call the election of the Stewards Committee took place. There were 13 applicants and the Company Stewards present completed the ballot paper voting for no less than 9 and no more than 12, the following being elected.

Michaelmas Guild 2014 Christmas Guild 2015

F.H. Alder: H. Alder: P. Anderson: C.G. Atkinson: N.B. Atkinson: A.R. Bainbridge: Sir L.R. Fenwick: W.G. Frizzle: K. Hall: J. Johnson: I.F. Miller: H.D.Wilson: Sir Leonard Fenwick was re-elected as Chairman: David Wilson was re-elected as Vice Chairman, both unanimously. The Close Guild finished at 11.45am, coffee was served prior to the Stewards and Freemen assembling at 12pm in readiness for Councillor George Pattison Lord Mayor to

take his seat for the Open Guild, At the end of the proceedings the calling of the names by the Lord Mayor Principal Secretary Ian Humphries, of those claiming their right to be sworn in, the Guild was closed and the lord Mayor presided over the swearing in of 17 new Freemen. Judith Barbara Barber; Bakers & Brewers: Frances Ruth Nixon; Coopers: Helen Nixon; Coopers: Louise Clark; Cordwainers: Ronald Blackburn; Shipwright: Sarah Elizabeth McAlpine; Cordwainers: Sarah Clare West; Butchers: Euan Patrick Stenhouse; Master Mariners: Peter John Edward Gibson; Bricklayers: Gillian Sarah Baty; Cordwainers: Debra Churchill; House Carpenters: David Bowman; Joiners: Deborah Joan Hall; Shipwrights: Margaret Storey; Tanners: Robert Graeme Bell; Smiths: Emma Green; Taylors: Laura Jane Irving; Bricklayers.

Christmas Guild 19th January 2015 At the close of the Open Guild, the following were sworn in by Councillor George Pattison Lord Mayor. Adam Irvine, Bricklayer: Janice Charlton, Butcher: John Dryden, Butcher: Elizabeth Ena Garry, Cordwainer: Mandy Turnbull, Cordwainer: Christopher Edward Sample, House Carpenters: Richard Alan Sample, House Carpenters: Charlotte Blacklock, Tanners: Brenda Patricia Sparham, Tanners.

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Summer Social Event

Newcastle upon Tyne Lord Mayor’s Coach Since the joint purchase of the Lord Mayor’s coach by the Freemen of Newcastle and Shepard Offshore (Freddy and Bruce Shepard) the coach has remained in the care of the City Council at the Mansion House in Jesmond. Freddy leased and over the past months renovated the Palace of Arts building in Exhibition Park to display a collection of motor vehicles and carriages including the jointly owned Lord Mayor’s Coach, which was welcomed to the building by Sir Leonard and Freddy. Sir Leonard in this regard explained: “The Freemen of Newcastle have been around a long time and have guarded the Town Moor. “It’s great that the carriage is now on the Town Moor and is available at any time for the Lord Mayors. “All in all It’s a privilege that the Lord Mayor’s Carriage remains in Newcastle upon Tyne.”

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Summer Event was held on 3rd August 2014 and once again a resounding success especially considering it is organised by one person Alan Bainbridge, the Town Moor Superintendent Kevin Batey assists with the setup and help on the day by Alan’s family and family friend. Alan said...

“The weather is always a concern when organising an outdoor event, as those who attended the 2014 Freemen’s summer event will know the weather was kind to us. Not as the forecasters had said the previous day, which was reflected in the many congratulations I received when the sun shone all afternoon. It’s strange that I was congratulated on the weather more than anything else, the only thing over which I have no control of at all. It was unfortunate that one of the Headline performers [The Creepy crawlies] failed to turn up. I was acutely aware that this disappointed

a good many of those attending. John who is the lead person for Creepy Crawlies later explained that his mother passed away very suddenly. but due to the circumstances communication was difficult. I have on behalf of The Freemen given our condolences. The whole event went well with the various side attractions creating lots of interest and stimulating conversation, from the Drug Dogs to the Marching Band. My thanks go to all concerned. At the start of the event I did mention that the previous year had been a bit of a smash and grab when it came to the sandwiches and I asked people to refrain from getting three, four and more at any one time, portion control was once again a challenge this year, so apologies to those who did not get to taste the excellent roast - back to the drawing board I think. The drink counter has always proved to be a popular place and probably the scene of the two hardest working volunteers Jean Bainbridge and Vera Harvey, Jean is there because she is my wife and has continually supports me in everything I get myself involved in. Vera is a family friend, many thanks to them both. The idea at the outset was not to put on a fete, but construct an event where Freemen

could meet up with others and talk about all manner of concerns, with distractions to keep the conversation fresh and have an enjoyable time doing it. There have been various suggestions over the years which I have resisted, from introducing things for children to do, to getting star performers in for the adults. Although children are welcome this is first and foremost an event for Freemen and the entertainment is aimed at adults with suitable coverage for the children. Cost must be borne in mind when any event is planned. It would be irresponsible for me to continue to expand the fete without bearing this in mind. Over the very short time I have been organising the event I have seen the cost rise at an alarming rate and some thought must be given to the viability of the event as it exists in its present form. The Summer Freemen’s event has become the largest annual meeting of Newcastle Freemen that Newcastle has seen since before the Second World War and probably before then. There are other events that have a higher profile within the city that most Freemen seem to conveniently forget about, it would be good to see a similar support at these other events.” Alan Bainbridge

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Moor Bank Lodge Gardens

Shipwrights Annual Outing

Following the return as Town Moor land our staff looked after the greenhouses and garden of the Moor Bank Lodge garden while communicating with horticultural organisations with the offer to take any rare or plants of special interest which had been abandoned by the University. Plants have been collected by Botanic Gardens from around the country, and by the Autumn we were able to turn down the heating in the greenhouses making a considerable saving to the running costs. The outside gardens were a particular challenge due to many peripheral areas being overgrown with various weeds, some noxious which were of concern had they been allowed to spread to other areas of Town Moor. Our staff dealt with the infestation and are now looking after the garden on a care and maintenance basis, consideration to the future of this area is underway. There are many unusual and rare trees which will remain and continue to flourish, we have had many suggestions regarding the grassed area, from continuing to keep as a lawn, another being to establish a wildflower meadow with a variety of flowers which in turn would attract a variety of insects and, of course, the creatures that feed on them. Earlier in the year City Council officers visited the site together with the Stewards Committee and were dismayed at the dilapidated condition of the infrastructure. We shall continue to consult with the City Council as to the best option for the buildings. In respect of the external landscape we now believe the presentation is much improved. 10 FreemenMagazine

North Eastern Cross Country Championships The North Eastern Cross-Country Championships have never been held on the Newcastle Town Moor, however, thanks to the Freemen of Newcastle, history was made with the109th running of the championships taking place at 11 o’clock on Saturday morning on the 10th December 2014.

Tyne Bridge Harriers secretary, David Appleby, explained, “Those of you who were on Town Moor in 1986 for the National will remember that the course was a white-out. “While I’ve been told it looked picturesque with streams of athletes with their heads down going up Cow Hill I’m hoping things won’t be that bad this time round. “Tyne Bridge were delighted and honoured when asked if they could host this year’s championships even though time was pressing but I think we are all set for a great day’s competition. “However, I have to say a big thanks to the Freemen for giving us the permission to use Town Moor at short notice.”

For their annual outing members of the Shipwrights Company visited Trinity House on the 4th October 2014. Twentyfive attended this very interesting guided tour lasting one and a half hours – which we can highly recommend. The magnificent old building is situated off Broad Chare, near the Law Courts, and one goes through an archway into the courtyard where a plaque on the wall indicates that it was built in 1721. A flight of stone steps leads up to the Entrance Hall which contains various interesting curiosities. A model of the battleship Ville de Paris made by prisoners out of beef bones and a model of the Groyne Lighthouse, South Shields may be seen, while other relics are mounted on the walls or suspended from the ceiling. We were shown around the Library and the Board Room, the walls of which were literally covered in paintings and engravings. Some of the paintings were by Carmichael, the shipwright turned artist. Finally we came into the Chapel which is said to date from 1491 with its ancient pews and pulpit of finely carved black oak. Our guide was excellent and very knowledgeable indeed. Ian Miller Senior Steward FreemenMagazine 11

Stewards Committee News We have continued assessing and installing the Elizabethan metal fence where appropriate, in 2014 a section on east of the A167 on Grandstand Road adjacent to the woods was installed, we took the opportunity to bring the fence line nearer to the road thus reducing the verge to a manageable depth of three metres. As you will be aware there is a public perception that the Freemen are responsible for all maintenance of the verges of the Town Moors when actually it is in partnership with the City Council. Newcastle City Council has been obliged to reduce verge and hedgerow maintenance, and where this has had an impact on areas adjacent to the Town Moors we have stepped in to carry out the work to protect the Town Moors from infestation and to ensure the routes into the City are presentable. There are many requests for events to be held on various Town Moors which we accommodate as much as possible, permission has been given for the Army Medical Corp to hold a “Medi-Challenge” on Nuns Moor which will involve a scenario where casualties are located and medically assessed then evacuated by foot to a Chinook helicopter which will land on the Moor.

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We have many requests for charity runs to use the Town Moor, each one has to be assessed to take the safety of the public and cattle into consideration. The Cancer Research 5k and 10K Race for Life including the Pretty Muddy event has been given the green light and we are working with the organisers to finalise arrangements. These are in addition to the annual events the largest being the Hoppings, also the Circus, Great North Run, Army recruitment day, not forgetting the Nuns Moor Fair, the list is endless. Members of the Stewards Committee and the Town moor Superintendent constantly carry out inspection of areas where a lease is in place, ranging from the Newcastle Golf Club to Allotments, lease enforcement being a very important function to protect the Town Moors. When any lease is due to be renewed we review the content to ensure there is provision for reinstatement within the lease, an area which was lacking as we experienced with the University Botanic Garden lease. We are often asked ‘what is an Intake?’ In accordance with the provisions of the Town Moor Act 1988 the City Council may, with the concurrence of the Stewards Committee, grant leases of Intakes by public auction or tender for a term not exceeding 21 years. Revenue derived from the intakes is utilised by the Town Moor Money Charity. The Stewards Committee carefully consider the potential impact any lease has on the environment.

Stints We should never underestimate the importance of grazing the Town Moor, it is the single most important activity undertaken by the Freemen, this centuries old tradition of grazing mulch cows is so important it is enshrined in law, as described in the Town Moor Act. Stints is a term used to describe the authority to graze a cow on the Town Moor. The Stewards Committee have the power, subject to provisions of the Town Moor Act 1988, to regulate the stintage of the Town Moor, that is to say, the allocation of grazing rights and the conduct of grazing and may make such rules for that purpose as may be required. They also decide the number of cows which may be depastured on the Town Moor in any year having regard to the conditions and capacity of the areas available up to a maximum of 800 cows.

Each resident Freemen (living within the city of Newcastle) or surviving spouse is entitled to apply before 1st April in any year for stints (each of which shall be in respect of the right to depasture one cow) if the applications exceed the number of stints or the stints outnumber the applications a ballot takes place. Resident Freemen if allocated a stint may depasture their own cow or authorise the Stewards Committee to sell or transfer on their behalf the stints which they have been allocated in the ballot. The Stewards Committee may impound any cattle, horses, sheep, pigs or other domestic animals at large on the Town Moor without lawful authority. The grazing season starts on 31st March through to 31st October each year, (and on occasions beyond) dependant on the condition of the herbage, the graziers start to deliver the cattle gradually building up the the herd circa 600 cattle were present on the Moors. At the end of the season graziers collect the cattle which are returned to the farms for the winter period.

No cow can be depastured except under the authority of a stint ticket issued by the Stewards Committee to a Newcastle resident Freemen or surviving spouse or his or her transferee on payment of a sum which is fixed be the Stewards Committee and applied towards the cost of herding, administration for depasturing cows on the Town Moor.

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Newcastle upon Tyne Trade Guilds British History Online includes interesting abstracts of the various Guilds of Newcastle upon Tyne too many to include all in one issue, but we will include two or three in each publication. Merchant Adventure’s, comprising the three branches of Drapers, Mercers, and Boothmen.

The borough of Newcastle upon Tyne, distinguished by some privileges in former charters, was honoured very early in the reign of King John, with new franchises and more extensive immunities. It was not, however, till his 17th year, A. D. 1215, that he constituted therein a society of free merchants, the members of which he exempted from pleading anywhere without its walls to any plea, but that concerning foreign tenures: he released them also from the duties of toll, lastage, pontage, and passage in all the seaports of his dominions at home and abroad, empowering the mayor of Newcastle, or sheriff of Northumberland, to give them reparation for whatever injury they might sustain. The above charter was confirmed to the merchants of Newcastle by the succeeding sovereigns, Henry III. Edward II. and Edward III. with the addition of new privileges. In 1281, an Italian merchant occurs making large shipments of wool and leather at 14 FreemenMagazine

Newcastle, a privilege not granted to the guild of Merchants. In 1343, they complained that the other burgesses of the town were permitted to purchase merchandise at prime cost, for their private use, out of all ships in the port, which was an infringement of their immunities. In 1353, Edward III. removed the staple of English wool from the Flemings to England, when Newcastle became one of the nine staple towns and in 1397, Richard II. granted leave to the Newcastle Merchants to carry woolfels, and other commodities, to any other foreign port, besides Calais, on paying custom and subsidy. This licence was, in after reigns, often repealed and renewed, just as the Merchants succeeded in bribing the crown. A considerable trade, at this time, seems to have been carried on between Newcastle and the ports of the Baltic. In the year 1480, the society of Merchants of Newcastle subscribed a written agreement for the better government of that body, which was to remain in force for six years. They bind themselves to meet and hold their courts at the Maison Dieu Hall, on the Sandhill, on the last Thursday of every month; their head meeting (called a guild) to be on the Thursday next after “Mid-fast” Sunday. Apprentices to serve seven years. The society are to go in procession on Corpus Christi Day, when they are to appear in the meal market, by seven o’clock in the morning. (By an after insertion, the time is altered till “after high mass be done.”) Those persons of the society who, for the time being, shall be mayor, sheriff, or aldermen, to attend, with their officers and servants, upon the holy sacrament, and according to seniority of office, are to be principal in the said solemn procession, in which the latest made burgess is to walk foremost. The name of the play they acted was “Hogmagog.” Many entries occur in their books concerning the expenses of the above procession and play. December 4, 1504, a licence was granted by King Henry VII. to the governor and merchants of the Merchant Guild of Newcastle upon Tyne, empowering them, till the 1st of August next, to buy any wools or woolfels of the growth of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Durham, Allerton, and Richmondshires, and ship them from Newcastle to any part of Flanders, Brabant, Holland, Zealand, or any foreign parts, at two

shippings, paying for every sack of wool 10s. and the like sum for every 240 woolfels. December 11, 1509, King Henry VIII. renewed the above grant: and, in 1517, he made an exemplification of former grants to the merchants of Newcastle. The exports of this society, about the year 1520, appear to have been canvas, sheep skins, lamb-fels, lead, grindstones, coals, and rough-tanned leather. A. D. 1546, King Edward VI. granted the charter under which the present company of Merchant Adventurers took their corporate title of “The Governor, Assistants, Wardens, and Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne,” which is their present name of incorporation. Previous to this time, they were styled “Merchant Venturers in the Ports of Brabant beyond the Seas.” By this charter, it was directed that a Governor, twelve Assistants, and two Wardens, should be elected, and sworn on the 9th day of October in every year; that the company should have a perpetual succession; power to sue and be sued, &c. a seal, a clerk, and beadle; power to purchase lands, to take recognizances, to make bye-laws, to buy and ship to foreign parts, &c. as before by Henry VII. The following are the names of the original officers of the Company, inserted in the charter, viz. Henry Anderson, Governor; Robert Brandling, Robert Lewen, George Davell, Mark Shaftoe, Cuthbert Ellison, Robert Brigham, William Carr, Bartholomew Bee, Roger Mitford, Thomas Bewicke, Bertram Anderson, and Oswald Chapman, Assistants; Bertram Bewicke and John Rawe, Wardens. Charters of confirmation were subsequently granted by Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and King James I.

Coopers Guild The ancient ordinary of this society, dated January 20, 1426, enjoined them to go together yearly at the feast of Corpus Christi in procession, as other crafts did, and play their play at their own charge; each brother to attend at the hour assigned him at the procession, on pain of forfeiting a pound of wax; that none should take a Scotsman born to apprentice, nor set any such to work, under the penalty of 40s. whereof 26s. 8d. to go to the fraternity, and 13s. 4d. to “Sente Nicholas Kyrkwarke.” No brother to take any more than one apprentice in seven years. All turners and pulleymakers coming to Newcastle, to be bound by the same ordinary. An ‘after clause’ forbade the employing of any Dutchman; and, by another after clause, the company of ropers was united with this society. By an ordinance of the corporation of Newcastle (17th of Elizabeth) which consolidates the companies of coopers, pulley-makers, turners, and rope-makers, it is ordained, “That none of these companies shall take any apprentice but one in four years, except the children of brethren;” and by a bye-law of this consolidated company, in the year 1786, it was enacted, “that for the enrolment of every apprentice so taken, a brother shall pay £10, or any apprentice at all during the servitude of another, £5.” January 30, 1650, the corporation of Newcastle ordered this company a lease for seven years of a place in the Manors, to be a meeting-house. The Company of Plasterers appear to have met with this society soon after the restoration. The following entry occurs in their books:—”June 5, 1667, received of the Plasterers for their part of the plastering of the new meeting-house, £1, 4s. 6d.” October 7, 1699, a warrant was granted to this society by the Mayor of Newcastle, to search all herrings, &c. a power which is still continued in their hands. In 1725, a legacy of £20 was left by Mrs. Margaret Stephenson to this society, to be divided, and let out to two brethren for a certain number of years, without interest. The company consists of 70 members. Previous to 1791, they met in a room above the Water Gate, on the Sandhill. At present, they hold their meetings at a tavern, but have petitioned for Pink Tower, which it is expected will soon be converted into a handsome meetinghouse. FreemenMagazine 15

Town Moor Superintendent’s Report Following on from the last issue of our magazine I can conclude that the feedback from our graziers was that they had again enjoyed a very productive grazing season on the Town Moors with all indicating that they would love to be invited back to graze their cattle in the spring of 2015. The Hoppings vacated the Town Moor and as the weather had been very kind whilst Europe’s largest travelling fun fair visited our City, this in turn meant that the reinstatement works were kept to a minimal. As a consequence of this it enabled us to investigate parts of the vast drainage network within the site which had not been operating as it should have been. After a week of investigating these areas, 3 areas were highlighted for repair. The findings were reported back to the Stewards Committee along with the plan of repair, the schemes were agreed and the works were carried out immediately giving maximum benefit to the land prior to the winter months ahead. We imported 560 tonnes of new top soil onto the site. This was used to infill large shallow depressions on the site to allow the surface water to run to the drainage schemes

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allowing the land to drain quicker and better rather than gathering in the slack areas and creating mini ponds all over the site. The areas were all worked and seeded and as a result the seed has taken very well and the pasture improved. Southern Green returned to Moor Bank garden on the 16th of October with delegates from the Avery Hill Botanic gardens in Greenwich to remove the specimens they had earlier potted on. Both agencies expressed their gratitude to the Stewards Committee of the Freemen for allowing them the opportunity to access such a variety of plants that they may have never had the chance of obtaining. Our staff continue to maintain the Gardens on a care and maintenance basis. May I express great credit to our staff for the works that have been carried out so far. Feedback from the Stewards Committee is that the grounds look better now than they have ever done. There is further tree work planned in for over the winter months as part of the winter works programme, these works can only benefit the other plants within the gardens allowing them to flourish which will in turn enhance the overall appearance of the Moor Bank Lodge Gardens. The Town Moor was host to a multitude of events over the summer months filtering into the autumn, we had the Hoppings, followed by the Pride in July, followed by the Mela in August, which overlapped with the circus, we then hosted the Great North Run in midSeptember, then we had the private schools

cross country championships, followed by the National cross country championships which is the first time they had used the Town Moors. The Lord Mayor of Newcastle opened the event and assisted in presenting the medals at the end of the event. Feedback from the event organisers was that the Moors had provided a challenging course and all were impressed with the venue. Moving into mid-October the Army from Fenham Barracks held an open day on the Town Moor for the public of Newcastle to attend free of charge as a way of a thank you for their continued support during the recent middle eastern conflicts. Different regiments put on their displays across the course of the day which was well attended and as a consequence talks of hosting a similar event this year are already underway. Then to finish the year off we had the New Year’s Day Resolution Charity Run, with the proceeds raised from this event going to Saint Oswald’s Hospice and Water Aid. Our Elizabethan fencing programme continued with 304 metres of wooden fencing being replaced on Grandstand Road this now completes Grandstand Road renewal from the Blue House right up to the southern slip road of the A167. Other

stretches of refurbishment are being looked at and I may be reporting on them in the next issue. Town Moor Staff are steadily working their way through the winter works programme, the main concentration of the these works have involved the staff “stepping in” to assist the City Council with boundary fence line clear outs and verge works on Town Moor land. With continued cut backs within our City Council the Stewards Committee through the Town Moor Joint Working Group have given assurances of support and assistance where needed. This has been greatly appreciated by the Local Council and work continues as a partnership throughout the West End of Town Moor land. On the main Town Moor our drainage renewal programme continues with a vast scheme being implemented below the two hills, we hope this will be finished by the end of February, and once settled will improve a large parcel of land that has recently become waterlogged due to collapsed and blocked field drains. Further updates to be included in my next report. Kevin Batey Town Moor Superintendent

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Diary Dates

Notice Board & Freemen Shop

Easter Guild

The Hoppings

Held upstairs in Newcastle Guildhall (on Quayside, bottom of Dean Street) Close Court of Guild (for Company Stewards only) begins at 10.30 am.

Come along and enjoy all the fun of the largest traveling funfair in Europe (probably the World).

Monday 13th April 2015

Open Court of Guild (for all Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne) commences at 12 noon prompt. You must be seated by 12 noon for the Open Guild in readiness to receive the Lord Mayor. The meeting concludes with new Freemen being called, and if present sworn in by the Lord Mayor.

19th June - 27th June 2015

Monday 12th October 2015 Held upstairs in Newcastle Guildhall (on Quayside, bottom of Dean Street)

Following the proceedings a buffet lunch is served in the Merchant Adventurers Court.

The Lord Mayor’s Parade

Open Court of Guild (for all Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne) commences at 12 noon prompt.

To be held in the Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas. Robing in the Cathedral Refectory at 9.30am. for commencement of parade into the Cathedral at 9.45a.m. with the Lord Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne.

John George Glass Margaret Storey Tanners Company

Michaelmas Guild

Close Court of Guild (for Company Stewards only) begins at 10.00 am. At this particular meeting the Stewards Committee is democratically elected via ballot for the ensuing year.

Sunday 17th May 2015


You must be seated by 12 noon for the Open Guild in readiness to receive the Lord Mayor. The meeting concludes with new Freemen being called, and if present being sworn in by the Lord Mayor. Following the proceedings a buffet lunch is served in the Merchant Adventurers Court.

All Newcastle Freemen are welcome. Should you need to borrow a robe there will be a small quantity available on the day. To assist on the day, parking will be available at Moor Bank Lodge and transport at 9:00am to and from the Cathedral will be provided.

Annual Guild Days Christmas Guild - the first Monday after 13th January Easter Guild - the first Monday after Easter Monday Michaelmas Guild - the first Monday after Michaelmas Monday

Colin Ions Shipwrights Company Bill Lorraine Cordwainers Company William Sexton Blake Plumbers Company

The Freemen of Newcastle shop is open Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne pin badges are available now. The 16mm badge depicts the armorial bearings of the City circled by the inscription “Freemen of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne”. The ever popular multi crested silk ties are back in stock. And new for the ladies - 25mm Charm, Necklaces are also available complete on a 60mm chain, both depict the armorial bearings of the City circled by the inscription “Freemen of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne”. Orders to Kevin Batey Town Moor Superintendent at Moozr Bank Lodge, payment with order by cheque payable to ‘Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne’ - the address can be found at the rear of the magazine. Ties - £27.00 Pin Badge - £3.00 Stick Pin Badge - £4.00 Charm - £6.00 Necklace - £7.00

18 FreemenMagazine

FreemenMagazine 19

Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne Superintendent and Office Mr Kevin Batey, Moor Bank Lodge, Claremont Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4NL Tel: 0191 2615970 Email: Website: freemenofnewcastle

COPYRIGHT: Freemen of Newcastle upon Tyne. PUBLISHER: Riney Publishing Limited, Sue Riney-Smith Tel: 01325 304360 Email:

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