Ripon Magazine: Summer 2011

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Ripon College prepares students of diverse interests for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. Our liberal arts curriculum

learning community in which students experience a richly personalized education. 6


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Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Postage paid at LaCrosse, WI. Copyright © 2011 Ripon College POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ripon Magazine, PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 5491-0248 Editor: Jaye Alderson e-mail:

On the Cover:


and residential campus create an intimate

Ripon Magazine (ISSN 1058-1855) is published twice annually by Ripon College, 300 Seward St.,


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Editorial Assistants: Ric Damm, Cody Pinkston Student Assistants: Lori Schroeder ’13 Design: WDG Communications, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Katie Corbett ’11 shares a joyful hug with Joe Hatcher, department of psychology.




Ripon alumni, Japanese people look toward ‘a new normal’ ▪ Always for Ripon ▪ Unexpected doorways opened ▪ Gillespie legacy expands with new generation




inside 4

Ripon alumni, Japanese people look toward a new future A massive earthquake in March and its devastating aftereffects are having enormous impact on the everyday lives of Japanese people. They also are highlighting implications for possible similar disasters around the rest of the world. But Ripon alumni currently living in Japan report a strong sense of community and determination to move forward as the people of Japan work to recover.


Always for Ripon Bill Neill ’67 has spent 36 years – nearly all of his working career – on the campus of his beloved alma mater. For the last 24 years, he has been director of charitable planned giving and has gently spread his love of Ripon and support for its mission to countless alumni. While he plans to retire June 30, he remains more than ever “Always for Ripon.”

10 2011: A Class Act The achievements of the Class of 2011 were celebrated as the graduates received their diplomas May 15 at Commencement. Speakers used the day’s theme of “Ethics” to provide guideposts for the new alumni as they step out to take their place in the world. 14

Unexpected doorways opened Sam Sondalle ’11 is a first-generation college student who grew up only 14 miles from the Ripon College campus. His enthusiasm, hard work and the opportunities he pursued at Ripon have opened up the world to him as he heads for graduate studies at Yale University this fall. Photo: Friends and family of Ripon College and its new graduates gathered under clear and cool skies for Commencement. The celebration on the lawn in front of Harwood Memorial Union featured tears and cheers as 259 members of the Class of 2011 joined the ranks of Ripon alumni.


Ripon Online: Ripon Online Community:

16 Sports 18 Class Notes 30 In Memoriam



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Welcome to the New You might have noticed something a bit different about this issue of the magazine. As one of the most important windows into Ripon for our nearly 10,000 living alumni, we thought the only way to show the color and zest of Ripon College was to have a magazine that was, well, colorful and zesty. The added time, expertise and cost involved with a full-color reimagining of the publication means that, starting with this issue, Ripon Magazine will be published only twice per year: a summer issue and a winter issue with a separate Annual Report. The overall editorial focus will be to produce content that anyone – not just alumni – would find interesting, while keeping many of your favorite sections such as Class Notes. Regarding the magazine, I’d be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the editorial board who have helped us navigate the oft-challenging transition from old to new. Hats off to Jaye Alderson, Stacy Chapin, Ric Damm, Nancy Hintz ’82, Jessica Joanis, Leigh Mlodzik ’02, Bill Neill ’67, Chris Ogle ’80, Cody Pinkston, Sam Poullette ’13 and Jody Roy for their roles in bringing this dazzling new publication to fruition. To help fill some of the content gaps between magazines, we soon will launch a new website, with a number of features that will make it easier for us to provide our constituents with the 2


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David C. Joyce, President Ripon College

latest information. We do our best to keep pace with the dizzying evolution of technology and how the Ripon College community shares information, and though it sometimes seems like a receding horizon, we learn more about it every day. As we prepare to meet the challenges of tomorrow and lay the groundwork for our upcoming capital campaign, these new tools will become every bit as essential as the viewbook, a class letter or, yes, even the magazine. Perhaps nothing has changed how we produce and consume content for the Web more than video. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the potential impact of digital video is almost inestimable. A compelling narrative of just a few minutes can



be shot, edited and uploaded to the world within a few hours’ time, and viewed by thousands or even tens of millions if it’s compelling enough. Contrast that with the time it takes to develop, research and proof a feature story, or to pitch that story to a few dozen media outlets, and the case for making good videos becomes very strong. Ripon College has 40+ videos on its YouTube page now (www. with dozens more in the pipeline. With so many great Ripon stories to tell, it’s a no-brainer that we should increase our presence in the multimedia space, as well. Much has changed at Ripon during my tenure as president, and much will continue to change. There are a number of jokes about change in higher education, but by and large it is a good thing. It keeps us from getting complacent and it forces us to – with apologies to David Mamet – Always Be Learning. What should not and will not change at Ripon are our ideals, our principles and our values. Behind the stories we endeavor to tell are people, and behind those people is a fundamental belief in what we do. The tools used to deliver our message may change, but our shared belief in it does not. We hope you enjoy opening this new window into the world of Ripon College, and that it brings a little extra color and zest into your day. The best is yet to come. b

L E T T E R S to the E D I T O R ‘A Hawk’s Eye,’ indeed! The caption for the photograph on the back cover of the Fall 2010 issue – “A Hawks’ eye view” over Harwood Memorial Union – has a double meaning. The College dietician in my time was named Lucille Hawkins, and she ruled the kitchen and dining room. We student workers called her The Hawk. When I read this caption, I found that very amusing. It has a double meaning for us old folks who worked in the kitchen under her hawk’s eye. My wife, Janet Knop McCorison ’49, was The Hawk’s assistant – a gopher, I suppose you’d call her. I worked in the kitchen as a dishwasher and waiter, and I mashed the potatoes in a great big mashing machine. Our suppers or dinners were sit-down, and waiters served the food family-style to the tables. It was a more-or-less formal occasion. Those were great days, right after the war. Marcus McCorison ’50 Worcester, Mass.

Ripon experiences had far-reaching effects I was delighted with Susan Brady Wojasik’s poem about her cat, Jubilee, in The Last Word of the Fall 2010 issue of the Alumni magazine. Susan and her husband-to-be, George Wojasik, were good friends of mine during my days at Ripon. The poem hit home since long after Ripon I became an English professor with a specialty in 18th-century British literature, and I have taught the Christopher Smart poem on which she bases her clever effort many, many times. I don’t have Susan’s address to direct my praise to her personally, but perhaps this will let her know how much I appreciated her poem and the fond memories of Ripon, Susan and George that it triggered. The Fall 2010 issue, for some reason, triggered fond memories of my days at Ripon and my visits to the campus thereafter. Ripon has done a great deal for me. I was an English major who studied under some of the best teachers and most admirable professors one can imagine, including Bill Tyree with whom I still correspond, and my education at Ripon led me to obtain both a master’s degree and a doctorate in English and to have a full and happy professional life as a teacher, scholar and administrator. My experience in Ripon’s theatre productions led to my first job after graduation, as an actor at Door County’s Theater in the Garden (Peninsula Players) and a brief but exciting period as an actor.

I was the editor of “College Days,” and that experience enabled me to become the newspaper editor at McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Wash., when I joined the Air Force. Although the military and I did not really gel, I loved the job and it was an excellent life experience for me. I played football for two years, and that experience gave me a sense of the importance of teamwork and the true value of how athletics should fit into the academic sphere. At Ripon, the football coaches always knew that, while athletics were important, the mission of the College was academic and studying for an exam was more important than football practice. It’s too bad that the big football schools don’t have that same philosophy. These are specifics, but the most important thing about the Ripon experience to me is the overall experience, quality of education, the friends (with many of whom I still correspond), the atmosphere of intimacy that is lost at big universities. I have held teaching positions at Fresno State, Washington State and the University of Texas at San Antonio (which now has 30,000 students), and if asked what would I do if I went back in time and started my higher education over again, I would respond: RIPON COLLEGE! John A. Stoler ’56 San Antonio, Texas

Leader of the feline lovers … and counting I have finally unearthed the things that live on the bottom of piles on desks and found the article about the alumni and their cats. It is very evident that no one checked with the cat woman – me – when writing the article. When my husband, Alan ’78, and I were in college, we opened a fortune cookie that read “happy marriage and 19 children.” Over the years, we have produced two children and many cats. We began our marriage with two cats, then three, then the two children, then two gerbils, then two bunnies, then one or two at a time, more cats. We live in the country with a big barn (where the cats are supposed to live) and I swear that there is a cat underground that says ‘if you are sick, pregnant, hungry, lonely go to this place, they will take you in and love you.’ After a while, it became apparent that the fortune cookie was following us because no matter the combination we had two children and 17 animals. Now that the children have managed to grow up, somehow unscathed by all the fur, it is just Alan and I rambling around our big old house and six acres. Plus the 19 cats! You can always tell when I’m in the yard – there is a parade behind me, usually 11

or so little fur balls following me. It’s rather amusing when I go for a walk. I always have a companion or two; and when I’m gardening, there is always a garden cat of the day. So, you see my surprise when I read the article in the summer 2010 edition of the Ripon Magazine titled “Felines are the Cat’s Meow” and I wasn’t included. I think I trump most people’s cat collections, which is OK. I could supply pictures of all involved, but the moment I open the garage door they swarm me thinking it’s feeding time. Susan Higby Hodkiewicz ’77 Columbus, Wis.

Spencer Tracy still casts a spell Enjoyed reading the Alumni News (online alumni newsletter). Seeing a picture of Dr. (David) Joyce along with the Tracy clan brought back some memories for me that I thought you might enjoy. In 1949, when I was a freshman pledge at West Hall (Alpha Phi Omega), there was a routine that the active fraternity members made us perform whenever we came into the Chapter Lounge room where there was a large framed picture of Spencer Tracy. Spencer had been a member of West Hall when he was attending Ripon back in the 1920s. The routine was that we pledges had to get on our knees in front of the Spencer Tracy picture, bow three times and on each bow repeat the phrase, “Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, a friend is a person in front of whom one may think aloud.” That saying has stayed with me since graduating from Ripon in 1953, and I apply that today among my true friendships which I developed during the years. Marv “Spider” Prellberg ’53 Peachtree City, Ga.

President David Joyce visits with Cyndi Tracy, granddaughter of legendary actor Spencer Tracy ’24; her son, Shane Tracy; and Richard Harenburg ’66 at Ripon College’s Southern California Reception held in Los Angeles, Jan. 9, 2011. Ripon Extra:

Additional Letters to the Editor:

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Ripon alumni, Japanese people look toward

‘a new normal’

When the 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the northern coast of Japan on March 11, it set off devastating tsunamis, massive aftershocks, a nuclear crisis and asbestos threats. But Ripon alumni living in Japan report the Japanese people are strong, pulling together and setting their sights on a hopeful, new future. Eric Eguina ’06 lives in Tokyo, where he is laboratory manager and asbestos analyst at EFA Laboratories Ltd. Because of his expertise, he has been working almost non-stop – to the point of exhaustion – since the initial earthquake. After the March 11 earthquake, Eguina felt “fear and nausea,” he says. “I have experienced several earthquakes as a Californian, but never so strong that I felt motion sickness. It was as if the earth did not stop shaking for 15 minutes, violently at first but then slowly rocking.” For the next 48 hours, there were several hundred aftershocks. “The stress was so intense the first two nights that I crashed from exhaustion and slept through the aftershocks,”

Eguina says. “When my sleeping habits returned, my sensitivity to aftershocks increased. I would wake up in the middle of the night, chest pounding, adrenalin pumping, when any aftershock hit.” Eguina says that asbestos can be a major problem with earthquakes. The fibrous material can be found inside slate and wallboard broken up by the tsunami and now being hauled away in cleanup efforts. The cancer-causing agents are being found in air and debris throughout the disaster area. EFA and Eguina have been offering free asbestos testing and analysis to emergency workers and residents. He was in Sendai, Japan, April 7 to do air monitoring for a law association that specializes in housing.

“That evening, I was staying in a hotel on the ninth floor,” Eguina says. “We experienced one of the biggest aftershocks – 7.4 magnitude. My room was trashed. Everyone went down to the lobby after the quake. I was pretty tired, and my nerves were on edge. I went back to my room to grab a pillow and then headed back to the lobby to sleep. “We left the hotel at about 7 a.m. to head back to Tokyo. I had to analyze the air samples we took. They came back positive. The data we collected has kept the asbestos issue circulating.” Eguina returned to Sendai April 21 and 22, doing more debris inspections and presenting findings to local and regional officials. The Associated Press accompanied Eguina April 22 and published photos and a report. “People here are amazing in their calm and cooperation with each other,” Eguina says. “We are all scared but don’t allow the fear to control us. We have maintained our sense of community to one another.”

Ripon Extra:



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On April 7, Eric Eguina does air sampling in the devastated area of Japan. In the background is a fallen building built with asbestos containing corrugated cement boards.

John McCullough ’07 of Soka, Japan, agrees. “The Japanese people are no strangers to these types of problems, and they took it well,” he says. “No riots, no looting and littleto-no violence. Stores remained open for people to get their supplies, and everyone put on a brave face through the following earthquakes. So, spirits are high. Of course we are shook up, but everyone wants to move forward as soon as possible.” Soka is located inland, in the Kanto region. When the March 11 quake hit, McCullough had just released his preschool students to their parents and gone to a store. He felt a dizzy sensation, then things began to shake. “This is normal and it wasn’t my first earthquake here, so people waited a second for it to stop but then things began to violently shake,” he says. “So people began to walk to the exit, but then it shook even harder so the walking became running. I pushed my way past people to get to my school, where thankfully everyone was OK.” An effect of all the aftershocks, he said, is that “our balance always seems off, and we can’t trust our judgment anymore when it comes to aftershocks. Even the mere thought of an aftershock and it feels like the ground is moving. We have developed tricks like watching a water bottle to see that it’s steady. (At that time) it’s plus 600 additional earthquakes and aftershocks we’ve been through. “Also, the earthquake warning sirens have gone off for what seems

like forever. The system works quite well, but it has become a bit maddening to hear this siren go off and to know it’s coming again. It gives you seconds to prepare yourself, and then everything starts to shake. When they come one after the other, it becomes a bit taxing on the body.” As thousands of foreigners fled Japan, McCullough says, “I was lucky enough to be surrounded by level-headed people and motivated individuals who wanted to get Japan working again in our own small ways.” He did volunteer work around Tokyo because work in the devastated area was earlier restricted to military personnel. He also established a Facebook site, Sendai Earthquake Relief Networking, to list volunteer opportunities and how to donate food and funds. The volunteer group Peaceboat accepted him for a relief trip to the devastated area, largely because of his disaster work with other Ripon students in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The relief trip ran April 29 through May 7 in Ishinomaki, a city outside of Sendai in Miyagi prefecture. “We had to bring up our own supply of water, food and camping gear as the area is still in a bad situation,” McCullough says. “Which made for very, very heavy bags. They advised us to pack two liters of water for every day, and you can work out how heavy that was for us. On top of that, professional cleaning gear (including leather gloves for

In this area of Ishinomaki, there were fish processing plants that held fresh and frozen fish. When the tsunami knocked them out, tons upon tons of these fish were poured into the city. John McCullough helped clean up here more than a month after the disaster. “The fish were quite ripe and nature has had its way with them, so to speak. The smells were beyond terrible,” he says.

John McCullough and his colleagues clean the inside of a theater. Their protective gear is quite important as the mud they were cleaning and the surrounding air is toxic.




COVER STORY Below, left: John McCullough rides on the back of a truck after delivering toxic fish to a port area. “This is an area we didn’t want to stay in long due to the possibility of a new quake/tsunami hitting us,” he says. “We were feeling aftershocks every now and then, so it was fresh on our minds.” Below, right: Japanese locals and city officials were happy to see the volunteers. The coordinator of John McCullough’s volunteer group told them it was only weeks ago that the world had seemed bleak to them, but the arrival of volunteers gave them new hope and strength to renew their town. Above, right: Junichi “Jay” Sasahara ’80 in front of a damaged phone booth in his neighborhood.

Sendai Earthquake Relief Networking



RIPON College

2011 handling glass, metal insoles for our boots, helmet, etc.), $50 for the bus ride, which all added up quite quickly. Made for the most expensive volunteering trip ever for most of us.” McCullough says the smell in Ishinomaki “was a whole new level of bad. Between the toxic mud we worked in, the rotting fish everywhere, and the other things that I will not mention, it made for a terrible ordeal. And there were children out playing in this as well.” People here had had a dim outlook on life, but the arrival of the volunteers changed attitudes, he says. Junichi “Jay” Sasahara ’80 spent the 1977-78 year at Ripon. He now lives in Urayasu City, Chiba prefecture, and also expresses gratitude for the assistance Japan is receiving. “It is a critical period for Japan to rebuild the Tohoku area and revive factories that supply parts and products all over the world,” he says. “Agriculture is damaged not only by earthquake but also by rumor of radioactive pollution. Consumption is not strong enough yet because Japanese hesitate to behave as happy as we were in face of

disasters in Tohoku. However, we are confident that we will make a miracle to rebuild the country. “We know that the whole world is supporting Japan and those who suffer from the disaster. We know that Americans and friends in the world not only send food, cash and necessities, but also send people to look for survivors in the rubble. Sendai Airport, swallowed by the tsunami, is now open because American soldiers spent days and nights to clear mud and debris. We feel that your thoughts are with us. We appreciate very much your warm-hearted support.” Sasahara says his neighborhood has sustained severe infrastructure damage. “Water and gas supply was cut because liquefaction damaged water, gas and sewage

pipes under the ground,” he says. “Utility poles were tilted due to elevated ground. For the first time in my life, I had the experience of lining up to receive drinking water from water supply trucks for a week. “My family was lucky because it lasted only for a week, but thousands of households did this for four weeks after the earthquake. My wife and I went to a nearby junior high school’s swimming pool to receive non-drinking water to be used to flush the toilet. We learned how to conserve water and energy by necessity.” He says the current electric supply is not enough to keep up with energy demands. Although there was not much physical damage in Tokyo, electricity saving has changed the way people live. “We realize now how much energy we wasted before the earthquake,” Sasahara says.

Wes Shemanski ’06 of Milwaukee, Wis., who visited Osaka, Japan, from Dec. 27 to Jan. 7, is relieved to know friends there are safe. He visited Japan to see Robert Waddelow ’06, who teaches English on a small island near Hiroshima. “It was very emotional when I first heard about the disasters,” Shemanski says. “I immediately thought of the friends I had over there and quickly contacted them via Facebook to make sure they were alright. I felt horrible for the people suffering, as my time in Japan showed me how good a people the Japanese are. This disaster really shows how small the world is and how interconnected we, as humans, really are.” b

John McCullough says the best part of the volunteers’ day was getting the power hose. “All of the toxic mud had to go before we got on our buses back to camp,” he says. “Unfortunately, the odor stuck around. It was nice to get your head wet, as well.”

Ripon Extra: Mat Luebbers ’81 is a swim instructor and head swim coach at Semper Fitness Aquatics on the Marine base in Okinawa. Read his story at:

A story about Jimmy Niescier ’14, whose parents, John and Carol Niescier, live on Yokota Air Force Base in Fussa, Japan, can be found at: ripon. edu/niescier




Always for B ill Neill is retiring, but R ipon remains forever in his heart


hen Bill Neill ’67 first came to check out the Ripon College campus, it was on the referral of a friend, Scott Jones ’54. They spent a day with Jones’ mentor, Professor of Philosophy William Tyree, ate lunch together in the newly completed Pickard Commons and toured the campus. “I liked the liberal arts and the residential campus,” Neill says. “It was very personal. To spend time with a full professor like Bill Tyree I thought was fantastic. Ripon went to the top of my list.” Neill went through ROTC at Ripon and met his wife, Judy Wilkinson Neill ’68, here. After graduation, he spent two years at Fort Eustis near Williamsburg, Va., a year in Vietnam, and two years in retail sales in Florida. He also spent 26 years in the U.S. Army Reserves and retired as a lieutenant colonel, serving last in California during Desert Storm. While still living in Florida, the Neills attended an alumni event there, and “it was like bringing the campus right back to us,” he says. A development opening noted in the 8


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College magazine for the director of the annual giving program spurred the couple’s interest in returning. They had been seeking a small environment like Ripon to raise a family, and “What could be better than Ripon itself?” Neill asked. They thought they’d give the adventure a five-year shot, he says. Just a few months after coming back to Ripon, he moved to alumni director (for 12 years), then to director of charitable gift planning for 24 years. Many alumni speak about the enthusiasm Neill generates for Ripon and gifts to the College. John Ryberg ’67 of Atlanta, Ga., lived across the hall from Neill in Scott Hall while they were attending Ripon, but their relationship solidified years later. After buying a house in Roswell, Ga., Ryberg discovered his next-door neighbors were Neill’s brother and sister-in-law. After that, Neill always made it a point to touch base when he was in town and to keep Ryberg apprised of classmates and Ripon news. Several years ago, Ryberg joined the college’s Alumni Board.

“One of the things Bill helped me appreciate is Partners in the Legacy,” Ryberg says, “and realizing how little it would hurt me but how much it would mean to Ripon. I don’t have to give up money now, just put a percentage in my will. “My appreciation of Bill is as a guy whose heart and soul is always with Ripon. He always makes you think about the College. The beauty of Bill’s low-key approach is that he helps ingratiate a feeling of benevolence for the College. He helps to remind people of how much we have benefited by the education we had received at Ripon. That was huge to me.” Rene Males ’54 of Hillsboro Beach, Fla., and Sam Dougan ’48 of Tucson, Ariz., agree. “He’s a very loyal Ripon graduate and very enthusiastic,” Males says. “It rubs off on everybody. He was helpful in getting (my planned giving) started and was so enthusiastic that we couldn’t back out!” Dougan adds, “We enjoyed sitting with Bill talking about Ripon days in our respective periods of time. He is pretty effective at getting people to pledge support to the College. He is very enthusiastic about

the Ripon area, he has received 37 the family for many years, and the Ripon College and what it stands strength of that relationship has resulted offers of full-time employment, partfor. That translated into being a very time employment and volunteer in a truly remarkable gift. What a effective proponent for gift-giving and opportunities. wonderful legacy to nearly four decades gift planning.” “While it’s very flattering,” he says, “I of quiet, but effective efforts on behalf President David Joyce appreciates plan to take the advice of a friend: stand of Ripon College.” what Neill has done for the College and back for a year and see where I am and Through the years, Neill has traveled for himself, personally. what Judy and I want to do.” a great deal for Ripon, has had one-on“Bill Neill has more than 30 years of He wants to leave his calendar open one conversations with countless alumni working experience at Ripon College so that he can get to projects he’s never and friends, and has become a walking and an unrivaled devotion to it,” Joyce gotten around to; spend more time with says. “He drives a red Prius with ‘RIPON’ encyclopedia about the Ripon family, organizations he cares about like the vanity plates. Everything he owns, wears past and present. Several years ago, he Kiwanis, Ripon Main Street, Boy Scouts started replacing “regards” or “sincerely” and adorns the walls of his office with and the Ripon Historical Society; and at the end of his correspondence with either says ‘Ripon College’ or is Ripon be able to respond to a beautiful day “Always for Ripon.” It’s a personal red. Bill knows, and actually has helped by taking a hike to create, much of “It really is something you get into your blood. in South Woods the College’s rich history. He has a You have to think about different ways we can help or going sailing on Green Lake. ‘steel trap’ memory move the College forward. All those things add up. Neill started and knows almost Always for Ripon; all ways for Ripon.” crewing for sailors everyone who when he was about spent time on this 8 years old and later taught sailing at a philosophy for him, and something by marvelous campus.” Scout camp. which he’s come to be known. When Joyce began his presidency at “Every year we’ve tried to find time “Some people write back, ‘Dear Always Ripon in 2003, he asked Neill to serve for Ripon,’ ” he says. “They’re getting the for a sailing holiday, but there was never in his office as a special assistant. “I point. I just feel that way about it. It’s not really enough,” he says. “Many years, asked Bill to … advise, guide and steer something you just do 9 to 5 or that you because of work, I missed some really me clear of the potential land mines can just turn on and off. It’s always got to nice days at Green Lake. I’m going to fix as we crafted the next chapter in the that this summer.” be there. history of Ripon College. He served He never has regretted not taking a “We are helping Ripon continue to be with distinction and, once I became different career path. the kind of College we’ve all come to acclimated to my new campus, he “Being a part of Ripon College eventually returned to the role for which expect. Ripon offers to a select number and the Ripon community has been of students a very special educational he is most suited: director of Charitable very special,” Neill says. “It really is experience that includes not just the and Planned Giving,” says Joyce. academic but an education that will keep something you get into your blood. You “Bill’s legacy will be felt for decades to have to think about different ways we them learning the rest of their lives. It’s come as the estate and gifts he helped can help move the College forward. All not just how I sign my correspondence; establish continue to underwrite our those things add up. Always for Ripon; it’s how I feel about the College.” mission. It is apropos that we recently all ways for Ripon.” b Neill will retire June 30 at the end received a generous gift which will of the academic year. As testament approach $3 million once it has been to the impact he has had around completely settled. Bill worked with SUMMER 2011





“A larger purpose of liberal education is to develop in our students an ethical sensibility,” President David C. Joyce said at Commencement May 15. “Doing this is crucial to our contribution to the greater social good and to the development of responsible citizens.”


AClass Act “Ethics” was the theme as Commencement was held under clear and cool skies as Joyce challenged the graduates to make the world a more positive and better place. He said it is inevitable that the graduates, in their personal and professional lives, will face difficult questions, be required to make hard choices and to take action based on those choices. “Ripon graduates will be asked to discern correct paths when none may appear clear, and to make right choices amid complexity and ambiguity,” he said. “More than that, they will, over the course of time, observe and be exposed to the choices of others, which they will, in


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turn, be required to evaluate using knowledge and perspectives that combine their education with their experiences and their values.” Honorary degree recipient and commencement speaker Kenneth R. Feinberg expanded on these thoughts. Feinberg has been key to resolving many of our nation’s most challenging and widely known disputes, including administering the 9/11 Fund and, currently, administering the $20 billion fund for claims following the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “In my chosen profession – the law – and, especially, when it comes to the various assignments I have accepted over the past decades,

I confront ethical dilemmas every day,” Feinberg said. In compensating victims of tragedies, it is a time-honored principle in American law to compensate more for those who earn more, he said. And while some victims of recent tragedies have been generously compensated, others have received nothing at all. “What is life worth? And why should some victims receive more money than others?” he asked. “These are not easy issues, and there are no easy answers. What is important is that we appreciate the underlying subject of ethics in the work that we do.” He offered the graduates a valuable

TWO HAPPY GRADUATES Allison Jensen, left, of Appleton, Wis., and Kylie Ainslie of Decatur, Ga., received their diplomas at a second Commencement ceremony held that evening at the home of Michele Wittler, associate dean of faculty and registrar, and George “Skip” Wittler, professor of biology. The pair missed the daytime ceremony because they were playing with Ripon’s softball team at the NCAA regional tournament hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The Red Hawks won three games to advance to the semi-finals before taking their second of two losses to the University of St. Thomas.

Hannah Miller enjoys Commencement Day SUMMER 2011



Jason Smith

Inga Johnson

Yuliya Zhosan leaps into the arms of her husband, Assistant Professor of Business and Economics Dmytro “Dima” Zhosan, after he presented the diploma to his wife.

“I hope you will fulfill your own individual dreams. Do not be defeated by temporary setbacks, do not shirk from seeking your life’s goal, and do not lose heart. You are our future – and the future is now! Bask in the glory of what you have accomplished – and get ready for tomorrow.”

Ripon Extra: For more photos, commencement speeches and audio of the ceremony, visit



RIPON College

lesson he has learned: “Take nothing for granted. Yes, take full advantage of what you have achieved. You have earned a head start in life. But do not assume that your Ripon degree guarantees future success. It is not an insurance policy. Life is often unfair; the most carefully drawn plans can be altered in an instant.” He said ethical dilemmas often force a choice between the easy, convenient route and the correct path. “Beware of shortcuts that undermine your individual integrity and sense of self. Remember Ripon College, what it stands for, and today’s featured topic of ethics. “I hope you will fulfill your

own individual dreams. Do not be defeated by temporary setbacks, do not shirk from seeking your life’s goal, and do not lose heart. You are our future – and the future is now! Bask in the glory of what you have accomplished – and get ready for tomorrow.” Other honorees were Harold Tafler Shapiro, president emeritus and professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University, who received an honorary doctorate of humane letters degree; and Douglas P. Debroux, mathematics teacher at Oregon (Wis.) High School, who received the Distinguished Educator Award. b

Geannine Griffith Harris, originally in the Class of 1985, left Ripon just before graduation. She worked for United Airlines for more than 20 years, and came back to Ripon this year to receive her diploma and bring personal and educational closure to this area of her life.

Senior Class Speaker Garrison McMurtrey

Kate Horkan

The German

Connection T

he graduating class of 2011 includes two German students who knew each other in Germany. Martin Esters is from Toenisvorst, and Jana Beyer is from Meerbusch. Both towns are close to Duesseldorf, the capital city of the German state North Rhein-Westphalia at the Rhine River. Esters attended St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, Wis., and was recruited to play basketball at Ripon by Coach Bob Gillespie. Beyer says, “I always wanted to study abroad after my high school graduation, and Ripon happened

to be my boyfriend’s, now fiancé’s, choice. The winter prior to my move to the United States, I visited him at Ripon College and really liked it. So I decided to come here, too.” Esters plans to be a college basketball coach in the United States and feels his Ripon education will be an asset. “I think it will help me a lot because I have a different perspective on a lot of things now,” he says. “The liberal arts education has definitely helped to broaden my horizon, and this caring environment has made me a better person.”

Jana Beyer is from Meerbusch, and Martin Esters is from Toenisvorst.

Beyer agrees. “Even though I believe my high school education in Germany already introduced me to many different fields of study, I really enjoyed the liberal arts education here and that I was able to take classes outside of my majors to keep exploring myself and broaden my knowledge,” she says. “Also, by studying in a different country, I am now fluent in two languages … and experienced life in a different culture, which helps me to better understand the world as a whole.” Profiles of other Germans in the Ripon family can be found on pages 20 and 27. b SUMMER 2011





Unexpected doorways opened F irst- generation student opens his heart to cardiac studies


am Sondalle ’11 grew up in Princeton, Wis., just 14 miles from Ripon. He is a first-generation student, the first in his close-knit family to attend college. Now the graduating senior with a ready smile is headed for Yale University in New Haven, Conn., for medical school. He talks fast, moves fast and has sought out every opportunity Ripon offers to move him on his way. He is ambitious and has a clear sense of direction. “I have always loved learning,” he says. “I’ve always wanted to be a doctor.” Almost all of Sam’s extended family live in the small towns surrounding Ripon. His father, Scott, is a tool and die maker, and his mother, Natalie, works for Blue Cross Blue Shield in Fond du Lac. Both encouraged Sam and his sister, Lydia, to aim for higher education. “From the moment we were born, they had the idea in their heads that we would be going to college,” he says. “Mom had several offers, and her biggest regret is not going to college. They knew the opportunities it would open up for us and allow us anything we wanted. They didn’t want us to have that regret.” At first, Sam had the common thought of getting far away when he went off to college. But in his own backyard, he discovered Ripon on a visit during his junior year in high school. He asked a lot of questions and met instructors like Masanori Iimura, assistant professor of chemistry. “He was so down-to-earth, personable and very intelligent,” Sam says. “It resonated with me the whole time I was thinking about where to go to school. It was the final decision factor in coming to Ripon.” Ripon Extra: Video Interview:

Sam’s YouTube Page: sondasam 14


RIPON College

He has attended Ripon on a full-tuition Pickard Scholarship, which allowed him to focus on academics. His early ambition was to be a dentist or medical doctor, but he now is planning to become a surgeon and a researcher specializing in congenital cardiac defects and cardiac tissue regeneration. He says the personal attention he received as a student at Ripon has facilitated his professional development. “A perfect example is always having projects where you have a topic and really research it,” he says. “Professors always want you to do something you’re interested in, and they know what you’re interested in. They know how to push you and pull you toward your goals. I love the fact that if I am in an academic building, I can walk into their offices, sit down and talk to them about my life. ‘How was break?’ ‘How are your kids?’ -personal stuff. They’re friends, not just professors.” Sam has developed a diverse research background. He has worked with Professor of Chemistry Colleen Byron on researching an enzyme involved with the metabolism of fats, and with other professors on grant proposals. In the summer between his sophomore and junior years, he worked with Brian Frey ’91 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on how to better analyze the structure of proteins.

Associate Professor of Biology Mark Kainz, right, explains to Sam Sondalle how to interpret a test to tell if a bacterium has an absolute requirement for oxygen or can live with or without oxygen.

Last summer, he worked at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute studying cardiac development in zebrafish. A paper about that work has been published in the prestigious “Nature” magazine and can be viewed on its website: Last year, Sam received a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, a highly competitive undergraduate scholarship for sophomores and juniors studying math, science and physics. The diversity of a liberal arts education also has left its mark on Sam. He continued his study of Spanish that he started in high school, and has expanded his musical studies. Sam has played piano since he was 7 years old and started taking organ lessons during high school. “I fell in love with it,” he says. “Organ is more complicated with having to use your feet and hands at the same time. I love playing the organ.” He has studied with Professor of Music Sarah Hughes Kraaz. Last May, he spent a two-week Maymester in Spain. At Madrid Cathedral, across from the royal palace, he asked to watch the organist play during Mass. Noting Sam’s infectious interest, the organist asked him if he’d like to play. “He was asking to me to sit

down and play in the middle of Mass!” Sam says, still with a touch of disbelief. “I was very, very nervous. I sat down at the organ bench and played at the offertory. I played at one of music’s major cathedrals during Mass. Luckily, I’ve never sight-read better in my life. I’d never been out of the country before. It was a bunch of firsts and definitely the best two weeks of my life.” Sam says the arts and his other cultural activities keep his life balanced with his scientific pursuits. “If I focus on one thing only, I feel burned out,” he says. “It’s nice to have something to go to. It’s a great stress relief. I’ll always continue playing the organ. It gives me that outlet and also makes other people happy using one of my talents.” After another visit to Spain this summer, Sam will start in the Yale School of Medicine’s medical scientist training program this fall to work toward both a medical doctor degree and a degree as a research doctor. Only 12 students were accepted for the program, and all of Sam’s tuition will be covered.

“I wouldn’t have predicted where I am now,” he says. “I’m still kind of in shock about all of this. It was a lot of hard work on my part, but also networking through Ripon and recommendations from professors.” Sam’s younger sister, Lydia, just completed her first year at Ripon. A cousin will start at Ripon in the fall, and another cousin has told her sixth-grade teacher about her ambitions to attend Ripon and then Yale, just like Sam. “I’m starting a kind of legacy here,” he says. “It’s kind of cool. My coming here has made my sister less afraid to go and grab for things. She’s immersing herself in Ripon, too, but in her own way. “I’m a go-and-get-’em kind of person. The opportunities are there. I think a lot of people neglect to notice them or neglect to look for things. I look for things, and if I think I’ll like them I’ll try them. And if I find I like them, I keep doing them. If you like them, you’ll going to excel. Find what you like and go with it. Don’t be passive.” b SSUUM MM MEERR 22001111





G i l l es p i e Legacy

eNHANCED BY new generatio n

Home, sweet home.


ever has that held more true than for Ripon College Head Basketball Coach Bob Gillespie and his son, Red Hawks point guard Scott Gillespie. A fourth-team All-State selection at Ripon High School and that school’s career scoring leader, Scott had college coaches from all divisions knocking down his door to play basketball for them. In the end, though, he needed to look only down the hallway to see for whom he would play at the next level. “When I first decided to come to Ripon College, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to play at a Division I school,” Scott says. “But now that the four years are over, I’m thrilled with everything my dad and I have been able to experience. In addition to that, the education I received at Ripon can’t compare to any other school in the country.”



RIPON College

Scott gaduated in May with a degree in communication. His experiences at Ripon College include a laundry list of accomplishments that left an enormous dent on the College’s record book, including a Ripon record of 602 assists. Bob – who won 49 games in Scott’s four years of leading the team, giving him 496 victories for his career – says, “I think the assist record will be hard to break because he broke it by 103 assists, which is a season’s worth for most players. It’s easier to find a great scorer than to find a guy who’s going to spread the ball around and record that many assists.” Scott’s career culminated during his senior season, as he was the only player to rank in the top 10 in the Midwest Conference in scoring, assists and steals. That helped him

win the MWC Player of the Year award, marking just the fifth time a Ripon player has earned that honor in Bob’s 31 years as head coach. In addition to that, Scott was named to the All-Region team for the third time in his career, became the fourth player in school history to earn AllAmerican honors, earning a spot on the second team; and was named as one of 10 finalists for the Jostens Trophy, given to the top player in Division III basketball. “We were both surprised when he was named as a finalist for the Jostens Trophy because the players that get recognized for that award are usually on teams that go far in the NCAA Tournament,” Bob said. “When you look at his résumé, though, it’s a page long, so I think Scott’s reputation throughout the Midwest helped him receive a lot of

2010-11 those post-season awards.” As great as Scott’s career ended, it wasn’t for lack of bumps along the way. He started all 93 games as a Red Hawk, but early on, he was able to get by on raw athleticism more than anything else. “My first year here, I just tried to score all the time and didn’t necessarily grasp all of the offensive and defensive strategies that were being taught,” Scott said. “The more I played, though, the more my court awareness and knowledge improved. The last few years, I’ve been able to both make plays by myself and by getting my teammates involved.” Bob echoed those sentiments and was able to watch Scott’s growth from the best seat in the house, right on the bench. “I didn’t know what to expect the first year Scott was on the team, and it was hard at times because I sometimes wasn’t realistic in my expectations,” Bob said. “Each year Scott played here, he got progressively better as a player, and the last three years have been as good as they could possibly be. He was a very good player when he first came here, but I think he’s leaving as the best point guard in Division III.” b By Mike Westemeier Sports Information Director Ripon Extra:

Winter and Spring Sports Highlights

� TRACK AND FIELD: Sophomore Cory Zimmerman and freshman Derek Nelson each qualified and competed at the NCAA Division III National Meet in the 800-meter run and the 400-meter hurdles, respectively. Zimmerman finished 11th, and Nelson placed 15th. Zimmerman also was named MWC Track Performer of the Meet at the MWC Championships, and Head Coach Robert Duley was named MWC Men’s Track & Field Coach of the Year.

� SOFTBALL: Won second MWC Championship and first-ever NCAA Regional games, finishing third in the eight-team Eau Claire, Wis., regional with three victories. Sophomore Stephanie Rieuwpassa broke single-season school records for doubles (14) and strikeouts by a pitcher (158). She was named to the All-Region Second Team and was the MWC North Pitcher of the Year. � BASEBALL: Won second consecutive MWC Championship, (10th in 14 years). Senior third baseman Nick Beaman was named to the All-Region First Team and’s Preseason All-American Second Team. Sophomore centerfielder Taylor Koth was named to the Division III Central Region Gold Glove Team. Senior Jason Wierschke was named MWC North Pitcher of the Year, and senior rightfielder John Henrickson was named MWC North Player of the Year. � MEN’S BASKETBALL: Qualified for Midwest Conference Tournament for second straight season. Junior Aris Wurtz was named to the All-Region Third Team and Capital One Academic All-American First Team. � WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: Senior Emily Meyer was named to the MWC AllConference team for her third time.






The 1940s

Joan Hurley Van Zoeren ’53, also is a supporter of the College.

Irene Gelhar Hochrein ’41 of

Berlin, Wis., writes: “Retired but active. Married for 68 years. Still drive and play bridge three times a week.” John LaPotka ’42 of Madison, Wis., writes: “Retired from the military in 1963. Served with the 82nd Air Borne Regiment 2nd Air Borne Brigade from D-Day till the 82 occupied Berlin. Retired July 1963 as a lieutenant colonel, worked in Mendota Hospital as a recreation counselor for 15 years, retired July 1978.” Carol Maas Galginaitis ’44 of Pebble

Beach, Calif., writes: “I love living in Pebble Beach. My favorite place is Carmel Beach at the ocean, minutes away; also my big garden. I have five children and 10 grandchildren. One daughter, also named Carol Galginaitis, moved to nearby Pacific Grove. I am still painting large abstract oils for shows and exhibitions.” Raymond H. McLeod ’44 of Lincoln, Neb., writes: “I now have seven great-grandchildren, all living in Nebraska.” Beth Tilden Beattie ’49 and her husband,

Frederic “Ted” Beattie, of St. Louis, Mo., will move into a retirement center in the fall of 2011. Beth still directs one bell choir, rings in another and sings in her 80-voice church choir. She says she and Ted were engaged during her last two years at Ripon, “and in the Crimson paper someone commented that all I wanted for Christmas was a Bare Teddy. We’re still laughing all these years later.” They celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary in June.

The 1950s

Jim H. Thayer ’54 of Oshkosh, Wis., writes:

“Just completed 20 years of retirement from Speed Queen as a member of the domestic laundry sales department with many different leadership responsibilities. Accumulated one million air miles, conducting 7,000 meetings mostly in the United States, but did include business pleasure trips to 49 states and many free-world countries. For the last 10 years, have been a docent at the EAA air museum. Have been married to the same great lady, Phyllis, for almost 57 years. Five children, 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.” John Stoler ’56 of San Antonio, Texas, retired in 2007 as professor of English and associate dean after 38 years at the University of Texas-San Antonio. He continues to teach one upper-division or graduate course each semester. On their eighth annual trip to Hawaii, he and his wife, Linda, spent the night of May 11 on a hilltop because of the tsunami. “Daily water aerobics and teaching make semi-retirement a joy,” John says. Joan Anderson Bachus ’57 of Penn Valley, Calif., writes: “I continue to play golf, volunteer at The Empire Mine State Park and enjoy my family. Oldest granddaughter graduated from high school in June – doesn’t seem possible.” James E. Webster ’58 of Rio Verde, Ariz., is retired as an attorney with Solatin Billing Grinner in Madison, Wis. He says he is enjoying living in Arizona. Pete Kasson ’59 of Stevens Point, Wis.,

Vilma Butcher Carlson ’51 of Tekonsh,

Mich., writes: “Touristing in a Mongolian ger for two weeks without running water or electricity was an adventure, proving one can live quite adequately with a minimum of comforts! New Zealand and Australia this September will be ‘civilized!’ ”

is retired as a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; and Joyce Prout Kasson ’61 is retired as a registered nurse from St. Michael’s Hospital. They have three children, two of whom graduated from Ripon College; and four grandchildren.

RIPON College

Ken Luber ’60 of Idyllwild, Calif., has a book published, “Match to the Heart: a novel of love, angels and reincarnation,” by Dog Ear Publishing. It tells the story of a low-life drug dealer as he struggles for redemption and love. Information is available at the www. website or at Amazon. com. Luber previously worked in the Los Angeles film and television industry and now focuses on novels, teaching and travel. Karen A. Carlson ’61 of Novato, Calif., retired in 2000 after 20 years with Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. She since has worked in circulation with the Belvedere Tiburon Library – “a peach of a job!” she says. Yearly, she travels out of the country with her sister from Chicago. “I’ve remarked over and over, with travel, we learn how blessed we are in the United States with freedom,” Karen writes. “Having been a newspaper woman in the 1980s, I learned early on to reach beyond the headlines with questions in these far–away countries. I’d love to hear from classmates who plan to visit the San Francisco Bay area. I’m minutes from the city, where I’ve lived for more than 45 years.” James C. Suomi ’61 of Branson West, Mo.,

writes: “Worked at Sears for 411/2 years, married to Bonnie for 27 years. I have two children and two grandchildren. Bonnie has three children and five grandchildren. We live in Venice, Fla., during the winter for six months.”

Pam Pankey Drymiller ’62 of Bartlett, Ill., is retired as a teacher from the Chicago Public School System and is currently consulting for the Department of College and Career Planning for the school system. She took part in the East/West Center for the University of Hawaii teacher interchange program in 1966.

Charles Van Zoeren ’53


Patricia Baron Bressner ’60 of

Fountain Hills, Ariz., is now retired.

writes: “The motor home is gone, and we are in The Villages, Fla. There is too much to do here. I have started guitar lessons, taking classes at the Lifelong Learning Center in cartooning and religious studies.”

Obispo, Calif., writes: “Remember the laundry cases from the 1950s? We used to send our soiled clothing home to Mother in them, and she’d return them to us all clean and freshly ironed. What a deal!”


The 1960s

Robert G. Aikins ’62 of The Villages, Fla.,

Mary Lou Zender Latzer ’53 of San Luis

of Kalamazoo, Mich., has written a book, “It Was a Good Run: Recollections of a Lifetime in Trucking 1941-2008.” It details his employment with Alvan Motor Freight, founded by his father, Albert Van Zoeren. Van Zoeren served on Ripon’s Board of Trustees for 30 years and now is an honorary life trustee. His wife,

producing more than 30 nonprofit fund-raising events all over the country. At a recent social event in San Diego, Mirisch, top right, and his wife, Sandy, chatted with actor Mickey Rooney and his wife, Jan.

David Mirisch ’59 of Carlsbad, Calif., is

the senior consultant for the San Diego Senior Olympic Games. At 75, he still is involved in

THEODORA GREGG ‘62 of Athens, Ohio, continuing her “green” ways, has added solar panels and a heat pump to her house. With her younger son, Jamie, she traveled in late August and early September to the Czech Republic, Vienna and Sopron, Hungary. “We had a great trip, learned a lot more about the history of the area, and had lots of wonderful beer!” she says. C. Richard “Dick” Johnson ’62 of Chicago writes: “I retired in 2008 from the last of the big law firms for which I worked (Foley & Lardner) and have since then done the same work, by and large as a sole practitioner with a home office. Very nice.” Jeve Chang Chang ’64 of Honolulu Oahu, Hawaii, writes: “Retired from Kamehameha Schools (KS) in 2008 as director of the extension educational services division. Main job now is taking care of husband with Alzheimer’s. Son, Kale Chang, has taken over music endeavors (emcee/vocalist Tihati shows in Waikiki; director of Honolulu Boy Choir; recording studio). He was recently on ‘Hawaii 5-0’ as Big Lono on Valentine’s Day episode. Daughter, Kanoe, will graduate this spring after having four boys, ages 2 to 8 years. She’s an entrepreneur in Polynesian

fashion design. I’m continuing with contracts with KS as site supervisor for counseling interns and editing products. 24-hour fitness, tennis and ukulele round out my life.” Harrison Ford ’64 of

Beverly Hills, Calif., an actor and conservationist, joined Pulitzer Prize-winning environmentalist Edward “E.O.” Wilson last fall in announcing a new literary award. The first $10,000 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award, with funding by Ford and Wilson, will be given this year by the PEN American Center, a branch of the world’s oldest international literary and human rights organization. Its intent is to effect change in the world by marrying the power of literature with scientific information. Ford met Wilson when both served on the board of the nonprofit Conservation International, where Ford is currently a vice chair of the board. Mike Jerry ’64 of Green Bay, Wis., is retired as an attorney/partner with Liebman, Conway, Okejniczak & Jerry, S.C. He still is doing some legal work. Stephanie Schmahl Loehr ’64 of

Milwaukee, Wis., retired from the Milwaukee

Public Schools as a social worker in June 2005. She has since been a clinical social worker with Renew Counseling Service. Lorna L. MacLeish ’64 of Mount Prospect,

Ill., retired in 2004 as a manager for Matkov, Salzman, a labor relations law firm. She had been with the company for 26 years. She now volunteers for her church and works holidays at a food bank distributing Christmas gifts to children. Richard L. Moschel ’64 of Sun City West, Ariz., writes: “My wife and I are still substituteteaching. This year gives me 41 years in the classroom. In August, my wife and I are taking a European cruise down the Rhine River. I still play softball two days a week.” Sheila Stangel Christiansen ’65 of

Elm Grove, Wis., took a family trip to the World Cup in South Africa in June 2010. Her son, Douglas, coaches the Belfast Giants Hockey team in Northern Ireland, and the family flew over for a game between the Giants and the Boston Bruins in Belfast in October. An article about the game, “Peace, Love, Hockey,” was published in the March 28, 2011, issue of “Sports Illustrated.” Mark Thomas Ledger ’65 of Malvern, Pa., semi-retired in 2007 as president of Aegis

Rich Srednicki ’ 73 When Trustee Rich Srednicki ’73 first came to Ripon College, he wasn’t the traditional college student. He had a job and started college in night school before being drafted to serve in Vietnam. While overseas, he became friends with Charlie Amelotte ’67 Kenosha, Wis. Amelotte told Srednicki to check out his school – Ripon College. Srednicki did, and eventually was accepted to Ripon at the age of 22. But just two weeks before classes were to start, Srednicki received custody of his teenage brother. David Harris, dean of men, and Doc “Kermit” Weiske (longtime head coach of basketball and honorary life trustee at Ripon) together found Srednicki two jobs and an apartment for he and his brother to live.

“It was the best decision I ever made to come,” Srednicki says. “I started feeling like I’m coming home when I come back here.” Srednicki studied economics and psychology at Ripon, and participated in forensics, theatre and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He went on to earn a master’s of business administration degree in marketing and finance and held several major business positions before retiring in 2007. Since 2006, he has served on the Ripon College Board of Trustees. “I think it’s important to give back if you can so that Ripon is around for a couple of hundred years,” Srednicki says. “It’s a good investment of time.”

For the full story, see the website at:

“It was the best decision I ever made to come [to Ripon]. “I started feeling like I’m coming home when I come back here.” Rich Srednicki

Realty Consultants. He says he likes to fish and hunt and had a great 45th reunion last year. In his free time, he is very active with nonprofits in the urban sector, working in poverty and homeless issues; as well as in environmental sustainability, agriculture and habit protection. Phil Nancarrow ’65 of Houghton, Mich., writes: “I was diagnosed in September 2010 with leukemia; treated at University of Michigan Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, with remission in October; stem cell/bone marrow transplant in November; remained in Ann Arbor till May 2011 when I returned home. Doing well so far, monitoring and checkup until November 2012.” Steve Peters ’65 of Marquette, Mich., writes: “Retired from my position as cataloger at Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, and was named professor emeritus of library science. Now volunteer in the university archives and am learning bridge.” Janet K. Hollatz ’66 of West Allis, Wis.,

retired in June 2005 from Racine Unified Schools

as the school librarian. She had been with the district for 32 years. She says she is enjoying retirement. Abby Carlstrom Humphrey ’66 of

Denver, Colo., retired July 1, 2010, after 16 years as a preschool/kindergarten director with Montview Community Preschool. “Since retirement, I have traveled to Egypt and Belize,” Abby says. “My husband and I are avid scuba divers. This coming school year, I will be working part time as an independent consultant with Denver Public Schools while continuing many volunteer commitments and traveling as often as possible.” Lawrence J. Mahoney ’67 of St. Anthony, Minn., started a second company, Asia Direct Resource, in 2004, with product sourcing offices throughout Asia. See

Jim Reed ’67 of Chestnut Hill, Mass., is president of the Massachusetts Fulbright Association in Boston (www., and he has a two-year state department

assignment to Pakistan to advise the Pakistan University System. Catherine M. Wagner ’67 of Sugar Land,

Texas, retired in December 2010 as a senior staff analyst for the City of Houston Human Resources Department after working for the city for more than 22 years. “For right now, I’m just really enjoying all my new free time, even more than I thought I would,” she says. Edgar Case III ’69 of Stafford, Texas, writes: “I am now engaged in two different activities. I am Man in the Mirror’s new field network consultant for the state of Texas. Man in the Mirror is a national men’s para-church organization focused on training church leaders to develop ‘sustainable’ men’s discipleship programs. In addition, I am also a senior associate at World Financial Group, whose focus is to help middle class individuals and families create and build wealth so they can secure their financial future.” Daniel J. Dykstra Jr. ’69 of Rohnert Park,

Calif., writes: “In 2010, I spent eight months in Kabul, Afghanistan, doing contract work for the Army Corps of Engineers. It was rewarding, but it is good to be home.”

Ripon one stop on extraordinary journey through trials of 20th century


udwig Franz Freund’s life took him through World War I as a German soldier, on the lecture circuit fighting anti-Semitism in Weimar Germany, to Ripon College as a professor of sociology (1937-46) and into the American military during World War II. In 1898, Freund was born to a German-Jewish family in the German town of Mühlheim. His aspirations for higher learning were interrupted by World War I. After the war, he studied at several universities and received a doctorate in philosophy and sociology. He lectured for the Centralverein (The Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Faith) and The National League of Jewish Frontline Veterans. He also was editor of a weekly newspaper and published two books. Freund realized that with Hitler’s ascension to power, further work fighting anti-Semitism could cost Freund his life. In July 1934, Freund immigrated to the United



RIPON College

States and came to teach at Ripon in 1937. When the United States entered World War II, Freund felt compelled to enter military service but was not assigned to action. By the spring of 1943, Freund was back at Ripon, teaching and giving lectures around the Midwest. He left Ripon for Roosevelt University in 1946. He taught there for several years before returning to Germany. He died in 1970. b

For the full story, see the website at:



Dr. James Blair Thompson ’73 of Salem, Ore., had an

exhibition of his experimental prints, “James B. Thompson: The Visual Language of Ancient Scotland” at The Orkney Museum in Kirkwall, Scotland, last fall. He previously exhibited the series of prints in spring at Salem’s Hallie Ford Museum of Art. Also in 2010, Thompson had a solo exhibition of mixed-media intaglio prints, “James B. Thompson: Rats of the British Aristocracy” at the Francine Seders Gallery in Seattle, Wash. “James B. Thompson: The Vanishing Landscape” is currently on tour to selected museums and established venues in the American West. Thompson’s work also was selected by curators for inclusion in the touring exhibition, “Critical Messages: Contemporary Northwest Artists on the Environment.” Thompson is a professor of art at Willamette University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1986. More information is available at

William Gebhardt ’69 of Frankfort, Ill., is a sales manager at Schilling Brothers Lumber Co.

The 1970s Frederic “Rick” Scott ’70

of Washington, D.C., was sworn in May 10 as the new U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director to Timor-Leste. Scott now leads one of USAID’s newest missions. An office was opened there in 2004 and a full mission in 2010. The focus is improving health services, education, civil society development and economic growth.

Michael W. Farrell ’72 of Morris, Ill., retired July 1, 2010, after 37 years with the Morris Daily Herald. James M. Hintz ’72 of Buffalo Grove, Ill.,

is a mechanical engineer at the Science and Arts Academy in Des Plaines, Ill. Alfred Pach III ’74 of Summit, N.J., writes:

“I am continuing to coordinate socio-behavioral research at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, South Korea, though I live in New Jersey. We provide information and assistance on vaccines in developing countries. I am working on projects on cholera in India and Zanzibar, and typhoid fever in Zanzibar, Nepal and Pakistan.”

Michael J. Julka ’71

Mary Hughes Seger ’74 of Trafalgar, Ind.,

of Madison, Wis., has been named “Madison Best Lawyers Education Lawyer of the Year” for 2011 by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal

writes: “I have been employed at Eli Lilly & Co. for 22 years as a clinical study statistician. I plan to retire in a couple years to enjoy my grandkids.”

profession. Ingo Angermeier ’72 of Spartanburg, S.C., has retired after 10 years as president and chief executive officer of Spartanburg Regional, one of the state’s largest hospitals. He plans to continue consulting and helping Spartanburg Regional with leadership development.

Susan Chapman Carlton ’75 of

Saint Charles, Ill., writes: “After 31 years with The Nielsen Company (AC Nielsen & Spectra), I have decided to retire. I will undoubtedly pick up some contract work eventually. What a great time to get reacquainted with college friends. We are located one hour west of Chicago. Come visit! susanjcarlton53@

Jondi Gumz ’75 of Scotts Valley, Calif., was honored by her local chapter of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom for her reporting on local businesses for the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Larry Hollmaier ’75 of Loveland, Ohio, is

employed with Eastman Kodak in Dayton, Ohio, and works with a team dedicated to the design of new and innovative printing presses to keep up with industry trends. Susan Schreyer Stander ’75 of Paradise

Valley, Ariz., retired in January 2009 as a senior health care consultant from Pfizer Labs after 32 years with the company. She helped to launch blockbusters like Procardia XL, Norvasc, Lipitor, Zithromax and Viagra. She and her husband, Paul, travel around the United States, as well as Ireland and England on a golf vacation. She visits with fellow Bartlett Hall “sisters” Mary Ellen Weis Doll ’75 and Martha Robbins Anderson ’75 at least once a year. “Basically, I love retirement, and my usual response to ‘what do you do every day?’ is, ‘Whatever I want!’ Lest I sound aimless, I also take care of my 94-year-old mother, who lives with us.”





Notes Steven J. Foelker ’80 of Mosinee, Wis., works in Team Spine representing Medtronic. Jacqueline Harvey ’80 of Saint Louis, Mo., a pediatrician at People’s Health Centers, Central Site, was listed as one of the Best Doctors 2009-2010 in the United States by the Best Doctors Inc. She was featured in the August edition of the St. Louis Magazine. Harvey has been with PHC for 25 years.

ABOVE: Gary Lederer ’72 and Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer ’73 of Bonita Springs, Fla., and St. Charles, Ill., along with daughter, Beth Lederer, have been jointly

named Friend of the Year by Marklund. The organization assists those with special healthcare needs and developmental disabilities. Gary served on the board of directors for many years, and Jean has been involved in fund-raising. “The Lederers are such a great family and so involved,” a spokesman says. “A part of Marklund since 1991, they are a perfect example of what is possible when a family makes a commitment to serve others and makes it a priority in their lives. They are perfectly well-rounded givers, donating selflessly of their time, treasure and talent throughout the year.” The Lederers’ son, Andrew, is a resident of Marklund.

Scott W. Tremberth ’75 of Henderson, Nev., writes: “Enjoy life in Vegas and Green Lake (summers). Grandkids are the best! Our family has seven Ripon alumni and another bunch on the way!” Daniel V. Burk ’76 of Webster Groves, Mo.,

is a service group manager at RR Donnelley, the largest printing company in North America. Thomas Walter Klewin (Ret. Col.) ’76 of

Atlanta, Ga., has moved from Kigali, Rwanda, to Atlanta, Ga. Kitty Norton ’76 of Clemson, S.C., is a

senior registered client associate at Wells Fargo Advisors LLC. “This year, I have participated in the company’s Reading First literacy program and have been adopted by a lovely class of first-graders, to whom I read on a weekly basis,” she says. Mark A. Teslik ’76 of Portage, Wis., is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) chaplain at Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage. He is a board member of the Wisconsin Chaplaincy Association representing correctional chaplains. Karl Loucks ’78 of Madison, Wis., works for a large insurance firm.



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Eva Shaw Butler ’79 of Saint George, Maine, writes that after 12 years of building the Sacramento Splash Program, she announces its birth as a new nonprofit dedicated to helping children to understand and value their natural world through scientific investigation and outdoor exploration. Information is available at James F. Laufenburg ’79 of Alexandria,

Va., was selected as a 2011 recipient of Sigma Chi Fraternity’s Significant Sig Award, the highest recognition the international fraternity gives for professional or civic achievement. He joins a number of other military leaders, many lawyers and judges and actor Brad Pitt in this year’s class. Richard C. Ricklefs ’79 of Hanahan, S.C.,

is a service technician for AmeriGas.

Robert D. Schmitt ’79 of Whitefish Bay, Wis., is now director of contracting at Physicians Plus Insurance.

The 1980s Lori Michels Adams ’80 of Fredericksburg, Va., is the director of admissions and financial aid at Fredericksburg Academy.

Phil Ouellette ’80 of Madison, Wis., has been promoted to president and chief operating officer of Lindsay Stone & Briggs (LSB), a firm specializing in brand launchings and revitalizations. He joined the company in 2000 and became senior vice president in 2006. While at LSB, he co-founded and launched a digital gaming company, Egencie.

Bill Quistorf (Maj., ret.) ’80 of Everett, Wash., is chief

pilot for the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office. He has been elected chairman of the Seattle Area Regional Aviation Group, comprising King, Snohomish and Pierce counties aviation assets along with the Washington State Patrol Aviation section. David J. Remondini ’80

of Indianapolis, Ind., was appointed acting executive director of the Indiana Board of Law Examiners by the Supreme Court, while a search was conducted for a replacement. In March, he was in Ukraine as a consultant for USAID (United States Agency for International Development) for his third trip in support of the Rule of Law project, encouraging greater transparency and accountability in the legal system. Dan Finkelstein ’81 of Troy,

Mich., has started DMF Enterprises Inc., which sells Mary-On-Board. The novelty GPS product mimics the sounds and language of a backseat driver. By pressing a button, a variety of instructions will be barked out, including “Stop driving so fast!” and “Move over to the right lane!” The website is: He previously was in finance and IT project management for 25 years. His wife, Mary, had a kidney transplant 12 years ago, and $1 for every Mary-on-Board unit sold will be donated to the National Kidney Foundation.

Randall J. Garrity ’81 of Oneida, Wis.,

Michelle Ebert Witt ’88 of Union Grove,

writes: “OK, after almost 30 years, I guess it’s time to drop a line. I’m the proud father of Katie (15) and Gage (13). My wife, Judy, and I will be celebrating 18 years of marriage this spring. I’m a business entrepreneur and currently own three automotive businesses.”

Wis., is an aide to an autistic child in the special education department in Waterford.

Kent Timm ’81 of Saginaw, Mich., has been

appointed to the United State Soccer Federation medical staff to support the Women’s National Team at the Women’s World Cup in Germany in June and July. Richard J. Uhlemann ’81 of Minnetonka,

Minn., is a manager at Beckman Coulter Inc. Robert L. Brandfass ’83 of Morgantown,

W.Va., has been appointed executive vice president and general counsel of West Penn Allegheny Health System (WPAHS) in Pittsburgh, Pa. WPAHS is a $1.6 billion, fivehospital health system with more than 13,000 employees serving the health needs of western Pennsylvania.

The 1990s Nicole Balistreri Garcia ’90 of Yorba

Linda, Calif., now has a private practice as a family physician at Doctors of California Integrative Wellness. She offers cosmetic procedures, hormone replacement and nutritional therapies. She is married with three children. Lisa Indermuehle Bohovsky ’91 of Hartford, Wis., is a systems analyst at Virtual Benefits Administrator (VBA) in Germantown, Wis. Al Sorenson ’91 of Tinley Park, Ill., exhibited sports paintings at the Vogt Visual Arts Center during April. He paints sporting events, stadiums and athletes. He features his artwork at shows across the nation, has a

contract with Legendary Sports Prints and has worked with other companies as well. He teaches fifth-grade at Fulton Elementary School. His website is: html Willard J. Steinberg ’91 of Minneapolis, Minn., writes: “I recently ended my work with to allow others the space to create the game-changing innovations needed to build what an environmentally sustainable and socially just global economy is calling for.” Heather Dummer Combs ’92 of Milwaukee, Wis.; Erin McCormack ’92 of Raleigh, N.C.; Naomi Robinson Mechels ’92 of Minneapolis, Minn.; Heather Hotchkiss Miner ’92 of Cottage Grove, Minn.; and Deb Winter ’92 of Sun Prairie, Wis., took a fall 2010 trip to Marathon in the Florida keys “to watch the sunset over the sevenmile bridge and celebrate the ‘Four-O’ together.”

John Woodard ’84 of Northville, Mich., is doing Alzheimer’s research at Wayne State University in Detroit, where he is an associate professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Institute of Gerontology. He is the lead author of “Predicting Cognitive Decline in Healthy Older Adults Using fMRI,” published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (vol. 21, no. 3). He recently lead research that has identified two tests which can predict with remarkable accuracy which seniors are most likely to experience the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. An article about Woodard and his research can be accessed at memory-loss-doesnt-surprise/ Carol Wood Brooks ’85 of Cottonwood, Ariz., is a psychologist at the Northern Arizona VA Health Care Center. Mark S. Jonas ’85 of Kaukauna, Wis., is an English teacher and the head football coach with the Ashwaubenon Schools. Katherine Snow Doherty ’86 of South

Berwick, Maine, writes: “I’m halfway through my master’s of education degree in educational leadership at Plymouth State University!” Christina C. Boydston ’87 of Fremont,

Neb., has opened her own law office. Her main areas of practice are social security, disability, juvenile law, bankruptcy and some areas of family law. Her business’ website is at www.

Eric Atkisson ’94 of Alexandria, Va., was promoted to lieutenant colonel in December and is serving as public affairs officer for the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard, in Basrah, Iraq. Above, he is shown at the Basrah Operations Center with his Iraqi counterparts and an Iranian machine gun captured during the Iran-Iraq War. They are facing east across the Shatt al-Arab (a river formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates) toward Iran.

Stephanie Alfano Gould ’88 of De

Forest, Wis., is a claims systems analyst at QBE Insurance Group. SUMMER 2011





Edward Blaise IV ’93 and his wife, Simone, of Hinesburg, Vt., have a daughter, Vanessa Autumn Blaise, born Nov. 18, 2010. Thomas C. Clapp ’93 of Hollywood, Fla., has

started a business. He is the owner of Florida Auto Source. Donald J. Francis ’93 and his wife,

Kelly, of Menomonie, Wis., have a daughter, Adeline Mae Francis, born June 30, 2010. Melinda Trainor Hutchinson ’93

and her husband, Matthew, of Eagan, Minn., have a daughter, Melia Michelle Hutchinson, born March 24, 2010. Paula Souik Bizot ’94 Ann Arbor, Mich.,

is an environmental scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Brian Bousley ’94 of Crystal Falls, Mich., is the county administrator for Menominee County. Jennifer K. Dunn ’94 of Charlotte, N.C., is a pre-kindergarten assistant at Sacred Heart School in Salisbury, N.C. Blake Henry Hausladen ’94

of Chicago, Ill., had his first novel, “Ghosts in the Yew,” published in May. “At Ripon, I learned how to tell tall tales,” he says. Blake works as a consultant to hedge funds and asset management firms. Ashleigh Kay Henrichs ’94 of Pleasant Prairie, Wis., is the executive director of the Kenosha Literacy Council. She is also the director of children’s ministry at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church. Todd J. Johnson ’94 of Fort Belvoir, Va., was promoted to LTC (lieutenant colonel) Jan. 31, 2010, at the U.S. Capitol Dome. He deployed Feb. 4, 2011, for a year in Afghanistan. Christine R. Metzo ’94 and Gareth John of St. Cloud, Minn., have a daughter, Cerys Meriel Violet John, born Sept. 9, 2009. Andrew S. Petersen ’94 of Verona, Wis., is the vice presidentexternal affairs and corporate communications for TDS Telecommunications Corp. He also is an officer of the company.



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John Ernser ’04 and Emmy Foerster Ernser ’05 of Glendale Heights,

Ill., have a daughter, Maielle Daveny Ernser, born Sept. 4, 2010, at Edward Hospital in Naperville, Ill. One of the attending physicians throughout the pregnancy was Peter Weeks ’80 of Wheaton, Ill., and at the seventh-month appointment they discovered they were all Ripon graduates after a conversation about a Milwaukee Brewer hat John was wearing. Emmy works for Linden Oaks Hospital in Naperville, and John is a middle school physical education/health teacher and athletic director at the middle school in Schiller Park, Ill. John’s father is Martin “Marty” Ernser ’78, and Marty’s father was Major John J. Ernser, an Army ROTC instructor in the early and mid-1960s at Ripon College.

John S. Feeney ’95 of Ripon, Wis., has been named the new president and CEO of Community Health Network (CHN). He previously worked at Aurora Health Care in Oshkosh for the past 12 years. Darell Hammond ’96 of Washington, D.C., has written a book, “KaBOOM!: How One Man Built a Movement to Save Play.” It is intended to help spread the message about play deficit – today’s children spending less time playing outdoors than any previous generation – and the harm it’s causing children. Hammond is founder and CEO of KaBOOM!, which uses a new way to fund play areas through public/private partnerships in an era of decreasing government budgets and philanthropic giving. The book quickly hit the top 10 on and the New York Times nonfiction best-seller list. On June 20, KaBOOM! was featured on the “Today Show,” reported by Jenna Bush Hager. It profiled KaBOOM!’s 15th birthday, 2,000 playground builds and the new book. More information about the book can be found at SEJAL V. SHAH ‘96 of Hoffman Estates, Ill., is president of both TotalMed and Advanced Workforce Inc. He started these businesses in 2005 and 2006. TotalMed specializes in placing nurses, therapists and medical professionals while Advanced Workforce primarily places engineers and IT professionals with their clients. The businesses

employ more than 150 professionals nationwide, with corporate offices in Appleton, Wis., He works with many Merriman (Phi Kappa Pi) brothers from Ripon, including Jason Beck ’01, a TotalMed partner; Chad Morack ’00, an Advanced Workforce partner; Jon Larsen ’09 and Mark Leupold ’09. Sejal married Ann Worzella; and they have two sons, Deven and Sai. Amy Tincher-Durik ’96 of Indianola, Iowa,

is the director of premedia services at Meredith Corp. in Des Moines, Iowa. Andrew H. Drechsler ’97

of Washington, D.C., is the vice president of Strategic Telemetry, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing individual-level microtargeting, data analysis, strategic consulting and other services to help enable campaigns to successfully reach their target audiences and have their message heard. He also was involved with Strategic Telemetry’s targeting efforts for the Obama for America Presidential campaign. Jeff Ehren ’97 and his wife, Denise, of

Whitewater, Wis., recently were featured in an article in the Wisconsin State Journal. Both work at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and the article focuses on state budget squeezes on the middle class. Stephanie Bosman Fernhaber ’97 of Bloomfield, Ind., is an assistant professor of management at Butler University.

Jill A. Hempen-Anthony ’97 of San

Jose, Calif., has completed her master’s degree in human resource management and has been working for Yahoo! since September 2010 as a senior human resource manager.

presidential campaign and other positions, including a stint as Republican National Committee’s press secretary. Dante Houston ’01 of Milwaukee

married Jennifer Adam, Nov. 14, 2010. Claire Hansen Robinson ’97 of Chelsea, Mich., works at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Department of Health Services, in research and development. W. Andrew Voigt ’97 of Portage, Wis., a member of Ripon College’s Alumni Board, has been elected judge to serve in Branch 2 of the Columbia County Circuit Court. He will serve a six-year term. As the municipal attorney for Portage, Voigt has prosecuted traffic and ordinance citations in municipal court, attended Common Council meetings and assisted the city with legal issues. Gail Halsey Bertram ’98 and her

husband, Patrick, of Oshkosh, Wis., have a son, Liam Patrick Halsey Bertram, born Dec. 26, 2010. Brett Mueller ’99 and his wife, Heather, of Mount Pleasant, S.C., have a son, Samuel Christopher Mueller, born Feb. 9, 2011. Jeanne Norton Shera ’99 of Wamego, Kan.,

is writing articles for the website A recent article about “green” chemistry can be found at Daniel Sterner ’99 of Shorewood, Wis., is

a graduate student in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He plans to graduate in December 2012 with a master’s degree in architecture with an ecological design certification

The 2000s Sara Erickson Baker ’00 and Alexander R. Baker ’02 of

Woodstock, Ill., have a son, Simon Erickson Baker, born Aug. 10, 2010. Amanda Miltenberger Shepard ’00 of Wyoming, Minn., and her husband,

Noah, have a son, Cameron Albert Shepard, born Oct. 27, 2010. Gail Gitcho ’01 of Arlington, Va., is the communications director for the presidential exploratory committee for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. She had been the communications director for Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown (R). She previously served as regional press secretary for Romney’s 2008

Jeffrey Massen ’01 and Karalyn Dehn ’06 were married July 17, 2010.

They live in Berlin, Wis. Tracy Lynn Kosmecki ’02 of Portland,

Ore., is an adjunct professor teaching Spanish at Portland University. Ryan Hugh Morgan ’02 and his wife,

Jenny, of Menomonee Falls, Wis., have a son, Brady Hugh Morgan, born May 10, 2011. Jared Matthew Goerlitz ’03 and Melissa Orth Goerlitz ’04 of

Woodbury, Minn., have a son, Parker James Goerlitz, born Jan. 18, 2011. Jeremy Martinson ’03 of New London, Wis.,

is a veterinary technician assistant at Heritage Animal Hospital in Hortonville/Greenville. His responsibilities include animal restraint, surgery prep, lab work and booking appointments. Anne Monnens ’03 of Minneapolis writes: “I am enjoying the summer off with my two children, Oscar and Juniper. I am looking forward to my second semester of nursing school next fall.” Ashley Bildsten Roff ’03 and her

husband, Erick, of Seattle, Wash., have a son, Elliott Richard Roff, born Dec. 3, 2010. Jenny Fitzgerald ’04 of Mount Prospect, Ill., received a master’s of business administration degree with an emphasis in accounting and finance from Regis University in Denver, Colo., in 2006. She is a staff accountant at National Louis University and is starting her own accounting business from her home. Lisa Henke Graf ’04 and Jacob Graf ’05 of Greenville, Wis., have a daughter,

Addison Faith Graf, born March 10, 2011. Lisa recently started her own cake business, 70 Degree Cakes. ( See a feature about Jacob’s recent mission trips on Page 28. Amanda Phillips Gross ’04

and her husband, Robert, of Clintonville, Wis., have twin sons, Matthew Robert Gross and Peyton Allan Gross, born Nov. 24, 2010. “Matthew and Peyton are happy and healthy and are our pride and joy!” Amanda writes. Chase A. Heatley ’04 of Ripon, Wis., married Laura Dryfoos ’04, Nov. 6,

2010. Laura teaches toddlers at a daycare/

preschool in Appleton, and Chase is an assistant manager at O’Reilly Auto Parts in Ripon. Liz Koepnick ’04 of Carlsbad, Calif.,

married Allen Miller, March 24, 2010, in Cozumel, Mexico. Sarah Reck ’04 of Grayslake, Ill.,

married Tyler Nichols, Aug. 13, 2010. Sarah is a school psychologist at two elementary schools in Highland Park, Ill. Paula K. Richardson ’04 of Oshkosh, Wis., married Ben Tompkins, April 2, 2011. Paula is a kindergarten and first-grade teacher in the Wautoma Area School District. Michael Timm ’04 of Cudahy, Wis., recently completed his first book, “Robertson-Ryan: A History,” which chronicles the history of the independent Milwaukee insurance agency founded in 1960 by Jack T. Ryan and A.D. “Robbie” Robertson. More information is available at Paula Richardson Tompkins ’04 of Oshkosh, Wis., graduated in May 2011 with a master’s degree in early childhood curriculum and instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Charles Patrick Johnson ’05 of Eau

Claire, Wis., is a home mortgage consultant for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. He is continually expanding his property management business, with a total of five rental properties that he both owns and manages. Lisa Marie Maisonneuve ’05 of

Shorewood, Wis., is the ongoing supervisor at Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin. She supervises a team of ongoing case managers working with families to reach permanence for children who have been neglected or abused. The service is part of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, and they are contracted by the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare to provide services. They work closely with families, local police, hospitals, schools and children’s court to keep children and families safe. Eric Allen Nee ’05 and his wife, Nicole, of Pardeeville, Wis., have a daughter, Tenley Jeanne Nee, born Jan. 5, 2011. Eric also completed his master’s degree in administrative leadership at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in December 2010. He graduated with a 4.0 and was a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. E. Ashleigh Smith ’05 of Hohenwald, Tenn.,

works as a caregiver at The Elephant Sanctuary. She and her husband, Donald, recently bought their first house.






Terri Kahler Werner ’05 of Whitecreek,

Tenn., writes: “My husband, Matt, and I started off our new year in Dallas, Texas, this year with family. It was a great way to spend our first ‘married’ New Year’s together! This year holds a great deal of travel to see our friends and family, as well as time focusing on work and school (well, for my husband, at least). Christina Marie Forster ’06 of

Temperance, Mich., teaches German, levels 1 through 3, in grades 9 to 12 at Sylvania Northview High School in Sylvania, Ohio. Eric Gallagher ’06 and Krista Cage Gallagher ’06 of Milwuakee, Wis., have a son,

Everett Michael Gallagher, born June 12, 2011. Both Eric and Krista share the same birth date as Everett. Tom Hanlon ’06 of Knoxville, Tenn., is part of the technical staff at the Y-12 National Security Complex. “What are my duties? Well it’s never the same thing twice,” he says. “I split my time between work on highly enriched uranium down-blending (which has a swords to ploughshares aspect to it) where most of what I do is statistical analysis; and nuclear nonproliferation where my duties are evolving but involve applying my background in physics and chemistry to a variety of questions.” Ed Hansen ’06 of Dekalb, Ill., received his master’s degree in sports psychology in May from Northern Illinois University. He is continuing to pursue his doctorate in social psychology. Michelle Pauly Nikolai ’06 and Timothy E. Nikolai ’07 of Port

Washington, Wis., have a daughter, Sonya Rose Nikolai, born Feb. 13, 2010. Reid Oven ’06 and Kristin Willert ’06 of Fort Worth, Texas,

were married April 24, 2010. Reid is a registrar coordinator for DeVry University in Irving, Texas. Kristin is a pre-doctoral psychology intern with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. She will obtain her doctorate degree in clinical psychology in September 2011. Mara Gronli Evans ’07 of Chicago

graduated from Yale University in the spring of 2010. She is working as a certified nurse midwife for NorthShore Associates and delivers babies at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, Ill. Kali Lynn Jankovich ’07 of Berwyn,

Ill., recently appeared on an episode of the “Oprah” show that featured the singing talents of 10-year-old opera singer Jackie Evancho. Selected members of the Apollo Chorus of Chicago accompanied her. Music director/ conductor Stephen Alltop also runs the Green Lake Festival of Music choral workshop in the summer. Kali is a member of the chorus and was invited by Alltop to participate. Last year, Apollo was chosen to sing the choral parts in the 26


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Chicago performances of Star Wars In Concert before about 25,000 people including George Lucas. They also sang Christmas carols live on Chicago’s ABC 7 morning news last December. Kali conducted that performance, and another Apollo member – Kathy Hayevsky ’89 – also performed. Tylor S. Loest ’07 of Brandon, Wis., was appointed to the Fond du Lac County Winnefox Library Board. He accepted the Fond du Lac County Beatification Award for Historic Library Preservation with Library Director Christy Ross ’07 on behalf of the Brandon Public Library. Tylor also directed Ripon High School’s acclaimed 2011 musical “All Shook Up,” which was attended by 1,600 theatre-goers with standing ovations at each performance. Derek Ross Olson ’07 and Katie J. Roepcke ’07 were married Sept. 8,

Stephanie Jungenberg ’08

married Jacob Wilson, Aug. 21, 2010. They live in Westfield, Wis., and Stephanie is the secretary for the Marquette County Emergency Medical Services. Alison Krings ’08 and Dustin Church of Milwaukee, Wis., have a son, Dawson Dante Church, born March 4, 2011. Kristen Lemke ’08 of Fond du Lac, Wis., graduated from Cardinal Stritch University in August 2010 with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She is a therapist/case manager for the Columbia County Community Support Program. Nick Little ’08 of Salt Lake City, Utah, is

studying for his master’s degree in public health at Westminster College. He also is a member of the Army ROTC program at the University of Utah.

2007. Katie runs a daycare out of their home. Derek has published the website daycaresquare. com, a nationwide directory and forum listing all regulated daycares and providing forums for providers and parents.

Erin R. Maguire ’08 of Ripon, Wis., is attending Liberty University’s graduate master’s program in marriage and family therapy and employed as the director of youth ministry at Our Saviour’s United Church of Christ.

Danielle Paiz ’07 of Pipe Creek, Texas, is now the corporate development director for the San Antonio chapter of the American Heart Association. She married Bradley Gunter, March 26, 2011. Three of her bridesmaids were fellow sorority sisters (Alpha Chi Omega/Alpha Gam Theta) Rachael Smithback ’06, Angela Hodgson ’06 and

Ryan W. Manis ’08 of Watertown, Wis.,

Rhianna Craig ’07. Michael T. Radtke ’07 of Neenah, Wis., is

is an assistant branch manager with Landmark Credit Union. Patricia Mazur ’08 of Wauwatosa, Wis., is a volunteer cheerleading coach at Greendale High School. The team recently took second place at the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Fla., making them the highest-placing all-girl team ever from Wisconsin.

Lacy Rourke ’07 of Alexandria, Va., is now the

Trisha A. Shafer ’08 of Rice Lake, Wis., is a program and volunteer coordinator for the Heart Island Family Enrichment Center.

national director for the nonprofit organization National League of POW/MIA Families.

Erin Kelley Beggs ’09 of Belleville, Wis., is

the operations manager for Radtke Contractors Inc.

Jacob Conrad Schmidt ’07 of Coon

Rapids, Minn., is studying for his doctorate in chemistry at the University of Minnesota. Jonathan Steplyk ’07 of Libertyville, Ill., is a graduate student in history at the Texas Christian University. Mary Sterrett ’07 of Springfield, Ill., is in

her fourth year of medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. She is one of the four medical students who received an Alumni Scholarship award from SIU. Megan Anderson ’08 of Wisconsin

Rapids, Wis., married Todd Kautzer, Sept. 19, 2010. Megan is a social studies teacher at Nekoosa High School. Meshelle Shavon Davis ’08 of

Milwaukee, Wis., is a business analyst for USBancorp Fund Services in Milwaukee.

a math teacher at Mount Horeb High School and also coaches cross country and track. Ellis Bosveld ’09 of Berlin, Wis., works as a stock broker with Carl M. Hennig Inc. in Oshkosh, Wis. He has been a fully licensed broker for more than a year and also works with another broker in a satellite office in Berlin. “Most of my work comes from around the surrounding area, however, I work with clients all over the nation and really enjoy the ever-changing conditions the market offers,” he writes. “I am looking forward to a long career in this industry.” Brian Felix ’09 of Edwardsville, Ill., is

studying nursing at Southern Illinois University. He plans to graduate in December 2011. Colin Freeman ’09 of Hobart, Wis., is attending Northeast Wisconsin Technical College in Green Bay to receive a Digital Photography



Rise in German political world

had roots in Ripon

Martin Biesel, 1985 and today.


n the fall of 1985, Martin Biesel came from Germany and stepped foot onto a college campus in a foreign country. He was there for multiple reasons: to study, work and experience a new culture. The school was Ripon College, and this was Biesel’s first time in the United States. During the 1985-86 school year, Biesel served as a teaching assistant in the German department. He says his main task was to support Professors James Hyde and Ted Jones. He also taught a 200-level conversation class and a beginners’ class. Biesel also took advantage of his time at Ripon to be a full-time student. He enjoyed taking classes within the politics and government department, which he characterized as “fun.” He also recalls his brief venture into the computer science department as the opposite: “not fun.” As a member of Ripon’s men’s soccer team, he enjoyed the team’s “excellent” coach, David Scott, as well as the team’s camaraderie. “The other team members were very entertaining – and thirsty – after matches against Beloit or Lake Forrest,” Biesel says. After his year as the German teaching assistant, Biesel returned to Germany, continuing his education. He received his master’s degree from Bonn University and entered politics, joining the Free Democrats. Biesel credits his time at Ripon for the advancement

of his career. His “sufficient English skills” he learned at Ripon, as well as the fact he “still (spoke) with an American accent” drew attention to him, and Free Democrat Party Chairman Otto Lambsdorff made Biesel his assistant. In 1994, Biesel took a gamble and switched roles, accepting the position of chief of staff for a young but promising politician named Guido Westerwelle. The alliance proved to be fruitful. Today, Westerwelle is the Minister of Foreign Affairs while Biesel has risen to the national position of State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office. “During my political career, I have been following United States politics closely,” Biesel ssys. He has returned to the United States numerous times to visit both Democratic and Republican conventions. His most vivid memory of these visits is when he happened to meet a young senator campaigning in Ohio – Barack Obama. Whenever he visits the United States, he says, “It feels like coming home, especially when I can enjoy a real American steak.” Biesel also still enjoys soccer, now often playing with his son. He is an avid reader, mostly enjoying contemporary German and American novels. b By Lori Schroeder ’13, Mounds View, Minn.





Jacob Graf meets his sponsored child, Prisca, age 7, in Burkina Faso, Africa.


Mission trips

e xpa n d

alumnus’ world view Co m p a ssi on a nd l o ve a re the sam e th e w o rl d o ve r, a nd Ja cob Graf ’05 di scove re d both during re ce nt mi ssi on trips. Graf ’05, of Greenville, Wis., is in charge of Web development and IT for Appleton Alliance Church in Appleton, Wis. He participated in a mission trip to Burkina Faso, Africa, in September 2010 and one to Lima, Peru, in November 2010. His church has sister church relationships in both locations. Alliance works with Mighty Hearts International. Started by Alliance members, the organization provides food, education, medical assistance and programs for children in needy areas. Both trips were life-changing for him, Graf says. “We went there and connected with the people. People in both places were extremely loving.” In Burkina Faso, the church was in a village of 26,000 people, and the group also spent several days in the bush, “an eight-hour trip out into the middle of nowhere,” Graf says. “There are not a lot of cars there, but there were people lined up the whole way with their donkeys. We were the first white people this tribe has ever seen. You felt like a celebrity there. There were literally hundreds of kids running behind the vehicle



RIPON College

and jumping on to ride. They were so excited to see us.” Lima, Peru, is a city of 9 million people. Althrough Graf’s group arrived at midnight, there were 200 people from the church waiting for them and applauding, and a 20-foot welcome banner with all of their pictures on it. Graf says the contrast between the two locations is striking. Burkina Faso is the third-poorest country in the world, and the airport has dirt floors and primitive security. He says drinking water and diseases such as AIDS are major problems. Graf’s group is working with a company to repair wells and drill new ones. Medical care also is an issue. The one hospital that services the entire tribe of 26,000 is a 20-by-30-foot room with old grocery bags as IV bags, rusty beds without mattresses and an ambulance that is a little bed on the back of a moped. Lima is much more populated, and there is a Starbucks across from where they were staying. “But you go out only 20 minutes and they’re living in the middle of nowhere with kids eating whatever they can find off the ground,” Graf says.

Alliance also works through Compassion International, providing proper food and education for children. Through this organization, Graf has sponsored a child in Burkina Faso for about a year. Graf says mission trips are important. “You get wrapped up in everything in the United States, and everything doesn’t seem good enough,” he says. “Mission trips completely open your view of the world. Out there, people are living in these horrid conditions, and here I am in an air-conditioned office, working on the computer and talking on the phone. It’s out of sight, out of mind. “Just one person can make a difference. You could see them light up, and they had this hope in their eyes. I wish there were some sort of pill I could take to get all of those feelings you get from going there, but there isn’t any. To see it that way, it takes going there. It was huge.” b To read more about Graf and his family, see Class Notes on Page 25.

Certificate. He also is a photographer at Freeman’s Photography and has a temporary job as an administrative assistant at Georgia-Pacific Corp.

The 2010s

Greg George ’09 and Meagan SykesGeorge ’09 live in Fairbanks, Alaska, where

Fla., is studying for his master’s degree in education-leadership and sports management at Jacksonville University. He also is a graduate assistant basketball coach there.

Greg was stationed at Fort Wainwright and is loving life in the military. He was deployed to Afghanistan in April. Meagan is substituteteaching and applying for graduate school. Amy Hansen ’09 of Madison, Wis.,

married Michael Sullivan, Jan. 8, 2011. Amy has completed her second year of law school at the University of WisconsinMadison and will be working as a summer associate at Herrling Clark Law Firm in Appleton. Michael works for his family produce farm, Sully’s Produce, in Sturgeon Bay. Heather Koeller ’09 of Milwaukee, Wis.,

is studying for an undergraduate degree in early childhood exceptional education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She works as a child care teacher at Penfield Children’s Center and also works part time at Border’s Bookstore. Josh Kraemer ’09 and Katie Krueger ’09 of Cedarburg, Wis., oversee Anytime

Fitness. Katie is the club director, and Josh is the personal training manager.

Josh Bailen ’10 of Ponte Vedra Beach,

Molly Breitbach ’10 of Milwaukee, Wis.,

is employed by the USDA Forest Service as a tour guide/administrative assistant for the Grey Towers National Historic Site in Milford, Pa. Shanna Bude ’10 of Pardeeville, Wis., is

working at Lake Lucerne Summer Camp for the summer. In September, she will start a master’s degree in Christian education at Northwestern University’s Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill. Amanda Dawson ’10 of St. Paul, Minn., is

attending Bethel Seminary for her master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. She also works part time as a mental health support staff at Bristol Place Corp. Sean E. Devenport ’10 of Kerrville, Texas, is a youth worker at K Star emergency shelter, a nonprofit foster home. Kyle Farrell ’10 of St. Francis, Wis., is a credit application specialist for Actuant Electrical.

Jon Larsen ’09 of Sun Prairie, Wis., has opened a new branch of TotalMed staffing in Madison, providing HIT consultants within hospital systems throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest.

Kirsten F. Gerek ’10 of Glenview, Ill., is an assistant to the director of development at the Geneva Foundation of Presbyterian Homes.

Andrew McKee ’09 and Lindsay Sykes ’12 of Lacey, Wash., married

Kenosha, Wis., is working for Delta Pharma, a pharmaceutical company, and Baxter Healthcare.

July 16, 2010. Andrew is currently serving in Afghanistan. Melinda S. McNett ’09 of Wisconsin

Rapids, Wis., is a sales and marketing manager for Big Bay Brewing Company in the Madison area. Matthew Stensberg ’09 of

Crawfordsville, Ind., is a graduate student in agricultural and biological engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. Bruce J. Stephenson ’09 of Ripon, Wis., is

a senior pharmacy technician at Walgreens.

Katherine R. Hartstern ’10 of

Rachel Jenks ’10 of Janesville, Wis., married Chad Snyder, Sept. 4, 2010. She is branch office administrator for Bankers Life and Casualty in Rockford, Ill. Melissa Klein ’10 of Lake Geneva, Wis., is

studying for her master’s degree in library science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Meagan Kochel ’10 of Racine, Wis., is

taking pre-medical classes at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in Kenosha. She also works part time as a line therapist at the Wisconsin Early Autism Project.

Sarah J. Leeman ’10 of Madison, Wis., is

studying for her master’s of library science degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jessica Mann ’10 was married to Andrew Peck ’10, Oct. 23, 2010, by

President David Joyce. They live in Milwaukee. Bethany S. Mehlberg ’10 of Marion, Wis., is substitute-teaching around her hometown area. This summer, she is teaching summer school and coaching softball. Ashley M. Meister ’10 of Suamico, Wis., is

a lead generation representative for J.J. Keller and Associates in Appleton, Wis. Nathan N. Paul ’10 of Bristol, Va., is studying for his master’s of business administration degree at King College in Bristol, Tenn. Raj Anthony Pelon ’10 of Eugene, Ore., is

working for St. Vincent DePaul. Thomas J. Rhodes ’10 of Milwaukee, Wis., is attending law school at Marquette University. Danielle Scholfield ’10 of Middleton,

Wis., is a business analyst with HP Enterprise Services LLC in Madison. Daniel Sterba ’10 of Kenosha, Wis., is attending Kaplan University Online for his master’s degree in environmental management. He also is working as a quality assurance technician at Baptista’s Bakery. Stephanie Sumner ’10 of Ripon, Wis., is working as a caregiver at Evergreen Retirement Community in Oshkosh, Wis. She also is attending nursing school at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Elizabeth A. Weigler ’10 of Santa Barbara, Calif., is a student in the University of California-Santa Barbara’s master’s/doctoral cultural anthropology program. Brittney Wiggins ’10 of Plymouth, Wis.,

is a graduate student in biology at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. She plans to graduate in the spring of 2012. Megan Wise ’10 married Ryan Werch, Aug. 1, 2010, in Great Hall on the Ripon College campus. They live in Chicago.




In Memoriam


Rose Butler ’34 of Rosendale,

Wis., died May 16, 2011. At Ripon, she studied biology and Latin. She taught for seven years; worked in Milwaukee at the post office and other jobs for several years; Green Giant in Ripon and the American Baptist Assembly in Green Lake. She traveled to every continent except Antarctica and toured most countries several times. She was active in the Order of the Eastern Star for more than 50 years, and the White Shrine of Jerusalem with her father in Fond du Lac. Rose received the Century Farm Award at the State Fair in August 2010. Her farm had been in the family for more than 112 years. John Ernest Jung ’34 of Manitowoc, Wis., died March 24, 2011. He attended Ripon on an athletic scholarship, majoring in chemistry and mathematics. He received a master’s degree in guidance counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1948. He taught and coached in Necedah and Manitowoc, Wis. He participated in ROTC at Ripon, served during World War II and was a second lieutenant in the Reserves. He belonged to St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Maritime Museum, Elks Lodge 687, Capitol Civic Centre, Masonic Lodge, Manitowoc Retired Educators Association, Manitowoc County Historical Society and Woodland Dunes Nature Center. Survivors include his wife, Berniece, 21219 Limousine Drive, Sun City, West, AZ 95375; one son and one daughter; and a cousin, Alvin A. Altmayer ’27. Ruth Sweet Knueppel ’36 of Fort Atkinson,

Wis., died Aug. 27, 2010. At Ripon, she studied English. She was a member of First Congregational Church since 1928, the Martha Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, past president and life member of the Fort Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, life member of the Fort Atkinson Historical Society, friend of the Dwight Foster Public Library, the Humane Society of Jefferson County and a life member of the Fairhaven Auxiliary in Whitewater. Mary Hargrave Maxwell ’36 of Bradenton, Fla., died February 5, 2011. She was a retired teacher from the Bradenton Public Schools. Survivors include one daughter. Lila Hammen Primrose ’37 of Elgin, Ill.,

died Nov. 22, 2010. She grew up in Ripon and was active in 4-H in her younger years. She and her husband lived in Algonquin, Ill., for 60 years, and she taught school in Dundee from 1963 to 1981 and then Sunday school and as a member of the Congregators in Algonquin. She was a Girl Scout and Brownies leader as well as a den mother, and was a 60-year member of the Garden Club. Survivors include one son and one daughter; and a sister-in-law, Esther Primrose Reed ’31. Her husband, A. Dayton Primrose ’35, died in 1982.



RIPON College

Roland “Rollie” C. Lewis ’40 of Beloit, Wis., died Jan. 26,

2011. He was employed in the financial section of Fairbanks Morse Engine Division for 40 years and retired in 1982. He served on the Wisconsin Committee for Improved Expenditure Management at Madison in 1965; was an active, lifelong active member of River of Life United Methodist Church; a longtime member of the Beloit Noon Lions Club; and a volunteer with the Red Cross Blood Mobile, Meals on Wheels, F-M Credit Union, Beloit Memorial Hospital Escort and Friends of the Library. He served in the Wisconsin State Guard for four years. Survivors include one son and two daughters. William John McMillan III ’43 of

Frankfort, Mich., died Jan. 1, 2011. At Ripon, he studied physics. He was an Army Air Corps navigator during World War II and a prisoner of war in Germany for 13 months. He flew 50 missions during the Korean War. His medals include the Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal with 13 Oak Leaf Clusters. He was a research physicist and plastics engineer for the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich., and is credited with 22 patents (including Styrofoam packing peanuts). After retiring, he moved to Crystal Lake, Mich., and started a 27-acre vineyard. His memoir, “My Life with Adversity,” was published in 2009. Survivors include three sons and one daughter. Christine Miller Yell ’46 of Omro, Wis., died Aug. 19, 2010. She was a retired first-grade teacher. Survivors include one son and one daughter; a sister, Justine Miller Sommers ’45; and a grandson, Vince Padilla ’95. Betsy Gruber Conrad ’48 of Ripon, Wis.,

died Dec. 17, 2010. At Ripon, she studied English and married Rheinold Conrad. They farmed outside of Ripon, where she helped milk cows, raise chickens, drive tractor and grow a garden. She enjoyed playing games, drawing and cooking. She served with numerous community organizations, including as president of the League of Woman Voters and president of the local chapter of the American Field Service (AFS), which promotes the exchange of foreign students at the high school level. Survivors include her husband, Rheinold Conrad, N7556 State Road 44/49, Ripon WI 54971; two sons, including Mark Conrad ’73; and one daughter. Donald J. Peterson ’49 of Neenah, Wis., died May 13, 2011. He served with the 914th Army Air Force in the Pacific Theater in Australia, New Guinea, Philippines and Okinawa during World War II, and during the occupation of Japan. He was treasurer/vice president and part-owner of Moe Northern Co. (now known as Crescent Electric) where he worked for 36 years, retiring in 1994. He was a member for many

years of St. Pius Catholic Church, Appleton. Survivors include one daughter. William E. Doll ’50 of Rockford, Ill., died

Nov. 15, 2010. He was a teacher and football coach at Manawa and Ashland high schools and retired from Sundstrand as a personnel director. He played saxophone and clarinet in numerous bands, including his own Bill Doll Jazztet. He was a member and director of the Rockford Barbershoppers for the past 38 years and sang baritone in the barbershop quartet The Tag-A-Longs. Survivors include his wife, Audrey Doll, 3719 Marieme Drive, Rockford, IL 61108; two sons and three daughters; and a brother, George Doll ’44. Virginia Raisch Powell ’50

of Chicago died Jan. 18, 2010. At Ripon, she studied psychology. She graduated from the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration with a master’s degree in 1952. She was a child welfare worker for the State of Illinois, Department of Children and Family Services. She and her husband, the first priest to serve Chicago’s Native American community, founded Saint Augustine’s Center for American Indians. She was supervisor of casework services until 1986. She loved to travel and visited England, Europe, Israel and the Far East. Survivors include her husband, Peter J. Powell ’50, 919 W. Belden Ave., Chicago, IL 60614; two sons and two daughters. Mary Ellen Brodie Whitmore ’50 of

Phoenix, Ore., died Jan. 26, 2011. At Ripon, she studied English and French. She taught in the San Francisco Bay area. She and her husband, Bryce Whitmore, owned and operated Wilderness Water Ways, a whitewater rafting firm that pioneered weekend rafting trips in Oregon and California. She moved to Oregon in 1975, living in Butte Falls and Ashland, and taught part time. After retiring, she enjoyed her rural Ashland property and garden, travels to the Oregon coast and friends. She supported her daughters and their horses at dressage and eventing shows and took up riding herself at the age of 52. Survivors include two daughters. Richard C. Froede ’51 of Tucson, Ariz., died Feb. 9, 2011. At Ripon, he studied biology, and he also graduated from Marquette University School of Medicine. He served for 21 years in the U.S. Air Force, stationed in the United States, England and Germany. He retired as a colonel. He then taught pathology at the University of Arizona Medical School for 11 years and was the chief medical examiner for nine Arizona counties. He spent five years in Washington, D.C., as a civilian Distinguished Scientist in Forensic Sciences and was named this country’s first Armed Forces Medical Examiner. Survivors include his wife, Suzanne, 6300 E. Speedway

Blvd., Apt. 1308, Tucson, AZ 85710; one son and one daughter; and a sister-in-law, Ruth Rhyner Froede ’49. Keith Henry McDonald ’51

of Hillsboro, Wis., died Dec. 29, 2010. He studied history at Ripon and played football. He received a master’s degree in guidance and counseling from Marquette University and a doctorate in administration and educational services from Michigan State. He served in the Air Force and as a first lieutenant in the Army. He taught at several high schools; later serving as dean of men, administrative dean of students and a professor in the College of Education at Northern Illinois University. He retired in 1987 after 25 years there. He was an active volunteer and community leader, and traveled frequently. Survivors include his wife, Marta Ann McDonald, 705 Prairie Ave., Hillsboro, WI 54634; two sons and one daughter. Jack Dekker ’52 of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., died April 8, 2011. He attended Ripon College, graduated early and earned a master’s in business administration degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a 27-year employee of Ford Motor Co. in Michigan, working first in product planning and then becoming display and special promotion manager in merchandising for the LincolnMercury Division. After retiring, he became an investment broker with AG Edwards. He enjoyed bowling, golf and travel. Survivors include his wife, Doris, 1415 Devonshire Way, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418; and one son. Carol Cole Durkin ’53 of Brooklyn, Mich.,

died July 6, 2008. She majored in French at Ripon and had worked as a reservationist with United Airlines in Chicago. Survivors include one daughter. Anna Mae “Annie” Ferk Jacobson ’55 of Venice, Fla., died Dec. 16, 2010. She attended St. Scholastica and Ripon College. Anna Mae was an advocate of Catholic education. She taught school at St. Henry’s in Belbrook, Ohio, where she donated her salary back to the school to preserve the music program. Before Alzheimer’s robbed her intellect, Annie enjoyed a good game of bridge, loved to read and was an excellent cook. She had a wonderful sense of humor. Annie and her husband lived in Germany, Alabama, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Florida. Survivors include her husband, James “Jake” Jacobson ’54, 437 West Gate Drive, Venice,FL 34285; two sons and one daughter.

Thomas Frank Linde ’56 of

Black Hawk, S.D., died Nov. 15, 1910. He had brain damage to parts of his brain which control motor functions but graduated with honors from high school and Ripon College. He received a master’s degree and doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois. He was a clinical psychologist at the veteran’s hospital in Knoxville, Iowa; an avid music lover and composer of sacred music. He guestconducted with the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra and was a lifelong ham radio operator, artist, author, inventor and benefactor. His autobiography, “I Am Not What I Am,” was published in 2001. Survivors include two sons; a brother, Richard Paul Linde ’54; and a sister-in-law, Constance Smith Linde ’54. Jane M. Stauffacher Moy ’56 of Topsfield, Mass., died Jan. 22, 2011. She previously had lived in the Chicago area. She had worked as a high school math teacher; and as a computer programmer and business analyst with Parker Brothers for 18 years. She was an avid gardener and enjoyed knitting, sewing, ceramics, crafts, cross word puzzles, baking and travel. Survivors include her husband, Forrest “Woody” Moy ’56, 37 North St., Topsfield, MA 01983; one daughter; and a niece, Diane Moy Quon ’79. Morton R. “Mike” Spence Jr. ’56 of

Chenequa, Wis., died March 29, 2011. He attended Ripon College, Carroll College and the Milwaukee School of Engineering, where he earned a degree in mechanical engineering. He worked for Lange Lift Co., Milwaukee, then joined Rundle-Spence and became the fourth president of the company in the mid-’60s. He was instrumental in organizing the New Berlin Industrial Association in 1965; and served on many community industry, banking, municipal, educational, country club and health-care boards. He enjoyed tennis, golf, skiing and boating and for years was an avid and competitive sailor. Survivors include his wife, Marie, N6075 Oakland Hills Road, Nashotah, WI 53058; two sons and one daughter. Leonard W. Harsel ’57 of Fairfax, Va., died March 30, 2011. Upon graduation, he was commissioned in the U.S. Army and retired as a lieutenant colonel in 1978. He had served two tours in Vietnam and several in Germany. He taught military intelligence in a variety of settings during active duty and reserve service. Upon retirement from the military, he was an analyst of automatic data processing systems for McDonnell Douglas and retired from there. He also was a world paper money dealer with international clientele. Survivors include his wife, Suzanne Harsel, 4107 Concordia St,. Fairfax, VA 22032; one son and two daughters.

Lauretta Forst Spenader ’59 of Coquille,

Ore., died Jan. 16, 2011. At Ripon, she studied English and history. She taught high school English for one year in Illinois before moving to San Francisco, where her husband was stationed in the Army. She worked for Syntex Pharmaceuticals in Palo Alto, eventually earning a management position in human resources. In 1992, she and her husband moved to the Oregon coast and opened the Barton House Bed & Breakfast. After retiring in 1999, she became an active community volunteer and recently was named Coquille Citizen of the Year. Survivors include her husband, Lynn David “Tony” Spenader ’59, 645 E. First St., Coquille, OR 97423; and two sons. Carol Grant Troestler ’60 of Prairie du Sac, Wis., died

Feb. 17, 2011. At Ripon, she studied psychology and biology and received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2010. She obtained her master’s degree in social work from the University of WisconsinMadison in 1980. She co-founded Pathway Clinic in Prairie du Sac in 1984, retiring in 1998. She also co-founded Renewing Life, helping people with life-threatening illness, after her own battle with breast cancer. She wrote two historical novels, “Flow on Sweet Missouri” and “Iowa Born and Bred,” and volunteered in the community. She visited all 50 states and more than 50 countries. Survivors include her husband, Tom Troestler ’59, 729 Risley Oak Court, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578; three sons and three daughters. Michael James Berg ’61 of Madison, Wis., died Jan. 6, 2011. After attending Ripon College, he earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He served in the U.S. Army in Munich, Germany, and in Vietnam. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) and Army Commendation Medal, Republic of Vietnam. He then worked for Oscar Mayer and was promoted in 1987 to vice president, industrial relations, at the corporate organization in Madison. He retired in 1996. He was a reservist and an accomplished competitive rifleman and coach. Survivors include his wife, Pamela Lynn Miller, 15 Shade Tree Court, Madison, WI 53717; two sons; one daughter; and his mother, Dorothy Henryson of Greenville, S.C. Lyle Hunter Finch ’61 of Rohnert Park, Calif., died Dec. 20, 2010. At Ripon, he studied philosophy. He worked as a free-lance writer. Survivors include his wife, Rosita Finch, 6844 Avenida Cala, Rohnert Park, CA 94928.




In Memoriam


Judith Baum Halloran ’61 of Marble Falls,

Thomas G. Edwards ’80 of Hoover, Ala.,

Texas, died Oct. 26, 2010. She was a retired legal secretary, a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Marble Falls and a member of the “Plungetts.” Survivors include one son and one daughter.

died Dec. 2, 2010. At Ripon, he studied economics. Survivors include his wife, Barbara Edwards; two sons; his father, Richard L. Edwards ’53; a sister, Anne Edwards Haskin ’74; and a brother-in-law, Bruce Griffith Haskin ’73.

Robert E. Jennings Jr. ’71 of Mansfield Township, N.J., died June 1, 2011. At Ripon, he studied English, and he also earned a degree in industrial arts from Keane College in New Jersey. He was a carpenter for more than 20 years at AT&T and taught in high schools. He currently was the wood shop teacher at Bloomfield High School. He enjoyed reading, the Yankees and coaching youth sports. Survivors include two sons. Patricia Shireman Fernbach ’72 of

Pasadena, Calif., died June 28, 2008. She studied psychology at Ripon. Survivors include her husband, Robert Fernbach ’69, 1255 Coronet Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107; one son and one daughter. Nancy Monard Werhane ’75 of Willow Spring, Ill., died March 8, 2011. She was a longtime committee member and volunteer for the annual DesPlaines Valley Rendezvous in Willow Spring and was the wool spinner at the annual event. Survivors include her husband, Scott M. Werhane ’74, 801 Cedar St., Willow Spring, IL 60480; one son and three daughters. John K. Critser ’76 of Columbia, Mo., died March 21, 2011. He studied biology and philosophy at Ripon, then received a master’s degree and a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was the GilbreathMcLorn professor for comparative medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He was passionate about scientific research and preparing graduate students. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth, 4580 E. Ravens Ridge Drive, Columbia, MO 65201; one son and one daughter. Raymond J. Gilles ’76 of Shiocton, Wis.,

died June 6, 2011. He attended West Point and received a degree in economics from Ripon. He worked at Mainline Inc., was director of customer service at Carver Boat Corp. and most recently was operations manager at D & S Machine Service. He enjoyed and played all sports, especially softball. He also loved to read. Survivors include one son and one daughter. William F. Neuert III ’76 of Glenview, Ill., died March 30, 2011. He studied history at Ripon. He had been a benefits consultant for the General Board of Pension & Health Benefits of the United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Sally, 2651 Goldenrod Lane, Glenview, IL 60026; and two daughters.



RIPON College

Zia-ur Rahman ’84 of

Williamsburg, Va., died Dec. 16, 2010, after an automobile accident. He was originally from Pakistan. At Ripon, he studied physics and mathematics. He received master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Virginia. A research scientist with NASA Langley Research Center, he was a talented and award-winning inventor. He previously was an associate professor at Old Dominion University and at the College of William & Mary. He was the team manager for his sons’ soccer teams for several years, was an excellent cook and fostered cats while they healed. Survivors include his wife, Katherine Miner Rahman ’84, 4840 Bristol Circle, Williamsburg, VA 23185; and three sons. William Harmon Hollinger of Hiram, Ohio, a

basketball and track coach at Ripon College from 1948 to 1956, died April 9, 2011. He served as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army and was awarded a Bronze Star for his service during World War II. He also was the Hiram College Liaison for the Cleveland Browns; and the head basketball and track coach, assistant football coach and athletic director at Hiram College from 1956 to 1989. He was the former chairman of the Ohio Athletic Conference Athletic Directors, and the former chairman of the Presidents’ Athletic Conference Athletic Directors. He received numerous awards honoring his achievements. Survivors include four daughters. Alfred E. Kahn, a noted

economist and the “father” of airline deregulation, died Dec. 27, 2010. He served as an assistant professor and chair of the economics department at Ripon from 1945 to 1947 and joined the faculty at Cornell University in 1947. He made a name at the Civil Aeronautics Board for his war on “bureaucratese.” He was appointed to the usage panel of the American Heritage Dictionary. Kahn published a landmark, two-volume work, “The Economics of Regulation,” which called for deregulating the airlines. President Jimmy Carter picked Kahn to head the federal Civil Aeronautics Board and to head the Council on Wage and Price Stability.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Kahn, 308 North Cayuga St., Ithaca, NY 14850; and three children. Alice Kern, a Ripon honorary degree

recipient in 2000, died Dec. 10, 2010. She was born March 30, 1923, in Sighet, Romania. She had been a holocaust survivor of the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen death campus, and spoke on campus. Survivors include four daughters; and a granddaughter, Kimberly Oxman Kaholo ’00 Herman Jerome “Jerry” Thompson of Barron, Wis.,

who formerly had been a coach, chaplain and professor of religion at Ripon College, died Dec. 23, 2010. He received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he lettered and was on the starting teams for both football and baseball, and was a member of Wisconsin’s Big Ten championship baseball team of 1946. He coached at various high schools and colleges, including Ripon for two years. During his second year, Ripon won the Midwest Conference championship. He then received a master’s of divinity degree from Luther Theological Seminary in 1961. He returned to Ripon College to found the religion department and serve as professor of religion and college chaplain from 1962 to 1985. He founded and directed the Ripon College Upward Bound Program, an educational enrichment program for American Indian and African American junior and senior high school students, from 1965 to 1973. From 1973 to 1983, he founded and directed the Ripon College Educational Opportunity Program, now called Student Support Services. He also was the commissioner for the Midwest Collegiate Athletic Conference for 16 years, delivered hundreds of sermons and speeches, wrote many articles and co-wrote a book, “The Bible as Literature.” He received an honorary doctorate degree of Sacred Theology from Ripon College in 1992, was inducted into the Ripon College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998, and earned the Severy Award, Senior Class Faculty Seward and Athletic Booster Award. He served with many community organizations and was a member of the United States Tennis Association for 26 years. Survivors include two sons, including Steven Thompson ’69, and two daughters; a daughter-in-law, Corey Coquillette Thompson ’77; a granddaughter, Rachel Thompson Casey ’99; and a nephew, Douglas William Meade ’74.

We’re pleased to introduce you to the newest member of the Ripon College family. One problem: it doesn’t have a name.

The feathered friend pictured here is the personification of the Red Hawks athletic mascot. The Office of Marketing and Communication and the Athletic Department worked with graphic designer Joe Bosack, the creator of Ripon’s current

institutional and athletic logos, to bring the Ripon Red Hawk to life. Throughout the course of the next several months, we’ll be asking our alumni, current students, families and friends to help us name this new character.

Send your suggestions to We’ll select several of what we feel are the best and put them to a vote this fall. The winning name will be announced during the Homecoming football game Saturday, Oct. 1.



300 Seward Street Ripon, WI 54971-0248


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F l a s h B A C K b 1940

A grateful son of Ripon Legendary movie actor Spencer Tracy ’24 receives an honorary doctorate in dramatic arts from President Silas Evans on the steps of Lane Library, June 10, 1940. “I owe whatever success I have had to the help and success I got at Ripon,” Tracy said. “To you of the graduating class … when you come back, you will feel as I do.”

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