t takes a bit more than a global pandemic to keep Freemen from conducting their business and just to prove that point, Michaelmas Guild took place as planned on 12th October 2020. Meticulous planning ensured that a Covid -safe environment was put in place which not only ensured the safety of all Company Stewards who attended but allowed essential Freemen business to be approved and moved forward.
Stewards Committee would like to thank all those who attended and equally importantly, those who were asked not to attend because numbers were restricted and closely monitored.
The decision was made to use the Newcastle Eagles Arena as they have a function room big enough to allow a 2 metre gap between 30 attendees, and accommodate a one way system with sanitisation stations at various points throughout the building. Instructions on how to get there and what to expect on arrival were sent out and packs were assembled with the relevant paperwork to reduce paper handling on the day. All attendees were asked to bring masks and wear them if they were walking around; masks could be removed when attendees were sitting. A social distance policy of 2 metres was observed at all times. Spare masks, hand sanitiser and bottled water were all made available.
The planning started several weeks before the actual event with many venues researched and viewed. Stewards Committee contacted all Company Senior Stewards to invite them to attend; numbers were then analysed to ensure as many companies as possible were included and phone calls made to confirm arrangements. 6
Freemen Magazine